The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 06, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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- i
lAt evening the first ot the mwy
September weddings wu solemnised
when Dr. J. R. Wilson, of Portland
Academy, read the service which made
MJss Katherlne F. Falling the bride or
Henry C Hits of Hood Klver. The cere
; mony was performed at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Edward Falling,
Johnson street. In the presence of about
7s relatives and friends. The rooms
were decorated with palms and lilies,
and ofl the bride's "table Bride roses
were used. Henry Falling, the bride's
brother, gave her Into the groom's keep
ing. 6he was gowned in Irory satin
with a long veil held In plaoe with
o ranee blossoms. Her flowers were
white asters. Miss Rhoda Falling at
tended her sister as bridesmaid. , Bhe
, wore white marquisette with a pinR
sash and carried pink asters. Edward
Bhenard. of Hood River, was best man,
Mr. and Mrs. Rlti have gone to their
future home In Hood River.
Mrs. George K. Wentworth Is leaving
tomorrow for a stay or two weens at
Oearhart .
Miss Susan Clark, who Is at present
' at Lakeview, Wash,, Is exported t0 re"
turn to Portland on the 10th of this
month. Mies Dorothea Nash, whose
-' apartment in Ionian Court, Miss Clark
" has had for the summer," returned Sat-
xirday from three months spent In the
beauty of the Cascade mountains and
will open her studio September 14. Miss
' Nash took two wonderful walking trips
In the mountains with different par
ties tinder the guidance of her brother
W. Gifford Nash. In the first party
" wu Mrs. Charles F. Swlgert, Miss
Elisabeth Cadwell ' Miss Ann Frlend
lich. Miss Nash and Mr. Nash. The
second walk was taken In company with
' Judge and Mrs. C U. Gantenbeln and
; their two children. Ellen and Jamie.
; Miss Nash spent some time In Nash
i vllle before her return and visited Miss
J Flora Mason at Newport.
Mrs. T N. Fleischner is expected to re
J turn this evening from Seaside.
J Holt W. Cookingham left for the east
last evening 'to enter his freshman year
In Princeton. He went in company
with J. Frank Ball, who will begin his
; junior year in the same college.
. . .
Miss Hazel Tichner entertained with
two tables of cards yesterday afternoon
for Miss Pansy Sweetser, whose wed
ding Is an event of September. A num
ber came in for tea after the games.
Miss Tlohner has as her guest at pres.
ent Miss Gertrude Jones of Labblah
. .
Mrs. Russell Hawkins and daughter.
Miss Margaret, returned yesterday,
after an extended visit of five months
In Indiana with relatives.
Miss' Emilia Frances Bauer left last
evening for New York, by way of San
Francisco, after having passed the sum
mer with her mother, Madame Julia
Bauer. The Misses Marlon and Flora
Bauer will Join their sister in Chicago
. fortnight hence. On Friday Mrs.
Beatrice Dlerke will entertain for them
and on Saturday Mrs. Elfreda Heller
Welnstein will , be a hostess in their
Lieutenant Robert C Richardson.
Fourteenth United States cavalry, is
visiting his. brother, John T. Richard
son, for a few days prior to his de
parture for the Philippines to Join his
Mrs. G. W. Holllster. 778 Ivan street.
has as her house guests until Septem
ber 16, her mother and father, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Kiehl; her sister. Miss Flor
ence Kelhl, and her brother and his
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Kiehl, all of
Pasadena, who are starting on a world
tour which will pot be completed for
two years. They sail from Seattle the
eighteenth, on the Minnesota for . To
Konama, They will visit the Durbar in
India in December, the Holy Land and
ail interesting places In the old world.
- . t . . . . c
in Buuinern rranco iney will nave a
villa and make it their headquarters.
going from it on the many side trips
Written for The Journal by Dam More.
E is GOING away to college this
rail. For two years they have
been boy and girl sweethearts at
high school. He Is tl and she Is
18. They were engaged, of
course, and the girl writes that she
hesitates to announce their engagement
It 1s well to hesitate, and better to
abandon any such Idea altogether. It
isn't fair to either party, and espe
cially to the girl. Four years of ool
lege and then two or three years of
hard work before the young man will
be in a position to marry. That la six
years for the girl to do nothing but
wait: six years to stand by all those
covenants that an announced engage
ment Implies.
