The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 05, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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    f V. --r V .. . "
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f .
Bernard R. Williams, 294 Jefferaon
treet. 24, andRena L, Jones. 19. .
Charles R. Burnesa. JLoa Angeles, Cal.,
28. and Shirley R. .Page, 17. , '-,
. 'Alexander Thmrison, , Noraandia hjijei,
city. 27, and Flavla M. Reynolds, IW
CTaddfn mnA visiting card ertgravera
and monoKram stationers. Washington
hldg., Washington at., pet. a ""p
PRESS suits for renr, all aUea.Un.lqua
Tailoring" Co.. 8Q Btark at.
CLARKE BROS., florlsta, fine flowers
and floral designs. 289 Morrison at.
oinwn To Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Gl-
ger, 4208 East Stark, August 24, a
gTH .-
PRINK To Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Prink,
617 Twenty-flflh. street, August 17, ft
WELL To Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Well.
Qood Samaritan hospital. September 2,
RYCKMAN To Mr. and 'Mrs. R. F.
Ryckman, 292 Caruthers street. Aug-
, WALKER i'o M and Mrs. Phillip
. Walker, 897 East Eleventh north. Aug
ust 31, a boy, , , . , ,
ROSE To Mr. aiRi Mrs. Louis C. Rose,
825 East Tenth street, August 27, a
KERN To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kern,
039 .Halght avenue. August B, a boy.
SMART-To Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Smart,
764 Hafght avenue, August 1, a tin.
nriFf To fr .-inri Mrs. James G. Duff,
930 East Eightieth street north, Sep
tember. 2, a boy.
ARNOLD To Mr and Mrs C. S. Ar
nold, Good Samaritan hospital, August
11, a girl.' .
COFER In this city, September 6, at
the home of his parents, b87 Kerby
street. Pred Resse Cofer, beloved son
of Grace and Fred Cofer, aged 5 years
7 months IS days. Funeral services
Will be held Wednesday, September ,
at 2 p. m. from 264 Ivy "Street. Friends
and acquaintances are respectfully In
vited. Interment Rose City cemetery.
Joplln, Mo., papers please copy:
WALLACE In this city. September 4.
at the family residence, mui ejusi
Madlgon street. Catherine Wallace, aged
4 years, 9 months and 18 days, only
daughter of John and Effie Wallace.
Funeral services will be held at the
above residence at 10 a. m. Wednesday.
September . Friepds invited. Inter
ment Multnomah cemetery. .
FLAHERTY At his family residence,
148 Graham avenue. Michael Flaherty.
Funeral services September 6 at 9 a.
m. at St. Mary's church. Williams ave
mie and Stanton street. Friends In
vited.' Interment Mount Calvary ceme
DILLEY In this city Sept. 4, at the
family residence, 119 Portland boule
vard. Abram Dilley, . aged 79 years, .1
month and 11 days. Funeral services
will be held at Finleys parlors at 2
p. m. Wednesday. Bept. 8. Friends in
vited. Interment River View cemetery.
GIBSON Parney V. Gibson, 235 Sal
mon St.. September 2, age 1; intes
tinal Intomation. . .
ROGERS Ruhy Rogers, 1747 Fowler
s., August 8L age 7 months; cholera.
ETERNO Darrie Eterno, 205 Montgom
' ery St.. September 1, age 6 months;
enteritis , ,
BRIDENSTEIN Martin L. Bridensteln.
St. Vincent's hospital, September 1,
age 78; heart disease.
MAY Levi May, Bowers hotel, Septem
ber 1, age 69; Brighfs disease.
SULLIVAN Jewel Emma Sullivan, 847
Thurman St., September 2, age 8
months; -cholera.
GLANZ Dora Glanz. 826 E. lHh et. N.,
nntmhr 2. nee 43: heart disease.
MTT.f.KR Maruolo Miller, 3S6 Brown j
St., September 1, nga 6 months; lndi-
KEL8EY Edward Kelsey, 236 McMillan
St., September 1. age 9; appendicitis.
WIOTZ Joseph Wlotz, 660 Klrby St.,
September 3, age 15; diabetes.
M'MAHON Margaret McMalion. 186 L.
,7th St.. September 2, age 21; pul
monary tuberculosis".
CURLETTf) Glacomo Curletto, 184
Mill st, September 2, age B4; nephri
tis BRASURE Sarah B. BraRure. 7703 59th
ave., September 8, age li; typhoid fe
v r
BAM Lee Sam, 71 2d st.. September 2,
age 33; pulmonary tuberculosis
HEYTING Sarah Jane Heytlng, 82d St.
and 4!Uh ave.. September 2; pulmon
ary tuberculosis.
GRIFFIN Edward H. Oriffin. 668
Lovejoy streat, Soptml'tr 1. age 91;
pneumonia.' .
AHOYAN B. G. Ahoyan, (iood Samari
tan hospital, Septemher 3, nge 13; ty-
C AM E LLO - Anna Camello, 430 E. 10th
St., September 3, Hge 6 months; chol-
bVaNDENBUKG Irving K. Branden
burg. St. Vincent's hoMiilal. Septem
ber 2 aco 11: hemorrhage.
it iv "m SMITH florist, i 50 6th at.. '
or.D. 4'eler it Frank's. Main ,215.
A-4558. Lady assistant.
J, PTFinley & Son
Third and amnison.
Latfv attendant. Main 9, A-K.99.
o.. 7.iu,.nrn,i Cn l.sdv attendant, i
I r-'nnTi TTirTrCkraTiaTslTtan
IFRCH n irs E -781 E eV-Alder
ULIIL,!! B-1883.BUioer.
Pn Funeral directors. 309-
rcaioun wi
$71 Russell st. E. 10. !
Undertaking Co. Main
6138, A-2225. I-ady ass t.
