The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 05, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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,; I
the Oregon" daily journal; Portland. Tuesday evening September s, 19il'
Knot of TrefHas Likeness of Turtle
Town Topics
mmmmmm 'V
f -
rririT.Trt nn Ximer In "The Havoe.'
. .., ,-
t '
" .
1 .
nRpWkiiMtOrDheurfi" Circuit ' Veude-
vill. '
r i w t rtw stv 11 1 villa. -
eJ PR ESS Sullivan, A. Considlne. vau-
Oaks Par band and Metropolitan
Opera quartet. afternoon aodevenlng.
First run pictures, u . m, r.
- Weather Conditions.
A atorm of decided character Ja cen
4.T .u. n.t Halt Lake basin, and
a secondary dleturbar.ce la central over
the upper Mississippi valley. - A. large
hiSr, nressure area overlies the Canadian
northwest, and the barometer Is rising
.' -.iiA.nia Phannmrnal v heavy rains
In- the last 12 hours, and In the last
24 hours the ran amouniea u
inches, which la the heaviest "hour
rainfall on record bo early In the sea
aon. Good ralna have also fallen in
nearly all the other sections .or JreBn
and in eastern Washington and Idaho,
but no precipitation-of consequence is
reported along the coast and in north.
w2.arn Waahlnrton. Heavy rains fell
yesterday in Montana and the Dakotas.
and last night in Minnesota and por
tlona of Wlaconaln. The temperature
haa fallen in the northern states from
the Pacific ocean to the eeat lakes,
and risen in the lake region and Ohio
valley. Elsewhere the changea have
been unimportant
The conditions ara favorable for -fair
weather in Oregon and Washington
Wednesday, preceded by showers to
night. In Idaho thunderstorms will
occur either tonight or Wednesday. The
temperature will rise in the interior of
western Oregon Wednesday.
Portland and vicinity Showers to
night; Wednesday probably fair and
warmer; westerly winds
Oregon Showers tonight: Wednesday
probably fair; warmer interior west por
tion; westerly winds.
Washington Fair west, showers east
portion tonight; Wednesday probably
fair; waaterly winds.
Idaho Thunderstorms tonight or
Identified. The dead body of
the man found upright in tha Willam
ette river under the Taylor atreet dock
yesterday morning by E. P. Williams,
mate of the steamer Pomona, was Iden
tified this morning as Henry Albers
hardt, employed on the steamer Lurllne,
who disappeared lsst Wednesday night.
How he came to hia death Is unknown,
but it is believed that in attempting to
board the ateamer he fell overboard.
The man Is believed to have a family at
Rltxvllle. Wash. Albershardt. who la
also known as Henry Hart, was em
cloyed also by an Implement house a
Seventeenth and Savier streeta, and It
waa employes from this place who Iden
tified the man at the coroner'a office
thla morning.
Slrunmere Xse 91030 H. L. Scott and
wife, recent arrlvala from Cambridge,
B. C while on a slumming tour through
the negro clubs In the north end last
night, lost 11030. ol which lioou was
In currency and $30 was in gold. The
loss Is believed to have been sustained
at the Oregon Social, club at 326 V
Couch street, where Scott and his wife
and a Miss Tody believed the handbag
which contained the money waa left
on a hall tree. The trio, gueets of the
Golden West hotel, agreed to appear at
police headquarters this morning to aa
company the detectives assigned on tha
case, but they did not appear and De
tectives Day and Smith, who were as
signed by Captain of Detectives Baty,
waited In vain for them to appear.
Woman Pined fas Josle Shields, ar
rested yesterday afternoon on a war
rant charging her with the theft of
110 from Fred Wstberg, and who.
when arrested by Patrolman King, waa
believed to be a white slave, working
for George Bollln. a Greek, in whose
company she was found, waa fined $26
by Judge Tazwell thla morning, and
the white alave theory was exploded.