High school romances are the pretti
est, sweetest romances that ever come
into our lives, because they are fresh
and pure and airy. But that which la
ideal this year may not seem the same
in a couple of summers. When a sweet
heart goes east' to college,' It means
that he will come Into contact with a
new element in human life, a new view
point, new modes, and, yes, I must
say even though It hurts new loves.
There never was a college boy yet who
didn't get the fever. It isn't fair to him
to be tied to a girl at home at the age
of 21. In the next few years the boy
will grow Into a man. - He will develop.
He will change more . than his high
school sweetheart can ever understand.
He will be an entirely different person
at the end of four years.
And ths girl must make the most of
her youth. To be engaged to a boy
3000 sntles away la not the happiest
condition for a young girl Just enter
ing her nineteenth year. It is as If she
wore a signboard on her breast, "Sold,"
for aii the attention she will get from
other youths, and ft Is attention that
we all live for, little girl There will
be many little pleasures and parties
from which a bethrotbal ring will ex
clude bar. No young man Is justified
in aaking a girl to commit herself to
such an existence when the chances
are that nothing but heartache and the
bitterest disillusion can oome of It
iet your sweetheart ge him way un
pledged and unfettered. Let him take
up his new life without a rook tied
round his neck. And, preserve your
love, if such It be, hidden deep In your
heart it is seldom that the high
scnooi romance blossoms Into matii
mony. It is so seldom that the first
love Is the last love, and it Is so often
that absence breeds havoc In the heart
market that any tfrl or any boy Is
making a mistake when they announoe
a betrothal on the eve of a four year
separation, it isn't history that such
plans mature. And, a broken engage
ment is orten a piurui thing for a
woman to face.
Long engagements are almost as fa
tal as elopements after a week's ac
qualntanoe. Three months notice Is
sufficient announcement to give the
world, for it is a trying time for every
body not excepting those little butter
fly girls whose days and nights are a
round of dinners, dances, luncheons and
what not, followed Immediately after
marriage with appendicitis.
that abound. They will do the British
Isles and sail from Liverpool. .They
will be joined In New Tork by Mrs. Hol
llster who will tour the United States
with them. R. C. Kiehl 'will be the
correspondent for the southern Califor
nia papers on the trip.
Mrs. Charles Kohn and her daughter
Miss Florence Kohn have returned from
the Canadian Rockies, where they passed
the summer months.
. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goldsmith (Miss
Amy Seller) of San Francisco, are be
ing felicitated upon the birth of a son.
Mrs.a Goldsmith Is a sister ef Mrs. Fred
erica Seller.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Miller, their
daughter, Miss Agnes Miller, and Miss
Grace Kern, will sail from Seattle the
14th of this month for China, on the
beginning of a trip around the world.
They will stop in Singapore, Calcutta,
Claire and interesting continental points.
They expect to be gone about a year.
Questions and Answers
Helpful Hints on
Hair Health
Scalp and Hair Troubles
Generally Caused by
; Dandruff is a contagious disease
j caused by a microbe which also pro
- duces baldness. Never use a comb or
brush belonging to some one else. No
. matter how cleanly the owner may be,
these articles may be Infected with
. microbes, which will infect your scalp.
It is far easier to catch hair microbes
than It Is to get rid of them, and a
single stroke of an infected comb or
brush may well lead to baldness. Never
try on anybody else's hat Many a hat
band is a resting place for microbes.
