The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Store News Containing Information of Interest to Every Woman Shopper in the City of Portland
Autumn Fashions in
Women's Gloves
Kid Gloves at $1.19
Women's one-clasp P. K.
glace kid gloves with Paha
point Hitching on the back. In
black, brown and gray. All nw
Fabric Mocha 75c
Fabric mocha gloves in all
tht leading shades. Two-clasp
style, half P. K. with Paris
point stitching on the back,
Cape Gloves 87c
ne-dasp espt gloves for
women with P. X. M. seams in
all the new London tan shades.
Self-stitched backs.
Half Price That's the Inducement
A sals of flannelette night gowns you'll be surprised at the
quality, the style and the tailoring of these gowns.
With the rapid approach of cool nights the arrival of theae
gowns is most opportune.
There is a broad variety of style in fancy stripes and solid white.
Made with high neck, V-shape necks and round, collarless necks
or Japanese neck. Trimmed with bias straps, some with fancy
braid and made with or without yokes.
$1.25 Gowns, special .. .63 $1.50 Gowns, special.. .75c
$1.75 Gowns, special... 88 d $2.00 Gowns, special $1.00
$2.50 Gowns, special 31.25 $3.00 Gowns, special $1.50
In the Specialty Store
for Children
Wash Dresses 98c
Four Different Styles.
Dresses of. children from 2 to
6 years of age, in light blue,
navy blue, tan, red and white
stripe, also black and white
stripes and checks.
Style No. 1 has a round yoke
with plaits over the shoulders
and long-waisted effect,' with an
attached plaited skirt with side
band trimmings.
Style No. 2 Made with a
large plait to shoulders ' and
fancy side banding and buttons.'
Plaited skirt.
Style No 3 Plaited skirt
and trimmed with bias side
bands and pipings. Also buttons.
Style . No. 4 Made with
long French waist and plaits to
shoulders. Fancy stripe ' trim-'
The Latest Fiction
The Dangerous Age'
By Karin Michaelis, with
in illustration by Marcel
Preyost - , .
Europe has; gone mad over
this book, the most sincere, the
most .complete, the most dis
quieting . feminine confession
that has ever been ; written
according : to the eminent
French critic, Marcel Prevost.
"The Conflict"
By David Graham Phillips.
Friday Toilet Specials
50c Semper Ciovine 31c
$1.50 Oriental Cream 98c
50c Hinds' Honey and Al
mond 28c
5Qc La Blacbe Face Pow
der '. 29c
50c Camilline ' 28c
50c Santiaeptic" Lotion 31c
35c Daggert ft Ramsdell
Cream 24c
50c Elcaya Cream 29c
50c Melrose Beauty Cream 29c
65c Castile Soap 39c
5c Ivory Soap, 7 bars 25c
5c Borax Soap, 7 for 25c
Wms. Jersey Cream Soap.. 15c
Dr. Fenners' Clear Skin Soap,
Special, a box 40c
25c Piver's Imp. Soap 18c
25c R. ft G. Imp.. Soap.. . .18c
25c Cuticura Soap ..15c
25c Packers' Tar Soap .... 14c
25c Societe Hygienique ... 19c
20c Pears! Glycerine Soap.. 13c
25c Mennen's Talcum 9c
25c Wms. Violet Talcum.. 15c
25c Squibb's Talcum 16c
25c Bathasweet 14c
25c Babcock's Talcum 15c
25c Rogers ft Gallet's Talcum
PrnvHor . 1 fie
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste... 29c
25c Rubifoam, 2 for 25c
25c Euthymol Tooth Paste. 2
for .a....;.. '...25c
25c Sanitol Powder .......14c
25c Graves' Tooth Powder 10c
25c Lyons' Tooth Powder 10c
25c Witch Hasel ..... f .... 16c
25c Bay Rum 16c
25c Bottle Paregoric 16c
25c Castor Oil 16c"
25c Essence Peppermint.. .16c
35c Extract Vanilla 26c
25c Spirits Camphor 17c
10c Washing Ammonia .. ..7c
10c Pkg. Bicarbonate Soda 5c
1 5c Powdered Orris Root .. 8c
10c Epsom Salts . . . .4c
20c Powdered Boric Acid.. 12c
1 5c - Seidlit Powders . . . . . 9c
50c Spurmax ,29c
25c Carter's Pills, 2for.?.25c
25c Graves' Bromo Quinine,
two for ,.,r. 25c
Rubber Goods
' $1 "-FdiuhfainSyringe,-rrapid--flow
fittings .59c
"$1 Hot Water Bottle, 2-qt 59c
$2.50 Hot water Bottle, ma
room rubber . . . . . .J?Sc
$2.50 Red Rubber Cbmbina-
tion Hot Water Bottle and
Syringe . $1.69
. S2J Combination Syringe
and Water Bottle . . .$1.59
$2.25 Red Rubber Fountain
Syringe $1.59 .