When an attempt waa made to make a
white slave case against the man, the
woman refused to appear against him,
and no other witnesses were obtain
able. Edgar Stephens Dead Edgar Louis
Stephens, a resident of this city for
the past nine years, died August 29, in
Edmonton, Alberta, of typhoid fever
and owing to the nature of the disease,
he was burled there as the authorities
would not permit the taking of his
body aoross the line. Mr. Stephens
was a traveling salesman and waa
touring that country on business. He
leaves a wife, Mrs. Margaret Morand
Stephens, of 1688 Eaat Seventh street,
and two children by a former marriage,
Gertrude and Archie Stephens.
The Sessions of tha taw Department
of the University of Oregon will now
be held in new and commodious quar
ters on. the second floor of the Central
building at Tenth and Alder streets.
The fall term opena September 18, 1911.
For catalogue giving full Information
address Walter Glllard, secretary, 611
Corbett building, Portland. Or.
Woman rails "Masher" When a man
she did not know accosted Miss Eliza
beth vPetera of 997 Commercial street
near her home at 11 o'clock last night,
while she was on her way home from
tha telephone office where she la em-
F. W. Baltes
and Company
invito your
inquiries for
PL An,t J Main 165
Phones jHome x U6ft
First and Oak
Gear; Street, above Union Square
. European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
New steel and brick structure. Every
modern convenience. Moderate rates.
Canter el theatre and retail district On
' ear lines transferring all ovar citr. Eleo
trie omnibus aseeU trains and steamers.
"Strange how hard yes have V study
the menus' f find something good
when yer has lots of coin, and
how easy yer can think of all the
good things t' eat when yer
hungry an' not a cent in yer
ployed, the young woman turned on him
and with a stinging and well directed.
blow knocked tha "masher" into the
street The woman rushed to her home
and told her brother, Adam, of the af
fair and he took after the man, but waa
unable to find him. . The affair was re
ported to police headquarters, where a
description of the assailant waa, given.
Team and Man . Klsslnff--Ernest
Smith and a team of horses
rented by A. W. Hill of Sherwood, Or..
froni a Sherwood livery firm, are being
sought by tha police. Hill cams to town
Sunday and wlta hfm came Smith
When the two arrived in town Smith
asked Hill If he could borrow the team
and rig for an hour, to take his "best
girl" for a ride. Smith and the team
have not showed up, and Hill fears he
may be arrested. The police have been
asKed to prevent him front being ar
Heavy Pines Imposed Carrying con
cealed weapons came high for two in
dlvlduala, one an alleged Hungarian
count, 81rgia Alonco Cabral, who was
arrested by Patrolman Blma Sunday at
Fourth and Oak streets, and who' waa
fined $30 by Judge Tazwell this morning.
The other victim waa Pete Bliegan, ar
rested last night at Russell and Delay
streets by Patrolman Heppner for dls
playing a gun In a saloon. He was
fined $50 by Judge Taswell this morn
Portland Camp Ho. 107, Woodmen of
the World, will have aa its guest Head
Consul I. I. Boak of Denver, Colo., Wed
nesday, September 6, at W. O. W. tem
ple on Eleventh street. The men of
Portland are cordially Invited to come
and hear him on thla occasion. An
elaborate musical program will also be
rendered. Come and meet Head Consul
Boak and enjoy an evenlng'a entertain
ment with the members of Portland
Camp No. 107.
Hon Dowa by Auto-u-B. -E. Leonard,
while driving his electrio automobile at
Fourteenth and Washington streets at
7 o'clock last night ran down Thomas
Murray, who waa scratched and badly
bruised by his fall into the street Mur
ray was not Injured enough, however,
to need medical attention. No arrest
was made, as Leonard waa driving
very alow.
suspected Wife Beater A report was
made to police headquarters that Wil
bur 8. Barbur of 666 Lovejoy street had
been beating his wife and that It waa
necessary .for a patrolman to go to the
house to protect the woman. Patrol
man H. A. Lewis was assigned and re
mained near the home for several hours,
but the man did not return. He is be
lieved to have taken a revolver In his
pocket when he left the home.
