The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    I AMD 1
Isaue Involves. Intermediate
Points Between Portland
and San Francisco Having
Water Competition.
Financial Affairs in Excellent
Condition No Motive for
Commissioner Franklin K. Ianp, of
the Interstate ( "ommi-rce commission,
will be hurp tomorrow to tako up in the
Vnlted States court a hearing on the
ppllcatlrth for exemption from the
fourth section Mho long and phort haul
Clause) between San Francisco ' and
Portland, n very Important question
from many standpoints.
The case Involves principally the
question whether or hot points Inter
mediate between Portland and San
Francisco should hate rates equal to
Ihnrc hn fieri nn water ."nini"""""
twe;n these ports, and not, as under ex
isting conditions, the Intermediate
points should pay the terminal rate
plus the local distributive rate.
It Is predicted that in view of the
decisions in the Spokane and Reno rate
.cases, the commission will take Jthe
stand' that intermediate points are iei
titled to terminal rates, and if so that
tones should be established along the
lines followed in the above cited case.
It is pointed out, too, that if this
ruling Is to govern traffic along- the
coast, the inevitable result will be with
drawal of the railroads from points en-
Joying the advantage of water competi
tion and advancing rates to interior
It is explained that rate to all Wll
lamette valley points, for Instance, are
largely based on certain arbitrages,
somewhat less than the water rate
added to the local rates out of Port
land, so that, for Instance, goods
whipped from San Francisco to Rose
bwg direct would take the same rate
as if shipped by way of Portland, which
would equal the water rate to Portland
rilus the local rate to Roseburg. This
Is for ratesbh the Oregon side of the
line. To points in California the rate
Is laid on different lines.
Case Is Important.
Where Oregon Is Interested generally
Is said to be In the fact that practical
ly all points south of Portland are in
slsttng that their rates should be lower
largely because of this water competi
tive rate at Portland, some going so
far as to Insist that the railroad should
rot be allowed to charge higher rate to
Intermediate points than the water rate
to Portland.
It is said to be very apparent that
If such contentions are sustained the
railroads must go out .of water com
petitive business and advance its rates
or deprive the ports of their advantages
of water competition. I
The case Is of tremendous interest
to Portland merchant and. If decided as
was the Spokane case will Impress as
-forcibly- the necelty of -utilisation- to
the fullest extent and possibility tlie. na
tural waterways.
The "Willfftnette valley Is the most
important and remunerative field for
, the Portland distributor and It Is held
that If the Interior points are Iven
terminal rates then the advantages of
the waterways must be brought Into
, play to regulate the course of commerce
' and traffic.
The mysterious dinappeaiance on
August of Theodore Kruxe, propri
etor of the Belvedere hotel and the
l.ouvre cafe and prospective proprietor
of the new Carlton hotel, at Fourteenth
and Washington streets. Is baffling his
wife and friends and no Mile as lo his
whereabouts lia been found to date.
Nothing has been heard from him since
Mrs. Krusr received a telegram froirj
him In Scuttle saying he whh looking
for singers for tht l.ouvre and would
return In a few day. No reason has
yet hvn discovered for his departure
from this city and his friends think it
must have been occasioned by a tem
porary derangement of his mind. It is
believed that he has taken a boat for
some Canadian or Alaskan port or or
some point In California.
The, fact that he hail made arrangement-v
I Ui. i tie Culled States National
bank for a temporary loan of S25.00.O
precludes the Idea that financial trou
bles could have caused him to run
away. This money was available at
any time and had ho been pinched for
funds he could have hud more.
"The case is certainly baffling," said
Thomas H. Greene, Mr. Kruse's attor
ney, "as I do not know of anything
about his business that could have
caused his disappearance. Hte affairs
were all in good shape and he had con
siderable money still coming from the
sale of his hotel at Seaside. He had
not turned any of his securities into
cash and on the contrary recently pur
chased a small tract of land near this
city. We have followed every clue but
with no results."
No Indictments, No Comment
Leaves Public in Ignorance
of Conditions jn North End
Briggs Indicted.
3537 fpSifiS
Free Employment; Office in t
Month ;0f August ;;-
(Spci'tnl to The Journal.)
Pendleton. Or., Sept. As the re-
suit of a trade completed today, Rob
ert Forster, for 30 years owner of the
Pendleton nlftnfnir milt ha unM hi.
