! ' ' .' 'A ' 1 . ' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND , SUNDAY, MORNING SEPTEMBER; 3. 1911 in the Edited by Marion Haeland Common Sense it , " " ..lism' ulL Ac AI,F a century ago, Doctor Hall, a noted physician of time, and best known aa u . ma euuor ui me journal ui Health, ahocktd conservative dle- I'tltlang by boldly declaring that In hla opinion it was hardly possible for a healthy person to eat enough ripe grapes to injure the digestion, . 1 . jll m - 1 ?or even to disagree seriously with The stomach. He guarded the assertion with two . provisos: The eater must be a healthy adult and the grapes must " be fully ripe and absolutely sound. "Given these conditions," he went on to tay, "and one may eat a pound t and more of the fruit without in ' convenience to himself." ' "At that date physiologists were just beginning to lean toward new - thought in the matter of human diet. Fruits; were ' classed with such lux- uries as cakes, candies, pastry and wines. They might not be unwhole- . some when eaten in moderation. No body thought of them as nourishing foods. The schoolboy crammed his - pocket with apples and lollypops, ,tand devoured them Indiscriminately at 'recess when he had satisfied hunger with sandwiches and an obtuse angle Of leathery pie. Nor did It matter much to him if the apples were green . or ripe. The passions of the aver . age small boy for green apples has been proverbial from time imme- mortal. The question arises whether or not he would ever have puckered bis tongue and griped his diaphragm with the stony, sour pellets had he been taught from the first that ripe fruit is as legitimate an article of dally food as bread, and unripe no more to be desired by eye or taste titan unbaked dough. The Journal of Health was an edu cator of the best kind and the edl or served his generation valiantly. IV owe more to both than most of ja suspect. A half century back, grapes were cultivated' in a slovenly, happy-go-lucky fashion, so unlike the respectful attention paid to them now that we smile Incredulously in hearing of It. I recalled It with quiet amusement list autumn when a gentleman of the old school, whom I knew as a boy. was discoursing to me upon the thne and pains bestowed upon his vineyard. As the different varieties of grapes attain their full size and begin to color richly, each bunch is tied up In a bag of tissue paper, to defend it from the depredations of the birds. They ripen leisurely Into luscltfuaness under the thin veil. When the bags are stripped off to let the sun kiss the purpling globes into fullness of beauty and flavor, bits of shining tin or of glass are hung among the leaves to frighten away the feathered robbers. Finally, each cluster Is clipped from the stem with a pair of shears and laid with care upon cotton batting In a broad basket .t'Then." concluded the vintner, with what, would have been a rellshful smack ot the lips had he been less re fined, "we know snd appreciate the grape In Its perfection the most de licious and wholesome fruit ever grown upon the earth!" 1 did not remind him of the tottering trellises at the bottom of the country farden which we visited when the ancy took uo. Peaches and melons The l IMPORTANT NOTICE j-ECAU8E of th itisrmoul ' t" number of letters tent to ' tht Exchange, I mutt atk k contributor! to limit their com munication! to 100 words, except in cattt of formula or recipe t which require greater apace. leant all my oorretpondentt to have a tHowing in the Corner, and if my request in this respect it complied with it trill be possi ble to print many more letters. Attention it called to the fact that Marion Borland cannot re ceive' money for patterns, at she hat no connection with any de partment that tells them. y A Rose For You I WISH I had room for the whole of a letter from a Georgia member who la bringing up a family of five "healthy, sweet children" In a village where "there is room enough for her" to have the children and the chickens to themselves. She makes her own butter, raises all the poultry needed for her family and has abundance of vege tables at all seasons. In this connec tion she llps In the friendly wish that t were near enough to share fruits and Vegetables with her. '1 put ud mora fruit, vegetables, pickles, etc... than can tine , I rnd