$2!50 v Red - Rubber- Fountain
. Syringe- $1 .69
, 75c .Rapid-flow Tubing, 5
' -foot length ..35c
$1 Combination Outfits, ' with
pipes '.,..,i.j';.. 49c "
: 50c Household Rubber Gloves
pair ...i...39c
$1 Atomizer, No. 20, extra
nasal attachments , . r. ;. .e9c
50c Medicinal - Atomizers . . 39c
Dainty, Artistic and Beautiful Handkerchiefs
For Women and Misses 6 for $ 1 .00
Within the past week an importation of Swiss and Armenian handker
chiefs came to us. One corner effect. '
Hand embroidered and hemstitched in a variety of beautiful yet neat
and delicate designs. Bow knot, fleur de lis, sprays, weaves and eyelet
designs on firm sheer linen.
Also Armenian, lace trimmed and hemstitched on sheer linen.
Included in the lot are some dainty colored Parisian novelties, prettily
embroidered in one corner. .
Remarkable Sale of Alligator Bags
These bags are exactly as pictured and represent the finest
stock ever put into a bag. These bags are not only beautiful
but serviceable, as they last a "lifetime" a bag that simply
will not wear out. Alligator bags are always in fashion it is
a leather that never goes out of style.
Alligator Bag, Special $$.95 '
This one-piece hand bag is of genuine horn back alligator, with a nine
inch overlapping frame. It is lined with leather and fitted with a chance
purse. I .
Another Style Bag, Special $4.95
At this price a number of styles can be had in one and two-piece pat
terns. Some have an outside pocket full size and others are finished with
the little baby alligator's feet ., : ii u
They are lined with leather and are fitted with change purse and strap
uanuics. , : :-. t . ,
Cord Handle Alligator Baes. Special $6.95
One-piece purse of horn, back alligator. Mounted on 10 and 12-inch
overlapping frames. They are lined with leather and fitted with change
purse. Carried by a long, rich silk brown handle and tassels. .
Strap Handle Alligator Bags. Special $5.95
This genuine alligator bag .is lined with leather and has the change
purse crj tici snape m we newest aryie. urnea Dy -strap nanaies.
Lunch Qotlis $2.50
Embroidered tsUof4 ede
cloths mhUk as roua4 U shape,
and come la a variety
sod ptetry paittma, Made ol
pure Irish line.
Bureau Scarfs 60c
Hematiuhed ad elaborate
Austria Lmh pillow shams,
stand covers and tttrtact ecarfa.
Very pretty and certainly most
Bedspreads $1.19
Full else croehet bedspreads,
which are full bleached and
come In assorted Marseilles
pattern. Etna firm and heavy.
Come Friday If You Want One of These Waists Special .$ 1.95
8UU Novelty Waists, belling Normally to$5.UU s
Here a quality-giving achievement weVe eapecially proud of because it is the first time the women of
this city have been offered such handsome, extremely smart silk waists at the price.
K In every detail these waists are high dass, strictly up-to-date, exclusive models which any woman will
appreciate, not only for their style, but for the extraordinary price.
Waists of fine pongee, mcssalincs, Persians,
taffetas, marquisette and fine China silks
? In plain colors, fancy stripes and small tiny checks and Persians in different shades of blue, brown, tan,
green, lavender, black, white and in fact such a variety of shades and colorings too numerous to mention.
They are designed in most artistic and novelty styles. Some with kimono sleeves and others with
sewed-in sleeves, either long or elbow lengths. Many are tailored with standing collars attached. Others
with round necks finished with a plain band of material, which is also used on the sleeves and the body
of the waist. Many are adorned with lace, others with fancy tucking and many with just a simple tie
and bands of silk to match. The above picture illustrates a few of these charming models.
A great sale of gas lights,
globes, mantles, gas and oil
$1.00 Imperial In
verted Gas Lights
-A guaranteed Inverted gaa
liiht all complete. Will save SO
per cent oa your gaa bills.
$1.00 Upright Gas
Lights, complete. .
A standard complete upright
gaa light, globe, burner and
mantle all complete and ready
to light.
$1.50 Inverted
Gas Lights ..
This is the highest class of
ra lights made. Never sold be
fore for less than $1.50. Ask
for the Ramsdell light.
$1.50 Gas Heaters, QO
special Ut
The Kaat gaa Jet heater. No
dirt, no odor, wtu neat any
room in your nouae at an ex
pense of 1-8 to 1-2 cent an hour.
$4.50 Large Heaters $3.25
$3.90 Med. Heaters $2.00
Perfection oil heaters. This
is a fully guaranteed oil stove
made by the Standard Oil Co.
Imported Jena Gas Globes
at 16
Imported Inverted Gas
Globes 12
Fancy Gas Hose, foot... 4
10c, 15c Gas Mantles... 5$
25c Block Upright or In
verted Mantles 18
25c North Light Gas Man
tles 15a
35c 100-day guaranteed Man
tles, special ..28
Trimmed Hoods
$3.48 ' 7
Regular $5.50 to $7
500 trimmed hoods, 'no two
alike, in a dozen different
shapes and in every popular
solid color and two-tone effect.
