The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    I 1 I
Evidence in Portland to San
2 Francisco Case Heard
3 Road Claims Siskiyous Ob
3 staclc Water Competition
Attempting to Justify the application
.! of hlerhor rfitps to a short than to a
" longer haul over the mime line between
t Ban Francisco and Portland, the South.
J ern Pacific company today offered tea-
.tlmony in the battle of experts, attor-
i ntya and clashing interests before Com-
"? mlssioner Franklin K. Iane of the in-
, terslate commerce commission In the
J,' federal courtroom.
t What may become the basis of action
by the commission undr the appllca-
j tlon of the railroad to be exempted from
, Ti the rigid application of the long: and
short haul, or fourth section of the
amended interstate commerce act was
suggested hy Commissioner Lane when
lie remarked:
"I have wondered If It would be pos
sible to take Sacramento as a basis
ana make the rates more nearly Una up
tinder the long and short haul clause.
Or perhaps some point can be taken
north of Sacramento outside of the
cone of water competition."
Water Competition.
This suggestion came after the coun
sel for the railroad had declared that
i water competition di recti v affects rates
'f as far north aa Red Bluff, and after
ti; questions asked by Commissioner Lane
-r had shown that while Sacramento and
.-, Ban Francisco have the same rate to
'Zi Portland, based on water competition.
; the water rate from Sacramento to San
.Francisco is 9 centa and the rail rate
'J 14 cents.
By J. XL Davis, the general superin
tendent of the Pacific division of the
' .Southern Paclfio company, who was
t called as a witness, -the difficulties of
fr the mountain haul over the Siskiyou
mountains were brought out, while J. K.
"k Butler, statistician for the Harrlman
lines, presented tables- dealing with the
effect of water competition between San
, Francisco and Portland.
atr Abnormally tow.
mt ' Butler, testifying; as an expert, said
that competition Is excessive by water
between San, Francisco and Portland,
and the rates abnormally low even as
water rates. ' He said ths rates are 80
per cent less than from New York to
Charleston, and also made comparison
with the San Francisco-San Pedro rates.
To San Pedro- from the Bay City, he
said, half the distance to Portland, the
rates are one-fifth higher by water.
Commissioner Lane remarked that the
im puoiisnea wsier raies may not De re
j liable, as they show what Is asked, not.
'.Zi what Is actually paid. The expert said
this Is true, but contended that these
rates are an excellent Indication as to
; the maximum charges.
The expert presented in evidence a
table showing that in the months of
December, 1910, and January, June and
July. 1811, the number of arrivals of
; steamers in Ban Francisco from Port
al was 68 and the number of departures
for Portland 98.
, I: , fcane Asks Question.
, Commissioner Lane examined these
f figures qultxlcally and then dryly asked
1 what became of the 80 steamers that
J,' never came back.
y Butler explained the discrepancy may
accounted for by lumber vessels
5 which are bound for north coast points
. other than Portland, but touch at this
city and are listed for this port, be
J cause It is easier to make up cargo
2 Tor Portland.
The commissioners remark that some
. basis must be arranged from which
rates may be figured under the long
; and short haul Is believed to mean that
-l sonea may be established in the terri
fy tory regarded as outside the compelling
influence of water competition between
Jj 'Ban Francisco and Portland.
4 If some point be fixe upon, the rail
road will then contend for higher rates
,1 to the interior places, based upon the
Jj Justification of the rate to the Initial
point as reasonable. In this connection
J th high cost of operation below Ah
J., land is being pressed to the attention
H of the commission.
J Hard Poll Described.
; Under this head Superintendent Davis
said that it requires five of the heav
jt lest locomotives to haul a train of 38
7 5 ca"s, part of them empties, south
jwfrom Ashland. He was unable to an
swer a question by the commissioner
5 as to the lifting power of locomotives
! I over the Siskiyous compared with those
j operated over the Sierras from Sacra
,1 mento.
' , IJavis was likewise unable to assist
Means eyeglass comfort.
It's the clip without a hurt
without a slip without a
Does not mark the tenderest
' Skin, and holds so rigidly the
' ' most violent shaking will
' , ( not dislodge your glasses.
