The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 05, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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If Medford Wins ' Point Road
Hlust'iGrantJermlnal Rates
to Valley..
'Allowing the Southern Pacific attor
ney 60 day? in which to file briefs in
support of their contention that rigid
application of the long andshort. haul
"rule should not be .made between San
Francisco and Portland because of the
Intense water competition and the heavy
operating expense in the Slsklyous, Com
missioner Franklin K. Lane of the In
terstate commerce commission finished
the hearing of testimony yesterday aft
ernoon. The shippers of Medford and other
interests opposed to the exemption of
the- railroad under the fourth section
Of the interstate commerce act, will be
allowed 80 ' days' additional time in
which to file briefs. The commission
will later fix a date for oral argument
In Washington upon tha questions In
volved. Terminal Bates.
If Medford and qther Interior cities
win, the roads will be required in effect
to grant terminal rates to the entire
Willamette valley territory, wiping out
the local distributive rate, which is
now added to the water rate from San
Francisco through, Portland. This, It Is
argued, would force the railroad to aban
don the field as a competitor for the
coast freight trade.
Commissioner Lane yesterday also
heard the complaints of Kerr, Oifford
& Co. and the Balfour, Guthrie com
pany concerning the shipment of grain
In bulk. They assert the present rate
of J J per car as an allowance for coop
erage and repairs in fitting' cars for
handling wheat is insufficient, and ask
for a rule requiring either that the
cars be furnished in first class condi
tion or the shippers be allowed 14.15
per car for putting them in shape.
, J. N. Teal, representing me complain
ants, presented testimony to show that
S2 is too little to be allowed as a max
imum, pointing out tht shippers in the
Missouri valley are allowed 13.80 as a
maximum figure.
Higher Maximums.
It was also shown that shipments of
many cars In bulk to the east Is made
each year, although this business Is
small In comparison with the move
ment to Portland and the sound in
Assistant General Manager M. J.
Buckley and other witnesses for the
railroad said the bulk shipment has
been small since 1904 and the railroad
ddes the best it can in furnishing good
cars, placing grain doors and repair
material at convenient points for the
use of shippers when needed. He ob
jected to allowance of a higher maxi
mum because It tends to take the mat
ter out of the control of the railroad
and there would be no way for the com
pany to check up on the sums claimed
to have been expended for cooperage.
(Continued from Page One.)
in Remarkable Cliff on Columbia
, -
k fee T-4 V
ii y $$VtZ V;Vv: Um
iSVSKi'J. IT'S w : '
mi m -n- - asu u i A-njuHJsiLiiim'ww
envelopes marked ,cn the outside Bills
Paid end Receipts Sunday school. Run
day school account not paid, Sunday
school missionary accounts, and Meth
odist Book Concern account.
XiSttor Contains Check.
The letter contained a check of (60.10
made payable to the company and
drawn by Miss G. 'Ar Stinger, treasurer
of the Sunday school. Among the re
ceipts was a duplicate deposit slip for
18.88, the proceeds of the Sunday school
collection of Sunday, August 27, which
was the only money of all the funds
In his care not acoounted for.
T. S. McDanlel, received an envelope
containing a receipt made out to Mr.
Jones by Mr. McDanlel for $75 of Sun
day school money and a check he had
received from Mr. McDanlel for $2.60 as
a subscription to the Sunday school
fund collected during the Kllzey cam
paign a few weeks ago. -
Tha other envelope was received by
Mrs. L. C. Dickey and contained papers,
reoeipts and bills which pertained to
the Deaconess' association.
Absolutely no reason can be given by
the family or friends of Mr. Jones for
his feeling that he had anything for
Which to make restitution.
Affairs In Perfect Shape,
His personal, church and hotel affairs
are In perfect shape and everything has
been accounted for to the last cent in
all trust funds. The only theory that
is advanced is, that his mind has been
affected by worries and that he imag
ines he is In bad circumstances finan
cially. No action has been taken yet
toward following him and attempting
to perauade him to return and none will
be taken until the wishes of Mrs. Jones
are consulted. Should it be thought
best Dr. Benjamin Young of Taylor
Street church, and Harold Jones will
proceed to Calgary and attempt to lo
cate him. Otherwise the police of
Canada will be asked to trace him to
his destination and steps will be taken
then to Induce him to give up his idea
of starting anew.
