The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 02, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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- v.
niTBtf or
-- ,VVVJ r--
Ii miliars lOl what our Hi
! nnl U whit treated II. tf It
I I curable will give y- lmmeii-
la be.fll and aKk end liiUHI
Iw not allow money mattera 10
keep rtm from Ming wo
charge nethtnc to prove our rnelh-
k.'.. U.iVrr REQU1HLU l MIL
ATIriCt U your ebeoiote pro.
ad diagnosis rree.
Wo claim for our treatment nom
ine -wonderful- or "-re u ia
simply our suoeeeaful way of doing
imiOTID Mil, erore dhum
"Die House Next Door," Well
Balanced and Decidedly
On'omal; No Villains.
Picture a Iraectfcla. rhelerla eld
lit. a roaaittutlonal hatred tor Jews
end all IMt J.wteh Imeglae Una la
the txtekfeel I worn f an Id ErigMah I .nam a.
mention. ter ll.a dai-edeat elca-aBee of I by Mr Jul, a
whlth I.. prreldea. A uiKJ idiimM I li"W lha almost undying aeertiltr of
old lady, hli atfe. anJ a -.iia .i,iM1 trngllah spendthrift U fiaaily soft
Jus! out of h.r Ui,. u,ih . ,h" alodneeaee of
lag atarartere la ( a or Ike e er the
iter '
if Je-a Cwiawwld la rgHea H
lleeuaa waa La ae,wea4ee4 at fwrtuee
fcir laaaa .).. us. a. of pr jM
U caairoaar ae ea a-ee glad M
r-upr a hol aa la t'eiawelg aetata,
bit. ilrvub ie thrift of a la sire aa
.wired a large fernfce aad luka e4
la lae ciuree ut Ha riaelel oaailoaa
bure lit atoifat aa laa t'etaael4
prtl-ritc At lea teasel of hla wire,
mr aaa tafceo ate rwatdeata) ta tbo
kwtat btil 4Mr la the Oetaweld saaaa'
for il l. i rauialloa the head of Ike
ltiauij f.mlly ei--ivea laa (tag
hatred t,f kta eiat-r aad all of laa rare
1Ui diaiihe. however, la aol a eared
by Iba rt of toe ('ouol4 family. Hlr
John a only aoa a4 only daufhlar fall
la lav. aim only dauahla aa4 aaly
ooa f pir Jaaaa, a 4ui aaaaaxuaal
tui iba marruga la forwaoda
rrl.Mto.4 haif o dralh and flHllBf
atut fha traafaai tab.'a In anttout
tone tin a ma Inula Ul.iicaaa lha
Iwlulanl tyrant of tha houaa Bvary
Ihin to thta (wiaon I Litter." fivin Iba
roffea la tfta knolcda thai ta la
otill(r4 to llva nut door to tit aon of
a Jawlah t.4,1lr (an yua ara any
Humor in tlie aiiuallonT
NeHhlaa, "Tha lloua. Neil
Door." which opened at lha liakcr ra
larday, la cenulna comedy, aa fanny
aa la original. Tne thama haa teen
touched by laywii(hta before, but
aavar In tha unique manner la which It
baa been handled by tha author. J.
Hartley alanaera.
There la not a atngla villain In Iba
lory, bpt thero aro a number of htrot
04 btrolnea. In fact, aarh of the lad
aixekue. boaaavjr
wraVoa aaotaada. to wlU taaa aaoer
Iiaad bow oaally aad anicbly we eera
til otra.l. ot-ee al TaVjOolm XMlMt
m atn. sis: t w warit iefat Mrr tmr
m mm am ww aaw .
.1 .uniiui DmKTata-ab oniavv
ag BPXCtriO BLOOD OI0T wltb
l tajartoaa drmao (ooa akUifallT ad.
nalalatorwa whea piefrrd)l WKmTC-TI-tfaJ.
BHILITt wnaOTt etialae
rea.edl.. rVOTATIO aaDim aad
klObtar Trrmbleat COtTEACTID !
ore ere rfUa. mZCTAX. aoamjAaiaU aad
all aUaaaai of aman.
m.. m want la a ear. -m
... n rtnfm under our
irVtrnot.t: you will, quickly raalua
bow almpla a tning it ." "I"
Wa. Kanrlfl fir m. loja- iMtiat
nirr. .uu
not onfy yeara to Ufa. '
yeir Ca put now enertr nt worn
out bodioa. Offloa tou'. "'r V
I; arenlnga, T to ; Bundaya. 1 ta 1.
Waa&lartaa Vi ortlaBd.
bia beiievoleitl ualghbor and bow Iba old
cnticiuaji a proud epUit la ftnall
buuibiad la unfulJrd la tba play. Tha
comedy a Jellghlful aad It la tempered
at tha laal by eioulatta patboa.
