THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY KVENJNO. OCTOBER 3. H. . to ! tilfclXt- CtlltM Ml. If . .NYU- t-UAUi t t..,kl af 1.4 alt. b ij. - 1 14 I lilt k i seJ I al J Partner Wanted - -a. Kak IK vol ... " ' T . ! im 1, a r til MHll M.fc l.kc teel MJ A a l-ii .t-i ' A k a"! 1 kia il '-.' ltMi alio jiiot I Mt " Promoter .Y:rvM fl ItHl dma ( ' taa-illrkt akaala IHal f.tet a uu-e J: alia t will ' Ik fcrvif ra.i.l I t-fn i J Ml Vc l l-AI'l .. .ui , i. J. , l 1. l.k.e I. - - I - W A ,1 ..llkki... lit lfc J til hi- j l la t-weiiA a A . ib4M , i fva .a .lt llkl II la .-U l IA1 1 Aa w Ul A"e Ill Ik .?? . 1. a-el .1. f - i kj.l taj ami, , 1 a,. 4.r k.-i -. lf Ilk 4 Mi tUl M WIN milm a a I I - a leraa; t,aMa alt a I a. A f Itltt tH N tit vi uoiiKFtia ttoouj liHiMkUKlXt. Utiif iM uiwnt dreaa.tag . . . . ...... . . . k . 1 . , , I. .. a , THAT KTHIiHUNU , Newt f.f.taAJ UMinMl 44it llgki. (.A ak. I-I 4 U !, iim tu. ii i n ! at v I Ik kk4 fklkw M j u a all il ml Ik k ft ! wr i ! k k)l' k III. MM t rML VC ' kll(la lli ., j i j t 1 I, ! h a ; ' k a 1 1. ' i t .. it rt in! 4 , I 4 ' VI I - .. rf'll,- r j a. l'liar, ia ft.m air ! . '.J l.iKfi ia'" " 4akl klMa. . t M wkinilM L ' V -rr.w Vv, --- 'Hunt's tipress A Baaw Co ., ' .' n lj l-r. sUAkIS.i la?V..Ik ta. . lr-kfc Aittaal llak.a. ! 4..i ja.ii- ' a till Wl.raM'l M tOiLM t-U S'ali.i l l ImIb al 'tia i. fa i ! Ilmll ft f ll:n.i .f ! rt-lliMiai !". .Mir f" " Mal t -' !". f ral' ( rnii lilH'li-f It'.'a'C ' ' "' :1 .1. I I ... Vt. !J 1 ., I A U f i 1 ! . . .- ..' a.4 aa a ... . vt a) u a fvmiiii ... IVr J- tkt .: uf fclJ : T i. i I ' ak. i. jr... I a 14 M i l tiitir .. ru.i'ii,i,i.i. fUiai.LJ I iWaMtlaa rm i nwf. airirl ktaa. I u ia, ffwati I'm. i tr 0 Ua. iaaat Ikj I kiirhaawiia on M I I v I i I a !( W lMI1-MI. t.M IJ AM) t ! t II M-l" WlNUU-MUt I r u ai imi a airM.ri in if trtiklbrM r i -l I ! ! I't fe )nu ai allium .Irlotr tour nitr i 1 Hr'f !! .lllrlrkl M !' tn V bate .f., In tail I'MllaK.t h.l 111' U IH ao' la hlp ol U'wJ Tha I ! A l a. Il tlh l. . If Mr "it-Und TaM I f'.' If t I'lri fclklra armr. abla ta-tl"l tianairi1 man bataaaa ark af II anj )l till' of I'nHe.t win iisirr uim mm i i-MKt fnai n.XMtn. II ai ri l V ( V Iii-f" It Milaia al Vaaoa. aa (inn i.lii lraL Itl K I'll. fllM llll .... ...I .-a ar.4 j S ' ' " i.,.f,. i. i r -r.a. k. pi "''"; ! ar III MIINhlUll IUKIMj l u. Rose City Park fransfer Tii- la Haa 1ly trk 4llf aa raraiiu awruf iTir 11 lor pra. MlfN 11.11. ! . r i .-,'i.'i . a'.' It :i j ctl-ail H fi !! f..f r'a r-t r..ilr. t S III. l !' k K 1. 1' I I il a ...l.l.ik i .1 r ill fiaaa ior alaa. 41 Mali III. llll Aa4 It.' fof kac k 4lllvital Irani, Had l.r.Mai.llt' rTaa l'tl4 - HOl'lU rOft II WOI'MIN a- l Ul rM kaaaa fa 1-t.i. mmik Ul4, llll M ijklljf. klkikf di.lkara III tat al FI F two it. Lukaaiuaf. ilM4 a, Hl iM raab. Uklaa.a h4 I ! I iVllal Mil t i r. t .i - nt -i ArJUtTMKVTaJ UOKil, VCHU I-tA. L1C. 1 NOlbtJi rott WKIT MltAITlItK IOH HAl-K S3 rt'HNITL'XR af raa ia to.Wr fUl f wi- aata arv raaasaaM. rial iih taataanl far ral. unl lit Haal aul. Kl it a ioaallwa. riAaa la. faraa hral. Walk. t alarlrtrily. Vay cawfarlai t fcaaaa. i)muaiiUM'H ram jl irt kH . Mia. tror full MMIruUr t'kaM Aim ...HTOAOT.r 8 ATX-. IV W-llMlr rurkiaha4. laiaa. tunny roaa.a Taur ana lam.a rami lrllaa frMirl- rra m rw.m.tHih .1 uit lll lilt K fiAkf furnllur nf I raum, Kaala apail- maul, rania fur II: ar deairat-ia. Uu.l aall bafira Ttturailar Mr. Hmllk J raal ih al N , M ri"r Vll'tiT aal). iaatlna loan, furnllma (f 1 rAin roilaa. 1:1; houM rani a for oa nar, k(r ir.j. ! lM!a Vl.'i nikn I'. . I a- .Uiia illli.ul l-l' t rlrli a-f M ar af fund rl.l.1'1 and lnraia raal. ian a-a.k. r-ail and wrila h;ah larifu.aa Car Ibfar imIIk) rl la raruHin nraur r''r I' aod ' ' foriland. or VA I IT' 19 riran ul nnl kll-.klHK1 bura f 'f HM rk afirr a. i.- l anJ n H.lufUta. brl'n I an. II a. r .ar likina In llnxiklin. III. hiimnd. Varli-4. Watarlrlch llrlahla kti.l Hharlm Kmllaa'iri rllalrh la AMty I" A J4lrk. lT l .1 lr I alii .. ! .! ..uaiiri.a l'..n i fiH . in I ( I "' 'i .lit.. I '.-n l y j hi'.- a ..hl.l-l - kl Hon .r-mrl N .1 WAVTI l W L.1Wa In Uarn laiW lit lullL.n :t aflr : rtaa M k'Mi.n a-ukrantr.l al rni I'l.'l. ..lrlfhl lisil.l i'ail. 14 ml (Vu'ii WaVTKU - H.jmi" k4 lk.U. r4 iiiif rd.M.rk nilr " , undar al. ixla kKi. nrrd .pfli. Ill tamM.I Hotel Burton Takill and acM.4 Tka kMH at voaafavt, airirii KuHl.ik ItalM I P dar and up. hwai I . It and l ar ika Mk f'M i likr.r-alt tial A-tlll a ' Itl. ua fjr rli.lL rir. corn f. labia I Ku..lrri lug rwatka far otnicr aalk laa liiun. "Tka I'b.alnf 1.10.' taf I vlamfcia al BaciiacoUt Omnibus Transfer Haaa mH and aiarad ra Main run A ll!) Mi r.r fjrnianad fruni rwai ta ala famiir l III and II uMkl i. ! I aim Iva far 4 Il rifn.a .al laid and lwu lla-lra WANT 'l a o r. s m a 14 Ifrbll kit r... lit a man li:AlliN ta n hrra and In all to rnn orn II 1 nar 1ar In nanasina "ur 'aulnmll- rlamj'r ilnn-l arllar Call r rila tUfclr Kronotnr laiM rk lulldln) (all frura la .III a m t ! V'N'tCKf' a aaTaamarTla aarW'of aa. rviTrirTfPil'R.. h.a niaiiMl a rra I aii-allanl f'.Ua lo Mil otir r-rliln alalifB al ill ltalla Ki- aplandld nurMrf aiwa A rarmanaal chant buiKlinf. I'nril.nd. hra mfor. ; flar. raah ta.klr and a Muir. rtrtn maiiun ! aladlr flvon About navv ( ark of yotl rila for pri. alara orroriuniiira l rouni nwn ar 1 7, ' VakMnton Kurrr t'ft. Trp"i. "Tha Maklnf of a Mas o" Waraman ' Vn book Irllind all about lha narjr. will U'AS' fT.r nalramrn lo aid ua aui p ba aant frr-a to anon ho want It I ,,,.,, rf.ln.nd fur our attoda mmir Vi'l'S'U itiali oi kcmmI k.rtnr. la varanl irfU.ur y at In 0vry (I. la ! laara tha rnanufad ura and aalllnc nf i of lha MlaalakifM I'aah vaakly iMibrr and rlolh novrlilra. am.ll a.1- I'Al'lI Al. i'ITT M HKtKt (V). ary to atari Al'flv liankr.ra' vriirj Kalrm.Or Wf. Co. KOI alaah aa. Ulrnwood U'aS f PJiTtr.rarnlall7ali all Brla f "'" f" Johna car j of Oron and Waahlrulon lo h.ndla VAS'TF.I brlcht. ami illou Un fo-i r.