The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 03, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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1 H ' L T . .. aaaw
I; 1 1 ' T r-i - TTi
The I Jb'jZ' :J. It,. Jd .-
I Value P
- ,
Louis NitI Does Not Say if
North Bank Will Be Elects
tied From Vancouver to
Portland, Referring to Gray.
trtel TW Mmt I
Vancouver, ft'tik, Or(, I The. aae.
4 anaual Clark cin arl h
will fc cpened !' ih
(haa Jame J. Mill T tavlutWMi
!nd4 te Mr Hill n4 Ma . lxuie
Hill. prl4enl of the Or I Northern.
f a rprtatle r th Clara Count r
lr aoUtlwl. la thalf paUI trJ)
lul night UnuU Hill Mid I ha I (
ni in in ssriai ir'n wewo rar i lajw.t . W ttirTil )
Is Vanrxxivar Wdi4e raernl"; all TBfur. U'a.tu ciri. nltl
courtly fair, and thai I hay III gladly I Clarae Couai pair aerUlia ar ea.
do Hal they ran la promote it I "d far I ha hi event mt (viober .
r I . fl a ad T. r.ihiDit ara cumin in and
Tha Hill apaclal arrived avar thai la vie bulMin far them. hu-h la IM
Naiih Hank al l it a'clock laal Hint fet long and II aide, will t rmaxlr.l
and slopped a few snlnaiaa al th loral Tfc fatr m lation baa put p roft.
yerda. vhlla h sallch e mada la alaail tU4in and Imprevemcat. la
I ha Northern Palfl treeae. la Baal- coat mora than ! far I ha fir at year,
I la. A number of bualoee) maa aad Tha firai harvest ahow aa given In lha
napaparmn boarded lha train In lha cllr laal year, and lha anertdaar vaa
, yard, and rMIM moai eoroiauy i aoo it.tta Tha rarmara and frull
by Loul Hill. I and llvlx-k mm aara than..
rad la not faallng vary lanigni. I ivee aurirla1 al a bat had Immo to.
ba aiplalnad. " ha lack cold a day coin ili had. and Ihla yaar. lta Iba
r no ago on Ihta trip, and ba did not I grand atari of laal yaar. and enrour.
ra I pari i o aia n j r in, . ..vw.. , vni; mmniiHioiurt, w no
ao ba haa goaa lo btri." I approprlalad tor premiuma. la ad.
Yaa, ra will ba plaaaad 10 go l lha I onion la what haa horn glraa by tha
Clarka county fair, and will coma bar I ouainoaa mm and! In
Wadnaaday morning al o'clock, j aU m much baiur aihlbll mil ba mada.
fp iK.t miriwoa yalhar Mould no I It la etpoctad lhal hoi ih.n it .
doubt Ilka to apend balf a day looking popla from Clarka count r. Coallta.
ar tha atblblta I am borry our lima Khamanla. aouiha raiern Washington,
will ba ao llmltad." l-ortland and Oragon. will vlaii tha
Tba Hill apaclal haa baaldca lha an. graat hartrral abow h-ra thla yrar.
glna thro cara. tha haggaga car. diner. I n WMnudtr, iha opanlng day. tha
and Jamoa HlU'e prlvata car. on tha fair will ba vlaliad by tha Admen a club
rar. In on of tha cara an Immanaa
lourlnc aulomoblla la bapt. lo ba un
loadad and uaad whar
Ing trlpa Into tha coun
Whan aakrd about
atari brldca. and
bctwarn Vancouvar and Portland. Mr
Hill aald. "You ahould taka that up
with Carl ft Oray, praaldant of tha
North Hank. J hav nothing to do with
that. Mr. Oray la tha man to oca "
J a maa J. Hill muat bo la Bpiingfleld.
Ill, r October 11. and aa h haa much
lo do In that time, ht wilt ba kept vary
Iula Hill vii drraacd In high topped
ahoca. negligee ahlrt, broad brimmed tan
colored Mf and - rough ault or
clothoa. well fitted for traveling In tha
rantral Oregon country through which
thay hav paaaed.