WlllUm V. along, la Lha laadlag role.
la a rnaater cocnaUlaJi and aa etroiel
rlecr character aclor. Ilia audlaoco
laughed ail tha tUna tbay weren't cry
lug. Alan Xlathea. aa Cecil Cotawold,
no wire fajna a mualclaa. eon
Irlbulad a largo quota to tba general
Uaorga Xayton gaa aa admtrabla
portrayal of tba part of Hlr laaaa. All
tba otbar charactara la Iba plaoa, with
out a alngla aacepllon, ara thoroughly
ea;: :a. a bottar balaaoad caat haa
not baoa aeen at Iba Hiker. Tba
liouae Nait Door" will eonUnua all
weak with a apaclal BvatJnaa Wednesday
af lemoon and another Baiurday a-flar
aaaaft a great deal af aatae. aa4 U
Hgbifviir aact 4rig at
tba iaar U eatLi
day It W4N.14 Wa faa4 tka lltt amea l I
Uael bad airak. M aa iaa - ftgwra
tea eol aaUKUf. laa raUrv4 beUa I
UI 4aul a figure, Ufgef
Ike WiaJ M
i waU aaflaiteiy filed aaly t4ay.
' Iba aal ta propr.eaiag Owtag la laa
rwefela taUraaf b aatlaaala Ml fa
Ima ataJa la iiiiimi
,r7a.o : viLvE, QTIII IIWPiPTIIPFn
keep iba rolling aewa ta S tta tnacfctaUHa bat If ara aaw al I UlILL UllUril lUllLLI
Aa eacllre meeHlag af Iba alflaa am t ' w ' ,w',w'
Ante) blUem Hkili Owarf fra;,
tJt.d ra I wvat
TaJaiaa. htu. IKC V T-
Kll Waa ll.Ualag la laa
lal the iny tlturaa aAuAlaiv laal liIuLL,
e-Jwa aa aie el alia ate Mat'
auk ba bad left al lb a. II U
anil aulaelag
- J- - - . . .11 Ml t
bac eaf I
repair. ' Aa HKUn aaeartiag
lalegraaaa were realg by Aiktaaea , mlttea of II waa b!4 lata faa
fram laadlag ajrlsta pwlnia of I he Mraat d.veivpakeaita aa4 BM aare
Hoalbarw wclfla railway taliag iai ra
Iba enea haa) goaa i praeiteaaiy to a i .
ana a. Tba feilawlag aaeaiaga aaa r (l aipac tba walkoal la apraad ta
c4vo4 from J J. Jaa. tvuo Aagelaaj ! br braacltea af iba arte.
All era ft a, oa t'bla.a wlpera. ara
Pn t ba al
with Bny
N.Vfcb wblob m
s prone, a tie
Chnllllt TOU haP-
pan to ba afflicted
ITS to
men ara
nran. U C n a
wrva u t r r r rtTannnvvfl
well tha Soarlallat with whom you
! ara going to treat Don't ba docalved
by quacklab announremanta or una
Traatmoat -aa - lTIaDBy Cvr?B. tor
you ara carUJnlr ufflnleiitly Intel
I 1 1 gent to know that auch atatamenta
ara Imooaalble and almDlr allurinir.
I Don't you know that you cannot ho
oureo oy inoaa wno ara inexpenenoea
ana ungualiXlea to treat youT xou
ara paying your good money and
bould cartalDly lnalat upon mora
than promlaea for reiulta.
Ba aura that tha prraon you con
anlt la not mislead In i you. Ia he
fractlrlng hla profeaalon under till
rua name? Haa ha vlalble ouallfl-
catlona auch aa diplomas and licenses
to aaaura you or ins aiantiing ana
ability? Is ha lending tils name aa
a cloak for a medical companyT If
you cannot assure yourself on tnesa
points It Ja perhaps as well to save
your time sna monev.
I am- duly and leiiaJly Qualified to
I practice my profession in the eta tea
of Oreiton. waahlnirton. California.
and Nevada. I publish my own pho
tograph In all my announcements. I
practice under my true name, per
sonally conduct my own office, con
sult with and treat all my own pa
tients until a cure is effected ana
have no connection with any "medi
cal company," "inetltute" or "mu
seum." I therefore offer to men if
flicted with any ailment Included In
bt.t specialty a service unexcelled hv
any -other , specialist In -Oregon. All
medicines dispensed under the di
rect sunervlslon of a graduate in
to 6, 7 to 8 Dally I Sunday, 10 to 1.
oniazia, or.
BA A. O. BtatrTaT.
Tata iJCAsnra pbozaxit
I am a rerUtarad aad Uoeaaed
phyaieiaa, eoailalaar my anaaial
vrmwov tv am oiaoroers or a i: w
aava mora money taraatea ta my aa-
taousnmaa baa au other Portland
spaelaUats oomblnad. X Barer adrer
tiaa cheap fee a as aa Udaoaiaaat to
a nag ma patients, a true specialist
Bead aol resort to birnla oonntar
maiBooa, aro maa who places aa In
telligent ralna on his health will
seek tba serrioee of a maa who o re
claims na la a obaap doctor. Ton
would aot aatmat a slok child In
ears or a eneap maoioai maa and yon
snoiua ns tna same cars la your
ww a vmmw.