If you happen to be troubled with
dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair or
baldness, we have a remedy which we
believe will completely relieve these
troubles. We are so fiure of this that
( Offer It to VOU With th nnH,r.l..J.
ing that itf will rost you nothing for the
inui ii ic uoes not produce the results
we eiaun. 'ltils remedy la called Rexall
vi Jlalr Tohlr. We honestly believe
it. to be the most scientific remedy for
scalp and hair troubles, ..and we know
u numing eis mat equals it for effect
iveness, oecauae or the results It h
produced in thousands of cases
Rexall 98" Ilair Tonic is devised to
oanjsn oanaruTr, restore natural color
wnen its loss has been brought about by
Disease, ana make the hair naturally
i.A.jr, Bui i na giossy. it does this bo-
vause ii stimulates the hair follicles, de
scroys uie germ matter, and brings
about a free, healthy circulation of
,, oiuoa, wnicn nourishes the hair roots,
causing them to tighten and grow new
hair. Ws wart even-bod v whn h.
trouble with hair or scalp to know that
va a air towo la the best hair
tonlo and restorative in existence, and
no one should scoff at or d,oubt this
statement until they have put our claims
to a falr test, with the understanding
that they pay us nothing for the rem
edy n noes, npt give full and Com
Ilete satisfaction In svery particular.
Two sixes, SO cents and $1.00. Remem
ber, you can obtain Rexall , Remedies
oniy at me owi imig co cor. 7th
and Washington Sis. '
Dear Miss More: Can you tell me
some becoming styles of hair dressing
for a girl 15 years old, 6 feet and t
Inches tall, with a medium full face,
and who wears her dresses about two
Inches above her shoe tops?
Also, can you tell me how to prepare
a cucumber neck bleach and a good rem
edy for bleaching the arms and facet
What do you think of buttermilk as a
remover of tan 7 ikknel
I send by mall some styles of hair
dressing that will be becoming. There
is nothing better than buttermilk to
remove tan. Wash your face and neck
In It several times a day and let It dry
without wiping off. Tse fresh butter
milk every day tsstil results have been
obtained. Three or four applications
will not remove the tan. Two or three
weeks of constant work will be neces
sary. Tou can use the Juice of the cu
cumber the same way as the butter
milk, but It Is not so good. If you are
badly tanned and your skin has become
hard looking, a good remedy la oatmeal
pasta Boll the oatmeal until soft sd
smooth and of rather stiff consistency,
then work Into paste with sweet bll
oil. Spread the paste on at night and
leave until it hardens. Cover it well
with a cotton cloth -to prevent getting
It on the bed covering, I send by mall
the Austrian neck bleach.
(Spedal to The JourntL)
Boston, Sept. 6. John W. Belcher of
Centre street, Newton, has just finished
a remarkable mechanical figure of a
woman which walks, talks, writes and
smiles. The figure is five feet eight
Inches in height and weighs 1S5 pounds.
It is dressed In a red silk gown of .the
latest design, and can move Its Hps,
eyes, mouth, arms, legs and fingera
Nearly seven years ago Mr. Belcher,
who had previously spent about 10 years
in quest of perpetual motion, began the
construction of the figure. To make the
figure talk, sing and answer questions
the Inventor uses a phonograph. Mr.
Belches Is said to be a bachelor.
(rnltd Pre Leaerrt Wle.)
New Tork, Sept 8. Search for the
famous painting, Mona Lisa, which was
stolen from the Louvre In Paris, is now
being conducted in this country. In
formation leaking from the custom
house today says that the picture is
believed to have entered America
through a Canadian port and to have
been shipped west, where a millionaire
is said to be negotiating for It.
The Kitchen
Below will be found three choice
recipes for piccalilli that have been con
tributed by readers of The Journal.
Also one for green tomato pickle,
wee Qrsen Tomato Sickle.
ls-pound -lard pad or one-half box
green tomatoes; wash, slice and salt;
let stand IS hours; one-half dosen me
dium dry onions, a green peppers, out
fine; 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 teaspoon
ginger, 1 teaspoon black pepper. 1 tea
spoon cloves, all ground; I pound brown
sugar. Put layer of tomatoes, onions
and peppers in poroelain kettle, alter
nately with spice and sugar until full:
Cover with best cider vinegar and let
simmer one-half hour, Will make about
six pints. MRS. S. C. B.
Piccalilli No. 1 One peck of green
tomatoes. Chop the tomatoes and soak
In salt and water over night; drain
thoroughly and put into oold vinegar.
