THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' SUNDAY . MORNING. SEPTEMBER i S, 1911. SUELB6 TO GO BofoltAW Bates & Chesebrough Charter : Coaster for Service From North Pacific Ports Third One to Be Taken. .' .it has been announced that the steamer St. HeWns, now on her last 5 voyage to Alaska from Seattle, has been " chartered by Bates & cnesenrougn irom h. p .1 Dndee Lumber company, own . r of the veuel. for service on the - r-.Hfnrnla-Atla.ntlc steamship line be tween Panama and North Pacific port. Veer, during the summer monthil, a ik R Helens has been operated be in Kan Francisco and Portland, where she is well known, and other . coast points, bringing general cargo - north and returning to the Golden Gate - with lumber cargoes ror ner owners She is In command of Captain Thomas A. Jamleson, and during the summer she made the record trip ror a rreignie from Nome. , With her decks piled high with pro duce and her holds full of general men ; chandlae and supplies the St. Helens, sailed from the Puget sound port on Auarust 21 on her last trip of the sea eon to Alaska. On her return she will . he turned over to Bates & Chesebrough This Is the third coaster chartered bv the California-Atlantic in the last montht the other steamers being the Tampieo and the Seward, both of which ' have been engaged in tne Aiasga traae, ' end they are apparently ready to take any tonnage of the rig ht description that la free or about to? become so, which argues well for the rapid in crease of shipments to and from this - coast by way of the Isthmus of Panama. At the time the Seward was taken for - the Panama service the steamer Port land was also chartered, and she will bring a cargo around from Philadelphia and New York. The next of the California-Atlantic steamships to arrive here will be the Stanley Dollar, which is scheduled to arrive from Balboa direct about next Wednesday. HAS PASSAGE OP 172 DAYS British Ship Invermay Makes Long Trip, Portland to Que-onstown. Among 'the Portland 19MM1 grain : fleet the longest passage so far has been that of the British ship Jnvermay, which sailed from here on March 11 last. She arrived at Queenstown Au gust 11 after a passage of 172 days. She sailed from the river with 87,646 bushels of wheat valued at $74,498 be ing; under charter to Hind, Rolph & Co. . But two more vessels are yet to be ac counted for. They are the Russian bark. Ocean, which sailed from here April 22, and the British ship Vincent, sailing from here May 8. The record long passage of the 1910-' 11 grain fleet from, here, aside from the Invermay, was that of the British ship Inveravon. which was 170 davs in maklmr the passage' from' Portland to" Limerick.' The record long passage for 1S10 for the same voyage is held by the bark Duquesne, which was 174 days from Astoria to Falmouth. ' The smartest passage of the year so far from this port is that of the Ger man ship Wilhelmine. which reached . London August 27, 113 days. out. She carried a cargo of 1,627,518 feet of lum ber valued at $20,486. 562 VESSELS OFF REGISTER Lloyd's Register Publishes Statis tical Summiry for 1910. The statistical summary of vessels totally lost, condemned, etc., during the ear 1910. Just lnsued by Lloyd s Regis. r. shows that the total number of vessels so removed from the register was 562. of 591. 53 tons, of which :93 of 421,549 tons were steamers and 269 of 169.987 tons were sailers. The na ture of the losses was as follows: Aban doned, 42; broken up. condemned, etc., IS; burned. 31; collision. 