German Day at Pair John Day, pub
llclty manager for the Oregon state
fair. Is In Portland teday arranging the
details for the big German day celebra
tion at the fair Friday of next week.
Day has also taken up the detaila of the
big Good Roads day. In which motor
enthusiasts of the state are expected
to tour to Salem with their cara loaded
with good roada boosters, the closing
day or the fair.
Business and Bellglon Free lectures
will be given at 491 Alder street at 8
o'olock tonight B. Ooldapp will dls-
cuss "Too Much Business In Religion,
followed by 10 minute talks. Wednes
day. Professor Morris, on "Training of
uniinren ; rnursaay, c Wheeler, on
"The Vital Question"; Friday, I. A.
Ariel, on "The Second Coming of
Publlo Docks A meeting of the pub
lie docks commission is to be held
Thursday afternoon of this week, and
the Important feature of the session la
an anticipated report of Dock Engineer
Hegarat on preliminary data collected
In connection with the $2,600,000 public
hooks system which will be built In
Central W. a T. T7. Central W. C.
T. U. will meet as usual Wednesday
arternoon at 2:80 In room 302 Good-
nough building. The subject will be
"How Have We Shown Our Colors Dur
ing Vacation?" The president, Mra.
Margaret Houston, will preside.
Minors to Be Watched Chief SI over
Issued an order Sunday morning to
the effect that patrolmen must here
after give more attention to minora
playing pool In open pool rooms. Here
after all offenders are to be arrested
and not merely warned. v
' Doing Aweyf Tou need a new trunk
or grip before you go. Anyway have
the old one repaired. Wilson, the trunk
man. zei Washington st
School Books Bought, sold and ex
changed at 168 Fifth street opposite
posioince, ana Becond," near Sal
Steamer Jesse Harass fir Camas,
Washougsl and way landings, daily as
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at a p. m, .
bases Oil Stain for Interior finish.
$1.76 per gallon; calclmo tints, so lb.
Portland Sash & Door Co., 180 Front
Softool Boys going away to colleger
Get your trunk or grip from Wilson,
the trunk man, 161 Wash st
Blnrler's Dancing Class open Septem
ber . All ages. Catalog ready. Mar
ahall SIS. . . -
C. T. U.
yside W. O. T. W Sunnyslde W.
will "meet at Friend's church,
Chic Winsome Comedienne
Stars'at Orpheum; Show of
V Classy Kind.
jay A. L.
Speaking of real vaudeville, If the
new Orpheum bill thla week with Edwin
Stevens and Lily Lena, heralded as
headline, Is not worthy of the 8. R. O.
sign, few bill are.
Edwin Stevens, asalated by Tina Mar
shall, who created such a furor In their
scenes from Dickens, have arranged a
clever hodge podge o sparkling lines,
brilliant burlesque and smart parodies,
closing the act with a scene from the
"Old , Curiosity Shop" between Dick
Swlveler and the Marchioness. This is
the finest thing they do. Mr. Stevens
is a brilliant and versatile actor who
draws his pictures with the stroke of
an artist Miss Marshall is dainty and
clever. Her Marchioness Is a work of
art. Their act is a genuine treat
Back again comes Lily Lena with the
moat wonderful and beautiful array of
gowns that haa ever graced the Or
pheum stage. Creations, all of them,
they alona would make an act; but In
addition there is Lily with her, smile
and six new songs. The favorite was
her late success. "Take It Nice and
Eaay," which la by far the best one In
her repertoire. Another one which
pleased especially was "Over the Garden
Few more "beautiful or Interesting
dancing acta have been at the Orpheum
than that presented by the Four Elles.
Their four dances are marked with
originality, art and skill. Their Ice
skating and pantomimic dances were the
most beautiful but no more clever nor
Interesting than their Brazilian and
acrobatic dance. They have in addition
good looks and stunning clothes.