Main paillloo of Clarka County fair, al Vncouar.
af fwMlanI. whlrh will taka lwn-h eat
lha grMinla It baa a pragraaa af
atuaia it will pull 0tt during lha after
Thuraday la rard for nevapapaf
man from anvthwrairrn JVaahinaleM
. . . .
rldr la tha I'm (land Italary rluba
JU. arJ alaa lha dar foc.lha Hunday
arbo rn'nlloi of Clarka count r
All, tha public and ftundav ahool child
ran of Iba rounly will ba'admlltad fraa
of chare ftt fYlday and thera will ba
rhlldrro a gamaa. pony rarre, merry-go-round
and many amuaing thinga for
tham lo do Tha Iowa 'bah a III ba or.
ganiard in tba pavilion on friday after
Kalurday. I'ortlaAd day. I'ortlaad A
lomohlla club day. will bring tha larg
est aitrndartc. do doubt. Tba Corn-
nerclal rlub of foriland for tha paal
veral daa baa barn rutting little
allpa announcing tha Clarka county fair
al lh platra at lunch lima In lha club.
Tha rileul Automobile rlub will coma
over, aa many aa ran. In maehloee, and
parade around Iba field.
Tha l-ortland Hallway. Ufht A Power
company haa put leg rarda on tha enda
1 af lha farmland atreetrara. adrerttetng
the fair. Tha Nothf I'arlfir and tha
apokene. I'ortland A raltle rallrnada
hee given reduced faraa on lha main
llnee from Chabalia and Centra!! on
lha north, and Cliff. I.rl anj Jl.ln
dale on the a, and all Intermediate
pulni Tba fare will b on and one
third far for lha round trip
There aU ben.U. all from
Cl"k county. Tha band from Van
couver, l-a Canter. Camaa, H'aahouaal.
tJtti Villi Main and IlidgWirl.l will
furnlah tnualo all day and during the
evening The fair grounda will reign
free and happy. There will he daily
balloon aarnlorui and parachute leap.
a merry-go round for ih chUdren. pony
ahow. a large danr hall and fin floor,
a wild weal ahow. fro, greased pole
climbing thlblllona, and a airing af
muMBienii from an amuaemrnt com-
An aviation wedding will h bald on
Haturday aftrrnoon. whn Henry CUua
aon will marry VI lea Nina Ntanley. Itev.
It H. Templeton of tha Mrat reaby
lerlan church, officiating Th coupl
will b given onourh furniture to atari
houarkoeplng at once.
Unsurpassed Showing and Sale of tho New Seoson'a
A iUuitfwtinf tKeworth of
the vJufg, we quote the foU
low in f pcul:
15 Minute Stops Now Sched
uled at Chief Places Be
tween Salem and Portland.
(Bairn Bnroaa of The JoaraaL)
Balem. Or., Oct I. For tha purpoae
of looking Into th detail of tha ar
rangement mad for President Taft'a
atay In 8ltm. L. A. Connelt. a aocret
aervlce man and advanca agent for tha
president, apent the dsjr here yeatarday
(Bperlal to The JearnaLt
Oregon .Agricultural College. Cor
vallla. Or.. Oct I. The flrat week of going over the city with Congresaman
ronega won na pou wimuui I Hiwlry. carerui arrangement were
elngle Inatance of haalng and atudent made for regulatlona agalnat
aelf government haa thereby auccesa- rranka or aaaaaalna.
fully paaaed It mont critical and try
ing period. When the ayaterh waa In
augurated lent year It wa predicted
that whPle It might be aucceaaful aa
rhole It would certainly fall during
the flrat daya of the college year when
atudenta were Jut returning to the In
tltutlon after, the long vacation and
when they were considered particularly
It waa announced yeeterday afternoon
that Taft would make II minute at ore
to apittk ftt tha leading Willamette val
ley cities south of Salem, Including: Al
bany, Roaeburg, Oranta Paaa. Eugeno,
Met) ford and Aahland. II will arrive
In Salem early and leave at 11 o'clock
a, m.. giving htm a good. opportunity to
see tha people of western Oregon on
his way southward. Connell Is In Port
M'alto rroee tao Wtre.1
Ka Krn. !, (N L 1 - Utinl. fatally.