X posaass skill aad. aznarlanoa. aa.
qulrad la saoa a way that nx other
oaa aaara. aaa snoaia not ba classed
wita maaioaj oompejuaa. It Is lmnoa
slbla for a medical oomuanr to at.
tend eollag. Companies Lara so di
plomas or lleansa to practice m0i-
oma ia urearoa or an otbar state. A
portrait, whose personality and Iden-
uty an launsiM. is du oils nan aa
tba legitlmata specialist of tha of.
floe. Hired subetitutes. ordinary
nwrton win qaasaionania ability,
giya oongaitanoB. azamlnatlon and
Why treat with lrreannnalhlaa
when you can secure the expert serv
ice oi a responsiDie specialist 7
Bee ma if you have anr of tha
rouowing amoraers: Ttriooft Talna,
Nerra, Blood and Skin Slaordara.
Bladder Tronbles, Blood Poisons.
Birapxiona, uioars, nias or jristua.
rain cobtstjiiTatzov aitd
l. m, to 8
10 to 1 O:
m. Sunday
33V4 Morrison Bt Cor. Second.
Compaa Capable, Play Delicti tfulJ
Short, Hays Critic.
The Girl la tha Taxi." which ope&ad
at tba lialllg laat avanlng. Is aaotbar of
tboaa naughty playa. It waa widely
adrartlaed such aad moat of tba In
duoamanta for gathering tba guaoaptibla
peopla whe search for tba "naughty"
was utilised.
I naaa kinds of plays ara thalr awn
beat antidote. Probably nobody can sit
through them and feel personally wicked
at tha and. Theres aa oocavaional gleam
of entertainment la them, but tba fun
In Tha Otrl in tba Taxi" must ba large
ly ta tna callow. Nobody oyer 11 could
get much enjoyment out of It, aad It
ia not supposed that persons under 11
will ba allowed there by their mammas.
Stanlalaus Stanga haa touched up tba
unea witn aa occasional clever atHa-ram.
but thay ara far bet wean. Tba piece Is
ramer iivaiy, has no muslo, barring a
few songs snng by Roy Summer, who
J. Duavhah of Iba Baa Pedro enpa
I Laa Vegaa. Nar, wired. Vlaaa
a weep raade la all e re ft a."
A atrtkera picket reported ta yrwai-
deal )terua today thai eta eagiaea ara
dead la lha lore! round houaa.
Alklnaon darlared lhal lha Oaleeion,
lluualon aad ea Aalonia bratxh ef tba
Moulhera lacifle would eiparlenra I be
rtaieet bardahla from lha atrik. ew
lag lo lha atlatMca ef a aula air brake
Inepacttoa Uw. Atklnaoa aa)4 thai amy
two wewke ago ell care were lafcea from
Iba trains by tba elate laepecioie aad
the road fined lite for each defective
air brake.
Tba delegate mat al Machinists' bail
bare today with Prealdent Itegura la tha
II waa aanouneed later today thai
Ragula aad Atklnaoa would maei with
tba Oakland executive board at Oakland.
F. O. Atheara, head of tha bureau of
eooaomloa of tba Southern t-mclfia. atatea
that Iba railroad baa no uiemeet to
give but today, beyond what was made
publlo yealerday.
rVlswiSnt-ra Brothers, Suspected of
cow CreeK Canyon Train
Robbery. Are Two of Four
Others Who Escaped. -
tortrk-laJM Ma' Itrtka.
tt r ta i aid awl
OeAUad, 1 al. uL It U raavorad
bare today laal tba elecirteal woskaro
atplayad tf iba ooathera laolfta oaaa
paay may go o trtbe, Ikua lytag ap
tba aew aleetrta aemeo be I wee a Aaa
rtaiciaa and ttaktaad, ba well aa laa
IKM aad oihec farilitlea ta Ibe she pa
a4 o tba traiaa The aalea la to saeot
lo4y le eoaaldar the sua liar.
Tba ewllchmaa a It a. lea baa take ba
d.fiaita aclieat aa yet The iralamaa's
eetnaiioa will bo bai4 lomoryow aad
aa ibis tacludeo tba aa tub maa aad ail
sesBbf( of rata crew eieeptlag a
.1 la Ta I in I k
KUmaib l-aila. Or. Gt. I. Offtrera
ftfuad aa trao af Iba fla iaao I HO. U-AMl.r tSom modera beu..
Dnrgnlna rom the No
Commission House
S)0. tw A I ro-uea ssadera beuae. t It
lis, eloeo la. lor el. giand aaj t "I
. e-ay leiaaa. lira. f C lvs. !?
!ib Ae A i
A a roaea aaedara boua.
Iuicb bllcf..a reum bMtae la
lawn, aNada tra, all fw Hno.
