v .V THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY .MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3,'Mf. PROPOSED OREGON GITYCAIIALMAY RUIN BUILDINGS u. i 1 i Citizens May Endeavor Have the Route Changeoy Would Damage Paper Mills, It Is Believed by Many.; Property owner at Oregon City who : will 'be affected by the. building of the proposed -government canal and locks , have, secured copies of the government map snowing me contour oi .tne pro ;. posed ' canal and its tentative course. Some of the 'larger property owners are of the opinion that the construction of me . canal . will mean a revolution j in I the locatioq of the manufacturing es ; tabllshments on the river t. at Oregon City.' J- ;: : tV- ''' 2:V''f " 7. "T'-f''- ,, Major Mclndoe, " United States en i f lneera, in charge of this district, when SB Bl SESSSa .lrlTl nflrfl 1 r SS? ' T rl JB. mBTrSF F1 1 TT1 firn h 5. ing, however. , gave it as his opinion that the canal, while It Ala deslred-t ; make it as straight as possible, will not interfere seriously with any of , the more important structures. "Thar matter Is now before the de mrtmenr of Instlfl." mM : Malnr Ho. Jndos, "and I am . not In a. position to discuss it, but I don't believe that the canal will compel a very extensive re- ' MVWAMWAMAW .Im Mill h M mwiA W VM.VMh Will VW W ' thst- as much as possible. ' , ' Some of the property owners who may be effected are at work Interesting Ore gon City people for the purpose of holdf ma a conrerenoa wun . aiajor jucinaoe with A .Haw tiAofn ths liutflMnn tt the canal altered. '. ..; Might.1 Destroy Ten Buildings- "It Is proposed to destroy, four build' ings occupied by the Oregon City Will en mills and the plant and buildings . of the Crown Pulp & Paper company as well ss the factory of the Hawley Pulp,, Paper company," said one of the property owners. ' "These buildings occupy the sits of the proposed canal between . Fourth street arid the dam. ' To secure the construction of the canal will require the condemnation of all theee properties, ; which are estimated to be worth 11,000,000. The Hawley Pulp & Paper company is probably more seriously affected than the Crown-f fuip & Paper company. . "The canal at the dam Is extended for one mile up the east side of the banks of the river, being placed well within the stream. On each side will be erected concrete walls for the reten tion of a sufficient sjtnount of water to produce results. The construction of these1 concrete walls interposes a bar rier between Mill A ot the Hawley Pulp & Papsr company, and their lower mill, which. It Is contended by the Hawley people, will seriously affect the trans portation pf log between ' their two mills. It Is point. d out that the canal, if located upon the site suggested, will materially reduce the rearrangement of the water flow, si that the Hawley Pulp A Paper people will be deprived of the use of the basla for storage purposes, as - wels - as the - quantity, ot .water- power they have been in the habit of using. More TesstMe outet : "There lavo exposition- to the loca tion of a larger and broader canal than exists at present. The present success ful efforts toward securing an appropri ation was obtained through tha.ener-t getic errorts of the Oregon city Com mercial club. Its aim at 'all times has been to secure open river transportation, with a view Of peimanently establishing what are known as river rates. It Is be lieved mat a more xeasioie, oivjess ex pensive route can be secured on the east side of the river than, has been sug gested by the looal engineering corps of the United States government.. It has also been suggested that a foil consid eration has not leen.glven to the dam agea which would accrue through the destruction of the factory buildings,, the removal of the extensive machinery re quired and the rearrangement which would follow ao far as the-flow of water is concerned' . It is proposed that, whatever ex tent may be the awards of the con demnation proceeding!, a further appro priation can be secured from congress to cover the cost. The, ' object of the Oregon City people at the present time Is to secure a less expen sive route, and to that end they are at present working. - There is no danger of the loss of thu present appropriation, The only danger rests In the extensive appropriation that might be asked to be paid for the awards upon the damages which will accrue If the canal is built through the factory district of Oregon Ylty. . .. . - . .. Map ot Portland City Plan, Showing Trade Arteries For, 2,500,000 People - : v' M MANUFACTURING, ( DISTRICT .