and hear much of the hlcb prlcea Of llvlnjr That dwi not trouble ui r onall'. for we raise neuilv every thins ned for our own family 1 do moat of y work, with Ihe children's help. I think one cum of the dlacontent of city wutnen li Idlenena. Home of them nerm 0 do nothing but iu to card partiea. Diatlneea and dirferenl ulace of amu nient, while th huabanda work In offices asl day a large percentage of them for $76 a. month. Th tired man arnei home t nlcht to Mud hla wife absent and a poor aupfer. nKikoil by ,i urolm, Ignorant 1in. On can hardlv blame Mm It he oae love for hit Wife, or arena a ln Ifferent of her comlurt aa ahe la of Ijla. one o th sweeten plcluree" In iny 'mlnd Is the gathering together of rather, mother and children, when the day'a work I tided, to u& n hour In pteaaam (hat Jind olav before the little onra me tucked 0 their beds for th night. Though the hum be humble, it may be mad pretty by. a lew will-kept owera. If everything be neat and orderly. I think vou would do m-ch good bv per- auadlna women tn to to work et th Buuaeinnther' of moderate meana diamU her eook. and eve If ah cannot live better as Jo rood and general comfort end aave what hey par ihealdee feeding) a colored In- emclenl eervant. who waatee more than . she uas legitimately. I have nrgroe in to hln m In the rougher carta of houee ernk and torn good one. 1 have never Jiad one who could oc-.k aa well aa my self. 1 don't mean to boasl. ..Mar I send w my reels for potato jreaatT It makea dellclou. bread, and I fcave net seen It in the Exchange. SI hav nm written this for publication. Bly wanted to glwe you a rose while . rm art living and to eaureee the hope that yen will live a long time. i N. M . J. (Corinth,' Oa ). . II thank you with all my heart for the "rose" and reciprocate the wish. I oull be more easily spared from the working world than you, who have nve . little children to bring up. -Hand the recipe when yew Litke. Llv - Ing muit be cheaper tn Georgia than in . Jhe east or wat. If women whoe hus fcajuie nak) but $1000 a year can attend HAtP s? W5CvfZ3&- "5. si r -w. .--v -r v m w m, tv. cts- til - retv-i i it "As the different varieties of grapes attain their full size, each bunch is tied up in a bag of tissue paper, to defend it from the depredations of the birds." were guarded from juvenile de a pollers until the fruit waa ripe. No one cared to forbid the grapes to our lawless hands. The vines were draped with cobwebs and the leaves heavy with must. There was a tradi tion to the effect that if ripe grapes were picked from a hunch on which green were growing, the latter would never ripen. Sometimes, with this In mind, we selected 'the ripest bunches. Usually we plucked the purplest globes wherever we espied them. There was not a vineyard in the lenKth and breadth of one of the richest agri cultural counties In the state. Now every suburban cottage has Its Jealously tended vines and every "villa" Its grapery. With wise and extensive cultivation of the royal "fruit of the vine," and lively markets for it, have come many and various ways of preparing it for table use that were unknown to our grandams. Resisting the Inclination to linger upon the esthetic features of that which has been In all ages the favorite theme with poet and painter, pass we on to the practical possibili ties and values of the grape to house mother and to home. ' Let the children eat as freely of grapes ripe and sound as they will, when you can afford It. They are the prettiest and most toothsome of our many breakfast fruits. Wash them by Housemothers' Exchange card parties and matinees and hire serv ants to do the housework. You are wholly in the right In condemning the indolence of well-to-do women. It is a source of continual amazement with me to note the aimless, useless lives of that, class. A woman told me, the other day that "life is a perpetual bore. I am puzzled to know what to do with my time. It Is cheaper to have my sewing done than to do it myself. I have com petent servants, I hate fancywork, and one cannot read all the time. My chil dren are married, with homes of their own. In a word, I am a dronel" A witty woman, In a speech before a literary club, described the mother of grown and married children as "a woman out of a Job." Everybody ap plauded and several women