The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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v tV &WA 12., .
Portland Enthusiasts Visit The
Dalles Where Interesting
Meetina Is Held --Farmer
Tells of Needs.
To Instruct, their representative at
the convention ot the tate-wld . high
way committee in Portland. September
12-13, several Oregon c6untles have
calle4 good roads meeting for next
weok. ,
. One ot these meetings was held yes
terday at The Dalles, county seat of
Wasco, county. It was a joint session
Of the grange; commercial club and
farmers' union. D. J. Cooper, appoint
ed by Governor West to represent Wasf
:o county on the general committee, pre
sided over the session which was at
tended by a large proportion of the Jn-
may have a definite expression of what
Wasco county wants Incorporated in the
prospective highway laws another meet
lng was called for next Friday evening
when a. resolution covering the issues
of greatest interest In Wasco count7
will be presented for adoption and
transmission to the convention In Port
land. To draft the resolution a com
mittee consisting of D. J. Cooper, J. U
Kelly, M. M. Waterman, G. A. Harth,
George Reed and M. Remington was ap
pointed, r
The session at The Dalles in reality
was two meetings. The first meeting
was held in one of the lodge halls and
here Marshall N. Dana of The Journal
addressed the men, saying that this Is
a time to apply common sense under
standing of road building apd cash to
the highway need. Mr. Cooper, Mr. Wa
terman and others expressed approval
of a proposed county bonding act, a
law to permit working convicts on
roads and a state aid provision. Re
commendations to this effect will be In
cluded In the resolution and Mr. Coop
er will thus be instructed.
Much Building Materia,
One of the surprising features of the
first session was a report by George
Reed, a prominent farmer, that in Was
co county is rock enough to build the
best of highway systems throughout the
county and maintain this system forev
er. Yet, so far as could be learned, this
rock has never been utilised. The long
est haul of road material would not be
more than 6 miles, yet the roads are
principally the trails of long ago, worn
wider and with deeper ruts. Wheat
growers said the roads had gotten so
bad In many places that they were not
Bure of getting their crop safely from
their farms to the shipping station.
Much of the Wasco county soli is large
ly intermingled with sand which blows
badly. It was suggested that use of
the rock, crushed and properly put down
would provide a road that Wasco winds
will not be able to blow away.
Bates Shows Tlews.
The meeting was then continued in
one" of the- moving picture theatres. Here
Phil S. Bates, special representative of
the highway department at Washing
ton, showed S00 views of good and bad
roads in Oregon and other parts of the
United States. Stopping long enough to
say that most roads are bad either be
cause not built right, or neglected, or,
once built, expected to last rorever with
out further attention. Mr. -Bates rap
idly changed the views to the. most
beautiful of Oregon scenery. Views of
Switzerland and Norway and other por
tions of the much advertised tourist
countries were Interpolated, that it
might " e shown how much more beauti
ful 'and tourist attractive is the Ore
gon scenery, If only It were properly
advertised and highways built so that
people could be gotten into the country
It was also emphasised that one of
Oregon's rrreatest needs. In order to
keep faith with the settlers that have
been attracted by Oregon advertising. Is
to build highways that will permit the
new comers to get to their farms and
get their products to the railroad sta
tions and markets.
; i :7F7 "
hi wrrr '
, if yiy. . V
yjv'ufi' ,"
.- 1 r
fLenA,LvUSliB8irSV,tSmt-rC picture shows Harry N. Atwood'a aeroplane at Upper Nyack, New York,. In the position 'that madia the jtvlator
me LUUniy. in 'uo' " I . I,lt.t,p)nil tartlnr on1 In a nniltlnn that nthat. olatn A1A V.. .r. A m t ... .IV.I
it, the machine got Into a "pocket." With a big pear tree looming up In front, a hayrick and other trees about
At wood thought he' could hardly get away without a smashup. However, the daring youth did so and there was
only two inches of apace between his aeroplane wings and the trees.
No Immediate Improvements
for Vancouver Except a
Track Extension.
With the opening 'of the East Port
land branch library the first of Novem
ber. Miss Loa Bailey will return to her
post and Miss Elizabeth Topping, grad
uate of the Albany library school, has
been appointed librarian of the North
Albina branch library and will assume
her duties on October 1. Owing to the
resignation of Miss Dewart, librarian of
the AlMna branch library. Miss Lillian
Rode has been transferred from the
Sellwood branch library and will take
this position on September 11. Miss
Ruth .Crocker recently returned from
the Pratt Institute library school, will
be librarian of the Sellwood branch 11
Miss Ruth Rock wood., reference libra
Han, who has been traveling in Europe
iur me msi year, nas returned and may
be round at her post in the reference
department and Miss Nelly Fox, who
nas Deen in Kurope for the past flv
montns, is again at the head of the
county- aepartmont
No books will be stamped on vacation
earns arter September 15.
The central library will -be open for
rwainj only irora s until 8 p. m. on
Monday, September 4, Labor day.
A gas meter that automotically prints
a bill for the amount of gas consumed
whenever it is desired Is a novelty.