' ' ea.S and balaaca eay ktilA
, tetb Aex a i
aTU. A ral Aa; a g room atrHI
noa.ra beti.a. lot ilee. front aal
b v.randa, ?rM0 ! rmth Wl
ear. r,I Wba. at. A. WILCOX.
eai j ana as K. .
ba eooepod froaa Iba cwrnli tail veo
lerday BAoratag Tbeao who fled ware
Wtlaoa) broibsra. held for alleaed rob.
bery aad auepaciod aa baiag Cow Creek
caeyoa train robWa. James Hill,
rbargod wiib lareoay of a calf; Jay
caargag on rergery. ang i u.
rtmvrttlrnl la r'lv . 1 . -. rr
ly SaOOrt. t Mrs. !,. aa. tl:I
leih a., a tl
(. a or sola, a U aero farm with
a 4 room hue and 4 rhlrbea houaa.
creek. I ai .le ia. t ana In colli,
jailoa TalA W. AD aV fX, If h ax
Tboraot. aurae af Ir Lymaa. The I t . lo tola 4ilM,
doctor waa
bald IB aether Bnartmeai
. . . . . - uaOer Snwlai auarL
ult may bo Iba calling of a gaaarej Tfc- jJi il m aad b.a .
atrlko uaJeoa Ike hour day. aoagbl ea-ciit LlJTf 'I. 4
by lb. ualoa. la aaoUd to. iMl.g.M raiLi- .JL.t- ZTS ""f.
from Iba strikUg akopmoa have picaata T-Tll J?. fiT 1!.L .'k ,Ua W,U:
ai ail traaWaad oalta of t hi weal SlrabTl jXl'T, tt f'l,"
1A all
feucod. Hull Hun aaler. ikia la a real
Ure-ei .1 th, v. 4
i. !! lvll Ave- . K.
XO For sale. 1 fine l.ta la Council
i reel addllioa. with a Tl fwt fretiL
rol rb by 111 feol dee. r
4tKrt. llloo taalu BfAa.
avaar, am Mill
AaJl Ia4 Iaerana tltimatgBt.
iratlad reaa Uaul KI
aa Aagelea. Oct 1 All employee
of tba Salt Lake railroad who walked
out Saturday whe fail ta report for
duly before Tbaroday will bo die-
charged, a coord lag lo a aoUoe pealed
minor Offeaavaa. NobeJ
raaldar, bald for reorder ta lbs trick
aoa A fetlarao railroad eamp, was
under wpoelai guard.
Tbo man escaped la a drenching rain
and ao clue caa bo found as to too dl.
reel Ion a taken.
Dr. Ldrmaa Will ban a Kairi.. karma
failed Hla lea Commtaalanar It U
(railed rreat Laeae4 Wtra.1
Sacramento, CaL. Oct 1. The menac
ing rumble of a sympalbetlo strike of
trainman to supplement the walkout of
tha ehopmen. Is beard here today. Al
ready engineers, firemen, boetlers and
wipers are wincing beneath the heavy
addition to their usual burden of work.
The whole mechanical organisation of
the Southern Part fie baa been apeel by
the almost complete walkout of the ma
chinists aad bollermakera.
Despite the fact that Manager E. B.
Calvin, tha Ilanrlraan bead aa thacoaat.
belittled the walkout at Sacramento, the
situation Is causing tha railroad offi
cials much worry. CaJ vtn assert d that
oat of 1001 men employed, mt re
mained at work.
J. a. Taylor, business agent for tba
machtnlsta of the woe tern division,
characterised this assertion aa lidtca
loua. Taylor declared that by boob to-
The Fake Specialist
Run to Cover
Flamed II. A
O. l A nicely furnished f room
uae, rui It. I rooms rat for
!; farnllure Bearly aowj call 111
C lav Sl
aTO. 4eo ror aala, a 11 acre farm with
lock of tools and eraiL all for
!i4f.oo.ssa moar. at. tata, hi
tallway Eicbango Itldg. .
heoo are only a few or our' many
listings ai bedrock prices and no com.
mleelune attached aa you are dealing dl
rect with the owner at tha loweel poo
albla ft sure.
e bare a list af purchaaero for lodg-
rucBaraaoa WodBoadav momlne II.
Aiiontir L.. sr. aioaa aaa I - ... r : : a-
Ul remOVBL Deoul, i:i..i Ln, TT.,?".." ! "' " r?
rmployeo Warahai It r. 80011' b'M char,; m -a" feel .0? SZ&lWm'Z
today by OoooraJ Mbaagar R. C Walla. I baa oagagod Attorney C. K. Stone aad
ine ooiico reaaa:
"To all oonooraodi
oo not report ror eoiy oa or oororo 1 01 ine prtaonar and keepa watch day
Thurodav mora In a Oetobae A will for. I aad nlaht ita ..9 w. .
fall ail their aorvico rlahta aad Ibetr I condition af tba 1.11 t.. 1... . I fb vore o none
places will bo filled. Ail who do re- remove tha Prisoner to nnaia auan.r. OAXOObT klAlTT l WO JJMTXM9
dlala reeulta for you.
imr mono: rair treatment for an aad
prisoner to nrtvata ouartara
turn within tha time speetfled above I and will kan clooo auard.
will sot bo dlacrunlaatod again I ta aay j lUaity while goar-itng Lyman d!acov.
Banner. ered the Jallbreak Sunda mmi
It Is tha avowed tBteatloa of this I shortly after lbs men made their uum
eompejiy that anyone entering tbo aer-v- ladloatlona are that Tbomet went
Ice, whether aa old employ or a new
employe, wl'l not forfeit bis pooltioa
In the future, tf competent"
Eight Flat and CottAge
sou in jus rapture U desired by the
marshals so as to bare him for a wit-
neaa In the doctor's rasa. Dr. Lyman I Large rental, weat side, 110,004.
eeeme cneorrui ana called for tha latest
pepere this morning to get acoouata of
hla arrest Ilia) ankle la atlll In bad
condition. Since engaging counsel be
laika laaa than formerly.