-'.' vv ' o':' - v i&i V; s ' WmmBMlifsrW ! ! XJ I v---' I country ' 1 S' k'l " 'tWMwk ) ' ' v 7SBCrtON LINE ROAD o i -r lmMm I N 1- l i ? ;x A 7l J - k ; j V ; - U t , PRESENT CfTYLfft72 3 ' w c . c vi y : - I V , j I wSr- ! I Ci - J V KY; iAi'UOZ, V ' CLACKAMAS' CO." ... .. : j-, -pUSmES:AREA - VVa---: - - - J ZVF $ X sPAce- Within arcs- A .CLACKAMAS CO. J s v V FUTURE BUSINESS AREA. 1000 LODGE MEN v VISIT: CENTENNIAL t 4 sV-4.?.: I. I. Boak Talks4o Fraternal ' -Bodies; Parade Is Held - During . Drizzle. Near 8wan island Is shown the collection of wharves and clips which are to comprise the public dock system which ,1s proposed to be built at a cost of 12,500,000. Other docks are shown on Columbia sldugh, near St. Johns, which point will, says manufacturing district of the city. The Plan Never Has Been Tried. . From the Chlcsgo Record-HeraM. -"I tell you, my sisters." she shouted, advancing to the front of the platform, "the men will never grant us our rlshts ss long as ws sit baok and quietly wait for them to do so." "How do you knowt" chirped a man who had concealed himself in the gal lery. ' .' ' WW The Steinway Piano THE ONLY PIANO KNOWN IN" EVERY CITY, TOWN AND ; HAMLET ONTHE GLOBE-' v' . So world-renowned and universally revered has the Steinway become thafj It stands easily at the head ot any list of pianos that-can be named, and confers the distinction ot leaaersnip upon its representatives everywhere. This has led many dealers who are not Steinway agents to advertise sec ond-hand Steinways for sale, so that they may ise s the iplendor ol the Steinway name : to give r a borrowed luster to the inferior instruments they ire compelled to offer. ' v"'..-..- ihia is one oi the tributes that in feriority is forced to : pay to superi ority, i :.i- J-y r;. Of course,, those who are thinking of buying a. Steinway will prefer to , dealwith regular, accredited Steinway representatives, where they may ob tain new instruments and. at the same ? rice for 'which they are sold in New ork, freightage added. ' -r:'-' For the information of those inter ested, it should be stated that Sher man, Clay , St Co, are the exclusive Steinway representatives for the Pa cific Coast. Their' Portland house is on Morri son street at Sixth By Marshall N. Dana. A real beginning has at last been made In the building of the. greater Portland. The basla is the Portland elty plan formulated by Municipal Architect E. H. Bennett under the direction of the Clvio Improvement league. The iqeans of accomplishment Is the Portland City Plan association, a call for the organ lzatlon of which has been Issued, the time and place to be soon announced. Greater Portland means a city ot 1,500,000 population, with boundaries, traffio arteries and municipal convert iences to correspond. The conception is stupendous. One must have more temerity than bravery to estimate the total cost represented by outlay, .from all sources, yet it cannot be less than $100,000,000. But thisflOO.OOO.OOO will represent $100,000,000 to $$00,000,000 in enhanced municipal and private prop erty values If the actual practical re turns that have attended a similar ef fort of Kansas City, Mo., may be taken as a criterion. Chicago, too, is doing the same thing and is getting like re turns. , , Vill Sxplsla Plant. . As soon ss Municipal Architect Ben nett comes to Portland, and that will be within a few days, the plans as rep resented by 70 drawings will ba ex plained . and their value In the devel opment of every locality of the city a units of the general elty development will be explained at the olty plan con vention. When it Is said that three of the drawlngs, made by a celebrated French artist, cost $100, end that the whole Work In a year has cost $20,000 and more paid from the pockets of a few public spirited citizens, the ser iousness of this beginning now chron icled can the-better be realised. The sketch here reproduced has as chief value the defining pf future trade quick, convenient transportation for a city of 1,500,000. The boundaries of this future city are shown forced' apart, reaching over into Washington county and Into Clackamas county on the south; including all the Peninsula and Columbia river slough country on the north and reaching east far beyond the present boundaries of Montavllla. : . - ' ; . . v v Business Area. . ' The