We have all the popular eye
''glass mountings.
Stcohd Floor Corbett Building
"if Fifth and MorrisoA vrv,'.
Badge Shows Idea of Body
To Answer Questions for
An "Ask Me" association Is. Impend
ing In Portland. Its badge will be i
button with only the words "Ask Me'
on it.
It will not, however, be an association
of young women "adopting this gentle
method of suggesting to bashful suitors
that they may pop the question, nor
will It be a league of rubicund conuten
ance and perpetual thirst, but It will
be, when organieed a dignified body
brought together in the name of the
Tortland Commercial club, and includ
ing In Its membership any one who will
glvfl Information about Portland to the
Btranger on the "streets who have not
been able to get the directions he want
er f roih the corner : "cop."
The plan was suggested by O- E.
Wrlghtman and Is heartily seconded by
C. C. Chapman, promotion manager of
the Commercial club.
Mr. Wrlghtman wrote this letter to
ths Commercial club,
"As a citizen of Portland, proud of
our city, I am more Impressed each
day with the? number of strangers on
the streets who seem to be looking for
something, looking-for street signs, etc.
They sometimes speak to the policeman
on the beat and get a courteous answer
and formal direction, , but there is not
always the policeman In sight and not
all streets are marked. It seems' Im
pertinent to speak to such people, es
pecially if they are ladies, and ask If
you can be of assistance In directing
them, but I have risked It several tlmea
always to meet with pleasing gratitude,
and often to find they wanted to know
some trifling thing that they disliked
to stop anyone and ask about or some
thing that they hardly knew how to for
mulate Into an Inquiry. It has always
been a pleasure to me to have done this
but we cannot be stopping to do It with
every person we meet that seems
Uow my point: I have had It In
mind for several years. 'Why cannot our
commercial -bodies Issue to reputable
citizens a lapel button with "Ask Me"
on it In clear letters - and let It be
known through: our newspapers men
tion of the "work and through
our literature that we have
an "Ask Me" club In Portland and
that all persona with ths button are
ready and willing to give courteous In
formation and that they are safe peo
ple to ask and If one addresses you, a
stranger, It Is not meant for Impertin
ence or mashing."
the commissioner oft another point con
cerning which ; It was evident Informa
tion was wanted. This was with regard
to the cost per mile for hauling freight
per ton or per car from Ashland to
Dunamuir.i The witness was again of
no assistance when an effort was made
to learn the cost of "helper" service in
handling freight over the mountain di
vision. On the Southern Paclfio staff in at
tendance at the hearing are C. W. Dur
brow, who takes the lead In the ques
tioning; H. A. Scandrett, interstate com
merce attorney for the Harrlman lines;
A. C Spencer of the local Harrlman
legal force, and W. R. Wheeler, head
of the trafflo bureau of the company.
Henry Thurtell, chairman of the
fourth section board of the Interstate
Commerce commission. Is representing
the commission In the hearing, but takAs
little part beyond directing the inquiry
Into the lines that are pertinent. The
commission, through the fourth sec
tion board, is gathering data and pre
paring to work out a harmonizing policy
in the interpretation of the law govern
ing the regulation oCthe railroads.
Others Participating.
Others participating In the hearing
are J. N. Teal, representing the trans
postatlon committee of the chamber of
commeroe and Portland commercial In
terests; F. H. McCune, an expert ap
pearing for the trafflo club of Rose
burg, and T. Jones, a merchant of
Hornbrook, Cal.; Commodore S. Jack
son, representing the commercial Inter
ests of Qoseburg and Douglas county,
and F. J. Cousins, for commercial ln
tertsts of the Willamette valley.
Among the interested spectators were
Chairman C. B. Altchlson and Frank J.
Miller, members. of the state railroad
commission of Oregon. , After holding
until nearly 1 o'clock. Commissioner
Lane adjourned the .session until 2
Astoria, Or., Sept. 4. The Centennial
regatta, which la the sixteenth annual
regatta held here, opened today. Weath
er conditions are favorable for good
races. . Admiral B. W. Spencer and his
staff arrived Sunday at S o'clock p. m.
and were received with an admiral's sa
lute oVjl guns. The liver Is very
The llfesavlng revenue tug Snohom
ish arrived from Puget, Sound Sunday
and will remain here to patrol the
course during the regatta. H. M. S.