Beatty expects to take Dr. Lyman
Quiet at Lo AAftdea.
Catte4 Prase Loosed Wbal
Lea Angel a. Oct L Quiet reigns
here today among tha striking Harrt-
man ihAnmiiL ITvarv tWMelhla effort
is being made by tha leaders to p rev act I Portland Immediately after the Wed-
any demonstration booauae or tha fact "'a
that the McNamara trial Is loss than
two weeks away. The railr d offlclala
claim they have an ampla force for
carrying on their boelneea la tha shops
Room IT Madlaon building.
1. i , . . . a
Proves That Cures
Were jRosslble
0. OEB WO Is dally sending; away
patients who became well and atranr
1 rum ms aero rvmeaaes mosx OT tUsm
cams to see him slok, ailing aad hone.
less, sow wuung .0 give testimonials
as to tne eiiicacy or his treatment.
la what you win get
If you treat with me.
Results are quick and
positive. Tou are
be n e f 1 1 ed at once.
Men who have
dragged their cases
.. along for months
, with some other spe
cial let are atoni"hpd
t the prompt effects
of my remarks ble
treatment. I cure
Nervous Decline,
1 Varicose Veins. Piles,
Rupture. Rheuma
tism, stiff and swollen Joints, Kidney,
Blodder, etc.
I-ilood Ailments Quick.!? and (safely
cured by a famous and well known Ger
man rerody.
Consultation Pres. "Write or Call.
l" ' The Cld 'sellable Speoiallst.
Corner Alder andS Second streets. En
trance I2&14 Second street, Portland, Or.
Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m., Sun
days, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
ilPP If
1 -l.w.J A- s
fl IlPP
This wonderful man treats and cures
all diseases with simple remedies com
pounded from roots, herbs, barks and
vegetables that have been gathered
from all quarters of the earth. It is
by these simple remedies that he can
cure all such diseases as Catarrh. As
thma, Stomach, Xunsr and Liver Trou
bles, and also privata diseases of men
and woman- He cures without pain or
operations, and shuns the use of such
poisons as merqury. Put your case
in his hands if only for a short time
ho will benefit you.
Patients outside of the city write for
consultation blanks and circulars. In
close 4c stamp.
Open Evenings, and Sundays, 10 a. m.
to 4 p. m.
VL. i - lif - PL! II. Jl.
j ne t. uee no tinnese medicine to
162V4 1st st., cor. Morrison, Portland, Or.
When I boarajl my advertising eamnala-n aa-aJnat tha
quacka and fake doctors, soma of the specialists'
aeemed to take offense at ray statements. No doubt
"the shoe pinches," or they would not try "to cover
up" by boldly announcing their methods of doing bus
iness and trying to convlnoe the unsuspecting public
that they ara the only legitimate speclallsta' In Port
land. I repeat. I am tba only aVXOZTXMATB VXPXCAT
specialist In Portland, who owns his office and equip
ment, advsrtlsea hla full and correct name, publishes
his recent and true photograph and personally conducts
his Office. I do not hide undap a r.laa nama nnr nnfc.
llsh a false picture, nor make a false statement of any
My services should not be comnared with tha nn.ok.
and m fake doctors who advertise one thing and do another
wno promise impossioie 0 uay cures who are often I
compelled to pay some unrortunate doctor a few dollars
for the use of his name which is put forth In braxen let- C t Bolimin. M. D
ters as THE BDeciallat of tha offina who hnMl. awusaaa, n. w
tlses to guarantee oures or refund every dollar paid." and many other
schemes to get patients Into his office and who. after getting hla patient's
mlneyndi a",n.f and drugging his system for weeks and months, turns
him ont minus his money, ruined in health and not a dollar refunded
These 'specialists" depend solely upon false Dromlaea fo vet hir
. r
- v.
I A i
and hire Inexperienced doctors to consult, examine and treat their patients.
In offering my services to the afflicted the result of 18 yrs expe
rience In ailments of men I am giving vou the BIST that can be had
anywhere. My reputation for the past 18 years can leave no doubt as to
my ability, honesty and Integrity and should be sufficient to convince the
most skeptical that I am the FOREMOST and LEADING Specialist In
Portland. I do not make false promises. I possess skill and experience
S9J?lrAd ,n . wa7 that. no thr can share It and should nor be classed
with the specialist who attains tbo name specialist and name inly after
a few months' experience. '
A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the
specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who denend
upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can
give you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee so
that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desired to
be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions;
neither do I desire to bo particularly independent I would like to have you
for a patient If you will come to me on a strictly professional basis, ac
cepting Inducements that I offer, which are my ability, 18 years' successful
experience, time-saving treatment and cure of certain diseases
6trikebraAeri at Memphis.
(1 sited Frees Leased Wlre.
