The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 05, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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    I i!
.855 '
In the Lobby of Our Tea Room Beautiful, 7th Fir., the First Great Amateur Photo Contest IsBeinsHcldVislt Exhibit TbrndrroWf
i .mm
toy Hsarvesfc aidl MaiiiffliFMiir
Presenting Our Giant New Stocks of Dependable Fall and Winter
Merchandise Assembled From Over 1000 World-Famous Makers
!. AIDE from its acknowledged supremacy in all the West for size and point of businessdone, The
r Meier & Frank Store occupies a unique position in the world's mercantile circles.
Doling away with the jobber and middleman, our buyers have gone direct to the centers of . pro
duction sought the less-trodden paths of America and Europe found manufacturers here and. there
who made better goods or,' for important reasons, undersold their competitors. I hen, too, there are
few stores in all the country which buy in larger quantities.
Over 1000 of" the most famous manufacturers have co-operated with us- in our Second Great
Golden Harvest "and Manufacturers' Sale, which began today. Every department has its special
offerings, aside from the beautiful new Fall and Winter merchandise, with which every counter,
shelf and case is brimming.
frraled - Showing off' Win. Read's Fall Stress 'Goods
. v.
EAD'S were the Dress Goods your grandmother asked for. They are just as much in the lead today as a half century ago always of the
same high quality, always showing the newest weaves, patterns and colorings.
No store in the West-carries such a complete stock of. William F. Read & Sons' Dress Goods as Meier & Frank's. The new Scotch effects,
the rough weaves in rich Autumn browns, grays, tans, blues, greens, are here at all prices. SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY OF READ'S
DRESS GOODS ON 5TH STREET. A word as to detail:
Reaid's Chevron
Cloth at
New White Polo
$t.50 and $5.00 Per Yard
Read's Famous
Lansdown $1.25
For 40 years Lansdown . has
been the feature of Read's line.
Silk-and-wool Lansdown have
never been equaled as a prac
tical light weight fabric, with
the appearance of silk ,and
wearing quality of wool. '
Read's Lansdown is here in a
beautiful array of new Fall and
Winter shades. Full 42 OC
inches wide, the yard blwD
Cheviots 56 inches
wide, in all the love
ly Fall shades, for
modish tailor gowns,
M $-1.50
Read's Tailor Clay
Serges 56 inches wide,
made from the finest
imported Austra 1 i a n
yarn. Kich pure black,
navy and new midnight
blue, yard,
$1.50 to
Read's All-Wool
Serges at $ 1.00
Here is an unusual value in
Read's 45-inch, all-wool Serges, for
skirts, suits and Peter Thompson
dresses. Splendid, firm weave, in
navy blue with black, white and
green hairline stripes. Priced
for tomorrow at, the yard 3l
Read's Coating Serges 50-inches
wide, of pure Australian wool.
Without equal for wear and appear
ance, comes in Diack, blues, grays,
browns, etc. tor tomor
row's sale at, the yard
Read's Wide - Wale
Serges .56-inch heavy
tailor serge, for new
Fall suits, skirts and
coats. Of combed, hard
twisted yarn ; navy
blue, brown and black,
Priced for
this sale, yd.
Read's English Whip
cords, also Chevron Chev
iots, Wide-Wale Serges
and Cheviots, in all col
ors and weights for coats
and suits. Unusual qual
ities at, the PO JTf
yard, f 1.50 to p.OU
Read's Cream
Wool Serges
Read's beautiful Cream Wool
Serges are without equal at the
price. They are made in light,
medium and heavy weights, for
suits, coats, skirts and dresses.
Read's 44-inch Cream Serge $1.00
Read's 54-inch Cream Serge $1.25
Read's-64-inch Cream Serge $1.50
Read's 56-inch .Cream Serge $2.00
Read's 66-inch Cream Serge $2.50
1 ,50c to $LEmbroid'ries 39c
1CKXXB mm-nuT tlooi
YOU'VE butto see the Embroideries of
fered Jn this great group and you'll ap
preciate at(0nce the unusualness of the offer.
