THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1811. Town Topics v - i i TONIGHTS AMUSEMENTS. -1 BAKER "Sunny 8KU of Broadway ORPHEUM Qrph vuro Circuit Vaude- wnii an n x. fiiMuiia. " ' , j ..PANTAGES Vaudeville. EMPRESS Sullivan Consldlne, devllle. ' '. Weather OondtUona. .. v . ' A large high pressure area Is now 'central near the mouth of the Colum bia river and the rains. In this district have practically ceased. The. western i storm is central near Prince Albert In Saskatchewan, and secondary disturb ance overlies the Dakota. During the last 14 hours light rain has fallen In northwestern Oregon, , Washington, northern Idaho, the Ohio valley end In the Atlantic states from Maine to the Virginias. It Is much cooler over a strip of territory extending from "Nevada northeastward to North Dakota. The temperature hal risen ' decidedly tn Kansas and western Missouri, The conditions are favorable lor fair i weather In this dlstrlot Sunday. It will be warmer in the Interior of Oregon and Washington and in northern Idaho. jjigni I row i will iorm in poiwa i; In the early morning; In eastern Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho. ' FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity: Sunday, fair aid warmer. Westerly winds. Oregon and Washington: Sunday, fair, warmer, except near the coast. Westerly winds. Idaho: Sunday, fair, warmer north portion. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. StuflylneT .Portland's streets A dele gation of prominent oitlsens of Lewis ton, Idaho, Including several members of the olty council of that municipality, arrived In Portland yesterday on a trip of inspection with view to selecting a type of pavement fcV some of the city streets, a mile of which are to- be bard surfaced In the near future. The In specting party Is Investigating the rel ative merits of hassam and bKullthlo. . The party Includes the following: W, D. Jesse, Charles Baker, John Wilson, E. D. Taylor, J. L. Snanton, George Krb.-'-Wlinam Whlteomb, C. Thatcher, Al Wlsner, C C. Cartllo, W. T. iirooks and E. D. Patoln. M. H. Hare and J. Munroe of Spokane accompanied the delegation. Mayor Outlines Plan In an Inter view with 'Rev. W. H. Htnson, pastor of the White Temple, Mayor Rushlight yesterday assured the minister that It Is the policy of the present administra tion to prevent street soliciting by women of unsavory repute, to do all In Its power to see that male parasites get rock pile sentences and to prohibit the sale of liquor in lodging houses. The mayor also told the minister that be wopld appoint a municipal vice com. mission as soon as the city council shduld appropriate money to defray the expenses of the commission. Hunt Kissing Boy The sheriff of McMlnnvllle has asked the Portland police to search for 14 year old Ellsha Laweon of that city, who disappeared several days ago. The last seen of the lad was when he left his home, Intend ing to ride on his pony to Lafayette. Since then nothing baa been seen of the boy by any who know him and It Is believed he came here. The mother la prostrated and on the verge of col lapse. Tool Thefts Be ported The police have received several reports to the effect that tool thieves are operating In the vicinity of Twenty-fourth and Stanton streets, where several houses are being erected. The parties report ,"Z ::" .'.. 1YrT for extra protection from the night reliefs. This has been called to the at tention of the patrolmen of that vicin ity. h. .. ..m. a . ... car "and a d.lTvery T Tefon to the Shasta Water oompany. collided at East Sixth and Morrison streets yes terday afternoon, resulting In the par tial demollshment of the wagon and the breaking of two car windows, but the men tn charge of the wagon, W. A. Bears and Lance aratton and the motor- I man, escaped without Injury, Kold-np rearedPay day at Kenton yesterday resulted In a request being maae o me cniei oi ponce tor sn extra patrolman to keep order In the suburb. Much money Is In circulation. especially in the stores which take up the checks and It was feared that an attempt would be made to hold up one of the places. The officer was detailed, but no trouble was reported. YaneomTS Pair Wedded At the Ho tel Joyce, Fourth and Jefferson- streets, Friday afternoon. Miss Mae F. Henri ck son and Albert Berry Moxley of Van couver were married. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. J. A. Lena of St. Jaraea Lutheran church, and only a few intimate friends were present ' Paving- Contract Xt The city execu tive board has awarded a contract for the paving; of Qlenwood avenue and vwiv, nvrwii in cuunureianu at a cost of 1111,000. Th contract la the first to be let under the new paving amend ment to the city charter. Sew Investment Oompany -The Hahn A Friede Investment Company has beeu Incorporated by Henry Hahn, Leo Friede and M. Baruh, with a capital stock of 150,000. Its articles cover all phases . of general Investment enter prise. Woman Kay Ssoape Contending that an unmarried woman cannot be charged with a statutory offense with a mar- Just to Remind You That Our New Store .Yon BMg Fifth St. Awaitg your Impaction An up-to-date Estab-lishment- with a new "and - greatly. Increased atock that continue! to . merit ' the ' confidence that Portland's moat discriminating buyer ., of Jewelry and Silver ware have always had in this store., Prices as " attractively low aa ever Truly JPortland's Most Progress - tre Jewelry and Silverware " ., , establishment. ' G. HEITKEMPER CO. QUOTH THE PESSIMIST (VMTIV. I fttT TH , ) 01 '. "The conductors oughter plaster dou- Ms fare charges agin some of them ginks .that seem ter mistake th' street cars for express wagons." tied man In the same way that an un married man may be charged with a married woman, Seneca Fouts yesterday gave notice that he will file a demurrer for the woman In the case of Frank L. Case and Jane Hensley. Conceding the Indictment good as to Case, a plea of not guilty was entered as to him, The demurrer as to the woman may be conceded well taken by the prosecution and a new indictment sought, or the ease dropped so far as she Is concerned. To Preach on Ptvoros. Rev. Father O'Hara will tonight at St. Mary's ca thedraL Fifteenth and Davis streets. deliver a sermon on "Divorce." The sermon will be the third of a series on present day moral problems. The ser mon will be preached during the prog' ress of religious aervloaa to commence at T:4S o'clock. Buys 89-Acre Pawn- Bruno P. Johns, ! superintendent of the Boernbacher far nlture factory, closed a deal yesterday for the purchase of the 01 D. Menton 85-acre farm, loeated near Barlow, in Clackamas county, for a consideration of 114,000. The sale was negotiated by Paul A. McPberson. The Sessions of the Law Department of the University of Oregon will now be held In new and commodious quar ters on the second floor of the Central building at Tenth and Alder streets. The fall term opens September II, 1111. For catalogue giving full Information address Walter Olllard, secretary, 314 Central building, Portland, Or., W. a. BUoi, 9t- will sneak on "Private Life in a Public World," at 11 o'clock this morning at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian). 7th and Tam hlll sts. Newcomers to the city es pecially welcome Evening; services Intermitted. Kiss Bnokenmeyer Announce her opening dancing class Tuesday evening. Sept SI, Llnnea hell, list and Irving. Beginners' class formnlng. Children's olass Saturday afternoon. Private In struction dally. Private olaases on ap plication. A-llll, Mala T7SS. Are Tom Satisfied wita Tow Sdnoa tloat If not, I can belp yon. Private lessons given in English, grammar, rhetorlo, specialised physical eulture. Miss Katharine King. Apt. 604, Chetopa Annex, llth and Flanders. We sell hair mattresses retail at wholesale prtoeS for 10 ponnd beds from a - r a nr. . and return them the same day. Port land Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor. Ill-Ill Front street 4T4, A-1IT4. Main Why Be a olall Dr. a H. Chan "323. on ST-TiM S!.!!?.1. 5 on "Why Too 8nould Be a Socialist" at Drew hall. Second street, near Morrison, tonight at o'clock. Admission free. Temple or ttwb, sjiikjs i p. m.. Eller building, P. J. Green, minister. Judge Benson will conduct a new thought testimony meeting. At centenary at. a. n a. m.. com munion. T:8 p. m, special muslo. choir and orchestra. Three-minute addresses. Another Kappy Tatber Mrs. K. R. Taylor of 1390 Garfield ava. presented her husband last Sunday with a bouno- lng baby girl. tee met 'Jesse Xarklas for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ax cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at I p. m. M. Slnshelmsr'i piano wareroom has moved to 109 llth st, between Wash Ington and Stark stst. Diamond Wbtte and) Orange SsaUao, 11.75 per gallon: Murphy varnish. Z Portland Sash A Door Co., 130 Front W. A. Wise and associates, painless dentists, Third and Washington. ACTOR-EVANGELIST TO ADDRESS Y. M. C. A. MEN Captain Charles H. Stanley, for 10 