-al nrooail Ion thai baa lrn offarnl ll(ht orli afirr arnonl. Mwkrn I J j for vaara. Invranral al mim and l-a nd I i nara of nan. living on anil all. j convinced. 1 A. ArrUck. Ill VoMata rortland lixlahta. North I'ortland and j l-Mg. foutli fnrtlaxid Apply aflar p m. , J ( Vf TTnTJ rrTTabla ranvaaarra. Wad lo J. K. Havlt-y. naMh at. i .4y or frnllrmn aplrndld arllar. VAN1 ftli fao rni-rgelTr. a"bia"mrn lo ' pommlaalon ar.d prrminanl allua- drmlM and ru-ll a alanla mm mod- I tma. Z. J. Journal i.iva pnona num- Y inada Id trgon; fartorr bring built i b-r arc now. Aik (or air. itorwllt. It i ii a viil.r firana PV rn I . h d frvnl Bulla or Slnglaj rooma aas. alartrlrlty. fhont and bath pn rr.- r.m raanall J17 I Jih t 1 n H.MH:i houkf kpla a.Hlaa for trnt. alwirto lights gas and Mlb and rcna l and no Itjta Klrat at cor. at n U-. I r ISim inVa3 Mrlnr auil. and ... i Vl arkal . 1 k. . it Nloalr fur I. hot and ' a;o lo runtn rallaga furnlahad for till. !IH tlh HI nikhrd n.M ataam h rold running atltr la all roama. ap- , hnuarka'plng, walking dlalam-a, drki r- rui raira lo parmanania. iranaicnia m- aMa l-aiin III lih al A (III i.r.. . .. . . Nl rl.V furnUhad houMkaanlng rooma TWO l.rg. aunnr parlora, final r fu- miming walar furnara hMl. phona: rivaia i.nuir. ranirailr lot-atad. 41 ma nar tontt. in naniy riaan iinan. i a nr at. II rr... Tabor lots or laol K Mnrrlaon H'liMI ( hi: af nlraJr furnlahad 14 room I an., fuma.a and oihar mod. arn ronanlif aa . no aganta Main till. n'TTjrf "for I an i. FuiaiTu) for m! a. Klna f room fiat for rant and furnl- tura for aala fall a MmhrhUd tilog jt'ifl fct aT.K" FwroiturW utl room board ing houaa. In good loralloa. Ibqutra at III N Uih ncn7TT7or tant. I Uwli from V. O. rurnllur for aala ehaao. loiu Jaf- fiiaim, room KriiNlTtltR of i room flat room ranlad paring half Monlgimarr I'hnna A-ll J'OM 'ftKNT iVllialiaaon wIlli liting rooma. III. Mi I ura and dlalica for aala rhaan III Kront. Till CAM HMl A fVr a Ilia aad i.laBkkLk. Kaaitf f ar4iaf uuur lltk. aa af tka Bkbat aauiallair furatakad aparliaania la Ik citri furatakifci la a. la kaiaaaaiM uk tka oodBaib and wail ki la, k. .. ualad la Ml af tka wmi ImhioI. t a. liuaia la Ik. tllr wllbla black af I rariikM, itniltaii rag- ba auad aini.a at ira M tit it HANK ItrNTAta PCFAHT MUST. ik floor fHis xitkHitls7it aa3 aia. MMptata kapL I: null, bright. Ml and ba a rra.. a a4 ararl aal fa daara la Iba rut: . bd ft ! M tilalds d.yltghl rooaaa, rara, oalklaa glalanca pnoaa la avarr atHkrlmant. alaaaa kaal. alr, in rang, raf rirlara. Uua dry farlhilM. uirnni clconar ala Al" landanl oa praanlaM M.raKall III 7tartfordApartmerits 2 1 st and Flanders for Mia. I rant. Ill Tfw maaa r la had. larga I lb lalMt Mn taaco ar Mnaaitlanl ta rara. Mrvlrav ranlala. i! Ma I n mi A The Juliana For Sale " Horses, Harness & Wasans H a kaaa a UaJ bvbI laag. lag l aiaM I '", A hi aii L. gakd aaaav vd gaiaaiaa4 la alaa n.U. iiav At aaiaiai a. la af kkia.ka. a furaiil wagua. I l.. ba ki.vk Ukkaa , d.ll.a. r agkka. tt kki.o.k-r uf laaaiar waak;r ln.iiaa r T.aar al I B, aa. ir b a katl.a K.IM .oU ga4 har far Baia will Mil Ikaaa ax ua kila Hawthorne Stables II llawiharaa a Trl. iVt For Sale 20'hea3 first class Mack chunks, ranging In weight 10501o 1600, can give reference; all stock cuaran teod as reoresented. 294 ITri .p'i:;!?. '" Montgomery St., Cor. 5th. mlrniM Walkiag dta. I MiriflilAS' prO-irFvT" Krllal Apply I l Trinity plar. twlwaa Jfa and Iftlh aia naar Wakhlnglon riagantly furnlahad 1, 1 and 4 room aparlmaat. alrlrtly modern, all lha lalaat roaran. Irnr.a. i)ull ami homotlka. waiktag dla. I. , -r" . -- lanro or oonvanlanl lo car: flrl alaa I I T fM.. with H ha.d af arlt fcoraaa, aaighi iroM I to ta lit lb. r 1 will offrr la b aold al l'Bll-' HII M'AUoSit r.AUl-1: I if Mr WAiinNd." Prfera m luy aalaar ilailk, m Bar Btawk and g prir-aa W ar ioai4 ouiaida lha blgn raal diatrict and far thai raaaog r.a Brll rkMor, M'hy bur rd h.nd aahlrla a h n ywli rl gal kaw aa at alut tha a. ma btVmI M. M. WAl.K OA. Itl KaBlhdtn Aa.nua. BKVF.S room hnuta for ran L furnltur N o aganta niahad. nM and haal. Ill a month, prl III Itantv rlaan llnan. 7al 51! . W.. ' ,m Sr J.Y fuTihadou"aalapli;V7omT llb and 111. on w.anmglon : .m-i. Iwn,i. ir walklna dla- Jrr I.IKJ' HilMPl J tana. alaam haat gaa tangaa ItiKaat 7lra larga roinPriarla room ror tna'iamniii at, nMr Tlh at wlnlar rnonlha l.. In. chp fanta. ' JilfKl.V" urnlaKariiiht. houaa.aaping .... , and aingi iiaMmant rooma, II Mor till: KIN'i. 11 U.ffaiaon. nlraly fur- rla.n al . U.N I- ! and 1 tary nice, larga. modam for aala. Call a ft moon a tl 7th FViTl Al-K Purnllura I room flat, vary rhaap. imn III Irrbea at. Tak I. rar ri i It llALU rurnltur ni modam i room liouaa. all romplal. houaa for ra n I J I M adlaon r ir 7th M a I n ?74 KI'ltMTI'IlK of" A-room roll air a at a arrlfica. avarylhlnc for 1 7 A. Ill Vanrouvrr ao Houaa for rant nlahad rooma hmlrm tsnrini.nrM rf nal. rat Including talha. ? 