' mill and business to J. A. Borle and
associates. Mr. Borle Is now In charge
of the mill and will henceforth direct
its operations. The title to the mill
will rest with the Pendleton Planing &
. Lumber company, which concern will
also conduct the lumber business of the
J. A. Borie Lumber company. The price
for which the mil! was sold has not
- been made known, hut It Is said the
mill property complete is valued at
$40.ono. The realty consists of 16 lots
on whli h the mill and lumber yard are
Lieutenants in Demand.
(t'nltc-d I'm ra1 Wlra.)
- vi'ashln- "h. Sept. :. Examinations
will be held in the arious parts of the
X'nlted States on the seventh of this
month to fill from civil life more thwn
100 vacancies In the officers' personnel
of the United States army. Never be-
; fore ha the army, (lin ing a period of
peace, needed ho many second lieutenants.
If they wear eye
, glasses appreciate
the difficulty of
keeping them on
the nose.
Thompson's eye
glass holds firmly '
and securely yet
so gently that they
leave "no disfigur
ing marks.
2d Floor Corbett Bldg.
' " v '..
, 5th and Morrison
Admitting that h has been putting
money on futures In the cotton mar
ket, but denying that he was1 a loser
and dissipated iiis money by so doing:.
Preston C. Staley has filed an answer
in the circuit court to Lucy H. Staley s
suit for an allownr.ce' of 1 1 50 per month
for support of herself and children.
Staley says that since the first of
the rear he has won $3167.50 in the cot
ton market and lost $1600, making him
11657.60 ahead of the game. He is en
gaged in cotton raising in Texas and
has large interests there. He says ha
bought the 'crops of his neighbors In
1910 and -1911 and held for a raise, 'but
the raise did not come. He owes a bank
at Vernon, Texa. $13,000. he says, but
is abundantly able to take care of his
account if he Is not annoyed by law
suits. . Staley:. has ... a home . on Portland
Heights. He says his "wife has 135 a
month guaranteed, and he Is willing to
give her $25 more. She is renting a
room for , $20, he says, and when he
starts for Texas for the winter, as he
is about to do; she can rent another
room for a like amount, making a total
Income of $100 per month. This, he al
leges, Is sufficient, and protests against
being required to tay $150 per month.
The annual Retail Grocers' Food and
Industrial Kxposition Is being arranged
to follow the meetings of Gipsy Smith
in the temporary auditorium which Is to
be built to accommodate the noted evan
gelist. The exact date for opening the
exposition has not been set. but It will
probably begin late in November and
will last for two weeks.
Last fall It was given In the Armory
and was a pronounced success. It is
of especial Interest to the consumer and
instructive as well. An excellent
chance is given for the public to be
come acquainted with new goods and
become familiar with pure, wholesome
goods that comply with the pure food
The management is negotiating With
Kllery's band, now playing at the As
toria Centennial. Other attractions will
be secured, including the North Yakima
The exposition will be under the man
agement of A. A. Tremp,- at present
general manager of the Astoria Cen
tennial. The committee In charge of
the arangements is composed of: J. G.
Mann, chairman: J. A. Eastman, J. A.
Krakes, F. W. Funk. H. W. Mathlson,
Arnold Keller, H. A. Landauer, C. G.
Anderson, Claude Schmcer, F. W.
WasCher, A. Kobertson, A. A. Monk, G.
W. Long, L. A. Wrenn and W. L.
(8perlal to The Journal.)
Ontario, Or., Sept. 2. A Ket-acqualnt-el
excursion to BrogaiT und Jamison,
the two new towns on lower Willow
creek, has been planned hy the Com
mercial clubs of Ontario, Nyssa and
Vale for Labor day. The excursion
trHln will leave Ontario at 9:30 a. m.
Monday and will return here about 9 p.
in. The citizens of Brogan and Jamison
have arranged to entertain the visitors
an. I a program' of sports and u basket
dinner in being prfcpured by them and
a delightful day for all Is looked for
ward to. The Ontario band will accom
pany the excursionists. This l.i the
first excursion over the road since the
Short Line built its branch line into
Hrogun and Jamison. There has been a
wonderful development in the lower
Willow creek section the past year and
many acres that were covered with
M-iiehrush a year ago were this spring
planted to young orchards.
Steps are being taken for the estab
lishing of un alfalfa meal mill for this
section. The plant will be a 60-ton mill
and to be built at Cairo, four miles
southeast of Ontario, at a cost or $8500.
