THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1911. MANy'ATTEND FUNK wedding celebrated in the capital Satur. day Miss Susie Payne Trimble, of this city, became the bride of Judge Richard Tuthlll, of Chicago, and at th same Urn her niece. Miss Ella Dun lap Trim ble, of Birmingham, Ala., . was united in marriage to the Rev. Roy llartman, of Oklahoma. OF LLOYD MAGNESS UNIONISTS ATTACK D. LLOYD GEORGE ALASKAN SITUATION TRIES MAFIA TRICK TO GET CASH TO WED TOPIC OF DISCUSSION s If 1 Minister Russell Accomplishes ,:the '"Impossible" in Ad dress in Maryland. - Mt. Lake Park. Md., Sept. J. "The greatest day ever" Is the general senti ment here. The reg ular session at this Assembly City end ed, August SO. Nev ertheless the after season Convention of The International Bible Students As soclation eclipses all the ln-season af fairs. Pastor Rus sell of Brooklyn Tabernacle, now also of London Taber- naole. Is the principal speaker on the program. Hundreds of ministers and thousands of Bible students are in at tendance. The program shows more than 60 publio addresses. The asocla- tlon is unseotarlan. Christian union on the Bible basis and without sectar- tan fences to separate is the sentiment "-the Bible truths, previously misun derstood and misinterpreted by the Jar ring and separating' creeds, is the ex planation. God's Love and Mercy in the blessing of the church and the world and the glorious salvation provided Is the key note. The convention will con tlnue In session another wek. Wesley and Calvin Sight In Borne Par ticular. Pastor Russell, remarking that the beautiful grounds and auditorium are the property of the Methodist brethren, took for his text John Wesley's favor ite slogan of free grace "And . toe Spirit and the Bride say, Come; and let . htm that heareth say, Come; and let him that is athlrst come; and' who soever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Revelation xxil. 17). Pas tor Russell remarked that Protestantism In general was Calvlnlstlc when Brother Wesley began his preaching, "Qod is Love;" "Whosoever will may come and take of the water of life, freely" there Is no predestination to eternal torture! The result of Brother Wesley's teach lngs Is seen, not merely in the num bers professing Methodism and Free. Orace; his influence has overswept all the Calvlnlstlc denominations. Their confessions of faith still are Calvinls tic, but In their hearts and on their tongues they have Brother Wesley's message, "God is Love; He never pre destinated anybody to eternal torture." Pastor Russell declares that Brothers Calvin and Wesley were both right In certain particulars and both wrong In other particulars. Brother Calvin was quite right In declaring an election ac cording to grace, and In speaking of the church as God's elect, and In exhorting the church to make their "calling and election sure." He was right In these matters because he was In accord with the Bible. But he was wrong in declar ing that God had predestinatedtbe non elect to an eternity of suffering be cause there Is no Scripture to this ef fect. The only Scripture respecting di vine predestination relates to th church the elect. It tells us that God foreknew the church as a specially elect class and predestinated that no one could be a member of this class ex cept such as would become copies of his son, the Redeemer. To this, the Scrip tural predestination, none can object. It Is the unscrlptural deductions which have caused us difficulty. In God's "Sue Time." - St Paul gives the key to the situation In I Timothy 11:4-6. He declares that it Is God's will that all men shall be saved (recovered from the condemnation which came upon all through Adam) and also come to an accurate knowledge of the truth. He declares that It Is for this reason that Jesus became the medfator between God and the world of mankind and that the testimony of this great fact will reach all men "In due time.". Now Is the church's "due tlmo" to see and to hear, but not the world's. Satan blinds and deafens the world of mankind now so that only a favored few, com paratively, hear and see God's proffered grace In Christ. Great Is the blessing ef those who see and hear, for they may make their calling and election sure and become spirit beings In the resur rection "change," Joint heirs with their Redeemer In his Messianic kingdom, which shortly will bless the world. Then will come the time for the blessing of th'e non-elect. Satan will be bound for the thousand years of Messlah'B king dom. Darkness, Ignorance and super stition shall flee before the sun of righteousness In that great thousand year day. Those then refusing to bow to confess under this full and gracious opportunity will die the second death, from which there will be no resurrec tion, no restitution. They will perish as brute beasts be utter'y destroyed from amongst the people (II Peter 11:12; Acts 111:19-23. Brother Wesley's Good Text. Brother Wesley's favorite text pro claiming free grace Is a precious one Still, though It does not belong to the present age but to the coming one. The proof of this, Pastor Russell declares, Is evidenced by the context. The church is not yet complete. She is not yet the bride, the lamb's wife, but merely his espoused virgin. The mar riage, which will make her the bride, will be her union with her lord and redeemer at his