The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    3 " .
lis Not the Raging, Torrential
Kind, Says Kemp, but, Oh!
Like a Great, Easily Flow
ing Rive.
New York, Sept 4. Harry Kemp, the
hobo poet from Kansas, who broke up
Upton Sinclair's happy home, today told
the story of his love for the first time,
and also gave his views on marriage
and the like.
"I had been struggling to make my
little vcflce heard, but without much
Success," he said, "when one day about
four years ago, while 1 was at the
University of Kansas, I had a letter
from Sinclair praising me for my ef
fort. 'Correspondence Is Started.
"That started a correspondence be
tween us, and. he lnvltedjme to visit
him at ArdenrTSuTTTwas not until six
weeks ago that I found it convenient
to come east Then I beat my way on
a cattle train as far as Buffalo and
"paid my fare the reBt of the way.
"From the first It was apparent that
Sinclair were not in harmony with
each other, although each tried to be
civil to the other. Mrs. Sinclair and I
were extraordinarily sympathetic, find
log In the other the complement to our
selves; at least I found in her my per
feot ideal. There you will appreciate,
I must drop the curtain."
"Hav you ever before thought you
had found the Ideal love?" the reporter
ventured to ask.
"Smoothly mowing Biver."
"Oh. yes," he replied without a tre
mor, "but It was nothing like this. Two
years ago I thought I was in love
I was for a time but compared with
my love for Mrs. Sinclair the other
passion was like a raging toVrent, while
this is a great smoothly flowing river.
"This hue and cry that has been set
rap over Astor is nothing short of hu
miliating to people who have bxains
and mental courage. Not Astor, but the
Judge who forbade him to remarry,
should be crucified. Because Astor has
decided to give himself to one woman
to love and cherish he should be palsed,
not censured. Because his first union
was a failure la no indication that the
one he Is about to enter into will not
be a complete success.".
"But how many chances would you
give people to find their soul matesT"
again ventured the reporter.
"As many as are necessary," the poet
phllosbpher responded. T
Sees "Happy Stats."
"When society has the courage to
confess what so many people now admit
privately, that our moral standard Is
utterly wrong, and rises to its true!
height; when women rise from the semi
concubinage In which they are still
held by men, then few mistakes will
be made; but where they occur It will
be understood that it is . eminently
proper for the unfortunate couple to
separate and seek their happiness with
more congenial mates. In fact in that
happy day i.t will be regarded as noth
ing short of crime to do otherwise.
"In that perhaps not far distant day
young people will be taught the perils
and duties of sex as a matter of course.
They will be shown to choose their
proper mates. Perfeot love will evolve
a perfect race, as" it has been attempt
ing to do through! the ages and has
succeeded in doing in sporadic cases.
Everybody knows it, but hardly any
body dares to mention the fact that
many great men were born out of wed
lock. "What am I going to do now? Stay
here like a man and see this trouble
as the world still mlstaklngly votes It,
through to a finish. What Mrs. Sinclair
will do In the end remains for her to
determine. She must decide whether I
am the man who fulfills her Ideals. If
the so decides I shall be very happy,
but I am only one party to the con
tract, and I cannot speak for her. In
the long run I know we shall both be
happy, for we are not fettered by man
made conventions and shall forever be
free to choose the mate that fulfills our
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Mrs. Upton Sinclair, wife of the sage
of Utopian Arden, whose husband
- Is working with his lawyers In
- drawing up bla plan of action to
divorce her, because of her alleged
relations with Harry Kemp, the
youthful poet of Kansas.
Port of Bay City .Is Ready to
Issue Bonds; Suit Holds
Up Port of Tillamook.
(Special to Tbe Journal.)
Tillamook, Or., Sept. 4. Hope for the
Immediate Improvement of Tillamook
Bay and bar were shattered yesterday
when the voters of three precincts
failed to ratify the petition to establish
the Port of Bayocean. Opposition on
the part of farmers, who think that
with railway service there will be no
need of waterways, was responsible for
the defeat of the petition. The port as
planned would have been permitted to
Issue bonds to the extent of $100,000
for harbor Improvements. It Is prob
able that another effort to establish a
port at Bayocean will be made as soon
as possible.
Reports from Bay City say the Port
of Bay City Is prepared to issue $226,
000 In bonds to carry out the harbor
improvements suggested by the board
of army engineers. The board's plan
Involves the construction of a Jetty at
the north side of the bay entrance and
the deepening of the middle or "ship"
channel in tbe bay at a cost of $814,-
000, of which sum the local communl
ties are to pay one half. This plan Is
severely criticised In many places be
cause of the large percentage of the
cost demanded of the two ports now es
The Port of Tillamook has been-held
up temporarily by a suit brought In the
circuit court by farmers who oppose the
Improvements. The port voted to Issue
$450,000 In bonds and has contracted
for the sale of $160,000 worth. The
sale Is contingent upon the termination
of th suit in the port's favor. The
case will be tried this month and will
probably be presented to the supreme
court at its October term. R. R. Duni
way represents the farmers and H. T.
