The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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sd...ip,y,r PayTEiic Sale
-School Days'
O O Srhnnl Rpnincr
Nexl Monday
Occupying the Entire Block, Bounded by
Morrison, Tenth, Alder, West Park Streets
(bipeati annual s)ini(D)wnini(Oj it (LMMfots,
ant the Youngsters Here This Week--Parents Who Bring Them will Realize the Great Savings
Come on Girls, This
Will Be Your Week
New College Dresses
SIO.OO Up to $25.00
If you appear in one of these dresses the first day you
need have no fear of the other girls being; better dressed.
These are real College Dresses, Peter Thompson, Middy
and Empire effects made of good quality serge, strictly
proper street or class dresses. They are the latest au
thentic styles, priced reasonably during (j OC A A
this great school opening sale from $10 to j)VOUU
Middy Blouse
$4.50 to $5.75
Misses' Middy Blouses, the most
comfortable and practical of all
styles for school. Materials are
serges and flannels, white or blue, styled with sailor col
lars, trimmed in white braid, can
be worn inside or outside of the
skirt. Prices $4.60 A r 7
$4.75, $5.00 and ?D. I D
Misses9 Coats
$15 to 825
The most popular Coat for Fall
is the "Polo" for juniors, sizes
13, 15 and 17, tan, russet and navy
colors. Priced at $18.50. Loose,
double breasted coats for juniors.
These are made of new Scotch
and English mixed materials with
large collars and Aqrj f(
hoods. At $15.00 to 3ZD.UU
Misses' Tailored Suits, New Models, $16.50 -$25
otmirairr gross boobs raooa
Months ago we began planning for this event and have
had these Suits shipped early to give young ladies who are
going away to school an opportunity to buy their suits at
ome. This showing comprises serges, cheviots, diagonals,
Scotch and English novelties of rare conception. Jackets
are medium length with plain or velvet trimmed collars.
Skirts are plain with panel back and front or double box
plait in back. . Beautiful new models to choose from.
ONE ESPECIALLY GOOD SUIT is of-brown and green
or gray and green, Scotch mixture. Norfolk style, belted
down in the back, satin lined jacket, skirt panel front and
hack with kick plaits on either side. Sizes 14, 16 and
18. A very attractive junior style. The
price during this school opening sale only
New Sweaters
53.50 to $9.00
Hardly a girl or young lady
will start the school year
without a Sweater. They are
life-savers. Our new stock
is unusually attractive. We
have every style and color
one could wish for. Plain or
fancy weaves, priced at $3.50,
$4, $5, $6, $7, 0 A A
$7.50 and up to yUU
Children's Belts
25c to 85c Each
We arc showing complete
lines of the new "Buster"
Belts in every style and effect
at 25c to 85c.
A sale which teaches "young America" one of the most im
portant lessons of daily life. "Economy is the source of
wealth." Study this lesson carefully it will pay you well
I Wk
Jockey Boots
$2.25 to $3.50
Now that vacation time is past our young
ladies must turn their thoughts to study,
and we must provide them with every
comfort. Shoes are the most important.
We have the Jockey Boots in tan, gun
inetal and patents, with velvet and patent
cuffs. They are comfortable, warm and
very attractive. Prices as follows: Sizes
6 to 8 ?2.25, sizes 8-to 11 $2.50,
sizes 1154 to 2, $3.00, dQ r A
and sizes 2J4 to 7 at onlypJ3U
MISSES' patent welt button shoes, made
of select stock; patent colt with era ven
ette or velvet tops, sizes 11 j AA
to 2, priced at $2.75 and J,UU
Big Girls9 $2.25 Shoes S1.00
The Basement Underprice Store will also show many spe
cials in school needs. This lot of Shoes comprises misses'
and big girls' sizes in box calf and vici kid stock, lace bais,
made with the best oak soles; Misses' sizes ll
to 2; big girls' sizes 2 to 7; reg. $2 and $2.25
Boys9 Scout Shoes
$2.00, $2.50, $3.00
bob tobjb asAnr rxoo
Be a scout join our Boys' Scout
Club. We have just received a
big shipment of these famous
shoes. They, will outwear and
look better than any other shoe
on the market at these A A
prices: $2, $2.50 iO.UU
Here is the shoe for hard knocks
the Boys' Cresco calf shoe with
heavy welt sole, button style,
made with that high, raised toe.
A real new number. jk A A
Sizes 2yi to 6, pair atofl.UU
Ribbons fior School
5V2-Inch Ribbons for 25c
50c Fancies for 25c
15c Hosiery
on Sale at 9c
A great clean-up sale of children's
fine Ribbed Hose with double
heels and toes, stainless blacks;
sizes 5 to 8. Splendid school hose
for boys or girls. Our rej
ular loc values at onl
Ask for Medallion Coupon Ticket
when purchases amount to $10.
We reproduce your photo FREE.