Shearwater, of the British Pacific fleet,
under command of Captain Gerald Viv
ian, arrived In at 7:16 this morning and
will remain during the regatta.
Very few of the boats were able to
get ready in time to enter the first
race, which was the 28-foot class. The
Dixie had an accident last night. While
overhauling the engines a leak of gaso
line' caused an explosion, resulting In
considerable damage, but she will be
. repaired and will run later.
I The Wigwam II, which sank Satur-
; day, has been repaired, but could not
start this morning.
The first heat of the 25-foot class
was won by Potato Bug III; time.
88:38 1-6. Question Mark was second
and Chehalis third.
The 32-foot race Im now on and will
be won by the Astor, which la far ahead
of all competitors.
(Continued from Page One.)
quickly idlHappeared and he sparred,
lightning like, for a hold.
Ootch twice tried to get behind for a
leg hold, but Hackenschmldt eluded him.
For 10 minutes they sparred, otch
trying for a leg hold, and laughing when
the Russian eluded him. At 2:20 Ootch
got behind bis foe, picked him up bodily
and threw him to his knees with great
violence. '
Then Gotch resorted to hlaold tactics
which once before made Hackenschmldt
quit, punishing the RusHlsWwith a se
rles of lightning jabs to tbE nose while
seeking to.,getnaa arm hold.
Balked In this Gotch then tried for
toe Hold, but the jlnsslan broke his grip.
displaying greatetrength.
At 8:31 Hackenscbmldt broke away
with a rush and both were on their
feet again. Then ,ths Husslan tried to
trip Ootch but the latter was too quicx
and went behind Hackenschmldt ami
with bold dropped the lion to his
face. ' -
Hackenschlmdt then regained his feet,
got behind Ootch and threw him mo
mentarily. Then Ootch broke away.
Both men by this time were perspir
ing, freely but Welch smiled confident
ly as he sparred Tor another opening.
At 8:23 Hackenschmldt attempted to
trip the Iowan, who caught the Rus
sian's foot and stood htm on his aead.
Ootoh's right band then sought the
Russian's leg and as he twirled the
Lion over his left hand gripped the
Russian's rlgnt wrist Hackenschmldt
rolled over and Smith placed his band
on Ootch's back. The first fall was
won. A reverse body lock and wrist
hold had turned the trlok.
Crowd Cheers Ootch.
With a look of pain and surprise
Hackenschmldt ryshed to his dressing
room while the crowd wildly chewed
his conqueror. At S:l Gotch and Hack
enschmldt reentered the ring for the
second fall.. Tney started wrestling at
alter biiukidk nanns,
Hackenschmldt immediately began
bulling Gotch in an effort to wefr the
lownn down by sheer bull strength.
Gptch met every play with an equal
show of strength. Both were very
rough. At 8:47 Gotch went behind ihe
Russian with a leg hold. In a second
he had the fatal toe hold which Hack
enschmldt sought desperately to break.
Hackenschmldt was evidently afraid of
the grip and feared that the Iowa giant
would break his leg, so after a brief
show of resistance he quit and, still
resisting feebly, turned over on his
back. The time of the second fall, was
live minutes ana ti seconds.
913 Pearls in One Clam.
(United Tress LeasA Wire.)
Adrian, Mich., Sept. 4. W. H. Thomas,
a clam digger, found 912 pearls In a
Raisin River clam. One hundred were
of marketable size and 50 are of un
usual value.
New Silk Petticoats for $2.45
Never before were such splendid Messaline petticoats of
fered at this price, they are extra well made and in every
imaginable shade. Sold everywhere at $3.95 to $5. A f
To feature this OPENING SALE, two days only 3)Z.4)
1 li ,.. I
Abboft -
Salesroom 16th and Alder
This car has just arrived with a' total mileage of
32,515 mijes and 48 states traveled in for the last
13 months in its endeavor to complete 100,000'
miles. A "duplicate of this car can be purchased
completely equipped, with top and windshields and
five electric lamps, f. p. b. Portland .