confirmed the statement In the debate thai suc ceeded the address. I was but a visitor, yet I could not help paying, when called upon to express my sentiments, that "If I were a woman out of a Job. I would make one to keep myself alive and sane." There Is no place In the world's great hive for drnnes. The cardinal preserv ative of senility and listless useleesness Is to have specific work In life and to do it with one's might while the day lasts. Plain Apple Cake Perhapa the following will meet the needs of her who ask for a "plain apple cake ": Apple Sauce Cake One cup of augar, half a cup each of but ter and of apple aauce 2 cup of flour, 1 cup of ralilni, i teaflp'ionfuls of aoda In one of hot water, t teaspoonful of cinnamon, half a teaapoonful each of ground clovea and of aalt A cupfu of chopped nu tn may be added. This cake la particularly good when baked In two layers with a fig filling. It will keep aa long aa fruit rake. HOVt-EKKEPEK (Sheboygan, Wla.). An enticing recipe for which we re turn hearty thanke. But I should hardly class the product with "plain cakes." Our second attempt bears a homely name and, as the petitioner for the recipe is a Knickerbocker. It may ba more nearly what she Is looking for. "Carrie" (New York city) wants a recipe for plain apple cke. I gladly aend one I got in cooking echool for Dutch apple cake, to be eaten with kmon aauce. I llkewlae have a formula for a delight ful apple aauce cake, which anv menibor who would like to have it may receive for the asking. Dutch Apple Cake Two cupa of flour. U toaiponnful of baking powder. H cup of sugar, 2 table apoonfula of ahorienlng, 1 cKg. of a cup of milk. A applea. 1 81ft flour and baking powder together. 2. Hub in ehortenlng 3. Jleat the egg and mix with the milk. 4. Btlr thla grad ually Into the prepared flour a. Spread this mtklure upon two small, well-greaaed pie platea. 6. Core, pare and cut up the applea and stick the piecea. with the sham edge down, all over the dough. 7. Rprlnklu sugar over all. about a tabliapoonrnl for each cake, a Hake about half an hour, or until the applea are soft. Berve with thla aauce: Lenion Sauce One cup pf water, 3 cups of augar' 1 lemon, l tanlepoonftil of cor nat arch. H lahletpoonful of butter. Put sugar, water, grated lemon rind and . tb Juice Into a saucepan. Rub th cornatarrh emooth with a little cold w.?t'r:u.Wh.'n th auriar. lemon, etc., boll, Jtir thla Into th TJlicepan. Cook fer two or three minute. If peachea or aprlcota are used Instead of letting the cold water run upon the clusters; then Jiang them in the -air-for a few minutes. Line a platter with tissue paper or a linen cloth to absorb the mrlsture and set the platter In the refrigerator for an hour or more before dishing for the table. . Pass grape scissors with them, that the larger clusters may be divided without bruising the berries. . Mingled with pears and peaches In a deep glass dish, grapes makn the most graceful of desserts. 1 cherish with prideful delight the memory of a dinner party over which I presided as hOHtesR forty years ago. when the central ornament was a glass salver crowned by n Immense cluster of grapes, the gift of a friend who had raised the vine In his grapery from a root brought from Mount Lebanon. Every berry was perfect: each wus ;is large as a robin's egg, and the light streaming over the glorious cluster threw rounds of purest amethyst upon the damask cloth. Among the guests was a distin guished scholar and divine, who pro nounced, ex cathedra, that the superb fruit had a pedigree dating back to the days when (he spies sent by Moses to view the promised land "came , unto the brook of Rsheol and cut down from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes, and bare if between two upon a staff." Indulgent readers will pardon the applea. you will acree with me that the cake la dellcloua. I trust thla will he helpful to others aa well aa to our New York friend ZEI.MA (lxring lieach. Cal ). As I read, there conies to me a remi niscence of enjojlng both apple and peach cake made after this fashion and eaten hot, years and years ago. I should call them "puddings" rather than cakes. They are delightful, under any name w h a tf o e v ejrrf5' And since thla Is the season for apples and for peaches, the reader will thank and not chide me for inserting yet nnother recipe for the coveied dainty this time from one whose signature is a guarantee of excellence. The appended recipe mav he what the member from Now York wiah-s to nnd: Apple Sauce Cake One cup each of apple seuoe and f augar. i cup of l.uttcr. 