EAST 8IDE""Tunerai directors, success
or to P. 8. Dunning, inc. E. 52, B-2525
BdWARD MOLMAN, indertnker, 220
3d St. Lady assistant. Ms I n 607.
HEM8TOCK 1687 E. 13th, SeHwood 71;
also 694 Dawson. Woodlawn T874.
Only $1600. lots 1 and 2, block 10,
East St. Johna. They equal 3 full" lotu
In size and front on O.-W. R. &
N. Co. track. Address owner, rooms
10 and 11 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morri
son ats.
TO LEASE 225 acre farm all In cul
tivation, first class soli and best lo
cation; mile to depot aid shipping
point. F-Boo, journal.
$ 1400
$140 Cash
Fine new 4 room bungalow, street im
provements consisting of graded streets,
cement sidewalks, Bull Run water, all
In and paid for.
End of Rose City Park line.
. .47th, Rose City
2 blocks from car, east front, beau
tiful 7. room house, new, modern and
everything up to date. $4500 ana will
take $j00 cash and balance monthly.
This Is the best offer on the market.
609 Spal d I ng Bldnr.
Down, $30 per month, my brand new
fl room bungalow, 1 blocks north o,f
Hawthorne, ave.: a very nice" home.
Price 82700; owner. G-962. .Journal.
$300 cash, balance easy, prleeTl S00, fl
room house, garden, near school.
Chapin & Heflow, room 332 Chamber of
a siJap?
S rootn cottage, lot 60x100, 4 blocks
irom canine, 120";
8200 ftuih in,l tin
ier month.
810 Henry bldg.
EW modern .6 room bungalow for sale
by owner, 1 block from car; $2260;
wriii".'-r none iioorin rs.
iDANDY new 4 room bungalow . ta&
. $1400; terma, $140 dow'n, $16 a month,
Including interest.- Main 6780. - -WILL
sell stores lease for $40 per
1 month i for $3600; must have $2000
cash. Owner. . G-847, Journal y 1
Dunning & McEntee lB"r;7ns.
every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 480. j
Hawthorne District
Onlv $300 Down-
Ham Is your opportunity to secure
a new modern a room bungalow on very
easy terms; this home la located In
fine residents district, Just 20(1 - feet
from Hawthorne avenue; the house is
up to date In every respect, with flre-
Liaur, uuui-in uuiiet, panel tuning room,
Dutch kitchen, eta If you are looking
for a dandy little home at the right
fries d sure to see this-toaay, owner,
406 Hawthorne ave., corner 60th st.
1-room shack with furniture,
nearly new, on lot 60x100. cement
sidewalk, Bull Run water, elec
tric light, y .block ' to car. 26
minutes' ride, '6c fare. Price
$800. Terms one-half cash, bal
ance S13 per month.
Members of the Portland Realty
322-838 Chamber of Commerce.
Walking Distance
I room 2 story Tiouse, almost new and
in perfect condition, paneled dining
foom. fireplace and furnace, cement
nasement with laundry travs, attic, fln-i
electric and gas fixtures, beautiful
lawn, east face, all improvements paid
for. Just the place for family with
children of school age, as it is near
Hawihorne and East Sid High schools.
Price $5300; terms. Owner, 87 EL 19th
St., near E. Washington.
6-room bungalow, lays high,- faces
east, modern, new, 1 block north of car
line, on 46th st. 1826 down, balance
terms, look up at once. This is value.
Ben -Mitchell
Main 442. 401 Railway Exchange.
Proposals for the purchase and re
moval of the frame building at 7th and
Yamhill sts., known as the Lysle Talbot,
will be received by the undersigned.
Building could be removed to a west
side lot at reasonable cost and made to
produce a good revenue. This in an op
portunity for the owner of a vacant
lot. A. L. Fish, Journal office. i
Proposals for the purchase and re
moval of the Buckingham hotel building
from Yamhill street, between 6th and
7th, will be received by the undersigned.
This building la of brick construction
and contains enough buildrng material
for a substantial brick structure. Send
proposals to A. L. Fish. Journal office.:
You can Improve it with a house bv
paying as low as $50 down, and 316 per
604 Beck Bldg., 7th and Oak sts.
Yes, and partly furnish It.
We have a larger number and greater
miri.v in ciemgns man you win rind In
any hook. Complete working plans and
specification, FIVE DOLLARS.
Portland Bldg., Assn., 822 Mohawk Bldg.
$250 CASH -$25
7 rooms, built In buffet, bookcases,
den, solid oak floors, mirror doors, fur
nace, fireplace. National Realty &
Trust Co., room 723 Chamber of Com
merce bldg. Phone M. 6129.
Don't Pay Rent
We have 4, 5 and 6 room homes, all
modern. J.nietricte4 districts, for sale
on easy terms. Provident Investment
& Trustee company, 201-2-8 Board of
Trade bldg. Marshall 473. A-1022.
6 room bungalow, modern, near Haw
thorne ave. Will take $1200 in vacant
property, balance payable $20 per
month. 402 Lumber Exchange, 2d and
WEST SIDE A nice 8 room house and
30x100 lot on Qulmby near 19th st.,
bringing $28 per month. Only $5500;
$2500 cash, balance 7 years at 6 per
cent Interest. Inquire owner room
11 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison.
FOR SALE Good 7 room house. V4
acre, bath room and electric lights,
fruit, lerries, chicken house and yards.
$32ii0. terms. Phone' Sellwood 303 or
12M Francis ave. 4 blocks from Ivan-
hoe siatsnn on W.-W. ear.
- $800
$100 cash balance easy terms for
1 iuumuu wiin siiiHii nouse, on Alt. acott
line. 402 Lumber Exchange, 2d and
By Owner
Modern 6 room bungalow, half block
from Richmond car. $2950; liberal dis
count for large cash payment. 496 E.
.16th si. I'ho'ie Tabor 1143.