Memphis, Tetut, Oct. 1. Two car
loads of strikebreakers arrived hero to
day to take the places of the striking
Illinois Contra! ehopmen. No disorder
haa boon reported, -and It Is said that
trafflo wtll bo reopened tomorrow.
turday night by cutting the air and
putting on tha emergency brakes are
discredited. . Everything is quiet here
and apparently there Is no need for the
special deputies called from Baker. All
tralna are delayed except the mail
trains, owing to lack of help In the lo
cal yarde. Few strike-breakers are to
be found.
No Disorder st nuntlngtoB.
Huntington, Or.. Oct 1. Reports ef
attempts by strikers to hold No. S Bat-
Stockton Men Working;.
ft'nUed frees Leeaed Wlre.i
Stockton, Cel.. Oct 1. Twenty-three
out of 25 of the regular crew employed
at the local roundhouae of the Houthem
Paoiflo are working today. The strik
ers claim that all of the regular men
are still out at Tracoy. The Southern
Laurelhurst company to Samuel
Koome rt al. lot II, block 61.
Rose City Park association to
II. J. Miller, lot e. block IS.
Rosa city Park
L'mbdrn stock Irsen company
to William Justice, lot 1, 3,
ripva, 101 s, diock 7. Mrockton
E. E. Slnret and wife to J. A.
Davldosn. 40 by 41 rode In
ecotlon 11, townahlp 1 south,
range 1 east
Ladd Estate Co. to Ilarhael a.
Hrlmlck, lot I, block 41. Eaat
moreUnd Alfred Htrauh to Pruce T. Pou.
laa. lot 4. block 11, Park View
II. L. Coulter and wife to H. E.
Nrble. lota 11 and 13. block
ill. University Park
Henry C. Bmonlng et al to
Maioa 1.. Hymen, lot I. block
26. Alhlna
Strength Counts
la all life's affairs. Strength come
of pure blood ; good blood comes
when stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels are kept in proper condition
by a little care and
Paciflo claims that only 10 per cent of I Iairelhurst Co. to J. U. Ray. "lot
I ine regulars have gone out.
1.400 -
Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c and 25c
That 111 Health Quickly
A Wonderful Care
By the famous
. . Chinese
Bra, S. X. Chan,
S2IH Morrison St.
Portland. Or.
I am 88 years
ol. and have inf. Mrs. 8. X.
.X-Chaa fered from wea k- Chan
roaa and nervousness for three months,
from a tumor on my face. I first went
' to some doctors, but they told me that
It was Impossible to cure, so upon the
advice of my relatives' who had been
cured by these Chinese doctore. I went
to them. After taking two weeks of
their herbs and roots compounded and
. other medicines, tne tumor waa- com
pletely cured without t!;e use of a knife.
X feel so grateful toward them and I
recommena anybody whe ia 111 and
wants to set wU soon to go to see or
write to them and secure some modi'
cine, which 1 ern sure will bring re
mits. J. A. ZIMMERMAN. -Albany, Or.
TAXxcosx Txnrs
I daily demonstrate that Varicose
Veins can be . cured In nearly ail
cases by one treatment In such &
satisfactory way that the vital parts
are preserved and strengthened, pain
ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy
circulation is rapidly reestablished,
instead of the depressing conditions.
I guarantee you a cure to stay cured
or refund the money.
Tapping a hydrooele affords bnt
temporary relief and the swelling
soon returns, larger than before. In
jecting carbolio acid, iodine and like
preparations are vicious pracQlcea
and rarely result In permanent cure.
My method Is direct, positive, pain
less, does not detain you from your
occupation or home, and I give you
my word and absolute guarantee
that it effects a radical and perma
nent cure.
With these diseases you may have
more complications than are present
ed by any other diseased organ. By
my searching Illumination of the
bladder I determine accurately the
disease and by microscopical exam
ination and urinalysis I make dou
bly sure the condition of the. kid
neys, thus laying foundations for sci
entific treatment. .
Scientific treatment only should
be used in combating this loathsome
disease. I cure Blood Poison by the
Hew German Remedy which I Intro
duce directly into the blood, purify
ing it, neutralizing and expelling
poison from the system. New blood
thus formed supplies and rebuilds
the tissues In such a way that the
Satient recovers his normal, state of
ealth, strength and soundness.
That disorder commonly known as
weakness has for years and genera
tions baffled the efforts of physi-
yicuia, yvi iu mis very aay a ma
jority of doctors, specialists not ex
cepted, are attempting to overcome
ii uy mnoooi mat nave Deen in con
stant use and have always failed
for half a century. They dose the
system with powerful stimulants
and tonics, calculated to restore
nervous force or strength that Is
not and never haa been lacking, with
the result that the functions are
temporarily excited to the positive
detriment Of the patient Weakness
is only a symptom resulting from
"many local conditions and is curable
by local treatment only, without the
giving of a single Internal dose,
which demonstrates the absolute ac
curacy of my understanding and
treatment of this disorder in ,
I have not met with a single failure
aim i nave entire connaence In my
anility to cure all cases that come
to. me for treatment I am equally
certain that no treatment other than
that which I have perfected can
completely and permanently restore
strength and vigor.
,,20EX.KQi;lRJm TO COM
tients have no confidence In thalr
doctors, because he demands pay be
fore a cure has been effected and
there are many who have been mis-
Informed about their condition or
mrougn unsuceessrul treatment have
become skeptical and think there is
no cure for them. I want an Oppor
tunity to treat such men. , It makes
no difference about the financial
part, as I accept pay for my serv
ices as benefits are derived; when I
am satisfied the patient Is liable.
