TT TT JIM j ; p tvt; T0 yOI n by your hat or your M J heart, girlf Answer. z ' T You are America's pride and joy, its fairest flower, its guerdon of happi Hess, its ambition and its dear reward. You tare over power in gly clever; every one admits, that. You are adorably beautiful; the .. acclamation of the world is a daily, speaking testimony. But you are false as fair; hard as the polished jewels that adorn your scintillant beauty; hollow as the pearls you love to tutor. Of allthe women in the world, you org the Lady of the Ash, whose empty charms cheated the ardent hero of "Phan tasies." That heart of yours is as little as that hat of yours is huge; and he who, makes the mistake of loving you courts pain and disaster. At this point, please pause in your right eous indignation and accept the apologies of all American citizens, who didn t so much as' think these dreadful libels and heard them from stranger lips with horror equal to your own. f You aretCt any of those things, are yout i fYou are what we have always thought you, whether it was in the blissful shadow of the seaside porch or on the platform in your 'graduation gown. , kve know it ourselves, of course; but when some one who is supposed to he accustomed to observe, and with an inter national reputation, comes ajong and inso lently announces such disheartening discov eries about you, every one of your sincere admirers feels thatt those who know you so (i ruin tu yuur uccnjc. , And trs lucky for the fellow who libeled you that he got away before one of "the dozens of American women, who could 'dissect him with his own scalpel, had time tt'p undertake the duty. TT HERE trs plenty of women In other countrlea wno couia oe content wiin ine lime compliments li'fc M that went with the cruel verdict f tin As E. PhiUlDB ODpenhelm, the English novel- ; 1st, was making ready for his homeward voyage, after a. tbrM six weeks In the United States, he furnished the cfurprlae of British tourist Interviews: ' He admitted that American girls are beautiful; that ijUiey are clever; but, after studying them in Newport, LJNw York, Boston and various other habitats supposed : to be most favorable to the development of their species. 0tkC could only claoalfy them as a combination of hats. beauty, self-concentration and cocktails that was alto gether too much for hlro. Clever though thpv were thev hail no real Intellect. nality whatever; lovely as they were, they had no hearts to love with; all they wanted was a hat buyer, to keep v tlwn supplied with the amazing creations that adorn their empty little heads, containing an insatiable vacuum bordered with quotation marks. Compared With the Tfntle, sentimental English girl, they were composed of Nfcarborundum; compared with the Ignorant French girl, 'their lnnulaltlveneaa mlktl them a amir tn a man'a mnl a vubv tuny Keeps nun on me jump, Bui uiey are, alter f- dwu ii ii uwnc. b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v in 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 l nnunw anama !rowned with the gorgeous hats which are the sols ' cbjects of their craving and adoration. "J '. Mr. Oppenheim s diatribe made a great hit. If the .measure of greatness In a hk can be gauged from the taln it lnjjlcta on hoBtespea who have been kind to a 'truest It was almost as great a hit, being almost as ; totigriteful, as Kipling's letters were about the United ittates, after everybody had wined and dined him, from tn Pacific to the Atlantic. But, then, Oppenhelm Isn't jmosqulto la slap it. Josephine Dodge Daskatn, who knows the American I kT so well that people can't get enough of her stories pn that antranctng topic, might have given Mr. Oppen ; helm bis needed rap if she hadn't been too busy as the affectionate wife of Selden Bacon, a Wall street lawyer, making home happy and, when ihe can spare time. Writing clever verses and delightful novels that leave !Mr. Oppenhelm's character studies looking; like a train . ef freight cars in a, ditch, with a runaway locomotive cfor the plot. . ' -p Mrs. Edith Wharton, who wrote her famous "House fit Mirth" ten years after her marriage to Edward Whar ton, of Boa ton, might have consented to an Introduction to Mr. Oppenhelm as a friendless and Ignorant stranger; Yut the i woman whose studies of her sex here and ' abroad Include "The Greater Inclination" and "Madam de Trtymes" could scarcely have regarded him as ah eaual either-In knowledge of social conditions .or In comprehension of what real women are. And supraee Mary E. Wilkin. Freeman, wife of Dr. . Charlee M. Freeman and acknowledged authority on the American girl, had chosen to comment on the Oppen helm Judgment; or If Mrs. Alice Uegan Rice, wife of L'ale Young Bice, in her delightful home In 8t James eeurt. In Louisville, Ky.. had honored him with some of the humor of "Mrs., Wlgge of the Cabbage Patch"; or If Mrs. Josephine Preston Peaboi, who fs the wife of lionet Simeon Marks and the author of delightful verse THE OREGON SUNDAY , 1 Clever Women Defeat NoVelist 2 contention ??Jt V7o Is A77 YAf if) Opper?bt' Mitt v.:-;:-.. ; :::.': ;w-.v:-v. ..:..