It la believed, while tellng toward a
powder maKailn at tha Presidio yes
terday, l'rlate W. Vtrkrnxia, Twrnly-
nlnlh Cot artillery, la not riper ted to
aurvlve II waa rloa to the r.Iploe
Ive IV magatlne whrn he waa shot by
a rnllnrl It la now aaifl inai a ror-
elgn power had Inallgated McKenala lo
obtain a aample of tha funoui ciploalv
which la ui.ia-l to ba mora powerful
than other poaeraaed by th nt
tlona. A almllar attempt waa made by
a private or a company at New York
laal Auguat.
MrKcnile waa not In uniform when
ahot .No Incriminating rapcrs havi
been dlarovertd among hla affects aa
There ara It trad union In China.
The entire rrponslblllty of enforcing Un)J tody ,ookln,; aft4P the ,rran)r(S.
student regulations, one of which for
bide hating In- any form, haa been left
to the student. Even tho address of
President Kerr at the opening convo
cation had no word of caution aa to
student copduct. The only warning
given them came from one of their
number. E. O. Rice. In his capacity as
prealdant of the student body.
rnenta there. Congressman Hnwley will
board the Taft special at Vancouver,
report Timber
;.?2v """"
a (United Press Leased Wire.)
Ossining, im. x., oct. a. uaptain re
ter C. Haines Jr., sentenced to the peni
tentiary for manslaughter In connec-
Vv tlon with the shooting of William E,
I -Annlu n-KnrM ha onftHBttH Af vlnlottnB
The city water board, at Its meeting
yestefday afternoon, Instructed Superin
tendent Podge of the water department
to investigate a report that homestead
Annis, whom he accused of violating ers on the Bull Run reserve are cutting
the sanctity of hla home, was released timber and thereby -endangering the
from Sing Sing today.. His rather, uen- eltv water suodIv. The city council
eral P. C. Halnrr, accompanied him to
the family home.
Halna accepted the $21.69 which the
state gives to released prisoners, be
sides demanding 72 cents more for his
fare to Brooklyn,
The Story of a Famous Narrie
and How It Originated.
recently adopted a resolution, asking
the board to, buy several claims on the
reserve in order to prevent the cutting
of timber.
The board awarded a contract for BOO
fire hydrants to the Caldwell Machinery
company for $19,310. Hogo & Swift
submitted a lower bid but did not guar
antee as fast a delivery as the other
firm. The board will probably take
steps to obtain dockage facilities on the
water front for the receiving or large
shipments of supplies that come by
Th foremost dermatologist in France, Claims of the Blake-McFall company
Dr. Sabourand. of. Paris, and. Professor and th Paclflo Paper company for dam
ITnna. Hamburr. Oermanv. discovered ages sustained by the breaking Qt a
that a microbe caused baldness. To water main on Fourth street were not
prove their theory, Dr. Sabourand In- allowed. The main is said to have been
fected a guinea Dig with some of these broken by the vibrations due to the
microbes and In a comparatively short passing of Southern Pacific trains
U tlm the animal was- denuded of every
hair that was on its body. PUAPfllTO flC TRAIII"! IM
Homo eminent hlstolorlsts and chm. UnMllULO U" mnUU 111
lata were employed by the United Drug
Co., Boston, Mass., to find tha means
th.r 5m oraat. naor .,nwth f Denial of all cbsrges of fraud In the
hair where the hair foots had not been acquisition of land now held by the East
entirely destroyed. s,do Land company of Marshfleld 1
Att mnnthi ni" mtnAv ATiwHmnfin made in an answer filed In the United
and research work, they discovered States court In the case of Christian
what they claimed would do what was Herrmann against that company, John F.
demanded. To unquestionably prove Hall, L. D. Smith, Jlenry Sengstaken and
V atneir tneory, ivo leading druggists, io- others, tho land rormeriy was ownea
wcated In as-many different cities, were by Dora Herrmann, wife of ' the plain
requested to each furnish the name of a tiff, and was sold through John F. Hall,
responsible person suffering from fall- her attorney in fact, while she was In
ing hair and baldness, i-ach or these Germany. Hall became administrator
slrailadfrg ftefborfareRrtiA
ling (lie SioiBaczs anlBowtls af
Promotes Dilionflrfifl1
ness and HrmontaWKimr
Opium Jn!orphine rarMaenL
Hirm w-
Ancrftct Remedv foTConsftot-
Hnn . Sour srnmach.Dtarrtioa
ness andLoss OF SLEEP.