$2050, on terms to suit purchaser, will
ontaln a strictly modern first
obtain a strictly modern first class
bungalow, on a fine high lot and
' improved street. Loyal H. McCarthy,
,owngr g))g Lowj MrphaI1 289.0
, BnrTrTTrirfa .,nAn-
A. "tV? f . V'S.VV?
street Improvements paid, lawn and
trees. Easy terms. A bargain. Call
owner, C-2224.
$2660, on terms to suit purchaser, will
obtain a strictly modern first class
5 room bungalow, oft a fine high lot and
Improved street. Loyal H. McCarthy,
owner, 308 Lewis bldg. Marshall 260.
$200 Down
Will furnish a lot and build to suit
you for $200 or $800 cash down. 1248
6 room modern bungalow near Haw
thorns ave; easy terms. 402 Lumber
Exchange, 2d and Stark.
COMPLETE attractive new 8 room
modern home on car line near school.
Don't mlsa this If you ars buying a
home. 611 Gerllngcr bldg., 2d and Alder.
Phone Sellwood 69.
$600 cash, balance monthly payments.
Several more, choicest in Irvlngton. No
agents. C-1866, East 273. W. H. Herd
Bf autirul 100x100. lawn, rosea, garden,
frtili trees, hen house; 6 room plastered
tint,'! cottage, bath; only $2600; tele-
p hone Tabor 1392. f
FOR SAt'E Fine location, hard sur.
face pavement, 4 room modern house;
bath, gas, etc. Cheap, $1600. 915 Wil-
1 1 ams ave. -
$4600 fpr fine modern 7 room house In
Upper Alblna. close In between Union
nnd Williams aves.; a fine home, cash
$ 2 500 Marshall 2761. ' ' ' '
FROOM house, corner Jot, close in, In
good location; small payment down,
balance $?5 per month., 861 B. 11th st.
E. 6023. ' -
HOME for sale, -new house,, close, in.
Improvements, near high school and
two carllnea. Call at 926 Gaatenhsla
WILL pay cash for first 'an second
mortgages either straight or Install
ment. State full particulars. D-838,
A Bargain
6 room bungalow, modern and new.
1248 Hawthorne,
Good room house on Mt. Scott car
llne; $100 down, $10 month. Tabor 1887.
S-ROOM house, 729 East Btark near
22d. $27500. Owner, 720 Insley ave,
Phone Sellwood 1786.
teW 7 room house, Laia addition.'
' B- 11th St. E. 602.J
IF YOU' want 6 room bungalow on car
see me No agents. 8-847. Journal.
$30 MONTHLY buye new modern
room home. Phone owner, East ST4L
6-room naw bungalow, lot 60x
118, 1 block to car, walking dis
tance to Kenton or Piedmont
barn; cabinet .kitchen, fine place,
? built-in - sideboard, window
Shades, linoleum, range and laun
dry stove. Price - $2750, easy
' terms.
Members of the Portland Realty
- . Board.
832-338 Chamber of Commeroa,
A brand new 5 room bungalow with
furnace and all other modern conveni
ences for $3200 to responsible party;
first payment down to suit purchaser;
one block to car and hard surface street;
fas, electricity, cement walks and sewer.
405 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 626.
10-room bungalow style 2
story huuse on paved street, sew.
er in, 150 ft. from car line, bath,
two toilets, upper floor rented
for $22.60 per month. This Is a
fine property. Price $4000.
Members of the Portland Realty
882-838 Chamber of Commerce. '
Big Snap
6 room new modern bungalow, one
block from car, near good school; full
basement, large attic; a fjne home. Just
what you have been looking for, and
see the bargain price
$250 CASH, BAL. $15 MONTH.
H. E. JAMES CO., 88 loth, near Stark.
New 6 Room
$200 cash, balance easy payments for
Queen Anne 2 story houae in excellent
location, 8 block from Broadway car,
lot 40x100. Price $3250. E. A. Holslng
ton, 526 Board of Trade. Main 5738.
LOTS $150
$10 DOWN. $5 A MONTH.
Water mains In and paid for; Inside
city limits, close to 5c carline. lots all
level and free from stones. We are the
owners. That Is why we can sell at
this price. Take M V car to 80th St.
Phone Tabor 37fi.
Widell & Wilson
. 2002 E. Gllsan st.
9 lots 50x100. with 4 corners, In block
36, Tibbett's addition, on E. lSJh and
19th sts., between Brooklyn and Tlb
betts sts.. most of the Improvements in.
for the low price of J4750,. on terms to
sun. see Jlr. Rutiifleld, with
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
$10 Down, $10 Per Month
Fine view lot, matured fruit trees;
restricted district, near car, cement
walks, Bull Run water, fruit cared for
free of charge. 202 Board of Trade
bldg. Marshall 473; A-1022.
WOTTT.n vnn liko fn hnv a Inf RfWIIR nr.
the Macadam road, at a bargain? This loam soil, splendidly drained, adapted
lot is located near the manufacturing J to all kinds of fruits, vegetables, chick
district and fares two streets; an ideal en raising: located from five to .ten
location for a small manufacturing con- 1 minutes' walk from the railway sta
cern. If Interested address owner.' E- tlon. and on the river front; only $150
876, Journal.
$325 BUYS a very choice V4 acre tract
on West Sidj-only 20 minutes' ride
on Oregon Electric line. Water piped
to the lot. Terms only $25 cash, bal
ance $5 per month. M. E. Lee, 311
Corbett bldg.
Best 100x100 in Rose City Park,
100 feet from Pandv boulevard.
Get our book of artistic homes.
Portland Bldg. Ass'n.. 322 Mohawk b 1 d g.
Few fir trees, water, facing the east,
3 minutes from car. 6c fare. 20 minutes
from the heart of Portland. Worth $900.
Will scrlfice: make offer; must be cash.
Box 577. Lents, Or.
ACRE. West Side, only 20 minutes'
car ride. Lies beautifully; water
piped to the lot. Price $325; $25 cash,
balance $5 per month. M. E. Lee, 811
Corbett bldg.
