THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1911 ,1 l i i 1 1 ' 1 ' 4 ) ; 1 .V 7; PEACHES LOWER ON; HUCKLEBERRIES AT HOLIDAY MARKET MUCH HI! LEVEL Top Stuff Sells at 75c While Others Range Down to 50c Along the Street. Portland wholesale Market!. Dreesed meats firm. Egg marker mixed. V Chickens very firm. Peaches are lower. Grape niarkei quiet. 4 4 Fresh salmon scarce". This being a holiday there was a lightly lowor price for fruits generally In the Front street trade. Peaches were offered from 60 to 76c a box, the latter being the extreme top with average ales of quality around 70c. Some mall sired stock sold at the lower fig ure. Some small lot of Muirs are now cominsr forward, and are showing very good quality. By some parties these are considered the Ideal fruit for canning purposes, therefore future shipments are eagerly eweuea. Some dry rot has developed In the peaches from southern Oregon, and for mat reason lime or mis irun is nvaii able for anvthinir except fresh use. Front street expects quite liberal shipments to market tomorrow, although the size of the arrivals Is likely to show decrease owing to the general rains throughout the Pacific northwest during the past o pouro. RAZOR CLAMS PLENTIFUL. -' Better sucpllea of razor clams are offering In the local market today and ' for that reason prices are fractionally , off. Most sales are reported at 12 per box. DRESSED MEATS ARE FIRM. All lines of dressed meats are show ing strength in the Front street market. Veals are quoted as high as 14 Ho for . tops and few of this class or in fact any other, are now coming forward. A slightly better tone is apparent . In the dressed hog market with tops at v lie and ordinary Tots of quality around . POULTRY MARKET EXCELLENT. An excellent demand continues in the poultry market and the trade is of the opinion that business will be good all through the week. The demand for springer is now showing as good as hens and both are quoted from 15 H to - 16 He a pound. Ducks are firm at the prices quoted during the latter part of ; the week. FRESH SALMON SCARCE. Considerable soarclty Is showing in supplies of fresh salmon in the Front street trade. The catch at coast streams shows no Improvement and as most of the supplies come from there, whole salers have experienced considerable difficulty in filling their orders at 10 to lie a pound. SWEET POTATOES LOWER. A further decline is showing here in the price of sweeV potatoes. ReceiDts have increased considerably of late and this has let the price down to 8c a pound. Quality is the best of the pres ent seasons onering. I, HOP BUSINESS IS PASSING. Quite a liberal amount of hop busi ness has been passing in the hop mar ket, but has been kept quiet by dealers. . Trade In both this state and iri Wash- lngton ha been reported at 86c to J 7c ' a pound. ; FRONT STREET ROTATIONS - . 1 (: Grain, Hour and Bay. WHEAT New crop nominal. Track delivery, club, 80c; bluestem, 83c: for tyfold 81c; Willamette valley, 81c; red .Russian 79o; Turkey red, 81c. BARLEY New crop. Producer' prices 1811 Feed $31.60; rolled. :: $86; brewing, 386c. . OATS New crop, nominal. Produc . er-s price Track No. 1 white, 327.60 $28.00; nay, 327.00(g) 27.60. MTLL0TUFF8 Selling price Bran. $25.00 fi 26.50; middlings. 331.00; shorts, $26.0026.60: chop. J la.00N25.00 HAT Producers' price 1911 crop Valley timothy, fancy. 31415: ordi nary, $1814; eastern Oregon, $16,500 17; mixed, ( ); clover, $910; wheat, $910; cheat, 3910; alfalfa, new, $11.501012; oats, $10.00. FLOUR Old crop, patents. $4.85: Willamette, $4.80 per 'barrel: local straight $3. 86CM.6R; bakers, $4.4504.65; export grades, $3.60. Batter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER Extra creamery, cubes and tubs. Sic; prints, 82c; ordinary prints, 80Ile: dairy, 18c. BUTTER FAT J", o. b. Portland, per cound 28c EGGS Local extras 263'27c; case, count, fresh, 24o; spot buying price, . lie f. o. b. Portland; eastern, 17 H 21c POULTRY Fancy hens, 16V417c; ordinary, 16V4; springs, 16H17c; geese, 10c; live young ducks. 