Tou can leave your tomatoes In cold
vinegar and add these other Ingredients
when convenient but when you do, pour
off the' old vinegar and put on fresh.
The other Ingredients are six red .pep
pers, six onions, one pound sugar, three
teaspoons whole cloves, three of whole
allspice. Chop the onions and peppers
before they are put Into the tomatoes.
The peppers are the little capsicum.
Piccalilli No. t One peck of green
tomatoes, one-half peck of onions, three
or four cabbage heads, chopped fine;
one cup of salt mix well, let stand over
night In .the morning drain off the
liquid. Let one quart of vlneear and
two quarts of water come to a boll and
pour over the ingredients. Let stand
two hours; then drain again. Now to
six green peppers, chopped fine, and
seven or eight bunohes of celery, chopped
fine, add one cup of white mustard seed,
two taoiespoons of tumeric, I or 7 cups
of sugar and four quarts of good vine
gar. Let boll until tender; stir often
to prevent scorching, seal In glaas jars.
II green peppers can not be obtained
take one tablespoonful of red peppers
and if celery stock can not be had take
one cupful of celery seed. I have made
It with red peppers and celery seed
with good results. -
Piccalilli Recipe No. 3 One peck
green tomatoes, one dosen large onions.
one large head cabbage, one small root
horseradish, one-half dozen red pep
pers, one ounce of white mustard seed.
one pound brown sugar, one handful of
mixed pickling spices. Enough good
sprinkle with salt and let stand over
night Chop cabbage, onions, peppers
and horseradish root fine, sprinkle with
salt and let stand over'.night In the
morning drain off all Juices, chop toma
toes fine. Mix all together with mus
ter seed and spices; heat vinegar to
boiling point with sugar. Pack mix
ture in stone crock or glass Jars and
pour hot vinegar over. Seal up Jars
and put in a cool place. E. L. W.
When a rich old bachelor gets sick
his kin folks are willing for him to trv
nearly anything except the pretty nurse
cure.. Galveston News.
Portland Printing House Co.
Book, 0 a t l o g and Commercial
.r -Printing
Hook Bledls tad Bl&njt Book BCakta
;:SS Taylor Si: Piones: A228J, M6201
Dear Miss More: Please send me a
reliable recipe for canning tomatoes.
C. L.
I am sending two good recipes by
mall, either of which is reliable if the
tomatoes are kept in the dark.
Dear Miss More: Kindly tell me what
will remove iodine stains from bed
linen. MRS. K.
Put the stained portion In a vessel
and pour diluted carbollo acid over the
spot It will disappear like magic.
Dear Miss More: Can you furnish
me with a green tomato plckleT
, M. M.
A recipe such as you want appeared
on this page Monday, September 4.
9t VI st
Good Health Clubs.
The formation of good health clubs
n the elementary schools Is an lnno
vatlon which Is bound to bear practical
fruit. A good health club In a large
school In Alabama has formulated the
following pledge for Its members:
I promise
l.kTo be ss regular Jn my habits as
can, to rise at the same hour, retire
at the same hour, eat my meals at the
same hour each day and not to eat be
tween meals.
-2. Never to sleep in a room without
having at least one wide open window.
3. To choose food thatls nourishing
and to stop eating when I have enouah
4. To drink at least eight 'glasses of
water each day, two before breakfast
and two before dinner, two after school
and two before retiring.
6. To walk and sit with head and
shoulders well up and chest expanded.
. To fill my lungs with fresh air be
fore each meat
7. To spend as much time In the sun
shine as possible each day.
8. To avoid strong stimulants of any
Kino. -
8. To brush my teeth every night and
10. To baths frequently, so as to keep
tu tne pores in my body open.
In connection with the study of school
hygiene, much attention Is given to the
temperature and air of the schoolroom.
During the past year a series of Inter
esting experiments in schoolroom tem
peratures was made. It was -Indicated
by these that a highly heated room is
productive of many bad results, i Chil
dren do their best work In a cool room.