John W. World and Mlndel Kingston
appear In 27 minutes of rich Tjarlety
and cleverness running the entire gaunt
let of r vaudeville work. Miss Kingston
sings unusually well and wearr lovely
costumes, to say nothing of her coat of
sparklea. Mr. World does some good
character and comedy character work
and the act Is a round of surprises. It
finally closes with a dance that Is a
great hit
For novelty, the Australian wood
choppers, Harry Jackson and Peter Mc
Laren, offer an act that la unique and
exciting. Exhibitions of ax throwing,
sawing and chopping hold the audience
In a state of intenae Interest from start
to finish. Peter's facial expreaslon Is
worthy of note.
Eddie Mumford and Frank Thompson
put over an act of patter and song that
would be much better If they sang mora
and chattered less. Their patter Is not
much more than fair, but their singing
Is really good.
The 'bill la opened by Paullnettl and
Pique In a funny knock about act with
one or two 'good acrobatic stunts, a
beautlftul "sell" and a "fat lady."
Eaat Thirty-fifth and
Thursday, September 7,
Main streets,
2:80 p. m.
Moons Hood dally auto stages. Leave
445 Hawthorne avenue at 8 a. m. Phone
Eaat 162. SS. SO each way.
W. A. Wise and aaaodatea. salnleea
dentists. Third and Washington
rem M. Word Beal Bstace Oo has
moved to 706 Teon bldg.
Dr. a. a Brown, Kye. Ear. Marquam
Men's Raincoats
Menl ' Start In now and buy a good
raincoat I aell $22.50 to $26 English
raincoats for $14.75, $16 values for $10.
How do I do It T I pay $80 a month
rent in an office-building against the
$400 to $700 rent of a store on the
street Take elevator and save money.
Jimmy Dunn, room $15 Oregonian
At Less Than
Auction Prices
na uvxoir ayb.
full line of second hand furniture.
100 heatlna: stoves. 50 cook stoves and
ranges, Iron beds, dressers, chiffoniers,
We buy and sell. Phone East 1809.
Foster & KUeser
High Grade Commercial and Electrh
Sasi 7th and Xaat Xvarett Sts.
(flumes Seat uili S-aal
Rfew York
Investigate and Get Better
Unique freak of nature, found
John L. North of 1028 Klrby street.
and Chris Anderson of S47 Ross street,
have in their -possession a knot of a tree
which has a resemblance to a petrified
turtle except that the surface Instead of
being smooth. Is very rough.' They
found the curio near Spirit lake, Wash
Fair Grotonds Nine Wins.
Salem, Or., bept. 6. State Fair
Ground nine defeated the Deaf Mute
school nine by the score of 9 to 6 yes
; ,-..1 . ..
To Fsicftory Acres
Special Steamer Chartered for the Day. Due to Return at 4 P. M.
For the purpose of demonstrating the deep-water harbor at FACTORY ACRES, on the
Columbia River Waterfront, and the nearness of the property to the business center of
Portland, the Joseph Kellogg will make the round trip next Sunday, leaving from tho
foot of Salmon street at 10 a. m. The trip will be free to our customers. '
FACTORY ACRES is in the Peninsula factory district, just east of the Swift holding,
and is in the very center of the rail and water terminal area of Portland. The six-mile
circle cuts through the property.
A little foresight and good judgment has won countless fortunes. Why not add yours
to the list? The possibilities for profit through an investment in FACTORY ACRES
are unlimited the safety of such an investment is beyond question. The tremendous
progress made in the development of the Peninsula factory district in the past two years
leaves no room for doubt that the Columbia River side of the Peninsula is soon to become
a great manufacturing center. FACTORY ACRES is in the heart of this district
The opening of the Panama Canal will mce Portland one of the greatest ports on the
Pacific. All the great transcontinental railway systems will head this way, and the big
foreign shipping companies will seek entrance to Portland harbon Every reasonable man
realizes that the development in Portland following the opening of the Panama Canal will
speedily bring about the transfer of the rail and water terminals to the COLUMBIA
Investigate FACTORY ACRES It will pay you. Call at our office and let us tell you
about the property.