18c; old ducks, 17e; turkeys, alive, nominal; dressed, " nominal; pigeons, old, $1; young, 12.00 2.40. .. CHEESE New Oregon ancy full cream, triplets and daisies. lBtfJlEHc lb.; Young Americas. lfi16Hc Meats, pih and Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Front street: Hogs, fancy, 10Hc per lb.; ordi nary, 9 10c; heavy. 7 8c; veals, ex tra, 1414c: ordinary, 13c; poor, 10' Jlc; spring lambs, 7ViiHc; mutton, ' 6 "c; goats, 4c; beef. 69c. HAMS, BACON, etc. Harns, 18 20c; breakfast bacon, 6g. 27c; boiled ham, 29 30c; picnics, 11 He; cottage, 1 1 16o: regular short clears, smoked, 13Vic; bocks. smoked, 12 gpMVic; pickled tongues. 66c lb. ). LARD Kettle leaf tierces. 13c lb.; , steam rendered, tierce. 11 He per lb.; .. compound, tierces. "!c per lb. FISH Nominal Rock co.l. 10c lb.; i flounders. 6c; halibut, 6?c: striped i, , bass, 20c: catfish. 12igil2Hc; salmon, 10V4c lb.; soles. 7c per lb.; shrimps, , . .' UHc lb; perch, 7Ho; tomcod. 8c; lob f,' Sters, 25c; herrirgd, 5S6c; black bans, t , ' 2c; sturgeon, 12V4e per lb.; silver f smelt, 8c lb.; blam corf, 7c; dressed shad, 7c- roe shad. 10. shad roe, 20c lb. OYSTERS Shoalwater tin", per gal , Ion, ( ; per 100 h, sack. $6.50; Olym ' t ..ipla, per gallon, $3.00; per 100 lb. pack, t , 311.60; canned e.-istern. 65c can. $6,611 I .T. do.: rastern In yl.ll. $1 7502 per 100. Y v ntot clams, $2.00132.25 box. . . rraits and vegetables. 4 1 APPLES New crop, $1.002.60. . JV 9 POTATOEH-Selllng prices Selected ; i 1 'Oregon, ! $1,2541,50; ordinary, $1.00; Buying- price, n.iiuqj i.xo, sweets, 4C. ONIONS Yellow, 1.601.li6; garllo, - FRESH FRUITS Oranges, $4.50 per box; benitnas, 5c lb.; lemons, 14.50 'if 6; limes, II a case; grapefruit 33. 25: nlne- ' spplea. Be lb.; blackberries. $1.60; , cherries, ' Royal Ann. 10c; Lamberts. lic; blacks, 46c: watermelons, tirw , ;j $1.25; peaches, Sof 76o; pears, . 75c 5i 1.26: rrapes, tl1.76; prunes, 76c. VEGETABLE ft -New turnips. $11.25 ack; beets, $1.00; carrpts. $1.25 .60 sack; cabbage $H81.25 cental; toma- toes, 60c; beans. 4o per pound; corn. 164 20a dos.; green onions, 15c do.; Sieppws, bell, :oo lb.; heed lettuoe, 20 to do ; hothouse. 31 650tl.7 box; rad she. 15e do, bunches: celery, 75&8So, do.; eggplant. $1.25 1.60 box; U(um. ber. $i nack; peas -rr-)l caull tlower, local, $i.ooi.I$. v. i BOB. Wool and Bldea . mVLnnlnAt. .... ItAtl. $10 croo. 30c: 190$ crowth. 50. . wooir-Nomina J, 111. vuxameiiai Price Drops Down to 78q a Pound Today; Trade Not Yet Taking Hold. Huckleberries are showing extreme weakness in the Front street trade, and Bales are being made down to 7c and 8c a pound with retailors slow buyers. Receipts of huckleberries are much heavier and for that reason there has been a steady decline in the quotation during tile past week. The prlco started at ISc a pound and by swift stages dropped to the present low level. On account of the lower markets for other fruits it is believed that huckle berries will also drop to a lower level than usual. Generally the bottom of the market is reached at 6c a pound for good quality, although sales of "leaky" goods are sometimes made down to 6c or even lower. As the public has scarcely started to take hold of huckleberries to date thin season, the outlook seems favorably for the low level of recent years. Quality of present offerings is very good. LAKE COUiNTKROPS ARE BET IN YEARS Lakevlew, Or., Sept. 4. The harvest of the grain and hay crops for Lake county are almost completed and In Goose lake valley are the best for sev eral years, though there never is a total crop failure in the county. This season's crops demonstrate the desirability of farming without irriga tion, even