( and drama, had told him of the girls she knew when she was Instructor in English literature at Wellesley per haps Mr. Oppenhelm might have suspected that the typical American girl of nice breeding didn't make a practice of flinging her rounded arms about the neck of any stray, baldheaded little British novelist who hap pened to earn enough money with his thrillers to afford a six weeks' vacation in the United States. Dr. Carl Kelsey, professor of sociology In the Whar ton School of the University of Pennsylvania, when he saw how cruelly Novelist Oppenhelm had rasped the sensibilities of our girls, remarked: "I remember reading, as a boy, the. story of the Eng lishman in the land of Hans Brlnker. One of the skaters on the canal brought out a sandwich of fearful compila tion and solemnly assimilated It. The Englishman has tened to haul out his notebook and make an entry that when the Dutch went skating they always ate extraordi nary sandwlchea. That's the way .the average comment on a people Is made. THE ELUSIVE "ORDINARY" "It Isn't the extraordinary, but the ordinary thing, that is most significant, and the ordinary thing is juat what travelers aren't looking for. The average American in Paris has an eye open only for the gayety and the dissipation, so he gets the Impression that the French are totally different from the people he knows at home. He doesn't realise that the average Frenchman lives the normal home life of the person who Is very absorbingly occupied with the business of earning a living. "The English novelist who comes to America travels around for a few weeks at fashionable resorts, and per suades himself he Is 'keeping his eyes open.' His per spectives limited to a crowd of nouveaux riches on the one side and the throngs of poor but strikingly dressed working girls on the other. In the United States the difference is not so easily detected between the glrla who have plenty of money and those who work for a living and dress as finely as they can during their vacations. 11 Women tot Work WOMAN, whether she likes it or not, u fafed to work. Olive Schreiner says so, after studying her sex and her subject for half her lifetime and she is old enough now to haVe a daughter who is a woman grown. If the members of her half of humanity don't work, or won't work, or can't work, then obr very civilization is doomed to shameful failure. Woman must work for her own salvation; and man must let her work, unless he is willing to have her ruin his. That is the moral of her new book, "Woman and Labor," about which clings the terrible romance of war; for it is, in itself, as sad an inci dent in a writer's life as any that have been told of famous authors in the past. FOR any writer, woman ornan, the books are, In very truth, children of the brain, loved and cherished as tenderly, as carefully, as real children can be. When Olive Schreiner was first- moved to write, she began to prepare chapters on the position of her sex In (this, fearfully difficult and complex world. She did It like a scientist, with thorough studies of the relations of sex in the very lowest orders of animate life. A monumental work. In two great volumes, had been finished In the manu script when the Boer war broke out. WORK OF YEARS LOST The author was forced to leave her charming home In the Transvaal. In her absence her house was looted, her desk was broken open and the manuscript of the book, on which she had spent' the better part of her life, was chucked In the middle of the floor and set on Are. Only some fragments of that Immense and loving labor remained. She had not the heart to at tack the task again. She took the material that was left, arranged It, added to It, and gave It to the public for what It was. The vandal who touched the match to those pages made war not merely on one weak, absent woman, but upon every one of her sex. Including the very mother that bore him. It was one of those- unspeak able crimes for which the whole human species pays the penalty. But the thought of the lost great work need' not swallow up the wealth of material that was left as JOURNAL. JfOKTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 3, . 1811 mat Mmencans Live i J, t:?i f ; ,r - I w L T 4 " t 4 ft I f i JEWr'fr i r4 AocJ V 4 ' evidence of Its greatness. One can only wonder wnat astounding, what convincing chapters were destroyed, when he reads the Impressive arguments that re main. . ---rij -, , ' ' . She sketches those'sclentlflc analogies that prove, from the life of the lower animals, that the female -has always had her work to do. In addition to the bearing1 of the young, and that, in many species, she Is fitted by nature to dispense altogetuer with the male as defender and provider, bhe reviews savage existence, where' woman bears the children and per forms all the drudgerv. She reviews the highest so ciety,. where women will neither turn a hartd to honest labor nor fulfill their Uoa-given . function of being ' mothers to their kind. And . her conclusion Is unes capable: "Finely , clad, tenderly housed,- life became for; woman merely the gratification of her own physical and . sexual appetites, and the appetites of Aha male, through the stimulation of which she could maintain herself. And, whether aa kept wife or kept mistress. mil J a-4 ry J I i, mianiirf I, ii "ii Oppenheims for Jrpcc V K iN if.' ' J '-'V4' Josephine. Tlrastort Soft Lifenrry "In either case, his observations may be pert or Im pertinent; but they will scarcely be convincing to the sensible, well-informed citizen. The truth Is that the observations of most men on women are wholly superficial. "Our critical Mr. Oppenhelm may be Joking trying to make a sensation. If he was endeavoring to get a few deep-seated convictions out of his eystem, he has merely stamped himself as a superficial observer. If he waa having a little fun at our expense, we can afford to laugh and retort In kind. "I presume that the people of any nation see more of the serious side