The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 06, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Educational Campaign to Be
: Waged; Tri-County Fair Is
' Planned for. Gilliam, Sher-
man and Morrow Counties.
v Flans for Three Counties. 4
Development convention lit Ar-
Ungton. 1
Tri-County fair. 4
4 "Hog and Field Pea Special."
demonstration train.
Ing, . field . peaa, alfalfa, potatoes . and
w boys and girls. -
" Special adviser of Agricultural 4
4 college to visit all farmers. 4
4 Systematic educational cam- 4
4 palgn. 4
Oregon's population problem Is being
solved by advertising" and, the state Im
migration commission; The equipment
for commerce Is to be supplied by pub
lic docks and additional steamship lines.
Mew railroads and highways are answer
ing the transportation necessity.
A group of Oregon men took the ini
tiative last night in mapping out a
plan for systematically solving the' Ore
gon land production problem.
That Portland's growth must depend
on the development of Oregon, and that
the development of Oregon must depend'
not on lumber, or fish, or minerals, but
on agriculture and a maintained maxi
mum production of food products, was
frankly conceded to be the Incentive
for action now, , coupled with an edu
cational campaign that will extend over
several years. Involving public Invest
ment of many thousands of dollars.
The three most retrogressive counties
In the state Sherman, Morrow and Gil
liam were chosen a great experiment
field to prove throughout the state the
value of diversified production and in
tensive farming.
To Quadruple Production.
Drj William J. Kerr, president of Ore
gon Agricultural College, predicted that
the work will quadruple production in
the three counties; that hogs, chick
ens, potatoes, field peas, alfalfa and
corn will supplement the waning wheat
production, and that the average wheat
yield of 18 bushels for the northwest,
and much less for the countfes In Ques
tion, may be Increased to 28 and 0
bushels an acre, thus opening a won
derfully profitable trade empire to Port
land. To carry on the work a fund of J2800
has already been contributed by Port
land business men. The three counties
will give $6000, or $2000 each.
C. C. Chapman was appointed last
night to arrange a time and place of
a Sherman-Morrow-Ollllani development
JVll V CIIVIUH, 11C a JI1 .aJVl vw J aBaauvua.vw-
the place would be Arlington. Dele
gates from all three counties and a
trainload of Portland business men will
attend. Th special demonstration train
will be there, too.
In a year a tri-oounty development
fair will be held. It is for this the
tri-county fund will be pledged. Mean
time a contest In. poultry and hog-rals-4
Hog and poultry contests for 4
corn will have been inaugurated and
boys and girls urged to enter it. Cash
The last surviving officer of the War of 1812,
Major, Aaron Hafford, died 26 yeara ago today.
m fe
urn mm
to the East
CHICAGO AND RETURN. . . . . . . .$72.50
ST. LOUIS AND RETURN . . . . . . . i$70.00
' NEWwYORK AND RETURN ..... $108.50
IXCilUIVli . ..-.. .cw.v;
' N Tickets, allow fifteen (18) days tor going passage, final
; return limit October SI. Go one way, and return .another if
Vou wish, stop overs allowed within limit in each direction. "
T Ride On the ORIENTAL LIMITED. through SUndatd ,k,
and ITourlst Sleepers, Portland to Chicago, In 72 hours with- ; ,
out change. Servioe and scenery unsurpassed.
" 1 " Tirkets and sleenln car reswrvatlona .t City
Ticket Of floe. Ill Third street, Portland, or at De-i,.,
pot.-llth and Hoyt sts.
prises will "be awarded, the total not
less than $1200, with many other prizes
from local business concerns.
