The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 05, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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V ;
Line to Malheur Pass Seems
Near. Unless Activity & ak '
Right of Way Bluff.
(BpecUl to The Jtaal.y
Vsls, Or., Sept. B.Preparatorjr to the
bUUHInff of the Oregon Eastern railroad
out of this city into Harney county,
the local, railroad yards are being en
larged by several mile of switching
tracks over the new three quarters of a
mile of right of way Just secured west
of this city by ths Oregon Eastern rail
road from the Oregon A Western Col
onisation Co. ! Largs gangs of laborers
ars at O'0' laying temporary ; tracks
whereby ths special .wor train and
mechanical unloader can be used to fill
In the local yards."When completed,
ths yards will have three miles of track
and ths extenslveness of the work all
Indicates 'that mscb more work is to be
undrtaksn within -a-fewweeks. " - ,
, Gordon Ouptlll; an abstractor of the
Oregon Short Line, completed his work
here Friday and left for headquarters
at Salt Lake with complete records and
data for an abstract of all ths property
from the Vale, yards to the mouth of
ths Malheur canyon. While every step
of the railroaders . points thst
ths Oregon Eastern may be bulli out of
this city this fall through the Malheur
pass in order to hold that Important
franchise, many here , believe that ef
forts are now being made by the rail
road people to secure an extension of
their expiring franchise to a right of
way ovet. the government lands,,,
l&'i-j " . n
Malheur Fights Are Nnmeroiu.
V.V,:;f -''v.V,(aoeelal to The Journal.)
. Vale, ' Or., Sept. 6. The September
term, of the circuit-court for Malheur
oounty, which- convened hers today, will
be busy, as It Indictments were re
turned by the grand Jury Saturday. Ths
numerous Indictments largely result
from the eptdemlo. of assault and bat
tery which has been on for the past
few months throughout the Interior
country. Indicted for assault with dan
gerous weapons or for battery are: A.
Z. Simrns, a negro' of Ontario; Frank
8hum way and son," Jack Shumway; J.
H. Hart of West fall; John Speer and
Adolph Knits- of Westfall. Three in
dictments were : returned against.!. B.
Teeter and Jim Takyama. of Ontario
for ths selling of Intoxicating liquors
to minors. A. B. Converse, a traveling
man of Portland, is being held in the
county jail on a charge of obtaining
money under false pretenses. W. H.
Tuttls Is accused of living off the earn
ings of a woman of Ontario. ' Two not
true - bills were also returned ' by the
grand Jury. Besides these ; tirlmlnal
cases the docket contains a large num-
r 01 civu cases.
. High School Contract Signed.
' "L . (Special to The Jourail. ) .
Vale, Or., Bept B. -The contract for
the new $80,000 high school building
In this city bas been signed by the
school board and Welch & Wright of
Portland. Ths modern structure of 1
schoolrooms, audltorlumv library, gym
nasium, offices and laboratories, was
designed by C H. Burggarf of Albany.
It will be practically three stories high
and will be built of brick, with a tilth
pact to have ths building completed by
January l.
Packet Hits Whale.
San Francisco, Sept 6. While coming
dfiwn the coast the packet Hecla hit a
huge sleeping whale. The sea for s
quarter of a mile was covered with
Sewer System Now Likely to
Become ReklityConcrete
Buildings Go Up.
(BpedsJ to The JearasL)
. Lebanon, Or., Sept. 8. Things again
look favorable for Lebanon to have . a
sewer . system. The bonds voted last
year and sold In May but rejected by
the attorneys for the bonding company
on a legal point were readvertlsed. New
bids were as follows: Union Trust A
Savings bank, Spokane, Wash., par, ac
crued Interest,' 1170 per'11000 premium
and cost of preparing the bonds; J. H.