Bought especially, for the j Harvest and Manu
facturers' Sale.
Swiss and, Nainsook bands, edges, galloons
and ejnen 18-inch flouncings are included!
Prettyeyelet and floral designs. . Lovely tor
lingerie) waists and dresses. Ac- J
tually hvorth 50c to $1 a yard. .J
.Tomorronv only .
2.50Emb,d,y Sets,yd.69c
The daintiest of Baby Irish Embroidery Sets
including edges, insertions, galloons and
flouncings.-Edges and Insertions 2to 9 inches
wide. Flouncings 18 to 27 inches. Embroid
eries -in the lot regularly $1 tb $2.50. (
Tomorrow, a yard, at.. ,. 0C
To 18c Edges, Insert's, 10c
Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Edges and In
sertions in pretty eyelet and blind desiens. V
to 5 inches wide. Suitableifor infants, f
and children's wear. 12c to 18c values lUC
Child's 25c and 35c Hosiery
Lord & Taylor s Sample
Lines, Tomorrow 14c
IT'S the same splendid keynote of
fimH?n that is alwavs a fatiir
of The Big Store s specials!
Right when the opening
of school demands new
supplies of Hosiery for boy
and girl, we offer this
amazing purchase of 3400
pairs of the famous Lord
& Taylor's Onyx samples.
There are fine lisles, plain
and mercerized, in medium and
heavy weights. All are thor
oughly reinforced with double
heels, soles and toes. Black
and all colors.
You'll want at least a dozen
pairs when you see what an as
tonishing bargain this is. Reg
ular 25c and 35c grades 3
pairs 39 pair 14.
3 Pairs
for 39jc
3 Pairs
for 39c
Jaunty Models in Girls' Suits
and Dresses tor School
iS N
xzzzb ft nuirrt-cobx nooi
EVER such pretty Suits for the young
miss as shown this season. Girlish
models with just enough of the style features to make
'them attractive and charming.
Firm, durable materials tweeds, screes, cheviots.
and mannish mixtures in blues, tans, browns, black,
. - -. j i ...
grays, greens, siripen ana lancy mixtures.
Both two and three-piece Suits plain and trimmed
models. Priced from $12.50, $15, $17.50 to $45.
The Prettiest of Fall Dresses
Mothers who pride themselves on the neat, attrac
r five aonearance of the little Haucrhtrr iknnMn'i f;i f
see these handsome though practical dresses for Fall.
Made of serges, velvet, corduroy and wool challies
in plain blues, browns, red and rich plaid colorings.
Plain and fancy models, some trimmed with Irish
crochet and made in jumper, Russian and one-piece
sailor style. Models suitable for school or dressy wear.
Sizes 6 to 14 years Triced from $2.75 to f 20.
The New Coats for the Girl
Are clever little garments in plain tailored and
MLAMi f sailor col,.ar styles. Of broadcloths, serges, cheviots
tK II and x:e,vet, !n blue tan white, gray and brown. All
' , "wftiiwui. ji inc miss oi irom
Z to 16 years. .Priced trom lp4 to $35.
House Pai
Saleof W.P.Fuller's Famous Paints
OUR famous Imperial House Paint, Floor Paint, f
Pnrrh anH Stn Paint Rathtuh Fnamel. .lananese !
- r "--, j r
Wood Oil Stains, arc prepared especially for us by VV. P. Ful
ler & Co.
For durability and even quality, Fuller's Paints are seldom'
equaled never excelled. Here are specjal Harvest Sale pri&
for tomorrow and the balance of the week:
iicht iao
er. a fraN!
r- jr.
Once you have tried it,
you'll buy no other. Strictly
pure zh cunerent colors, uai
Ion cans, $1.79;
quarts, tomorrow at
Household Mixed Paints,
.14 colors, i-pint 13.
We carry high-grade Imperial
Floor Paint in light oak,, dark
oak, olive, maroon, dust, French
yellow, light lead, dark lead,
warm stone, warm gray, fawn.
