11 SflHBRS nee turning west on Fifteenth street or of Ashland.) Is a. business visitor In ths city,' a ueat at ths Imperial.' ; A. J. KlppeU and wlfs of Grants Pass are spending a few days In the city, guests at ths Imperial. Frank Alley, the well known horse man of Roseburg. is In ths city for the purpose of talcing part In ths race meet which was postponed on acoount of rain. ' Be Is a guest at the Imperial. Mrs. George Drumheller,' wife of the well known merchant of Walla Walla, Wash., and ohlldren are visiting in ths city, guests at the Imperial. Miss E. Ganyorva young society wo man of Medford, is visiting in the city, a guest at the Imperial. Mrs. Homer I. Watts, wife of the well known attorney of Athena, Is a visitor In ths city, a guest at the Imperial. Rev. A. Beers of Seattle Is a visitor in the city, a guest at the Imperial. , Arthur Conklln, the Grants Pass newspaper publisher, and two daughters, are visiting In the city, guests at the Imperial. G. C. Fulton, the well known attor ney of Astoria, Is a business visitor in the city, a guest at th Imperial. The Victoria baseball team la regis tered at the Oregon. Gsorge Sheppard, the fruitgrower and expert of Hood River, is i a business visitor In the city, guest at ths Ore gon. , C. G. Cockburh, a wheat grower of Milton, and his wife are spending a few days In the city, guests at the Oregon, Will Wright, state bank examiner of Salem, Is a business visitor In the city, a guest at the Oregon. D. B. Grant, formerly deputy sheriff of Jackson oounty, a real estate dealer of Medford, Is a business visitor In the city, a guest at the Oregon. E. T. MiHlner of Buhl. Idaho, a prominent farmer of that section. Is a business visitor in the city, a guest at the Oregon. Grant Ste en, a well known wheat rais er and fruitgrower of the Milton sec tion, and wife are visiting In the city, guests at the Oregon. W. H. Lytle and wife of Tillamook are spending a few days In the city, guests at the Cornelius. Dr. R. Steel of Seattle Is spending a few days In the - city, a guest at the Cornelius. G. H. Qreen, a horseman of Warren ton, is a visitor In the city, a guest at the Cornelius. 3. G, McCarty of Oakland, Cat, and W. G. Durxee at Los Angeles, horsemen, are in the city, guests at the Cornelius. They came to attend the race meet scheduled to begin yesterday. W. G. Magnes, a banker of Fargo, N. IX. and his son are spending a few days In the city, guests at the Cornelius. A. W. Plaas, a prominent business man of Philadelphia, is spending a few days In the city, a guest at the Bowers. Adolph Sanders Of Albany, Or., is a business visitor In the city, a guest at the Bowers. Charles B. McKeen of Terre Haute, Ind., and wife are visiting In the city, guests at the Bowers. R. H. Wright, a merchant of White Salmon, Wash., is a business visitor in the city, a guest at the Perkins. Dr. M. W. Harrison of Haines, Or.. Is a business visitor In the city, a guest at the Perkins. W. Vogel, the railroad man of Se attle. Is a business visiter In ths city, a guest at the Perkins. C F. Coleworthy, a prominent citlsen of Pendleton, and - wife are spending- a few days In ths city, guests at ths Perkins. - Miss Alice E. Demmon and Miss Net tle "Beth Davis of Myrtle Creek, Or are visiting tn the city for a few days, guests at the Perkins. H. B. Johnston, a fruitgrower, and wife of Hood River are visiting In the city, guests at the Perkins. Mrs. C. B. Wallln and sister ot Camas, Wash are spending a few days in the city, guests at the Perkins. W. I. Elbert of Newberg, Or., is s business'' visitor in the city, a guest at the Perkins. J. T. Turley and wife of Baker are visiting In the city. They ar guests at the Perkins. H. R. Wooley, founder of Wooleyport, Cel., Is a visitor in the olty, a guest at the Portland. Franklin K. Lane, interstate com merce commissioner of San Francisco, Is In the city, a guest at the Portland. W. R. Wheeler, head of the traffic bureau ef the Southern Paclflo oom pany at San Francisco,- Is a business visitor In the olty, a guest at .the Pert land..; v'V ; S'',, ;.'