li iptiiip.wumi 'i ' ug-i,Miiiiii,"'-f'-. :'.v 'JMti: i mil limn ) i m i i n m. , r . i. i ,, h iir u -, Hi.n hi, nm I n i i n - M , , n,,,. ection J ' J. A ana Uoirianl flection - PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER. 3, 1911 v v S ; ; v ' " LrfctiL- -II .17V ' -a, I'.,. I'.M.R A f&JM . 111' w ot' Im Jr AwS :t it , ii ii i- ijt i, i a -r -" - - Lfr - jfi n ii Orifinzfec in Serin tirc tecf The Eff orts of Science to Seize Upon the lsible opark or Lire Through Use of Many Agencies -TT T HAT is the human sci'il? 11 It ii the nyslery of the ages, ' , the despair of psychology, the hope of religion but ever unknown, un solved, even unproved to exist at all, if the long succession of doubting Thomases be admitted to the endless controversy. . Is it life? Is it that very essence of life which distinguishes sentient beings from the masses of inert matter? Is it the essence of that life which man alone rejoices in, while the animals perish for. eternity? Is it the. life higher than the brute's which a man's dog can acquire in sufficient part to accompany him to heaven? Is it pet' haps, some faintest, most intimate spark of life which flits from the body of man and beast alike when death at last takes the ultimate citadel of their being and inev itable corruption hastens its inexorable ruin? Today science, which has dared all mysteries, even this, in the name of the truth which should prevail, sweeps its instruments of precision upon the human soul in a new, sincere endeavor to make life's spark visible, to seize with the gross senses of the body, the elusive, imponderable reality of the soul. On this one score, at least, science, so often positive and aggressive, fears to speak firmly. Some of its pro fessors, with the daring of pioneer discoverers, have indeed announced their seizure of the light of that van ishing spark; but science at large, so supreme would be the importance of their fact, admits as yet nothitr&more than the faint possibility. r. There have been too many claims, too many theories, too man faiths as to the existence of the soul. If is as though, out of a cloud of guesses, a single flash had come, leaving the startled eye dazzled, wondering doubtful whether from that murk of the ages any real lifd can ever appear . - i w Jn Jr. A rthnr w I JnnianWii rii rort nt nt rna nfl- , f ?l . t !..... ii. tt: ' , Ponnsylvania, that remorseless physicist . sion3 of Keeley's motor, to make a serious investigation. It is possible, just possible, Pro fessor Qoodspeed admits, that something real has been demonstrated. "I do not think there is anything in it," pref aced Doctor Goodspeed.. "But science treas ures, as its greatest possession, the endowment oFthe open niind. The experiments will be con ducted along the lines suggested by Doctor Kil ner, of London. The special apparatus necessary .will be made. The president of -the Roentgen Manufacturing Company,' H. Clyde Snook, asso ' eiates himself in the investigation. We will par s.allel the London experiments and give them ; Whatever time is requisite for a complete inquiry. " ' But, however distinguished and able the men who announce discoveries so exceptional as these, we -can accord "tEern "nothing more than the 'willing ness to examine their evidence. So great a oi , entist as Blondlot, of Paris, belieye'd he had dis covered a wholly new set of rays the famous N-rays, or Blondlot rays. Yet, sincere as he un doubtedly was, his ability and honesty had not safeguarded him, from simply making a mistake. "For my own part, speaking solely from the small knowledge which we actually possess re garding' our life forces, I tttink the amount of energy involved in any such change as the death of a human being is too infinitesimal fco be tected by any of our means of observation. The spark of human vitality is too slight an energy when it is fading away in death. There may be possibly some diffopence in its intensity when the individual is in full health. But I am skeptical of it all. Yet, in the interest of science, it is not well to be too skeptical." "Should not the long tradition of the exist ence of the nimbus or aureole have weight aa J; ' e r r ft 11 A 4" y f4 v". r 3f vW I t "'i4'''?,M I T IS no new thing, this endeavor to approach the soul through the forces of life and