Prices, i-gllon cans, J
82; -quart cans at 4)C
Standard Floor VarnishDries quick and
hard. Gallon cans, 2.77; -gallon, fl.44;
quart, 78; pint, 41.
Johnson's Floor Wax 4-lb. cans, 1.74;
2 lbs., 88f ; 1 lb, 44; y,. lb., 23.
White and Orange Shallac Quart bottles,
65; pint, 37; -pint, 23; -pint, 13.
Sanitary Kalsomine The best grade, in IS
tints. Special price, S-pound packages, 39.
Bathtub Enamel Pint cans, 66c; tf-pint,
38 - 14
Other, Painting Supplies Full line of
Boiled and- Raw Linseed OH, Turpentine,
White Lead, etc, at lowest prices. ,.
Guaranteed the best grade,
in dark drab, warm stone,
pure gray, slate, French gray,
olive, mauve gray and dark
drab. Gallon cans, $2.28;
32-gal. cans, $1.24; Q
quarts, tomorrow at UOC
Come in dark, antique light
golden weathered or flemish oak.'
Also cherry, mahogarty, rose
wood and brown missidti. Quart
cans, 45; pint cans, 27;
j4-pint cans tomorrow Q
only loQ
With Black Bristles
lOe Brash, 1-lnoh. spot4 80
loo Brashes, lU-inoh, speol las
B6o Bmibii, 9-lneh, spsoUl ISO
30o Brnshss, 8H-lnoh, spsol 34o
40e Brush, 3-lnoh, sptolsl 83o
With Whits Bristlss
10 Brash, 1-inch, spsolsl, 7o
13o Brashss, lH-lnoh, spsoisl lOo
16o Brash, fi-lnoh, spsoUl lie
18o Brash, 8 H -Inch, spsoisl 14o
86o Brashss, 3-inch, spsolal I80
Extra hT7, with rood bristles
35o Fsint Brashes, 8-inch, at 19o
30o Valnt Brashes, aVfc-lnoh. B4o
40 o Paint Brashes, B-lnoh, si 33o
6O0 Paint Brashes, 3 Mi -Inch, 41o
78o Paint Brash, 4-inoh, at 680
91 Paint Brashes, S-lnch, at 79o
I1J5 Xalsominlnar Brush, 81.08
flvSp Xalsopiinlnf Brush, $1.18
Whitewash Brushes 1 Ro slse 19o,
(Oo at a to, 85c at B80.
ZilQnld Tenser Makes old things
new. The 25o slse, 180) 60a
. size st 88e.
$1.00 Rhinestone Back
Combs and Barrettes59c
SCBIXB SI Tftliri'!
IT'S a sensation
ally low price
on these beautiful,
sparkling Rhine-
stone Back
Combs. Dozens
of new styles in
the shell color.
Also smart new
Aluminum Band
eaux, that are so
popular and be
coming, set with 30 to 50 sparkling
Rhinestones. They're f jfk
really worth $1.25. Har- JlC
vest Sale price tomorrow
$1.50 Aluminum Braid Pins sb
much the fad. Set with sparkling
Rhinestones in a wide selec- Qn
tion of designs. Tomorrow "DC
Sampson Guaranteed Suits
at $5 Defy Competition !
THEY'RE made to
withstand the rouirh
and tumble wear of the red blooded
American school boy!
Sampson Suits are made by a house which
specialized on this line to sell at $5. In
them are crowded splendid all-wool cravanet
ted fabrics, thorough workmanship and tail
oring , which has caused every parent to
Sampson Suits are guaranteed to 'give
satisfactory wear or replaced free. Made
in smart double-breasted styles with full
cut peg top knickers, lined throughout 1
double stitched and all seams taped.
- "k
Start your boy out.
to school in a Samp
son Suit. Qhoose
rrpm scores of beautiful-
new Fall pat
terns rich browns,
grays, tans, in nobby
plaids, checks, and fancy
' AH sizes 7 to 17 years.
Boys' Warranted Watch Free
every purchase of $5.00 or