71. foundered, 66; lost, etc.. 6; missing, 41: wrecked, J. PIERP0NT MORGAN RETURNS FRIM TRIP TO EUROPE gsss Tha picture shows the master of finance Interesting Picture shows girls in Swedish echottische dance, only one of the many The second annual play festival. which will be held at Peninsula Park, Mississippi avenue and Willamette boulevard, on the Mississippi car. line, tomorrow afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. wll have many Interesting features. chief among which will be the pretty folk dances and Maypole drills by the girls of different playgrounds. Another Interesting event will be the display and judging of the articles made by the girls of the playgrounds from raffia. Besides ' these events there will be several games or baseball, playground ball, volley ban and races and athletic events for both boys and girls. The game 6f most interest is the playing off I 87- Among the missing figure 21 steamers of 35,248 tons and 20 sailers of 9231 tons, of which the United States contributed one steamer of 22H tons. nd 4 sailers of 1946 tons. The percent age of losses to tonnage owned was as follows: Austro-Hungarlan. 0.41; Dutch, .80; German, 1.02: French, 1.10; British (U. K. ), 1.27; Danish, 1.29; Italian, 1.40; Swedish, 1.66; United States, 1.82; Brit ish Colonies. 1.86; Russian, 2.19; Span ish, 2.30; Norwegian, 3.37. PLANTS 400 FROGS There Will Be Music in the Air When Croakers Tune Up. White Salmon. Wash.. Sept. 2. Cap tain Charles R. Spencer of Portland is literally making things Jump on his Spring creek ranch. In order to make his artificial lake more -realistic he is Ving. 400. fat, warranted-to-croak frogs dumped into the water, and trout will follow later. The captain is a great rOK fancier, knows all their points,' and will not only propagate them for a table delicacy, but for their jumping quali ties, intending to equal even Mark Twain's famous frog of Calaveras county. WILL FISH FOR CRABS Portland Man Fitting Out Boat for Deep Sea Work. Profiting by the experience of others in deep gea crab fishing Wachsmuth- Brothers, of the Oregon Oyster com pany, have secured one of the big life boats formerly in use in the Fort Can by lifesavlng station and are installing a gasoline engine with the Intention of go 1 rig after the big crustaceans farther off shore than they are uuually se cured. Louis Wachsmuth said yesterday that the lifeboat will be fitted up with a leg-of-mutton sail in addition to a 10 horsepower auxilliary engine and she will go out about 10 miles off Shoal- leaning over th . . Events to Be Seen at Annual Pldy of the tie between the teams of North Park and Columbia Park, the members of whom are over 4 feet 8 Inches In height. This game is for the cham pionship of the playgrounds. Another interesting contest will be the game of playground ball between the girls of Peninsula, ' champions of the girls' league and the Brooklyn Midgets, cham pions of the boys' league, each member of which Is under 4 feet 8 inches in height. The boys will give the girls a handicap of 16 runs. - V In the raffia exhibit the girls will be divided into four classes: Under 8 years, between 8 and 10, 10 and 14, and over 14. -In the athletic events the division will be Into those under 4 feet 8 Inches, between 4 feet 8 inches and water Bay to do her fishing as it is expected that a better and larger class Of crabs could be secured well out. The boat will begin her fishing oper ations about October 1 and will be in command of Captain M. Wachsmuth who has been in the Itfesavlng service at Fort Canby for the last 10 years. It will carry a crew and three men. It has been the experience of those who have tried fishing for crabs at Buch a distance out that they were apt to capsize and a large number of drown ings have occurred from this cause. The new4 owners of the lifeboat, however, expect to be able to avoid serious acci dents because of the type of boat that they have secured. They expect to make two trips a day from Tokeland. where a large float Is being constructed to receive the crabs and from which they will be sent to Portland to be dis tributed to other coast points. CAPTAIN KXUDSEN DIES Reported Death of Skipper of the William Bowden Received. A report to the Merchants' Exchange from Caleta Colosa, dated September 1 states that the schooner William Bow den had arrived there and that Captain Knudsen, the skipper, had died June 26. The Bowden arrived out 83 days from the Columbia river, laden with lumber No details of the death. of Captain Khud- sen. whose home is said to be at Bel- llngham, were given. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Bringing freight and passengers from Tillamook the steamer Golden Gate, Captain Erickson, will be due to arrive In the harbor this morning.' With passengers and freight the steamer Roanoke, Captain Jessen, is scheduled to arrive today from San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco. When the French bark Edouard De tallle, now discharging coal at As toria, has finished she will drydock here for cleaning and painting before loadins wheat out. She will come up here with at least enough coal for ballast. To load lumber for California the steamer Nehalem left down the river last night for Tongue Point. The Norwegian steamship Henrik Ibsen was expected to complete her lumber cargo for Australia last night at Tongue Point and she will probably gei away loaay on ner rirst voyage In the Australian Mall line. The steam schooner Aurelta was raised on the Port of Portland drydock esterday afternoon for survey and re pairs. A general average of 25 per tent was declared on hfijr cargo dis charged at Couch street dock by the underwriters. Bringing passengers and general freight the steamer Sue H. Eimor t-aptain Schrader, arrived yesterday anernoon irom ruiamooK. Officials of the Open River Trans portatlon company stated yesterday inai me steamer inland Empire would be ready to go Into service again short ly helping the steamer Twin Cities In the transportation of grain of which there is a larger amount than usual this year. It was announced yesterday tha. tie steamer Oregona, of the Oregon City i ransportation company s fleet, would leave Monday morning at 6:45 o'clock for Mission Landing? making tne round trip each day for a week to accommo date the hop pickers. . MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Sept. 2 Arrived at V m.. bark W. B. Flint, from ..Koggiung; ar rived and left up at i a. m.. steamer Elmore, from Tillamook; arrived down at 9:3o and sailed at 10:40 a. m , steam er Shoshone for Grays Harjjor; arrived and left up at 10:60 a. m., gasoline schooner Wllhelmlna. from Yaqulna; arrived at 4 p. m. and left up, steamer Golden Gate, from Tillamook. San Francisco, apt. 2. Arrived at a. m., steamer Bear, from Portland; arrived, steamer Geo. W. Elder, from Portland; steamer Beaver, from San Pedro; sailed, British ship Torrlsdale in tow of tug Hercules, for Portland; ar rived at noon steamer Oleum, from Port San Luis; sailed last night steamer's Coaster, Bowdoln and Nome City, for Portland. Noyo, Sept. 1. Arrived, British steamer Wakefield, from San Francisco, for Portland. Gavlota, Sept. 2. -Sailed, steamer W. F. Herrln. for Portland. --. V? , Monterey. Sept. 1. Sailed, steamer Rosecrans,. for Portland. . v Coos Bay. Sept. 2. Sailed, steamer Alliance for Portland. . Caleta Colosa, Sept. I. Arrived. schooner Wm, Bowden, from Columbia river. Captain died June. 26th. .-, interesting features promised for Park. - 5 feet inches, and a class open to all sixes. Three entries will be permitted a playground in each division of an event. Blue, red and white ribbons will be presented to the three first players in each event. The presentation of the cups offered by the "Sane Fourth" committee for the winners in the ball leagues of the play grounds will be presented during the afternoon by Acting Mayor George I. Baker. The opening games were playad on the Fourth. In the raffia exhibit there will be specimens of hats, hammocks, bags, bas kets, mats, sunbonnets, napkin rings. picture frames and needle books.. The events for the boys will consist of: 12-pound shot; 100-yard dash: shoe ter, 10:20 a. m., 8.1 feet; 9:08 p. m., 7.2 feet; low water: 3.28 a. m., 1.1 feet; 3:40 p. m., 4.6 feet. MARINE INTELLIGENCE One to Arrive, Str. Roanoke, San Pedro Sept Str. Anvil, Bandon Sept. Str. Golden Gate. Tillamook Sept. Str. Alliance, Eureka Sept Str. Rose City. San Pedro .Sept. Str. Beaver, San Pedro Sept. Ortertc. Orient Sept. Str. Breakwater. Coos Bay Sept Str. Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. .Sent str. near. San Pedro Sept 10 Str. Geo. W. Elder, San Diego. .Sept 10 Suverie. Orient Oct If Kumerlc, Orienf vr. ....... .Nov. IS Dne to Depart. - Str. Breakwater, Cooa Bay Sept 4 Str. Golden Gate, Tillamook ....Sept. 6 Str. Alliance, Eureka....; Sept 5 Str. Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook. .8ept fi gtr. Rose City San Pedw ...Sept 6 Str. Roanoke. San Pedro ....!. .Sept Ptr. Anvil Bandon gept 6 Str. Beaver, San Diego sect 19 Str. Geo. W. Elder. San Diego.. Sept 13 Boys9 v tomorrow's play, festival at Peninsula .-r ' : ' race, In which the shoes are piled in heap arid every bojr tries to get his own and put them on first; 400-yard relay race, 4-boy. team. For the girls there will be: SO-yard dash; climbing Inclined ladder; 200-yard relay race, 4-girl team. The folk dances and Maypole drills will be: City park, Swedish schottisohe and Danish shoemaker dance; Sellwood, Danish folk dance, "Ace of Diamonds;" Brooklyn, Hungarian folk dance and Maypole drill; Peninsula, Maypole drill. Two games of volley ball will also be played, the boys of Peninsula vs. the boys of Brooklyn, and the girls of Pe ninsula vs. the girls of Kenilworth. The Kenilworth girls will-, receive I handicap of 10 points. str. Bear, San Pedro Sept. 15 Orteric, Orient Sept 20 Diiun,uu, urioni UCL 10 Suverie, Orient Oct 80 Kumerlc. Orient Nov. 19 Miscellaneous Tessels Baroata. Bannockburn. Br. sir. Antwerp Carondelet. Am. bse. ....Ban Francisco Ethel Zane. Am. sen. San Pedrf Hampton, Br. str. San Francisco Koan Maru, Jap. str. Honolulu Louisiana. Am. bge Troadale St David Am. bge Irondale Solvelg. Nor. str Antwerp Qrala Tonnage Buroma, Col. de Vlllebols Mareull, Fr. bk. Jules Oommes "Fr.- bk." NewcasUeenT! Fr. bk Newcastle, A. St George, Br. atr. Antwero Stralthbeg Br. str .AMwirp St Rogatlen, Fr. bk. London Barmbek. Oer. ah ..Sta. Rosalia Rene. Ft. bk. Nawea3a?iL BretaaTie. Fr. bk Newcastle on T. Kirkcudbrightshire, Br. sh NewcasUe A. easels la Fort. Rose City. A.m. s. . . . .AInsworth H. K. Hale, Am. sch Westport Duguay Trouin. Fr. sh North Bank Hercules, Nor. as. St Johns H. D. Bendixen, Am. sch... Stella clioo! Nes Week Fit out the boy in one of Moyer's splendidly made, splendid looking suits. We have them at ; prices running from $2.50 up to $6.00 chool S Our Great Duplex Suit, (two pairs of trousers) bears the sure Moyer all wool guarantee. We sell this mag-, nificent suit, particularly adapted for school use at : $5.00 " . , -: ' .. - ..... WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO V First and Morrison First and Yamhill Second and Morrison ' Third and Oak 89 Third ' r BR EVES ONES AUVE, DERANGED Missing Hotel 'Man May Be Wandering Aimlessly About ; the City; Think Friends. The only development In the search for Charles W, Jones', assistant man ager of the Oregon hotel, who disap- peard last Tuesday morning after start ing tor n, flshin trip to Estacada, is the discovery that he tookva Waverly Richmond ear to go from his home to the city. , The conductor of this car has not been located and it ia hoped that when . he is found he will be able to rive a. clue as to where Mr. Jones left the car' And ill which direction he start. ea. Mr, Jones took the car about . 