I I THE. OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER .4. 1911. 17 ' V WANTED MISCJELIANEOUS B WAVTF:nPnnl nf Portland to know :,, , that T pay the hi (Chest cash price for second hand household goods. , -JC M. Seater.-148 Russell. ast 1661. ' T: WE BUT SECOND HAND ' 11 ' CT-OTHlNa AND FURNITURE. ' Pay. tne highest price for , everything; CIH Main zu. rirst., - -TOOLR Hle-hest nrlce Daldor 2d hen v1' farmers' mechanics', logger-' toole. ! Levin Hardware CO.. 829 Front.' M.-9073. 1 '. BE1' WISE: net ajore for your second hand fitrnitv-e.by selling It to Ford Aurtt s Co.. til 1st. Main A-J44B t'fr WAN fEUFurnltre,. stoves, ranges and an. Kind -t ox nousonoia sooas. ! Donaldson ft Oale. 861 1st. Main 880. 170 E. Morrison, phone E. 1022. pays hlgnesr essn pnce ror ramuurn 600 VORTH Id hand household goodi 1 In large or aroaii lots, immediately, Ceaey Furniture- Co., Et 1809. PORTLAND SALVAGE CO. Get prices ,. before selim g vour furniture. Mar- shall 3223. 133 17th. tvK DON'T asl; what you want for y furniture. We make cash offer. M-z our 844 tAUXCHES AKD BOATS C4 LAUNCH Roamer for sale ctfoap, 40 feet longr, -10 feet wide, 8 miles, an hour: a rood boat In good condition. Ap l ply Dr. Freeburger, 206 Swetland bldg. or pnone 'xanor itsvi. ' - AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 ; OREGON AUTO EXCHANGK. , -1ST AND WASHINGTON 8TS. Automobiles Bought, Sold and Exchanged Oyer BO oars In stock. Ail makes, Hera are a few for your consideration: Studebaker Garford, 7 -passenger. . ,$700 Maxwell, 4-passenger $600 E.-M.-F., 4-passenger ........... t. $650 ChalmeraDetrolt, .-passenger..,,.. $760 Franklin, 6-passenger t $709 Call for demonstration. Wa teaoh you how to drive and car for your ma cnine. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 2.1st and Washington Sts. REDUCED PRICES ON BICYCLE. -SUNDRIES. Solar gas lamps 12.25. 15,00 tires reduced to $4.00. $3.75 tires reduced to $3.00. , ' $3.25 tires reduced to $2.60. . I?. 75 tires reduced to $2.00. Quarter to one-third off on sundries fend repalra. ANDREWS ft PERKINS, Yale Motorcycle Co. 342 Burnslde, near 7th. We want 25 runabout automobiles: Fords, Hup-Moblles, Maxwells, Buicks, Brush, Flanders, Krlt, etc. Oregon Auto Exchange 21 PT AND WASHINGTON BTS. Auto Supply Co, v Dealers in ' new and slightly used auto supplies, Wa have a large assort ment or slightly used tires from $8 up. 233 Main at. FOR SALE J Black Crow, 4 passenger. machine, nearly new, $550 cash; rea son for Eale, owner dead. Sunnyslde Auto Garage. 204 E. 34th St. Phone Tabor 1926. WANTED At once, the following slightly used articles: 1 speedometer, 1. dozen auto lamps. 100 tires, all sizes. I will buy anything pertaining to auto mobiles. 23S Main st. Springs guaranteed. - 23 N. 15th at. ONE E. M. F. 5 passenger car to ex change for lot on east side; must be worth from $500 to $800. Inquire at 204 E. 34th St. I WILL garage your cars at $5" io $25 per month, In good fira proof brick building. W. C. GREEN. 38 N. 6th. Main 7022. filX horse-power motorcycle, tandem at- tachment. cheaD: 418 Main at. Phone Main 8454. NO. 1 old auto tires, 7o per pound; In ner tubes - 23c; solid tires t J. Levi. 186 Columbia st. Vain 6198. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 HIGH grade piano for sale cheap, easy terms. Union Brokerage Co., 613 Ablngton bldg. Main 8529. FOR SALE cheap, piano in good con- dltlon. N-865, Journal. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Chain purse on Oregon Electrlo or 3d and Yamhill sts; X 50 In gold, $10 paper In purse about $85. Good re ward, card in purse, Pauline man, Beaverton. Or. Wjr- LOST Black mare with 3 white feet, brand on right hip L, T.; weight about 1200; 13 years old. Reward. Paul wauer. Kstacaua. or. - LOeVT Elk tooth watch charm and fob, Owner's name and other matter en graved on back, phone B-2290. Re ward. -LOST Black mare, about 1000 pounds, was strutk by Sell wood car week, ago Saturday night. Finder pleaae notify journal oirice. newarq. LOST Note, return to 1444 H. 7th st N. ; reward. PERSONAL 22 LADIES If In need of confidential ad vtce consult. Dr. Pierce, no charges.' Call or write. 245 Morrison st. LADIES' Lorens Antiseptic Cones are soothing, safe and, sure tl per box. 8tlpe Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st LORENZ Nerve Tonlo Tablets . restore lost vitality, 25c box; 6 boxes, $1.21, Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 289-Morrison. WE do everything in ladles' tailoring. Suits to your measure from $36 up, J, M. Ehrllch Co.. 389 Stark st. , ' DR. J KETCHUM Diseases peculiar to men. Wash, bldg., 4th and Wash. M.8474. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 632 Davis st Main 9216. , HIS. E. W. RA CRY,' chlronodVand pe'di. curing, in Williams. u-3Ui. K 233 J U. R. TICKET wanted east by young man. R-853. Journal IIlTEl It's Really Awful How Everyone Talks About Mr. Inbad . -, . 1 - . . .. . , fill HVE TO TAKE doc I VMOOLONT - CcUf ME Pt7 mrNBAD IS f HflVE. V0 HEARl N .;. T&r A CENTS VsOftTtf AM OPIUM FIEND- THE i-ATEST? ; Hes been fEL,rva j tuBnori ; f? r J A btin opiu-mso ' . 1 ' - 'y-' ' , '. , , . ' ' , . . , , . . (f&Motfu iJdl v , .'- ; : 1 v., :., .. : ' 'L vv ..:.','1 ;M,'r,--vW-V'.----".''..:-.v:,!.'': , . ' r - ' 82 WAMTTTr Xn who in deanondent have lost ambition, are easily tired. steep poorly,' backaches, feel tnat tney have lost their former strength and vi tality and iose suffering with stubborn discouraging diseases and ailments to come to me and receive a tree friendly talk and examination Ss to their condi tion. If you desire treatment terms can be arranged to suit your means. Dr. Walker, expert specialist. 181" First st MEN CURED 0U CKLY ; Modern electric treatment for dlsei es of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic blood and skin diseases, W. I. Howard, M. D 304-6 Rothchlld tldg, 4th and Washington, t : Drudess Healing' ' Mrs. Corlnne Adams, new apartments. UK eth st.t near-Stark. Psycmo mag netic healing, electric blanket - sweats, medicated hatha, newest and best equip menr. in CUT. '.. - .'.. 1 - -- ' rm. altpib a. ORTinr .. Diseases of woman ' and children, has removed to LaFayette bldg.. 813 Washington sc. DR. WALKER, specialist: quickly cures - diseases of ment blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kl.i ney. Madden and piles. . 181 First sU foriiana. MIDDLE aged man with means desires the acquaintance of middle aged widow or maid, one that owns a ranch or her own business preferred: object OCCULT, new thought scientlflo an school books bought and sold. Send for free catalogue. Jones Book Store, tat ut St., nenry piog, DR. A. A. ATI8PLTTND. Diseases of women and aurrery. Ex. amlnation free. 80S Merchant Trust bldg,, th end Washington. Main 4047. SWEENEY'S. 10HT AND STARK HUMAN HAIR. A good place to have Tour hair dressed. BOOK of Nature. Fannv Hill. Mahel Gray, Fatal Passion. Decameron, Be- nina footugnta. ouo eacn. catalog free. gcnmaie book uo Z 1st st. SANDERSON CO., Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods: $3 box, or 8 boxes for $5. by man.- t. j. rierce, hd Morrison 8EXOID - Marvelous cure for weakness in men, by mallei per box;' money re turned if it falls. Dr. Pierce Remadv fjo., zioyi Morrison. LADIES, when delayed use Lbrenz Com. nound Ergot Tablets: always deDend. able: $2 per box. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co, 281) Morrison st. ASTHMA. Would like to see the case of asthma i can t cure. vr. Douglass, D. C 338 Union ave N. MRS. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental and spiritual scientist. 302 Allskv hid. main Meeting wea., 8 p. m. WOMEN Use femoids when others fail. sola ana guaranteed by the Ausplund Drug to., no jn. etn st. Main 8106. C HOLM8TROM, Swedish masseur. nerve and chronic disorders 802-1 Oregonlan bldg. , FINANCIAL 51 WANTED. Will purchase past due notes, mort gages, contracts, lost eaultles. estates and rights of all kinds. 412 Chamber or commerce. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity in contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. n. tu. isooie). Liimwrmena Dlqg. Loans. IOAA8 WANTED 30 Money I have three or four contracts on houses sold to good reliable business men on substantial monthly payments, with interest at 7 per cent, on which I will make a liberal discount that will net the purchaser a guaranteed Interest of 13 2-8 .per cent per annum; besides the monev com ing In can be reloaned. making a compound Interest. Answer, P-866, Journal. WANTED From private party, two loans of $1750; also two amounts of $1000 on first mortgage. Provident In vestment ft Trustee Co., 801-202-203 BcArd of Trade bide. $500 or more wanted on 3 years' time, secured on $2000 farm mortgage. 602 Spalding Dldg. $1000 for 2 to 3 years, Portland resi dence property for security. Phone woodiawn zsz. WANTED $1600 to $1800 mortgage on 84&00 Dusiness pr $4500 nrniurtv ntlno. CXA per month. . . . r . ..... ' J , . ...... Tw E-662. Journal. $3000, 8 YEARS, 7 per cent on close in $7500 home, principals. Main 2018. MONEV TO LOaN 27 LOANS, MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 per cent, 8 per cent. Cash paid for mortgage notes. J. FRANK POKTER, 904' Chamber of Commere'e. PLENTY money to loan on city or farm property; mortgages bought E. R. Hlckson, 617 Hoard Trade bldg. LOWEST RATES; loan on any secur lty, chattel or real estate. 'ilon Brokerage Co, 618 Ablngton bldg, i06tt 3d st MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in surance. W. Q. Beck, 313 Falling. 10i,iii)0 on mortgage, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKensle 4t Co.. QerUnger bldg., 3d and Alder. $1000, $1600, $2000, $2500, $3000 to loan on real estate security. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE a $760 player piano: want to borrow small amount on It. F-857, Journal. . SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL. F. A Newton. 616 Henry Bldg. LOAN for the askl:itf. salary or chau tel. The Loan Co, 414 Dekum bldg. StJlCK loans on all securities. 8. WT King. 46 Washington bldg. Main 6100. Mortgage loans, & 7 per cent: louis salomon. 833 stark st. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. I. jj wane, 7Pi ceiling niog. $1000, $1600, $2000, $3600 or $5000 or any part of this $13,000. Main 2018. MONKY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent Oood- nough ft Belts. 310 Spauldlng bldg. WILL loan $2u,000 or less real estate. yarrington, 4H commercial ciuij bldg. $900 on ctty property. Chas. Hlratel, 104 snenock biag. PEItSONAL 27 2 $J $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ - Chattle Loans. Salary Loans. Money on credit Bometning new. New Company. . . ' , ' Organised : to loan money to .working people and others at rates honest people ' can afford a pay.'-i- v- .-:, v...,, No red tape. - No delay. . ; : - you can get K today. $ PORTLAND LOAN CO., $ Poomi 206-7 Macleay i Bldg. I Between- 4ttr and 6th on Wash . 1 $$$$$$,$$$$$$ t $ $ $ $ t $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ Mi ""borrow Money ' , from the - ' Salary Loan Bank - No security.' ' Everything confidential. ' Lowest rates In the city. State Security Co, 808 Foiling bldg.' v , Third nA Waahlnrtnn Htm. $$$$$$$$$$ 8 $$$$$$$$$! We Loan Monev LOW RATES QUICK LOANS NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. . Any Amount From $10 Up ' On furniture, pianos, storage 'receipts, diamonds and all other kinds of personal property; payments arranged weekly or monthly to suit your convenience. Cour teous treatment to all: private offices, all business strictly confidential. GRAY A CUNNINGHAM, 201-1 Rothchlld Bldg., 187H Washlng ' ton st, between. 4th and Bth st . HOW ARE VOUR FINANCES? Leans 'made on any rood security; reasonable, courteous and confidential. C. Frank Nichols,- AGENT, 603 Lnmbermens Bldg.. 6th ana Btark. -Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate of Interest. See' ma first J.E.Nichols 615 Teon Bldg. ' Don't Borrow Money UNTIL YOU SEE US. Loans on furniture, pianos, storage re ceipts, etc. ; lowest rates. . HUTTON CREDIT CO.. - 307 Spalding Bldg. m6ney for salaried people. Women keeping house and others fur nished .without security, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want it, and pay as you can. Offices in all principal cities, p. H. Tolman. 817 Lumber Exchange. At Lowest Rate Money on autos, furniture, pianos, livestock or any personal property. Contracts and mortgages . bought Adolphus Lane. 414 Ablngton bldg. 3 QUICK loans on furniture and $ $ pianos, storage receipts, life in- $ $ sura nee policies, livestock, real es- $ $ tate. etc. U. S. Real Estate ft Brok- $ $ erage Co.. 312 Hamilton big. M. 2084 $ NOTICES 26 BIDS FOR WOOD FOR MULTNOMAH FARM. Sealed bids will be received at the office of F. S. Fields, county clerk, until 10 a. m. Tuesday, September 12, 1911, for 500. cords of 4-foot wood, for Multnomah Farm. Troutdale. Or. Price of first and second growth to be named, and price for tne aeiivery oi wooa at switch, aboard car, and also for the delivery direct to Multnomah Farm. Any further information may be ftb talned at the office of 'the county clerk No proposals will be considered un less accompanied by a check payable to the order of the county court of Mult nomah ronntv. certified bv a respon sible banR, for any amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed . and liquidated damages In case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter Into contract and to provide a suitable bond for the faith ful performance of said work. In the event the contract Is awarded to him. The rieht to reject any and all Dias Is hereby exprepsly reserved. County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER, County Commissioner. D. V. HART, County Commissioner. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon In the matter of M. A. Holmes, bankrupt; No. 1858 In bankrubtcv. Notice Is hereby given that on the 1st day of September A. D. 1911, M. A. Holmes of Portland, Or., the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3, Fen- ton building. Portland. Or., on the 14tn day of September, 1911, at 11 a, m, at woicn time Baia creauors may anenu, nnna.A ,I.a4. y ! n I m m ftrms.l,t n (,.,!., I ,y V O .lit 1 1 tiumin, uu,,,l u ti ..vis. examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented In form re quired Dy tne bankruptcy act, and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses no as sets. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated September 2, 1911. U. S. Engineer office, Portland, Or., Sept 2, 1911 Sealed proposals for con structing receiving wharf and extending north Jetty at mouth of Siuslaw river, Oregon, will be received here until 11 a. m. October 2. 1911. and then Dubllclv opened. Information furnished on ap plication. JAI .1. WUKKOW, Major Engineers, BUSINESS DIRECTORY ASSAYEBS F. A. SENNET, gold, silver and platin um refiner, aossyer and chemist Gold buyer 3d floor 142 4th st Main 6109 WELLS & PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana lytlcal chemists. 204H Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, laboratory ore testing. Marshall 2726. 186 Morrison. ATTOBHZTB A. E. COOPER, Attorney at Law. Gen eral practice; abstracts examined. Re moved, to 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main S73: A-2071. :HRlSTOPHKR.SON ft MATTHEWS. general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg. THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to 4PO oregonlan Diqg, 4tn r.oor, ATJTO SUPPLIEi F. R. KEEN AN CO., 100 4 th st. A-4 8 26; . M. 8982. Empire Auto Tires, Pope Bi cycles. Auto Bicycle and Motor Supplies. Vehicle Rubber Tires. MONEY TO LO."J?r 'iinui. IMPROVED Turkish for ladles: Swedish attendant fine rub.c287 Salmon. M-7927. BIOYCXJES A MOTOBOTOXJrfj v Wagner motorcycles: bicycle, tnotorey- cle. elect, rep. it N. Itth. Mar. 1510. TALE and Drolt mdiorcydes. Bl . cycles. Repairing. ; 143 Burnslde. Main 7056. . ' fXTTR Mn.lp V... U..1m mm. torcyclea. Madison Rep. Shop, 181 Mad.. BZ.AHX BCfOJC HAXBK8I HOWR. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 Id St, Blank Book mTg.i agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers; see the' new Eureka leaf. A-8183. Main 168. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 817 Beck bldg. . - if. THB BARBER ASPHALT PAVINO CO, Portland office, 606 Electrlo bldg. CABJPiT cuxirao JOYCE BR08.. Electric Cleaning Works. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our ipocialty R 440. B-1963. 204 E. lth N. lONK. Seam Cleaning, carpets, feathxn renovated guaranteed. W. 30. B-JIJI NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. ia union ave., near ta. Morrison. FLUFF rugs from old carpets, cleaning Port Fluff Rug Co.. 790 Wash. Phone. RAO carpet and ruga. 1618 Patton ave. rnone wooa lawn ibbb. OXZBOrODZSTt BR HODGES, 38-81 Mllng-HIrsch. Foot specialist Corns removed 36c. DR. 1VEY cures bunions, corns, all toot aiaeases, 4ftH Morrison, m. 4 OXXBESB SOOTOBS DR. Blng choong, physician n tor t !,yH2H men and women, uuaranteea cure, Wash.. cor. 2d st. HING WO Medicine Cp.. Physician for men, women. 