' ' . educational Campaign. .
following the agricultural college Idea
of "teaching how by-showing how," a
special adviser of the college whose ap
pointment will be approved by tha com
mittee, wll! , visit tha farmers, arousing
Interest and showing that profits await
intelligent, intensive farming and di
versified production, aven ' In Va- arid
country. Continuously, educational mat
ter and simple, effective memoes ox
work will ba -Imparted to farmers
through newspapers . and publlo meet
ings. L'
The campaign Itfusxpeotea to e suc
cessful) by Us breadth and the person
nel of men engaged in it, in onnsin
the census story of lessened production,
lessened population and destroyed com
munity spirit.
J. N. Teal, president sof the Oregon
Conservation Commission, member of
the tl -county development committee,
presided at last evening's meeting. Mr.
Teal declared that no body of men bet
ter qualified to compel success for the
campaign conld have been brought to
gether. '
Xach Sand Uei Idle.
Tha agricultural college was repre
sented by President W. J. Kerr and Dr.
James Wlthyoombe, director of experi
ment work. The transportation agen
cies were represented by Richard B.
Miller, traff lo manager, and William
McMurray, general passenger agent of
the 0.-W. B.4N, Co. RT. Cox, M. O.
Clark and 8. B Barker oame from Gil
liam county, saying the people are ready
to make a change In methods as a mat
ter of self-preservation William ,Mo
Kenzle, of Balfour-Guthrie company,
represented the large land-owning In
terests, and testified that soil, climate
and every other condition will contrib
ute to the success of the new movement
in Sherman-Morrow-Gilllam. Among
the well known Portland men at the
meeting were Dwight Edwards, B. Erank
Irvine, D. O. Lively, C. H. Williams,
James J. Bayer, George D. Lee, F. W.
Mitchell R. B. MetUer and A. F. Hug
gins. R. B. Miller declared that for many
years Pacific coast development has
been in the cities and area west of the
Cascades, but there has been no notice
able development east of the Cascades.
What incentive, he. questioned, is there
for the construction of new branoh
lines when 760,000 acres contiguous to
the Harrlman line now lie Idle every
year, fallaciously summer fallowed, cut
ting down the production to 18 bushels
of wheat per acre every two years, or
nine bushels per acre a year.
"God Almighty didn't put that land
there to be a waste," said Mr. Miller.
"It Is a crime to let that land lie Idle.
We must have a change in farming
methods. It is a matter of life and
death, of supreme moment We should
support the agricultural college more
largely. Oregon Is niggardly in this
regard, yet It Is through the college we
must obtain the changes in methods
that will Insure the development of
this country to its proper and maxi
mum production."
Would Plan Field Peas.
Dr. Kerr pledged the agricultural col
lege In the name of the board of regents
to the work proposed. He said that
summer fallowing . must be changed,
that letting the land He bare every
other year is burning out tha humus.
Dr. Withycombe, said that land
should be planted to field peas and these
to hogs rather than to practice summer
fallowing. Thus nitrogen, worth 20
cents a pound is added to the soil. Hogs
worth hard cash are produced, and both
without additional cost while the land
Is materially benefited. He suggested
the "Hog and Field Pea Special," which
Mr. Miller said would be started when
ever the date, was set. Mr. McMurray
pledged special rates to the Tri-County
R. T. Cox declared that intensive,
diversified farming was already a
m 4tni m
dioxsojt. v. r. m x.
o. r. r.
proved success In tha threa countlea
named. ' " ' "
jgo soma ftplrlt, ,
He told of the potatoes, 100 sacks to
the acre, the field peas, the-hogs and.
chickens and turkeys that had been
successfully, profitably raised. He eald
moisture had been wonderfully "con
served by discing the surface to a
depth of xfc Inches, and that abundant
water could b obtained also by drill
ing wells -any place. ; .
That . there "are . no homes and no
home spirit-in the all wheat country
was repeatedly stated.. Dr. Wlthyoombe,
said he had found only temporary-board
shacks. Hogs and chickens, vegetables
abd cowa are necessary to , homes . It
was said. ' The contests for hoys and
girls would unfailingly prove success
ful said. Dr. Kerr, and they will be
highly Interested. :'v" v.tV ;,
Upon motion of B. T. Irvine, Dr.