Causey V Co., Denver, Colo., par, ac
crued interest,' ITS gross premium on
the 170,000 and payment of the cost
of printing; Bidwell-Harden Bros., par
for 60,000. 1
The bid of the Union Trust & Sav
ings bank was accepted under the con
dition that this company put up a cer
tified check for 13500, guaranteeing to
take the bonds provided that their at
torneys found them all right. The
firm of Bldwell-Hayden Bros, was next
high. s
Last spring Bldwell-Hayden Bros,
were awarded the contract to build the
sewer but the sale of the bonds held
up the work. It now looks as If this
sale will go through and if It does, work
will commence within the next ten
days. Lebanon Is badly in need of a
The receipts of the Lebanon postofflce
for August show a gain of 40 per cent
over August 1910. The postofflce boxes
are all rented and Postmaster Brown
has ordered another section, which will
be Installed sometime this month.- Thers
Is hardly a dwelling In ths City that can
be rented and many new ones art un
dor construction, v '.' .
J, C Osvlne hss commenced construe
Hon on a,-new hotel upon the ground
where the Hotel Lebanon was burned
last; spring. Ths nsw hotel will be a re
enforced ' concrete building and thre
stories high with basement -.The lower
floor Will he occupied as store build
lngs and the two upper stories by 71
rooms It Is Mr. Devine's present plans
to make the hotel, steam heated and
modern throughout.
Two others are building concrete
structures. Dennis Cormier Is erecting
four concrete store buildings on Sher
man '"s'U'&Bt, and S. P. Bach, president
of the First National bank, is building'
a two story conoreta bonding on Main
Shells that explode on 'contact with
the lightest fabric have been adopted
for German artillerists' use against aero
planes. i-
At Prices Much Lower Than They Have Ever Been Offered Heretofore!
Included are Chiffoniers, with and without mirrors, in plain oak, quartered sawed oak. Circassian walnut and mahogany. Chiffoniers from the least expensive
to the qest, all ottered at prices much less than you have ever been asked to pay
$9.50 Oak Chiffonier without glass, five drawers,
fitted, with wood knobs, thirty inches &L fiC
in width, special. DUaUO
$16.75 Golden Oak Chiffonier, very large size, six
drawers, no mirror, 40 inches in 1 A flC
width, special MU."0
$20.75 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, finished golden,
,has straight front and wood knobs. 1 i Or
Large pattern plate mirror. Spec'l ) 1 T00
$27.50 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, true Colonial
design, with Six drawers and large flj A AP
French plate mirror. Special 51 josO
$32.00 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier of modern Eng
lish design, 32 in. in width, straight. (g 1 H r
front drawers, selected stock, spec'l 4) 1 O
$39.00 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, extra quality,
full swell front, large pattern plate (fJO OC
mirror, finely finished.' - Special D0Ot)
$52.50 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier, Colonial design
of extra size, 16x24 square mirror, flJQQ
selected stock, well finished, special DOOsO
$12.50 Solid Oak Chiffonier, with five drawers and
10x18 French Plate mirror. Width d0 OC
38 inches. Good construction. Special DOsOO
$22.50 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, built on square
lines, with scroll standards and (JJ A H J
large French Plate mirror, Special D 1 jT O
$25.00 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, unusually large
size, fine selected stock, 16x24 (T1Q .C
pattern plate mirror. Special.... DIOsUO
$31.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, 33 inches in width,
with swell front and French legs, CJOI "5C
large oval plate. Special DlsOO
$36.00 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier, colonial de
sign, with large oval plate mirror, J'lC CA
very best construction. Special tj)is0dU
$41.00 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, 36 inches in
width; has serpentine drawers and dj 3 A Q A
French legs, large mirror, Special DOt"sUU
$69.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, colonial design, large
size fitted with glass knobs and CQ ETA
large oval plate mirror. Special DttOsOU
Some Unusually Low Prices on Carpets,
Curtains and Rugs
$1.25 Tapestry Brussels Carpet, a full assort
ment of colors and large or small designs,
with or without border. Very special A O
at, yard sO
$1.75 Fine Axminster Carpet in a wide variety of floral
and Oriental designs, all colors, with or QA
without border. Very special at, yard vJLeJa7
$5.50 Lace Curtains, six patterns, including English
Brussels, Irish points, and nets. All patterns new
this season. Special for balance of the JQ
$8.00 Lace Curtains, per pair. Dainty Cluny and Net
Curtains, 10 splendid patterns to choose from, all
patterns new and desirable. Special this Qf
week wOeOD
9x12 All-Wool Art Rugs to CO Qfl
Be Offered This Week af.....4-''-'v
Fall size only, two
inch continuous'
posts, large filler
rods. Bettor than
a low priced Brass
We offer this as the best
value for n popular price
Rug, made of lustrous
worsted yarns. No pains
or expense has been
spared to have the de
signs and colors equal
the high standard of bet
ter grades.