71 par ?tk "P M i or I ruina in auilaa or alrgla. n'ri-ly furnlalird gaa rangM rlalrlr llghia. kurbrn. panliiaB, ainka. bath- all Allll al Till flat choap; rwah rooma. aultabla for . IA KMiiM f - .Sai I arma-Itofatta. "Polla" t Ktarrh Fnamal." "Cinii' Waahlng Tal- radciuartrra and halnara. Call- Irta "folia' lloib Kenorttor" and nth- fornla Win Depot. 7ll TamhllL bait 1 rr parlalllra. I'rof K. Jarkaon I'olla. t Journal. Kugana Or (J. llvarlng ran; 8 A I.KrlMKN wantad to aall ourlina Itoae City RlaC-. I'ai lflr coaat grown nuraary atork; I'ariric nuraary fo. ho.iarkrof.lng 119 Jd CAMIIItllxiP: lilrl furnl. had and un- f jinin.'.r.! rooma, varv raaaonahla rnt- Iloom H 3d. ror Morriaon j Jill' l..nikrkoo,.ng room alth alrova. ' J . ui . ' . .n.l rl..n in mlniili.1 . r..ioa n.-i ... t..i.i ".Itl pin .nil li . lH af hknii. Ill lo III VI. In 1.11 ini J.f. J - . , " . . frann . Ili'l M Kkr.rlNil rooma for rani, cheap. ftrttr ., - a .-r , i JS N 7lh at and Qulinhy; tak i i il i nr.iif i .1 r il iFnrn o-'mp in iri i nnj i yf rar on I't at innni). ini-ti iiraiinn inr mow apprr- i rr 77- . ; ; ; 1 1 1 111 flay ""-'. . "' . , , , - t 1 ing room. ngin. nm and cold water. an 1-... auooa room, nmi- , ,,,, rl(. tr Sln. mrnar 11th nrr..i.ii. 11 ua- 1 I Kl'KNITI'KK -room or lermt, 4m Id. KIVK room roiiaga fur rant, furnltur for nalr Call 7 rila FT'itsf tChe leaving aarrlra: ratra ary raaaonaliW The Dezendorf 191 IITH HT. NKAM TATIlt Thru alr.ant 4 and t room unfur- nlahad aparttnanta, ailualad In lha hawrl of tha rliy, wllhln I rulaut' wlk Bf th bualnrM canlar. Itaarrvatlnna may b raad ea pram lM or by phona. Main 471. A llll. tut ntw cinrroPA asst.x. IITH T, NEAH nNliEHa, Nrw 4 Btnrr corw-rala building. I. I and 4 room aparlmanla. furnlahad and unrurniahBd; n w furnltur. modern Aprtlr to lha Oiatnpa Hlh and Flandar room, gaa ranga. running walar. Ill lih at. pucne aurlloa ta tl Mgbaol bidder oa Wadnaavtay. I p, m (harp. Tha aal will laka plae 4,4 Klaadara at. N. Kvary hoi a. i Ka guaraniaad aa tka aaclioBMr will aiata and If not found aa rrpraMMad moway will b rf undad. I, Inalaln, proprlainr K " ajoTIr of pul-lta Kim anarkaC la buy. aall and trada ry day fro a morning until night. W ota for bua. Ilnau on YVadnaaday. Oe lobar 4. It will ronalal of row a. hurara, ha maaa. ona and bugglra of all hind It will laka plaf on In corner of lltk aad Klartd.ra I'hona A.aOII. It Wlaatain. I. Walhar, proprlaiora. 1 1 IIKAl' of inarra and horaM bar boon Blared In my handa lo aall at FOU HK.NT FIAT is KUlMSHKIi IIOIKK8 WANTKI Hoy for rnuat bo rypcrlrnred. trio tlaraga. vA.f tb At one. 1 man to laarn to ! drive and renal r automohllaa. Call at Hawthorn Oarage. Ill Hawthorn. . WANTtl At one. I wen to laarn to drive and repair . tomobllaa. Call at H-H N 7th at - BO FT and hard wool culler. Mull b caan i-ald weekly. In Cnrtwtt hldg NI'HfiKKV aalaarnrn warned T rg llnf. raah each week; rxrlualv ter ritory; lllera term Yakima Valley I N u raery com (a n y , Tcppcnleh. Win. lAtJKNTH Men or oiiien for vacuum 1 wanner: heat iioioalllon on market: elating aii.-h Keafiirt rrn rfn enlencra, rlrcl 1 It'tSJY-ToT.m. new furniture, gaa, elextrlcllr. phone, furnar. 13 one for 1 7 4 M 1T 10 N urn .1 . moni 1 iiioraa irorn poaioiiira . rnlnt.,ri,r rooma l"S let at iiami'iiif muni i, I. iv t. m a . " 1 corner .nri.l lurniaiion nouarkeeKlna t -r-i rooma. ground floor. ) per week, lit rain. i:ih N . lao , . jj j 1 nu aunek or rurnianrd nnuaekeaping rooma. aiau 1 tiwunr room, very FOR RKNT-'-ri'llNIHIIKH HOTJHK living rKm. library, dining room, pantry, kitchen, full liaarment, flv bad room, large alcri.lng porch, roomy at tic, two toilet, bath room, hot air fur nace, gaa alnve. coal range, two fire place, gaa and electric light, good fur niture, piano and two irlrpnonee. In Irvlngtnn, on block from car Una. Rent rraaunable. i'lion Kaat 120, B 114. Bundaya and evening. OIHI. NINK room furnlahetf houaa ready to ba Palmnn at Hi I 7 1 h M. Mivlern. well light room, fine location. lurnlalie,J Marahall Apply :;i Comm.rclal Oub ;,'"'r.n"'1 ..?.Jit! J'L A-l man. Mile WR aell uncalled for tailor made aulta. 1 up. Harv ard Tallora. 101 Hurnalda. trII8T-Ci.A88 flnlkhlng carpentere. non-1 EMrieOV.MKXT AGENdKS 6.1 union. Mdg. Apply 111 Commercial Club all atylea TfKAR a Kenahaw 12 hat 1 4th. 44 Wawhlngton. Apply CKW KNT f Inlaher. non-union. il Commercial Club bldg. 5VANT crpntry. grading, tailoring; rlve dentlwtry. Call 207 Allaky bldg. WANTED Moving tlctur operator, alary 131 per week. R-tlt. Journal. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 Belmont Auto School Tha only thoroughly equipped school 1 ON THE PACIFIC (OAST. C. Re HANSEN & CO. OEVERAI. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, : N. 2d at. Portland. Idta department, 7th and Wan. at a., upatajra. I'ortland. 424 Front ave., Spokane, 17-11 4th at , Ran Franclaoo. F-tnbllahed 1H7 Butts Eldredge Emp. Co, 24 H N. Jd t. Main I20K. A-1291. Red Cross Employment 10 N. 2d. cor. nurnalda. M. SI9. A-S7IB. SITUATIO.NS 3IA1.E AMHOON hotel nicely furnlahad rooma. alt-am heaiv. 1 n 1 1 e-1 . rloae In. II anil up ?!. Ith at., rooma up rer week. I'l.KAH.WT cf-n 1 ra I houaekreplng rooma. 