2 cups of fl.Tur. 1 cup of chopped raisins. 1 teusp lonful of oola, 1 teaHpoonfu! ' h of cKm-s. cinna mon, allspice, nutmeg and aa't (Bni butter and sugar. aM spices nnd salt. Insa lve smla in !! apple sauce and beat Into, the abo c mixture. Klour the raisins and stir them in wlih the flour l'.at well and bake In a loaf In a. mod erate oven. JANE (Chlcanm. Klvc other recipes for applo cake have been sent In. One for Dutch apple cake fpini "DaUy J " (CoIIInsville. Conn.) Is no, m arly identical with that contributed liy "Zolma" (Ixing lieach. Oal.) as to eugcest the thought they may have at tended the same cooking Hchool. The Connecticut member adds to her formula that "it may be served hot as a te.ii pake, or with sauco as a pudding' which is my recollection of the deli cacy. Freezing Without Ice la It posslhln for me to get "Woman's Section ' of Sunday. Mav 28. 191 1 . through the Kxchange? (in receipt of nSMress of nny one who lias it. T will defray ex penses. I have Inquired at the newspaper office nnd received answer that the edition la exhausted. I see several Inquiries as to the, method of .freezing without P-e. I read th formula in the E-xchunse, hut 1 htvc forgotten the proportions. 11. o. (Cincinnati, (V). An Illinois member sends iti a couple of recipes for the freezing preparation. I Insert her letter In full. I am Inclosing two recipes that will, perhaps, help1 some of the country readers who cannot get Ice. Thet first one was sent In by "R. S. V. Pittsburgh, Pa., and I copy It lust as It waa given.. I wish she would send the proportion of sulphuric acid and water. . Freezing Preparation No. 1 Ice cream may he frozen In five minutes and fr an expenditure (,f 2 or ;t con's. If i the preparation to be frozen be placed In a ' tin bucket or other essel and this s-e: in a pall containing a weak solution of sulphuric old and water.. Into this stir a handful of fommon salt. The rejsult la cold so ln . tenle that a bottle of wine immersed-in the mixture will be frozen In a few minutes. Freezing Preparation No. 2 Common sal ammoniac, well pulverized, 1 part; aaltpeter. 2 parts: mix , well to K'ther. Then get common ao.ia, weft pul verized. To use. put equal parts or quan tities of these preoaratlona (which must 1m kept separate and well covered before using) Into th freezing pot; add of walor-a tuoper quantity and put In the article to he fr: i-n fin a proper vesael) :. cover up and your wants will soon be supplied. For freezing cream or wine this cannot ho beaten. T kave never tried either of these recipes, bnt copythern aa I found them. If vm could supply the- proportion of sulphuric reminiscence. The picture stands with me for the very apotheosis of our royal grape. Grape Juice has ' leaped Joyously Into favor within a decade as a substitute for fermented wine a "sort drink," rel freshing, fiavorous and pleasing to night as to palate. I said to a temperance lecturer years ago: "We shall make no headway with the rovers of the refined ayd poetical In the matter of eating and drinking until we can offer something more nearly like the wine 'that , maketh glad the heurt 'of man' ond is the in spiration of Anac'reonlc bards in all ages. One cannot introduce lemon ade, ginger ale or tea a la russe into a Rubaiyat, or drink toasts In coffee." He could not deny it When I first drank grape Juice on the hottest of summer noons, I said: "We have found It!" I have not changed my mind. Select ripe grapes and stem them, re- , Jectlng all that, are imperfect. Wash and put then) over the Are, with a cup ful of water to a gallon of grapes. . Bring slowly to the boll, breaking them now and then and stirring up from the bottom with a wooden spoon. When all are broken, strain , through doubled cheesecloth into a porcelain-lined or enameled kettle. Stir in a cupful of sugar to each gallon of juice and boil again hard 'and fast for one mjnute after ebullition begins. Skim off every vestige of scum and bottle, dipping from the boiling kettle and pouring di rectly Into the bottles, which must ba