11 o'clock. . ... i :" '. '; Another point that throws some light on tne subject is the fact that Mrs Jones recalls rather Strange moves lie made and several statements which were not quite usual. These did not cause ,her any Suspicion s at the time that anything was wrong, but they seem to prove the theory that he is suffering temporary aberration of the mind. . , The theory most generally accented is that he is in or near Portland, either wandering around or hidden, and that he is deranged. The police and his friends, going on this theory, ' are searching for some clue to bis where- bouta in the city. Dr. Benjamin F. Toun of Taylor street Aietnoaisi cnurcn, one of his closest personal friends, together with Mr. Jones son, Harold, went over his private papers yesterday in an endeavor to find some cause for his strange dis- annftArfLnne- hut his nerflnnal ffeta were found to be in excellent .shape. On the dayvof his disappearance, Mr. Jones wore a gray suit, gray felt hat, wine colored socka and light black but ton shoes. He is about 60 years of age. feet 7 Inches tall and weighs about 165 pounds. His hair is light brown, streaked with gray and he was smooth Bhaven when he left home. His beard would be of about a six days' growth ana rather sandy. m V SHINGLE MILL, DONKEYS, AT i (Snedal to Tb Journal. Clatskanie, Or., Sept. 2. The shin gle mill, some valuable timber and don keys belonging to Dippold A Johnson. teack of this city, were entirely con sumed by lire Thursday night Mr. Dlppold's house and contents went also. The fire caught from the one raging in Jennings & McRae's logging camp at Marshland, and Is still burning. Mr. uippoia places the loss at f 20,000. Eduard Detailla. Fr. bk Astoria Win. Nottingham, Am, sch. .. .Westport Ernest Legouve, Fr. bk..... ...Pac. Coal RnnVorH Defiance. Am. sch. ..'.....North Pacific Irene, Am. sen ..St. Helens The Coffey Farm" to be sold. See classified farms for sale. BURNED CLATSKANIE OU ELECTRIC BUY N EUGENE PassengerDepot Is to 6o;on 4 North Side of Fifth Near ' Willamette Street. (Special to Xbe Journal.) Eugene, Or., Sept. The fact leaked out here today that the Oregon Electrio. Railway is behind the men who-have been buying up much toroperty on Fifth tnut n t,U .U.. A l il. i ... vnjr uuinig ine pane weeK and that the passenger depot ' of the company is to be erected on the strip ' of land purchased by these men on the north side of Fifth street between Wil lamette and Pearl. . This strip, which is two blocks long and ovqjp half a block wide, adjoins the Southern Pacific. pas senger depot grounds, ' The , men who owned tle property just bought In this- tract are Cal M. Young, who sold a corner lot - at Fifth and Willamette streets for $17,qoO; Dr. F. E. Selover, Frank Hampton, S. M, Douglas, Steve Strawn, J. F. Berger and B. F. Dorris. Options have been taken by these agents for the company on other . residence properties further west on Fifth street, but It is not- known to what use this property will be put. F WILL BE HELD TODAY The funeral of J. Lloyd Magness, who was drowned near the Oregon Yacht club late last Tuesday night and whose body was discovered yesterday morning floating near the house boats moored just south of the clubhouse, will be held from tho Third Presbyterian church. East Pine and Thirteenth, this after noon at 2:30 p. m. Interment will be in the -Rose City Park cemetery. ' Mr. Magness was son of P. O. Mag ness. of 761! East Oak street, and was , employed as cashier in the baggage room of the Union depot by the North ern Pacific Terminal company. He was to have married Miss 'Nina Joy, daugh ter of Councilman Allan R. Joy, next Wednesday evening. His death occurred while he was row- ing on the river alone and the cause of his drowning is still a mystery. He was suffering from a headache brought on by overwork due . to breaking in a man to take Bis place while he was gone on his wedding trip and he Is supposed to ave become dliiy and fallen into the water. Uncle Horace Predict Flood. (Fnblisbira' Pre twa Wire.) New Haven, Conn.. Sept 3. Uncle Horace Johnson oLMlddle Haddara fore sees a deluge ana, like Noah of old, la preparing for it. Country folk swear by Uncle Horace's weather predictions. Uncle Horace makes this announcement: I have been following refrigerators and sunshades for the last 99 days' to keep comfortable. I have now com menced arl ark. It 'will be needed be--fore Thanksgiving day. There is noth ing small about me; I will take all." FUNERAL 0 MAGNESS Tides at Astoria Sunday: High wa