FOR SALE At one,-, lots 31 and 32,
block 4. Portsmouth Villa extended,
lots 1 and 2, block 32. Tibbetts' addi
tion. Offers requested. J. F. Raker,
box 531. La Grande. Or.
FOR SALE By owner a swell east
front residence lot 45x118, on Mar
guerltte near Hairison; for particulars,
see owner. 390 H Eliza.
$600 BUY'S z acre In Northrup Acres;
$50 cash, balance - $15 per month.
M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg.
6 2-3 LOTS near . Mllwaukle Heights
" station, high and sightly, $1200. 141H
1st, room 4.
WILT, accept small paying business as
part payment on a beautiful corner.
Sellwood . 58.
MUST sell 2 lots Boston addition Rose
City Park. Will consider vour offer.
Owner. Phone Sellwood 292.
BARGAIN 3 dandy view lots, good
house, $1800 takes all, easy terms, sell
separate. Owner. H-852, Journal.
$3800 BUYS very choice lot" only 12
minutes' walk from postofflce. M1. E.
Lee. 811 Corbett hldg.
QUATtTER" block," with Income, on ?"
16th St., $16,000. Apply 574 Front.
10 Acres
10 acres, all In cultivation and
on good graveled road, all fenced
and croes-fenced; land is level
and the best of soil; good 6 room
house, papered and painted, barn,
chicken house, woodshed and
root house; 60 bearing assorted
fruit trees, ell kinds of small
fruit. This is 13 miles from
Portland, 1 mile from electrlo
line and country town. Price
$3000. Can make terms.
Brong-Steele Co.
267 V4 Oak. 8treet.
Ground Floor Lewis Bldg., Cor
ner 4th and Oak.
Oak Park
I situated Just 21 miles from
Portland: 1 mile from Hillshoro,
the prettiest town In the valley;
the Oregon Electric line runs
through the tract; the Base Line
road along the south; the soil is
A-l;. water la plentiful and good;
It is platted la 1 and 6 acre
tracts; the price is $175 to $400
per acre and the terms 10 per
cent cash -and 1 por cent per
month at "per cent. , What more
do you want for a garden, berry
batch or a suburban home.
, 304 Henry bid.
10. 29 and .40 acres, rich soil, running
water, $100 to $150 per acre: Donald
station, Oregon electric. J. J. Ryan.
Buttevllle. Or. Owner.
10 acre orchard. Clarke Co., prunes and
apples, 0 chickens, 1 young cow 6
room house and outbuildings, price
$6000. Particulars address J. Ellison,
Orchards. ..Wash. '
FIVE acres for $600, fine for chickens,
small fruit, etc., $60-cash, balanco
$10 per month. M. E. Lee, 811 Corbett
bldg. . - .
CHOICE 10 acre fsrm. 1H -miles from
Oregon City; good building: all culti
vated, $61 E. llth at.' E. 602$.
' 07
'. Loamy Land Acres
. ' ' 8 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS. J
, ' This land is specially adapted
to celery, ontoi-p, asparagus and
cauliflower. It. is river bottom
land, and la exceptionally . rich. '
Water can be found at a depth of
20 feet and can be pumped any
placa on land at 9 very moder
. ate cost. , '
The cheapest good land on the
$300 to $400 Per Acre.
Small payment down, balance
S years at 6 per cent.
These garden tracts are but a
short distance from Portland and
have excellent transportation fa
cilities. This land must be seen
to be appreciated. Come and make
an appointment with us to take
you out.
Garden Land Co,
407-8-9 Merchants Trust.
Main 8457. A-2937.
Use Your Eyes
And notice the size of kale,
corn, etc., also how parched
the meadows look. Then
visit West Stayton and see
our splendid kale and corn,
admitted by Prof. Powers
of the O. A. C. to be the
finest in the valley, and sea
our beans, alfalfa, etc.
Everything green and
bright, because irrigated. A
regular "oafle in the des
ert." Come in and let us
show you the pictures
taken of our fields a few
days ago. See Mr. Bishop,
Hartman & Thompson, 4th
and Stark.
10 Acres $2000
' 10 acres, 6 acres In cultivation,
fair house, new barn, good well,
2H acres in potatoes, 1 cow, 1
horse. 6 dozen chickens, new
light wagon aid harness, 1 mow
er, plows, harrow and all kind
of small tools: 3 miles from river
and railroad, 1H miles from elec
tric line, 16 mHes from Portland.
$1000 will handle this, balance
on good terms.
Bron-Steele Co,
267 V2 Oak Street.
Ground Floor Lewis Bldg., Cor
ner 4th and Oak.
1 2. 5 and 10 acre trcts in the
beautiful valley Just west of
Council Crest; 2 carlines. good
water, best of soil and sold on
easv monthly payment plan. Any
amount vou may desire at $250 to
$500 per acre. Let us show you
Main 85. 102 Fourth St. A-3500.
Five, ten and twenty acre tracts, all
cleared and In cultivation, finest dark
to $200 an ncr". Positively the cheap
est acreage tributary to Portland.
Lumbermen bldg., 6tli and StarE.
FIVR acre tracts. 2 miles west of
Willamette river, opposite St.
Johns; on macadam road, run
ning vater, good soil, no rock or
gravel. $150 to $350 per acre and
upon easv monthly payment plan.
Let us show vou these.
Main 3. 102 Fourth St. A-3500.
If you are Interested In vegetable
land, you will be interested to hear
about this tract; we will give easy terms
and the pric e is so low that even a man
with small means can handle this land.