Alfalfa meal sells in the market at from
$18 to $25 a ton. and the price paid for
alfalfa at the mill will be $A a ton. C. S.
Roberts of Twin Falls Is promoting the
enterprise, which is to be financed by a
stock company mostly of local capital.
Big Canadian Fair.
-' Hherbrooke. Qur Kept. 2. The "aril
nual Hherbrooke exhibition, the largest
fair in this section of Canada, has an
auspicious opening today. The exhib
it In the igrlcultural, dairy, livestock
and other departments are more nunier
ous than ever before. The fair will con
tlnuti through next week. '
Knding in.a flrawn battle, no Indict
inents and no 'comment, the grand jury
Inquiry Into the alleged north eiid jack
pot loaves the mess where It was when
the investigation started. After hear
ing witnesses who said the Jackpot was
collected and delivered and others who
professed dense ignorance and denied
"giving up," the grand Jury passed it
along to take 'place in, history with such
other questions as "How old is Ann?"
The result Is so unsatisfactory that
Inquiry has already turned lo the possi
bility -of further Investigation by the
now grand jury, which will come into
existence next Tuesday. It seems un
likely that the September grand Jury
will wade Into the slimy pool. The
retiring jury apparently heard all avail
able testimony, and since It gave up the
Job without mention, no other jury Is
likely to travel the same ground.
The county court, which started out
to Investigate the affair, quit when It
found that the testimony failed to con
nect County Detective Maher with the
payments alleged to have been made by
the Frenchmen. The grand Jury heard
Tony Arnaud tell that he received a
$300 sack from Armand Fercot and de
livered it to Frank L. Perkins, reporter
for an afternoon newspaper. It heard
five other Frenchmen corroborate him
by saying they paid money to Fercot.
Passes "the Buck."
Then It heard Fercot deny that he
knew anything about a jackpot and it
heard three other Frenchmen named by
Arnaud deny nil knowledge. Thev
scarcely knew even the meaning of
"graft." It heard Perkins and Maher
assert they were victims of a "frame
up" by north end unspeakables. It heard
newspaper men tell of the current ru
mors about the Jackpot and how the
matter came to light.
Here the trail ends. The grand jur
ors emerged from the winding ways
with the enigma unsolved and the pub
lic unenlightened as to the facts in the
case. Incidentally, it Ignored the ef
fort of Seneca Fonts to have Manager
John F. Carroll of the Evening Tele
gram indicted for libel.
A. S. Briggs. superintendent of the
rockplle at Linnton, Is to be tried on a
charge of aiding O. A. Richards, a pris
oner, to escape, despite the dismissal of
the charge on preliminary examination
before Justice Bell. The grand Jury
returned true bill upon the allega
tions of Richards that $100 was paid
to Briggs ror his. -release. Briggs was
at the edirathouse a short time before
the grand Jury reported and Indicated
vhat he expected to be indicted. He
had not been arrested last night, tnit
will be askd to report and give bail,
there being no fear that he will try to
evade arrest.
"Jim" Anderson, former guard at the
rockplle, now a policeman at The Dalles,
was Indicted on the charge of accepting
a bribe to allow Arley J. Townsend to
R. p. Williams, until recently a pat
rolman, is another officer of the law
formally accused of crime. He is In
dicted for accepting $25 to release two
Greeks he had arrested, on which
charge he was recently dismissed from
the police service.
Many Other Indictments.
Others who will have to face Juries
In the circuit court to determine trveir
guilt or innocence are:
James Mulligan, on a statutory
charge Involving Mary KUlian, aged 11:
H. U Wright, for assault on v. woage
with a dangerous weapon; William
Moody, theft of a watch valued at $35
from James Heleotes.
Prank L. Case and James Hensley,
on a statutory charge. Will Edna Suess
and Earl Rockford, statutory charge. W.
O. Graves, on charge of larceny by bailee
of property belonging to Joseph Coty.
A. P. Blackman. assault on W. O. Pow
ell with a dangerous weapon. C. B. Rob
inson, for forgery, forged checks on a
private bank In name of J. M. Bur
roughs. Nels Nelson, on a burglary
charge, property belonging to Ellen Nel
son. Six not true bills were returned, re
leasing the defendants In the following
Joseph Schlereth, obtaining money by
false pretenses from J. P. Monarch.
A. L. Meader, assault with a danger
ous weapon on Charles Royl.
Joseph fladley, larceny from dwelling
of E. O. Moffett.