of their own existence than does the transient visitor who goes abroad for a good time. Here, people who play hardest often work hardest. What possibility of seeing thai, real, that serious aide of our American life came to him? . One can scarcely Judge the true, the serious reality of our American life from the ordinary gayety of the crowds he encounters at the sea shore on a Saturday and Bunday. There la in our exist ence an Intensity which may-or may not be wlao. but Is certainty different from the more leisurely methods of Europe. We work while we work and p)ay while we 'iPlay, And our American girls are keen enough In their efforts to help foreign visitors enjoy "themselves. "It's quite possible," continued, professor Kelsey, with a grin that matched Mr. Oppenheim s own while the novelist waa scoring the girls who hadn't proved willing to spoon with him, "that our visitor's observa tion of feminine American hearts may have been based ion hie Impression that American girls consider European visitors as purely business propositions. The average American man has never noticed any lack of sentiment on their part. "As for- the intellectual capacity of our girls, my own observations have satisfied me that they are the equals of the men in all fields of learning where they meet for rivalry. NOT AN INFERIOR "The old opinion that woman was to be regarded as man's Inferior Is a philosophy now discarded among the people who are best informed In thatartlcular subject. One of the reasons so many college boys dislike coedu cation is that they do not like to be compelled to prove the mental superiority which la their boast. I hsve fre quently heard students criticise the Phi Beta Kappa organizations . because too many women were admitted to membership; yet that Is an honor which is to be fairly won in scholaetic competition. The girl's Interest may be more concentrated In her college studies, but the fact is not to be gainsaid that she does work quite as good as that of the boys. "But there really isn't any necessity for treating Mr. Oppenheim'acomments seriously," concluded Professor Kelsey. "An opera like 'The Girl of the Oolden West' may be beautiful from the artlstlo and musical stand , She S oyJt she contributed nothing to the active and sustaining labors of her society. She' had attained to the full development of that type which, vohether in modern Paris or New York or London, or In ancient Greece, Assyria or Home, Is essentially one In its features, its nature and its results. She was the 'fine lady the human female parasite the most deadly microbe which can make its appearance on the surface of any social organism. Wherever n the history of the past, this type has reached its full development and has comprised,, the; bulk of the females belonging to any dominant class or race, It has heralded Its decay," As for woman's primitive function of child-bearing, Olive Schreiner declares the problem of race suicide Is simply the outcome of economic conditions which make the production of many children need less, perhaps harmful She goes4 so far aa to declare: "It is certain that the time' is now rapidly ap proaching when' child-bearing will be regarded as a lofty privilege, permissible only to those who have shown their power rightly to train and provide for their offspring, rather than a labor which In Itself, and under whatever conditions performed, is beneficial to society." All the old occupations for women, she perceives, have been swept away by .man's invention, and has enormously enhanced powers of .co-operation. Even , the minor domestic- operations are tending to pass out of the circle of woman's labor. The 'very carpets are beaten, the windows cleaned, the floors polished, by machines or bv extra- and often male labor. . . Vast armies of women exist In the big cities, and In the country, too, who are doomed not only to race-suicide, but to the deprivation of marriage alto gether; other vast armies are doomed to relation ships that are not sanctioned by wedlock. The whole time is out of joint unless the sex, robbed on the one hand of Its function of motherhood and on the other of Its offices of housekeeping, be given some occupa tions which shall protect It from- the deadly sin of parasitism. And she formulates the demands of her sexs , ' "We, demand. In that strange new World that I arising alike upon the. man snd the woman?. 'where nothing is; as It was, and all things are assuming new shapes and relations, that In this new world we also shall have our share of honored and socially useful human jol. cur tull half of the labor of the ' children of women. We demand nothing mars than this, and we will take nothing less. -Thla," she adds. " is our Woman's Right" t point; but, as a real portrayal of America. It ranks mora as a caricature than as- a photograph. Mark Twain's - stories of American life are much mere valued in Europe than his discussions of European life. Observations of other peoples, based on short acquaintance, may be tre mendously keen and witty; they may point out some phases which those who live the life may not have noticed; but they are all likely to rest on fallacy. The real point Is that human nature is essentially one the world over, and different types of men and women are simply living expressions of different conditions of . existence." Fighting the New Modes of , Warfare SINCE the new types of air craft have made their appearance and the world has been depicting i:?tv methods of warfare, the inventors have been busily engaged In trying