-'1-.,.-7.M'.'U.i t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY , EVENING. SEPTEMBER 15. 1911. Mi4; it-,. , '1 rffflRSFM UNITY OF SYSTEM Simon Revision Committee Is Urged to Join in Effort to . Decide on Practical Plan of Cooperation. "The -people's charter committee Is heartily in favor of a practical plan of cooperation." This la the message to be aent by Secretary Lpper of the people's com mittee to the Simon charter revision committee, which, If It desires to Join forces with the people's committee and submit but one commission plan char ter to the people next January, must take action at its next meeting. The resolution containing the state merit first quoted was adopted by the peoples committee at a meeting last night In the city hall. It was not adopted until after sharp debate In which the opposition was laid by Isaac Swett and H. G. Parsons. W. C. Ben- bow was one of those voting against the form of consolidation proposed. Strongly favoring the plan of getting together for the sake of Insuring com mission plan government, insofar as Is possible, were George Black, who In traduced the resolution. Chairman A. K. Clark of the committee. Dr. Harry Lane, A. D. Crldge and Dr. C. H. Chap man. The text of the resolution adopteJ reads: absolutions Adopted. "Whereas overtures have been made by members of the charter committee appointed by Mayor Simon that such body cooprate with this committee with respect to the formulation of a char ter, and "Whereas, this, the people's charter committee, la heartily In favor of a practical plan of cooperation, and "Whereas this body has appointed aubcommitteea from Its members to in vestigate and submit to this committee proposed charter provisions with regard to different subjects necessarily em bodied In a charter and the work of such subcommittees in large part haa been done and submitted and is now before our whole commute for action; therefore be It "Resolved that It is the sense of the people's charter committee that, as the subcommittees of the said Simon char ter commission shall have prepared the text of their proposed charter provis ions covering the various subdivisions of the charter now the subject of con sideration by our subcommittees, that our subcommittee having any such sub ject or charter provisions In hand, meet with a like committee of the other,char ter commission with a view to com paring their work, ascertaining pointa of difference, if it can be done con sistently with the views of this body. Prompt Action Urged. "And Inasmuch as the work of this body la well advanced and the necessity Of prompt and definite action la es sential ' to any practical plan of co operation, we respectfully suggest to such committee that it submit the text of lta proposed charter provisions with out delay, as without such action, there is no oasis ror comparison or practi cal cooperation. Passing upon commission plan fran chises, in accordance with a report sub mltted by a subcommittee, of which W. C. Benbow is chairman, the "people's committee decided last night that It should never be possible for any cor poration to obtain vacations or allena- tlons of public property except by vote of the people. The city council can now pass an ordinance vacating, say, streets to, a railroad, . The commltraa s plan Is that vacation of street must be voted upon as a charter amendment O ranting of rranehisee. It was agreed that no franchise for the use of more than three blocks, of a street should be Issued unless the peo ple vote thereon. For less than three blocks It was thought the commission should have authority to grant the franchises. Should a corporation obtaining franchise fall to exhibit good faith or take prompt action It was agreed by the committer that such corporation should be penalised a fine for the first Offense; fine and Imprisonment for the second offense; forfeiture of fran chise for the third offense. The committee also voted that should electricity leak from the lines of any power company and Injure pipes, the company should be penalized to tne amount of the damage. The committee decided to