Prices $500.00 and Up an Acre-Easy Terms
MEAD & MURPHY, Sales Agts.
The latest Nevw York styles are always
shown here first
Being out. of the busy high rent district,
we can afford to give better values in or
der to draw trade.
Trimmed White Felts
From $2.00 Up
19-inch broadhesd French Plumes, all
colors and shades; regular .$6.50 flQ PA
to $10 values Special tJJOetlU
No charge for trimming where hat and
trimmings are bought here.
We are the only store in Portland that
cuts the price on the latest in millinery.
Styles lor Less Money
, , v. .
- i , I,,, ...I,,
-;a ft
near Spirit lake, Washington.
ington, while they were there on a fish
lng trip a few weeks ago.
It haa every appearance of being
several score years old, but is In a
fine state of preservation. The head
Is the exact else of a small river turtle
so common on the Pacific coast, while
the -body is much heavier than a turtle.
terday afternoon, the rain settled the
dust and a great Kme was playe'd. The
Mutes were under the leadership of ao
ex-major leaguer.
A-1515 , . OFFICES
You May Secure
$500 k Gold!
By exhibluaf yoar APPLES at the Americas Lead A Irri
gation Espositiea to be held la Madisoa Square Gardea, New
York City, November 3-12, 1911.
C.The Northern Pacific Railway offers a prise of $500.00 la
gold for the best 25 boxes of apples any variety or varieties,
a single variety to the box competition open to the world.
The conditions are i (
CThe facts regarding the fruit, as asked by the Judges,
must be sworn to and attested by two witnesses. The
apples must be exhibited' by actual grower or his authorized
agent. ' The grower must own the land or be the proprietor
by virtue of lease or crop-sharing sys
tem of cultivation. The competition is
not open to dealers' or any other than
oona nae growers, as nereroiore siaiea. fTf
ci, write quicKjy lor circular aDout mis
Exposition and the numerous prizes offer
ed for displays of farm products and your
opportunity to get 160 acres of Montana
land to be awarded by popular allotment
Northern Pacific By
A. D. Charlton, Asst. Oen. Paaaenger
AUrmm i Afrent Portland
. S. nntCKBK Otmnl tmmttnMim Afml.ST.rA VI
: (kA.U. CIJLLAND, CtnmU Fuutug Agmi, ST.fAVt '
To the lover of real music a treat" Is
offered by the singing of "The Heart
Bowed Down," by Homer Llnd, In his
charming one act play, with music, "The
Opera Singer," at Pantages this week!
Llnd la "endowed with a rare, rich bari
tone so seldom heard, and his rendition
of his several solos Is exquisite. Llnd
waa formerly with the Henry W. Savage
grand opera forces, and his metropolitan
career waa studded with successes in
various rolea, the most successful per
haps being In the leading part In "Parsi
fal." Second on the program comes "The
Watermelon Trust " Just why this act
haa been adorned with such an applica
tion is hard to tell, but the four col
ored entertainers who appear are "all
to the merry," in the parlance of vaude
ville. Their songs and dances are ap
preciated, and the act pleases from the
very start
"Circus Eve In Mexico," as presented
by the La a pleasant diver
sion frointbe ordinary, as-the players
are genuine' Mexicans.
Vernon, the ventriloquist, is the same
likeable entertainer that he waa on his
former appearance here several seasons
ago, and his puppeta are well handled.
Adair and Henney are clever amusers,
and their act makes a hit,
Journal Want Ads bring resulta
522 - 526 CORBETT BLDG.
CUNR0T 7"",
easy to tie the. cravat in easy to
notch on and has oval button
holes, which' makes buttoning and
unbuttoning easy .
lSc-4 for ISe.
Oaatt. Peabody ft Co., Mskert. Tre,. N, Y.