405 CVnirh bldg.
cTfiT:KENarid fruit ranenes near Port
land, walking distance to good town,
running water, best soil, free wdod,
splendid fruit district, view of Colum
bia river and snow peaks. 2 screw $25J;
6 acres $400; 10 seres $700; 10 per cent
cash, easy payments, other tracts near
railway btaiior iz to u per acrsi
809 Yeon bldg.. Portland.
Exceptional RO, truck-garden soil;
wood, timber pay for clearing; near
sawmill; cltv. car; all or part; exolmneo,
Fir and cedar, rapidly emhnncing no
fires, splendid holding Investment. Port-
lnnd realtv or close in acreage, leio
phone Tabor 1302
10 acre, all under high cultivation, a
fine orchard. 6 room, cottage, barn
other outhouses, horse, wagon, buggy
harness, full set implements, furniture
Included, only 4 mile from the electric
lino; will sell cheap and good terms.
Charles Hlrstel, room 104 Sherlock
A Rare Opportunity
A choice 10 acre tract, 2 miles from
Vancouver, 12 miles from Portland post
office; $125 per acre, terms. N. W.
Merrlfleld, 810 Washington st.. Vancou
We sell at the lowest prices tracts of
land, close in. at your own terms; in
formation gladly given.
405 Couch bldg.
480 acres 2V, miles from Estacada car,
good fruit land, fine timber, good
trout stream, 60c car fare; branch line
through land, $40 acre; will divide In
40 acre tracts: 203 Gerlinger bldg. Phone
Main 7311; come go and see this land;
no agents.
16 53 ACHES $020 on terms. No rock
or gravel. Good fruit, garden or
chicken ranch. 'One hour from Port
land, 2'4 miles from river and rail'
transportation within mile of mac
adam wagon road, school and rural mail
delivery, 216 Lumber Exchange.
160 acres. 6 miles from Imfur, Or., 20
acres in cultivation, 5 room box
house, telephone in house: will exchange
for vacant lota or house and lot and
some cssh; price $l"00. See, owner at
12171st st.jsoutlvS.L. Dollar.
TWO acres of ground, first class soil.
in southeast Mt. Tabor; tvHI Bell all or
part or will trade. Inquire Gibbs' gro
cery store, 82d and Powell Valley road.
). It. Larson.
TWO acres, 65 bearing trees, good
house. $3200. terms, st Kendall sta
tlon. Cazadero qnrs. Fred Grant ow ner.
ACUKS With 6 room bungalow, good
chicken ranch on electric line, $2700
easy terms. F-853, Journal.
IMPROVED rancn, 10 acres, good 6
room house and barn, all kinds of
fruit and berries. Jersey cow, good
horse and buggy, all implements, 8
miles from Portland, 1 mllo from elec
tric station west side. $600 cash will
handle. Will consider city property In
exchange. Provident. Investment &
Trustee Co., 201, 202, $03 Board of
Trade bldg.
ACRES for sain. 4U, miles east nt
Oregon City, all tillable, 10 acres
under plow, I6 fruit trees, box house
and barn, fenced hog wire, good well
and spring, road on two sides; -.price
$6000, part cash. No agents need ap
pl)r By owner. F M. Maiden, $9th and
Statk st, Portland.
. Small Fa, rms
4D acres unimproved, 60 rods
from an electric line,- fine for
fruit, garden or chicken ranch.
$76, per acrs on easy terms.
12 acres near Newberg, half In
'cultivation, improved with six
room plastered house, good barn,
fences, farm Implements, family
orchard, 8 acres young trees and
plenty of small fruit. Our price
Inutudes horse, cow, chickens, hay
and crops, $276 per acre.
12 acres nearly all cleared,
half in 2-year-old apple trees,
?:ood soil, good location, good wa
er. and a bargain at $150 per
acre with liberal terms.
664 aero farm. 2 miles from
Oregon City; 30 acres cleared, old
house and uarn; fine soil, good
water, best location, and the best
farm buy in Oregon. $137.50 per
acre. $2500 cash will handle,
balance at 7 per cent.
80 acres fine level land, all
cleared, Joining state orchard at
Estacada; on hard surface road, 3
miles from station, central lo
cation among best improved
farms in district, all ready to set
to apples or prunes this fall.
Will pell all or ten acres, lib
eral terms. $175 per acre.
60a Spalding bldg.
109 acres of fine farm land 2V4 miles
out, part pasture, good running stream
of pure mountain wnter through the
place; this is not hill land, there is
about enough timber on the creek for
firewood to -supply your, wants. The
house Is extra good, the other buildings
are up to date. The- following personal
property goes with the place at the
price of $11,500: One binder, one
mower, one rake, all new. one wagon,
one buggy, one disc, on new steel
harrow, one plow, one double shovel
plow, hoes, 6pales, and a lot of other
tools too numerous to mention; 160
Plymouth Rock chickens, 4 good cows,
cream separator, 2Q ton of hay in barn,
one brood sow, 8 getse, 14 stands of
bees, all the gardoil, 1000 bushels of
grain In barn, wood in shed to last
one year. This only holds good until
September In, 1911. No trades consid
ered. Address W. J. Moore, Browns
ville. Or
Good Farm
80 acres of A-l land with 8
acres In crop, 10 ucros more
slashed and seeded, balance of
land has good timber. 5 acres
beaverdam land. . 6 room house,
barn and outbuildings; placo all
fenced. 3 Berths of orchard, 4
norcH potatoes, 7 tons hay, 1
horse, cow. 6 dozen chickens, hog,
wagon, harness, saddle and farm
machinery. This phice is located
3 miles from Camas, Wash., 20
miles from Portland. Prlco $3000,
Brong-Steele Co,
2 6 7 i Oak st.
Ground floor Lewis bldg., cor. 4th 4 Oak.
Extra Fine 52 Acre Farm
16 miles from Portland, 1 miles
from good town and close to the WIL
LAMETTE RIVER. 20 acres cleared
and In high state of cultivation, 9 acres
slashed and very easily cleared, bal
ance in good timber, new house, good
barn and other buildings, plenty of good
water, well fenced, on rural delivery, 1
mile from schools and churches. We
can sell this beautiful farm within the
next 15 days for $!'5 per acre, which Is
way below the real value. Terms can
be arranged t. Kutt purchaser.