Andra Tonaselll, assault with danger
ous weapon on James Burns.
II. 8. Marshall and O. Dutcher, lar
ceny from Nana Thornberg.
J. P. Johnson, keeping disorderly
(Special to Th JonrnaU
Hood Hlver. Or.. Sept. 2. A large
petition will be presented to the city
council tomorrow evening asking that
the skating rink be closed. It Is stated
that the mechanical organ operated in
the rink together with the noise of
skating on the upper floor of a , largf
empty wooden building Is proving a
serious nuisance. The hospital located
near the place is also affected by th
noise. Residents of the district In
which the skating rink is located state
that they will take the matter Into
the courts if the city cQiincll refuses
the petition asked for.
Durlnn , the month of August the
city's .free employrnentbureau. secured
employment for 353 . personal, ;TMs Is
the' greatest number of positions, "the-
bureau has filled during" anyone, month
since.- It was - established in -' February,:
1909. Of this- number 802 of the pos
itions were In Portland .and 811 were
outside of the city, in the number se
curing. employment wejre 162. women,- '
These figures were shown In a. re
port submitted by John G. Scbroeder,.
Jr., manager of the bureau, to Council
man Ralph Clyde, chairmanof 'the free
employment board, yesterday. v '
"I also received a letter today frolri
O. P. Hoff, state labor commissioner.
baying would be. glad to haye his
omce cooperate with' In rind
ing employment over the state for
everybody wno wanted employment,"
said Councilman Clyde. "By the two
offices working together we hope to
bring to the minimum the accumulation
of unemplpyed men in Portland."
Councilman Clyde aald that the , board
had, not yet found new quarters for tho
bureau, but that the members hoped
to find a location where there would
be enough j-oom to conduct the office
in a proper manner. Its present lo
cation is so cramped that the work is
accomplish! under great difficulties.
The bureau has been bothered lately
with spotters from other employment
agencies In the city," said Clyde." lTwo
pf the spotters were arrested last week
anu eeni 10 me ponce oiuuuu vn va
grancy charges. They hang around
and try to get Information as to where
gangs of men are being sent and then
telephone their offices which attempt!
to fill the order ahead of our bureau.
"We are greatly In need of another
assistant to do outside work for the
bureau. We also need a lady assistant
to give more time to Investigating the
character of the places that apply for
girls." V-.
Councilman Clyde said he was con
sidering Introducing an ordinancpro
vlding for a municipal pawn shop where
men who get "up against it" may pawn
their possessions for temporary relief
without having to pay exorbitant rates.
010 LADY TttlS
Reciprocity ' ls:the Foundation
; upon Whicn- All Human Joy
Must Be uuilt, .Declares
Bride of Long .Ago,"
W'K-'i: -..-i'-V'' ,' "'" ',v'-:Pv
(Special to Tts Journal.)
San Francisco. ' Sent. : 1 -From the
rare and peaceful helahtYof ' eo vnara
or nappy married, life, Mrs. M. M. Ja-
cods or Alameda spoke today to' this
restless generation of divorcees, affini
ties, trial .couples arid the th'ousands
straining at the marriage leash. She is a sad time, ; but that-v'the
Mgnt will come hve and hvn. rsirla hauo
r i t liwtllnlit . . . L, 1 .
.v. wwh uiuiieui -up ngui. Hue -naya.
mi. pun mi n. uucuuh, ,wno wui ceie-
- ...... . i Minim auiii v,
sary next week, aver -that never In all
mese years nave tney naa a quarrel.
Out of the multitude of morals and
maxims which Mrs . TaoiT, J nillllni, f .t
give the young wives of thi dav. this
ime sianns out: .
"If V n M r hllnhnnV la nnt an MaaI
! .. , 1 J , III! 1 . , . (1 , 1.11,
Just Imagine that he is and make him
uve up to your standard.
"Thft Secret nf mv vau a r t mnr.
rled happiness?" she said In reflnnnse in
a question. "Well, let me see first of
course, she went on. "there Is reciproc
ity. To me that Is tho fnnviotlnn imnn
which all human happiness must be
built. If It Is to be lasting. . It is the
giving as well as the taking.
"But back of m this, even beyond
reciprocity Itself. Is unselfish love.