matter. ,. The rapt spirit of the East Indian seer gazing into his priceless crystal ball in his persistent effort to detach his soul from all earthly objects, has stood for the visions of the occult, and tho hard-headed, matter-of-f act westf cm peoples have provicfed coteries of believers in the possibility of projecting sortie astral body leagues away from the brown, unconscious form, evea as they have assented to the truth of the visions' that have come to the still, receptive s6ul ! forth a halo or a nimbus, that shall apprize be-: holders of the glory that abides within. A Botticelli; in depicting the infant Savior in his mother's lap, with good' St. John beside her, is presenting only the conventional halo into which Christian faith has transformed its idea of the radiance whnch; emanates from the sanc tity of such West souls. ' The newest expef itqents pf science have been said to make visible at leiast the spark of hum,an life, if not'tho soul' itself Dr.' Patrick S. 0'Don-: ncll, expert in X-rays, followed up. ia his Chicago Idboratory the; methods by which Dr.. W. 'J'.- Kil- ner, of L6ndon, hod. achieved his demonstrations) who contemplate the whiteness 'of the crystal sphere. t i of the existence of a spark'of life that passes at, Christien faith and art have perpetuated the" the instant of death. In the presence of other belief that, in some more favored, more blessed . physicians ''at Mercy, Hospital, when a man pa-, beings, the luminous, radiants spirit, is, able to, tient was passing Way,' )ig employed the Kilner L..m4 Itnnla ilia' Ananiia flciciK nrlA UtlfA. u .it. 1 Lf' J.w.3.Kiiiii! ' i J f i. i tV.1 1 . A uuiat mo vf v :n . iiieuuvu vt- ueiuuusiraiiuu, aim n whs ueciureu that, around the body of the patient, at the mo ment of death, an aura of faint light appeared and presently faded, ' ' He cftllud tbgethcr thirty-fiyc physicians, and under conditions of light or, better, of darkness they were enabled to' see the a'urae emanating, from the. forms of. four girls, models from the Chicago Art Institute", who had consented to the experiment. It was no .question of death with them. They w'ere .'demonstrating merely the ex- ' iste'nee of what, for lack" of 'more defjriito knowl edge, was called the'"human atmosphero."' In a dark' cabinet at Mercy .Hospital the drapery that enveloped the0 models'' was removed,' and through a screen of chemicals. specially qualified to bring out the visibility 'of -the light their bodies .'emitted; it ra3 discerned. ; ' ' eJidwKH' in favor of the viitible aura, whether it 'i or'is not tho actual sotilt" ' ' , - "That ti'aditiun has 'not influenced my de cision to investigate the phenomena as reported. It is,: however, not at' all impossible that there 'in uyf be. some influence,; such as an aura or" nlm bj.ts, stirrouriding tlvethuman body. Bigger men than-1 have con tende.d.tliat there is some truth ih it.";''(". . - . ' ' - , ; ; jjo 'tho pe'rsisteht. faiths, the repeated -en dcayors, the numberless conjectures a to tin -nature of the soul have': come to this: That un prejudiced science is willing to admit tbo possi- said, did seem to prove it was -the cufwnt of life, . bility of discerning soino manifestfttjons of th the animating power, of human' beings. 1 ' - tinanown agency, oi me uynaimu joruo j which 1 v If r not the most reliaTle.V these demonstra- ' nian lives here and, ift,the hopes of tho multi- tions ire at least the newest Rttcrdpts to make, ..tudes are based upon some etcrpal yerty,ls dos tahglble "that' spark of life 'which' is thought to" tmed to; live hereafter. 1- .1-" 1 , l" io '1 1 I TAA'htt& knon: All moBi cioseiy laenyneu wim :iup, niibuiiice oj. tho' soul. They hav What was it? Doctor ODonnell could not undertake to state. He' would not aver it to be the soul or the. spirit. He attempted a descrip tion rather than a definition : ' "It is tho impal pable atmosphere J emanating fom ' the body, which," like" all forces, is inyisiblc in itself, but which becomes perceptible (hy means of its action on the ether or atmosphere." He' thought it rtVight bo radio-activity of some 'sort, made vis ible by the chemical. screen. His experiments, ho to- live 'hereafter. ' e There have.hpen strange (Vmomstrationa in ve ufiicedtb " induce Dr.'" ' ",."'! '. (cxJNTlNtiED oN lNSIDB.PAajC) I'. 1 t I-