lying In hot water awaiting the filling. Let an attendant drive in sterilized corks ai)d seal at once by dipping the corks into a melted mixture of beeswax and sealing-wax. When the bottles are cold, lay thesn upon their sides in ground cork or in sand. ' Orape Juice prepared in strict iccrd ance with these directions will keep for years and be better for age. Lay the bottles in ice for an hour be fore uelng the Juice.' Half-fill each glass -with pounded ice-and pour in the bev erage. Or, having put in enough cracked Ice to till the glass a quarter of the way up. pour In juice within an Inch of the top and add lively Ice-cold ginger ale. The beverage will have the sparkle and life of champagne, with out its Intoxicating qualities. Some adci a few sprays of mint to this "grapefruit cup." . This recipe 1b for ripe hut rather tart grapes, such as grow wild in the woods, or frir tfatawba.s. Mnny house wives use no sugar in the juto when It is drawn from the "dead-sweettt ber ries, such a Concords and Niagara, . that have yet a fine distinctive flavor. Grape Jelly Put the grapes into a large double 1oller and add no wafer. If you have no boiler large enough, pack lhem Into a stone Jar t.nd ee.t In a pot of warm water, bringing It slowly to the boil. Cover closely and cook untgJ the fruit Is broken to piece. Some prudent time savers put the pot and contents at the back of the range In preparing the evening meal and leave, it there all night. By then the grapes wilrbe soft and broken. ' Pram without squeezing, but got out every drop of Juice by shaking the bag and stirring up the contents once or twice with a spoon. acid and water. It would he a great help, for using one of these preparations would certainly beat paying 74 cents per luo pounds for ice "U'e have gotten many good recipes from, your ddpart ment ;ind like to send a mile now anil then. E. 1.. It. il.a Place. III ). It is but just to remark, before leav ing this matter of self-freezing prepara tions, that we are in' receipt of numer ous complaints from housemothers who have tried the formula which calls for sulphuric acid. One and all testify to failures, more or less mortifying, and three scienHllc men li.ve written lh condemnation of the combination as un safe in the hands of the average rook. 1 have not room to enlarge upon these points. I but drop a word of caution justified by the testimony of the corre spondents 1 have, mentioned. StLcct Berts Having seen several re !pes in the Ex- , chang" for swcri l.cels, I thoucht I would tell how 1 "do" mine. Boll the beets until tender, lay ilo-ni In cold water to cool and slice thin rut as much vinegar as needed In a saucepuo. If inegar is very strong, thin out ullh water. Add V this enough suifar to make thcni nweet. Set on tiift stove and let them come to a boil, then pour over the heet.i. whh h huo been sailed and peppered. When o' I tlo v are ready tYr uc. I have keot l.eets ro-dtcd in this way tor u ue-k Ji r . I they atc'tlnc I am sendlnc you a recipe for a. "frozen dessert," but unfot t iinateiy 1 don't know the name. Perhaps you will kindly name It for ine, aa you did the "Utuako.s ' , A Kentucky "Surprise" ' Mix 1 glass of rartphorry or Mnawberry ' Jaw with a cup of hot w ater and traln through ii (loth; ndd a small cup of sugar, the 1ul.-e of 2 lemons and 4 oranjics. the liquid Jrom a can of plni'ipple and a wine glass of sherry. Htraln all of these, add a ciuait of cold water and partlv freeze. He fore flnlsMuK the free.lng ajd a few can filed cherries cut in quarters. More SURi'.r ntny he uiod if preferred 1 hope vou will like the two recipes 1 have Inclosed. I think my way of cooklm: pwrei heets" ra-!rr thai the two recipes given in a late Issue of the-Kxchange. It. Is a pleasure to i,ere anil give, but 1 -don't want, to wear out my "woleotne." "PERCY" Clxwlsvllle. Ky.V Dismiss nil fears upon that score! You always have something to say we cannot afford to lone. 1 wifh you, or some other housewife of experience, would anRwer a query put by a new reader who would like to can becte with out using vlnenar. As 1 do not care Tor beets without the xuuee of hot butter and vinegar which enlivens the some what Insipid swfetness of the excellent vegetable, 1 do not know how to cook and serve them in any othe way. Yet they come tn us in cans and recnilre the sauce in making; them fit for the table. You see. I have christened j our fruit sherbet "A Kentucky Surprise." AFishes Magazine . 