' Ti-nnrn--n.nijiniu.
Here Is Quickest and Sur.
est Cure For All Sore Feet
-r -i-i--ir.-ri ri.nji.vui 4
It is not necessary to walk on your
hands to cure your feet as told in the
oia adage. Were is a treat
ment that brings relief im
mediately. It is considered
almost a wonder by the
medical profession.
"Dissolve two tablespoon
fula of Caloclde compound
In a basin of hot water.
Soak the feet in this for
full fifteen minutes, gently
massaging the sore parts.
(Less time will not artvn
desired results.) Repeat
each night until cure is
permanent." The effect is
almost like magic. All sore
ness titAJinnpjlrai 1nMun,li
and the feet feel so good one could
shout for joy. Corns and callouses can
be peeled right off. Sweaty, smelly feet
and swollen tender feet need but a few
treatments. Bunions have- the inflam
mation all' drawn out and are soon re
duced to. normal size: Caloclde Is the
most remarkable foot remedy known to
science and should not be conused with
patent ptfwders and tablets . that so
many have tried in-vain. A twenty-five
cent, package Is said to be, sufficient to
hasat. in stock or will quickly get It
(Special to Tbe Journal.)
Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 2. President
Howard Elliott of the Northern Pacific
was In Vancouver today and by appoint
ment was met here by General Super
intendent J. B. Richards. Superinten
dent W. C. Albee and Roadmaster W. T.
Payne of Tacoma. In company with J.
Q. Edwards, local freight agent, they
made a thorough inspection of the com
pany docks and terminals. They then
left on a trip of inspection of the Tacolt
branch of the Northern Pacific and to
night returned to Tacoma.
President Elliott is making a tour of
the western states Inspecting the vari
ous lines. They decided that no Imme
diate improvements would be made In
Vancouver except that the tracks would
be extended near the freight house at
Second and Columbia streets to relieve
congested freight conditions. The water
front where the old buildings were torn
down last week will be cleaned of rub
bish, which the section crew will com
mence Tuesday morning.
On inspecting the dock, they found
that fully 75 per cent of the freight
unloaded . was. from , steamers indepen
dent of the railroad company. They de
cided that the facilities for the company
were adequate at the present time and
no improvements or extensions will be
No Information was given out relative
to building docks on the company water
front west of the city for handling
grain. However, It is believed by those
who are supposed to know whereof they
speak, that the property was bought be
cause the company knew that values
would rise and bought while it was
cheap to utilize it at some future time.
The strike of the linemen employed
by the Mount Hood Railway & Power
company which has been In progress for
some time Is nearer A settlement today
than It has been since the beginning.
At a conference held yesterday morning
between Chief Engineer . B. Smith of
the company and a committee represent
ing the strikers, Mr. Smith offered to
do away with the personal contract so
distasteful to the linemen and In Its
place said he would post the rules of
the company which practically means
the same thing except that the men are
not required to put their signatures to
these before being employed.
The only recognition he would vouch
safe the union was that he promised to
send a letter to the effect that he. pro
posed to do this.
Whether this new offer will be ac
cepted or not Ilea with the union and,
as Monday is Labor Day, it- is doubt
ful whether meeting will be held on
that evening or not.' If it is, Impossi
ble to Void It then the members will be
gotten together at the earliest moment
and the acceptance of the proposal put
to a vote.,
Mrs. Martha Smith of Perry, Okla..
came to Portland last night to visit
for two weeks with her son, Edgar
Smith, who lives on Mill street. Mrs.
Smith Is "7 years old and she traveled
the whole distance alone.
When "Grandma" Smith was a girl,
such a thing as a sleeping car was un
known. So when she Bet out on her
long Journey this time It was without
thought of Bleeper accommodations.
Clear across the country she came, rid
ing in a day coach, making no com
plaint, keenly enjoying the novel ex
perience and keeping happy In the
thought of meeting her boy, whom she
had not seen for 23 years until he met
her at the union depot last night.
When she goes back to Oklahoma she
Intends to go by way of Los AngeleH.
yThen, I'm going; to stop traveling until
I commence the long, one-way Journey,"
she said last night.
Weather permitting. Brown's Park
band will play an Intensely interesting
program this afternoon in City park.
Director Lrown stated last night he be
lieved the day would be clear, but if It
continues to rain the concert will be
postponed till next Sunday. 1
This concert will mark the close of
the season, which has been a very sue
ces&ful one. thousands of people having
attended and enjoyed each concert. , Dl
rectdr Brown stated last night that If
rain does not lnterrere with the concert
today. It will be the first 'season- that
the concerts have been held without one
postponement. i
The concert begins at 2:30 o'clock.
Following will be the program in
full: 1
March "Stars and Stripes Forever"
Waltz-" "Des Flancailles" Oanne
Overture "William Tell" Rossini
Paraphrase "Die Lorelei" ...Nesvadba
Excerpts "Chocolate Soldier". .Strauss
Selection ' from "Qioconda" . . .Ponchielll
(a) Reverie ' Traumerei" ..Schumann
(b Sextet "Lucia" Donizetti
Suite "Scenes Pittoresque" ..Massenet
(a) Mafch; (b) Air - Ballet; (c)
Angelus; (d) "Fete Bohemen."