include brief mention of the city playground plan after the- matter had been presented by L. H. Weir. WOULD PUT POWER TO INITIATE STREET WORK WITH PEOPLE At the next meeting- of the charter revision committee appointed by ex- Mayor Simon, City Attorney Grant will introduce for consideration an amend ment to the present city charter taking away from the council all authority to initiate street Improvement proceedings and placing it entirely In the hands of the property owners. The amendment will provide that be fore any street can be made 51 per' cent of the owners of the property abutting on such street must sign the petition designating the character of the Ira provement and the particular pavement. and providing that after such petition Is signed by the property owners and filed with the auditor it will require 80 per cent to defeat the Improvement by remonstrance. If this amendment is adopted It will place the entire responsibility of street improvements in the hands of a mi Jority of the property owners on any street, and the property owners will thus have an opportunity, not only to say when a street shall be Improved, but may specifically designate the kind and character of the Improvement to be made. The city attorney has given this mat ter considerable thought and believes that if the amendment is adopted It will do away with the constant agita tion of the different paving companies with the council, and will Insure spirited competition among the paving companies. THREE MASKED MEN LOOT BANK AT NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. - (Continued from Paige One.) police station at about 6:30 o'clock and gave the alarm. He had managed to work hia bonds loose after the robbers had departed. Chief of Police Brad- shaw hurried to the scene, and all of the available officers were pressed into service: but the only clue obtainable Common Colds Must Be Taken Seriously For unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital reaistance to more serious infection. Protect vour children and yourself by the prompt use of Fol ey s Money ana i ar compound and note its aulck and decisive results. Fnr coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and affections of the -throat, chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy. Remember the name, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and refuse substitutes. The genuine la In a yellow package. Skidmore Drug Co., two stores. Main store 151 3rd st. Branch store Morrison and West Park sts. was that given by the Chinaman. From the thoroughness of the Job and the tools with which the work was done, the local officers believe that the same gang that has' recently been at work In Vancouver turned the trick here. Motor oar Is Stolen. Later in the morning another feature was added to the robbery by the report that the motor car of T. J. Trapp, which Is one of the largest and most powerful automobiles in the city, had been stolen from Us garage, and later this car was found broken down In front of the x. M. C. A. building. It is presumed that the robbers stole the Trapp machine and Intended to make their getaway in it. but something went wrong and they were foroed to abandon the car. The bank usually has a night watch man on duty, but Just now he la away on his vacation. - It was on tne Darnc guardian's bed that the robbers piled the gold and bills they took from the vault after they had blown the door open with nltro-glycerine. It was with the blankets and quilts from the watch man's bed that they plugged the hole In the wall of the vault and muffled the explosion in the little room. Chief of Police Bradshaw has sent word to all of the adjacent cities to be on the watch for the men, and it is be lieved that they soon will be apprehended. A promlner. financial man. manager of a local trust company, who assisted the manager of the bank in an inquiry into the loss, is authority for the state ment that the robbers got away with $316,000 in all. leaving $50,000 lying about after they had made their divvy. It is presumed that they found they could dispose of no more about