second advent by the "change" of the first resurrection, when she shall enter Into the joys of her Lord, and share his glory, honor and immortality and kingdom. Hence there Is no bride st the pres ent time to say, "come." The bride will say, "come," to the non-elect world of mankind during the thousands years of Messiah's kingdom. -Adam and every member of his race will be privileged to know then their "duo time," of God's love and mercy in Christ. All will then have an opportunity to gain everlasting life not heavenly or spirit life like the angels and . the church, but human life such as Adam enjoyed and lost. Adam never was an angel, and never fell from heaven. He fell , from the perfection of human nature end his race with him; only the church class of this age will experience a change of nature, from earthly to heavenly, to be accom plished in their resurrection "change" (I, Corinthians xv. 60), The salvation of thi non-elect will, therefore, be to ever lasting life In human perfection In a world wide Eden Paradtse restored. As the church cannot be the bride un til after the marriage, likewise there is no "river of water of life" now to which to invite the world. Four . More. Days of Low Rates September 7 is the lasfdate of sale for special round trip excursion tickets ' to the east,': The Canadian Faciflo makes the rates and gives the" service. Try the real cento highway across the continent. Office HJ Third street. Journal Want Ads bring results. The funeral services of J. Lloyd Mag ness were helcfyeaterday afternoon from the Third .Presbyterian church,' East Thirteenth and; Pin' "streets.. Many friends gathered to pay their last re spect to the memory of the unfortu nate youth.' The casket and pulpit were banked with - flowera Magness was drowned Tuesday night, while rowing near the Oregon Yach.t club 'and his body was discovered Saturday. The services were conducted by Rev. William Rarsons, who spoke feelingly of the sad death of the young man who had Just reached the best part of life and was to have been married bo, shortly. The interment was made in Rose City Park cemetery. The pallbearers, Mort Fouch, E. C. Weatphal, W. S, Davis, B. R. Brooks, R. Telfer and Dow V. Walker, were all close personal friends of the young man. Mr. Magness was the Bon of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Magness, 752 East Oak street. He was 26 years of age and was born in Portland. His education was re ceived in the public schools of the city and the old Portland High school. He attended Lake Forest college in Illinois for a time. v At the time' of his death he was em ployed by the Northern Pacific Terminal company as cashier in the baggage room of the union depot and was one of the company's most trusted employes with excellent chances of advancement He was to have been married to Miss Nina Joy, daughter of Councilman Allan R. Joy, next Wednesday night. Hope, by This Means to Dis credit Him With Asquith Display Ingenuity. . SHOWERS CHECK FLAMES' ON SOUTH BEND BRANCH South Bend. Wash., Sept. 4. During the last several ' weeks fully 400 men have been fighting forest fires along the South Bend branch of the Northern Pacific railway almost constantly, but an Immense amount of damage has been done. On Mill creek a large amount of timber was destroyed, and loggers In one or two Instances were compelled to bury their engines to save them from the flames which devastated their camps. Two of the Qulnault Lumber company's camps in the lower Wlllapa valley were completely destroyed along with a large amount of tlmbell On Sat urday a new and dangerous Mr broke out near Holcomb In gren prober, threatening W. W. 8oule's camp, one of the largest In the county. Light show ers soon began falling, however, and the fires are in hand now. London, Sept. 4. David Lloyd-George is the focus of the new attack unionists are making . uppn the Asquith radical government in their desperate endeavor to head off home rule. During the autumn session of parlia ment one of the first measures to be taken up will be the chancellor's bill for state insurance to victims of dls- ablement and sickness, the unionists are bent upon discrediting the state ment and Its author. In the hope that Mr. Asquith will have it withdrawn. If these tactics should succeed, a deadly blow would be dealt to the repu tation of Lloyd-George as a 'construc tive statesman and the radical coali tion might be smashed on a social issue. Unionists haye displayed great inge nuity In choosing the battlefield, be cause the insurance bill has aroused the enmity of the trades unions, physi cians and .. shippers and some labor M. P.'b, who denounce It as "A half baked importation from Germany, wholly un suited to a population like ours." NEWELL WILL INSPECT PROJECTS WITH FISHER (Publlsbera' Press lulled Wire.) New York, Sept. 4. Director Freder ick H. Newell of the reclamation service is speeding across the country today bound for Seattle, where he will meet Secretary of ths Interior Fisher, upon the secretary's return- from Alaska. Director Newell will accompany the secretary on a long tour of inspection of reclamation projects that will bring them gradually eastward. September 11 Secretary Fisher, Director Newell, Chief of the Forestry Graves, and Chief Clerk Wicker of the Interior depart ment will attend the Tellowstone Na tional Park