"I think modern r1uiQt(nn U
slble' for the deplorable - condition of
the home todav. Yhiinir nnni n
brought up to understand the signifi
cance of unselfish lnvo A nl n,v,t
ceptlon have they of the fulfillment of
I have had sd perfect a domestic
life that I feel hardly competent to
touch on the question of divorce, but to
me It seems there would be less di
vorce if there sa x... ,
and more comprehensive idea of duty.
"Part of a wife's secret o happi
ness, ' she continued, 'Ties in her hav
ing:, an ideal to begin with: then in its
preservation. When I first married. I
thought my husband was the best man
In all the world. After I had been-a
wife a few months I knew it.
"Women nowadays do not appreciate
the value of Idealization, if your hus
band is not an ideal one, why not Imag
ine he Is and then make him live ud
to your standard?
"In the long ago women had more
romance in their lives, and all they had
they clung to and cherished. There was
none of this hunting for affinities then.
"In the old days women used to ask
the color of a man's eyes, now they ask
the. figures of his bankbook.
"The prevailing discontent is respon
sible for much cf the divorce." com
mented Jacobs. "T otlrlK,,f ... i
- - v. u i nap
py married life to contentment. We
were aiways satisfied with what we
Iran -and Tiever clouded the sweet peace
Of our hoftie Wit.v annlratlnt,. ..... i
tng for what we could not get. W 1
werw nappy in narrng' one another. We
nevet have had a serious quarrel."
The boys who went on the Y. M. C
A. hike, leaving Portland Monday, Aug
'ust 21, returned home yesterday. In
the party there was 21 boys ranging In
age from 12 to 20, divided into three
squads under the leadership of J. C.
' The boys went from Portland to As
terla on the steamer Monarch. and with
the exception -Of the ride from Forest
Grove to 'Portland .on the. teturn trip,
the entire distance was covered..on foot.
Leaving Astoria, the boys went W
Warrenton and then along the coast,
making stops at all the beach points,
At Bay Ocean the party stopped for
four days and were the guests of Man
ager Jones of the Bay Ocean company.
Sleeping accommodations were pro
vided in the dance hall at the resort
The last night at Bay Ocean they at
tended the monster chambake, which
Jones had prepared.
From . Bay City the boys were re
quired to walk to Nehalem, a distance
of oyer 21 miles. This, la the record
for distance covered In a single day.
From Nehalem the boat Bay Ocean
took them to Tillamook, where they
left the next morning on the road down
the Wilson river.
The night before they reached Forest
Grove was a night of horror to a great
number of the boys as throughout the
hours of the night they could hear the
wild calls of cougars. Once In the
darkness their packhorse was mistaken
for one of the animals. Hardly had the
noise of these animals died away and
the boys were beginning to fall asleep
when the roar of the thunder again
awoke them. For a while there was
almost a panic among the youngest
members of the crowd.
Saturday morning they reached For
est Grove and then within a few hours
kft for Portland. . .
Details of the tragic death of George
C. Sterling, which occurred Wednesday,
August 23, father of Donald Sterling,
Sunday editor of The Journal, have Just
reached Portland from Battle Creek,
Mich. 0
Mr. Sterling was walking down the
track of the Michigan Central taking a
short cut from his home to his place Of
business, and the train bore down upon
him from the rear. Mr. Sterling, being
slightly deaf, did not hear the frantic
whistling of the engine nor the shouts of
a dozen onlookers, and he was hurled
nearly 60 feet by the locomotive. He
died Instantly.
Mr. Sterling was the senior member
of the firm of Sterling Brothers, mer
chants, and "a"'"hfghly respected citizen
of Battle Creek. He leaves a widow
and a son, Donald, of Portland.
150th Anniversary,
Ware, Mass., Sept. 2. TJecorated as
never before In her history, the town
of Ware today began a celebration of
Its one hundred and fiftieth anniver
sary. An attractive program of festivi
ties extending over three days has been
New Sleuth Slumbers; Hist! A wakes to
Find Pockets Full o f Detective Novels
With pockets bulging with "Nick
Carters." "Old Sleuth,"- "King Brady,"
and other yellow back fiction deal
ing with detectives, former Motor
cycle Patrolman W. Koyle. who was
promoted to the detective force re
cently, was found asleep one morning
last week on the bench In the locker
room nf the police station.