9x12 Room Size, Special
When you buy the SOUTH BEND MAL
LEABLE you buy a range that is positive
ly guaranteed to give you absolute satisfac
tion just as long as you have need to use
has more special features than any other
range. Its thorough riveted construction as
sures you its everlasting service. Its econ
omy of fuel, its Sterling Malleable qualities
and perfect results obtained in baking and
cooking will appeal to you who seek range
perfection. We will gladly prove to you the
superiority of the South Bend Malleable
K-- U , -
- ' ' . fit ,(s"-'n-
" il '
s-" rT-T-i-.LT'. - J
Here are six numbers that will prove to you Powers' ability to undersell all other stores. The pieces are built of oak, all good designs and offered at prices far less than
yuu win vc aDie w ooiain eisewnere.
S37JJO UBOB OJUC BTjrrxT, exactly
b piciurea. duiu or selected stock,
trimmed with wood knobs. 60 Inchos
1 ,,1 ts
f34O0 BTJrrXT UZB THIS In qusr-
ierea osk, wun large plate mirror.
Width 42 inches, suitable for small
$91.00 ITTIB IH OAJC In either
fumed dr golden wax, one of
the very best designs ever of- ruvano oak butt-et In the
Mission desicrn with three drawers.
two cupboards and plate rail. D
puMhrrorspVcia5 . .$31.25 21"!"? . .r0..m; . J??.. .$17.65 pr.,clafor.!1:?.?!'1.ce:. . .$14.45 f Xu?n:. . . $19.75
998.00 KXBSXOJT VATTBBX either
fumed or waxed, selected oak, a
better pattern than you will find
anywhere for the price. 01 e
Special ..I.OO
This is the Machine you have read so much about in the magazines the Machine which has a score
of altogether new improvementsand the Machine which is sold at a price so much lower than
linn o "n i.AuiiAm.l i- 11. Si! 1 i. f r ; 11 t ji. .1 e - 1 . i
jruu an, awuoiuuicu iu pay lur uic jiiRncsi raae oewwig macnine tnai ir we loia you wnai
the price is it would preiudice vou aeainst the Machine. We insist on
showing the Machine and its points of superiority before telling you
what a bargain really is. To give you a better chance still of finding
out for yourself how perfect it is and to-show you our absolute con
fidence In the "Free" we want you to give it ,
Try this Machine, test it, sew with it on all kinds
of material, if you then are not entirely satisfied,
if you are not convinced that it is the best
Machine you , have -ever sewed on, the most im-
proved, the most up-to-dateif the low price does
not convince you that this is the biggest bargain
you have ever bought, return the Machine to us
and we will refund your deposit, so that, the trial
will not cost youf one cent. ' ;
as.75 numr nr oak, suit
able for a small dining room,
selected quartered stock, large
plate mirror. Special J22 85
fct f !
Built of Fumed
Oak with genuine
Spanish leather
seat and b a e k,
very desirable pattern.
Library Table, Like Cut, tf 7 AC
Worth $i2.5QThis Week at J1 I?
When we say that this is the greatest Table
special of the year we mean it. For at no
other time have we or anyone else been able
to offer a Library Table of this grade and size
at so unusual a price. It is exactly as pictured,
and made of selected oak, finished wax or
fumed. . It is forty-two inches in width and has
long drawer, ine
panel ends and wide
lower shelf make it
very desirable for
most any home,
Only 50 Tables to
Sell at This Price