Lincoln Rock, 10 miles north of Wenatchoe, Wash.
(Special to The Joornal.)
Wenatchee. Wash.. Sept. 6. Acknowl
edging the gift of a photograph of Lin
coln Rock. Robert T. Lincoln, son of
the martyred president and now head
of. the Pullman Palace Car company,
has written from Chicago thanklpg Dr.
Thomas Grosvenor of this city. The
letter reads as follows :
"I thank you very much -for your
kindness In sending me the photograph
of Lincoln Rock on the Columbia river.
The cliff formation certainly makes a
most remarkable profile In which a
strong resemblance to that of my f&ther
can be seen without much stretch of
the Imagination. I have never seen a
photograph of this object before and
am indeed glad to have it among my
The profile is dlstinqtly visible among
the cliffs ten miles north of this city
near Swakane creek. A good view
Is afforded passengers on steamboats
plying the Columbia river.
standing, he has a fine personality,
straight in his reasoning In all thingB,
and is the best man for the position
he fills," continued the Jurist. "The
site for the exposition was selected with
ease' as soon as Mr. Moore took charge
of affairs, and the plans for the fair
have been outlined and everything is
running smoothly.
"A system of boulevards running
from the waterfront past Telegraph hill,
and the Presidio, past Lincoln and Gold
en Gate Park and the ocean will be
made permanent, as well as will a
beautiful art gallery, an auditorium for
the handling of large conventions and a
civic center on Van Ness avenue and
Market street. These latter institutions
were planned under James D. Phelan's
administration before the fire and D.
H. Burnham, the Chicago architect, has
already designed the buildings. James
D. Phelan is president of the Improve
ment society that has the proposed In
stitutions in charge.
"This fair la not a San Francisco
exposition," said Judge Lawlor. "It Is
entirely a Pacific coast institution and
every section will be benefited. It
is as much Oregon's fair as it is Cali
fornia's. We are all working together.
and this exposition will develop this
great empire to a greater extent than
was ever dreamed of."
Will Follow Oregon.
Judge Lawlor says California will
follow In the footsteps of Oregon In the
matter of legislation; that this fall s
Bpeclal election will, be held and that
at that time it - is very probable that
the initiative and referendum and the
recall will be added to the state's con
stitution. "A year ago," said Judge Lawlor, "I
was of the belief that the recall should
not be applied to the judiciary. I over
looked the fact that there must be
judges who are subservient and com
placent. I believe that mistakes will
be made and that good men may be
recalled, but the good that the recall
will do will be the elimination of the
other kind, will more than offset the
damage done by the recalling of the
good men. As a matter of fact a man
should be willing to offer himself as
a sacrifice if good may be done."
Judge. Lawlor la on his way to his
old home In New York, where he will
spend six weeks. He will go by the
way of the Canadian Pacific and will
return to San Francisco by the South
ern route.
(Continued from Page One.)
of South America, including Chile,
Peru, Mexico, the Pacific coast states,
Alaska and then beginning on the other
side, Japan, China and every other
country or island whose shores are
washed by the waters of tha Pacific.
. "Tha exposition must ba mora than
a commemoration of that monumental
achievement, the completion of the Pan
ama canal. 'It must ba an Introduction
of an old world to a still older world,
tha Introduction between Europ and
tha orient through tha medium of our
own country.
"Boot Veglaot Art."
. "There should be a body of water in
tha exposition grounds to represent the
Paelf la Then the exhibits of the coun
tries should be ranged In their order.
"In other times w have spent mil
lions in mass, neglecting art . Let that
not be done again. Let us exhibit the
beat of each country. Let us make
each exhibit truly representative rather
than extravagant.
"Such an exposition will be original.
It will be famous the world around. It
will be something to compel attendance
from tne furthermost quarters or the
earth. Since the Belgium fire and de
struction I do not think European coun
tries will come with great exhibits, but
I am sure they will respond both with
Interests and exhibits to such a plan."