! Mrs. Alexander Bailey, wife of the manager for Balfour, Guthrie ft Co, at Tacoma, a spending a few days tn ths elty. She Is accompanied by Misses Elisabeth and Catherine . Bailey. . and they sre guests at the Portland ' Henry Miller, his son Gilbert H. Mil ler, Laura Hops Crews, and Fannie Byrnes, who are playing at the' Hltlgt are at the Portland. Carmine . A. Thompson, assistant to the secretary of ' the Interior, passed -through the city, yesterday morning on his way to Washington. He was a guest at the Portland. County Judge T. J. Cleeiton left yesterday for a visit to his old home In Schuyler county, Missouri. He will visit Yellowstone park en route. During his absence nonsupport cases will be tried by the presiding Judge and probate busi ness will be transacted by one of ths other circuit judges. some other street la that vicinity and thence north on Olive street to Fifth street again. . Mr. Gray did not say when the con tract for the extension of the Oregon Klectrlo south to Eugene would be let, but from his remarks It was Inferred that work would not cease at Albany but would continue to Eugens when that city is reached. Ha- did not deny or affirm that the HU1 people were behind the surveyors, who are very active be tween this city and the coast, viewing a Una to Coos Bay. v ' HILL SURVEY IS TOPIC i I "K r t x (Special to Tht Journal. Eugen, dr., Sept. 6.CrI Oray, presi dent of the Oregon Klectrlo Railway, arrived- In Eugene last evening in an automobile' 'having made the trip from Salem through the rain and mud. Mr. Gray came to Eugene' te look at the ground recently bought by agents of the company for a' depot site and terminal grounds and to arrange for a franchise on more streets In the city than Fifth street, over which thoroughfare the Oregon Electric will enter Eugene from the north and on which the passenger depot will bo located. It Is. said that the company desires to. build a loop ex tending from Fifth street to the south ern part of the city over High street, PERSON The state board of optometrists opened offices at the Imperial hotel yesterday for the purpose of holding examinations. C. B. Watson, a well known citlsen Special 25c Dairy Lunch Served In Baacmcnt-Grcat Sole of School ClrlldreiVst Wearing Apparel In All ttie Departm'ta Standard Sewing Machines Sold on the Sl.OO a Wcck Club Plan-New Goods Are Arriving Dally In All Departments rrtB xsSON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER S, 191L ISSILEN WHEN -,i ML, Extra! An All Day Sale 110 Dozen Men's $1.50 Wool Underwear 98c Here's an item that will bring hundreds of thrifty men to our Basement tomorrow. A special pur chase of Men's Natural Wool Underwear in rrue- dium and heavy weight for Fall wear. Shirts and Drawers; well made and finished; closely AO woven ; sizes 32 to 46 ; best'$1.50 values, at OC Ask for Medallion coupons when trading. No Phone Orders on Hourly Sales. i 1 i O Idls, t i Sale Travelers' Samples of New Trimmings To $3.00 Values at 29c All day tomorrow, the most sensational sale of Trimmings ever held in Portland. A complete line, of samples of Allover Laces, Nets, Gold Lace, Beaded Nets, Embroidered Chiffons, Oriental, Venise and Irish Allovers, Bands, Beadings, etc., in to j4-yd. lengths, suitable to trim hats, dresses, coats or waists. Pieces worth to $3.00 a yard; specially prioed at only feesC 10 Until 11 A. M. Women's $3 Sweaters $1.48 and good colors; Wyell made and the most extraordinary 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base ment A one-hour sale of women's Wool Sweaters, in a full line of sizes rv bargain of the day ; regular $3.00 Val- (j in ues, priced this hour at plfiO 35c Jewelry now for only 5c 10 tojl a. m. tomorrow, in the base men t-Agreat , clean-up sale of Jewelrv Novelties, such as Ilatpirrs, Beautv Pins, Stick Pins, Buckles, Brooches, etc. Values up to 3"k- each, specialized for 1 hour JC $1.10 Blankets the Pair at 79c 1 to 11 a. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A one-hour sale of heavv Cot ion Fleered Blankets, in white or pray; full ten-quarter size. Good for Winter sheets or Summer T( covers; $1.10 vals., sp'l, pr. f " C $5.00 Wash Dresses now $1.98 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base ment A one-hour sale of women's Tub Dresses, in many new and at tractive patterns for street or house wear; well made and trimmed; reg ular $3..r0 to $5.00' val- QQ ues, priced now at only 4)la70 50c Swiss Curtains at 29c Pair 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base ment Shop by the hour all day. Take lunch here. Juy some of these Swiss Curtains in stripe effects with ruffles. Curtains for chamber or cottage. Bargain at .r0c a t pair, specially priced only C Kitchen Sets Selling for 25c 3 pieces Cleaver, Butcher and Veg etable Knives. Are great bargains. Set of Table Mats for only 13c Japanese Table Mats in sets of six. 20c Silk Ribbons 12c 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow In the Base ment A sale of very exceptional quality Moire Silk Ribbon,-full 4 t inches wide, extra fine quality a full range of beautiful new shades for hair bows, children's J school hats, etc. ; 20c qual. 1 C 66We(iini(e(iHaiy EttDnmrDy Sate" 1 1 s to 1 6 pm. y& H SPBCftLS jjk From 11 A. 1VI. Until 12 Women's $3.00 Oxfords 79c 11 a. m. until 12 tomorrow in the Basement A sale of Women's High-grade Oxfords in black and tan; made with good soles and pat terned on new style lasts; "7 A values to $3 pair, special J JC Boys' $1.25 Wash Suits 69c , a. m. to 12 tomorrow in the Basement A sale of Boys' AVash Suits of good, dependable materials, neatly styled and trimmed; regu lar values to $1.25; spe- A cially picd for one hqur'OeC Picnic Hams the Pound IOV2C 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow in the Basement Grocery. Wholesome. $1.50 Kimonos for only 98c 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow in the Basement Women's Long Kimo nos of cotton challis and crepes in attractive Oriental designs trimmed in plain bands. Good sellers QQ at $1.50 each; for one hour "OC 50c Shopping Baskets at 19c 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow in the Basement A special purchase of over 2000 heavy RushPackage Baskets and Twine Bundle Car riers, such as sell regularly 25c and 50c each; special at 19c 14-Quart Dishpan for 29c Tn the Basement Underprice Store. Full 14-quart gray enamelware. From 12 Until 1 F. IVI. $1.00 Fancy Neckwear at 25c 12 to 1 p. tn. tomorrow in the Basement A sale of Women's fancy Neckwear in new designs for Pall. Jabots, Collars, Fichus, etc. These were bought at half of cost of making; vals. to $1 DC Men's Nightgowns for 46c 12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow in the Basement A sale of Men's Mus lin and Outing Flannel, Night Gowns. Cut full anl long and cor rectly sized. Special price for this one-hour sale, each 40C Enamelecl Tea Kettle for 39c 12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow in the Basement. No. 7 size Gray enamel. $1.00 Motor Veils for 48c 12 to 1 p. tn. tomorrow in the Basement A one-hour sale of Auto and Shetland Veils, made of good quality chiffon and lace, edged all around. Black and all wanted colors ; reg. $1 each 48c 10c Embroidery Insertions 2c 12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow In the Basement A one-hour sale of Cambric Embroidery Insertions in good widths and pleasing patterns. such as sell regularly at 10c a yard; for this hour at only 2c Men 3 for 25c Handkerchiefs, Special at Three for 16c Linen finish, full size, J4incn hem. From 1 Until 2 P. IVI. $2.39 $5.00 Silk Petticoats at $2.39 1 to 2 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A one-hour sale of pure Silk Petticoats; made of fine, soft finish silk with deep flounce and dust ruf fle ; colors and black ; regular $5 grades, at Table Damask, the Yard 39c 1 to 2 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A one-hour sale of Mercer ized Table Damask in pleasing pat terns; full 58 inches wide, suitable for home use or for hotels and restaurants. Spec'l, yd. 39c "O. W. K. Special" Butter fQ in 2-pound squares, at only DOC 59c $1.00 Black Taffeta Silk 59c 1 to 2 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A one-hour sale of rich black Taffeta Silk, perfectly dyed and finished, suitable for dresses, waists, linings, petticoats, etc. ; 32 ins. wide ; $1 quality $1.50 Corsets Selling for 98c 1 to 2 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A one-hour sale of