business area must of course ex tend .with . the- corporate . limits, r The area on the east aide of the .Willamette river is shown to be much .broader than now to care' for" business needs. Ar chitect Bennett evidently believes that much of the business , of : the greater Portland jwlll he done on the east aide. Burnstde-street in this business area Is: shown an axial thoroughfare reach ing oyer Mt Tabor and Montevllla on the east; Extending to the hills on the- west side of the river, i The first high way reaching Burnslde.the axial thor oughfare from the south is Powell Val ley .road and the first from the north Is Bandy road. Already,.' following the municipal architect's counsel, the Rose City Park' Improvement association has commenced an effort to have the Sandy Toad extended to Burnstde and thie . ef fort, more than anything else, shows how the general program can be worked out, by local effort having in view the general' program.'.:.:. v- -,-t-y-,-:,:-, 1: , , malle : Dock -. ystent. t . Down near Swan island Is Shown the $2,600,000 Portland public docks ' ays- tern,' for which the bond issue has al ready been made.; The -slips are dug both in Swan Island and the mainland; the channel, is deepened uniformly mad widened. A dike is built from the head of the Island to the mainland and it carries a municipally owned belt line railroad to connect, rail and ocean trans portation. In the same line of municipal de velopment are shown more slips snd wharves near St Johns on the Colum bia slough. Here, the municipal archi tect thinks, will be the future manu facturing district of Portland, the place of nearly all the deep water shipping to come. Evidence that he Is not wrong Is the fact of $10,000,000 already in vested in manufacturing enterprises of many kinds in' the peninsula area. Hope that the publlo docks commis sion will avail the general harbor de velopment Idea of Mr. Bennett, is con tained in the news that the commission has appointed as consulting engineer, Mr. Hegardt, the ex-government engin eer, who furnished Mr. Bennett with the details upon which he based his har bor development plan as shown In the drawing, , Chairman Mulkey of the dock com mission, has also made known his sym pathy and interest in the work done un der the direction of the Clvio Improve ment league. .. ' Traffio Arteries. The 'development, of traff la - arteries Is shown . to Include not only main thoroughfares extending through import ant districts to the future city limits but connecting , thoroughfares through the ' Peninsula country, and connecting all important traffic . arteries both on the east and west sides, Many additional bridges to bear the transrlver traffic of the future city are also provided. The high hills on the west side, are made Into terraced resi dence districts with scenic boulevards on nearly . every terrace. Boss Island Is shown, too, as a park connected with bfldges and boulevards. The system of parks and boulevards lsVjn fact, made complete so that vlstors to the Greater Portland may ' see Its beauty features one after the other, civic, recreation. business and community centers in- Underlying the whole plan which does not contemplate any foul tenement re gion or breathless congested space but, on the contrary, plenty of living room and parks close to every neighborhood, is also a drainage system calculated to serve perfectly the city of ' $.500,000. , . An effort will be made to but this drainage system ln; operation before the made complete. In this way the cause of economy will be served and the city will not be marred by torn-up streets, Other drawings show how handsome will be the Portland that has a back In - union s depot with - the ; Broadway bridge swung between- its, towers, that has tnapsra DiooKS- oevetopecr into a depot-to-hllls boulevard, a magnificent publlo auditorium oloe.to the group of pubUo buildings, and ail of these ar to be shown and explained In detail to the city plan convention by Mr, Bennett when he comes. ' ;- ' '"?,' .. The-plan for building Portland sys tematically was born In . the minds ot a few far Seeing business men In Port land,' aruf foremost among these have continually been Dr. J. K. Wetherbee, president, and Charles B. Merrick of the Clvio Improvement league, who now heads - the movement -'for working out the city plan- In its most logical way, by general, popular organisation capable of concentrating Influence on any de sired local improvement whether