Portland Motor Car Co.
Burning of Smelter Climax of
Four Weeks of Incendiary
Fires. .
(SpcUl to The Journal.)
Spokane, Wash., Sept. 4. The burn
ing of the Immense Hall emelter plant
at Nelson, B. C, Saturday night, the
climax of a series of Incendiary fires
extending over several weeks, has ter
rified Nelson vastly further, although
the olty has been panto stricken for
some time. Friday night the Nelson
brewery was burned and that was the
eighth fire.
Efforts to find the . incendiary have
been without result, so craftily has he
worked. The citizens of Nelson held a
mass meeting Sunday and appealed for
provincial police. In resolutions they
frankly confessed their Inability to
catch the perpetrator and! their panic
over the situation.
The Hall smelter plant covered IS
acres and was totally destroyed. The
loss la half a million dollars.
On account of the water supply be
ing cut off In this locality, the fire
department was helpless and the large
smelter, together with numerous homes
formerly occupied by the workmen,
were at the mercy of the flames.
The fire Is, the police think, the work
of the earns person who has for four
weeks terrorized the city.
A reward of $600 has been offered by
the police for information. The prop
erty Is said to be Insured for about
half the amount of loss.
Artificial wood for matches, made
from straw, has been Invented, by a
Journal Want Ads bring results,
Anniversary Opening
collection of
pay $25.00
ssa MxunrEBY
Petroif ,
- . .
Harness Races "at Cojuntry
Club Track Will Be Post
poned to Tomorrow.
U ''
Rain has made the Country club race
track too soft for the harness racers
this afternoon, and in lieu of the step
ping brigade five running races will be
staged, starting at 2 o'clock. Rain and
soft going will not interfere with the
flat runners, of whom there are nearly
100 stabtod at the track, including such
well known performers as Hector, the
"Iron Horse," and Tony Faust, two stake
horses that campaigned at Emeryville
and Ascot for several years.' Others en
the track are equally aa classy as this
Had rain not Interfered with the driv
ing program today it Is likely that a
record breaking crowd would have at
tended, owing to the fact that It Is La
bor day. However, the fair management
Is not djscouraged, because five days re
main, and in that time the, attendance
will doubtless eclipse that of other
years In the aggregate. It will also
mean more racing each day In the har
ness division for the lovers of the great
Running races will . flH in the
racing card each day aa planned before.
The entries today will be at the post,
and" the track management was engaged
this morning In making up a good 'card.
R. M. Wade & Co. Sell.
Independence, Or., Sept. 4. B, M.
Wade & Co. sold their hardware store
In this city yesterday to an eastern man,
who will take- possession the first of
Commemorate This Grand Event
Tomorrow is our first birthday. We know of no better way to
make a lasting impression upon the women and misses of Portland
than these splendid offerings.
For months ahead we have planned for this event and we now bring forth
the fruit of our efforts. Every item Ave quote is far below the regular
value. Read every item; it will be to your interest
Tailored Suits
All the newest materials, newest colorings, newest models are in this collection.
Here is a field where our leadership is universally conceded. All Portland women
know what splendid .suits they secured from us last season at this price.
For this event we have strained every nerve and concentrated every effort on this
suits and it will be a revelation
and $27.50 for similar suits but for
Stunning New Coats, $14.75
Much interest is manifested in. this line of coats, at this price we are not only
prepared to show you wonderful values but the most 'authentic styles for autumn
Plain tailored styles, Polo styles and large collar models in a charming variety
of the newest material, many styles with the iresto t-ollars; A 'Jf
$22.50 would be price at other stores. OPENING SALE PRICE 2)14. I D
New Messaline Waist Special, $3.35
The waist section responds well to this Anniversary event
and offers a very comprehensive variety of new messaline
waists. Some plain tailored, others pleated and fancy styles.