famous Royal Worcester and Marquise cor sets, made of good coutil ; all sizes in lot; to $1.50 val. 16-inch Towel Bar only 13c Best quality Nickel Towel Bar. Full 16 inches. Special for this hour only 98c From 2 Until 3 F. IVI. $25.00 Silk Suits, Coats and Dresses Specialized at $7.95 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment Odd lots of Women's Pon gee Silk Suits, Pongee Silk Coats and Foulard Silk Dresses ; 100 gar ments in this lot; all well made and styled. Value's to $25 t7 QC each; for this hour at vi eD 59c Sateen Shirts at only 39c 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A sale of Men's Sateen Shirts in neat black and white checks; regular 69c sellers, special for this hour only 39c 30c Roasted Coffee, lb., 23c Dress Goods, Yard, only 19c 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A sale of 35 pieces of new plaid Dress Goods, bought way un der price for a crowd-bringer ; it's 33 inches wide; good pat- terns in dark and light; at leC Curtain Ends for only 33c 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A great sale of mill ends of Lace Curtains, Nottinghams and Cable Nets, etc Splendid lengths for sash curtains. In full QO pairs they'd sell up to $5.00 eJsjC Nickel Tumbler Holders 19c 2 to 3 p. m. Best Nickel Holders. Extra! All Day Sale New Tailored Suits $10 A great pick-up from one of New York's leading tailors. A lot of just 70 very stylish, neat, plain tai lored Wool Suits, cut on perfect lines. A good assortment of the new Fall colors to choose from. Bargainizcd for this sale .at only, the sui t $10.00 From 3 Until 4 I3. 1VL $5.00 Silk Waists for $2.48 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A very special purchase of Women's Silk Waists, neatly tail ored ; designed on perfect lines ; rich quality taffeta; A Q Fall shades, $5 values te40 Size 63 by 90 Sheets at 39c 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A one-hour sale of Bed Sheets; sizes 63x90 inches; torn and hemmed ready for use. Hotels and rooming houses should QQ lay in a supply Special, ea. JC 40c Teas, Special now at 25c 3 to 4 p. m. in Basement Grocery. Gunpowder and Eng. Breakfast. Bed Spreads, Special at 97c 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A one-hour sale of Bed spreads in the honeycomb mater ial; sizes for large beds; splendid patterns. Housekeepers Qy take notice. For one hour at C Tapestry Curtains only $1.39 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A sale of 100 pairs of splen did Tapestry Curtains ; beautiful patterns, reversible, in rich color ings; 30 ins. wide and QA 3 yds. long; special pr. )XesJe7 Purity Silver Polish now 10c On sale in Basement for one hour. 35c Silk Veilings, Yard, 12c Coarse or fine mesh, black, colors. From 4 Until 5 P. IVI. Men's $2.50 Sweaters at $1.59 4 to 5 p. m. -tomorrow in the Base ment A one-hour sale of Men's Sweaters in a full line of staple col ors and sizes; very firmly woven; will hold their shape,; 1 C( reg. $2.60 values, only laD7 Gingham Aprons, Special 19c 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A sale of Women's Ging ham Aprons ; large, "full sizes, in plain styles, with pockets; neat checked, patterns; special 1 A for this hour only at, each lfC Herrings in Sauce 9c Very choice Herrings put up in tomato sauce. Jelly Tumblers, Each, 2c $1.25 Dozen Val. Lace at 48c 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A sale of hundreds of doz ens Valenciennes Laces, suitable for every purpose; beautiful pat terns, which sell regular to A Q $1.25 a dozen; this nour at flOC Bleached Bath Towels at 19c 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow in the Base ment A ale of full Bleached Bath Towels, size 23x45 inches; splendid for household nse; good values at 25c each ; specialized for, each 10J 50c Waste Baskets for 23c 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow in the Base mentA sale of Waste Paper Bas kets for house or office use, Indian made, assorted shapes and iq colors; 50c grades, at only ttOC 5 P.M. Until 6 P.M. Men's $1.00 Union Suits at 48c 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, in the base ment A rousing one-hour sale of men's Union