though "Dry Farming" meth ods are not followed absolutely as me rain rail is surncient to grow abun dant crops without the thorough soil tillage that sections with less rainfall are obliged to contend with. J. H. Carey a new settler on the "west side" of Goose lake valley has just completed his grain harvest and the yield will reach 40 bushels of wheat, 60 bushels of barley and 60 to 60 bushels of oats to the acre, while he has a fine oroo of hay stacked. There was absolutely no irrigation practiced on the Carey place. A nne crop or soo ton or "Blue joint ' grass was produced from the William Bodkins ranch in Chewaucan valley, somd of which Is four feet In height, and without irrigation. Thousands of bushels of fine unlrrlgated potatoes, the best as regards quality grown In the gtate, will be marketed this year from the valley here. Christmas lake valley, where the people that sowed their grain late last spring thought there would be a total crop failure, is looming up In fine shape and their hay will reach two or three tons to the acre, while oats yield 40 bushels, wheat 20 to 25 bushels, rye from 15 to 30 bush els to the acre. The settlers that re mained there and harvested their grain will be in good shape financially this year. S WOULD AFFECT IPS fialem, Or., Sept. i. That it would take several weeks of raining to seri ously Injure hops in this section was the declaration of several prominent growers and dealers today. "There is no danger of mold because there are no lice," said T. A. Llvesly. "It would take a week of damp weather and rain to develop such conditions." Rain is cleaning the vines and damp ening the ground, which will make con. ditlon better, providing the weather clear up in the near future. Tempo rarily there 1 confusion and wrath be ing stirred up among the hoppickers, who are In the yards by the hundreds, pitching camps and preparing for the work which was to have started the middle of the week. CHEHALIS HOPS ARB GOOD. situation at Chehalls is one of the best from the viewpoint of growers that has existed for veers. Lice have been prac tically eliminated from any considera tion, and aside from some few red plJ?r that have been found at the Dig yard or tne Herman Klaber Hop company at Klaber. no pests are feared. The vines are In splendid condition and the yield will be good. Picking will begin the th of the month In tome yards, hut most growers will not ftesHn till the 10th. Pickers are reported numerous. Manv Indians have already arrived to pick in the yards here. Most of these come from Grays and Wtllapa harbor points. Local pickers are also numerous, and grower with but one exception report tbelr quota full. One dollar per box will be naid for nicking in this vicinity, In one yard near Toledo a erower wilt pay $1.25. There have been no sales of late. valley, 14H17Hc; eastern Oregon, 9 9 IOC. TALLOW Prime. Der lb.. Be: No. and grease, 2 2 He. CIIJTT1M BARK-'-im. nominal. 6H 6c: 1810, 5H04C, HIDES Dry hides. lSUOlIUe lb.: green, 78Hc: bulls, green, salt, $Hc in.; Kips, (giuc; calves, green, ISO 16c per lb. MOHAIR 1911. selected. S57c. Orooeries. SUGAR Cube $7.76: powdered. I8.R5: fruit or berry, $6.85; dry granulated, $6.85: D vellow. $7.15: beet. $7.8fi: Hon olulu plantation can granulated, 6c less. tADove quotations are so days net cash.) SALT Coarse, half ground 100a. I8 60 per ton; 60s, $.00: table dalrv. 60s, $13; 100s, $17; bales, $2.20: extra fine bar rels. 2s. 5s and 10s. $4(ffl5: lumn rock $20.60 per ton. CONTINUED RAN Elbert Hubbard Says "The man with the savings-bank habit never gets laid off; he is the one who can get along without you, but you can't get along without him. The savings bank book means sound sleep, good diges tion, judgment and manly independence." GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION -v 'assures safety of savings (deposited in the lumbermen National bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 . 