The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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V 12
The New Ideathat does away with theGreatestj
of Corset Discomfortsl
Society at Xewport will display itself
this wek at the annual horse show
which begins today, lasting through till
Wednesday. The show this year will be
head of anything of tile kind ever at
tmnt1 at Newport. The entries show
that practically all the best
Jioreee now in the country will
bAnd. while the human exhibits.
after all are
home iihow,
be on
the principal things at a
will be above the average:
Colonel John JacoD Aior m.
f bride-to-be and Miss Mildred '"n:'
swith her Own particular lord will be
the most observed on the Human slue
' of the show. Followers of the Port
land horse shows have, been rather fear
,ful lest that Interesting event would
.not he developed this year, but It has
been decided to hold one next month
although the have not yet been
set , .
Dr. and Mrs. A, A. Morrison with
e their two younger children, returned
Wednesday from a delightful stay on
rtfce coast They have as their guests
,-at present their daughter and her hus
. band. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sharp, who
. ir.. from their ranch. Miss
f Dorothy Morrison in ,
tin Tacoma and Miss Jean is
Bremerton navy yard.
till at
Orders have come for the sailing of
the Second Infantry from San Fran-
clsco for Honolulu tomorrow. Portland
friends wlU so m'88 a vtslt from Mrs
Frederick A. Barker fMlss Ruth Honey.
'rnn whose husband. Lieutenant Bar
JJL. i- with the regiment His battal
ion' will be stationed at Fort Shasta.
Honolulu. f B
Miss Winnlfred London, now of Van
couver B. C, is the guest of Mrs. R. M.
Gr is wold at Bremerton navy yards.
Dr and Mrs. Clarence I Nichols are
expecting to return from Hood River in
a few weeks and spend the winter In
Portland. Dr. Nichols is improved from
his summer stay Jn Hood River.
Mrs. Thomas Connell and Miss Han
nah Honnell returned last week from
i Newport, where they went some time
' ago In company with Mrs. J. C Olds
and Miss. Edith Olds. Mrs. Olds and
her daugmer returned ahead of the Con-
rells, who took their car and motored
home. i t
Mrs. Anna Ritchie and Miss Barbara
Ritchie, sister and aunt of Mra. Jessie
rM. Honeyman, are expected home this
week from a visit at Ilwaco. with Mr.
' and Mrs. Arthur Honeyman. Mrs. Ritchie
and Miss Rltcbls came over from Boot
, Aland a year ago to make their home In
' the northwest They have been spend
ing the summer with Mrs. Honeyman,
' " rout will return the last of this month
( ; . to Seattle to be with another sister
and niece, Mrs. A. R. Cunningham.
'. t Mr. and Mrs. John Clair Montelth re
' turned yesterday from Seattle, where
.' , J-they were guests at the Washington.
.-' "tMrs. Montelth visited friends In the
! sound city while Mr. Montelth filled a
, Iconcert engagement In eastern Waeh-
' I lngton.
? j Miss Lora Hendershott left Walla
" '.- 1 "Walla Friday evening after a vtslt in
'''' Jthe homes of H. H. Turner and ex-Oov
i lernor Miles C. Moore.
A- i
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Moody arrived
Mn San Diego the last of August for
t stay of several weeks in southern Cali
fornia, They maae tne trip on tne
steamer Governor.
(:: Mr. and Ms. Manson F. Backus of
V:j ' IBeattle returned to thejr home Wednes
V . jday from a motor trip of several days
,k In British Columbia. They were ac
' tcompanled by Miss Lorene Sails of Port
I land. '
. :
Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller reached Ta
Scoma last evening for a visit with their
jaaugnter, jurs. xuorria neim.
i Miss Ethel Rlgdon. a high school
- ! teacher of Salem, Is the guest of Port
land friends.
i Mrs. Nellie Alexander and her daugh-
t ter. Miss Olive, have been visiting Mrs.
J Alexanders mother in Oregon city.