11111 t M'itX IMIIKl rooma. alao houaekreplng " , ' '',n I-ISK J room aulte. aunny and clean. modern convenience TOO 2 I.AKiiK unfuriililied front room. dlvliln.1 In ti cheap rent. Call l NRW flat a overlooking beautiful l-eninauiar I'ark' iiuita airy; Bleeping porche: fin for children. Jefferaon lit, 1 room rial cheap. Party ; High, public schools. Aln.wonb, Ai etl Apply i:lk Orand sv. 1 bin av. l.jrsr. SEW I room modern upper rut- FVir raao flreprarw linoleum On kitchen and bath, liaa rang, water heater. C Iih. naar Kverett a. car, l. 20 New I room flats, all modern con venience, k. 17th t Apply 711 Cham ber of I 'oinmerce. K1VK modern flat. III Corbel t at . 112 I-. F. Thompson A Co., room 17. Mad I eon bldg. -i-rr - . 1 . x. 1 1 a room flat, modern ronven- lencea Ml H Whltakcr at. Tak "H" or "V" car. RlW moilrm flv room flats, furnace and fireplace K. lltk and Burnalda. Phone Kaat 1177. alT apartmenta. Vry i4H Northrup at. H9TELK.SC3!!ii..- K."ee i.hone and I th Main 7il4 TiiK KI..M I'l.ACE. 414 Yamhill, rooma; hot and cold water, aleam heal, pri vate ha In and ultea. room eulte, suitable for ONE 2 hath two. hath, rhorie. steam heat, private home. wrat aide, walking distance. Main 2126. VERY nicely furnished room. dlatance. Cholc location. . Montgomery Fl : I IN 1 811 EI) room and board. I'rlcea resMonalila. With all convenience. 242 12th at gaa phone, running water. 12 Yamhill THREE very nice housekeeping rooma witn tnk. 110 a motitr mio 2nd. Hill rtt.T-I,liiHI housekeeping for parties emnloyed. 471 Morrison. ONE hoiiai-kccplng room; also on cheap. third floor, fun iMied. 176 Taylor. MObERN S room bungalow, piano, com pletely furnished; no children; rant I2&. S K. 2l"t N Alberta car V1L1. share furnished u 11 gnlow with msn and wife cheap; no children. 721 F- Pmlth St. Urooklyn car. . 1'iUl RENT 7-rooin house, furnished. strictly modern, furnsce. fireplace; lene for 1 vear. 1099 E. 24th N. rlth lano children. MUPKHN lower flat, for am walking distance. II F. Ith nrt house to corner I'avls I room flat, rloae In. fan L NEW modern block north HQ 252 1, K. I of Hawthorne ave. Rent 14th. corner Madison. one, also 4 sat a barneaa. 1 wagona and ona buevv Horse all guaranteed Bound and gomi worker. 14 J K. lltk. eor. Madison al. . T - t 1 IkSJBJaM? UVF-HTOCK axi rorLTnr M RVERYoNB IntereBted In poultry ahould in our fine aaan rfmenl f portable poultry houaaa before building. They are aur to please; on eihtbltlon at factory. Inspection Invited. Wil liam Hro , Oraya Crossing. Tak Mount It cot t cars. Tabor VVHfTK anil lu7f Arpinglon rock a,' cockerels, hena, pullela. get them while they laet Keldman, lit Mar- gnrrete ave.. Hawthorne car. T II R 61 :il I h RrJT njTul t ry. 1 pair Corn- lah Indian games li. also 1 loud ana and Light llrahma corkerale. I'hona Red 4.MJJwaukls. JlrHT received. 1 carload of good dairy cowa. Uruce Comnilalnn Co., I'nlon Rtockyard Woodlawrt 1400; raaldenra phone 1700, FTTR HAl.E-loO RarreJ riymoulh Rock pullet, commencing to lav. Ilih mult Poultry Yard, Heejvllle. Or. JER8EY row. alx year old; tors gal- HTKAM heated flat, feaaonsble to able tenant. A-1A07. Larue lona day IS&. 102 E th ft tut: for sale Hen I chlckena 1J0 E and soma 11th N. young SIX room furnished house for rent, 120; no small Woodlawn 77. NEATLY furnished 6 room houaa. Tel- j water. 1 room flat, 144 Front st. 114. Includlni FRESH 4 gallon row. 401 70th L. Ml. Hcott car. Ilsielwlld sta. NEW, strictly modern I room flat. 110 flNK family cow. good rich milker. Ill phnna East 2324. t Alberta, cor. Osntenbeln ave. FUKMSIIED KliATS 60 Yw Fsrrsgut. Woodlawn 201. cowa. Jar aay, with calvea. nms ave. IVo young 4.1 Wllllsr r alklng SOI IIOI'HEKKKPIXO noOMS EAST SIDE APARTMENTS 43 48 very Main I17f. I Complete course. Including thorough : EXECUTIVE position or buslnesa open- arivmg inatruction, tecnnicsi ana prac-1 uj ""' ounrt man. .0, u Ileal ork In all Ita detail Terslty graduate. C. K. degree. 6 years E. 23D AND MORRISON". general business experience assistant Take 8 8 or Mt. Tabor car; look aa up manager, mangor, handling help, buy before deciding to enroll elsewner. MEN wanted, age 18 to .35, for firemen, 1100 monthly, brakemen, 80. on near by railroads. Experience unnecessary; no strike. Positions guaranteed com petent men. Promotion. Railroad Em ' ploying Headquartera. 260 men aent to, positions in September. State ag; send stamp. M-l 69. Journal. WANTED Men to learn the automobile trade fall term Just atartlng, prac tical Instruction given, tuition reason able. Call or write for full particulars. Oiegon Auto School, office 216 Mer- chants Trust bldg. A BOY or man wanted, that wants a raise In salary. I am offering to the man that enrolls this week a course in show card writing at H price. Only a small class at this price. Come early. O. W. Retts, SIS Hnnillton bldg., city. ing. selling. Good position more dealr able than high salary at start. Address j-9o, journal. MUNICIPAL ' ' FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 270 MA DIF BET. Sd AND 4th. MLE AND FEMALE HELP. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE. MAIN 865. A-6024. FRUIT or mixed farm ranches. Younp man, good experience, capital, de sires work on above, view to purchase or partnership; highest references. Re ply room 92. 