4 on Savtafls CATTLE AND SHEEP T Former 10c Up While Latter Is 15 to 25c Better Than on Saturday. Today's tlvtitock Market. 4 Hogs Valley stuff sells at 4 $8.35, which means $8.60 for 4 eastern Oregon tops. 4 Cattle Sales are made about 4 10c higher than last week. 4 Sheep and? iambs Market bet- 4 4 ter at an advance of 16 to 26c 4 over Saturday. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep Monday 420 473 V 82 2727 Saturday ..... 9 337 Friday 166 ... Thursday 792 774 104 619 Wednesday ...103 806 ... 646 Thursday : . 26 11 Week ago ... .. 70 648 ... 1019 There was a better tone all through the local livestock market today, hogs excepted. This confirmed the exclusive forecasts made by this paper during the past few days. Lambs sold aa thigh as $4.90 this morning or 16o above pre vious quotations and the sheep trade In general was about 16 to 26o better than last week. While there was quite a fair run in the mutton division over Sunday, buy ers at North Portland took hold some what more eagerly. This was probably due to the cooler weather. Total offerings of sheep and lambs at North Portland this morning were 2727 head, compared with 337 on Sat urday and 1019 head last Monday. At South Omaha the sheep and lamb trade was steady for killers while feed ers were lower. Following quotations were available there during the day: Lambs, .$5.40(06.00; yearlings, $4. 00(g) 4.40; wethers, $3.803.60; ewes, $2.90 4.15. Shippers of sheep today: L. Short & Son. Cliffs, Wash., 1 load; C. P. Ketch urn & Son, The Dalles, Or., 8 loads: Clough & Patterson, Mitchell, Or., 3 loads; Albert Morgan, Enterprise, Or., 8 loads; Thomas Morgan, 1 load; S. H. Howard, Baker, Or., 2 loads. North Portland sheep and lamb range : Select lambs $ 4.76 Ordinary lambs 4.254.60 Best wethers 3. 30 3.60 Common lambs 2.7603.00 Best ewes 8.00 Ordinary ewes 2.00 2.60 Cattle Doing Bstttr. From the action of the cattle market at North Portland thi morning the price was about a dime higher than last week. Selected stuff would sell at $5.76 on the basis of recent sales. Quite a fair bunch of cattle came forward from Montana this morning. It consisted of almost everything In that line, and therefore prices were not at an unuorm. At South Omaha there was a steady to weak tone in the cattle trade, with top steers at 7.90 and best cows and heifers at $5.76. Cattle shippers in the yards today: H. A. Cowell, Conrad, Mont. 10 loads cattle and calves; C F. Walker, Pendle ton, Or., 3 loads; H. B. Rooper, Shanlko, Or., 1 load. North Portland range: Bost steers $ 5.65 Choice steers 6.60 Ordinary 4.60 5.00 Common steers 4.00(8)4.26 Fancy heifers 4. 804.90 Fancy cows 4.60 Ordinary cows 8.004.40 Fancy bulls 2.603.00 Good ordinary bulls 2.60 Common bulls .00 2.7 5 Fancy light calves 7.00 Medium calves 6.606.00 Ordinary calves 4.000 6.00 Bog Market X tower. There was a' weaker tone in the awlne trade at North Portland today. Only one load arrived for the market This came from the Willamette valley, and fnnnri sale at $8.35. which means orao- tically that tops are worth $8.40, or 6c less than last week. The run of hogs from the east for local Dackers was not as neavy as usual onlv four loads coming forward, or lust about half of the usual supply. At South Omaha today there was strong tone in the swine trade with tops at Be hlnher at $7.35. This means $8.46 to land here or the same quotations as now in effect. Hog shippers today: D. Taylor, Hal sey. Or., one load; Henllne A Son, Ne braska, four loads. Nnminal North Portland hoar nrlces: Kxtra choice light $8 60 Medium light 8 f Smooth and heavy 7.25 Rough and heavy 6.60 Konaay's iivertoc bum, STEERS. HE HIGHER Price. $6.25 6.10 $4.75 4.65 4.40 $8.25 7.60 $4.90 2.60 HOGS FOR PROJECT. Hermlston, Or.. Sept. 4. Lat week there were