; Fads and Fashions.
i New York, Sept. 4. The late sum
fmer has brought yellow Into decided
; prominence abroad, tones of lemon,
fstraw and various brownish and green-
i lsh yellow shadings having been ex
ceedingly modish in combination with
The most beautiful double faced ma
terlals seen so far are certain silk
serges of pronounced diagonal cord and
ot wonderful lustre, softness and rich
iness, having body without bulk. These
t silks are in decided yet perfectly liar-
monlced color contrasts. A beautiful
deep taupe, for example, "may have for
backing Just the right tone of violet
J or green or blue. A seal brown shows
ia reverse side of exquisite purple or
I dull, soft orange. A very deep blue
Is combined with rich fuchsia, red or
malachite green. Iron gray consorts
with the deep straw yellow, which has
been a summer fad in Paris. Black Is
faced with any and all of the soft yet
i (lowing fashionable colors.
One is inclined to put confidence In
. the suocess of the grays this season.
, Exquisite shadings of this color are
to be found among the loveliest of the
new materials which cannot fail to ap
peal to the taste of the fastidious.
Purple seems to be extremely popu
lar and is likely to be done to death
on that account. Much .of the early
millinery and many of the advance mod
el frocks and acrr-wsorles sound this
purple note; and while one must ad
mit Its effectiveness, the woman who
cannot afford to buy early in the
season and throw aside later will do
well to be cautious and to avoid the lure
of the purple.
The newest suits from abroad show a
Jacket srveraging from 28 to 30 lnchea
In length. These are to be the. most
notable In early fall deslpns. They are
Shown In varying styles, some being
straight out from the shoulder to the
hips, while others are made to give
the short walsted effect. The short
waisted style is principally used on the
dressier suits., while the straight cut
Is 'used on the practical ones.
A gowd deal of attention Is paia the
collars, revere and cuffs, which are. fre
quently of .satin or silk, while some
are of -linen In a contrasting shade.
Plain black satin remains In favor for
While the sailor colly Is not so prom
inent as )t was. It lits not b;en en
tirely eliminated. Many pointed col
lars are shown, and the rail models will
probably show the large ro,.nd collars
with hood effects at the back. The
wtklrts adhere to the present fashion, of
Otralght lines, close fitting about lthe
hips,- but show a little more width at
the hem. -
Written for The Journal by Darra More.
RECEIVED Just the nicest sort of
letter from little girl the other
day. Maybe she lsnt little', but she
is very, very young, and she thinks
she is very, very much In love. But
there Is an awful bitterness in hex
youthful love. The young person -fo
whom she cherishes this wild passion
prefers the redheaded girl on the next
corner Shocking bad taste, of course,
And the little girl is thinking of self-
destruction. Just think of It! 8he
wants to leave this beautiful world
Just because the first youth that ever
made her heart flutter prefers the red
headed girl on the corner.
Mrs. Arthur Sntsjl iJu'ien
Miss Cynthia Roche, who Is among
the latest arrivals In the smart set
at Newport, R. I. Mrs. Burden will
spend the remainder of the summer
with her mother, Mrs. Burke Roche,
at Elm Coui't. Soon Mrs. Roche will
be Joined by her sons, the Messrs.
Maurice and Francis Roche and thus,
after several years separation, the
family will be reunited Rt Its sum
mer home.
I know, little girl, It Is all very real
to you now. Your poor little heart is
all broken and bruised and your eyes
are red from weeping, and little black
circles are developing under those tears.