Suits in nearly'all sizes, seasonable weights. Neat fitting and regular $1.00 values, spe- AQ cialized for this one hour at OC Children's $1.75 Gowns at 89c 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow in the base ment A one-hour sale of children's Gowns; made of good quality mus lin, trimmed in lace and embroidery. Some slightly soiled or mussed, but otherwise perfect Good QQ values to $1.75, special at OsC $1.25 Lace Curtains Only 69c 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow in the base ment A one-hour sale of Notting ham . Lac Curtains ; mostly odd pairs, but many two or three of a. pattern ; values up to $1.25 Q the pair, special this hour at UC Soft Bleached Muslin, Yd., 8t 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow in the base ment A one-hour sale of 36-ineh Bleached Muslin, the very soft fin ish suitable for women's underwear. A splendid bargain fox nl A. tomorrow it, the yard O 2CT Coat Hangers, Special Each Zp 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow. Shop by the hour In the basement store, 1000 highly polished hardwood Coat Hangers, full sire and correct Q shape; special at, each, only OC $1.00 Allover Lace, Special a 48c 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow in the base ment A one-hour sale of 20'pfeees white and ecru; splendid range of patterns. Regular 75c to $! AQ values, special for this hour loC Earthen Tea' Pots, Special 16c The brown ware Makes good tea. Child's 50c Rompers 38c 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow in the Base- 4 ment At the stroke of the gong will bring out a big lot of Children's' Rompers made of fine quality Ging ham, in stripes and checks, sizes 2 to 6 years, well made and QQ trimmed ; regular 60c grades OOC Extra! All Day Sale Men's $20 Suits for $795 All day in the basement we will hand out these splendid Suits. Odds and ends selected from our upstairs 'stock sent down to the basement to be closed out. The same high standard of quality as Ay when selling up to $20 3)7) Extra! All Day Sales! $8.00 Wash Suits $1.43 Here goes" to clean up all that's left of that special purchase of , women's Wash Suits, made of linen and other washable materials. Pure white, tan, checks, stripes, etc. We took all the factory had of these got 'em at our - price. They are id f AQ worth tdv$8.00. Special 2I,40 $1.50 Wash Wallslls 25c An all-day sale of women's Waists, made of good materials, slightly soiled and mussed. Middy and many other styles, in white and colors ; all good. Of course, they are odds and erids, but they did sell regular at $1 to $1.50. Now we rjtice them Of for speedy closing at only &DC On the Bargain Circle? Main Floor, Tomorrow Toilet Goods and Notions 10c Hair Nets, priced, dozen 28 5c Fairy Soap, limit 6 cakes, 3 60c Palm Olive Cream, limit 3, 7 25c doz. Toilet Soap for only 10 Best for.hotels, rooming houses, etc $250 Brushes at 75c Military Hair Brushes and Cloth Brushes, Hand Mirrors, etc. Worth up to $2.50, special f DC Traveling Causes, values to $3, 5c Spool Cotton, special price 3 5c Spool Silk, specially priced 3 2 for 6c Darning Cotton, each 1 10c Seam Binding, special at 6c 5c Hooks and Eyes, special at 2c Ironing Wax, the dozen 10 25c Dr. Shld. I2c 25c Hair Pins 10c Sc Collar Stays 3c 10c Pearl Butni. 7c 10c Dr'kg. Cup 8c 39c' Scissors at 25c 25c Sk. Marker 12c 25c -Towel Rod 10c 5c 'Taper Pins 2f 35c Talr. Chalk 20c Extra! All Day Sales! 8000 Yards Draperies 15c and 20c Mill Ends 10c Yard In the Basement Underprice" Store we offer an all-day sale of mill ends of Draperies, Madras, Scrim, etc., in lengths from 1 to 10 yrds. All good, useful lengths. Over 8000 yards in this purchase. You will fiftd pieces large enough to make a' full pair oi curtains. Qualities that sell l A at 15c and 20c yard, special 1UC Boys' Suits Special $2.98 In the Basement Underprice Store, a sale of Boys' School Suits, just in time for those who are fittinV.oiit fof the opening day next? Monday. Splendid materials, in smart, tasty patterns. Some have two jalr pi pants. Sizes 7 to 16 years.' Regular stock suits; guaranteed to fit. and give satisaction. Spe- Af) cialized -for this sale at OueeO II ft) , -J--;.-