two carloads of hogs shipped into the project. Max Stewart, former ly of Axtel. Neb., arrived here. He leased the alfalfa ranch of Ross New port, and expects to engage In the hog business on an extensive scale. Dr. Lassen of Pendleton was here and in spected the stock on arrival and passed the entire drove as being in first class condition. Increase Canning Capacity. Florence. Or., Sept. 4. The Florence salmon cannery has Just received a fourth machine for crimping the top on tbe cans without the use of solder. Fifteen hundred case of empty can were received at the same time. Corner Fifth and Stark Avg. Wgt. 1 steer 60 25 steers 949 COWS. 4 cows 966 28 cows 9S8 29 cows 980 HOGS. 77 valley hogs 194 3 valley hog 363 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 546 lambs 66 107 cull lambs 63 COOLER WEATHER AWAITED FOR EGGS Market Not Quite So Good During latter Part of the Week; Small Sizes Hurt. An improvement in the ess- market Is anticipated by the local trade an soon as weather conditions are cooler. "While tne main run or Oregon eggs recently has been of good quality, quite a few shipment were received In had shape owing to the warm weather. Naturally this had an effect upon the trade. Poor eggs always help to demoralize prices, and this is said to be the cause of the condition which forced leading local egg handlers to fractionally lower their prices during the latter part of last week. The weakness was caused, too, by the fact that so much very poor eastern eggs are being offered, and a these had to be moved at any price available, the cheaper trade took them in prefer ence to the better quality Oregon stock. Front street dealers have had many complaints recently regarding small eggs. According to oiio prominent hand ler, a large per cent of his arrival re cently have been of small size, and for that reason he has been forced to ac cept a slightly lower price In order to unload more promptly than would have been the case had he held for the full limit. 1 - THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital Surplus and Profits OFFICERS J. C. AINSWORTH, Pres. R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS Established 1886 Merchants National Bank Second and Washington Streets. -v4-- , Portland, Capital and Surplus, $600,000.00- DEPOSITARY FOR THE UNITED STATES. DEPOSITARY FOR THE STATE OF OREGON. DEPOSITARY FOR COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH. DEPOSITARY FOR THE CITY OF PORTLAND. Accounts of corporations, firms, and individuals invited. Four per cent interest paid on time deposits. Ladd & Tilton Bank ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital 7 - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $800,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers checks Issued available on all parts of the world. CORNER WASHINGTON AND THIRD STREETS FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS . $750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains I Cure Men $1 o IS MY FEE Pay Whn Ouiad. 0nrl Debil ity, wak Vrva, or exposure, overwork and other vio lation or Hanww' law, Diseases of Bladder and Xldnsys, Varlooa Tain, nlokly and permanently onred at imtll expense. SPBOXII. AILMEMTS Newly con tracted and chronlo cases cured. All burning itching and inflamma tion stopped In 24 hours. Cures ef fected In seven day. Consultation free. If unable to call, write for lilt of question. Office hours A- M. to I F. M Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PAOTTIO COAST MEDICAL CO., 834 la Washington i at., Cot. first. Portland, Oreg-on VERY FIRM TODAY Wheat Finding Bids Up to 80c Basis Track; New High Record for Barley. , O Exporter Buy Seavily. 4 4 Wheat Exporter are buying 4 heavily, with price ruling from 4 79 He to 8O0 for club, track de- 4 llvory. . 4 4 Oats Market again higher. 4 Barley Highest prlc 1 4 reached at interior point. 