THE1 OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. ; MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1911. IS , . V; :. 1 ' ii ; - r f , "5 -j i , V Meets Poor Girl on Forest Es . "tateWifevGiven'Half X His IV j ; y t.ii.t.... pm TaaaA Wire.) Vienna. Sept. 4.-The forest loVd- ro mance of ChierHerr Brniw" -""' helm; i' minionalre, IT -years old. who for- SO' yean has passed a hermit lit t Nyirgyhaie, Hungary, has led to his marriage witn jTauiem uq . h-ai.tifui girl of 17; Herr Feldhelm was the occupant, of a log house n'the center of a lonely forest, where ha was In the habit of taking long wains, a ..... -hA nAii that .a small cot- v .iv - . tage on his estate was occupied hy a man named Kline, or gooa reduced circumstances, and that ho had , a beautiful daughter. After several meetings, when, the old man would be accompanied in nis waias oy ui ""b hi ha mnUfA her to marry him. By way of dowry Herr Feldhelm has settled half or ma loriune un bride, whose exquisite dresses have been causing a sensation in Marlmbad, " where the honeymoon la being spent. Huge Aggregate of Bond Is- - sues Goes- Before Taxpay ers Tomorrow. (UnltwJ Press Lewed Wire.) Seattle, Sept. 4.-Bond Issues aggre gating 13,646,000 will be voted on to morrow. The question of making a port of Seattle dlatrlct out of King county will also be voted on. - The bond Issues are: For tha con struction of a county courthouse, 81. 800,000; for the condemnation of over 100 square mllea of land In the Cedar River watershed for the purification of city water, $1,000,000; for the alta of an art museum, 1600,000; for sites for and construction of fire houses, $266,000; for city stables. $100,000 ;t for a bridge on Westlake avenue and another .bridge across West Waterway. $50,000 each; for tha construction of police substa tions, $30,000; for an laolatlon hospital, $26,000; for a municipal dock, $26,000. JOHN WENGER, Y0DLER, DIES, BREAKING NOTED 1000 POUND QUARTET (Salem Buro of The JournuM Salem. Or., Sept 4. John Wen ger, conceded to be the best Swiss yodler In the northwest for the past 26 ycara, died early this morning from an attack of dropsy. Wenger and Dr. H. C. Spley hava been singing together for 20 years, generally having a male quartette organization. Ten years ago ' a 'stalwart quartette was organised and became noted throughout the northwest, sing ing every year with the excep tion of last year at the Oregon atate fair. These four singers weighed close to 1000 pounds. Wenger generally had a booth at state fairs, and in addition to quartette work gave yodllng concerts with his wife, who is also a good singer. The mem bership of th stalwart quartette was Wenger, Kpley, George Sny der and Ed Judd. 4) MEW TODAY BEND CENTRAL OREGON Where the NEW RAILROAD8 are Just being completed. Will not stop crowing In the njxt FIFTY YEARS. It has just begun to grow, and In the last fifteen months has INCREASED Its population SIX HUNDRED PER CENT, and from now on will increase ,much faster, as already the location has been elected for several big enterprises which followed the advent or the rail roads, and either one of which would make of BEND A CITY of 20,000 to 30, 000 people. REAL ESTATE VALUES ARE RIS ING NOW. and will continue to rise tnore rapidly within the next FEW MONTHS. BEND, like every other sub stantially established city, will soon have a number of near millionaires whose fortunes were made from a very mail investment In EVERY big town the old timers will point out where a lot has been sold for HUNDREDS OF, THOUSANDS of dollars and say. I cooler have bought that jot a rfiw YEARS' AGO for a few .HUNDRED DOLLARS. PORTLAND, SPOKANE. SEATTLE. MINNEAPOLIS, KANSAS CITY. DEN- VER and soores of other large cities furnish lust such a precedent as will be REPEATED IN BEND within five years or less. We own the plat of Weistoria Which is within THREE BLOCKS of the Union Depot' site, which is the center of BEND. We are selling close in resiaence ana Business ioib 50x140 near the depot at $200 terms $10 per month These prices and terms good for a .limited time only. Do not wait, as you "will never, never, never again be able to nuy property at- such prices In Bend. Free certified abstract, also. free maps of Bend and central Oregon. Our office is open evenings until g o'clock. The Newfon-KoHer Co. Inc. 301 Buchanan bldg., 2S6H Wash. st. Building Contractors ; NOTICE SEATTLE IS ASKED T0V0TE$3,54B,000 Fino proposition for builders. Holgate ' addition, recently platted; vicinity of new car ahopa and manufacturing cen ter,' southeast side. - Big damand for houses on monthly payments. ' BBBUZOK 8s WIVTCdg 617 Chamber of Oommsroe bldft. " , PIANO STUDIO Piano studio of : Louis H. Boll will open about September 10. Address all communications. In care of Kohler A Chase Piano House, 876 Washington st 1 vREAIt ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title A Trust i company, Lewi bdg., .Ladd Investment Co. to' Laurel-r ii.gws,. nurst e.,,iot . block , ... roihurst ,..,,....,.,...,....$ 886 NflmA in mmm In V.1 1r - S Beaumont 1086 ueorge w. Tabiar and wire to J. . Claverle et al-Jot 7, block 71. Vernon ..,......,.......,,... 780 Samuel Holm to George A. Larra bee, lota and , block BIN, Albtna ......................... 8.600 Thomas C. -.Btewa'rt to- Boyd Wll- .. Hams, lots 24, 26; and 26, block 12. Tremont Place 780 B. M. Lombard and .wife to H." C "" iironaw, lot 6, oiocjt lo, uim stead Park 1.080 Carolina Anderson et'al to Aaron Rudeen. E. U of lota 7 and 8. block 23, Albtna Homeatead. . . . 1,800 3. E. Windle and wife to Minnie. I Blew, land commencing at B. E. corner of lot 7, block 228 East Portland . , . . . 8.800 Syndicate Realty company to J. A. Bercovlch, sama aa above, . .... 2,000 Moora Realty company to J. D. Voce, lots 4 and ,, block 8, Lorlnton 800 O. M. Burbank and wife to Hod 8. Allen, lots 44 and 46, block 4, Stanley's second addition ..... . 400 B. E. Mel vine and wife to J. E. Walling, lots 4 and 6. block 7, Failing addition 600 Charles W. Herald and wife to. , Hattia Frlnk. north half of lots 7 and 8, block 2. Brown tract. . 8,000 AuguHta Miller and husband to Jeanetta Rprenateln, Iota 9, 10, 11 and 12,. clock 4k Greenwood addition 8.000 Irvlngton Investment company to Arnold ir. Brunko, lot S, DlocK 68, Irvlngton 1,800 Same to Oliver P. Brunkow, lot 6. block - 68. Irvlneton 1.600 Investment company to L. Hal- eri. lot is, diocic i, irvingion ?ark 200 Charles J. Backstrom and wife to K. C. Couch, lot 8, block 2,'Baclt stroma addition 600 H. .1. Pulfer and wlfa to Nellia M. Smith, lot 7, block 20, Lin- niiiiqA nuuiiiuo. i. . ciivv Frank Peters and wife to George Schafer lot 7, block 14. subdi vision Proebstels addition to Al blna 1.900 Thcnias C. Stewart to Alice M. Perdew. lot 19. block 2. Span tons addition . 360 R. u Stevens (aherlff) to F. E- --. viutney at al, lot 8. block S, Woodlawn Heisrhts 478 Jetns Soeby and wife to Wllhelm hsecKer, lot ZD, bloclc 8, Arieta Park No. 2 825 William Becker and wife to R. Krlckson et al, lot 25, block O 1.1.1b rB1r XT 9 iKA v, -n, iou. a. n ,v. ... ....... ivv Swinson Land company to Peter Funke, lot 11, block 24, Swin- ton 800 William W. Prlble and wife to Herman O. Glass, lota 16 and 17. block 2. Portsmouth 1.600 William Fellette and wife to R. W. Glass, lots 17 and 18, block 3. Fortune Place 600 J. D. Nellan and wife, to Frank S. Hallock, lot 1, block 4. Dlel's ad dition 495 W. E. Mallory and wife to W. E. Brldwoll, 60x180 rest, beginning In center bf east 14th st. extend ed, 60 feet south from where same would Intersect with south line of East Alder street ' 100 Portland Trust Company of Ore- fon to R. A. Smith, lots 13 and 4, block 87, Weal Portland Park 120 Same to Cleveland Trevey, lots 14 and IB, block 67, West Port land Park 120 Sama to Prudence J. Currln, lots B and 6, block 67, West Portland Park . ' 180 William Gall Jenks and wife to Beatrice Jones Fautx, land be ginning at southwest corner of section 36, township 1 south, range 1 east . . 2,050 Mary Martin to Martha J. Hat field, lot 6, block 72, Unlveralty Park 660 V ,.,,. IK,,..,., j t rv. ,,! I Lawyers Abstract & Trust Co., capital $200,000. 6 Board of Trade bid. PACIFIC Title & Trust Co.. the leading anstractors. a un. com., ground floor. CLASSIFIED AO RATES In Effect Anrll IB. 1811. ALL PREVIOUS RATES C A NC HTLLED. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Dally or Sunday. 1 time, 8c per. line. 2 consecutive times, 7c per line per In sertion. ( or more consecutive times, c per line per insertion, or 7 Insertions for price or . No ad counted for less than 2 lines. The above ratea apply to "New To day" and all other classifications ex 1 cepting the following: "Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. -' The rates In these classifications are: 6 c per line per insertion. Three Insertions for the price of two. Seven Insertions for the price of five. No ad taken for less than 16c, CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time, 9c per line. S consecutive times $o per line per in sertion. 7 or more consecutlvt times, 7o per line per Insertion. The above rates apply to "New To day" and all other classifications ex cept the following: "Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. The rate In these classifications Is 7c per line per insertion. No ad charged for less than two lines, or 16c. i UNCALLED FOB ANSWERS ANSWERS to classified advertisements which appeared in The Journal await those possessing certificate for the fol lowing, numners C 740 750. 762. 766. 760. 764. 768. li 407, 704, 735, 746, 761, 768, 771. 772, 777. E 737, 742. 748, 748, 760. 767. 768. 761, 73. 769, 773, 775. 779, 787. F 742. 743, 746, 71,- 784. 766, 76$, 779 G 752. 768. 762, 764, 768, 770. 772, H 738. 748," 747. 760. 766. 768. !T67. 769, 789.. J 728, 743, 761. 762, 756. 761. 771. 778. 1C 737, 74i. 764, 768, L 735. 743, 768, 766, '769, 762, 763. n l i n f baa Mm ft bar " ' ' iO, I no, (DO, (D, Hi WO l"Vf tWU, (T, fl. 110. 1T 717 7R9 TJCC 4RD fA Vst1 766 774 77R 777 T7 o -741, 749, 766. 762, 787, 771. 77$, 787. P 702, 730, 786, 741. 746, 760, 767. itta nun TTft R696, 693, -749, 751, 766. 774. ' B 780, 748. 760, 782, 766. 770. 771. T 746, 764, 765, 767, 768, 769, 778. V 700, 747. 760. 762, 766, 789, 784. W760i 764, 766 773, 774, 776. 788. 779 781. 783. X 748, 745, 780, 763, 766, 769. 770, 771. 781. 7.82. 786. 789. Y 758. 78l. TsfTm!' -ill1: 762' a8" 717' 768' 7"' DELETING NOTICES 41 E. B. HALL, 37th and Hawthorne ave., season 1911-12, society and club dances, etc., $10 per night. Fleming & Winters. 617 Chamber CommerceJ Main MZ. H-ZOUZ. M. W. A. ROSE CITY CAMP Monday 8elling-Hlrsch bldg., Washington near 10th. Phone clerk. Main 24; A-4826. b ss i ?rrr t' ' ... t Af. a., isv. fiuae cmp, nieeiB xucs, evenings, Swiss hall, 3d and Jefferson. BUSINESS CARDS W.-'C. SMITH & CO. : Wedding and visiting card engravers and monogram stationers. Washington uiuK., wnnminwn St., pet,. a sna m. PRESS Suits for rent all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co., -809 Btsrk st CLARKE BR084 florists, flna flowers and floral designs. 288 Morrison st ' DEATHS AXP FUNERALS HARRIS AN At his family residence, 766 East Pine, John C. Harrlgan, be loved on of Mr. and Mrs.' Daniel Harrl gan, aged & months, 11 days, j Funeral writ be held at the above residence, Wednesday, September 6. . at 10 ' a. m. Interment St Mary's cemetery. . - . : DEATHS Al FUKBBAL8 CLBARKINIn thli citv. William E. Clearkln, beloved huaband of Ma uieamn, a gee i years, i montns days. Deceased was a member of the Eagles, t Baker, Or. & Funeral serv. ices will be held from the East Slda Fu neral PI rectors' Parlors, 414 East Alder, corner East Sixth, Tuesday, September 6. at 2 p. m. - Friends respectfully In vited. ' interment Rosa City Cemetery. Maner papers please copy. VIRTZ--At his family residenoa. 66 Klrby, 'Joseph Wlrts, aged 16 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wlrts and brother of Russell, Vernon and Sadie Wlrts. - Friends ape respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held from tha above rest dence Tuesday, -September 6, ' at 10 a. m. Interment at HUlaboro, Or. Oregon Electric car will be at North Bank depot, MAX M. SMITH, florist, 16Q 6th sU opp. Meier A Frank's. Main 7218. FUNEltAL DIRECTORS Dunning & McEntee vl&22??n very detail. 7th and Pine. Main 480, a-iodb. uaay asaiatant. J, P, Rnley & Son Third and Madison. Lady attendant. Main 9,A-1S99. A. R, ZELLER CO, Both Phfnes. W Buc. Zeller-Byrnea Co. Lady attendant. CERCH" Undertaker. Ladv assistant. B-1888. E.-781. E. 6th-Alder. PsorcAn Pn Funeral directors, 369- rearson uo( 7i Russeii et. e. ioso. r PIPCnM Undertaking Co. Main L.nlLOUIl 6133, A-2235. Lady asa't. EAST BIDE funeral dlreotors. success- or to F. S. Dunning, Inc, E. .62, B-2525 EDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker, 220 sa st. iaay assistant. Main cot HEMSTOCK 1687 E. 13th, Sellwood 71; also 694 tPawson, Woodlawn 1874. TO LEASE 63 TO LEASE 225 acre Jarm all In cul tivation, first claaa poll and best lo cation; mile to depot and shipping point. F-866, Journal. ' FOR SALE- HOUSES ' 61 $3000 6 room bungalow, modern, near Haw thorne ave. Will take $1200 in vacant property, balance payable $20 per month. 402 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FOR BALE Good 7 room house, V, acre, bath room and electric lights, fruit, terries, chicken nous and yards. $3200, terms. Phone Sellwood 303 or 1214 Francis ave. 4 blocks from Ivan hoe station on W.-W. car. HOME to be proud of; 5 room cottage, electric lights. Bull Run water, fine finish, lrlock from Mt. Scott car line; cost $1400; terms $100 down, $500 mort gage, bal. monthly. Inquire Howe's store, urays crossing .... $2900 FOR a fine C room with den, on corner, racing east, one block irom car; all modern and up to date. No better buy In the city; very fine view from this. Investigate. Easy terms. Owiier, 66 Blxth st. ' FOR SALE West side, modern house and lot, 't block from car line, 12 minute car service; furnished or unfur nished. I am. owner and will make you right price; terms. 395 Guilds at.; take 23d st. car to 23d and Thurman. $800' $100 cash balance easy terms for 100x100 with small house, on Mt. Scott line. 402 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. By Owner Modern 5 room bunpalow, half block from Richmond car. $2950; liberal dis count for large cash payment. 496 E. 36th st. Phono Tabor 1143. $2660, on terms to suit purchaser, will obtain a strictly modern first class B-room bungalow, on a fine high lot and Improved street. Loyal H. McCarthy, ,nfl T -wia v.a Mamhnli !9ft owner, 808 Iewls bldg. Marshall Z69Q. $250 Cash, mes In Hawthoi ms, with all e Modern homes In Hawthorne district, 6 and b rooms, witn an conveniences, $2900 and $3000. Owner, 418 Corbett Bldg-. Marshall 5B,: A-2644. , $1700 FOR a 4 room house and 2 lots, I running from street to street: $400 ! casn, nai. terms. Blanchard & Clemson, 66 Sixth st. FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE. $3000. One block from car, restricted district, street Improvements paid, lawn and trees Easy terms. A bargain. Call owner, C-2224. 82660, on terms to suit purchnser, will obtain a strictly modern first class 5 room bungalow, on a fine high lot and Improved street. Loyal H. McCarthy, owner. 808 Lewis bldg. Marshall 2690. $200 Down Will furnish a lot and build to suit you for (200 or 3300 cash down. 1248 Hawthorne. . SMALL payment down, $16 per month, 6 room modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, china closet, woodllft, wash trays and fine view of city; 60x100 lot. Phone owner, Sellwood 816. . $2500 6 room modern bungalow near Haw thorne ave; easy terms. 403 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark.. COMPLETE attractive new 8 room modern home on car line near school. Don't miss this If you are buying a home. 611 Gerltnger bldg., 2d and Alder. Phone 8ellwood 69. 3 BEAUTIFUL HOMES. $600 cash, balance monthly payments. Several more, choicest In Irvlngton. No agents. C-1866. East 273. W. H. Herd man. $3000 FOR a-S room cottage on Van couver ave., facing east; fine lot with roses, lawn and fruit, in fine neighbor hood, not far from new high school. Some terms. Call at 66 Sixth st. MUST SELL! EASY TERMS! Beautiful 100x100. lawn, roses, garden, fruit trees, hen house; fi room plastered lintea coitage. uam; oniy zouuf tele-, phone Tabor 1392. YOUR choice qf.S fine houses In Alrov, E. 60th et., tbetween Taylor and Sal mon If you are looking for something extra soe ttwese, terms. W. L. Wash, 19J 60th. fhone Taoor 73. FOR SALE Fine location, hard sur " face pavement, 4 room modern house: bath, gas, etc. Cheap, $1600. 816 Wll- llams aye. $4600 for fine modern 7 room house In tinner Alblna close In between Union and Williams aves.; a fine home, cash $?500. Marshall 751. 6 ROOM house, corner lot, close In, In nod location: small tiaVment down. ' balance $15 per month. 361 E. 11th st. E. 6023. 5" - - ' :. -- - HOME for sale, new house, close In, Improvements, hear hlch school and two carllnes. Call at 925 Gantenbeln avenue. . SMALL house and corner lot 60x100, price $450, $45 cash, $in per month Call at Gregory Heights office, end of Rose City Park-car line. THE best place for tha money In Irv lngton,, on carline, modern, new. 9 rooms, basement, furnace, sleeping orcn. wuiierworin. a-soi. WILL allow you $100 discount for $1000 cash on this nice new 7 room house. Pee Dugan, 820 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 662. WILL pay cash for first an second ' mortgages either straight or install-1 ment. stare run particulars. l-838. journal. A Bargain " 8 mom bungalow, modern - and new. 1248 Hawthorne. " BEATS RENTING HOLLOW. Good 6 room house on Mt. Scott car line: $100 down, $10 month. Tabor 1387, 8-ROOM housa, 729 East Stark " near 22d. $2600. Owner. 720 Insley ave. Phone Sellwood 1785. NEW 7 room house, Ladd addition. REALS ROBINSON, 861 E. 11th 8 E. 5023. IF YOU want 6 roqm bungalow on car see me. mo agents. s-47, journal $80 MONTHLY buys new, modern JK room noma, rnone owner, u-ast2741. 1 FOB SALE- HOUSES , . 61 Hawthor'ne District . ! ; Only $300 Down Hers Is your opportunity to secure a new modern 6 room bungalow on very easy terms; this hom is located in flna residence district, just. 200 feet from Hawthorne avenua; the house is up to date in every respect,- with fire place, built-in buffet, panel dining room. Dutch kitchen, eto. If you Are looking for a dandy little home at the right pries be aura to aee this today. Owner, 1406 Hawthorns ave., corner 60th et. Tabor 626 BUNGALOW. EAST 41ST ST. ROSSMERE, RESTRICTED DI8TRICT. Finest residence district in city, beau, tlful new 6 room 1H story houwe, large reception hall, pantry, aleeplng porch, extra large closets, hardwood floors with mahogany borders, attractive fire place, 6 foot buffet, leaded dodrs, three French plate beveled mlrrora, beautiful oak door, furnace, etc.: Improvements In and paid; 10 foot parking. Thla fa a real home; investigate; terms. Take ROSE CITY" ,PARK CAR to 453 Eaat 41st st. north, near Tillamook at. Phone Main 4144. $1400 . $140 Cash $16 PER MONTH INCLUDING INT. Fine new 4 room bungalow, street im provements consisting of graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, all In and paid foV. . , Call br phone GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., 418 Corbett bldjr. Marshall 657. A-2644. Walking Distance 6 room 2 story house, almost new and in perfect condition, paneled dining room, fireplace and furnace, cement basement with laundry trays, attic, fine electric and gas fixtures, beautiful lawn, east face, all Improvements paid for. Just the place for family with children of school age, as it is near Hawthorne and Eaat Side High schools. Price $5300; terms. Owner, 87 E. 19th St., near E. Washington. A Good Home FOR Little Money 5 room modern bungalow with base ment and attic, located on a high view lot, east front. T block from car, near gooa school; price $2700; will take $200 caah and balance of equity iA trade. ' NEILAN & PA RICH ILL, bus sppirtlng Mdg. A New 7 Room Bungalow $3000 will buy this modern up to date bungalow, with bath, totlet, wash basin. fireplace, large, porches, full concrete . ", c'JiitriLie aina n.vj'D, II' iii, 471 UjULAn lit, III car on E. 16th st. Terms; owner must have some money. Blanchard & Clemson 66 Sixth st. SWAP $250 Cash New R room bungalow, lot 67x100; 2 blocks from car, 20 minutes' ride from 1st and Alder cts A snap at $2100; terms $260 cash, balance like rent J. M, Kerr & Co, 311 Henry bl d HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-room bungalow, lays high, faces east, modern, new, 1 block north of car lino, on 45th st. $S25 down, balance terms, look up at oilce. This is value. Ben Mitchell Main 4842. 401 Railway Exchange. 21 ROOM FRAME BUILDING FOR BALE. Proposals for the purchase and re moval of the frame building at 7th and Yamhill sts., known as the Lyale T.albot. will be received by the undersigned. Rtilldlng could be removed to a west side lot at reasonable cost and made to produce a eood revenue. This Is an ot- portunlty for the owner of a vacant lot- A- L. Fish, Journal office. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL FOR SALE. BUILDING Proposals for the purchase 'and re moval of the Buckingham hotel bulldlne from Yamhill street between 6th and 7th, will he received by the underslgnod. This building la of brick construction and contains enough building material for a substantial brick structure, fiend proposals to A. u Fish, Journal office.: DO TOU OWN A LOT 7 You can Improve It with a house by paying as low as $50 down and $16 per month. UNION SECURITY COMPANY. THE HOME BUILDERS 604 Beck Bldg.. 7th and Oak sts. 47th, Rose City 2 blocks from car, east front, beauti ful 7 room house, now, modern and everything up to date $4500 and will take $500 cash and balance monthly; this Is the best offer on the market. NEILAN & PARK HILL, 609 Spalding bldg. WILL $1000 BUILD AN. ARTISTIC HOME7 Yes, and partly furnish It. We have a larger number and greater variety of designs than you will find m any book. Complete working plans and specifications, FIVE DOLLARS. Portland Bldg. Assn.. 322 Mohawk Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT :50 CASH $26 MONTHLY 7 rooms, built in buffet, bookcases, den, solid oak floors, mirror doors, fur nace, fireplace. National Realtv & Trust Co., room 723 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone M. 6129. A Fine New 5 Room $600 cash, balance terms to suit This Is modern with bnth, toilet, wood hoist, hot and rold l Mnrr . i ...... . no...,,. .''I'.l .V 3 LlllBrilltllL, larp-e porches, neir the" best car service in the city and only 20 minutes' ride, for $2700. See owner. 66 Sixth st. EIGHT modern, 6 to 9 room houses to sell on easy terms. I have six on Hawthorne ave., built this spring. Would rent them to' good partle or would trade for a good farm. Ell Hogan, 617 Poard of Trade. Portland. Oreg. Phone Main 4875. Don't Pay Rent have 4, 5 snd 6 room hon We have 4. 5 and 6 room hnm.i oil modern, inrestrlcted districts, for 'sale on easy terms. Provident Investment rur r company, zui-2-3 UOsrd OT fan n nff h iirihn A . . A-1022. GOOD INVESTMENT FOR $900. A nice 4 room house, always rented for 13 per cent on the amount mentioned. If you want a small investment' this cannot be beaten. No phone calls. BLANCHARD CLEMSON, 66 8!xth st. FOR SALE LOTS 1(1 BUSINESS corner on Alblnit ave., 75x60 feet. $1400, $110 cash, balance $15 per month. Here Is o chance to make some money. Johnson & odson, 620-22 Board of l raae o log. A NICE 60x100 corner lot oneTjlock to car, above grade, $1600; building re striction. $900, $9) cash. $10 ner month. Johnson & Dodaon, 620-22 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE By owner a swell east . front residence lot 45x118, on Mar guerltte near Hairlson; for particulars, see owner, jutir Kjiza, 50x100 CORNER lot. 2 blocks from car. fine district, cement Walks In and paid for, gas, etc., $960. This Is away be low the market price. G-847, 'Journal. 6 2-3 LOTS near Mliwaukie Heigh ts station, high and sightly, $1200. 141 ',4 1st, room 4. ., WILL accept small paying business aa part payment on a beauftful corner. Sellwood 768. ' ; ONEof the best apartment sites In the city, easy terms. Be Roelofsz. 432 hamher of Commerce. ' . QUARTER block, with Income, on N. itstn st., io.uuo. Apply tv Front. , 16 mm. $850 A $1000 lot 60x100, surrounded ' by $6000 and $7000 homes. East 47th St., Wlberg Heights, between Broadway and Hancock sts. All assessments paid, 2 blocks to car line, H cash. , 903 Yeon bldg. . . Bargains in Lots $600 for a 47 font lot on Sumner near Vernon ave. $626 lot on WeUster near E. 14th st $700, 60 foot lot on Webster near E. 18th st. $750 for 60 foot lot on E.18th. ltt block from car. $1660 for a corner 86x112, facing east, near Alberta car ecst of Union avenue. This la a bargain if you want some fine lots at the right price. Investigate. . Blanchard & Clemson 66 Sixth at. LOTS $150 $10 DOWN. $5 A MONTH. Water mains In and paid for; inside city limits, close to 6c carline, lots all level and free from stonea. We are the owners. That Is why we can sell at this prlceT Take M V car to 80th st Phono Tabor 378'. Widell & Wilson 2002 E. Gllsan St. $10 Down, $10 Per Month Fine vlow lot, matured fruit trees; restricted district, near car, cement walks, Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldff.Marshall 478; A-1023. WOULD you like to buy si lot 60x126, on the Macadam road, at a bargain? This lot Is .located near the manufacturing district and faces two streets; an ideal location for a amall manufacturing oon cern. If intereated address owner, E 37B, Journal ONLY $1100 WORTH, THAT APIECE Uest looxiou in .nose uny i-ara. 100 feet from Sandy boulevard. Get our book of artistic homes. IT'S FREE. Portland Bldg. Ass'n., 322 Mohawk bldg FOUR CHOICE LOTS. Few fir treea. water, faclne the east. 3 minutes from car, 5c fare, 20 minutes from the heart of Portland. Worth S9DO. Will scrlflce; make, offer; must be cash, liox 677. Lents, Or. I.OT 38lxl00 street Improved, water in paid for. cement waias, diock irura Alhlria enr line. Price $450. $45 cash. balance $7 per month. Johnson & Doa son, 520-22 Board of Trade bldg. GREAT sacrifice 50x100, Rose City Park district. Price for 6 days only, $875 rash. Owner, Maln 9461 MUST sell 2 lots Boston addition Rose owner. Phone Sellwood 292 ACREAGE 57 ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. 1(1 ncres. nil In high state of cultivation lies beautifully, 6 acres fine young orchard, on main county road, all fenced with woven wire, 6 blocks from electric station, -20 miles rrom Portland; the soil Is the finest in tne state oi urenun Ti.i. ir nut Intn triiclf Ln(1 herrtcl is a money maker; close to good schools and churches; illicitly semea uiaiuci r..i fnr ninlr snip 12500: 1400 cash balance as many years as you want at 6 per cent. Coo t'kiiativf; realty company, 519-20-21 Railway Exchange, 4th and Stark street. Acreage 1, 2. 6 and 10 acre trcts In tha beautiful valley Just west of Council Crest; 2 carlines, good water, best of soli and sold on easy monthly payment plan. Any amount you may dealre at 8260 to JfiOft per acre. Let us show you 'the SHAW-FKAR COMPANY. Main 36. 102 Fourth St. A-3600. TIOT.T.ADAY ACRES. THE CREAM OF THE WILLAMETTE Five, ten and twenty acre tracts, all cleared and In cultivation, finest dark loam soil, splendidly drained, adapted to all kinds or rrults, vcRetanies, cnicK en raising; located from five to ten minutes' walk from the railway sta tlon, and on the river front; only $150 to $200 an acre. Positively the cheap est acreage tributary to Portland. OOWKN-IDK TRUST CO., Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Ktarff FIVE acra tracts. 2 miles west of Willamette river, opposite St. Johns; on macadam road, run ning water, good Roll, no rock or gravel. $150 to $350 per acre and upon easy monthly payment plan. "Let us show vou these. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 36. 102 Fourth St. A-3G00. CHICKEN and fruit rancnes near Port land, walking distance to good town, running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district, view of Colum bia river and snow peaks 2 acres $253; i acres $400; 10 acres J700; 10 per cent cash, easy payments, other tracts near railway station $25 to $40 per acra FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. SMALL PAYMENT! EASY TERMS! Exceptional 80, truck-garden soil; wood, timber pay for clearing; near sawmill; cltv, car; all or port; exchange. TIMBERED 1C0; WANT HOME! Fir and cedar, rapidly emhancing no fires, splendid holding Investment.. Port land realty or close in acreage. Tele- phone l abor 13!'' A Rare ODDortunitv A choice 10 acre tract, 2 mires from Vancouver, 12 miles from Pdrtland post office; $125 per acre, terms. N. W. Merrlfleld, 810 Washington at., Vancou ver. 480 acres 2 miles from Estacada car, good fruit land, flno timber, good trout stream, 6ac car fare; branch line through land, $40 acre; will divide In 40 acre tracts; 203 Gerllnger bldg. Phone Main 7311; come go and aee this land; no atrents. I 4 1-2 Acre Chicken Ranch u . 17 miles from Portland, In a nice R. R. town, only 3 blocks from depot, run- and other Imlldlngs; price $2600, $1600 I'tit-'h. roper ti linker. 114 Sherlock bldg. 16.53 ACRES $20 on terms. No rock or gravel. Good fruit, garden or chicken ranch. One hour from Port land, 2 "4 miles from river and rail transportation within 4 mile of mac adam wagon road, school and rural mall delivery 215 iutnner icxcnange. acres, (1 miles from Dufur, Or., 20 acres In cultivation, 5 room box house, telephone In house; will exchange for vncant lots or house arid lot and mine i rtMh; price $ Uuin. See owner at 1217 let nt., south. S. I.. Dollar. SUBDIVIDING PROPOSITION. Have 2000 acres in Klickitat county, Wash. Show me you can handle It and yqu can pay me aa you sell. J-849,-Jour nal TWO acres of ground, firwt clas soil, in southeast Mt, Tabor; will sell all or part or will trade. Inquire Glbbs' gro cery store, 82d and Powell Valley road. O. R. Larsoiv RYAN'S ACRES. 10. 20 and 40 acres, rich soli, running water, $100 to $160 per acre; Donald station, Oregon electric. J. J. Ryan, Uu tteyllle. Or. Owner. CHOICE 10 acre farm, I 'i miles from Oregon City j good building;' all culti vated. 864 E. 11th St. E. 5023. TWO acres, 66 bearing tres, good house. $3200. terms, st Kendall sta tion. Cnnndern cnm. T-ri-.-r Ornt owner. tiuuu r, l i i in 'mi! - av.u ti'Hci; all under cultivation, flno aoll, clsse to electric line. Owner. 418 Corbett Bldg.. Marshal 657; A-2644. 4ft ACRES with 6 room bungalow, good JXlLKJO WUI1 O IVUIll UUIIHttlW. chicken ranch, on electric line. $2700: f00; I easy terms. '-s3, journal FOR SALE LOTS B7 Use Your Eyes And notice the size of kale, corn, etc., also how parched the meadows look. Then v.lslt West Stayton and see our splendid kale and corn, admitted by Prof. Powers of the O. A. C, to be the - finest in the valley, and aee our beana, alfalfa, eta Everything green and bright, because Irrigated. A regular "oasis in the des ert." Come In and let us show you the pictures taken of our fields a few days ago. See Mr. Bishop, Hartman & Thompson, 4th and Stark. Oak Park Is situated Just 21 miles from Portland; 1 mile from Hlllsboro, the prettiest town In the valley; the Oregon Electric line runa through the tract; the Base Line road along the south; the soil Is A-l: water Is plentiful and good; it is platted in 1 and B acre tracts; the price Is $175 to $400 per acre and the terms 10 per cent cash and 114 per cent per month at 6 per cent. What more do you want for a garden, berry patch, or a suburban home. MOORE INVESTMENT CO.. 304 Henry bldg. FOB SALE FARMS 17 40 Acres Well Improved Cloaa to Portland, mile from Wil lamette river and town, on county road; mail delivered at your door, close to school; fruit all kinds in bearing; spring and wel-at house, with running water on the back of farm. If you want a small farm on easy terms here you have It. PEPER & BAKER. 