Royle, who Was a member of the mo
torcycle squad, went to work the night
before at the usual hour. When Cap
tain Keller, of the Second nlgllt relief
told him that he "was now i detective longer -an; ordinary policeman,'
Royle did; not "believe, him. But when
shown copies of the dally papers he
became convinced. Captain Keller then
ordered him to go. home and get a good
nlght'a sleep for his work on the mor
row. , Royje replied that the cars had
stopped running, so he went upstairs
to sleep.' -,'' '
, Jtoyie left -4b . laUon.adnuthi'n
further was seen of him Until an early
hour In' the morning when a call came
In that a. motorcycle man was needed.
The telephone operator at the station
ranst the bell for the motorcycle man.
In response to his alarm several men
rushed downstairs among them being
Royle. . '
The. officer was dispatched to 'the
scene, of:' the disturbance and Royie
was ordered to return to sleep. When
he turned to go he heard the police
men laughing. ",','-'. ' .-;
- What Is the Joke," asked Royle. ' ,
"Oh. you' detective,", shouted one pa
trol mam ,'.''' -s-V. .;' '''' 7', ,"-'' ''" ' '
"Notice the l 'Nick Carters," ' re
marked another, as ; he reached ' and
pulled' the' -telltale ' literature . from
ROyle'a pockets. -V',.. ---.-. .
Then, Royle. became-angry and vowed
to have vengeance on the person that
played the. trick. on him while he; Was
asleep. ' , ; ' -' ' . , " "
'i ' i im. i .v f C
Department ..of 'Education IS'
v sues', Important Work- -V;
Fits All Conditions: l
A book of vital Interest to both teach
era and parents of the students of the
elementary "schools of 'Oregon-,5 whether
they be in the cities, towns or' in the
country, , has" Just been ', issued , by the
state department Of education outlining
and. describing; the course of study for
these "edhoolB. J The book is the result
of careful and exhaustive study of
conditions in Oregon, and other .status
by experts in school work and Contains
many helpful hints to teachers. In this
latter phase it is of especial interest to
the'teacher of the rural school who has
not the) opportunity to come in contact
With other teachers' in .larva nniViUara
and in this 'way get new Ideas and whose
work covers all grades of. school' work.
The notice of the prohibition of the
public drinking, cup which went' into
effect Friday, is printed at tho close,
On one of the last pages is a note to
the effect that, while .manners and mor
als are not Included In the courses of
study, the - teacher has an excellent
chance to Instill these,, requisites Of
good breeding. It is an .exceptional op
portuntty to teach the pupils so .that
each will take pride In his or her hon
esty and politeness and the teachers
are urged- to take advantage -of it withe
out a formal course.
The arrangement of the courses was
made with the Idea of distributing the
work as evenly among the eight -grades
without making the assignments too
long1 to be completed within the school
year. - Harmony In each subject by
grades was also sought in order .that as
few breaks in 'subjects might occur as
possible. Especial emphasis is laid on
teaching; the, pupils to take care of their
health. The course is not to be fol
lowed blindly but Is merely sugges
tive, v
"I would ask the teacher to remem
ber always that she should teach not
text-books, nor courses of study." said
State Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion I. K. Alderman In the introduc
tion, "but boys and girls. See that they
form correct habits of thinking and
living, and help them to have clean,
healthful bodies and pure minds."
The Watson Hotel company took out
permit yesterday afternoon for an 8
story, reenforced concrete hotel to cov
er a quarter block at Seventh and Main
streets. The building will be, when com
pleted one of the most modern and up
to date hostelries in Portland. It will
cost approximately $125,000.
(Special to Tb Journal.)
Hood River, Or., Sept. 2, "Billy Sun
day," who owne a large orchard tract
In the Hood River valley, is visiting
and spending hlB vacation months here.
He is billed to preach at the First M. K.
church tomorrow.
r - , .mi '
Today and 'Monday' Moving
Days for County Official
juuyes' rreany. Mil; oacK,
From Their Vacations.
- County Auditor S. B. Martin is the
first County.auditoi' to establish his of
ficial residence ' in the east wing of
the new courthouse. Moving from the
old building, which has housed county
officials ince the presidency of Abra
ham Lincoln, began In earnest yester
day. The auditor came first, because
a runway had to be made through his
old quarters In moving: into the new
building. He has an ' office en
the first floor in the new
wing, which he will occupy until the
completion of the west 'wing.
. Today and tomorrow are moving days
for County Clerk Fields, the circuit
courts and for C. B. Nebergall, tho
blind lgar dealer, who w.111 be estab
lished In the main hall of the new.
building. '...--'
( Sunday Moving- Day.