1045 .Market St., San Fran-claco. TELEGRAPHY Speaking of guaran- I T will rlv. a Hmltad mimbnr nf bon fid guarantee for positions to lino machinery. Can furnish best refer Vt ANTED Position as caretaker or overseer on farm; 16 years' experi ence; good references. Chas. Horning, Oregon City, or., route s. THE BELMOR Rooms and Apartments MS EAST THIRD STREET. RET WEEN EAST MORRISON AND HE l.MONT; NEW HRICK HIII.DING, NEW FURNISH INGS. CLOSE TO BUSINESS. GOOD. OlIET LOCALITY, STEAM HEAT, BATH AND TELEPHONES; ALL WITHOUT EXTRA COST TO YOU. TELEPHONES EAST 6024; B- 1020 ATTIC room. 25 uer mon'lhl also alnel.lTVO or three new, modem, furnished room. 170 12th st. housekeeping rooms, private home. hnnvm r1,,. ,..i i J,,, . wood, lights, water, bath furnished, ref- 14 271 u Morrison st ' i .lven 1 , ..i.'in 0.3 ri. KLEEPINO- rooms, 4 beds In room, each. 676 Couch, cor. lSth. I'UR NlKll ED rooms, modern and rensonaiilw. 402 H Clay at ANYONE wishing room and board In modern home call st 114 Jackson st. FOll RENT Furnished nice front room". private family. 629 4th st. TWO furnished front rooms. 100 Jef-fera.on. FURNISHED rooms, good GRANDEST A furnished apartments Grand ave; and East Stark ata. Brand new 4 atory building, ready ror occu pancy now, 1 room splendidly furnished apartment, electric automatic elevator and every modern convenience; on in east side, but closer In than moat apart menta: very reasonable rent and best of service. Apply to janitor on premise. IDOfJS A.N I) HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 COMPLETELY furnished, healthy flat, wide porches, large yards, flowers. player piano. 120. Including bath. lec- WANT to glv away piii cocker span- trio light, hot and cold water. Also out- I lei to some on with good nom. 411 sin sleeping nouae. foruana Heights Williams nv car. uet orr at Madison st. jsaar No. 4 location. ami 111. nH 14th st THREE housekeeping rooms, II. So week to 4. 656 Washington. per KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King St.. near Washington at. Will ODen October 1. 1911. and will maintain their former high standard of tenancy, 4, 6 and 6 room apartments. Apply on premises for reservations. reservoir. Res. 806 Jefferson at. Tarr. MODERN 4 room flat with bath, fur nished, 121. with water and sarag. 639 Commercial court. . bet, Russell. Knott. Kerby and Commercial sta. MODERN 4 room flat. Permanent. Ref- erencea. Nice yard. Walking dlatanca. rnone u-ntsu. ALMOST given away: flna bull terrier puppies. CaH A-S10J. ANGORA rats snd kittens, chatp; Istered stork. FOR SALE g- Photio Woodlawn 1171. 62H Thoroughbred Spits pups. Washington, near 17th. HOTELS 64 near L Or U car. 166 FOR fine modern room, call Main 69S op Main 6348. Reasonable. TWO furnished sleeping rooma, Gllsan, near 21st. THE ST. MARKS. 391 E. Burnslde st housekeeping rooms, 12.60 a week up. Also neatly furnished rooms $2 a week up. Free phono, light and linen. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE THE LARRABEE, 227H Larrabe St.. n.lp Mi lalav . .u I hoi an. I cold water In rooms, uttrnrflv rate, lo 1 UOiN 1 room permanent guests. East 849. C-2788. 12-12.25 weekly, furnished, housekeep ing rooms, free phone, gasl bath, laun- I uiy, imen unangru. ddh i.oiiimerciaj Bl., t between Knott and uranam, 1; car. mn ' 11.50 TO 12.60 week, clean furnished housekeeping rooms, use of laundry, bath, phone, yard, heat, gas. 406 Van couver ave. and 203 H Stanton. U. car. desirable applicants and teach teleg raphy In a practical way. Myers, 569 Flanders st.. Portland. Or. . STENOGRAPHERS Join speed ' class conducted by expert court reporter; any system; day or evening; also pri" vate instruction given shorthand; rea sonable. F-910, Journal. RAILWAY mail clerks, postofflce clerks, . mail carriers; November ex- tions free. Franklin Institute, ded. YOU'" married man. wants permanent POSITION wanted by fir.t-wlasg ma chlnlst and engineer. Handle any ences. H-916, Journal. A LICENSED chauffeur wishes position in private family; sober and tellable best references. 8-934. Journal. DRAFTSMAN Fron nols; Just arrived pOBltlon; references. University 1111 Portland; desire R-931. Journal. WANTED A position as night watch man, have had years of experience Kererences. Flione Marshall 015. S09-J,' Rochester, GOOI- live man own town to Portland, N. Y. An earn 13.50 a day In hendl our automatlo dampers; xood sellers. Writ Safety A nconomy Damper position. Automobile experience. VV 939. Journal. bldg., Or. Co., 440 STEADY boy, 16, desires position; any thinr where there Is chance for ad Sherlock vancement. Pbone Woodlawn 1342. EXPERIENCED man wants to clear MILLINERY school; we teach you in six weeks, positions secured; old hats made over, latest styles. Plumes dyud nd cleaned. 