years an actor, but for the past IS years an evangelist, will be the speaker at the weekly meetings for men In the auditorium or the Portland Toung Men's christian Association this after noon at 8:80 o'clock. Captain Stanley has not announced his subject, but It la certain that he will have something entertaining to say. About II years ago Captain Stanley visited peruana with a theatrical com pany and today will be his flrat visit to this city since that time. He Is said to be a rapid fire SDeaker with ability to keep an audience constantly Inter ested. He la, also a Soloist and will sing several songs of his own composi tion this afternoon. Captain Stanley was In Texas during the recent prohi bition campaign where he was one of the leaders of . the "dry", forces. The gathering today will be the first sudltorium meeting of the fall and win ter season at the Y. M. C. A. During the summer the Sunday meetings at the association have been of an Infor mal nature and held In'the lobby. Card of Thanks To our kind friends who, in our hour of grief at the deep loss of our beloved fwlfe and mother, by their tender ex pressions or sympathy and kindness and beautiful floral tributes, did so much te help fas bear our great sorrow, we hereby tender our most sincere thanks. - THOMAS F. DONAHTTSL ' : FRANCIS O. DONAHUE, i The family of the late Marcus Ruedy desire to express their many thanks and deep appreciation to their friends for their kind expression of 'sympathy In their recent bereavement. MRS,. MARCUS RUEDY AsiD FAMILY. Journal ant Ads Wing results. CREMAIDRIUM FOR STATE USE IS PLAN Disposing of Bodies , of State Wards Becoming Serious ? Problem at Salem. To keep state property about Raim from ultimately becoming altogether a cemetery, the burying ground of un- eiaimea inmates of asylums for the In sane, the feeble minded n- the state board of health will confer at the first opportunity with Governor si concerning the establishing' of a im crematorium. it was voted by the state heajth board, at Its meeting held ttiie week Jn rwiuieion ina,t me building of the ere maionum could be done largely through convict labor at very small cost, and would In operation prove eco nomies., as well as (deposing of the bodies in a safe and sanitary manner. Many of the bodies of those who died in state institutions remain unclaimed. ine state must dispose of them. The amount or state-owned land used for this purpose grows greater each year. "The board also voted to Join State suvnHiinDni ox ocnocus Aiaermarr in an effort to Influence the text book commission to provide texts on hygiene mat win be gooa, sensible and true. aald Dr. Calvin S. White, state health orrieer yesterday, after his return from the Pendleton meeting. Dr. White showed some of the texts that are to be sent out for the Instruc tion of scholsrs in the schools, where germs are pictured thousands of times their real slse with no explanation as to the enlarging, and showing them as prehistoric monsters or as the products of a mind whose Images .are distorted by delirium tremens. Dr. White and the other members of the board believe that text books on hygiene and body knowledge should be truthful and give truthful Impressions and Information. They contend that the present texts do not. The state health ..board has decided to consult with Dr. Wiley othe food de partment at WaahvTOWnes to the ef fect of lime put Into Rogue River water to kill typhoid. There Is a ques tion tn the minds of the health board members if the. cure isn't worse than the disease. Dr. White said yesterday that If there was no typhoid In the water the use of the lime might be more harmful than helpful. Before taking formal action, howevsr, the board de sires the statements of the most emi nent authorities In the United States on the subject. The department of the Interior at Washington will be petitioned by the state health board, as a result of the Pendleton meeting, to forbid campers or hunters access to the watersheds of streams that, originating In forest re serves, supply suoh cities as Medford with drinking water. Wherever oamp ers or hunters are given access to the headwaters of the streams In the na tional forest the water Is found to be polluted and dangerous for use. Port land is said to have such a power over the Bull Run watershed, for the purpose ! of keeping the water served In the city, unoontamlnated. ! DOG BARRED OUT OF CAR, PASSENGER FIRES SHOT AT CONDUCTOR Incensed because L. A. Kinney, a motorman on a Montavllla