Commissioner Lane's home Is In San
Francisco. He says he lives there four
months out of the year. He spends
eight months in Washington, unless h
is traveling. A. long time ago he says
he commenced life washing the rolls
of a newspaper press and from such
occupation he came to his present posi
tion which he says is a narrow trail
"lined with persons who have axes ready
to attack uppn the slightest eviaence or
Incomplete decision.
He is a man of medium height and
weight, whose hands are small and firm,
whose hair Is missing from the top of
the head, gray below the ears, whose
eyes are as Inscrutable as his ex-official
opinions, who keeps, therefore, his
own counsels and his personal opinions
and theories, subordinated to his faith
ful interpretation of Interstate trans
portation laws.
Delegates From Many States
of Union Meet in Okla
homa City.
Shawnee, kla.. Sept 5. A national
convention for farmers unparalleled,
probably In Importance, undoubtedly in
attendance. In the history of America,
assembled in Shawnee today tor a ihree
days' session. The occasion Is the an
nual convention of the National Far
mers' union, the largest, most influ
ential and most successful organisation
of its kind that ever existed in this coun
try, not excepting . the Farmers' Alli
ance which made Itself felt in national
politics several decades ago.
The present convention Is attended by
delegates representing a membership of
over 2.000,000, scattered over more than
half the states of the union. Whll'i the
south and the west are the best rep
resented numerically there Is abundant
evidence to show that the organization
Is steadily making headway among the
farmers of other sections of the country.
The National Farmers' union, though
not primarily a political organization,
has never hesitated to make its in
fluence felt In national or state politics
where the Interests of the farmers were
believed to be at stake. Consqumtly,
and In view of the approaching presi
dential and congressional elections, the
discussions and addresses of the three
days' sessions will be watched care
fully by the politicians.
The proposed reciprocity agreement
with Canada will naturally receive at
tention from the convention, as will also
such subjects of general Interest as the
parcels post, the restriction of foreign
Immigration, and the abolition of gam
bling In farm products. Much atten
tion will be given also to plans for in
creasing the membership and influence
of the organisation.
The bottom and sides separate and can
be adjusted to any size denlred in a
baking pan patented by a Pennsylvan-lan.
ts first fall Grand Opening
HO 1
SI r 1 ! v. v r T
fT 1
Franklin K. Lane.
President IL Beckwith of the Com
mercial club says,;, that probably
the personnel of the committee to re
ceive President Taft when he comes to
Portland would not be announced for
several days. A special committee, con
sisting of Mr Berkwlth, Mayor Rush
light and Theodore B. Wilcox have been
working on the appointments, and Is un
derstood to have tentatively completed
the list. Action by the executive com
mittee is necessary to confirm the appointments.
Chinese In Conference.
(Tnltefl Prtm Lraied Wlr.
Madison, Wis.; Sep 5. A Chinese
army is In complete possession of the
University of Wisconsin today. The
occasion Is the second annual confer
ence of the middle west section of
Chinese Students' Alliance of Amerlca.
About 200 celestials are here, among
whom ar half a dozen co-eds.
With the arrival soon from China of
a large party of Chinese students sent
to this country by money from the
boxer Indemnity fund given that coun
try by the United States, the enrollment
of Mongolian students in American in
stitutions will be about 1000.
Lost, He, Finds Silver Mine.
(PnltPd Preiw Leiaed Wire.)
Reno, Nev., Sept. 5. James Mahoney,
a New Tork police sergeant, is glad to
day that he was lost over night in the
desert. He stumbled on a rich silver
A Home Recipe For
Removing Wrinkles
(From Woman's National Journal)
Who will blame the modern woman
for trvtnn- tn lnnlr vn,m
" - i jvuiij miu k-
tractlve as she reasonably can? Why
should she be placed at a disadvan
tage in numerous ways by wearing
wrinkles. If she can avoid these hate-
rui marxs or advancing age,
Few women, however, know what to
do to effectually rid themselves of
wrinkles or sagglness. None of the
advertised preparations is satisfactory
and most of them are very expensive.
But a very-simple and harmless home
remedy, which any woman can make,
will work wonders where all the pat
ent preparations fall.
Buy an ounce of powdered saxollte
at anv druir store rnvsniv v.A mt,Ai.
ounce in a half pint of witch hazel
ana use it as a wash lotion. The
results are cractlcallv Inxani.n,,.