Dust in the school atmosphere also has
men pronounced injurious in many
ways ana ror .wis reason floor oil,
vacuum cleaners kand many other de
vices for the abolition of dust have been
introduced into the publlo school.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Dan
derine and try this stops
hair falling out
Dnnderine dissolves every particle of
Dandruff like snow beneath the blazing
sun, cleanses, purifies and Invigorates
the scalp; forever stopping itching and
falling hair.
Within ten minutes after an applica
tion of Danderlne you cannot find a
single trace of Dandruff or a loose or
falling hair and your scalp will not
Itch, but what will please you most will
be after a few weeks' use, when you
will actually see new hair, fine and
downy at first- yen but really new
hair sprouting all over the scalp.
A little Danderlne will immediately
uouoie tne peauty of your hair. No
uiierence now dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with
Danderlne and carefully draw it through
your hair, taking one small strand at
a time. The effect is amazing your
hair will be light fluffy and wavy, and
nave an appearance of abundance; an
I'vuuiparauie lustre, sortness and lux
uriance, me neauty and shimmer of
irue nair neaitn.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowiton'.
Danderlne from any drug store or toilet
counter, and prove to yourself tonight
now that your hair Is as pretty and
soft as any that It has been neglected
or injured by careless treatment that's
all you surely can have beautiful hair
ana lots or it if you will Just try a Ut
ile uanoerine.
A Bt Louis husband attemoted sui
cide because Tils wife kissed him so
much.. If she had kissed another man.
he would probably have attemDted mur.
dor. Tou can't satisfy the human male
Cincinnati Times-Star ,
Facts Worth Noting
Best equipped business college in the
northwest. Individual instruction.
Over a million dollars a year being
earned by our . former stu
Portland Academy
fits Burs and Otrli for Oolle.
A Primary and Orammar School loeluded.
Graduate! anter on .lamination Hamril
Princeton. Tala and MaaaactauMtta lnatltut.
or irnnoK)gr: on certificate. Amherat. Cor
nell, . BmlUi, . vaaaar, Wllllama and'1
and anireraltlaa of tia Pacific Coast. Well
equipped laooratonea in cnemiatry and Dhr-
alca. Flald practice la aurTerlu. Depart
ments la enarfe of tollca-e men and woman.
ClaaalcaL aclentlflc mod.rn lansnanta and
commercial eouraae. flymnaalum under sklllad
curat tor. Tract ana field atDletlc.
Comer ef Ventf omaiy and Thirteenth, ,
Baar of acceaa from all parts of the dtr.
Office boura for Summer 9 to IS and X
'to . ftttod for Catalog.
XI rh Standard. Thororurfe Courses
1X8 SI OH BEQIHS OCT. 8. 1911. For
catalogue address Dean. IW. S. m. Jo.
ephl, 610 Dekum bids..- Portland. Or.
Bend -for Illustrated Cataloo-.'
The School That Gets Results
fiie Allen Preparatory Sch&ol
Fits for all colleges and technical
schools. Graduates from this school, in
eastern institutions, rank with students
rrom vie Dest seconaary scnooia Of Mew
tune land, special courses.
For catalogue address
ciasi -xweufa ana Bumos, jroruana, or.
uince hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Park Ave, and Bt. Clair ats.
Resident and day school for girls.
Well equipped elementary department.
School opens Sept. 18. Old pupils
should register Sept. 13. New pupils
Sept. 14, 16. 9 to 11 a, m. For cata
log address The Sister Superior, of
fice J. Bt. Helen's Hall.
Defective Speech Corrected
xxr KBADuro taught txji ,ajls
Uf Mm mi m
Mental tralnlnr uid nhvriiwt .mih,..
jor oaoawara ennaren. results assured.
in i -mm uAyrijnc in specialised
work, , ;
Apt 606 Chetopa Annex,,. 18th and
Journal Want Ads Bring Results
Members of the board ef directors of
the Taunt Woman's Christian Associa
tion and fttoers f ' ths Institution
gathered la the parlors recently tobid
farewell to Miss Martha Wheeldon, who
is to leave to attend the national train.
ing school of the association at New
Tork, Until the arrival of Miss Lena
James, Miss Whaaldon was acting gen
eral secretary of r the association.