DeYoung & Hartshorne
614 Chamber or Commerce. Alain K068.
FOR SALE 200 acres with stockvard
for dairy and stock. P. B. Gallagher,
Ona, Lincoln Co., Or.
FOR RENT To responsible party who
has 'equipment for cultivating it, 800
acres of good wheat land In Morrow
county. Oregon. For the -right party
who will tuko the land for a period of
years will give an exceptionally good
deal. Apply to John S. Beall, 809 B.
Yamhill st., Portland, Or.
FARM wanted, to rent or work on
shares, by experienced farmer with
best of reference. l')-"i5 4, Journal.
FRUIT trees, finest budded stock, de
scriptive catalogue containing inter
est ingz-informatlon on request. Carlton
Nurserv, 416 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 867.
FRER homesteads, timber water, level
land, near Portland; R. R.. postofflce
and river. Good value. Covey. 267 Oak,
room 21.
Act at Once
6 room house, Hawthorne district
corner lot, east front, $!00 cash, bal
ance cheap lots, acreage, small busi
ne.s, mortgage or anything of value.
Miiwt be sold at once. Price $2000.
H E. JAMES CO., S 10th, near Stark.
160 Acre Farm
Will take trade to amount of $4000,
balance 8000 hack mortgage. This in
cludes all stock and Implements, val
ued at $2000. 402 Lumber Exchange,
2d and Stark.
WANT small tract near electric lines
to trade for house and lot. Have good
paying grocery outside city to trade
for income property or ' farm. Merrill
Investment Co.. 206 Rothchlld bldg.
$4500 10 acres.
Canby, H exchange
no Improvements. In-
city property, nne improvements, in
vestigate. J
Swank. 317 Hamilton
HAVE Keller's and iMrst mortgage con
tracts drawing 7 per cent; will trade
any amount up to $18,000 for real es
tate. V-N50, Journal.
SIX loom house, well built. Spokane,
will trade for house and lot or lots.
Berrey's Realty Co.. 249 4th St. Marshall
2fc2S, A-47JS.
HAVE" two nice lots in Swinfon, will
trade mv equity for first class milch
cow. House tent on them. V-863, Jour
nal. $1150 mortgage on farm, arid $1000
equity in 6 room cottage, will trade
for rooming; "houso or farm, owner 370
fith st.. npt.' S.
HAVE small tract near city te exchange
for good house and lot Owners only.
0-833, Journal.
MODERN 5 room house, lot 50x100, on
Mt. Scott line; will trade for good
heavy team and cashT-8 57.Journal.
$1(500 euulty In modern home; prTce
$4000; to Jrado for Oregon acreage
near Portland, ownor. T-859, Journal
WILL trade paying business for real
estate, $1200; must leave olty. T-
868, Journal. ,
LOT taken as first payment on 6 room
modern home, balance monthly pay-
modern home, balance monthly r
-a - 1 1 1. Ham,, t.'n . 'I - I ,
coin nni? .i,.., .mrl ,111.
WB Tirade tor anything anvwhere. 271 U
n . . n T3hwJ. a,
juorrmun, lovin wa. oiwiiairppt iiix.
WILL accept small paying buslneim as
part payment on a beautiful corner.
Uejiwooo inn
WANTED To trade fine timber land
for Portland property. 1248 Hawthorne
WAVE yoti anything to trade for a
farm in Aioertar mia nurrage st.. city
SEE, us for reil estate trades anywheraT
os Boar a or rrsne oiag.
rWlLL buy. sell or Trade anything.
H. F. Lee. 1016 Board of Trade hldg.
NEW utrii'tly up to date. 6 room moclel-n
bungalow; wnai cave your humi ut a,
For Exchange
Flanders street 5. room bungalow,
mddern. new, lot 60100,' double con
struction, will take touring car aa first
payment, balance easy.
Madras, Cook county 2 story build
ing with store room and 8 living rooms,
lot 20x100 feet, rent $75 per month;
price $3000; exchange 14for rooming
house restaurant, saloon, Portland prop
erty or any legitimate business. '
40 room rooming house, central,
transient,- rent $260. Income $50. price
$4500. part cash, balance In Portland
property or good acreage.
Cottage, 4 rooms, lot 50x100 feet, size
24x26 feet, rent $20 per month; price
$1600; will trade,
2 vacant lots, well located, price
$1100 for exchange.
Redmond. Or., 2 room cottage, 2 lots
each 60x100 feet, rent $10 per month,
bwsines lot on Main street 25x100 ft.,
population of town 600; price on whole
$2300; will exchange.
Gleason street 12 rooms, rent $fi5.
rooming house clearing $76 per month;
will exchange for Portland property.
Alder street Rooming house 11
rooms bath, gas. Income $113. rent $60,
price $1650; exchange for 30 room room
ing house or bungalow.
We have a number of other good
trades on our list and If you h some
thing fur exchange call and see us. We
can match it.
Portland Business Exchange
306 Selling bldr. Main 6816.
For Sale or Exchange
156 acres of good land, all till
able except 20 acres, which has
rtod timber; 25 acres cleared and
in cultivation; balance of land
slashed and seeded, fair house,
barn and buildings, all fenced
with good fencing, fine well,
stream and spring; lies on main
county road, close to school, 2V
miles from electric line, railroad
and town of Forest Grove, Or.
This is an ideal stock and dairy
ranch and Is to be sold at the
small figure of $(W per acre. See
this before buying.
Brong-Steele Co,
2fi7 Oak Street.
Ground Floor Lewis Bldg., Cor
ner 4th and Oak.
I HAVE two clear lots in Rose City
Park which I will turn in as first
payment on a house in that district
Will go up to $4000. My lots are con
servatively priced and I will expect the
same of your house. C-636. Journal.