their persons. "The bank robbers were expert safe wreckers," stated Chief of Police Brad- ahaw, as he laid out before him the I tools which be had gathered la the vault! "They must have fired the charge of dynamite by battery. The tools com prise a brace and bit. a hand croWbaT, a piece of gas pipe, several bits and drills and two handbara for dieting out tne brick. They chose their tools in every wsy suitable for 'the task, and had carefully estimated all the oondl tlons. ' "Entry was doubtless made by key through the front door. Then, disturb ing no lights In the front office of the bank, they had worked from the rear of the brick vault, the walls or wmcn lent themselves to easy operations, as the bricks were not cemented but united with mortar. "Once into the vault, work was easy, The cash safe therein, in which the money they had rightly estimated rest ed could be drilled without fear of dta turbance, and the charge of dynamite shot off without noise. The bedding or the absent Janitors cot wa taken to plug up the opening they had made In the wall of the safe, thus there was little possibility of the sound of the explosion passing out to the street." Manager Brymner, or ne looiea nun of Montreal bVanch, stated tnai tne 10 tal amount in the vault robbed was 1316.000. aome of which was left scat tered about The Staff of the bank was busy this forenoon ascertaining the exact amount of the loss, and Manager Brymner will issue a positive statement a soon aa their work is completed. Loss Caused by Delay. It has been estimated by the national board of fire underwriters that four fifths of the annual fire loss In the United States could be saved If firemen could reach fires, in one half the time now requirea. AKIN pwer Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal C rape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE 0 DYSPEPSIA OR W INDIGESTION. GAS OTHER STOMACH DISTRESS Relief in Five Minutes Awaits Every Man or Woman Who Suffers From a Bad Stomach. Nothing will remain undigested" or sour on your stomach if you will take a little Diapepsin occasionally, mis powerful digestive and antacid, though harmless and pleasant as candy. will digest and prepare for assimila tion into the blood all the food you can eat. Eat what your stomach craves, with out the slightest fear of Indigestion or that you will be bothered with sour risings. Belching, Gas on Stomach, Heartburn, Headaohee from stomach. Nausea, Bad Breath, Water Brash or a feeling like you had swallowed a lump of lead, or other disagreeable miseries. Should you be suffering now from any stomach disorder you can get relief within five minutes. If you will get from your pharma cist a 60-cent case of Pape'a Diapepsin you could always go to the tabid with a hearty appetite and your meals would taste good, because you would know there would be no Indigestion or Sleepless nights or Headache or Stomach misery all the next day; and, besides,' you would not need laxatives or liver pills to keep your stomach and bowels clean and fresh. Pape'a Diapepsin can be. obtained from your druggist, and contains more than sufficient to thoroughly cure the worst case of Indigestion or Dyspep sia. There is nothing better for Oas an the Stomach or sour odora from the stomach or to cure a Stomach Headache. Tou couldn't keep a handler or more useful article in the house. 25 ! Reduction ALTERATION 4 ALE Off! Owing to the immense growth of our business, we are compelled to make alterations in the arrangement of our store. We'd rather move empty barrels and cases than full ones, and to this end we start an Alteration Sale tomor row. It won't last a great while, but it means that those who buy will get high-grade goods at less than wholesale prices. We haven't marked our goods up to mark them down, but the same old prices are on the same old goods. Just deduct 25 per cent you can do your own figuring. BEER EXCEPTED An Idea of What This Means: Old Crow Fives . , . Bottled in Bond, 95c Guckenheimer . Full Quarts, u u 95c Sunny Brook " " u 95c Cedar Brook ' . a Q5C Dewar's Scotch Imported 95c SEE THAT OUR NAME IS OVER THE DOOR REGULAR $1.00 GOLD SEAL WINES. 