Wlthyoombe, William McKensie. D. O.
Lively and R,. T. Cox were appointed
a committee on . prises. Dwight Ed
wards and Julius Durkhelmer were ap
pointed a committee of two to inter
view local business men on the subject
of further special prifees. Dr. Kerr -and
Dr. Wlthyoombe were appointed a com
mittee of two - to employ the special
adviser who will be sent at the expenae
of the committee from the agricultural
college, to the Morrow-Sherman-Gllllam
farmers.' ;, ,
' (Continued from Pagra One.)
for it Is Impossible to hear more than
a few feet away, except when a man
with the most penetrating sort of voice
is speaking. A large sum has been
wasted In the vast corridors. A tew
feet added to the rooms from the hall
ways would be of great benefit.
Arohlteets Blamed.
"The architects have Insisted ' upon
having things their way. The building
Is not suited to the convenience of the
officials and the public, but Is accom
modated to the whims of the architects."
Consideration Is being given to means
for Improving the hearing qualities of
the courtooms. It is thought by some
that carpets will be a necessity, cov
ering the fine marble floors. Others
think rubber matting may suffice, with
k probability that nets or wires will
have to be strung along the ceilings
to kill the echo effect .
The same difficulty was encountered
In the old courthouse In the big court
room on the second floor, and to a
lesser extent in Judge Oantenbeln's old
quarters. The county purchased a MOO
curtain for the big room which was
suspended' from the celling and helped
the acoustics.
Lawyers addressing the presiding
Judge yesterday and today have found
it necessary to approach within arm's
length of the bench to be heard, and
Jurors have had great difficulty In
hearing the .testimony of witnesses in
oases on trial. The lawyers and wit
nesses with strong voices have pos
sessed a big advantage.
Crowded, for Boom.
After allotting two rooms for use of
the law library, in which the architects
stipulated that not over 3600 volumes
should be placed. It Is possible the
library will be ordered out of the build
ing altogether, difficulty being had in
providing offices for the superintend
ent of schools and sufficient jury rooms.
The county commlsloners today are try
ing to work out a plan to give room
for the school superintendent and jury
rooms without disturbing the library.
The commissioners take the position
that county officials must be first pro
vided for. If a room is left the law
library can have It When the west
wing la completed there will . be no
scarcity of room, but in the meantime
several of the offices will be crowded.
Two thirds of the law library is being
boxed and stored because of the edict of
the architects that only 8600 volumes
can be safely placed in a floor space
equal to half the area in which 12,000
volumes were accommodated In the old
building. The architect even entered
objection to placing a bookcase along
one of the walls, and would allow no
cases except along the walls.
Xtghtner Gives View.
. Commissioner Llghtner, in disousslng
the complaints, said:
. "I have not been in the court room
since the courts have opened, and do
not personally know what difficulties
have been had. I think after trial and
adjustment to the new conditions, means
rwill be found to assist the hearing, if
the conditions are as bad as reported.
"I do not know the cause of bad acous
tics in such cases, and have not had
opportunity to consult Mr. Whldden.
who Is out of town Just now. Some
other buildings in the city with high
ceilings have also been the subject of
"If it is found necessary, the ceilings
for the additional court rooms in the
west wing can be made lower. It Is
not too late to do that, but I am not
prepared, to say what should be done
In that respect. I do not know whether
the difficulty Is lnth height of the
celling or some other cause.
Judges Were Consulted.
"The judges of the circuit court were
consulted as to the arrangement of the
courtrooms. Th architect asked their
advice, and the' same is true of the
county officers. . . All were consulted,
although some of them were very slow
when requested to call at the office of
the architect and tell what they wanted.