Come on Boys, This Will
Be Your Week
$10 Suits $5.95
BoyV Norfolk and Knickerbocker
Suits, the twelleat tyle of all
Browns and grays in neat patterns,
Scotch mixtures, tweeds, etc All
well made. Swagger, mannish ef
fects. Sizes 6 to 17 years. $8.50
and $10 values, special
for this sale, at only
$5 Suits $3.95
Boys' All-Wool Knickerbocker Suits
in the new Fall weights and pat
terns. Extra well made, with two
pair of pants, which practically
means a Sunday Suit and a School
Suit, all in one. The sizes run from
7 to 17 years. Suits which sell in
all clothing stores at ( j f
$5, special, this sale,' at 3)uVu
Blue Serge. Suit? $3.93
A very high-class Blue Serge Suit, with two pair of Knick
erbocker pants, full lined reinforced where the strain
comes. The coats are the newest mannish cut, swagger
effects. We bought them for $5.00 leaders. You can't
equal them in any clothes shop for less than
$6.00 Special school opening price
School Umbrellas
65c to 82.50 Each
Little and big Umbrellas for school chil- 0 CA
dren. Don't forret to get one; 65c "to P.OU
You will need many ribbons for
school. This sale offers an exception
al opportunity to supply your needs at
great saving. Here's 5 1-2-
inch pure silk Taffeta Rib
bons in plain or moire black,
white and every wanted
shade ; suitable for every pur
pose; priced exceed
ingly low, at sp'l, yd.XOC
Fancy Ribbons, beautiful patterns in all color combina
tions, suitable for hair bows, hat trimmings, etc ; q
Ribbons which sell regularly at 50c yd.; spec'l, yd..OC
Children's School Hats
The new Pressed Felts promise to be the most popular
and most practical hat for school. We have them in all
colors. Especially desired by high (fcft e x Qff
school girls. Tne prices range from U 5D
Boys9 School Hats
$2.00 Values at $1.29
These are the styles that particularly proud boys
will wear. "Telescopes" in all the new blocks and
colors; all sizes in this lot The regu-A
lar $2.00 values; special for this sale at
We have the most complete and ,the only strictly
up-to-date exclusive Boys' Hat Department In the
city. Every new hat idea is here. Prices 50 to
Boys' $1.00 Shirt 65c
Real school day Shirts, made of that very popular
soisette material in neat stripes and plain colors,
with soft collars and cuffs; sizes 12 to 14;
regular $1.00 values; specially priced, only DDC
01.00 Union Suit 59c
Come on, Boys ; this Is your picnic. We want you
fixed up for school. Here's good quality Union
Suits, derby ribbed, natural color; our regu- pQ
lar $1.00 values; specially priced, at only DC
Boys' SI. 50 Sweaters 98c
SWEATERS Just because its for school opening,
we offer you choice of any boy's wool Sweater in
our stock, jersey style, coat style, or little Norfolk
and juvenile styles, which are marked at qq
$1.50; specially priced for this sale, at only OC
High School Suit
$15, $18 and $20
A very exceptional showing of young men's Suits
for the high school students. Strictly uptown styles,
in the new shades of brown and gray, sizes 31 to 37
chest measure for young fellows 15 tonA
21 years of age; reg. $15, $18 andDUUU
New Topcoats $5.00
Handsome little Coats in mannish effects, sizes 2J4
to 10 years; all the new colors andj A A
weaves; the most dependable materials 3)0 UU
$1.50 School Pants at 98c
Boys' 01.00 Shirts at 65c
very best mat
wear; worsteds and cassitneres,
s, especially adapted tor scnooi
full knick-
A great sale of Boys' School Pants made up of the
ick- AO
erbocker styles; aged 4 to 17; val. $1.50, at 70C
SHIRTS for boys who play roughly ; they are well
made of the popular soisette material, in neat
stripes and plain colors, with soft collars I
and cuffs; sizes 12 to 14; $1.00 values; price DDC
New patterns in four-in-hands
.bought especially
for school wear,
Great values, at tt)C
ERS-The best on earth
for boys; support pants,
ings; at
Go oin Ulie Bargain Circle
Valines Ho 85c fior 25c Yard
. i " . :. .- ' ; . . . '' ' ' '
fA great Collection of all the newest Fall styles in fancy Ribbons, repre
senting a great purchase from one of the world's best ribbon manufac
turers. , A display too beautiful and too extensive to attempt descrip
tion. Ribbons for every purpose for trimminj?, ' fancy work. OCT
hair bows, millinery purposes, etc. Widths to 7 in. Vals. to 85c. t
v$5.00 wool Dresses S3.98
A new shipment of Misses' and Children's
Wool Dresses, made of good quality serge in
the most attractive style, long waists and
plaited skirts, sizes 6, to 14 years; brown, blue
and red colors; piped in plajd, and trimmed
in buttons; our regular $5.00 val- flJJ OJl
ues; specially priced in this sale at )vyO
Boys9 SI Sweaters 48c
tm TBS nAMMwaan ubdxb fbiob btobb
Boys' heavyweight School Sweaters, in coat
style, plain gray or gray trimmed in red or
blue and finished with large pearl buttons;
sizes 26 to 34; regular $1.00 values; J 0
specially priced as extra values atrOC
Reliable Hosiery lor School
Clark Made Hose 19c
Children's Ribbed Black Stockings,
with seamless foot and extra spliced
heels and toes; guaranteed fast black;
actual 25c values; specially 1
priced in this sale at, the pair.l
"Nomend" Hose 25c
The celebrated "Nomend" Hose for
Boys or Girls, lxl Ribbed, guaranteed
fast black and stainless, with very
strong Irish linen splicing; the best
Hose on the market, bpecially
"priced in tjjis sale, the pair
Children's Hose 124 c
2000 pairs of Children's black cotton
Hose, seamless feet, double heels and
toes, fast colors; very exceptional val
ues ; specially priced tor 1 fl f
this sale at, the pair, only I
Mercerized Hose, 3 Pr. $1.00
A very fine grade of. cotton or mer
cerized Stockings for Girls. They are
made with extra spliced heels; toes
and soles ; fast and stainless. ' Excep
tionally good vals u spc- (J? flfS
daily priced at 3 ; pairs. w I )U