oar, refused to allow hlra to take Ms dog Into the Hreet csr, but In sisted on maktnqr the dog ride on the front platform, Walter Wil cox, who lives between J071 and 1010 East ya-nhlll street, yester day afternoon fired a shot from a revolver at the conductor when the car readied the end of the line and but for the agility of Kinney In striking the weapon from Wllcox'r hand, It Is be lieved the conductor would have been killed. During the argument the con ductor called Wilcox a liar, It Is said, and WUcox declared that if he did not take It baok by the time the car reached the end of the line, the conductor would get his head "beat off.' At the end of the linn the argument was resumed, which resulted tn the shooting. A detective was as signed to search for Wilcox, who disappeared Immediately after the shooting. Kinney, who re sides at 114 East Sixty-ninth street, north, was not injured. Brotherhood of Owls All members are requested to be pres ent at their usual meeting place, Mar quam building, 8th floor, Monday night. 8 o'clock sharp. " Business of import ance. Dy order of grand executive. A Land Company Almost Goes Into Dealer With Three Carloads Would Locate in Boise, Idaho, Then Changed His Mind and Came to Portland Found Rents Here Too High and Traded Pianos for Apple Land Now the Pianos Mutt Be Sold Look at These Low Prices. The heading of this announcement tells the story in a nutshell. An east ern piano dealer, determined to go Into the piano business In Idaho, He se lected three carloads of pianos and brought them with him. Oood pianos, too. He changed his mind when he got to Boise and diverted the cars into Portlsnd. When he came here he thoiieht the rents were too high and. after hurried negotiations, he made a trde with a prominent land company for apple lan. now we are to sen these three carloads of pianos, J in struments altogether, for the land com pany's account Hence, the unheard of ow prices r It Isn't necessary to bring all the monev. We shall give iv monins umu In which to complete the purchase. The main thlnsr Is to auloKly turn tnese Instruments Into money or interest bearing paper. The Dlanos are of well known, high a-rade make. There are several t00 and 25 pianos, but most of them are Instruments that usually sell by (leal era hereabouts for 6360 and 6375. There are some 6260 styles. All of them brand new and warranted. Every Instrument has been carefully examined by us. We are free to say that no oetter seiecuon of pianos could have been sent anywhere than Is comprised In this lot of 66 fine new instruments. - Wa must malt a aulck work of It Ten days is all the time we have to dls- fose of these pianos, W shall sell the 260 styles at 1146; 16 down ana I? a moatb bur them. . PIONEER GOES TO HIS FINAL REST i7Z lTrrn A. . i fW 4 Is' A ' Elmore J. Russell, id more J. Russell, who recently died at Oswego, came with what might be called the second emigration Into Ore gon, being a pioneer of about 10 years ago. It was at the time when the state was beginning to be heard in the coun- sela of the nation, and wnen men i Mr. Russell's pronounoed and vigorous vlawa iinon aoclal and oolltlcal questions were needed In moulamg the policy of the state. He was a politician from conviction, believing that every man should take sufficient interest In so cletv to have an Intelligent conception of the needs of the government, and.l knowing them, should have the courage nt their convictions to aeiena iiwra bv vote and voice. Horn in Connecticut In lllB, Mr. R sell Inherited the strong New England appreciation of right and Justice which were ruling forces in nin lira At the ase of 12 Mr. Kussen weni with his parents to Wisconsin, and later to Kansas, where he entered the hard ware bualness, which he later trans ferred to Oregon. At the time of his death he was master of Oswego A. F. & A. M. Lodge No. 101. The funeral services were oonauoiea at Mr. Russell's late home at Oswego by Rev. R. M. Jones, or Portland. The Interment was at Rlvervlew, where the Masonic services were oonauoiea oy Past Grand Master Oraoe. Mr. Russell Is survived by his widow and two children, B. 8. Ruesell and Mrs. H. B. Townseno, bow ot jovereii, wasn ington. ' A son. Frederick Kusseii, was luura In an automobile acoldent a few weeks ago while riding near Carleton with Charles Ladd. Tlte audden death of this son seriously affeoted the heaitn or Air. Russell, which was at that time much Impaired. KENILW0RTH FOLK TO HOLD FIRST MEETING The Kenllworth Improvement