Botts the port'
(t'nlted Pres. leaned Wire.)
Chicago, gppt. 4. Dfep mystpry to
day surrounds the death of Fred Wn
nerstrom, a chauffeur whose body,
sewn In an Improvised sack made from
the rain curtain of an automobile, was
recovered from the Fo river near Cary,
I1L Two bullet holes in the back of
the head showed that death came be
fore the body was thrown Into the
The man's money, amounting $65,
was not disturbed, and the police, in the
absence of robbery as the motive, are
working on the theory that the crime
was committed either for vengeance or
to hide other crimes of which Wenner
Btrom had knowledge.
It. O. Fowler, Ptonepr, Dips.
(Special to The Journal.',
Walton, Or., Sept. 4. R. G. Fowler,
a pioneer of California and a resident
of Lane county for the past 33 years,
died at the home of his son here Sun
day at the age of 75 years. Mr. Fowler
had been spending the summer at the
homes of his three sons,' who all live
near here, and had just completed the
round When he was taken with pneu
monia, and In Jus weakened condition
due to old age he succumbed. Besides
the three sons, Mr. Fowler leaves four
daughters Mrs. W. M. Miller of Port
land, wife of the principal of the Mt.
Tabor school; Mrs. F. E. Taylor of Eu
gene; Mrs. B. J. Meredith and Mrs.
George Meredith of California.
American Educators In Norway.
Chrlstlanla, Norway. Sept. 4. Several
noted American educators, among them
Dr. Leonard Stejneger of the Smithson
ian Institution, and Professor F. W.
Well of the University of Wisconsin,
took part In the opening exercises to
day of the centennial celebration of tho
Royal Frederick university.
Wilson River 'Fisheries Row.
(Special to Tho Journal.
Tillamook, Or., Sept. 4. Much hard
feeling prevails and a number of quar
rels, culminating in a court proceeding,
have taken place between rival factions
In Tillamook Bay because of the at
tempt of the Oregon Fisheries company
to ezclue rival fishermen from the Wil
son river. The Fisheries company has
leased the tide lands on both sides of
the river and its fishermen claim to
have a monopoly of the fishing rights
in the river. As a result Of an at
tempt to maintain the alleged monop
oly, Chris Hansen, a fisherman em
ployed by the Oregon Fisheries, was
placed under $500 peace bonds. He was
accused of having threatened the life
of Pan Nicholas, an Independent fish
erman, who, Hansen says, was tres
passing upon his fishing grounds.
(Br the International New Serrlre.t
Washington, Sept. 4. For using his
fists In a rubber store here.
Representative Charles X). Carter of
Oklahoma Is made defendant In two
suits for damages of $10,000 each,
the two clorks whom he so successful
ly mauled. Joseph Josephson and Sam
uel Oarber, being the plaintiffs.
Representative Cnrter, who Is
charged In the police court with assault
and battery,, will have a hearing Thurs
day, Is on the war path.
"I will be with them at every move,"
he said today. "You can say for me
that I will fight the case to a finish in
every phase and that I wll be on hand
whenever my presence is required."
The clerks insist they did not offer
Insult to Mr. Carter's daughter.
Talbot TTurt When Auto Skids.
Seattle, Sept. 4. While on a trip to
I'ancfouver, B. C. William II. Talbot of
San Francisco,, president of the Puget
Mill company, was pinned under his
automobile when 'the machine skidded
and hit the Everett-Snohomlsh inter
urbnn car tracks on the Lowell road out
of Everett. He sustained a fractured
collar bone. In the same car were Mrs,
Talbot and her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. F.
A. Talbot, who were spilled out of the
car, shaken up ami slightly cut by fly
ing glass. Behind this machine, his
brother, C. F. -A. Talbot, also of San
Francisco; and the Misses Talbot were
following in another automobile. They
all escaped injury.
no poucthouhkb1 oohvaut
Home Officer
Oor.ilMftb and acorriion Btft
A. L MILLS.'. .4. ...President
L. SAMUEL. . General Manager
Is Best for Oreg'onians
FOR 150,000 PIE
. y
Long Distance Champion an
Entrant in Coast-to-Coast
Flight. - '
(Br tbe international New ferric.
Boston, Sept 4. Harry N. Atwood,
who by virtue of his flight from St
Louis to New York, a distance of 126S
miles, holds the world's cross country
flight record, has announced that
he has mailed his formal entry to the
New York American for the purpose of
competing for the $50,000 prise offered
by William Randolph Hearst to the
first airman who flies from coast to
Atwood Is the fourth aviator to offi
cially signify' his Intention of making
the transcontinental flight.
He proposes to start from San Fran-
Cisco on September 15 and will follow
the route chosen by Robert G. Fowler,
who starts next Sunday, which is five
days previous to the time designated by
The Boston aviator plans to make
the flight over the mountains on both
sides of the continent and will land at
New York as his final destination.
A syndicate of Boston business men,
whose names Atwood will not disclose.
have agreed to finance his attempt.
Court Upholds Railroad Com
mission in Changing Name
From White Salmon.
(Special to The Journal.)
Blngen, Wash., Sept. 4. Judge Mc
Kinney of superior court of this dis
trict has rendered a decision, uphold
ing the railroad commission in the Bin
genWhlte- Salmon controversy., This 1st
the case wherein Blngen asked that the
company be compelled to recognize the
depot at this place as "Blngen" Instead
of 'White Salmon" and to Issue tickets
to, accept freight for, and put Blngen
on Its tariff sheets and literature, which
heretofore it has refused to do, although
the depot Is on the Blngen townsite.
and White Salmon lies two miles away.
and does not touch the railroad or
Blngen townsite at any place. The
railroad commission ruled that the com
pany must do so and the company ap
pealed to the superior court.
(United Preiw Leund Wire.)
Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 4. Dr. Washing
ton Gladden, pastor of the First Con
gregational church, who became famous
by refusing funds from John D. Rocke
feller for missionary work, and Is the
originator of the "tainted money" ex
pression, has denied that he had re
signed as pastor.
"I simply believe that the active lead
ership should rest on younger shoul
ders," said Dr. Gladden, "and have asked
the directors to relieve me. of that part
of the burden. I will still do my part
in taking care of the church's needs."
(Special to The Journal.
Dallas, Or., Sept. 4. Martin 8. Dur-
bln, a member of the' United States for
est service, whose headquarters are at
Waldport; was in Dallas making ar
rangements for a receiving station for
cones of the Douglas fir and Douglas
spruce. The cones after being collected
will be shipped to Wyeth, on the Colum
bia river In Hood River county, where
they will be dried In a hot room and
threshed till the seed falls out. Mr.
Durbln appointed W. W. Ullrey to re
ceive the cones as they are brought in
to Dallas. The cones will ripen from
September 1 to 15. The boys and girls
will be paid 75 cents per sack of two
bushels for gathering the ripe cones
and can make from $1.50 to $3 per day.
Mr. Durbln says one sack of cones of
Douglas fir contains about one
pound of dry need, which will grow ap
proximately 25,000 trees.
Congressman to Speak at Fair.
(Special to The Journal.)
Dallas. Or., Sept. 4. Governor West
will try to attend the harvest festival
here on Wednesday. Congressman W.
C. Hawley will be here on Thursday,
September 7, and will address the peo
ple on the courthouse square at 7 p. m.
Much Loved Early Settler Pies.
(Special to The Journal. I
Forest Grove, Or., Sept. 4. Mrs. Pa
lestine G. Beamls, aged 80 years, an Ore
gon pioneer of 1SB9, was buried In the
Banks cemetery Saturday, her death
having occurred August 80, at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Friday;
near Greenville. Mrs. Beamis was born
near Bel fort, France, April 22, 1831. She
came to America with her parents in
1863, the. family locating at New Or
leans, and moving from there to Musca
tine, Iowa, where she was married In
185R to J. S. Beamls.. In 185D, with her
husband and two small children, Mrs.
Beamls crossed the plains to Oregon,
jnaking the Journey by ox team, ajid en
during many privHiions wnne en rouie.
the journey lasting silt months. Upon
their arrival in Oregon the family set
tled near Greenville,. Washington county.
where Mrs. Beamls had resided contin
uously for B3 years, 42 of which were)
spent on the home farm. Mr. Beamls
died in 1895. i During her long residence
In Oregon Mrs. Beamls became known
throughout this county for many acts
of charity1, and In cases of serious neigh
borhood illness,' "Grandma" Beamls was
always sent for, as she possessed great
knowledge of the remedial value of
roots and herbs. Her services were es
peclally in demand during the early pio
neer days, when regular physicians wers
few. She is survived by the following
children Mrs. Mary Dudley, Portland;
Mrs. Emma Rainwater, John Beamls and
Mrs. Ellen Friday, Greenville.
Wedding at Fort Ethan Allen.
Burlington, Vt. Sept. 4. Fort Ethan
Allen was the scene of a brilliant mili
tary wedding Saturday, when.- Miss
Charlotte Ellen Ryan, daughter of Cap
tain' and Mrs. John Joseph Ryan, be
came the bride of: Lieutenant Joseph
Choate King, of the Tenth cavalry.-
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