Borne preferred to leave the matter en
tirely to the architect. '
"Conditions are new, and it will re
quire some time for the officials to
become accustomed to their new sur
roundings. Many of tha officers are in
temporary quarters, and complaint's as
to lack of room will be done away with
when the west wing Is completed.' I
am of the opinion that the halls are not
too wide, and will not be so considered
when the entire building Is finished.
"Somo allowance must be made for
the present condition of an Incomplete
buildinK, and the temporary arrange
ments that have to be made. But
evoryone was consulted, and the ' sug
gestions' of judges and officials were
generally accepted in the arrangement
of tho rooms.1"
(Continued from Page One.)
ry eat his Sunday dinner at home with
his family. I believe he's Innocent.
No one knowing him as well as I could
believe otherwise."
With the above words Beulah Bin
ford today announced her belief that
J Henry Clay Beattle, Jr., was not guilty
of the 'murder or his wire. Although
Beattle, in testifying, classed her among
the lowest of the low, the girl appar-.
ently pears no resentment.
doing to Bew York.
Told by her mother that Judge Wat
son and the attorneys for both the de
fense and prosecution had agreed to
her release from jail tomorrow, Beulah
sstd: -v" . "'
. 'Til take the first boat from Norfolk
for New York.;
Asked if she were going alone, the
girl grinned: i
"Well, I reckon Vfi better not tell."
Reverting m Beattle. she said:
"ven If I loved him and he was
guilty, I should think he ought to be
punished. But I cannot bring myself
to believe that ha la guilty. I think
he told the truth, the whole truth, when
be was on the stand." v-":- a:'.:;'
(United Press Leases' Wire.) ; ;
Washington, Sept. . A petition for
making Seattle the ' official port of
entry for all Puget sound commerce
and for. transferring the customs head
quarter a from Port Townaend to Seat
tle, will be presented to congress next
December by the- treasury department.
The department will also ask that Col
lector Harper's salary he Increased
from $3600 and certain fees,' to a flat
salary of 16000. The proposed change
Is part of a complete reorganisation
soheme for the whole customs servioe
Arbitration Not Wanted.
Ban Francisco. Bept .-No scheme
of arbitration of the present labor dif
ficulties on the Harrlman lines has
been suggested by the general officers
of the craft unions, acoordlng to, state
ments by officials here today.! "We
have not called for arbitration, nor do
we favor arbitration In this matter,"
said President J. W. Kline of the black
smiths' International union, and chair
man of the conference. "This Is not a
question which can be arbitrated, be
cause It la a question of whether or not
the men have a right to organize as
they see fit The company i has not
shown an Inclination te arbitrate,
George Lorlck, the big Russian, ar
rived this morning to meet Jonn Berg,
the Pacific coast champion, in the main
event of the big wrestling card, which
will be given at the Baker theatre to
morrow night. Lorlck la a husky chap
and Berg will undoubtedly have to
bring all his knowledge of the mat
game Into play to gain the decision.
Lorlck will outweigh Berg, but the lat
ter Is depending on hla knowledge, of
the game to offset the strength of the
A bout that Is attracting just as
much Interest In the card as that of the
two heavies, la the event between Peter
Buzukos, the Greek lightweight cham
pion of the world, and Strangler Smith
Portland's . grappling stevedore. Pete
says he has. been trying to get Smith on
the mat In Portland for the last three
years and now that .he has done so.
intends to give him' the trimming of
his life. On the other hand the Strang
ling one says that Pete has been act
ing a bit too fresh m reference to him
and he will show the, man from Hel
lenes a few things In the wrestling
game tomorrow night
Three good preliminaries will be
staged and altogether the cards" look
like a very good one.
(United Press Ltased Wire.)
New York, Bept. Those who have
been grooming Sam Langford as a like
ly opponent for Jack Johnson, heavy
weight champion, today are slowly re
covering from a severe Jolt as thj re
sult of Joe Jeanette's game fight at
Madison Square Garden against the Bos
ton bone crusher. Langford got the pop.
ular decision after 10 rounds of fast
going, but apparently was unable to
deliver the knockout which the frfns
had expected before the seventh round.