40 Acres for House
26 miles from Portland, Ideal orchard
land. I want house and lot in city.
What have you? See Klepper, 540 Cham
ber of Commerce.
67 ACRES near Camas, Wash., $13,000,
4 miles from railroad. 7 room house,
good well, puujp on porch, good spring,
barn, haymow, 1000 prune trees, 100
applo trees, 20 mixed fruits, fruit and
milk house and 7 stands of bees to
trade for dry wheat farm in eastern
Washington or Oregon.
206RotlichlJd bMgj
WILL take lot as first payment on 6
room bungalow or 7 room house. All
modern and new. 124S Hawthorne.
Eattern party has the above to Invest
In good first mortgages at low Interest
In sums to suit or will buy real estate
and a good paving business lor casn at
tha right price. See Mr. Ruthffeld. with
Chamber of Commerce Rldg.
WANTED Lot, not over 3 miles from
the Portland postoffice, give good
description, size of lot, street improve
merits if paid must be reasonable, not
rvr $1200. Address E. care of Journal
office, Vancouver. Wash.
WANTED A good lot on 'peninsula or
Alberta, as nrst payment on 7 room
house, balance same as rent. Call room
221, Labhe bldg.. 2d and Washington.
I HAVE sellers and real estate con
tracts drawing 7 per cent; will ex
change for a home clear of Incumbrance
up to tSOOO. Q-856 Journal.
I WANT to buy afonco from owner, a
lot on the earn nlde of tho river, near
carline; in answering give price, terr
and location. Address G-851, Journal.
WILL buy a 2 or 3 room cottage, close
In, on carline, give location and price
in answering. K-K!)5. Journal.
CORNER lot Alberta or near St. Johns
on car line, give location with price
end terms. M-166 Journal.
WANT $1600 3 years at 7 per cent on
Btores rented for $4n month; worth
$40110. .Phone Tabor 2227.
40 rooms, brick building, hot and cold
water In every room, . 4 Vs years' lease.
Owner Is old and wishes to retire. Part
cash. G. A. Nichols Investment Co.,
50U Swptland bldg.
68 room house, new building, new fur
niture; steam heat, good location, 8
years' kai.8, low rent, best bargain In
Portland at $2200. on easy terms. 8im
mons & Co.. 107 W. Park st.
16 ROOMS, brick bldg.. steam heal,
down town, eaplly clear $150 month,
wortli $4000. yours for $1100; easy
terms; hurry. Must be sold at once or
not at all. Goddard, 505 Y eon bldg.
70 ROOMS, corner brick, centrally lo
cated, west side, long lease, clears
$600 per month. Will take good farm
as part payment. Particulars 810 Henry
THE best 10 room close In rooming
house in Portland, rent $36; Income
$165; no exaggeration. Yours for $225
down. Prlco $S50. Goddard, 505 Yeon
12 ROOMS, delightful residence, fur
nace heat, fine furniture, dandy good
income. Price $800.
H. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th (near Stark.)
FREE rent and living, expenses by
small Investment; rooming house,
well furnished, best location; no agent,
owner direct. '476 Taylor.
411 Henry bldg. Marshall 664.
Hotels, apartment houses, rooming
houses bought, sold and exchanged.
10 ROOMS, near White Temple, snap;
good home und money maker. See it
nnd you'll buy. Nuf sed. Goddard, 605
yeon n i ng.
45 ROOMS, new corner brick, swell fur
niture' 6 year lease, clears 8350. Will
iake lots or house and lota as part pay-
ment. i-articmn ra jid jicnry Ploy.
t rooms, transient, lease, will take
$2000 in Orchard bond, balance $3000
In cash. Call 240 4th st. Maruhall 2828.
33 ROOMS Rent $S0. lease; $640 cash,
balance $20 per month. Corner brick,
fine location. Owner. R-862, Journal.
WANTED Rooming house, have hot! ay
and three fine lots to exchange for
E!ln5 vn'ue, $15o0. Main 45.
SEVEN rooms, cheap -rent, going east,
all full, 2 blocks to depot; cleara $36
per month. 485 Everett.
4 ROOMS, best location on east side,
$3 furnished: long lease, $1800 with
terms: owner, t-sii( journal,-
VERY profitable rooming house, central
location; see owner; terma all cash. A-
FOR SALE or trade for lota or aer
age or larger hcuseL 10 rooms, we
furnished, 88 4th St,
12. ROOMS, new rurniture, lease, .clears
$76 per month, $860,, $250 cash, $1(1
fierrry oiag.,
NICELY furnished flat, $22$." $150 cash,
halanca tsrma, 401 H 3d, ot Harrison.
9 room, very cltw In, rent only $3.1i
fine building, - all beautiful outsid
rooms, good lease, alt new and fine fur.
nltrtjre; could rent, rooms' transient U
desired end clear $76 month; price $700,
terma. You can sell - for $100Q .before
H. E, JAMES CO.. 88 10th (near vBtark?)
ALL. alats, all prices, all locations. Will
help you to buy .if your- money la
short, A square deal. Buy, so when yon
want to sell, you can'. Places of merit
only handled from this office. God
dard, 605 Yeon bldg. v '
10 rooms. 3350 down.
. 33 rooms, close In, $1500.
33 rooms, housekeeping only, $1800.
Part "trade, buy now. See- v
BERREY'S REALTY CO., 249, .4th at.
jviarsnaii znzg, A-4718.
32, ROOMS, 3 years' lease, rent' MV;
good corner, right downtown; never
clears less -than $250 month; owner
forced .. to. sell, sacrifice; price $38(0;
terms to suit. Call 88 10th, near Stark.
ROOMING house for sale by owner.
Phone A-5714.
MINING and industrial stocks; tele
phone and other bonds bought and
sold. C. S. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton hldg.