Taking advantage of Sunday and the
holiday following, the entire office force
of the county clerk and circuit court
will be called into action to put thlnga
in shape for business In the new build
ing, on Tuesday.
For the first time in their experience
the clrcuitjudges will look down .from
benches of marble when the September
ternws opened next Tuesday. The new
will be fairly well equipped for the
.. ......, " ,w uuu(1 . juijr liinin,
which 'were discontinued early In July
for the summer vacation.
Judge W.N. Gatens has become pre
siding Judge by rotation rule, and will
be the t first to assign cases for trial
to his colleagues in the new courthouse.
There is a crowded calendar to be taken
up, but the cases for the first week
promise little of oubllc Interest with
few criminal cases.
Xeady for rail Term.
All the Judges have returned from
vacation and are ready for work ex
cept Judge R. G. -Morrow, who has
been traveling in the east and whose
exact whereabouts are not known.
Whether he will be here for the open
ing day or week of court Is uncertain.
It Is expected that the case of Louis
J. Wilde, Indicted with W. Cooper
Morrts on a charge of aidlna Morris
in the e'mbesslement of 90,OT)0 from
the Oregon Trust & Savings bank, will
not be reached before the November
term. It Is expected the trial will fall
either In Judge Kavanaugh's or Judge
Morrow s department, as all the ether
judges have been connected In some
manner with previous cases involving
the Oregon Trust. Judge Gantenbein
had charge of the receivership matters
up to the time of transfer to the Ger
man-American bank, Judge Gatens tried
the long drawn civil .suit brought by
tfi5 receiver afrainBt tho officers of the
bank, and Judge McGinn was once an
attorney for those involved.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
F&etary Acres
' - . .
Is located in the Peninsula factory district of Portland where rail
and water meet in the rail and water terminal section of the city.
form IU R
, iMeoamaaTce
Tkli OmpMr TRANSMITS u4 DELIVERS i ww mly condition timltlngr II lUbfller. otM tn btni unnte4 to by the trnifr of the following memara.
trran togunM ocotmrt onlr by-rjwtlmr a mtim bar to the mdlar Motion for couiiwrltna. antl th Company will nt hoM Im-ir llabla for nron or lrl la trus
ilMloaararlirmrof Unrvpaattd Mi matt: bafoae tbo arootutt of toll paw ttoreon. nor in ufcih brnd ihmumof tiftr Dollar, at whirb. luileuolherwitcitatni below, lb la
ka ban raluwl br thr man- ih-rrof. nor la aayaaa wbr tbwctalfa la ao promled la writlair wlihtn alitr day af u-r Ilia nn-unirc II' o w lib tho Company for trie tm I as too.
ThU la aa I. REPEATED MESSAGE, aM la aMlraraa bf rrqaaat of U tandrr, wear 4k eoadltlua ui4 ahur.
thco. . vail, rataioiKT
Received at 76 Third St . Cor. Oak, Portland, Ore.
M. S. M. K. Paid
Seattle, Wn. Sept 31, 11
F. F. Mead
t '
James A. Moore, organizer of the Western Steel Works of
Irondale on Puget Sound,, has purchased 400 feet of water
frontage on the tide flats, of Elliott. Bay, four miles from
the Seattle post office, for which he paid $450,000 or
$1125 per front foot, ' This property. was the
Site for the docks and Warehouse of the Western Steel Works
(Signed) Paul C. Murphy
FACTORY ACRES bears the same commercial relation to Portland that the
, tide flats on JElliott Bay bears to Seattle. t The . Columbia River Waterfront is to
Portland wjiat Elliott Bay is to Seattle for future shipping facilities, particularly
so when the Panama Canal is opened, which will bring foreign steamships and
transportation companies here seeking dockage and warehouse facilities.
NEXT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, the steamer Joseph Kellogg will make a
SPECIAL ROUND TRIP TO FACTORY ACRES, free to our customers, to de
monstrate the deep water, front of the property and its nearness to Portland, The
six-mile cirde cuts through FACTORY ACRES. All Portland's railroads are within
side-track 'limits of FACTORY ACRES. ' ; 1 ,
Prices $500 an Acre terms easy
'., SI.
,: Call at pur office aiid let u give you full particulars.
Mead & MurpHyv Sales Agents
Phpnest Mklrt 1503, A4515 Kk
, , i ; ; Of ficea .522-526 Corbett Bldg.
: ' v