And It is all because your love has
been trampled -upon by a broth of a
hoy with a fancy for red hair. Really,
though, there lsnt a thing in the world
the matter with your heart It is quite
sound. And your love, is all intact
You won't believe me now, but your
your pride is hurt. That Is all. And
hurt pride is very soon mended. Of
course it is a little disconcerting to
have that redheaded hussy on the next
corner steal your very best beau. .'11
admit that Not because he was val
uable, because he wasn't, but Just be.
cause tne otner girls and boys In the
neignoornooa are giggling about It
ii wont be long until you will be
wonaering now you ever stood that
blundering boy sitting in your very best
Plush chairs. You'll feel sorry for that
reuneaaeo giri mat Has to listen to his
nvupia joKes. it is always that way,
mue gin. The last beau Is always
w.o ucoi uwu, ana mere is always
last one. It Is love that most of us
am .i love with, and not the lover,
wi i iorgex mat
i J, lnuwayv that Is a mighty nice
'"""'"J timp mm BIODS bv vnnp fun)
gate occasionally and leaves you a rose
plucked from his mother's garden. Have
you noticed how Ion hi i.,..
and what strong, broad shoulders he
Hum juiu nns ii ever ncKin-..
that he seems more Interested In you
than all the other a-lrls? Hi.
hT. u oou:'0 horses, too, and
his mother and your moth
school friends. You know t think I
would be nice to him the next time he
'"""" o a. rose. aim r hAii. .
.11. . . - -
" wim mm down
turner wnere the redheadarf
past the
girl lives,
and but, you know how to do It little
need Is a new and handsomer 'beau, I
Lawyer, Wife and Children on
New York-to-Texas
Rochester. N. T., Sept. 4. With five
children, the youngest only 20 months
old, Milton O. Butterfield, a lawyer of
New York city, accompanied by his
wife, walked Into Rochester today on
their way to Texas, having covered the
entire distance on foot
Buttorfleld. who leaves because his
profession is overcrowded, will start the
practice of law anew In Texas, where
he believes he and his wife will not
be victims of present day conditions.
Butterfield was the motive power for
an ordinary tlwo wheeled push cart, com
pactly filled with cooking utensils and
three little children. Mrs. Butterfield
was a strong guardian of the brood,
which Included two other children quite
able to straggle along behind the cart
Mayor Edgerton tendered the Butter
fields ..the freedom of the city, and
directed Ordinance Sergeant McCarthy
to Issue permits for the Butterflelds to
dispose of postcards while they remain
In the city. The lawyer and his sturdy
wife started on their Journey with
(United Pre Leaned Wire.)
New York, Sept 4. Joseph Kyd, eight
years old, marched Into the Jefferson
street court where his mother was ar
raigned for disorderly conduct, and of
fered his all a dime to pay her fine.
The court released her.
For the Stomach
Here' an Offer You Should
Not Overlook.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
stomach troubles by -supplying the one
element, tho absence of which in the
gastric Juices causes Indigestion and
dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to
digest food and to quickly convert it
Into rich red blood and material neces
sary for overcoming natural body wastn.
Carry a package of Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets In your vest pocket or keep
them In your room. Take one after
each heavy meal and Indigestion will
not bother you.
We know what Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets are and what they will do. We
guarantee them to relieve Indigestion
and dyspepsia. If they fall we will re
fund your money. Three sizes: 26 cents,
60 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can
obtain Rexall Remedies only at the Owl
Drug Co., Ina, corner Seventh and
Washington streets.
English Royalty, 'Tis Said,
Let Miss Grigsby Know
She Might Leave.
(United Pr Id "Wlre.J
New York, Sept. 4. Intimate friends
In this city or miss mme urigsDy,
ward and heiress of the lae Charles T.
Yerkes, said tonight that when she
reached here early next week on the
Olympic she probably would announce
that she would not return to London.
These friends intimate that the chief
reason for her visit to New York at
this time Is not the one given when
she started from Ivondon, that she
wants to sell the house Yerkes gave
her on Park avenue in tnis city, but
Is a direct outcome of tier presence at
the coronation of King George.
It is hinted that the inquiry as to
how she got the Invitation which re
sulted in her being present in West
minster Abbey when the crown was
placed on King George and Queen
Mary's beads was dropped only when
Miss Grigsby told her Intimates In Lon
don that she was going to leave Eng
land for an extended visit and that the
report that she planned to go to India
for the Durbar there was all "a terri
ble mistake."