You would not hesitate to pay $5.00 and $6.00 for An tr
similar waists. Opening sale Special at only b3OD
ad os paqb 9
Astoria Centennial
Last and Greatest Week
Pacific Coast Regatta Daily
33 Clatsop Beach
Round Trip
September at Clatsop Beach
This is the most . delightful month by the ocean. Fall train
schedules continue. Hotels at Seaside and Gearhart open all year.
" A'toria and Clatsop Beach trains leave Portland daily at 8:00
a. m., 9:20 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Aa additional train Saturdays at
2:30 p. m. v ' , " ; .
, - ' '; i --n '-
. ' v :. :A vH.i :"-x n r"
Worry Over New Hotel, May
Have Weakened His Mind,
Arpue Some Friends.
No light has. been thrown on the
strange' disappearance Of Theodore
Kruee. the well known proprietor of the
Belvldere hotel and Louvre .cafe, who
left the city without saying as to where
he was going on August 21 and of whom
nothing has been heard since he was
seen entering the Rathskeller In Seattle
with a tall slender young man and a
heavy set man. The. only Other news
of blra was received the night of his
disappearance, a telegram from him to
Mrs. Kruse, dated In Seattle, in which
he said he was looking for singers for
-the Louvre.
Every possible clue has been run down
and his friends believe now that his
mind 'has become weakened by mental
strain and business worry. One theory
Is that he had begun to think the Carl
ton hotel, which he had made arrange
ments to lease and for the furnishings
of which be had paid $15,000 to Oevurla
St Sons as a part of the 186,000 or more
which the furnishings were to cost, was
a "white elephant" and would not pay.
This Is emphatically denied by Mrs.
Kruse, his attorneys and those of his
friends who were at all Intimate with
him and by all It is said that he was
very enthusiastic over the prospects and
very Interested in the plans ,for the
opening, which Is soon to take plaoe.
Mr. Kruse was not one who teld his
personal affairs even to his wife -and
he may have had worries of which no
one knew. He had been very nervous
for some time prior to his disappear
ance, according to Mrs. Kruse, .and
seemed to wish to be near her all the
Sale - Special
at $ 1 9.50
indeed when you see them. You would
vte A WM ww J U4U
Astoria Stop-Overs
. In Both Directions .
time, While away camping fie seeaied to
wish to . stay close . to .camp all the
time. ' When -they were out walkin
she said he would' hold on to her arm
as If he wanted to keep her from -.
ting-away.;;--..'. . ..i.fV-'" .""v-s,1
v In order to trace h! movements in
Seattle further If possible, C I Vaw
ter, former. United States marshal of
VaJdez, Alaska, and a close personal
friend, has again gone north and will
Institute thorough search. Mrs. E.
Beokraan, Mr. Kruse' sister, returned
to Portland from" San , Francisco, but
was unable to throw" any light on the
subject. I "
journal want add orinir ranuim.
Bankers, lawyers,
lenders of money,
real estate dealers
and men of wide
experience in title
matters, consider a
Certificate of Title
essential in real es
tate transactions
providing for pro
tection against the
hundreds of ways
for the buyer to
lose . through defec
tive or fraudulent
title. Secure one be
fore you make your
Offerings to
You Will Feel Better in
a Few Treatments
rscTxvsiY ajtp rAiirisss&Y.
- ''ri imam u
Through ths relief afforded to suf
fering humanity In this Northwest, C.
Qee wo, the Chines doctor, " has been
heralded by all his patients as tho
greatest of his kind. He treats any
and all 'diseases with simple yet pow
erful remedies, compounded from Roots,
Herbs, Barks and Bulbs, many of which
are not found In this country and their
healing properties familiar only to the
Chinese scientist. With these reme
dies he guaratees to cure Catarrh,
Cancer, Asthma, Z,nng Troubles, Bhen
matism. Nervousness, Stomach, Xilver
and Kidney Troubles) also private dis
eases of men and women.
If you live out of town and eannot
call, write for symptom blank and cir
cular. Inclosing cents In stamps.
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
16SV& 1st st., oor. Morrison, Portland, Or.
- VJ
'isnirsii.iii i --
Want Ado
Bring: Reoulto