to produce sonte device that would counteract all of the new Ideas of aerial attacks on the naval or land forces of any country. The Krupps of Germany have been the means of placing various typVs of very destructive Implements of war before the world; but their newest device Is an aerial torpedo which promises to make aerial at tacks very hazardous, if not Impossible. It is a self-propelling contrivance that Is so con structed that It consists of two distinct, parts, one in which the slow powder Is contained and the other containing the high explosive, bomb, with a very sensitive percussion, which will not be reloased for action until the projectile Is at full speed. The re leasing of the percUsslon will enable the aeronaut to start the projectile without danger to himself or bis air craft, and a certain speed will unlock the delicate perousslon, which will be exploded if it strikes as much, as a soft gasbag in the air. The explosive bomb Is so powerful It will destroy snytblng near it, and there is absoluts certainty that any airship will not be able to escape. The projectile can be thrown from the land aa well as from an airship, and the device is so de signed that aim Is certain from any angle, and the distance can be Increased or diminished, making It one of the most formidable projectiles yet invented. The propelling device is arranged in a system of tubes, and is started by either an explosive of a minor character or electricity. v The device is of Swedish origin, and patents are being taken out in several of the leading countries, among which Is the United States. With such an implement of modern warfare It may be -useless for people to attempt aerial attacks. Smart Work of the Woodpecker MANY birds show very great intelligence, but the wisdom of the woodpecker is certainly well worth a little careful study. Some persons are ' of the opinion that reason is no 'more than keen Instinct; but there Is a difference when we come to study some of the habits of a few of the more Intelligent birds. " The woodpeckers that inhabit some of the western wooded districts, and especially In sections of Cali fornia, show a wonderful reasoning power. They actually plan for montha ahead .for what they consider a very delicate morsel of food. They provide certain food for a season when that par ticular kind la very scarce, and they make the work v& Hvuimi ii vjuiiv easy, iuu. While acorns are falling In the autumn months the woodpeckers climb all over the trunks of trees WVR HUUUI,.,, ii,a.ii 11V1C0 iu HID 1TUUU. 414" carry acorns to these cavities and in some manner pound or push them Into the holes they have made, with the point of the acorn in the hole, leaving ex posed the larger end of the acorn. Months after, when winter has passed and ths spring has come, these woodpeckers return to the scene of their autumn labors, and there in each acorn they find a nice plump worm feeding on the kernel of the acorns they had placed In the holes in the trees, .'ine birds flit from one acorn to another, peck open the shell and extract the delicious morsel of food. The birds evidently knew the worms would be there. Men who have watched the work of these birds while placing the acorns in the holes thoy made In the trunks of trees declare the birds will carefully examine an acorn, and if It is found to be one that .uses worm life In the months to follow It Is car ried to the cavities and deposited; but If the acorn is a perfectly sound one the birds will discard It and pick up another. Most acorns.llke chestnuts, are polluted with a r or ni In the earner Htaeres of the nut's life, and this germ hatches out a worm In the very flesh of the nut and the meat Is food for the worm. It is very evident the smart woodpeckers know all this, and much more, and they simply reason that It would be wise to secure a plentiful supply; and this Is the reason thv are flo busy pecking the trees full of holes. Each hole will hold an acorn and each acorn will cortslr) k worm. Tt is ald the food supply of these birds would be quite scarce at the spring season If they did not resort to this method of storing away a good supply of ment for thst season. u Old Mother Cray," the Fortune Maker THE! sailor Is often a superstitious person, and la most of the riverside districts along the Thames, where he lodges, the woman fortune-teller does a big business. Some of these women have weird reputa tions In the .matter of belngt able to foretell fortune or disaster on a voyage. , They also frequently give tht consulter advice In their love affairs. ' One of these fortune-tellers, a woman named Crty,' who died a few years back, was noted for her marvelous powers of seeing the future. Che did a large business in selling charms which would enable the wearer to esaape the terrible disasters that ware otherwise In store for him. Her knowledge of the past, too, was wonderful. all6rs who flocked, to her went Informed where they had come from and what their last voyage had been like. Kor some days "Mother Cray" was seen by no one and the door Of the filthy hovel in which she lived remained closed. At last the place, was broken Into. Stretched upon the floor of the front room, the searchers earns On the body of the 'old woman., She had been dead soma dsys. "Old Mother Cray" turned out to be. a man in disguise. Concealed under loose bounds and in nooks and corners of the filthy room were found gold, notes ana jewels Worth several hundred pounds. , Who "Old Mother V Cray" 'wag was nevtr 'discovered.. . .. . i,, . . "Yr, t . i.