1 should like the magazine, the American Hoy. apoken of bv "Mrs. J. V. S." In the Exchange a while nn. And hore Is a recipe for a dellcloua dish: Maple Sugar Pie TV-n eggs, 1 cup of milk or cream. 1 cup of maple augar. 1 tabieapoonful or Hour, a plefle of butter th size of a walnut, liako in a crust Re you would cusrtard pie. Cover , with whipped cream when done and the wNJte or 2, egga beaten stiff with half a cupful of stigtr. Flavor with vanilla LAWRENCK It. SOUTH ,llero. VI.). It always ciuscs-a sharp twitch of the heartstrings when l have to dla- Measure the juice and allow a pound of sugar to each pint ot the liquid. , Put the sugar into flat pans and set In tjie open oven to heat gradually, stir ring now and then to nrevent scorch ing. Put the ' jfllco into a porcelaln llned or enamel kettle and bring quickly to the boil. Long cooking darkens It. Ball for twenty minutes after It begins to bubble; turn the hot sugnr Into the kettle; 'stir -and boll one minute tb throw up the scum. Take this off and pour the jelly into glasses set In a shallow pan of hot water, rolling each. In this to fvet the inside before the Jelly goes in. When the jelly Is cold, pour melted parafllne upon It and fit metal tops upon the glasses. Jelly made thus retains the flavor of the fruit and ' has not te taste of cooked preserves Inseparable from that made In the old way. Spiced Grapes Seed the grapes and squjeeze out the pulp. If you have a vegetable press, you may simplify the process by enttlng each grape across and, when-all are cut, pressing the mas, seeds and all. In the press. The seeds will not pass through th fine holes. Weigh the seedless pulp and allow half as much sugar as you have pulp. That is, for six pounds (or pints) of the one allow three pounds pf sugar. Mix with the above quantity of the sugared pulp a teacupful of vinegar, 3 table- "Let the children eat as freely of prapes ripe and sound a3 they will when you can afford it." appoint. a boy or a girl. I am espe cially sorry to have to tall vou that tho copy of the American Hoy offered by "Mr3. J. p. S." was given to an other lad before I got your letter. Ksp" cially sorry, becau.se the boy who caies enough for us to write out a new recipe for the, Exchange outfit to get his magazine. I hope and believe that some body will see the eminent propriety of sending for your address with the ex press intention of passing over the magazine to you when he has finished reading " It, each month. I shall ktep your address. A Rose Pillow Kindly tell how to prepare rns leaves for a pillow. Pleas answer as aoon as possible, as the nie season will ao.iti be over. fcUZABKTH F. (Chicago). Luckily, the most fragrant rosea axe monthly bloomers and the , September blossoming lp nearly as rich as that of . The month of cases. The June, who wooed h" ardent aun Her flowing hoatt ls lucs. Gather the petal of full-bown roses dally and lay thorn upon soft whlta pa per to dry in an airy room. If you have a well-ventilated attic, spread the paper upon the floor. Do not dry the roves In the sun. It robs them of fragrance after they are gathered. The ardent wooer's work is over. Turn the petals twice a day, tossing them up to let tho air visit all. When Vou .arc ready 1,0 make the pillow, strew among the thor oughly dried petals a handful of pow dered orris root, mingling it well throughout the mass. If you tan afford a few drops of genuine attar of roses, vou will secure rong-lived .sweetness. Make the Inner case of linen, Hie outer of soft silk or sallp never of velvet. The velvet would cot let the perfume pass through. Peanut Butter Kindly mall me a recipe for peanut but ter. BESSIE H. (Alhamfira. Oal.). One of the few cast-Iron rules of tho Exchange is that recipes are not to be sent by mail. I regret, the stringent prohibition in your case, but I may not break it. Here Is your recipe: Shell the peanuts aud scald the ker nels to get tho pklns tooae. Rub these off and set the peanuts In the oven until they are dry and crisp, but not until they .are browned. The butter will bo of a better color than If fhe ntitfl.