Marked Improvement In nntln immi
ately after the very first trial. Wrinkles
and sagging are corrected and the face
feels so refreshed and smug like.
The Old Reliable
Union Painless Dentist
(Continued from Page One.)
of political trickery was brought to
bear, but that during the absence of one
of the four Judges who' decided for a
new trial for Ruef, the court vacated the
order for a new hearing and the Judg
ment of the supreme court, over which
Judge Lawlor presided, became final.
Recall Question.
"The action of those four Judges,"
said Judge Lawlor, "Immediately turned
the tide of . the question of the recall
of the Judiciary In favor of the recall.
That was the first body blow in favor
of the recall for the Judiciary."
The pur'glng of San Francisco of
graft in its most malignant form has
developed" a wonderful moral situation,
according to Judge Lawlor. He cites
as an illustration the gas and electric
company, of which John A. Brltton is
manager and president, has already
lowered Its rates and has promised an-
.other reduction to take effect within a
short time.
The Spring Valley Water" company
has also taken a change of heart, and
was successful In trapping an assessor"
at Oakland. This shows, said Judge
Law'or, that even the corporations of
California are beginning to see that the
straight path Js the best one to travel.
With the election of Charles C. Moore
is, president of the Panama-Paciflo ex-
. position, all the little troubles have
been settled and nothing but harmony
prevails, said" Judge Lawlor. He be
lieves now that the exposition will be,
made greater and- better than was even
lontemplated In the beginning.
' . tTnmpairsd Standing,
"Mr. Moors Is a man of unimpaired
JFriday and Saturday
Sept. 8 and 9, 1911
jnol elaborate showing of Fall and Winter Imported and
Domestic Woolens.
We will make the most astounding offer ever made to the people
of Portland during our introductory two-day sale.
Watch the papers for our announcements Wednesday and
Thursday. .. -
The Portland Tailoring Co., Inc.
member that our force is so organized
that we can do their entire crown,
bridge and plate work In a day if nec-
Full set of Teeth S5.0O
Bridge Work or Teeth Without
Plates ft 3 5Q to ftS OQ
Oold Crowns 83 50 to $5 00
Porcelain Crowns .... S3 50 to 5 OO
Oold or Porcelain Fillings. .ftl.OO XTp
Silver Filling rj0 to gi QO
IS Tears' Guarantee.
Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays
9 to 12.
Suits. Raincoats, Overcoats
A neatly dressed boy makes rood
scholar, start him right.
Monday, September 11, 1911
500 Fountain Pens
Given Free with, everj
Boys' Suit or Overcoat
This Is a self fill lug, non-leakanle pea
Knickerbocker Suits
$5.00 to $15.00
Boys' Rain Coats
$3.50 and $4,50
Juvenile Suits
$3.50 and Up
Hole Proof Hose
for Boys
Basement Dept
Suit and
Extra Pants
Wicker Suit Cases
One-Third Off
An unusual opportunity to secure a high class
Wicker Suit Case at a very low price.
Regular $2.50, sale $1.67
Regular $3.50, sale $2.34
Regular $4.00, sale $2.67
Regular $4.50, sale $3.00
Regular $5.75, sale $3.84
Regular $8.50, sale $5.67
Regular $8.75, sale $5.84
Regular $9.00, sale $6.00
Reg. $10.00, sale $6.67
Reg. $12.50, sale $8.34
Automobile Trunks
Serviceable Wicker
Trunks, indispensable to
the motorist
Reduced One-Half
Reg. $12.85, sale $6.43
Reg. $25.00, sale $12.50
Come to this store tomorrow, shop at your leisure
and let us deliver your purchases.
Woodard, Clarke & Co,
America's Largest Cut Price Retail Drug Store
"A Machine a Minute
THE week just closed has been epoch mak
ing in the annals of the writing machine.
A great milestone has been reached and
passed in the history of the
During the past week we have booked orders
for more than a machine a minute for every
working hour.
Visible Models
10 and 11
Not many years ago Remington .sales were sixty machines "per 'month ; now
they are over sixty machines per hour more than a machine a minute. Such
is typewriter development; such is Remington progress.
Remington Typewriter Company
' ' 'Incorporated ' v, ',.,
' v 245 Stark Street Main 3-A-1573"
: 3