Joe was there with both fists at all
times and several times handed out wal
lops that brought Langford up with a
Wolgast Begins Training.
Milwaukee, Wis.. Sept . Ad Wol
gast, champion lightweight who Is
matched with Packey McFarland for a
10 round bout here September 15, be
gan active training today. Wolgast
says he is already down to the required
weight 1S3 pounds.
Get naif Back.
New Orleans, Sept. t. Those who at
tended the bout here between Jack Dil
lon and Eddie MoGoorty, which was
stopped in the fourth round when it
was discovered that Dillon had a large
boll on his right arm, received today
half of their, admittance money.
HaysDefeata Larsm.
Cleveland, Ohio. Bept. 6. Grover Hays
of Columbus, today checked up another
bout in his win column, the 10 round
scrap with Chuck Larsen going to ths
If You Need a Medicine
Yon Should Have the Best
Although there are hundreds of pre
parations advertised, there is only one
that really stands out pre-eminent as a
remedy for diseases of the kidneys, liver
and bladder.
Pr. Kilmer's Swsmp-Root stands the
highest for the reason that It has proved
to be Just the remedy needed in thous
ands upon thousands of even the most
distressing cases.
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly
because its mild and Immediate effect is
soon realized. It 'is a gentle, healing
vegetable compound.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is a physi
cian's proscription for special diseases,
which is not recommended for every
thing. . A Sworn Certificate of Purity la with
every bottle.
For sale at all drug stores, in bottles
of two sizes fifty-cent and one dollar.
In order to prove what Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder rem
edy will do for you, every reader of the
Portland Dally Journal who has not
already tried it, may receive a sample
bottle by mall absolutely free. Ad
dress Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Blnghamton,
N. Y. Write today.
- During the summer most persons are annoyed with pimples, boils,
rashes or emotions, while others suffer more severely with Eczema,
! Acne. Tetter. Salt Rheum, or some kindred skin disease. All skin
; affections come from humors and
as it circulates through the system, deposits these humors and acids in
the sensitive membranous flesh which lies just beneath the outer skin.
This acrid matter causes inflammation and a discharge which breaks
through the delicate cuticle, and skin diseases are the result To euro
any skin trouble the blood must be freed from all acids and humors,
and for this purpose nothing equals S. 5. S. It removes every particle
of the impurity, enriches the blood, and In this way permanently cures
skin diseases. Book on Skin Disease and any medical advice free. for sale .'at drug stores. ' . '
Columbus boy on s decision. Larsen
waa Completely outclassed.
Delhi BenodicC
Riverside, Cal., Sept. , . Lee W.
(Flame) Delhi, star pitcher of the Los
Angeles baseball team Is about to be
come a ' benedict His bride-to-be Is
Miss Rose V. Leonett, IS, of Los An
galea, Delhi gave bis age as 21.
: Sullivan's Backer Dead.
New York. Bept 6. John H. Cusack
Of Brooklyn, backer of John L. Sulli
van, . former heavyweight champion of
the- world, la dead nere today, uusacx
la aald to have lost $61,000 In bets
when James J. Corbett defeated JohnL.
J. E. Sullivan Resigns.
New York. Sept 6. James B. Sulli
van, chairman of ths New York state
boxing commission has' resigned. Ill
health Is given today as the reason for
Sullivan's retirement
' Game Postponed.
Spokane, Wash., Sept . Bain halt
ed the local game yesterday between
the Vancouver and the Spokane teams.
A double header will be played Sunday.
Touchard Shows Form.
New York. Sept 6. That Gustave F.
Touohard, national tennis doubles cham
pion, today possesses all of the won
derful speed which won him the cham
pionship was made apparent here dur
ing1 a mixed doublea match with Touoh
ard and Miss Holmes playing against
Burned and Itched So He Could Hardly
Stand It. Tried Medicines, Etc.,
Nearly3 Years. In Eternal Misery.