Mother Roberts, who has Just returned
from a visit with her son In Seattle, was
fcalso an honor nest of ths afternoon.
Mather Roberts was matron of the asso
ciation until last March
Miss F. La Most, the new domestie
soienoe teacher, arrived from Pblladel
phis late last .weak and assumed her
duties Immediately.- A long list of stu
dents for, the course has already, been
filled. . 'ir :j sJxyslv-:.;::
(Special te The Journal )
New Tork, Sept. I. Because
of ths publicity riven to her
plans for a farewell dinner oa :
the eve of her departure for Ne
vada, where, according to her an
nouncement, she Is to begin suit
for divorce, Mrs. Oscar A, Tur
ner, who lives at the Waldorf
Astoria, announced that she had
recalled ths invitations extended
to members of the Reno divorce
colony In Nsw Tork, .:,,v .'--'f,
V ? ' ':, (Spadal to Tbe Journal.) , ' 1
Washington. Sept . Dr. Wv B. Hud
eon, superintendent of the Washington
municipal "bathing beaches," is of the
opinion today that the sklrtlesg bath
lngs' suit- for women Is acceptable at his
Institution. Dr. Hudson goes further
than this aiid recommends that women
wear the jersey and tights of the mas
culine bathing outfit Furthermore, he
has "declared . against stockings, and
says T-omen sro welcome at his beach
sans stockings as well as skirts. .
"It Is absurd to expect a woman tar
go swimming with s regalia sufficient
to keep her warm on the coldest day,"
says ur. Hudson. "I think the rewer
clothes a woman wears, the better off
she is, ss longr as she conforms with
the ideas of decency. The howls for
more clothes for women tswlmmera Is
the result of overzealous critics."
Journal Want Ads bring results
It so happens that a man becomes well supplied with this world's goods, and thoughtless
people promptly brand him as being lucky, the far seeing ones who have seen him in action
have noticed that he shrewdly bought, and ' wisely sold, taking advantage of the market in
every way. You will see the type every day in our store taking advantage of our Removal
Sale and getting from 25 to 50 per cent discount on a dollar purchase. Show your business
sense, and drop in.
- Segular. Removal
Prloe. Sale Prise.
Carpenters' Overalls $ 125 $1.00
Mason's Tape .25 .20
Wood or Buck Saws complete 1.25 .70
Wilkinson's 7-in. Drawing
Knife 1.65 1.35
Carving Sets 6.50 4.50
Chafing Dish Set 10.00 8.00
Scrub Brushes 30 .20
Scrub Brushes J20
Tumbler Brushes .30
Nicholls Squares 2.50
Box Hatchets . 1.40
Carpenters' Aprons 75
Stanley Rule, 3 ft., No. 66 . . .35
Universal Floor Scraper 1.00
Solid Saw Clamps 1.00
Oregon Hardware Co,
107 Sixth Street, Between Washington and Stark
& V & ? V Mv VMti T" ; vv t , -- A i, l tJ :V I
i-s ji'i A . w J r .TCs I
. ' h' if XS' At 'l I at LiJ Lef'l '
' 1 rv li 7 uJz r S a '
vj'qNWvj 1st- ;u.r (-N Ei' V
It's the One Great Show You'll Never Forget
Saturday, September 16th
Round-Trip Fare
From Portland
Westward, Ho! the great mounted frontier parade, thowing the old West in review.
Broncho busting, wildhorse races, cowboy and cowgirl races, pony express and
stage coach races, for. the championship of vthe Northwest. Cowboy pastimes and
novelty races, steer riding and roping, fancy riding and shooting. v
owi1711'0? P0t' Prt,a' 8:00 'c'0k Friday night; arrivei Pendleton early
TftrnffEe wty-Wr; 12.00, upper.; $l.6a V Make . reservations ' early at our, City
.Ticket Office, Third and Washington streets.. ; . . - ;'.:"..:.. C .v
" x Vl McMURRAY,VGeneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
0.-W. R. & N. Co.