public or private, so that It bs a unit of the general plan. ' ' ' Civic Improvement league Is as fol lows: Dr. J. R. Wetherbee, chairman; Postmaster Charles B. Merrick, secre tary: W. F. Woodward, vice chairman; J. C. Alnsworth, treasurer. Executive oommlttee, J. C. Alnsworth, A. H. De vers, C. F. flwigert, I. Lang, B. 8. Josselyn, Walter F. Burrell, William Ktllingsworth, W. D. Wheelwright, L. J. Wentworth, Gay Lombard, H. L. Cor hptt. John H. Haak. F. II. Ransom. E. F. Lawrence. J. R. Wetherbee; ex-offlcio the architect, become the future members. Mayor A G. Rushlight and E. T. Mlsche, superintendent of parks. The call for the general convention has been addressed to these, to all east side Improvement associations, all com mercial and clvio organisations and the Press club. , A gas and electrlo company's build ing in Denver Is claimed to be the best lighted structure of its "class in the world. ' (Snecitl to The Journal. Astoria, Or., Bept : l.i Fraternal day at the Astoria Centennial was marked by the presence of Head Consul I. I. Boak of the Woodmen of the World, a-large number of : prominent officers of the Order of Moose and the W. O. W. and over. 1000 unlformedmembers of the orders from Portland and adja cent communities. : Portland lodge 291, Order of Moose, was represented - by about $00 members, who arrived here on the steamer Monarch and were met by a number of their brethren who had arrived here, last evening, v The Wood men were represented by the degree teams of Portland camp 107, Wobfoot No. 65, Multnomah . No. ; 77 - and Rosa City No. 11. , ' . ' ' The delegations were met ; at the depot by Mayor H, Iv Henderson, Gen eral Manager A. A, Tremp and. KUery's band and esoonted to Centennial head quarters, where the mayor In a short address tendered the . freedom of the city. John B. Goddard of Portland made Jthe response. , Exercises were held in the afternoon at the Centennial stadium, at which Head Consul Boak made the principal address. Other speakers were W. C. Hawley of Salem. J. W. Boothe, W. B. Haldman, F. Q Brockman and W. Reidt of Portland, ' and Mayor ' Henderson. Portland camp 107 carried off the trophy in the competitive drill, five other teams competing. Webfoot No. $6 wss second. The illuminated ' parade in the eve ning given in honor of the visitors was witnessed by a large crowd. In spits of a drtssling rain during its progress. Head Consul Boak was presented with a silver loving cup by Oeneral Manager A. A. 'Tremp on behalf of the Centen nial committee. On account of requests which were made by residents of Portland, who are desirous of witnessing the spectacular Indian drala;V'The Bridge of the Gods," arrangements have been made with the railroads to run a special train from Portland on Labor Day, to be known as the "Bridge of the Gods Special." The excursion wjl leave Portland at 8 o'clock In the morning and returning will leave Astoria at 11:$0 in the even ing immediately after the performance. A special rate of $2 for the round trip has been secured. The "Bridge of the Gods" has played to large audiences. Three more per formances will be given, one on Mon day, one Tuesday and on on Friday evenings. , As a special Labor Day celebration has been arranged and the sixteenth annual regatta of the Astoria Motor Boat club opens on that date it is ex pected that viators to the Centennial city will not find a minute hanging heavily on their hands. REFORM PRINCIPLES, TOPIC AT Y. M. C. A. "Principles of Reform .That Must, Be Recognized" will be th topic for dis cussion at the men's meeting in the lobby of the Portland , Young Men's Christian association this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The meeting will be led by M. N. Dana. Special musio will be provided. The meeting today will close the ser ies of discussions of moral problems that has been held in the T. M. C. A. lobby during the hot weather months. The last discussions were on the sub ject of social evil, and It is expected tisat the meeting today will consider principally the best methods of dealing with that problem. R. K. Perkins, religious work direc tor, has been busy with his program of meetings for the fall and has prepared an unusually Interesting series. These meetings will be held In the auditorium, except when especially large crowds are expected, when a church or theatre will be -used. , ' 1WS REASON? Britons Want to "Know What -Is- the-Matter With Their Bally . Country, and Why All This trouble. V , ' By John I. Britton. , (B.r toe Internstlonil News Service.) London, Sept. 4. Now that the smoke of the strike battle has cleared away, people are asking: "What is the matter with the bloom ing country? What was all the bally trouble? Rioting, troops charging, food supplies cut off and famine threatened wnat was it an about, any now r- Press Zs Ignorant, ' The newspapers have done but little , to answer these "questions; in fact, they , seem to4 fight shy of finding out the fundamental cause of tne recent labor agitation tfee most serious., England , has confronted for many years. An outsider, however, need have no heslta-. tlon in formulating that cause. , InprMMil nrlrM nf anMesaltles. whfrhr hiave not been accompanied by a cor responding increase in wages ana ins starvation level of wages paid for un skilled labor. - What Sockmea Wanted. . 'It Is-hard for an .American to realise that In the dock 'workers' strike, full frown, sble bodied men, were, in -some cases, fighting for the right to receive $4.40 a week. And that week consisted of 78 hours. Think of It. Ten hours a, day, seven days a week, $4.40. And that, mind you, is not what the strikers received.' if is what- they were flKhtlnsr to get: In order that there may be no mis take about It, let me quote the actual terms upon which the dock workers In London were formerly employed 'ana the terms which they demanded: Th - former terms of the truck drivers were, $5.50 to $5.15 a week with no limit to number of hours; they de manded $6-16 to $7.80 a week of 72 hours. - Demands of Treignt Men. - The- - freight handlers" , former- terms were $5 a week of 60 hours,' overtime for, Sunday at 7 cents an hour; they de manded maximum wages of $6.15 a week with Sunday's overtime, to be at 12 cents an hour. Wages for yard truck drivers were $2.75 a week with no limit as to hours, and they demanded $4.40 for a 70 hour week. For all grades of workers no annual' vacation was allowed till after 10 years of service, then from three to . five . days; the demand was for one weens vacation with pay after one year's ser- vice. -fi A booking clerk's wages start .at- 25 cents a day. After years of service he finally makes, if he is faithful and In dustrious and does not get sick too much, a maximum of $7.25 a week. If he is exceptional, he may become a "clerk In charge," in which case he will receive $5 a week, which is grad ually rneressea at -tne -tm -ei - a--iew shillings a year until in his old age he may receive $9.75 a -week. A Valuable Man. Ftora Llppincotfs Magazine. : his eyes," said the celebrated oculist. "Every time he went to read he would read double." ' tin 1 1 . ... 1. . Ka thetla person. I suppose tnat inter fered with his holhlng a good position r, "Not at all. The gas company gob bled him up and gave him a lucrative Job reading gas meters." : .' She Wouldn't Stay. HusbandWhat ts thst' fearful racket? v ' Wife Sarah taking her singing: les son; Mrs. Jones telephoned that sWS was going to call and X don't want her to stay for dinner, V LI VI M G -ROOM' FURNISHINGS We are, in a way, specialists in furnishing attractive living rooms. We recognize tne supreme importance of a restful, harmonious, comfortable living room; believe that there is no excuse for , having any other kind ; and are thor oughly equipped to help you in planning and furnishing . just such a room. We carry the most beautiful living room furniture to be found in Portland -the most interesting, most correct, most comfortable. Also our assortment of good living room furniture is by far the largest to be found here, a fact pretty generally recognized, and easily proved by a visit to the store. V This week our windows contain many beautiful mahogany pieces, chiefly reproductions of cele-V brated originals. Our stocks of simpler mahogany furniture, of beautiful Craftsman and Flanders , oak pieces and of willow and reed furniture are equally complete and interesting. For your floor coverings, wall papers or fabrics, hangings and curtains we can show , you things equally new and distinctive. And if you . car for assistance or expert advice J we shall Jbe glad to supply it without charge. ? As to price, you will pay only a strictly competitive ; price for the merchandise value . of what you buy from us. Special service and exclusive designs are merely a part of our . business policy. , , ; ; ' 5 th and Stark 1 " ' . " ' I S.I UN Th complete official roster of the "-:vi''H'i.v;fcr.'.! m