1H Morrison. A-S409. CXXBOPBACTXO PHfTSICIAlf DR. J. E. MARSH, D. C The first chi ropractor In the state of Oregon, has removed to 417 Marquam bldg. SEE THE MAN WITH THE EXPERIENCE DR. MAY, graduate chiropractor, acute and chronic diseases - successfully treated. 621-22 Marquam bldg. DR. EVA MARSH, chiropractor practi tioner. 223 Fleidner bldg. M. 411. A 6218. DR. F. J. RIESLAND, Chiropractor. 162 E. 23d st. Take SS car. CIRCT7XAB X.XTTXBS MULTIGRAPHINGT circular letter work In any quantity. Evenings. Main 7622. STENOGRAPHY, 1st class multiple let ter work. 712 Couch bldg. Main 3723. CX.OTKBS GUARANTEE Tailor Co., coats. . $1; pants, $1; suits, shoes cheap. 208 Main WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes and shoes. 273 Front. Main 4803. COLISa8 AITS 8CKOOI.B OREGON LAW SCHOOL, established 1888; Samuel T. Richardson, dean. Schools Salem and Portland. Term opens Oct. 1. a thorough practical course In law. Recitations evenings. .10 time lost from rfckiilar occupation. Ad4 dress all Inquiries to M. Morehead. 816- 17-ig commonwcsjtn iqg., fortiari OOAX AV9 WOOD NOTICE prWnWII GREEN SHORT WOOD GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD INSIDE GREEN SHORT ' DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 8119. A-7001. SEGHERS Wood Co, 9th and Gllsan, 18 th and Vaughn. Fine dry country slab wood sawed in stove lengths, cord wood all kinds and dry block wood. Phones: Main 6369. 8351. A-3415 THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. has reduced. the price on high grade Wyoming and Washington coal ror July and August delivery. i4 Bast Anxeny. mono m. 214 and B-2343. PHOENIX FUEL CO. Cord, slab and wreckage wood. Spe cial on slab for short time; must move them. 521 Savier st. Marshall 2117. soV" tOLEFSEN FUEL C0.MS Choice country slab, block and cord and cord ''rank Co. BL0CR wooa. Brancn orrice, Meier r rans w, COAL Alblna Fuel Co. 47 Alblna ave. WO0Dprnrer-..ViW00D The Multnomah Fuel Co., Main 6540. Foot of Market st A-2116 Good service as well as good wood. BEST 37.50 coal in te city prices on all grades until Summer Ortnher 1 UNITED COAL COMPANY. 804 Ankeny st. Marshall 2403, A-7432. FOR COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PHONE HOLGATE FUEL CO. 8ELLWOOD 486. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 818. B-1867. ponroFlrst-class fir wood, $5. 26 VorrJ VjCI I II alcord; also sawed to order I CtlU 249 2d st. Main 1606; Home A-1108 DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 7. F. J. EVERTS. Ft Curry st Special Price A-1 Cordwood UNION FUEL CO.. BOTH PHONES. H foot dry wood. Nat. Fuel Co, 387 Water st 'Marshall A-3045. STANDARD WOOD CO, box planer and cordwood. 847 E. Stark. East 2316; B-1695. CITY MARKET Wood Yard. Cook ft Son. 3d and Clay. Main 3242. A-4322. REGON Wood Yard Coal and wood". A-5445. Main 8044. 34 3d. cor. Clay, DRY CEDAR $2.60, grain cedar $2. 30 days only. Phones A-3HZ4. Main .168. COLLECTIONS PORTLAND Collection ArencTr, All debts oollected, 317 AIlBKy. A-78I7! M. 4233 Protective Adjustment Co. Delinquent and current 410 Failing bidg.Mar. 955. COMBOTldfrs PROFESSIONAL credit bureau, phy sicians' and dentists' accounts a ne- clalty. 301 Medical bldg. M. 6167. A-7026 OREGON Collection Agency. 2f Ham ilton. Expert collectors. Main 778. OOBTBACTOBB ABD BTXIXDrBB WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter an builder. Jobbing and. contracting. $08 4th st Main 6841. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing remodeling and specialty) sign work. kj, jaiiss, tiffj Btarx. main hi 8. WING, carpenter, all kinds Job work, ' rumtture repaired, upholstered. ; kal somlnlng, painting. . 235 6th. Main 7648. ABronro WALTZ, two-step, three-step and stage dancing lessons, 25c; every morning, afternoon and evening. Prof. Wal Wilson's School, 886 Washington, st, between Park and 10th eta. Phone M. 7.637. HEATH'S Dancing School, lot 2d st, bet Washington and Stark. -Fancy stage and social dancing taught daily; waits and twostep guaranteed In four lessons. Class Monday evening 8 to 10. SEBTISTB ALVEOLAR teeth where brldgework is Impossible; does away entirely with Flates, brldgework; we cure pyrrohea loose teeth) absolutely. Terms to re liable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Ab lngton bldg., 106 3d at. DBTECTXVB AOXBOY PRIVATE DETSCTIVE8 8TRICTLY BUSINESS INVESTIGATIONS SHADOW WORK A SPECIALTY. AD DRES8 BOX Z-848 JOURNAL. PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency. 431-428 Board of Trade ftdg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 872. BOO AITS -COBB- HOSPTTAI. DR. BROWN, D. V. 8, of 284 1st st M. 4086, Hosp. 89 K. 12th. B. 6440. BBSSS-CAKX-TO BCKOOX. VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tai loring and' dressmaking taught 383 E. Morrison. XL-OTBIO HOTOBB BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-117, Wwlker M'kensie El. WJs.. 108 Union, rtrBiriTTJBB B-FAiRrsra BOWERS ft PARSONS, formerry with Tull A Glbbs, furniture rep. refinlsh ed. packed, shipped; 100 Front. M-tO. OABDEXfO LANDSCAPE and ornamental gardening and gardens caied for. Work done by the day or hour. A. D. Hlnman, 385 N. 22d st. Phone A-7446. Lots mowed, lawns taken care of. O'Brien 203 Stanton. Woodiawn 1854 OASO-IB- XHOKTES STATIONARY and marine, electrlo equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. OZNZBAIi JOBBISO JOS. STREJC Carpenter and gen. job bing: 226 Pavts. Res. phone, E-1479. OBAIBIBO AgD -ABBLOrQ. J. H. MARSHALL, gralner, old wood work and floors made to look like new: samples shown; estimates. 269 Market st. Main 6561. j, HAI OOOBB FEBVET ft H-NEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; rfnest stock of human balr goods; hair dressing -manicuring, face and scalp treatments 147 7th. neaf Mor. M-648. ZBBlT-tABO- McCARGAR. Batea ft Lively, 301 Yeon ' Plug, r.very lonn inniiraiiup, iwnus. JAM. Mcl. WOOD ft CO, all kinds of Insurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. KODAK DEVE-OPIWO FREE DEVELOPING Velox prints Sc up: mall orders solicited. 314 Mer chants Trust. NO FREE work, expert worlt at reason able prices developing and printing for amateurs. eo Simon, 167 1st st. BRING you kodak work, enlarging, re touching, to Rose City studio. 6$ 6th Z.BAT--B AND riUDINQB CHA"5. L. MASTICK ft CO, 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, finding HACB NEBT & TRWNKMAn CC Hydraulle and special pipes, screens, bagging mining machinery. AH kinds repalra. 104 N. 4th. XTO TIGBAPHINQ. MTTLTTGRAPHING. writing, it. 766. shorthand, type 414 Buchanan bldg. MUSIC ' TEACHEBS MRS. E. M. 8mythe (London, Paris). piano; children s French class. 166 Lownsdale. E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1629 PROF. T. E. LAWSON. 136 14th St. Phone Main 5197. Piano lessons. 50o. HATUBOVATXC PHYSICIAN' DR. Catherln C. Gates, 11 years' experi ence treating nervous and enronic diseases. 307 Ablngton bldg. Mar. 8143. Hrs. 9-1Z, 1-6. DR. S. F. HOVER, Naturopath. Chlro. practic Specialist. Paralysis. Spinal. Nervous diseases 702 Oregonlan bldg. DRS. Rosa Howard & N. Johnson, elec. treatments. 6 Relllng-lllrsch. M. B7.8. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. W. W, Christie Osteonath. chronic nervous diseases. 814-6 Macleay bldg. Main 6172; A-4880. DR. L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe- clallst on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO, 326 Washing ton st. Kyes examinee;, rree aavice. FAINT, OIL AND GLASS F. K. BEACH ft CO, Pioneer Paint Co. 186 First St. Main 1334. A-7043. RASMUSSEN ft CO., "Hla-h Standard" paint, ne. cor. rd ft Taylor. M, A-1771. FA-NIINO AN P APEBLWO R. C. WRIGHT, U. 8. and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekura. e e REAL ESTATE DIRECTODY NAME ' "'' ' " ; " Baker. D. M.. Cltr. f ProDrtr... BrooK-Staele Com-.ny..,, Ground flow Lewis B1dg.....Uata and 1-1741 Ijruliaker Benedict i. ,60i McKijrBldg, ,. .....Mala S4 ChHlo ft Berlow , X.tf Chamber of Cosunetee.... atn iws Cook Co, B. 8 ................503 Corbett Bldg, ...... ....Msia 6S. A-SWJ Knapp tt. Usckey .............7 Dambar of Com mere.,.,.. Mnla sn A-S"l Orexos Bed Ksuts Co, The .............Orsnd Are, and Multnomah,. 4, Bast T. C-ITo. RhlWrts. J. H. , . 200 Owllnger BWg...........,w...Vtla -t0 Tbnmpion. M. K. Oo. Henry BMg, 4th 0k. ; M. 8004, A-8."2T TjUMrTua j C. L. BRINER-Palnttng, tinting. Pa pering, decorating. 414 Davis. M.-3883. PAINTING of all klnos; work and ma- " terlal guar. 484 Murnsiae. u-iont. FOR best work, ii-s right, call A. A. Doane. 104 Union, Both phones TtBTlATTOBJfBTII PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock, at-torney-at-law, late of U. S. patent of flee; book free. 71P Board or xrane Ding, U. a and foreign patents procurea by a O. MARTIN 409 Chsmrr of Commerce Building P1PB IRON pipe and pipe fittings, engineers and steam supplies. M. L. KLINE, Centrally located. 84 to 86 Front st. Phones Main 517. A-2617, POKT-ANU Wood pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th and York. Main 3489. PXAHO TUBxera FRED JACOBSON, piano tuning, $1: 18 t years' experience. 190 8d. Main 9431. PirjBXQ AJTO HE ATI 'Q 34. FRIEDMAN. 363 1st plumbing, gas fitting ana gen, jopoery neaiiy qon- PLUMBlrvG. heating, etc Robert OU- lan. l lotn wotn pnonea. PRISIIWO WELCH PRINTING CO. "Doers of clever things with type and ink on paper." 141 1st. FOR rent and sale signs, 10c, 8tt'The Brown Prtnt 82 3d, room 8. Main 1257, A-JZ6U WALLACE PRINTING CO. East side. low prices. 80 Union ave. N. Tabor 8144. J. R. HAMILTON, printer. 202 Com monwealth bldg, th and Ankeny sts Boorxara, fain-ivo, mfxbo TIN roofing, repairing, painting and Job bing. Loall ft Holser. 212 Jeff. M. 1424. BUBBEB 8TACPB ABD 8EA-B STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningtm Co.. 281 Stark. Main 1407. BATES THB Mosler Safe C0.1 10s 2d st Safes at factory prKei; repairs; lockouts opened: bargains In second hand safes SCREEN MANUTACTUBINO SCREENS SCREENS SCREENS. Built to order, any size or style; Cain ted and hung complete. E. 2838. (nlon Mfg. Co., 480 Union ave. N. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See them. 891 Washington st. 8 PI Gilbert. SHOWCASES AND riXTTJBEB SHOWCASES and store fixtures la stock, niade to order; lowest prices. J. Linden. 4?S Hawthorne. Kat 8I1T, BHOWCASfcSoi evr.ry Oescriptlou; bank, h.r nrf itnr. fixtures made to Order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. . THK JAMKS I. MARSHALL. MFO. CO, new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixture,- 289 Couch, M-2703. R. H. HlUDfiiEU HAMILTON BLDG, Show cases 1n stock: Prompt delivery. Sales nreri- M Winter Lumber Co. BION AND SHOW CABDB RANN SIGN CO, qualltv and East 6302. servloa 888 K. AlderHt. W. P. BERGKH & son Signs and Show Cards. 284 Yamhill st. Main 9391. "SIGNS THAT A'' TRACT' Portland Sign Co.. 27 "k Main 1598. OREGON Sign Co. ager. 271 3d st. -A. Llchtgarn, man Phone Main 1899. SIGN AND BROW OABDB FOSTER ft KLEISER Signs: the larg est sign makers in the northwest . 7th end E Everett sta Phones East 1111. Home B-2234. B-XNOOBPSBS, COTTBT BEPOBTEBB OREGON Law Reportln Ass'n. 404-403 Ablngton. M. 6037. A-S386. Depositions STOVE BEPAIBINO STOVE DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake there It something wrong. I eanflx It 868 E. Morrison. Phone East 1022. SWEDISH -CASS AOS C. LEE treats rheumatism,, stomach troubles, paralysis, nerves. 998 K. 19th N. C-24S5. TAILOBINO ALFRED OGILBEE. 310 Labbe bldg, and Washington. Suits to order. 2d NORTHWEST TAILORS. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 2 N. 6TH ST. TELEQ-AJH BCHOOIS LEARN wireless or railroad telegraphy. great aemana ror operators, positions fuar. Write for circulars. Nat 1 TeL nst. Commonwealth bldg, Portland. TAILOBINO SCHOOL KIBSTER'S Ladles' Tailoring college. learn dressmcking. tsllonlng. 143 lltb TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply C?, 9th and couen sta 81 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-4410 TAZIDEBMIST F. B. FINLEY. taxldermli- and furrier; glass eyes 249 Columbia. TBANSFEB AND STORAGE PORTLAND Van Storage Co, cor. 13th and Everett sts.. lust opened, newest. most modern ctoreage warehouse In etty; every convenience ror safe ana proper nananng or goons; lowest insurance rate In northwest; freo trackage, vans for moving." Main or A-1620. MT. TABOR EXPKKSS ft STR GE CO. Trips to Mt. Tabor dally. Also city moving and express. 114 Grand, Is, 4238. e e e e e APDRESS ,', Corbett Blds.r TKUIPHONn, TBABSI-SB AtJIt BTOBAOB C. . PICK Transfer ft Storage Ctw of fices and commodious 4 story brloM warehouse, with separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. Id and. Pine sts. Pianos anl turn ture moved and racked for shipping. Special rates made on goods In out through cars to ail domestlo and forslga rt-lnta lr 4. r a aa 1 k v Aiii r i f?. Oregon Transfer Co. ; Eatahllsh-d 1H7S . . 1 Transfer and forwarding agSBtg. . . Storage, free trackage. Office 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th and ft. Phones. Main 69. A -11 69. . PORTLAND TRANS. & DEL. C6.. "4oi Wash. Storage piano, furri. moving. : M. 810, A1604. Res. E. 838. Bergstra,n3. XYPEWBITEBB TYPEWRITER A Supplies Co. Rebuilt.' 2d hand. 142 2t Mar. 419. ALL makes rented. repatreO. sold Cuaw nlngham Co. 331 Stark. Main 1407. UNCALLED FOB TJITB "---Soviet .' TAILOR made, $7.60. worth $30 to $4. xayior tne xauor. 462 wasn. M. S2. VPHO-STEBEBS CARTWRIGHT ft CO, 188 Madison, up holstering, furniture repairing and matresses; work guaranteed. Phone Main 6335. , . OLSGN.ft KING Mattresses made over, -turn, uph. 447 Union N. E. 1124. C-1721 : Furniture repaired, mattreaaes renovated made to order. 39? Russell. C-2631, YETEBXNABIAHT MODERN veterinary hospital, 416 E. 7th, Dogs, cats treated and boarded. Da, : O. H Huthman. B-1963. East 184T. f. WELL DBIXLINa 4. M-W....i-.,. DRILLiNG wells a specialty srloeere sonable. Call Main 1848 or write & West : 83 Morrison st WOOD riNISBXNO FOR first class work call Anderson. : wood finisher. 494 E. Burnslde. B-2663 WHOZ-CBALE JOBBEBB KVERDLNG ft FARRBLL produce and commission merchanta 140 Froat sv. Portland, Of. Phone Main 179. at. A. GUN8T ft CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIOAR8 PORTLAND. OR WAD .AMS ft CO, wuuieale grocer, manufacturers and oofiee roasters 4ta and Oak sta MOKUAN WALL PAPER CO, - St. between Halmnn and Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS G HOCK H IKS. TBANSPOBTATION OPX N BIYEB TBA TSFO.TATTON CO STR. J. N. TEAL Freight received dally at Onk st dock for Ths Dalles. Hood Rlvee, White Salmon. Umattl. , . la, ennewicK, paseo. . - - t t ii- i H ww saav 1 Bluffs and all Intermediate puinis. , rtBST CLASS FASSXNOWB 8BBTICB FARE 50 CTS TO HOOD BIVEB, WBTTB SAL1CON. THB DALLB8. Steamer leaves Portland Sun, Tuea, Thurs, 7 a. m. Returning leaves The Dalles Mon, Wed., Frl, 7 a. m, arriving at Portland about 6 p. m, same day, W. S. Buchanan. Snptl W. 8. Smallwood, Oenn. Mgr. Phones Main 2960. A-3II7. THE BIG 3 BBAB BEAVTB BOSS CITY EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE S. B. Hose Oltv Balls 9) a. u September g Ban Francisco ft Portland SS. Oo. Tioktt Offloe 143 Third St. Phones Main 409 and A-140X New York-Portland Amcrican-tiaw-ilan S. S. Co. - TERUANTEPZO BOtTT Freight Carried on Schedule Time. ' LOW BATES. Frequent Regular Sailings. C. tJNNEDY. Agent. SIB Banway Exohange Bldg- " v .- SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND BAN DIEGO DIRECT HOBTK FACXFIO 8. 8. CO. ' a B. BOANOBB and 8. 8. EXDXB SAXXi Every Wednesday, alternately, at p. m Ticket office 181 Third, near Aide Phones Main 1314. A-1 3 14. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. Pass. Agent, W. H. 8LUSSER. Freight Agent COOS BAY II1N5 STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alnsworth dock. Portland, 9 a. m, Aug. 4. 9, 14, 19, 34. 19, Sept 1. 8. 18. 1$, 23, 28 arid every 6 days. Freight received at Alnsworth dock daily up to 5 pm. Passenger fare first class. $10: second class, $7, Including meals and berth. Ticket office Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 268. Main 170. A-1 23 4. STEAMER ANVIL Sails from Albers dock No. 8. Wednesday-- Sept. 6. 7 p. m for Tillamook, Bay City. Newport, Florence. Bandon and Cequille river points. Ticket office 128 Third st. Phones A-4696. Main 628. Dock phones A-1902, Main 16 L Freight and passengers. . S. S. GOLDEN GATE Sails from Washington sf. dock Tues- -day, Sept. 5, 6 p. m, for Tillamook, Bay City. Garibaldi and Hobsoi.vtlie. Freight and Passengers Phones M. 8619, A-3466. Willamette Klver Houte Str. Oregon for Mission and way landing, dally, 6:45 a. m. Str. Pomona --, for Ore- . eon Cltv. dallv 8 a. m...2 n. ,.m ! Sun days 9 a. m, 12 m, 8 -p.' m" Oregon City iay v a. m, 14 li. Trans. Co, Taylor ir St dock. Phone M. 40. SvV -i 1 By H. B. Martin