Started Using Cuticura Remedies.
Now Has No Sign of Skin Disease.
"My troubles began along in the summer
m the hottest weather and took the form of
small eruptions and Itching and a kind of
smartisg pain. It took me mostly all over
my back and kept retting worse until Anally
my back was covered with a mass of pimples
which would bum and itch at night so that
I could hardly stand it. This condition
kept getting worse and worse until my hack
was a solid mass of big sores which would
break open and run. My underclothing
would be a clot of blood.
"I tried various blood medicines and other
remedies and salves for nearly three years
and I was not getting any benefit. It seemed
I was In eternal misery and could not sleep
on my back or lean back on a chair. I was
finally given a set of the Cuticura Rem
edies by my brother who recommended then,
to me very highly. I started using the
Cuticura Remedies and inside of two weeks
I could see and feel a great relief. I kept
on using Cuticura Soap, Ointment and also
the Resolvent, and in about three or foul
months' time my back was nearly cured and
I felt like a new being. Now I am In good
health and no sign of any skin diseases
and I am fully satisfied that Cuticura Rem
edies are the best ever made for skin diseases.
I will always recommend them to any
body who will use according to directions.
I would not be without them." (Signed)
W. A. Arras troDg, Corbtn, Kan. , May 20, 101 1.
For more than a generation Cuticura Soap
and Ointment hare afforded the most eco
nomical treatment for affections of ths skin
and scalp of Infanta, children and adults.
Although sold by druggists and dealers
throughout ths world, a liberal sample of
each, with 32-p. book on the sldta, will be
sent free, on application to Potter Drug
hem. Corp., Dept. 27 A, Boston-
You Will Feel Better in
a Few Treatments
fc "vw ,
Through tha relief afforded to suf
fering humanity in this Northwest, C
Gee wo, the Chinese doctor, has been
heralded by all his patients as the
greatest of his kind. He treats any
and all diseases with simple yet pow
erful remedies, compounded from Roots,
Herbs, Barks and Bulbs, many of which
are not found In this country and their
healing properties familiar only to ths
Chinese scientists. With these reme
dies he guaratoes to cure Catarrh,
Cancer, Asthma, Xiung Troubles, Rheu
matism, nervousness, Btomaob, xlver
and Kidney Troubles) also private dis
eases of men and women.
If you live out of town and cannot
call, write for symptom -blank and cir
cular. Inclosing 4 cents in stamps.
The C.Gce Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162H 1st St., oor. Morrison, Portland, Or.
ycut km. u Bwt. Stfart, Almn Rai labia
PALE i.JL-fti
PPfl pi C cored ib yoa haaar vka ta aa.
Wa ha an tad thaaa aoeiplaiaia
far thin; yaare wttk ansa's urserse uvsa rtua.
Taa IMS at Mar and aal baWar.aAar aalag la am. Oaa
til far a daaa. Ste boa ai atom ar af anil. Vat
hiaplaawrtta PA SOS1SKO 06 alladalhta. fa.
fi-l-W-Ur' llj Br.dY
Pill, la U4 4 .M mJllcV
boi, Mid tth Blua Ribba.y
Take tkar. Br fysnp .
acids i&the. circulation. The blood,
Mlaa Gillette and Harry Parker. Fre
quently throughout the match Touch
ard cut loose, bewildering his opponents
with hla wonderful assortment et
drives and twists. The match went to
Touchard and Mlsa Holmes,
Trophy Kemalna Here.." ".
Huntington. L. I., Sept Aa a' re
sult of the easy victory of the American
boat Dixie IV In the motorboat race
hr tha International motorboat tro
phy cup will remain In this country tor
another year at least. .
The Dixie IV nnisnea mn"
k Tr'nt.iiah MmitiMiffar Pioneer, cov
ering the 10 mile course iri 40 minutes,
unofficial time.