444 Sherlock bldg. Members of Portland Keatfy noara. IMPROVED ranch. 10 acres, good 6 room house and barn, all kinds of fruit and berries. Jerspy cow, good horse and buggy, all Tmplementa, 8 miles from Portland, 1 mile froha elec tric station west side. $500 caah will handle Will consider city property in exchange. Provident Investment & Trustee Co., 201, 202. 203 Board of Trade blilg 30 Acres 16 miles from Portland, 1 miles from town and railroad, 20 acres In cultiva tion, part beaverdam; running water, good well, stock, crop and Implements; good buildings. "$5500, Vi 'cash. PEPER & BAKER. 4 44 Sherlock bldg. Members of Portland Realty Board. 240 Acres in Marion Co, Partly Improved, 6,000,000 feet of. tim ber; this will make a fine atoek ranch. Price $25 per acre. cash. PEPER & BAKER, 444 Sherlock bldg. 7 ACRES land. 6 acrea under fence, 1 acre In cultivation; water for irriga tion, small orchard, Vt mile from sta tion, close to good school; price $600. Jesse Orme, Leland, Or. 40 ACRES good productive land, 36 miles of Portland, $1000; easy terms; no waste land and would make a fine ranch If Improved. D. M. Baker, 808 Corbett bldg. A-4493. M. 7491. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT To responsible party who has equipment for cultivating it, 800 acres of good wheat land in Morrow county, Oregon. For the right party who will take the land for a period of years will give an exceptionally good deal. Apply to John 8. Beall, 309 E. Yamhill St., Portland, Or. A FINE 20-acre farm, close In, good buildings. Inquire Wolfstein, 227 Front street WANTED FARMS 38 Have several customers waiting for us to find them a good farm or small acre tract. If you have any to sell call or write us at once. J, E. Nichols Co. 616 Yeon Bldg. FARM wanted, to rent or work on shares, bv experienced farmer with best of reference. D-864, Journal. FRUIT LANDS A5 FRUIT trees, finest budded stock, de scriptive catalogue containing Inter esting information on request. Carlton Nursery, 416 Chamber of Commerce. Main 867. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS. Good vacant land, Tillamook county. location guaranteed, W. G. JOHNSON. Woodlawn 3025. 1792 Haven st. FREE homesteads, timber water, level land, near Portland; K. JR.. postorrlce and river. Good value. Covey, 267 Oak, room 21. EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE. 24 DANDY new 7 room house, modern, in Rose City Park, price $4200. no Incum brance, will exchange for bunch of good cheap lots. 5?0 Railway Exchange bldg.. 4th ana stark. Mr. cate. EQUITY In 2 good lots on Broadway at. Mortgage $750' to trade for equity in good modern bungalow, up to $4600; will pay small casn difference ana as sume, v. M. JuaKer, zus uoroett oiog. 11150 first mortgage on farm, 7 per cent, end equity .of 31000 In 5 room bungalow, to exchange for farms or house of little encumbrance. D. M. Hak-r. .103 Corbett bldg. HbOD RIVER. Have fine orchard In the celebrated rine Grove district, to exchange for city property or sell outright; bargain. Owner, M-161, JournaU IRRIGATED LAND in the rich Twin rails district, also one farm In Wil lamette valley to exchange for good cljy property or merchandise. Owner only. o-Btu, journal. WANT small tract near electric lines to trada for nna lot. Have good paying grocery outside city to trade ror income property or rarni. merriii Investment Co , 20B Rothchlld bldg. FOR SALE New 6 room bungalow. very reasonable; $300 down, $20 monthly. This Is a snap. D. M. Baker, 3U3 Corbett bldg HAVE seller's and first mortgage con- tracts drawing 7 per cent; wll trade any amount up to $18,000 for real es tate. v-sijU. journal. ; HAVE two nice lots in Swlnton, will trade my equity for nrst class much cow. Houhe tent pn, thpm- V-S53, Jour nal. WILL take lot as first payment on 6 room bungalow or 7 room house. All modern and new. 1248 Hawthorne. HAVE small tract near city to exchange for good house and lot. Owners only. 0-H:i3, Journal. LOT taken as first payment on 6 room modern home, balance monthly pay then t k H k rent. Owner, Ea s t2 741. SOME close In acreage for 1911 pr 191,2 model automobile; state make and price asked. D-851, Journal. WE trade for anything anvwhere. 271 V4j Morrison, room jttroaasireet s Ex. WILL accept small paying business as part payment on a beautiful corner. Beiiwooo vs. WANTED To trade fine timber land for .Portland property, ima nawtnorno HAVE you anything to- trade for a farm In Alberta? 1313 Burrage St.. city 8L1C us tor real estate trades anywhete. 80S Board of Trade bldg. ' WILL buy. sell or trade anything. H. jr. Lite. luin uonro oi iraae Diag. -r !' 'U A''"1 "'i X . 