75c REGULAR $1.50 GOLD SEAL WINES .$1.15 REGULAR $2.00 GOLD SEAL WINES $1.50 REGULAR $2.50 GOLD SEAL WINES, .i. . . . .".$1.85 REGULAR $3.00 GOLD SEAL WINES. . .- $2.25 Half gallons and quarts in proportion All Other Staple Brands Reduced $3.00 NONPAREIL WHISKEY $2.25 $3.50 GOLD SEAL WHISKEY $2.65 $4.00 HAZELWOOD WHISKEY $3.00 $5.00 HANNISVILLE WHISKEY . .$3.7S $6.00 RE IMPORTED WHISKEY $4.50 HALF GALLONS AND QUARTS IN PROPORTION No Charge for Containers Mail Orders Promptly Filled at These Prices, But Express Not Prepaid GOLD SEAL LIQUOR GO. 164-166 Second Street FREE DELIVERY V4 Off ! Between Morrison and Yamhill Phones: Marshall 486, : A 1485 i Reduction V , . ........ STORE No. 1 2 A J Morrison Street 4 Bet. 3r4 and 2nd STORE No. 2 4 al STREET CORNER 1lOL OF YAMHILL ST. Newest , MighCiiit Button Shoes " at Special Price Ladies' $4 22-button Hizh Cuts. Tans and Blacks, stub" tbes, extension soles, d"! AC all sizes, now, pair . $Lsj Misses' $3.00 High-Cut Button Shoes, blacks and tans, extension soles, in all tf j sizes 3)LLv Children's $2.50 Hirh-Cut Button Shoes, black and tans, all J" 75 sizes, now, pair D1 0 Women's $4 Velvet Calf Button Shoes $2.50 A classy walking ahoa for spring wear made of new "dull velvet calf, black cravenette cloth topa: new ''club'' toes; short vamp; sewed extension soles; Cuban &0 CA heels AS.OU Women's $3.50 Patent Colt Driss Shoes H a $1.98 A clever style patent colt vamos: dull kid topa; "stub toes"; wins; lips: extension soies: Cuban heels; all sixes $1.98 A n x 1 1 - J viva; Boys' Box Calf Shoes ZA 98c Made of chroma box calf, hlurh.r cut, heavy soles: Sixes 8 to 12 Oflt Sixes 12H to 2 i29 ones zy, 10 o 81.59 ffl Tan Calf mm cl Mada of a new shade or tan calf, shape, sewed soles, military o f heels. Price aC.OU Misses' Shoes 98c $129 $1.49, $1.79 1000 pairs of misses' and boys $1.78, 12 and 11.50 fine Dress tihoes and Oxfords: newest styles In tan, black and patent, all alaea at 98c, $1.29, $1.49, $1.79 VELVETS Blacks and Browns now $2.50 stub toes, extension soles. These coma In blacks and browns, all fto Cf slzea, now Pw.v Children's Shoes 39c, 59c, 79c, 98c 1000 patrs of children's 7 Be, $1.00, $125 and $1.60 fine dress 8hoea, ox fords and pumps In blanks, tans and patents; all the newest styles In all slzea, at 39c, 59c, 79c, 98c 1 000 Pair Men's high grade $3.50, $4.00 and 5.00 Shoes, newest styles in tans, blacks, patents and vicis, in all shapes and sizes, at $1.98, $2.48 and $2.98 rz , zzjh t Y It Take the New Fast Train TO Tacoma and Seattle Only 6 Honrs Between Portland and Seattle IV. POBTX.AV9 10:30 a. as. . AM, TACOMA ailO s. m. AS., SEATTLX 4:30 p. m. Large and roomy day coaches, din ing car, parlor car and observation car. Moat modern and up to dnto equipment, cool and pleabant. The "very aome. jjf comfort and conven ience. Four Trains Daily, 7:10 k. VL, 10130 ft. Bb, SI30 9. m., Hilfl p. m. All squally well equipped. Electric lighted throughout. Individual lights In every berth on sleeping; cars. Sleeping cara Open :0 p. m. txokbt orrcons Id and Morrison sts. and Union Depot A-12U Main S 4. Phones The Pioneer Line Northern Pacific Ry A. D, OKABXiTOir, , ' ' A. G. r. A., Portland. , Special Dental Rates, roBOaiAijr oxowva $8M 3k oou OBOWHI s.00 BSk CKX9 BBXSOB $3.80 ooud rxwnrcM uoo urncm rxMnras ..: soe TEETH WZTS .ATE.. $5.00 Beat bank references. Ladv attendant. All work warranted IS years. Wc Arc Always Busy Our success la dua to the fact 4hat we do the very best work at very low est prices. We depend on patients for recommendations. Ask your neighbors about our Painless Methods and our, conscientious work. X Electro Painless Dentists n iiiaPT.NMn n r a - 3 , , manager WasMaf ba St.. corner BUth Bntlre . , nla Until 1 o'clock. Portland Printing House Co. Book, Catalog and Oommarelal -Printing . Book Binding and Blank Book Making 38S Taylor St: Phones: A22SI.M 6201 Foster & Kites or High T?rad Commercial and Electric t ., .. ; .. ...... . , - - aBBBWBaBBBSMBBBB ' " ' ' " Bkat m and Bast Bverett Ska, moaaa sasi uui B-asu)4. ' ' ' - ' ' ( ' k - .,,."l ,)