The attempt to couple her name with
that of the Princess Mary, daughter of
the king and queen, resulted In an In
quiry by members of the royal family
and It was then that It was made per
fectly clear to Miss Grigsby that a
trip abroad will not displease court
Then came the announcement that she
was coming here to sell her real estate
and her friends expect she will also
sell her English holdings and Join the
American colony In Paris for a perma
nent residence in the French capital.
when the announcement was made that
Miss Marjorle Relyea. the 18-year-oid
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M
Relyea of Rochelle Park. ha. been the
wife of Joseph Klaw. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Marco Klaw. since February 28
last The bride's father Is an artist
and Mr. Klaw is the son of the thtatrl
pal miur i- "le lntri-
- years or age
- .vim mm xatrmr
the theatrical business.
(United PreM Leaned Wire.)
Paris. Sept 4. Madame n I. ....
discoverer of radium, is having' con
structed a "palace of radium" The
walls will be double and composed of
thick layers of lead, one of the few sub
stances which radium rays cannot pene
o not Compress tut Support tke ALdom'en
Mr hn 's-ht per cent of the
The "ABDOBAND" holds
the abdomen in the normal posi-s
Hon and positively prevents the
corset from riding up. It takes
the strain from the" hose
supporters and prevents the
tearing of the hose;
The feature is a band fastened "to
the inside of the corset, the ends
of which protrude through slits and
fasten with buckles on the outside
of the corset next to the hips
You will find the rVgABD(
-u-rvniJL vursci uy iar. uic most
satisfactory relief from corset-dis-
comiort ana inconvemence.7
Prict H50 .
D120-Ext7cbm Lew But
D122.iiWiii Uw But
D124-Medin But
F120-EztrfiN Uw But U
F122.Mednm Uw But V Price $3.00
MZ4-Hediu But
Joe Klaw Wins Bride.
New York, Sept. 4. Theatrical,, so
cieties were shaken today with surprise
1 1771 (TOlCTvS
w :
The Last Word
in Motor Car
Covey Motor Co.
and Washington
In the Smartest ol Clever Models and in the
Most Popular Fabrics at Gevurfz'
aekriipt Sale
of Musical Instruments
Court Orders Storeful of New and Used Pianos, Talking
Machines, sheet Music, Violins, Guitars and Every
thing in Musical Instruments to Be Closed
Out at Receiver's Sale.
The Perry; C. Graves Music Co. is in liquidation. Everything in thm
store at 413 Washington street, is beinsr closed out hv nrHr ( ...
Pianos from SOO up, Plaver Dianos. 9375 nr. TalHnr -u
kinds, regular $20 ones now 812; $30 ones now 19; $50 ones now 34 'and
so on. Records for same, 40 cenfs apiece.
Record cabinets, 5, 86 and 88, all sizes: This is less than half price
Genuine Martin and Washburn guitars and mandolins. 830 for 820- 20
now 14.oO; lf now 810.
Stewart Lanjos, quite a number of them, 86 and
vio,!ns. elegant ones, large assortment, some as low as 82, take' them at
Snare and bass drums, some for as low as 85
least one-half. .
All popular sheet music 20 copies for 8 1, 0r 6 cents a sheet,
All store fixtures for sale. . ' ,
Uesk, safe, typewriter, etc., for sale for what
Remember the address 413 Washington atreet
up. Worth more than
Everything reduced by at
they will bring.
the most pleasing assortment ever
seen Every new style whether in
plain or embellished models. Every
garment is perfectly tailored and lined
with guaranteed satin. Included in
this assortment are suits of all desir
able materials and colors. Similar
suits elsewhere would be priced at
$ZUUU and $215.00,
all sizes from 32 to
44, First Floor, for
Magnificent Array of Smart Hats
for Immediate Wear
In the Stylish Fall Styles Just Arrived
Very Moderately Priced
Gevurtz' Credit Plan Is at Your Service We charge nothing extra
for this superior service; no red tape; no Interest; no objectionable fea
turesPurchase anything you wish In our store pay a little down,
a little each week as simple as a charge account with your grocer.
.1ST A