1 xl NEW strictly "WW date S room modern f bungalow; what have youT East 1146. lj ACREAGE EXCTXANGE-REAXi ESTATE I VA KrS J 1ft mIIam .1... , A.' . trade for city property. What hava jrout J. t, NlChOIS U0. pap x cun -Piaff. " 40 Acres for' House ' ' ,i25 my8 TOm Portland, ideal orchard 5?,1 v.1 ant house and lot in eity What have you? Bet Kleppsr, 840 Cham ber of Commerce. . EXCHANGE 40 acres, i mile from Banks, and United Electrlo R. R., $0 miles from Portland, with some crop: black loam soli, 10 acres beaverdam. weAl.."nd Pr?ns' water, good road, fair; buildings; will exchange for Portland property. D, M. Baker, . aa uornett Diag. 67 ACRES near Camas, Wash.. $18,000, 4 miles from railroad, 7 room house, good well, pump on porch, good spring, barn, haymow, lflOO prune trees, 100 apple trees,' 20 mixed fruits, fruit and milk house and 7 stands of bees ta trade for dry wheat farm In eastern Washington or Oregon. MERRILL INVESTMENT COMPANY, 206 Rothchlld bldg. ' FOR SALE or trade. 20 acres, nice, level. no rock nor gravel, 10 miles from Vancouver, Wash., unimproved; 1 mile east Main st. road, nice spring, creek crosses land. Price $2000. Will con sider 5 room cottage. For particulars address C. E. Wallensteln, 18 E. 6th at north. City. 1 60 Acre Farm Will take trade to amount of $4000. balance $2000 back mortgage. Thla in eludes all stock and Implements, val- ' ued at $2000. 402 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. ' I HAVE a first mortgage of $8800 at 6 per cent Interest, semi-annually, on property worth $7000. that I wish to iTrS f?r h048e and lot in Portland. C-868. Journal. EIGHT modern 6 to 9 room houses to trade part or all for good improved stoca farm with stock, crop and im plements; Willamette valley place with running water preferred. Eli Hogan. 617 Board of Trade, Portland Or. Phone Main 4676. iVANTED REAJj ESTATE 81 $600,000 TO LOAN OR INVEST. Eastern party has the above to invest In good first mortgages at low interest In sums to suit or will buy real aetata and a good paying business for cash at tha right price. See Mr. Ruthfleld with HARTMAN A THOMPSON. BANKERS. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. We have customers who want residences. What have you? or call on us. J. E, Nichols Co., good rite pip icon mag. CORNER lot Alberta or near St. Johns on car Une, give location with price and terms. M-156 Journal. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 63 Furniture of 8 room house, within S minutes walk to center of city. 2 year lease, rent $25. Price $376, some terms, terms. J. E. NICHOLS CO., "HAS IT FOR LESS" 615 YEON BLDG. , $200 and Some Trade Will buy these houses: 8 rooms, rent $16, price $350. 10 rooms, rent $37.60, $600. 10 rooms, rent $45. $700. 11 rooms, extra fine, $975. 17 rooms, rent $60, price $1500. 18 rooms, rent $90, price $2400 84 rooms, $7000. BROADSTREET'S EXCHANGE, 271 Morrison St., room 62. DANDY 12 room house on Everett street minutes walk to P. O. If taken at ones will sell for $200 less than any one else. J. E. Nichols Co., "Has It for less." 616- Yeon Bldg. A 20 room rooming house, with 1H year lease, on Yamhill street, part cash, balance terms; will take city lot as first payment. J, E. Nichols Co., "Has it for less." 615 Yeon Bldg. ' Best Transient House $2850 Now is the time to buy this house; our contract expires the 10th, and the prioe goes up to $3800; don't wait, but come and see. It is on Washington, Ions lease, rent only $5 a room. BROADSTREET'S EXCHANGE!, 8 ROOMS, elegantlv furnished, good lease, rent only $36. - Here is a snap, and can clear $75 month above all ex pensear. If you have $600 cash, see thla at once. Call 88 10th St.. near Btark. FREE rent and living expenses by small Investment;' rooming house, well furnished, best location; no agent, owner direct. 475 Taylor. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO. 411 Henry bldg. Marshall C64. Hotels, apartment houses, ' rooming houses bought, sold and exchanged. I HAVE sellers and real estate con- tracts drawing 7 per cent; will ex change for a home clear of Incumbrance up to $sooo. G-866. Journal. . S3 ROOMS Rent $80, lease; $840 cash,! balance $20 per month. Corner brick, flno location. Owner. R-852, Journal. SEVEN rooms, cheap rent, going east. all full, 8 blocks to depot; clears $$ per month. 436 Everett. 44 ROOMS, best location on east side, 22 furnished; long lease, $1800 with terms. Owner, G-840,urnal. VERY profitablertfoniing house, central location; see owner: terms ail casn. A 40O6. - - - . FOR SALE or trade for lots or acre age or larger house; 10 rooms, well furnished, 580 4th St. S. NICELY furnished flat. $225. $160 cashl balance terms. 401 3d. cor, Harrison, ROOMING house for sale by owner. Phone A-5714. MIXING STOCKS 58 MINING and Industrial stocks; tele--phone and other bonds bought and sold. . C. S. Fletcher. 126 Ablngton bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 ESTABLISHED' grocery, notions, eto., for sale or trade; will take auto up to $1000, balance cash. 986 Alblna ave. L car.' .i' '" i ij in i Letter Heads, Envelopes, Cards Acorn Press, 612 Buchanan bldg, M. 6654 FOR SALE Pop corn wagon and outTlt, good paying business, clears $( per day. H-846, Journal. - WANT 'good ' man In laundry propos!? tlon In city. Experience pot needed. V-851, journal;- RESTAURANT for sale; goo! location Gocu business. Owner, l3 Grn4 dly. ; Ft". SALE Grocery store, below ln volce; good reason for selling. Owner, W-84.7. Journal. j ; SHALL bakery" at invoice,1 about! IS iT'O , by owner; good business. , Chaa M. .Tnhniinn. Beavertnn. f r. k SMALL bakery and confectionery ao'1 stock of groceries for sale cheap. 914 Williams. . i' . ...