convention, at which super intendents of the national parks and railroad officials will be in attendance. To Visit Newport News. Halifax. N. S., Sept. 4. Following a two weekB" stay at Halifax the German cruiser Victoria Louise has sailed for Newport News. She has about 50 cadets of the German navy on board. (United Press LmwI Wire.) Chicago, Sept 4. The Alaskan publio land and coal situation will be one of the prtnolpal topics discussed at the fourteenth anual session of the Amer ican mining congress, which will meet here September 26-29 inclusive. ' Two thousand delegates will be present. In addition to a discussion of the Alaskan situation, other topics to be discussed will be: Revision Of mineral land laws, mining Investments, conservation, the coal in dustry, workmen's compensation, with a plan for providing a pension fund by assessing operators one cent on every ton of coal mined, and others. , Among the speakers expected are President Taft, John Hays Hammond, Dr. J. A. Nelson, director of the bureau of mines, and the governors of several states.. Secretary of the Interior Walter L. Fisher will be present. GIRLS WHO FIBBED 1 D E RGROUND (United Press Laued Wire.) Chicago, Sept 4,-An underground cell, in which Inmates of the Illinois Industrial School for Girls were locked, has been found In the cottage of the institution by an investigating party led by Peter Bartzen, president of the county board. Margaret Saunders, a 15-year-old girl, who declared she had been locked in a dungeon, directed the searching party. The officers of the school admitted that "fibbing," lmpudenoe and similar acts caused girls to be placed In the dungeon. Farmer Loses Both Homes. Dayton, Wash., Sept 4. I. Newblll. a farmer, who lives about four miles from here in Johnson Hollow, was expecting to move into his newly finished house within a few days. The new house was about 12 feet from the old one. Friday night fire broke ou through a defective stovepipe in the old house, and in a few moments took hoM of the new building, and within a few moments both were destroyed. Only the previous afternoon Mr. rfewblll had insured his new house for $2000. The loss by fire was about $3000. Bohemian, Confesses to Black Hand .Letter; Says He . Wanted Money to Marry. (Publlrhera PreM lotted Wire.) Chicago, 111., Sept 4. Jacob Basta, 22 years of age, a Bohemian, ts under ar rest for sending a. blackhand letter to Jncdb Stock, 1904 West Fifty-first street, a grocer, in which he demanded S500, threatening Steck's family unless the demand was met. He was arrested by Detectives La velle and Pavlac, by means of a de coy package. He refused to talk about the case when questioned by Lieuten ant Crotty, but later confessed. De tectives Lavolle and Pavlac secreted themselves in the tall grass of a va cant lot at West Fifty-fifth and Robey streets. Presently Basta walked past the place several times and finally went to the tree stump and took out the decoy package. The detectives then leaped for him and he ran, turning up on the officers and firing three shots at them? The detectives fired several shots at him, seizing him after a chase of several blocks. In confessing to Lieutenant Croty, Basta said that he was broke and that he was soon to be married to a cashier of a department store, and that he need ed the $500 to get a start in life. PEOPLE'S CHARTER BODY MEETS TONIGHT The order of the people's charter re vision t committee for twice a week meetings becomes effective tonight, with a session at 8 o'clock In the city hall. So far advanced Is the work of this committee that it is believed a piecing together of the subcommittee reports would result in presenting nearly the entire charter ready for the inspection of the subcommittee on codification and revision. Among the Important reports to be considered tonight are from the sub committees on municipal ownership, franchises, election, direct legislation and recall. A further report pn com mission. Its terms and powers. Is also eipected. Aunt and Niece Wed. Washington, Sept 4. At a double ill TWELVE yifefiLy Jit AEN BlfclKfi mm and women mimm j M EMPLOYED ffl IB THE PACIFIC 1B ' 1 1 TELEPHONE IShH W ,11a TELEGRAPH pit II $WMw . fflSfeL:- . - - - Our stock has never been larger or more complete at this season of the year f-EWV I " Boys' Double-Breasted Knickerbocker Suits Knickerbocker, Norfolk and Blouse Suits School sizes, with a widd range of prices We advise early buying to get the largest choice Boys' Department on the Second Floor CSV 7 vAiOA LEADING CLOTHIER IB Take the New Fast Train TO Tacoma and Seattle Only 6 Hours Between Portland and Seattle 1 Bp 0005 LT. FOKTIJUTD 10:30 a. m. AX. TACOMA 3:10 p. m. AB. BIATTLS 4:30 p. m. Large and roomy day coaches, din ing car, parlor car and observation car on every train. Most modern and up to date equipment, cool and pleasant The very acme of oomfort and convenience. 3 Other Trains Dafly All equally well equipped. Electrio lighted throughout Individual lights in every berth on sleeping cars. ticket omens Id aad Morrison sts. and Union Depot Main U4. Phonea A-1I44 A, 9. CKAJaXTOW, A. a. P. A., N. P. Rr, Portland. The Pioneer Line Northern Pacific Ry p ortland Printing House Co. Book, Catalog and Commercial Prlntlno : Book Binding tad Blank Book Msstog 38S Taylor $t: Phones: A2281, M6201 Journal ; Brine: Result: ...- '. 'V