(, had been roasted in the usual Way. Test one to see If It be brittle and fri able; then pound or grind to a smooth powder. Mix to a smooth paste with half a much butter as you have ground nuls. Pack Into small jars hard and. pour melted parafflne upon the top. Fit on a close cover and keep In a cool -place. ' ' . Kills Black Ants " We! "have latiely remnved Into a cottar and my kitchen is overrun with black ante horrid old things! that I am unable to spoonfuls of ground cinnamon and 1 . tabieapoonful of ground cloves,, tied up In tiny bags of thin cheesecloth, Re- turn to the fire and boll down to the ; thickness of mush. It should be so thick that It will not run on a plate when you test a spoonful of It. Fish out the splcebags i and turn ths mix ture into jeily glasses . or, better still, small' fruit jars with., screw tops. Seal while hot. It will be good ,,to eat in a week and keep well. Preserved Fox Grapes , The wild grapes associated for hun dreds of years with the "sour grapes" of Aesop's fable 'make a delicious pre serve if gathered just as they begin .to redder!. Old-time cooks put them up while really green. Wash and stem the grapes and with a small, sharp knife with ,.a pointed blade cut each crape halfway across, to enable you to ex tract the seed. Keep them as nearly whole as you can. Weigh fruit and sugar, allowing pound for pound. Pack into a preserving kettle In alternate layers and set away in a cool place, covered tQ keep out Insects, for three hours. In this time the sugar and juice iwlll have formed a syiyp- Stir up from the bottom to make sure that the sugar Is dissolved and put over the fire. Let it heat slowly, then keep at a steady boll for an hour, or until the eyrup Is thick. Have "your Jars ready In hot water and till with the preserve, stirring after each filling to mix syrup and fruit set rid of. I have sprinkled borax all around and set the legs of the table In sau cers of kerosene, but still they come! Can you suggest some remedy for the evil? HOUSEKEEPER (Louisville, Ky.). Tack strips of tar paper under and around the sink and other places where they like to congregate. Sticky fly pa per may be aUio laid about the floor at night. In addition to this, Bet saucers containing black pepper and tartar emetic mixed with sugar and water-like eyrup on the tables and In the sink overnight. Take them up early In the morning and throw out syrup and dead ants together. It Is a deadly poison. The combination I prescribe will clear your premises shortly if persevered .In for a few nights and days. Maraschino Cherries Kindly give me a recipe for preserving maraschino cherries, using the old-faah-loned sour cherries. A. B. F. (Newark. N. J ). P.y the old-fashioned tart cherry you mean the Morello or perhaps what were called "short-stemmed reds." We pickled, preserved and brandled both varieties. The Morellos were larger and richer in flesh and flavor than the other. Maraschino Cherries Stone the cherries, saving all the Juice. Allow a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. Drain all the Juice from the cherries and set the fruit upon the lee while you make the syrup. To do this, put Juice and sugar together over the fire and cook until thick, not ullrring during this time. . When you have a "ropy" syrup, add the cherries nnd Mmmcr fifteen minutes after the boll begins again. Now draw off half the syrup and supply the place with maraschino. Bring to a quick boil, . keeping the kettle covered, and aa soon as the contents bubble take from he tire, turn Into small Jars and seal while hot. Seeks Old Poem Many years ago I had a poem, entitled "The Farewell of Ihe Soul to the Body." IWit It to aome one. It was never re turned. I have tried In vain to find an other ropy, searching the libraries,- etc. Pome one auggeated to me that you might possibly discover the author. The only a ils I esn 'reeal are " (.jult thy hold'. I considered It as do others tha moat beau tiful nnd pathetic poem In the English rahguagr. M - If you can put m In the wav of finding It you will lay me under lasting obligations. -JOHN B. R. (Louisville. Ky.). TTnleni I am grievously mistaken, the poem to which you refer wag written, bv Mrs. Bigourney a writer of note in her dav. She died In 1865. but there muHt be copies of her poetical works In the public libraries. The poem was "The Soul's Farewell to the Body," and, ' as