Nobody Greets Hack.
New York, Sept . Nobody loves a
itmn.ani1.nnt not Vpn in big NOW
York, where there ought to be a few
persons of a sympathetic attitude to
wn a inr Thin fact was demon
strated here today when George Hack-
enschmldt arrived in town, mere wm
It matters not what yeur ail
ment is, ner who haa treated It, if it
Is curable we will give you immedi
ate benefit and a quick and lasting
Do not allow money matters to
keep you from getting well. We
nViarva nntVilna? ta nrnv flur math-
ods will cure you. Our offer
NO MONUJX tlhiiJU Itirju UMlllj
SATISFIED is your absolute pro
tection. Consultation, examination
and diagnosis free.
We claim for our treatment noth
ing "wonderful" or "secret" It is
simply our successful way of doing
elsewhere, honestly Investigate our
proven methods. Ton will shea under
stand how easily and quickly we on re
all curable eases of VAUOOBB YBXHS
without severe surgical operation
cutting or burning; SPBCITIO BbOOD
FOXSOir without injurious drugs (60S
skillfully administered wheapref erred):
stimulative remedies; PB.OSTATIO,
B1VADDBB and XZBBirr troubles;
TAZi complaints, and all ailments of
What you want Is a cure. Come
to us and get it. Once under our
treatment, you will quickly realise
how simple a thing It la to get well
In the hands of a specialist who
knows his business. Our cures add
not only years to life, but life to
years. Office hours, dally. I to I;
evenings, 7 to S; Sundays, 10 to 1.
868 Washington St Portland, Or.
1 r ;
Men's Specialist
I am positively the only specialist
in Portland that publishes his own
photograph, personally conducts and
manages his own office and consults
with snd treats all his own patients.
I have more qualifications and ex
perience than any other specialist ad
vertising in this city.
Every man calling at my office Is
assured of my personal and individ
ual treatment until a cure Is effect
ed. My fees are one fourth that ex
acted by the various "medical com
panies," "institutes" and "museums."
Be sure to consult me before treat
ing elsewhere.
Why treat with Incompetents when
you can secure the expert services
of a competent specialist?
Come to me If you have any of the
following disorders: Varicose Veins,
Hydrocele, Obstructions, Merra, Blood
and Skin Disorders, Bladder Trou
bles, Blood Poisons, Sruptlons, tri
cars, Weakness, Prostatitis, Piles or
9 to B T to 8 Dally; lunday. 10 to 1.
Bxadnatlon Advice Free.
31IH Washington art., cornea' Lxth.
Portland, Or.
Man ft Woman fnrail
. The well now
NhS Chinese Medical Co.
Jr. Ohaa ". Chan,
DBS. X. OBCAH with their Chineee
medicines of herbs and roots, cure won
derfully. They have cured many suf
ferers when all other remedies have
failed. Sure cure for both Internal and
external sickness and ail chronlo, pri
vate ailments. Our remedies ere harm-
. . , ...i.l, 1m Wa rm...
.less ana kiv nw -
tions. Consultation free. Examinations
for ladles by Mrs. Chan. Can or write
! for symptom blank to K. OHAI CKI
St., between si m" -vnai
majmoved to 833 Wash., eoraer Bd
CfTV CJ Clio No
" ' Chinese' Doctor,
Hla Chinese herbs and
rant miUln.i u
blood troubles end all
a heart,
'A ,'' ' J ?
no brass band or big crowd en hand to
meet the tamed Russian , Lion, lie
aroused about as much enthusiasm In
sporting circles as did James J. Jt
frles upon the visit ef that defeated
one to Gotham.
EggSB-ggBgB ...J,.!',. ,. J
A Crreet Ad ventage eo Wertta Kan.