Undoubtedly the greatest Fri- ,
day special of the year, as many
of these hoods sell higher, than
the sale price untrimmed.
See window display, ;
Lighting Bargains
Women's New Tailor-Made Coats
At $20.00
The variety of styles of long coats St ,
this price la greatly dlveealAed. Coats
tSet are warm and not dumey. Large
coats that are enveloping without shape-
WtfMta. Coats that are out of the uaual
In style and colorings.
One style la of tan and brown with
knots of red and green Interwoven
through the miiture. In the empire
style with aide pockets and deep culls.
Another full length coat la of gray
and tea fnlaniree, made with four deep
tucks from the shoulder to the hem. The
collar and cuffs being trimmed with
Coats of cheviot In brown, gray, navy
and blacka, and unusually smart, lined
throughout wiiii iitiomd made in the
eerni and three-quarter fitting, back and
front. Finished with plain tailored col
lar and culls.
Long, full length coats for little
women are exceptionally emart In grsv
and brown mixtures, with broad semi
fitting backs and fastening at the waiat
with wide silk braid. Has deep shawl
collar and cuffs which are finished with
braid and buttons.
Specially Noteworthy I Sale of Hair
German Hair Switches
14-inch long, CyA-ot, mounted S-atem, special...., ...3215
24-inch long, 2 -ox. mounted, 3 strands, special..... 9305
50-inch long, S-ox. mounted 5-stem, special. .....$4.15
50-inch long, S-ox. mounted, S strands, special.. $5.75
German Transformations
. . . . .
22-inch lone. 14-inch hair, snedal.
22-inch long, 18-inch hair, special....
German Clusters
16 rolls, special $1.65 German Aeroplane, special $1.95
10c Seek Hair Nets, special Qfor 25
Best hold Barrettea, many styles, special .'..21
Warm Blankets for Cold Nights
Every pair of blankets In this sale is the acme perfection. In white.'
gray and plaid. Wool blankets of superior quality, full sixs and
weight guaranteed. All blankets come with pretty fancy striped bor.
ders. They are all 11-4 else. -
$ 5.00 Wool Blankets, Special at $ 3.75
$ 6.00 Wool Blankets, Special at $ 4.45
$ 7.50 Wool Blankets, Special at $ 4.95
$10.00 Wool Blankets, Special at $ 7.85
$12.50 Wool Blankets, Special at $ 9.45
Heavy cotton fleeced blankets In gray, white or tan, with pretty
fancy borders. Just the blanket to sleep between these cold nJehts.
10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 site.
$1.00 Cotton Fleeced Blankets. Spec'l $ .73
$1.25 Cotton Fleeced Blankets, Spec'l $ .93
$1.50 Cotton Fleeced Blankets, Spec'l $1.19
$1.75 Cotton Fleeced Blankets, Spec'l $1.29
$2.00 Cotton Fleeced "Blankets, Spec'l $L59
Closing Days of the :
Cut Glass and Silver Table-Ware Sale :
These sales wiil end on Saturday evening next Two "days
remain for you to participate in the broadly planned benefits
which have made these two events so remarkably successful. .
Rogers Silver Plated Table Ware
Berry Spoony .... ...69 Coffee Spoons .84J
Gravy Ladle ...... 53
Cream Ladle ....... 39
Butter Knife ......36
Sugar Shell .36
Salad Forks .98?
Long Pickle Forks. .35
Food Spoon! . .25
Cold Meat- Forks. .".43
Sugar Shell and Butter
Knife .64
Teaspoons , ..84&
Tablespoons ... ,'l ..... $1.62
Dessert Spoons '. ... $1.49
Satin finish Tablespoons. $1.49
Bouillon Spoons . . . . .Y. .$1.62
Soup Spoons ........... JS1.62
Dessert Forks $1.49
Medium Size Knives..... 81,50
Medium Size Forks Sl.50
Child's Set 89d . Individual Salad Forks . . . 81.67
Pie Server $1.05 Oyster Forks $1.12
Silver Deposit Ware at Startlingly Low Prices
These pieces are beautifully finished and absolutely perfect.
You will find that this ware is sold at much higher prices.
Open Salts, 49t?. Vases, 'special at 59
Cologne Bottles, 69.- . Pitchers, $1.49
Sugar and Creamer Sets, pair, special $1.49. .
Silk Petticoats $2.65
. Petticosts made in the new.
est clinging styles with e deep
knife plaited flounce and fin
ished with a narrow ruffle at
the bottom .
C B. a la Spirite Corset
Special $1.69
This corset is msde of extra
quality coutil witfi medium bust
and very long oyer the hips, ab
domen and : back. Has two
pairs of hose ' supporters at
tached. With, lace beading and
ribbon finish at the top.
W. B. Nuform Corset
Special $1.10
Corset of food quality batiste
with medium bust w i 1t? cvr
the hips snd back, t' - n V e
front. Lace trimrrc ! tr t ' t
with bust drew
paJrs cf r
, i '