4 4 Hay Offering Increase; de- 4 4 mand 1 fair. While today wa a holiday; the de mand for wheat continue unabated and buyer were freely bidding 70o for club In the country which mean practically 79 Ho a bushel here. A high a 8O0 basis Is being bid for some and thi figure can be paid by all on the present export basts. The export wheat market w firmer an around and . the demand for Euro pean ahlpment Is the best known for several season. The very firm tone at Berlin recently was due entirely to the , .$1,000,000.00 . 900,000.00 Oregon. .y WhenOthersFail COKSTO.T m nun I cur to tay cured whera other falL I am known aa th specialist of last re sort th man of trustworthy charac ter and unerring knowledge. I cur Blood Aliment. XT.. T1 1, Varicose Vein, Hy J. drocele. Ohetruntlnna ? . Pile, Rupture Kid- 5, ney, Bladder. Pro. . t n ,4 at .,, a.., . miu . .11 Mil- m tr - SrSl" Ziy11? t0 m- Conaultatjon al. Dr. Lindsay Th Old maliabl Specialist. Corner Alder and Second street. En trance 128 Second street. Portland, Or. Office hours A. M. to t P. M. Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. . ,. orotraoted dry weather which cut down the alia of the wheat yield all over continental it,urope. u n recent ad vance In the wheat and hop market were au to me same cause. California miliar are bidding for Tur key red and for bluestem, but sale at una t(m are mostly ior export,, , The barlev market ha reached an other high record and, a high a $8$ ha been paid In the- Interior for No. 1 brewing, making the local landing price better than $$8 a ton track. Oat market 1 firm and' $17.50 to 3 i oeing ireeiy orrerea. in in wu lamatt Taller for uPDlle. A meeting of Washington miller is expected . wlthlo a day. or so to name tne price vi. new crop patent nour. OMAHA JBtOGS HIGHER. South OmahaCattle. 1800: market eteady to wean. -Bteers, 7.07.0; cows and heifer, $4.40 6.75. Hogs, 1400; market 60 higher. Sale, 7.15j.a6. Sheep, 40,000; killer steady; feeders tower. leaning, i.uub.u: wetners. I8.S0iB3.6O; lambs, $5.40) 8.00; ewes $3.9004.15. Bonds Investments Timber Lands Neuhausen & Co. LEWIS BUILDING. PORTLAND. OREGON Overbeck & Cooke Co. Commission Merchants Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Grain, Etc. 216-217 Board of Trade BuOcBnf OMo Bovtf at Qrpiapt at SjOCm CIM yo. New Tk. Boatvn. W Wwi tb mar prtvat ftortland wtta nchaoir. s - r J.J.Keefe,Ph.G.,M.D. Men's Specialist In Pnrt 1. n A nnKK.h.. Ci. tohntnarranh. nprmnnllv rnnitut. mr.A manages his own office and consults with and treats all his own patients. I have more qualification and ex psrience than any other specialist ad vertising In this, city. Every man calling at my office 1 assured of my personal and Individ ual treatment until a cure is effect ed. My fee are one fourth that ex acted by the various "medical com- g antes," "Institutes" and "museums." e sure to consult me before treat ing elsewhere. . Why treat with Incompetents when you can secure th expert services of a competent specialist? Com to me If you have any of the following disorder: Varloose Veins, Kydrocele, Obstructions, irerve. Blood and Skin Disorder, Bladder Trou bles, Blood Polaona, Eruptions, tTl. oer, Weakaa, Proatatltl, Pile or Vistula. 9 to 57 to 8 Daily) Bun day, 10 to 1. Summation Advice Pre. 3134 Washing-ton rt., corner Sixth, Men &Women Cared The WU Znowm S. K. Chan Chinese Medical Co. Dr. Chaa Ur. Chaa DM. S. K. CHAJf with their Chinese medicine of herbs and roots, cure won derfully. They have cured many suf ferer wnn au otner remedies have failed. Sure cure for both internal and external sickness and all chronlo, pri vate ailment. Our remedies are harm leas and 'give quick result. Ho opera tions. Consultation free. Examinations for ladle by Mr. Chan. Call or write for symptom blank to B. X. CKAW CHI tram MXDICIWD Ca, aaevt Morrison at between 