HBILIQ thhatre
geventh Taytos
Phones Main 1 and A-112J.
Tomorrow Vlflii.
Matinee Tomorrow
Evenine-a: Lower tnnr flrat 11 wni '
2; last f rowa, $1.50. Balcony. 5 rowe,
11.60: 6 rowa. 11: ft rnwa TKil K mwa.
60c. Gallery, reaerved. the: admiaalon
?oo. .Tomorrow's matinee: Lower floor,
I1.B0. $1. Balcony, $1. 76o. 60c QX
lery, 8 So, 8Sc leeta jfow aelllng.
Tlrst xcusioal Comedy of aasoa.
vzaBTS, BBOiwwura i-kioat.
Special price matinees 8at and Wed.
Mort H. Singer Preaent
OUve Tall end Bplendld Caat,
Evenlnge: Lower floor, $1.60, SI.
Balcony, 6 rows,, $1; 6 rows, 78o:
laat 11 rows 60c. Gallery, reaerved.
86c; admiaalon, 26c. Bath matlneea,
$1, 76c, 60c, 35c and 26c.
BCAXST e, A 1090
THEATRE U-2S-$0-75:
lUly Kama, Edwin Stevens, aided "by
Tina ZCarshall in "Oooaia Kitty"; Aus
tralian Woodohoppers; Jfoor Biles t
Mumford As Thompson! John W. World
and Mtodel Xlnyaton, Panllnettt at
Katiaee Bvery Say.
formerly Orand i
Will BEPT. 4 Gerard Walda and
erano, Mabel Howard and Company,
rrank MelaeL Law and Ullian Orto,
BaaaaU and Smith's Minstrels.
Uaaqualaa Vaudeville.
WEBX SEPT 4 Homer X.lnd, Ute
premier baritone with Henry W. Bavag1.
nrnnd opera, prodnotlons In "The Opera
Bluffer r ia Xelllos, The Watermelon
Trust, rantawreeoope, Adair end Henney,
emon, Pantarea Orchestra. Popular
prloea. Mat, daily. Curtain at30, Ti30. a.
Cor. Vanrhn and Twenty-fourth Its.
BBPT. B, a, y, a, a, 10.
Oames beffln week days SiOO p. m Baa
days 8:30 p, m.
Boys under 12 free to bleachers .
New Departure
The ot ef lasefmeats nave Deea
greatly reduced by the xolaaaa
UndaTtaJclna oompany.
Heretofore It haa been the custom ot
funeral directors to make charges for.
all Incidentals oonnected with a fu
neral. The Edward Holman Undertak
ing company, the leading funeral di
rectors of Portland, have departed from
that custom. When casket is furntahed
by us we make no extra charges for .
embolmlng. heerse to cemetery, outside
box or any services that may be re
Quired of us. except clothing, cemetery
and carriages, thus effecting a eavtng
of 126 to $76 oa each funeral.
Seems aa "The
a;eed as bitu
Bw lithic
pavement on
Sheridan road
seems In .every
respect to be s
good as new. It
has given the
highest aatisfac
tion to both the
Lincoln Park of
ficials and to the
people living
along the boule
vard." M. H.
West, Acting Su
perintendent Lin
coln Park Com
m.t, Aanhalt end eefler Bltum-
Inous Pavements. 0l0l Klectrte
B'aa, Portland, Or. Oahar Uukea
. ..;,, afaaageev'j;'; .;,. ,.
Lr. BanUai aon s componad
ISavln and Cotton Kuut I'l.ia.
Tha bast and only reliable
remedy for DKLAVU) I'HU
OlJt), Cure tha moat r"naie
eaaee In 1 to 10 flMye. i'rba
per box, or three boxes $.. fei i t
drurrlsts everywhere A-1'lra 'V,. J,
I'lKliCK, KOOia , St MO"lBl at.
Elm, i.. fm
r U Bnllivan k ConUdliie
W Beflnad Vaudeville
r X