Health is capital at interest. I will
prove my ability to cure before ask
ing pay for my services.
Rev. J. H. Bennett preached his first
sermon Sunday morning to his new con
gregation at the M. E. Church South,
Union avenue and Multnomah streets.
H comes to Portland from Spokane and
succeeds the Rev. E. II. Mowre, who
for the past eight years' has had charge
or this work, during which time he con
structed the fine house of worship at
the place .mentioned. Rev. Mr. Mowre
becomes presiding elder of the district.
Tha preacher took for his text the
following from First Corinthians 11:2:
."For I am determined not to know any
n ,i i r i ii -i n"B ajiiuim you cava jesua nrisi
roniana recoie nave round nd him cruotfied.-
rnis," he said, "represents the Inter
est which the Apostle Paul had in the
church at Corinth, over which he ex
erclsed a considerable authority some
thing like the authority which the blah
ops exercise in our church. The cDlstles
do you ever reel that you simply or tne Apostle Paul are full of expres
can't go any further that you rrinst r "lon" wmcn demonstrate the
. ' I Intense interest which he took In the
have rest from that lame and aching -h,,reh n,.mh.r.M. Tt,. liJ.V
1 back relief from ' the constant dead- bear upon his mind the membership of
tired feeling freedom from those wa cnurcn.
darting pains?
Likely your
kidneys are worn and tired and need
help. The kidneya" work night and
day, removing urlo arid from the 'blood
and other waste created by exercise
of strength and energy. Naturally a
life of unusual activity doubles the
j duties of the kidneya and in time the
! strain tells. Doan's Kidney Pills have
Stevenson, Wash., Oct 1. The Ska
mania County fair will open on Wed
nesday for three days with a fine dis
play of fruit, all Skamania county
products: This Is the third annual fair
In this county. One . booth has been
brought new strength to thousands of rMerved b? th PPl living in and
v , K -.,. ,, - . , . i near mo loresi reserve to aispiay tne
bad backs and quick relief to weakened frult an vegetabeil ra,8ed tnr- An
kidneys. Let them do the same for you. effort is being made by the people of
j convincing proof in Portland testimony. Skamania county to have the reserve
P. Albright 718 Commercial street thrown open to settlement, as the best
(Portland, Or., says: "I have used f-encUural parg county lei held
. v.uc, f,u iur muiioy irouoie la claimed long ago to have matured.
and I am glad to say that they have Should they succeed in having the re
brought greater relief than uny other erve thrown open several thousand
.kidney medicine I have ever tried, j PoPltlon will be added to Skamania
l.-i.i . . county In the next few years, and
ii.mgiy give njanoy ruiB my TtUe heretoor6 a wU(,rnee, b, 0peneii
For sale by all dealers. Price 60 .cents.
Foster-MIlburn company, Buffalo, New
1.1. block 74. I Jiiirelhiirat
A. J. Richards and wife to a. a
Taylor, lot 1. block 2S4, EI
berta addition mn
Elizabeth A. Kubik to John Ku
blk, 21 acres in Joseph Swlix
Krs n. L. C. No. 38, e-tlon
1, township 1 north, range 1
east 2,000
4, block 8S, Jonrsmore 1,415
Hlbernla Saving bank to D. B.
JuIIuh H. Raltht-er to Hubert
8. Simmons et al, lot 16, block
26, Irvlngton 1,000
Moore Investment Co. to O. H.
Williams, lot 1, block 71. Ver
non , too
John Dethman et sl to Mrs. Sam
Mnsters, lots I nnd ,'J block 9
Willamette addition "100
Dora Devereaux to Horn Fortune
Devereaux, -lot 5, block "A."
Porte-mouth Villa Extended... 104
John P. Shorkey Co. to George
A. Besse, lot 1 and north 10
fee of lot 2. block 15, Wav-
oily 1.04
George A. Ross and wife to O,
A. Hesse et al, west 83 1-S feet
of lots 8 and 9, block 9, Kenll-
worth t.OM
J. H. Struble and wife to A, L
Pundna, lot 24, block 10, Lau
rel wood Purk fga)
Alameda Land company to M. M.
Fowler, lot 10, block 11, Ala
meda Park. .-. JUtSt
Frank Robinson to J. R. Rochon.
lots 9 and 10. block 64. Vernon AbbA
Strong & Co. to Hazel V. Mathle- -
sen. lots 3 and 4. block 11.
Kenworthvs addition ....
Loren Seward and wife to Amiea
A. Abert. lot 3, block 2, Roose
velt addition tSS
Title Guarantee A Trust Co. to '
R. A. Parrish, lots 7 and 8,
block 7. Dover aaa
Victor Land Co. to Minnie O.
Pearson, south 6B feet of lots
13 and 14, block 26. Fulton
Park i om
C. W. Davis and wife to D. M.
Martin, lot 24, block 17. Ter
race Park 6 TO
Ladd Estate Co. to A. M. Laf
ferty, lots 17 and 18, block 8,
Westmoreland i jts
Rwlntnn T.anri rV Tit T. C-.-.1 -
insr, lots
7 and 8, block 47,
York, sole agents for the. United States.
, Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
I Treat All Ailments of Men, and Cure to' Stay Cured
I Offer a Free Consultation and Examf nat f on
ty office) U open all day from S a-'m. to p. to. and Snndar- from t to
-r&a 7k ' diapLosla, chart
" -aw-er Brwa-p M-saaj mhijj, WVVUBVttft f-iyTfflfTl,
i ;
l:unt Want Ads Pay Best
Oil r - are a.bfca a,-.
nm gewlea. aaer a.aak aa4 aaj anea.
BILIOUS ft"1"' we, bs-a
nmaiV eyau-aa, tiki are eeajlr
PEOPLE r."' reTsmee Waal S71
" Wa aa-a eneal tkeM eupUlaai
Wrtf Teen wk eTurt rsraerBB irris VulZ
Tea Wk bevaa aa4 M waer aOar aMea am Om
U tm a aWe. Shi a to, al am er ar.jpaU. Par
faaj-as yaw M. aOaaXAU to, UihSa. J.
- 11
221 Morrf son Street
Corner Ffrst SL
Portland, Or.
i-rrosj-ATiov razz.
Please aend free yonr eeir-eximl.
atiea bUak, "ror aien,'' aa I deelra ta
describe my eaaa to joa far tae paiw'
poee ef taking traataacnt. If I 4edde yea
caa rare me aad your charge to low
ensogh bv salt bm.
Jr. -
I Cure Men
Pay Whan Onted.
Oeaeral Dtbll
ity, Weak IT arras, t ta
or exposure, overwork and other rio
lattoas Of ITatve's laws. Diseases of
Bladder ; an-L riilii.n. Tu4mm
eiss. anlekiy axtdl oa-rmaaantlv
wui a. nwi expense.
PXCXAXi Aliosxarxs Newly con
tracted and chronio caaea cured.
All burning. Itching and Inflamma
tion stopped In 24 hours. Corel ef
fected in seven dava. Conaultatlon
free.- If unable to cell write far
list' of question.
Office hours t A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
SS4H Washtngtoa Bt Oor. Plxs;
- Portland. Oregoa . '-I
(United Press Leased Wtra.t
Seattle, Wash., Oct 2. Klaw & Er
langers pew $600,000 theatre, jthe Metro.
polltan, opens-here, tonight The Metro
politan Is the' largest theatre owned by
the "theatrical-syndicate" West of the
Rockies. It seats nearly 1000 people.
Choir Girl of 14 Missing.
(United Press Leased Wlr. -
, Tacoma, Wash-, Oct 2.' Streetcar and
train condiictprs are being interviewed
today to try to get some trace of lone
Adams, ' 14-year-old church singer at
Spanaway, who disappeared completely
after the choir practice Saturday night
The girl had no love- Sffair or worries
of any kind, members of her family
say. She started home with the other
singers. . - -
Airman Flies . Over Port. "
(United Prea Leaeed Wtre.) .
San Francisco. Oct 2. The soldiers
at the Pfesldio are speculating today as
to what would have happened If Aviator
Frank Bryant had been a spy from a
hostile' country. Bryant flew over the
fortifications of Golden Gate and could
easily have destroyed the big guns "by
dropping bombs upon them.
In Effect April It. 1911.
Dally or Sunday.
1 time, 8c per line.
2 consecutive times, 7c per line per In
sertion. '
8 or mora consecutive times, c per liria
per insertion, or 7 insertions tnr n-io
Of 6. '
No ad counted for less than 2 lines
The above rates apply to "New To
day" and all other classifications ex
cepting tha following: "Situations
Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent"
ads. '
The rates in these classifications are:"
6e per line per-insertion
Three insertions for the price of two.
Seven insertions for the price of five.
No ad taken for less than 16c.
1 time. 9c Der Una
4 consecutive tUaes go per line per In-
a-i uuu.
7 or more cpneeeutlve times. 7c
tine per insertion
The above rates apply to ."New To
day" and all other classifications ex
cent the following "HttliaMnna Tl7- I
fo Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads.
Ths rate In these classifications la Tc
per Hne per insertion. -
No ad charged for less than two, lines,
or 16c.
Bud A 1 ward. 421 N. Twantv-thln K . -
and Amelia Smith, 21. .
Max Siebert 18214 Second tra.r 11
and june Gordon, 32. . - - . '
Jacob Sattier. 84 Hood street T nA
Anna Smith, 22. "
Louis Venea, 1E2 Second street 40. '
and Annie Hailem. 20. .
John Hunt. 601 Rodnev tmn. .
and Louise Bohoskev. 16. '1
Harvey Hut son. Hood River, 11. and
Tressie Hardman, 18. . " 1
' Arthur Stephens, 714 Washington, 11,. "
S41U tllt n A a J I Vr, A
Anton Seifert St Johna, J4. aad, Ella-
41. aad
abeth Hahn, 1.
Hearv Wick. Rainier hot.l
Lena. Cam nbelL 44.
Teddy Caxlston. Lenta. IT. an4 riiaa
Chris leXLSOQ. 19. i