We have some small gilt edge invest
ments from $500 to $50o0. that wo can
guarantee to be as good as your sav
ings bank, with better returns. Call
at once and see Mr. Ruthfield, with
GENERAL merchandise, feod,
grain and shipping business, in
the Willamette va.Tey. This is
a first class proposition and will
bear the closest Inspection; will
consider trade. If Interested call
Main 937 or A-2693. J. V. Guth
rie, 272 Stark St.
Proposals for the purchase and re
moval of the frame building at 7th and
Yamhill sts.Jtnown as the Lysle Talbot,
will be received by the undersigned.
Building could be removed to a west
pelde lot at reasonable cost and made to
produce a good revenue. This is an op
portunity for the owner of a vacant
lot. A. L. Fish. Journal office.
The Biggest Snap Ever Offered
Grocery store close in on east side,
that will invoice from $3300 to $3500.
As the party wants to go away in the
next five days he will sell it for $3000
or will Invoice and allow a good dis
count. This is a good, clean and up-to-date
stock. If you want a grocery
you can't beat this for a bargain. See
Mr. Brooks, 519 Henry bldg.
ram stm
Best corner on Washington at., with
long lease and good business, but owner
has too much, other business. Will In
ventory or sell at cash figure.
Knap Si Wisdom
519 Henry bldg. M. 32S3, A-3265.
Proposals for the purchase and re
moval of the Buckingham hotel building
from Yamhill street between 6th and
7th will he received hv the underslrned.
This building Is of brick construction
and contains enough building material
for a substantial brick structure. Send
proposnls to A. L. Fish, Journal office.:
WILL sell you my optical traveling out
fit and stock and teach you how to
use the trial case and do all kinds of
eye glass and spectacle fitting. Will
bring large results with small Invest
ment. Call up East 2624 or address 628
E. Oak St., Portland, Or.
Bicycle ' Bicycle Bicycle
i nero is money in me repairing oi
locks, keys, umbrellas and bicycles; I
will sell at invoice; keep out of the rain
and make money. Broadstreet'a Ex
change. 271 H Morrison st., room 63.
SPLENDID opening for an active man
with a few hundred dollars in an ea
tabllshed manufacturing and jobbing
business; household bottled gooda and
specialties. Live man wants a live part-
ner. ' an noarn or i raae mag.
I WILL sell a one half Interest In my
business whicn is earning irom io
to S180 a week net for $5000 cash. Ex
perience not necessary. For further
particulars call on Northern Trust com
pany, 270 Stark St. See Mr. Brltt.
Confectionery and Cigar Store
On best transient street in city, rent
only $25 per month, clears $6 daily, well
worth $400, yours If taken at onoa for
$150. Peters, 16 N. 6th st.
Am alone and want a man to help ma;
must bo Industrious and sober; refer
ences given. G. A. Nichols Inv, Co., 606
Swetland bldg.
STOCK and fixtures, candy and lea
cream manufactory outfit for aale,
building for rent, with good lease; It
will invoice about $4000; doing business
$40 per day. Rent $30. This is tha owner;
no agents, inquire jm-ibp. journal.
STORE for rent In brick building, just
completed, offers good opportunity
for grocery, meat market or dry gooda
store, in restricted district. 250 Killings
worth ave., near Vancouver ave.
t'p to date business, nets $100 week
ly, want a reliable man to take half
Interest. G. A. Nichols Inv. Co., 606
Swetland hldg.
500 Business Cards $1
Rose City Printery, 193H 8d.
A REAL BARGAIN. Mention this ad.
FOR RENT or sale, easy terms, well
known Riverside house. 660-663 Mac
adam st., Oct. 1, 60 rooma furnished.
K. Dayton, owner. 14 1st.
FOR SALE By owner, confectionery
.... nrl,-K 4 m
tlllU g I '.,1. C J, OVW VTtfcM (Willi,
price $460; may give some term. 869
savier st.
Vl in ,1, .
rOR SALE Good live grocery a took
and nxtures. invoice inont fievv,
cheap rent. Living rooma.' . Xf 858, Jour
1 AM in the market for a good, cash
'trneerv. well located, that la doing
the business. Will go aa high aa $3000.
idctress L-R52. Journal.
On a cood corner, rent $20. averase
$60 weekly, make deposit and try befora
buying. O. A. Nichols Inv. Co., $0$
Swot land bldg,
AM looking for a grooery from $500 to
$1000. Am in a nurry. Address .-&,
I WANT to buy a rooming house of if
to 20 rooms, well located, showing
goo a Income. Address T-844, Journa l.
FOR SALE Auto delivery or expresa
$400. or trade for property. R-866,
WANTED A good newspaper or iou
office in Oregon or Waahlncton. ' Ad-.
dress M-167 Journal. .
Letter Heads, Envelopes. Cards
Acorn Press. 612 Buchanan bldg. M. 6654
FOR SALEPop corn wagon and outfit.
good paying ouainei
dav. H-846. journal.
sines.-clsars $6 per
WANT good man In laundry " proposl
tlon In city. Experience not needed.
V-8S1, journal.
AM t)ICK Must eell "mypayln cash
grocery pusineas; wru invoice. Main
8464. No agents. . '. :: , - ''V - ; s
ihj, c j, m v ,i m'i - .mi r, vnji'T, n in
voice; good reason for selling. Owner,
W-8 4 7. Journal. ' n. '.
SMALL bakery at Invoice, about $500,
by owner; good buslnetf. ; Chaa. M,
jonnaon, iieaverion. .r.
SMALL bakery andPconfectlonery ami
stock Of groceries for sals cheap. 811
Williams, -,. f..-:. ;1 -r -
iAY"lNGTSjNiiiea for aale, macitfa",
$90 twwst leave flty. T-86. Journal,
FOR RENT &'iore with' lIvTrigTooma!
On carline. Phnne Woodlawn 697.
&TORH. central location rent $i5
month. U. E. Lee, til Corbett