asso ciation will hold the fh-st of Its winter oeml-monthly meetings at the Kenll worth Presbyterian church. East Thirty fourth street and Gladstone avenue, on Monday evening, September II, at 7:45 o'clock. All persons interested In the controversy with the contractors who constructed the Holgate extension of the Brooklyn sewer, are urged to be present to hear the report ot the com mittee of five appointed by Chairman Lane at the recent masa meeting held In the Kenllworth church. Dr. Lane Is chairman of this committee, and will give an account or wnai u nas so iar accomplished In the way of securing that which Is deemed Justice to those who have to foot the bill, for the con struction of the sewer. W. G. Ida, president; H. S. Haroourt, secretary. SKATING, COUNCIL CREST Finest and rastest Floor In the Iforth weert. Latest band music, refreshments served free every evening except- Sun day beginnings tomorrow. The rink heated cold nights. Speolal car service to town after session. Coma, Rain or shine, wet or dry and have a good time. Umbrellas Repaired Have your umbrella repaired or re covered In the largest and best equipped factory In the city. Lennon's, umbrel las, hosiery and gloves, 101 Morrison street, opposite poatoffloe. Where to Dine Turkey and chicken dinner at Peer- lean Cafeteria, 104 FinKvstreet Piano Business of New Fianoa Thought He The 1360 styles will he sold at 1211; 11 down and 4 a month buys them. The 1400 and- 1450 styles will' be slaughtered at a uniform prlne of 1242 and tt82; 112 down and 17 a month will buy them. In this assortment are several very fancy elaborately designed Instruments real gems of the piano maker's art that could not onllpurlly be bought for less than 1100 or $625. . 1 The cost of these Instruments la slightly over 1160. In order to get rl1 of them we make the terms 12R down and 110 per month. Thev should rent for more than that. They must be seen to be appreciated, Comlnr at thTs time of year, this little f nip of 03. pianos should prnvt a veritable bonanza for the hundreds nf homes that ought to have a piano Im mediately. Bear In mind that we warrant tht quality as we also warrant the price: At any time within two years after receipt of p!an. the Instrument ' may be exchanged toward payment of anv thin else out of the big, stock of Ellers Muslo House and full amount paid at these sale prices will be allowed toward payment of such new Instrument. Bear In mind, however, that quick action Is necessary. There'll be dozens and dozens of people here first thins Monday to nartlolpate In this i unusual occasion. We shall not devote more than 10 days to this sale. 1 Everything Is bona fide. Every Instrument adver tised will be found here and exaotly ar represented, or money back. Ellers Muslo House, now at Seventh aad Alder. I S GUILTY OF MURDER A Jury ha the United States circuit court" yesterday afternoon found Prim Weka, the Klamath Indian, guilty of murderln the seoond degree as charged tn the tndlotment , The defense asked for II tlays within whloh te file appli cation for 1 a new trial, whloh was granted. Weeks' shot and killed Hie Harding, a" Klamath Indian, near Klamath Falls on July I. 1111. The two Indians, to gether with Weeks' wife and Oliver Jef ferson and Richard Gray were riding nomeward from Klamath Falls, taking with them considerable whiskey. All, tne members or the party Indulged In the liquor to a considerable extent, tes tified the witnesses, and botn Harding and Weeks became quarrelsome. A knife was taken from Harding- by Weeks, which was later taken from Weeks by another member of the party, according to the testimony. It was not until the party reached the Weeks farm that the tragedy took place Weeks Is said to hfeve gone Into a woodshed after a trunk belonging to bis wife. He re turned with a gun and. ordering his wife to get out of the way, he Immedi ately opened fire. The three Indians ran, but a bullet struck Harding In the back. He died three days later. Witnesses testified that Harding was an Indian with a bad reputation and naa inreatened to kill Weeks. One of me witnesses said Harding had tried to borrow a revolver from him with which to commit the deed. Weeks is said to be suffering from tuberculosis and It Is believed that he will not live but a few months. During the trial he appeared as an Interested spectator of the proceedings and was always unmoved and maintained a stol Id demeanor. His wife and several friends and relatives attended the trlaL Rowe & Martin