306 Goodnough bldg., cor. id Yamhill. Main 4872. Ith and WE tei teach ladies either millinery or dressmakin in a few weeks at Bos ton School of Millinery and Dressmak ing, 274 Williams ave. East 345. WANTED Man with a little money. not afraid or work, to help develon a coarse gold piaeer mine. See samples, room lj. 232 U Wash. M. BE Independent, learn to drive and re pair automobiles- good salaries paid and men air-ays in demand. See the Portland Auto School, 123 N. Eth. land by contract; Journal. references. E-871, GOOD office man. excellent general business experience, good on collec tions and credits. K-939, Journal. SITUATION wanted as Muehlenbruth, 387 2d. Janitor. O. EXPERIENCED Janitor desires steady place. Phone Marshall 1241. SITUATION'S FEMALE MIDDLE aged "woman, good cook, capa ble taking charge of kitchen, neat and quick about her work. Apply 310 3 0th st. DESIRABLE persons wishing invita tions for nice d'l rices are requested to attend Prof. Ringler's Saturday inform- als; elegant new nail. 231 Vj Morrison st. woman wlsbe dv work WeHna.d.V.' LADY experienced in grocery business wants poMltion; general helper city or country. Call or address 227 H Wash, st., suite 217. suitable for 2 gentlemen or man and wire, nrst rioor, rent rea- n a I , I n U f ! r- fi n , I a i r, X- P11HNISWV11 J eon i.nn.e rial .l I ? ' ern 11 E. 60th at Mt. Tahor. Rent oiw, r urniHriings z rooms ior 120. Phone Tabor 1871 I housekeeping, ciose in, rent IS month. PRIVATE residence, special rates, men rooms 5 month, bath Included. Rodney ave. cor. Fremont. J. R. Smith, 165 V, E. 9th. 786 NICELY furnished room, private fami ly, suitable for one or two; board If desired. Phone R-2679. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, elec tric light, gas and fuel, 18 per suite. 96 Knott. FURNISHED rooms. Alder. reasonable. 552 E. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 NICELY furnished front room for 2, first floor, private family. All con veniences free with or without board. Marshal 2424. 286 14th. NICELY furnished room, modern con veniences, with or without board: close to car line; -603 E. 45th N. Tabor 2662. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 7 to 110 per month; sleeping room, $1.25 per week; 641 Delay st. FOR RENT Two nice outside furnished housekeeping rooms; phone and bath. 420 E. Everett, cor. 6th.' TWO connecting rooms in private fam lly, .681 E. Oak St., cor. 14th. B-1977. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, E. 18th st. Phone East 2832. 104 LOIS APARTMENT. 4 room front apartment furnished. steam heat, private bath and phone, finest kitchen in the city, both gas and electric cooking, best residence district, references required. 704 Hoyt. Phone Marshall 2010. THE KATHERINE APT8. 149 23d st. N. Newly opened, elegant ly furnished 2 and S room apts., private phones and baths, also single room with bath. Call at once and make your res ervation, best rata in city. Marshall 2603. THE MEREDITH Corner 22d and Washington. 712. Nicely furnlahed apartments, walking distance; moderate rates; best service. Main 7130. HOTEL PORTLAND European plgn oniy; a, o pay. BELVEDERE European. 4th and Al STORES AND OFFICES 11 LARGE) place, 60x175, on Front between Main and Madison: Juat the place for machine, blacksmith, boiler shop or aed ator. FOR RENT. Z44-ZS0 Front st,, long leas, near Madison st. bridge. J. Simon Bra, Durfee Apartments Three room furnished, steam heated apartment, with sleeping porch, pri vate phone, bath, outside rooms. East 106ft. ino children. The Albermarle 88f Williams ave.. 2 and 8 room apart ments furnished up to date, steam heat, hot water, private bath and phone. East 4198. OUTSIDE rooms with board, $5.60 week up; table . board, $4.50 week; meal tickets, 14.50. 284 Main st. Room and board for two gentlemen rooming together. Horns rook In r 848 Clay st. ROOM and board. German cooking, home privileges, modern house. 64-tJDShur st, cor.,0fh, north. THE CASA ROSA Large, airy fur- nlshed rooms, with board. Splendid location. 300 Jefferson. with board, single-or N. 17th. block from TWO furnished housekeeping gas range. 941 E. Stark St. rooms, HOUSES FOR RENT 12 CHOICE rooms en suite. 33 Washington. 16 MONTH 10 room house. Walking distance. . West side. Will lease for term. F. 8. HOLLOCK. 612 McKay Bldg. FOR RENT House, 6 rooms, electric lights, on 62d st., S. E., Laurelwood station. Mt. Scott line; L2. Inquire 4617 63d st. S. E. " the Mckinley. 429 x. morrison, cor. 7th. 1. 8 and 4-room apartments, fur nished up to date, private baths, free phone, moderate prices, new tnanage- ment. best service. . THE CODY. ' ' 431 East Taylor. New, elegantly furnished, 2 and 8 room apartments; private telephone, steam heat, electric lights; Janitor ser vice; prices zz.o ana up. NEW brick corner store, opposite court house, Vancouver, Wash. 26x60. Cement basement, modern conveniences: Good opportunity for grocery. No good oner refused, investigate. FOR RENT Ground floor office with large window, in Board of Trade bldg. Kent ,izi per montn, including phone, smaller space ror u per month. - Ap ply W. C. Harding Land Co., 80 4th st FOR RENT Two new stores, 20x60. with 6 room flats, bath and porch aoove: ssa ana Division sis, Terms res sonable. Inquire at 867 E. Caruthers St. rnone seuwuoa i. SUNNY front room, 12x23, new brick building opposite court house, Van couver. Wash. Modern conveniences. Good opening ror dentist, doctor or dressmaker. Will rent exceedingly low, HALSEY apartmenta, 300 Williams ave. New and modern 2 and 8 room suites, hot and cold water, bath In every apart ment, walking distance, reasonable no objection to children. East 4738. THE VVhueuall Family Hotel. American pian; every raoaern convenience. 4 squares from P. O. 253 6th, NICE rooms Belmont. - and board cheap. 1140 WANTEF new; 200 and 10 1. m r i-imu.v solicitors; sometning inursaavs ana Saturdays, 4 or I per cent profit. Call bet. 9 hours day, 25c hour and car fare. A un st. Mr. icott. J4S8. TEACH oil and water painting: rea-1 ETtuATIOn as housekeeper, work for sonable. Phone East 3418 UNCALLED for tsilor made suits, up. raylor the Tailor. ?,r 110 Burnslde, HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Dressmaker and for shop; stead v position; , parlance. R-392. Journal. WANTED Girls ' for -'husband's room and board: refined young couple, no children. 