Pkc Simile Sigmfnre oT
For Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Last year we considered our opening display and sale of the new season's Silica
for Fall and Winter of surpassing interest, but we confess that br comparison
the present one belittles all past efforts. And by that we mean that this 1911
showing excels in variety as well as the liberality of the price range, which Is
an extremely broad one. The artistic designs, new weaves and beautiful color-
I ings contribute to make this the BEST Fall exhibit this store has EVER made,
! New Novelty Silks, 27 In. Wide, 75c
! Beautiful Messalines, the Most Popular Silks of the Dsy New Assortments,
t Showing Every New Shade, at a Moderate Price.
i Messalines are the silks of the hour the best sellers in this leading silk store.
i They are wanted for dresses, for waists, for petticoats and for all kinds of fancy
I work. I jst 'week's assortment has been replenished with a bi new assort
I ment. They arc shown in black, white and every wanted color; also fancy two
toned effects with beautiful jacquard overdcsijrns, graduated pin stripes, neat fifc
ues and self-colored ovcrdesijns. All are full 27 inches wide and are match
less in quality at seventy-five cents a yard.
Our Silk Leaders for Fall 1011 at gl. $1.25, 31.50
Come, let us show you these beautiful new silks! Mere you will find the new
Printed Warp Louisines in three and four-toned effects, new Chameleon Fan
cies in rich floral designs, hand-tinted Pompadour Satins in all the popular even
ing shades, and dozens of other exquisite creations in high-class silks. It is a
showing that cannot be equaled elsewhere at the above prices.
Cheney Bros. 23-Inch Crepe
de Chine, $1.00 Grade at 85c
m mm mjwr
1 1 in i in
fsss mm y LU
For Over
Thirty Years
A special sale of Cheney Bros.' Crepe
de Chine Silks of standard quality,
shown in all the staple and evening
shades, including cream and black.
They are full twenty -three inches in
New Pompadour Crepe de
Chine, on Sale at 75c, a Yard
New Ponjpadour and Fancy Bordered
Crepe de Chine. Fine, highly colored
silks, shown in exclusive designs suit
able for evening wear, trimmings, scarfs;
and other purposes. Specially under
priced for this sale.
Woolen Dress Fabrics of Rare Beanty
New Serges at SOo and 75c
Just opened! 200 pieces of hard
twisted, dust-resisting, pure wool Storm
Serges. Fine double -warp fabrics,
shown in the new shades of blue, red,
brown, green, tan, gray and black, and
in two widths
38-inch priced at, the yard, only 50c
42-inch priced at, the yard, only 75c
Bead's Lanadown at 81.25 Yd.
A full assortment of Read's Lansdown,
showing all the new shades as well as
cream and black. It is a splendid silk
and wool fabric of high lustrous finish,
is extremely durable and makes up
-beautifully. Comes full forty-two
inches wide and now sell- (P 'wC
ing at, the yard D 1 9Lu
56-INCH SUITINGS, shown in. an unlimited assortment of the new styles, in
brown, tan, castor, gray, blue, etc. Fine all-wool fabrics, made of thoroughly
scoured yarns and perfect in both weave and finish. UnusuaPval-" tf ICA
ues for this sale att the yard Tr: . . . j) 1 Oil
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Tmi rraun mmms
, an ra errr.
100 persons was furnished three bottles
of the preparation with a request to
give It a thorough trial and report re
i j nve oz these people railed to report.