Druggists, are now in their old location, which has been thoroughly remodeled to better facilitate the accommodations of their patrons.. Ill Washington st, near Sixth. TheNewNo.76 Rotary Mimeograph Is the most successful . and most universally popular stencil redupli cating machine made. . It has an automatic self inker. Ask for Catalog "76" KILHAM Stationery and Printing Company Oonunsretal sfta410Mrs, Offloe Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers ami Bookbinders. XZADQVABTBBja 90 Architects' and Engineers' Xnstrnjnents and Supplies. Corner Fifth and Oak Sts. JURY FINOS WEEK The Law of Provision r Alveolar Dentistry Provides FOR TEETH SATISFACTION It Does Away Entirely With Ad rmem. The Improvident Life would not be so bad were there no day tomorrow. It is the cold assurance of dawn that keeps humanity balanced. Tomorrow Is the vltul fact that today must reckon with. Tha same Impulse Is to provide for the expectant period of our expectancy on tnls planet Karth. Provide for the anan of years and you have Peace, Poise, Power and Plenty. Fail to provide and you have Poverty, Perversion, Pauperism and Penalty. Nature's one Immntable Economic Law makes It necessary to prepare for Winter In Its Summer. Nature makes squirrels of us all. The Alveolar System Is the method by whloh man makes his provision for an annuity that moat of us enjoy more than any other one thing In this life a provision that will enable him to eat. Alveolar teeth are beautiful, comfort able, life everlasting and are guaran teed to the end. BBIDOS WORK WOJTT SO. The ordinary "brldgework" which dentists set In between teeth Is a poor substitute for missing teeth. It makes th'i two pier teeth no the work of Sup porting ALL those that are fastened to the bridge, which is wrong. If the wesrer of this bridge bites on the bridge teeth he puts a terrific strain on the two piers, causing them to be come loose In time and the rums to be come sore and Inflamed, and in the end Ol'T COMES THIS BRIDOE. It is a painful piece of work from beginning to end. Then, again, it Is unssnltary. Being higher in the middle than at either end, it permits food becoming lodged under it, which soon causes fermentation to set in, bringing more Inflammation, not nuentiy pyorrhea. Brldgework is as much of a make shift as the partial plate. The oriage won't ao. ' . f -' alveolar Testa Where Srldgewoca Zs Impossible. It ooly your front testji art left, say Men's Suits Strictly all wool clothes, hand tai lored. . Cold water shrunk woolens and linings which means perfect shape retention long style and service to our oustomers. I1T.I0 to 110 " suits for I1I.TI, 111.10 to III salts at I14.TI. Jimmy Dunn, room 111 Orcgtmtaa bldg. . Bdlefsen has part dry and dry slab. Combine -Safe Investment With Beauty. 1 Ntver did the Investment fea ture of buying- a Diamond, show to better advantag-e than now. For In spite of the tremen doua increase in price which we hear of on every hand we have on hand large numbers of fine gems an Import order bought months before the raise came. Those who bay now save the increase In price. For we're selling st the same prjees we would hare if the raise in price hadn't come. A Beesoaatole Deposit WUX Hold Any Diamond In onr Stock If Ton Wish to Hare It Delivered te Ton rer. . - U The Zarge Jewelry store." Jewelers. Ovtlolans. Btasaends. 806 Morrison, Between Sd ana 4th. Tea are Interested In dental work, let me mall yoa a list of cay patients. Perhaps yoa win there find the name of some friend or acquaintance. Th S 1 reoommeada tloa Is snfrteteat. Dr. Blof T. Xealand, V. W. oornsT of 6th and Oak, Sd floor. Take elevator. "If i can't guarantee It, I dont do it, and II I aver did it, tf s gnaraateee." Portland Marble Works Bstabllened MM. We carry the largest and best stock on the eoasL Call and ret our prices before -rifhaslng elsewhere. 84 aad IM renrtn Street Oppoelte Cltr fialL rhoaes Mala SBSa, A-lSls. Foster & KUeser HJgb Grade Commercial mad Elsecrlf SIGNS r Vta and aast averett Sts. lllli THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and setter Bttnm. Inous Pavements. 