171 E. 34th WOMAN wants laundry "work and cleaning by the day. Mrs. Youngun, va rant . ' makkicu lady wants rooms to care tor. win taKe housekeeping room aa pan pay. ss-iu, journal uackln? 0 11th and Hoyt, WANTED I YOUNG lady having had experlenoe In , cnrlerf ino- .nd crmvln cr v o . . rmI. -.-''' - """- " vviucuuouerr 1 non. o-ui9, journal. wrapping and Housekeeper, eood cook, for particular call 992 E. N.. or address J. Cravens, Mist. Or. CilRL for general housework; good wages. .29 K. 11th BL N.. cor. Clack- amaa. - . fi GIRL or wonun, general housework. suburban home. 6c carfare, good y wages. Apply 1014 3j st..-room 615. - CAPABLE girTfor geiieraf housework. i CHILDREN to board and car for, not plain j under or over 8. Room 32. Main DII1 I LADY wants T. Richard 5 To Main filM. position as houselceener in hotel or wido war's home ini T.v- lor st. AN OLD lady to take care of 6-year-old girl, good home. Call 291, 2d st Inquire for Mrs. Dickinson. 1 CilHL wanted 10 do sewing fat ?en Sd at.. T WanteT "Utlc i-hl!l btdg .Want Ei rd7" agents.'. 608 Roth- cvr tor chili a a. 12 to IS year a, 114 Tront. Tielp COMPETENT stenographer, nine years' experience with large Insurance com pany. W-933. Jkmrnal, LAt E curtain's, laundered right; callad ior anq oeiivered Woodlawn ,2684. ROOM and board for two gentlemen. rooming together. 862 Vaughn St. FURNISHED rooma with board. ern conveniences. 167 11th- st. Mod- FOR RENT .6 room cottage, bath and electric lights, on East Stn. for 118. to a good tenant. Phone worth $26, Tabor 1604. 115 Five room modern cottage 60x100 lot two four room cottages, also, $10. Inquire 26th and Powell at., in store, or pnone evenings, luiu. w-w caiy THE CHESTERBURY. COR 20TH AND KEARNEY. New and beautifully furnished and unfurnished 8 room apartments; ref erence iulredPhone Marshall 368. STORE, 26x75. vory cheap to start, of fers splendid opportunity for gro eery, restricted district; also 4 room flat. 248 Klllingworth. STORE on 1st St., close in; will leas for .long term or years. M. E. Lee, ail foroeit Diag. WANTED TO RENT EILEEN COURT. 16th. Morrison sts.; newly furnished housekeeping rooms; 6 minutes' walk from P.. O., modern. Main 4051. ,. APARTMENT of 3 rooms, in elegant furnished flat. Including piano. In private houme, to desirable parties. 424 6th -st. Wanted to Rent List your vacant property with tjs. W have calls every day for both fur nished and unfurnished houses. Com in and see us. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bid;. WE HAVE more calls for houses and flats than wa can supply. List your vacant property with us. Th Shaw- Fear Co.. 102 4th st. WANTED By couple 2 or 8 unfur nished rooms for housekeeping, must be neat, east side preferred. Address 624 E. Davis st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 Attention Quick Building stone. Building ston. Call at the old courthouse today and get your building ston at your own price, (all kinds). I am wrecking tha structure. Plenty of lumber, for wood free. J. E. Nichols. A NUMBER of articles of furnltur to dispose of. Iron beds, springs, mat tresses, gas range, steel range, exten sion tablea, sewing machine, small cook stove, 6 new chairs, dressers snd lot of other goods, linoleum, 2 tents and enamel bath tun. 112 Union ave. 149 BUYS a nice little Checkering up right piano; termi, 110 cash, s per month. A Steinway upright piano. $177; terms, 110 cash and $7 per month. Koh ler & Chase. 375 Washington, cor. W. Park. . SPECIAL SALE SEWING MACHINES, ten rent machines to be aold at once. fully- guaranteed with complete attach ment. Hurry. White Sewing Machln Co., cor. 11th and Waahln-'ort. I HAVE the following goods to sell: Combination book case, desK. folding bed, largo oaH-'xtension table, Victor fihonograph-and lot of records; -one drop Ight. 112 Union ave. NEW and second hand pool and billiard tables bought ana sold on easy terms. bowling alleys, refrigerators for Imme diate delivery. Address the Brunswick Balke-Collender Co.. 46 5th st. FOR SALE 32 ft, covered half cabin launch. 10 II. P.: IB feet open. 3 H. P.. heavy duty engine. 18 ft. Slflff.. 2V, H. P. A. T. Whitman, foot 17th st. Phone Main 6664. SAFES New and 2d hand; low prices: easy terras: safes opened, rerialrd and Tainted. Purcell Safe Co. snd Portland afe Co., 86 6th st. Main 6309. A-4118. USED sewing machines, 12 to 125, guar anteed perfect stitchers, machines rented, repairing. New Home arenev. 860 Morrison,- next to Tiill St Glbbs. FOR SALE On Hr06 edition Enoyolo- peaia wrutanica; on 4x6U flat top . O. desk. 1 chairs and Wilton rur: bargain. 610 Williams ave. ast 4805. Of assorted slsea. In good Skylights condition. Main 4431. II N. 14th. SECONDHAND stovea and furnltur bought, sold and repaired. 132 17th. Marshall 8223. FOR SALE A beautiful pair of Elk teeth, cost Ibo; need money; will tak 20. "Sellwood 1459. $14 BUYS dropheadTomestlc 5 ROOM modern cottage, gas and elec tric, large porch, near two.' "S" and 23d st. cars. 864 Vaughn st Only $17. ROOM and board private heat, and phone, $6.60 and $6. 232 N. bath 15th. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 30 FIVE room house. Large place for chickens. Low rent. 604 Patton Road. Key next door. . FURNISHED room on "S" car line; near good "table board; permanent. Answer, stating price, location, etc. S 986, Journal. MIDDLE aged man wants good room and board in plain German family, close In. N-913, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ftOOMS 8 WEST SIDE TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. bath, gas phone and use of piano, US Dnth. 188 N. 14th. A-1698. 2 ROOM house. 1 tent room, 1 frame, 3 blocks from car. Irtfiuire 1290 E. 12th JJ. 6 rooms, modern, basement, tubs, two lots, fenced, at Anabel station. Phone Main 746. . FOR RENT 6 room bouse, new, bath; 10 minutes' walk from ear, $12 per month rent. Phone Tabor 819. THE STANLEY. 701 Washington, cor. King. Furnished or unfurnished apartments' A-7424. Main 7663 - ' THE LOVEJOY APARTMENTS ' 17th and Lovejoy, will have one 8 room apartment the first of October and another the 7th. Main 215. THE WESTMINSTER Nicely fur nished and unfurnished apartments, also "single rooms, 3 minutes from P. O. 262 6th. Main 6582. .UNr uRNISHED 6 room cottai and water, nice yard, $14. 788 ave. N. Phone Marshall 3302. Grand MODERN fruit. 7 Voom house, nice yard. Montana. Main 2358. COSY apartment in .private home, new, mvlarn .hllf. location V.rv v.. able, neat, iigni, water, pnone. ?o E. 3d st. raone iijoii. WANTED 2 or 3 furnished housekeep ing rooms, with cook stove, prefer east side. P-93&, journal. PIEDMONT Union avenue. N. apartment rooms; new concrete Dulldlng. furnished r. 11441A Woodlawn 2997. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 for 11. 3 for 118: lieht and hth furnished. 495 Montgomery. THREE rooms nicely furnished; gas.tatn. phone. 185 11th. piano, UNFURNISHED1 housekeenina- room." ground, floor. 1394 3d. MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light. ft mwicinie. I HIT l.nurrk A-IUI.I. EXPERIENCED exchange operator wishes position. Call Wewdln. 848. LACE curtains hand laundered. Phone Mala 1416. . 6 room house. 720 E, FOR REJ Davis, FOR RENT 8 room house, 221 Morris St., east slue, r-nones A-4861, M. 1747, 1)6 6 room house, gas. bath,, fin lo cation. 741 E. 8th st south. f7 lumb1a street - Mala -3308.- as0i FOR RENT House, 7 rooms and bath. 811 Water -St.. near Glbbs. A-3438. ,, MODERN 6 room house. Ob e In. East "3837.' -.'.. ., . . ONE acre. 6 room house, 6c fare. 111. Tabor 2012. YiR,r?furim8hed houk,'?Dl15 room ONE 7, and on 4-room house, lit and 111 month. 603 Worcester bids TWO and 3 room furnished apartment, concrete bldg. 1182) , Union ave, N. Woodlawn 2379. - LILLIAN APTS. Corner 6th and Mont- gomery. wa nave i two-room and 1 three-room apt PIEDMONT Marshall rooms, Union ave. BANNER apartment N. Woodlawn new concrete building. 2997. 1378 furnished U44H iu.i.t. i uircuii-. 111 Vl. J U, waiiuni uiBiann, urai class itmM. moderate rent HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 Notice A few good horses and mares, weight rrom izuu to louu, ages rrom to s, all Fell broke, will sell reasonable. Madison sale stables, 185 Madison st, west' side: Main 4178. - - FOR SALE Cheap, if taken at once, one 8 ton camel back- truck, used two months. 813 Front st Phone Main H IAD - . HORSES and buggies for rent br day. wees and montn: special rales to business nouses. tn and Hawtnrp. HORSE, wagon and harness for sal cheap, will separate. Call at shop, zs nawmorae avenue, Deiween a, m and 6 p. m. ONLY a couple good cheap" horses and IVfc Inch wagon nearly new. Must sail quickly. 8 W. Going at Six blocks west or oarnne. . . THE BERYL apartments, strictly first class, large rooms and closets. (95 Lovejoy st. Take W nr. GRACfii APARTMENTS.' 14th and North ran. room furnlahad: private phone, bath., hot water heat,. - , A CARLOAD of eastern Oregon horses ana mares, weignt rrom nuo to isno lb. V. B. stables, G. D. Williamson, 248 Front st. FOR SALE cheap. onsDan aood farm h mares at 240 fdalri st G. D. William- FOR SALE 1 team ponies, harness and wagon for $80. Inquire 211 E. 69th st NY W. A- Armstrong. Tabor 1228. machine, practically t.-. near Washington. FOR SALE Wood new. sewing 129 10th burner oil stove. $2.60. Phone Main heater, $4; $4 4490. $2, gas stov. A LARGE and medram sized safe cheap, ' -good condition, terms if desired. R-918, Journal. POOL table for sale cheap at 596 Al berta street. r A FEW pieces of good furnltur and stove for sale at 368 E. Morrison. . o iviTi ur wlorjcn nmo. rmrrx and sterlllied. Kafka Bros., 272 Front. VJ rX Oil El Ma mnj U . A -. , 1 1 I FOR SALE New and 2d hand stoves. furniture. 267 Flanders. Mar. 1370. CONTRACTORS, equipment, by United Eng. const CO.. 909 Lewis bids. FOR SALE Diebold safe; 404 Park st FUR. auto coat and Edison phonograph cneap, aoi rvnuams , ave. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8 WANTffn Rm.11 . a -.,. , 1,( . treasure, rocking chair, portieres and Screens. 648 Hamilton. . . BARGER'8 AUCTION HOTTSF. 870 E. Morrison. Phone E. lMt nV mgiir.1 v ii ji m t lur lurniiura WE DON'T ask what you want for your furniture. We make cash offar. nr. tun WANTED 2d hand furniture! East 21 li a n.wuiorm ave. r-eaier at Martin. SECOND hand sold. Portland GENSfiR pay orr-eiotning. i umiture bought and :xpres Co. Main 8866 highest price for cast Main 8551. 6901 Sth at WANTsecond hand oil burner for horn . ruwin wbib ave. - . t 7-