I. A. Maple. 1J & Tth St. Btauben
vUle, O., says: "For years I suffered
from weak kidneys and a severe hla.Mer
trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills -and
their wonderful cures so I began
taking them and sure enough I had as
good results as any I heard about. My
ackache left me and to one of my busi
ness, expressman, that alone la a greet
advantage. My kidneys acted free and
normal, and that saved me a lot of
misery. It la now a pleasure to work
where It used -to be a misery. Foley
Kidney Pills have cured me and have
my highest praise."
Skldmore Drug Co., two stores. Main
store, 161 3rd St; branch store, Morri
son and West Park Sta.
1 '.'"..x.'lj
A. G. Smith M. D.
Lieadlns Spclallt
for iVlan
I am tha onlv 8BaMarlst ta Pert-'
land who uses his true name and
photograph la his annonneemrats. 1
ace eiiu treat my patlenta peraonairy.
and am not a "medlee! company."
"medical Institute" or a "medloei
system." All men should know who
the doetor la they consult, and
should carefully consider whether
they desire to entrust their health
with a hired doctor of a medical
company. I use my photograph as
that when you eome to eee me per
sonally yon will recognise me. In
vestigate my personal standing be
fore accepting treatment from a doo
tor of unknown Identity er reyu ta
ttoo. Are You
Being treated In a satisfactory man
ner by your present doctor? Is he
carrying out his promises? Has he
curea you :n s naaonanit urn a, ana
lived up to his guarantees Are you
raying him exorbitant prlceo for
medlclnet Does be employ thor
oughly cp-to-date - and scientlfl?
methods, which would be approve
by the regular family doctor? If
you cannot answer these questions
favorably to yourself, eome and have
a confidential talk, with me about
your Ase. it win cost you nothing.
Cured in Five Days
I cure such disorders as Varlcoee
Veins, Hydrocele, - Files. Speelfle
moon ronton, etc completely ana
permanently, often with only a sin
gle treatment. No severe operattone
employed, nor detention from btiat
Bess. I especially solicit stubborn,
snd long standing eases that other
aoctore hits lanea io eure.
Examination Free
I offer not onlv FREB eonault'
tlon and advice, bat of every ease
inn comes to me i win nsu m ears
ful examination and diagnosis with
out charge. No ailing man- should
neglect thla opportunity to get ear
pert opinion about hla troub1x
If you cannot ealL write for diag
nosis chart. My of flees are open all
day from SAM. lo I F. U. i
uunaays rront if to a.
Dr. A. Q. Smith
aaeVS Korrlson Street, Cox.
Fortlaad. Oa.
oobstuxt ica xmxm
I ours to stay cured
where others fail. I
am known as the
specialist of last re
sort the man of
trustworthy charac
ter and nnerrina; -knowledge.
I cure
Nervous Decline, . 1
Varicose Veins, Hy-f
A rOPal M Hh.t rtfHrn at V!"
ney. Bladder, Pros-
tatlo and all ali
ments Peculiar to men. Consultation al-I
waya free. , . .fy,.
Dr. Lindsay j
The Old Bellahle sTpeolallst.
Comer Alder and Second streets. Kn-J
trance 128H Second street, Portland.
Or. Office liours 8 A. M. to I P. M.,
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
I Cure Men
Fay When Cured.
General DebU.
' Ity, Weak Berves,
' Insomnia- Beau I ts
of exposure, overwork and other vio
lations of Mature' laws. Diseases ef
Bladder and Kidneys. Varicose
Veins, quickly and permanently
eared at small expense.
tracted and chronlo cases cured.
All burning, itching and Inflamma
tion stopped In 24 hours. - Cures ef
fected in seven days. Consultation
free. If unable to call, write for
list of questions.
Office hours I A M. to P. M.
Sundara, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
aeM Washington at., oor. First.
Fortlaad. Oragoa
' CKaa Prompt aa4 f. (factual !!!
without InmnTsnwfi'a, ia
Kotikai tmiiMKl rjiilrat.