06-0t El ant He B'dg, Portland, Or. Oekar Huaea Manager. IN THE YEARS TO COME Plates and Bridge Work Teeth three r four or more, we can replace all those that hart hun In.t nn hh sides clear back with perfect Alveolar th, whilst brldgework would be lm- possible, even If you oie, even ir you Had eight or ten ha ironi teotn to tie to. T f vntl hnv. Anlv tWO back liWlti nn ah mi Am. ... !"r, we can supply all the front teeth that are missing with beautiful, serv iceable, lifelike Alveolar teeth. This could not possibly be done by the bridge route. tiuppona you" have lost your lest (back) teeth, two 'or more upper or lower on either side. We can replace them with Alveolar teeth. The bridge specialist would have to advise a partial plate, which would enoumber the mouth as well as to help destroy your other teeth. Where you have lost a few teeth there are .dentists who would extract all the rest to make room for a plnte. (Where people have no teeth, we make plates, top, and when wo do they look like they grew there. They are scientifically and artistically built for service and comfort as weft as beauty.) Even where brldgework Is possible, there Is no comparison be tween the two. A very large percent age of our work Is taking out bridge work nut in by supposedly high-class dentists and replacing it with the beautiful and artlstio Alveolar teeth. Anu unlike brldgework In another re spect It Is practically palnleae. No boring or cutting Into the gums, noth ing to be dreaded. Now. then, prices being equal, which would yeu chooser Coring Pyorrhea (loose teeth), a dis ease given up by other dentists aa In curable, la another of our specialties. We cure it absolutely. It's a boastful statement to make, but we can do any. thing that is possible In dentistry, and what we do la always of the er Vilrh- est class. Our booklets. Alveolar Den- usiry, are ire, write I or cannot call. We have samp! Write for one If you plea of our wor io enow ai au umea A&YBOXAJ6 BZVTAZ. CO, DXlTTZSTS. Portland AMngtoa Bldg. 1MU Id St. Seattle Salgbt Bldg. ga an Terms to KsUabte Feanl. Diamonds ESP wmm way''..1 ; Low i r 1 " r Colonist Rates NOW IN EFFECT FROM EASTERN POINTS Prepayment can be made and ' delivery arranged by telegraph. If you are bringing out rel atives or friends from tht Eaat, DO IT NOW The time la short and tha rates will never be lower. 4 TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS DAILY For ratea and full particular! apply at 142 Third street, or ad dreaa, FRANK R, JOHNSON, General Agent, Portland. 3 What many at first characterized worthless ir nowla citly acknowledged to be the standard which they are striv ing to attain Bitu tithic C SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Day ft Night $500,000 Building 63 Courses. 45 Teachers day sohooui aro-w OBZV. Night schools open September 15. 1111. CLASS. TERM FKX Advertising . .s.f 16.00 Algebra S.Vtt Assaying Apple Culture Architect. Drawing.. Arithmetic Automobile Bible Study ,.Nofe 7. Ml 1.00 60.09 1.00 (.00 400 6.00 16.09 Bookkeeping Boys School Building Caretaklng oncKiaymg Business Eng. and Cor... zoo uusiness Law OS- Carpentry and Woodturnlng 10.0 Chemistry .....,,.. 10 00 Cornet in'oo Electricity A Elec Mach 16.00 1.00 English Orammar and Beading... English Orammar and Rhetorlo... 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.60 6,00 cngnsn literature Freehand Drawing French Forestry and Lnmbertns ta na Geometry gj uvrm.n ......,..,.. S.VV Hl'torr .... Latin ,. Me Mechanical Th-awtng 1.80 Penmanship . 1.04 Pharmacy tS.IO Physical and Com. Qecgraphy,... Pfiysics f.00 Piano o.OO Plan Reading and Estimating.... t.Ot Plumbing, Shop Practloe ...16.00 Poultry Raising ......Kofee Public Speaking 6.00 Relnf. Concrete Construction.... 11.00 ' Rhetorlo 8.0C Salesmanship and Adv ... 18.00 Spanish 6.00 Rheet Metal Drafting 7.60 Shorthand 100 Purveying and Mapping 10.00 Show Card Writing 12.00 Telegraphy and Dispatchlng.... 11.00 Trigonometry 6.00 Typewriting o.oo violin . . . ...t.i ....... t 10.00 Vocal Music 6.00 OaXXi OB WBXTB TOM TMMM SUVsW TBATBD CATALOatTB Portland, Ore, Y.M.G A. SIMILAR SCHOOLS SEATTtOS. COMA. SPOKANE. TA- North Pacific College SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY AND PHARMACY PORTLAND, OR. Splendid New Fireproof Build ing. Unsurpassed in Equip merit and Advantages. The Regular Session Begins October 1 of Each Year. For Information and Catalogue Address DR. HERBERT C. MILLER East Sixth and Oregon Streets Portland, Or. SCHOOL OF THE PORT-. LAND ART ASSOCIATION Third rear begins October . 1111. Drawing painting, portrait, life, sketch, Illustration, aeaipn . inn rniiareos classes. For circular apply to MUSEUM OF ART rifta and Varies Stav. Portland. On, PALE i Li FECriE fr tttfrvy fw Win J . . l - , , sj toal Wtff 4 pV1 tseiitr a 1 t a u (SO SBW 6) etas. !-"'-" '.. , t OI.C.A. SCHOOLS JsM MfBjget to wfcHa1 aWfesaf, "H W ha) "1 ev