-eTTwo declared they bad been bald for
I years; that thoir hair folUcleshad long
I been closed, and. their scalps
I smooth and glossy.
i K' nf tha 1 AA aant In nthn.
slastlc reports, started that they were
delighted with the hair restoring quali
ties' or the preparation, jind expressed
sincere tnanks Tor the wonderful bene
fits brought about by lta use. In com
memoratlon of -this, the new prepara
tion waa named Rexall "!3" Hair Tonic,
We. sell thla remedy with the distinct
inderstamding that it la fre of cost to
th user In every case where It doea
not completely remove dandruff, stimu
late tha hair felliclea, revitalise the hair
roots, .stop th hair from falling out,
grow new hair and male the scalp free
from Irritation. j -: . -.'-
Rexall "a Hair Tonic cornea In two
sises: prices,. B0 cente and 11.00. Remember,-
you can obtain Rexall. Reme
dies' In Portland only at our store .
The Kexall Store. Th Owl Drug Co
Inc., Cor. 7th and Washington Sta. . I
of her estate after her death, and it was
alleged he took advantage of hla post
tlon to sell the land for an Inadequate
price and to take some of it for himself.
-.The answer defends Hall, and says
the prloe of $4400 received for the land
was all It was worth In 1905, when It
waa sold, and was even more, than Mrs.
Herrman had offered to- take. Hall
saya her consented to take a very amall
part of the land, after the deal had been
made. , .
Tbl Husband' Trouble. ,
' " (United Pre Leaeed Wire.)
Los Angeles, Oct: J. After quitting
his job to ret married, 11. Dubler, ,
a bridegroom of a day, awoke today to
find himself minus wife as well as po
sition. ' . , .-
With tears streaming down his cheeks
Dubler appealed to Assistant District At
torney Shannon for a complaint against
"John Doe" for stealing hla wife: Dub-
ler says ha married a widow named
Mrs.. Pearl Miles, aged 48. and alleges
that while he waa away buying furni
ture 'with which to aet up housekeen-
Ing hla wld went away with" a man
year eMds , J , . . J
At THE DALLES, October 3-6, 1911
For this occasion the
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company
Will sell round trip tickets at
One and One-Third Fare
All points between Portland and Pendleton.
branch line intermediate points.
Also from
OCTOBER 2, 3, 4, 5. 6.
Final return limit; Oct. 9.
Trains leave Union depot at
7:50 and 10 a. m.. 4:00, 1:00
and 9:00 p m. Call at City
Ticket Office. 3d and Wash
ington streets or Union De
pot for further particulars.
General Passenger Agent,' y ,
Portland, Or.
' ' Si
Sale Price 82.10
Extra Large Cotton Blankets, the 12-4
kind, with fine wool finish. They come
in tan and gray and are finished with
pretty fast-colored blue borders. They
were bought to sell regu- (f 1 1 A
larly at $2.50 pair. Special Dw. 1 U
Oregon Wool Blankets, $10.00
Grade at $6.90
A limited number of Fine Oregon Wool
Blankets on sale tomorrow at about
half price. They, are of extra large
,size and full 10 pounds in weight;
Shown in dark gray color and fully
worth $10.00 a pair.L For QiC QA
this sale at only ........ DUVUi
mV'.rTi3L IM
A Very Important Sale of Blankets and Comforters
A chance fo buy the best at real reduc
tions! From an extensive and com
plete stock of Bedding we have select
ed the following uncTerpriced specials.
Look well to' your needs and profit by
this sale.
Feather Pillows. 91.25 grade,
Bale Price 95o
Fine Full-Size Pillows, 20x26 inches,
filled with sanitary-cleaned feathers
and covered with best grade flowered
art ticking. The kind that sell regu
larly at $1.25 each on sale for;
Cotton Blankets, $2.50 Grade,
Cotton Comforters on Sale at
' ' $2.65 ZM-ifi
Fine Full-Size Comforters, filled with
best quality white cotton and covered
with high-grade sateen. They, come
with plain centers, finished with flow
ered borders, and are 4shown fin the
most desirable colors. They are well
made and finished with; the popular
scroll stitch and are great Q 9 .
values' at this sale price. . . &ljO