Ballet muslo from "Faust"; Oounod
(a) Walts for the Corps de Ballet;
(b) "Pas Seul of Helen."
March "American Republic" . ..Thlele
"Auld Lang Syne."
- Charles L. Brown, conductor.
I 1
4 Charitable Institutions are bn-
lng remembered these days by
Front street commission men.
In the days of plenty, wagon-
4 loads of fruit are sent each week
4 to the varloun charitable instltu-
lions; the bills being charged
back to the members of the va-
rlous firms contributing.
Mark Levy la the originator of
the scheme and he spends a half
4 day each Saturday In lining up
the other firms who want to con-
4 tribute fruits and sunshine to
4 those who need It most.
w Walter Bollam of Dryer, Bol-
lam & Co.; Ms his. assistant in
this work and by their efforts 1
as well as others on the street
4 the Children's Home, the Salva-
4 Hon Army , and the Boys' and ,
w Girls', Aid Society are remem-
bered eacH'week. , , " ,
The street would like, to ex-
4 tend its contributions to the
Baby Home, but does, not know
'what to- offer.' ; f V.
love to sell an Estey Piano be
cause we have an idea that
there is something in the Piano
business besides money, and in
selling an Estey Piano .we feel that
we are planting a flower beautifying
a home and adding to the sum of
human joy. We are proud of the
Estey it is as flawless as a newly
minted gold coin. Those who want
a thoroughly reliable, sweet-toned and
durable piano will do well to examine
the Estey.
Prices from
$375 to $475
ShGnnanpax& Co.
Morrison Street at Sixth,
Portland, Ore.
Victor Steinway
Talking and 1 Other
Machine Good Pianos
Adherents Of Governor Wood row Wil
son are now In Vermont and New Hamp
shire laying plana to capture the delega
tions to the Democ ratio national conven.
tlon for Wilson.' r', .'",
Take a little Diapepsin now
and your Stomach will feel v
fine' five minutes later
As there Is often some one In your,
family who suffers an attack of Indi
gestion or some form of Stomach
trouble, why don't you keep some
Diapepsin In the .house handy?
; This harmless blessing , will digest
anything you can. cat without the
slightest discomfort; and overcome a
our, gassy Stomach five minutes after.
Tell your pharmacist to let you read
the formula, plainly printed on these
60-cent cases ' of Pape's Diapepsin,
then, you .will .readily gee why it makes
indigestion, 8our . Stomach, Heart
burn and other distress go in live min
utes, and relieves at once such miseries
as elchlng of Gaa, Eructations of sour,
;!; '-C: ':JV;-.:;
I-m-p ? '''-'Sr. 'i'--yri' ---'
undigested food. Nausea, Headaches,
Dlsziness, Constipation and other Stom
ach disorders.
Some folks have tried so long to find
relief from Indigestion and Dyspepsia
or an out-of-order stomach with the
common, every-day cures advertised that
they have about made up their minds
that -they have .something else wrong,
or believe theirs Is a case of Nervous
ness, Gastritis, Catarrh of the Stomach
or Cancer.
This, no doubt. Is a serious mistake.
Your real trpublo U. what you eat does
not digest; instead, it ferments and
sours, turns to acid, Gas and Stomach
poison, which putrefy In the digestive
tract and intestines, and, besides, poi
son the breath with nauseous odors..
A hearty appetite, with thorough di
gestion, and -Without the slightest dis
comfort or misery of the Stomach, la
waiting for you as soon ae you decide
to try Pape's Diapepsin, . - ,
4- r l 0
u ! -"" 1 A J
"' they depend upon a reliable
supply of water under pressure
The suburban or rural resident need no longer forego the conveniences of modern water supply appliances,
simply because he lives beyond the limits of the city water mains. Have your own Leader Water System
and you have water service better than that furniihed the city man You have all the water you want under
a pressure that is unfailing A Leader Water System generally consists of a Leader Pressed Steel Pneu
matic Tank, a simple Stover Gasoline Engine and a Myers Pump of suitable size. If you live on the electric
lines' you can use an electric motor and have an entirely automatic system. We have a book, called "The
Question of Water," which explains the system thoroughly. Ask for it.
We can install a system
your home at a rea
sonable cost.
j ' 1 Ha 'A 'U u-xtiy
Pacific Eatt 2177
Home B-6121
The Ideal Home Beer
The Beer
that readily finds
favor wherever
placed on
the market.
Its careful brew.
Its age.
Its purity.
Its delicious
city delivery.
1 , Phone Orders to ,
Our Trademark,
"Purity Is
Is your guarantee
of quality.
In this
brew we use
only the
choicest of
and Barley
Brewery's own
Henry Weinhard Brewery
13th and Burnside
Main 72