you say, was beautiful and touching, asking forgiveness for any. wrong done to the lifelong comrade of the depart ing soul. I hope- this mention of it may be the means of recovering- the lost lines for you, . "The 6choelbpy crammed his pockett with applea and lollypoDS." evenly. Seal while boiling hot. With the lovers of tart conserves this will be a prime favorite, holding as it does the fragrant, fruity flavor of the wlldwood grape. Candied Grapes Put a pound of sugar and a coffee cupful of water over the fire. Heat very gradually until the sugar Is fully melted. Then boll steadily, skimming often .but not stirring" lest the syrup should granulate. At the end 'of half ari hour drop a little Into cold water. If it becomes brittle and clear, it Is done. Bet In a pan of boiling water and add a tabieapoonful of lemon juice. Have ready selected large, sound, ripe grapes sweetwater and black Hamburgs are best washed and dried upon a soft cloth. They must be perfectly dry. Run the end of a clean pointed wire into each and dip It into the syrup, roll it around to coat It well and dexterously loosen it from the wire to lay It upon waxed, paper to dry. . A slender new hatpin Is good for this purpose. It should pierce the grape Just far enough to get a fair hold. If it pass through It, the Juice, exuding, will soften the hardening syrup. Heaped upon green vine leaves In a pretty dish, these qandted grapes give a dainty touch to a dinner or evening party deseert. J FAMILY MEALS FOR A WEEK SUNDAY BREAKFAST Grapes, cereal and cream, broiled chlckea com mufflna. to.ist tea and coffee. LUNCHEON Chicken and oyster broth In cup (partly made from carcase of breakfast fowls, sim mered all the forenoon, then mixed with oyster liquor), baked Welsh rabbit, baked potatoes, toaated breakfast mufflni, thin bread and butter, lettuce aalad. hot graham crackers, peaches and cream, tea. PINNER Melons, cereal and cream, soused mack green peas, beets, lemonade sherbet, black coffee. MONDAY BREAKFAST Melons, cereal and cream, soused mack erel, chopped potatoes (a left-over), whole wheat bread, toast, coffee and tea. LVNCHEON Salmi of calf's tongue, garnished with fried brains la left-over from head of which the soup waa made), macedolne salad of beets and peaa. heated crackers and Swiss cheese, bread and butter, grapes, iced tea, DINNER Yesterday's aoup. lamb, sliced and deviled, then fried In batter (a left-over), baked eggplant, carrota, peach shortcake, hot. with nara aauce; rjiaca conee. TUESDAY ' BREAKFAST Grapes, cereal and cream, bacon, poached eggs, rolls, toast, tea aidd coffee. LUNCHEON 8avory omelet, breakfast rolls, bakes sweet potatoes, tomato toast, fruit dessert, tea. '. DINNER Potato soup, potroaat of beef, stuffs! tomatoes, onions tapioca, pudding vltA cream aauce, black coffee. ' WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Pears, cereal and cream, frlzsled beef win cream gravy. Boston brown bread, toast, tea and coffee. LUNCHEON Barbecued ham, fr"led bomlny, chopped and aaute sweet potatoea (a left-over), brown betty. tea. DINNER Onion aoup (a left-over), cold potroaat, mushrooms baked, green corn pudding, homemade ice cream, bjack coffee. THURSDAY BREAKFAST Grapes, - cereal and cream, bacon and fried green tomatoee, green com griddle cakes, toaat, tea and coffee. , LUNCHEON t Beef and potato cakes (a left-over), pota toes boiled in their Jackets, tomato salad, crackers and American cheese, marmalade and cookies, tea. DINNER Tomato and pea soup, Irish stew, mashed turnips, green corn on the cob, baked custard, black coffee. FRIDAY BREAKFAST " Melons, cereal and cream, flshballs, quick biscuits, toast, tea and coffee. LUNCHEON. Irlah atew, warmed up; baked beans, pea nut butter sandwichea, apple sauce, cake with American cheese, tea. DINNER Testerday's aoup, codfish steaks, potato croquettes, green peaa. baked pears and cream, gingerbread, black coffee. SATURDAY ' BREAKFAST Grapes nnd peaches, reresj and cream, bacon and fried sweet peppers, hot Scotch scones, toast, tea and coffee. , LUNCHEON " dreamed codfish (a. left-over), fried po tatoes, gcones (left from breakfast), hot crackers, devonshlre cream and Jam, ginger CUP' DINNER "Scrap soup." bolted corned beef, string , beans, succotash, baked peach dumpllngt with brandy sauce, black coffee.