1st and Sd, Portland, Or.. LOOD POISOTM PERMANENTLY CURED 1 Pimple, spot on th akin, sore in th mouth, ulcere, falling hair,' bone pains, catarrh, etc, are symptoms. Delay are dangerous. Send at once to Dr. Brown, 9St Arch at, Philadephla, for Brown's Blood Cure. Convincing proof is a aa.00 bottle last a month. Said tn Portland by Owl Drug Co. and by all druggist. NERVOUS tTTJ tke Mm m IkM wfll .W M PEOPLE uay.awmaftMltea. .aetoaaf , 7 ro Mr. or mnf M M tec vjrjra mvn ahb wmmrw tomic Tkm T.Mrt will ran hi.iw ( Mmuw. 4 ";l '"4 x I X A. G. Smith M. D. Leading Spslallst ; for Aln I am the only Bpeclallat in Port land who use hi true nam and photograph la hi announcement. I see and treat my patient! personally, and am not a "medics! company." medical Institute" or a "medica. system." AU men should knorr who th doctor I they consult, and snouid. carefully consider whether they desire to entrust their health with a hired doctor of a medical company. I ue my photograph c that when you come to see me per sonally you will recognise me. In vestigate my personal standlnc be. for accepting treatment from a doe tor of unknown Identity or refuta tion. Are You Being treated In a satlsfactorr mmn. ner by your present doctor? Is he fftrrvlntf out ki. nMmlu.i u.. h. cured you !i reasonable time, and uvea up co ma atiaranteear Are you raying him exorbitant prices for medicine? Doe he emnlov thor oughly c?-to-date and aclentlflo method, which would be approve by the resrjlar family doctor? If you cannot answer these questions favorably to yourself, come and have a confidential talk with m about your rase. 11 win cost you nothing. Cured In Five Days I cure euch disorders Varlen- Veins. Hvdroeele. Pllea. Bneclfto Blood Poison. etc eomoletelv and permanently, often with only a In gle treatment No severe operation employed, nor detention from busi ness. I especially solicit stubborn end long standing: cases that other doctors have failed to cure. Examination Free I offer not onlv FREE consulta tion and advice, but of every caa that come to m I will make a care ful examination an diagnosis with out charge. No ailing man should neglect thi opportunity to get ex pert opinion about hi trouble If you cannot call, write for diag nosis chart. My offices are ooen all day from A. H. to. I P. M, and Sunday from 1 to I. Dr. A. Q. Smith 834 Vi Korrisoa Street, Co, geoond. reruana. or. DR. GREEN ITSTEM OP MAN BUILDING THE PBCIAilST WHO CUBES. It matter not what your ail ment Is. nor who has treated it. if It 1 curable we will give you Immedi ate benefit and a quick and lastlnsT cure. Do not allow mnnev tn keen you from rettlnr well. We charge nothing to prove our meth ods win cure you. our offer NO MONEY REQUIRED TJNTTX. SATISFIED Is your absolute pro tection. Consultation, examination and diagnosis free. We claim for our treatment noth ing "wonderful" or "secret" It la almply our successful way of doing unngi. APPUCTSD KXH, before treating lsewhtre, honestly investigate our proven method. Ton, will than under stand how easily and quickly w our all ourebl casaa of VABICOSB VEINS without severe anrrlcal operation: TJRETHBAX. OBSTBTJOTIOWB, without cutting or burning SPECIFIC BLOOD POISOIT without Injurious drugs (60S skillfully administered when preferred) i VEBVO-VITAX BEKUTT without tlmnlatlv remedies; POSTATIC, BZ,ADDEB and KIDNEY trouble i OOWTBACTSD disorders t PXZ.E8, bbo TAI, oomplalat. and all ailments of men. What you want la a cuV. Come to u and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realise how simple a thing it Is to getwell In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only year to life, but life to year. Office hours, daily. 9 to B; evening, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 368 Waahlagtea PL, Portland, Or. Journal Want Ads Bring Results A - - .T s ... v ... .-4HT- I"'. , v .if: