-1 1, THE OREGON - SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTE AND,'". SUNDAY x MORNIflO, SEPTEMBER 3t 1911, FAMOUS PICTURE OF CRATER LAKE, OR., JAKEN BY B. BAKOVVSKI, 'THE INTREPID BEND, OR.; PHOTOGRAPH ER, WHO LOST HIS LIFE TRYING TO GET. A SECOND PICTURE FROM SAME POINT . ... (gfiP SMMii1!. d. 'r' mmmm!l4mvP";::r " : " ''''sf I. The accompanying picture of Crater lake, Oregon's greatest Scenic -wonder, la the first reproduction, from the exposure made by B. B. Bakowskl last November, and was secured from J. V. Stephenson, a Bend photographer, formerly of Baker, Or., who was' Bakowskl's ln'tttnate friend and whd this summer made a futile search for his comrade's body at Crater lake. . Bakowski's Idea was to get two new pictures of Crater lake from an entirely new location, one to be taken in the autumn Just after. the first skits of snow had fallen, showing the summer aspect of the lake; the second to be taken during the depth of winter, when the snow is as much as 40 feet deep In places around Crater lake. The daring photographer penetrated to the lake hlmBelf last February and evidently ventured over the rim to make his exposure, No trace of him has since been found, although his sledge and camp equipment jyere readily located. , BIDS WHEAT HIGHER Chicago ; Market Advances 1 3-8 to 1 34c a Bushel Berlin Is 4c Up. Chicago. III.. Sept. 2. Wheat market, after an indifferent repone to..th trons general tone of the ear ly cable, had a great accession of strength to fused into it by an excited advance of 4 cents a bushel at Berlin and trorfjr mamots generally from' all European centers At the close. September wheat was 1 cents higher and December up Hfcc. thus narrowing the difference Be tween he two at the close. The mar kets responded readily to strength or W September corn got as high as 66 cents near the end and at the close was ABc higher for the day. December gained llVie and May lVfce. Advance in oats was from c to lc. Provisions were hlirher on a brisk demand for lard and ribs. of Chicago prices furnished by OverDecK tonne cupipynnj. WHEAT. nnn Kiirh Iow. Close. Sept Pec. May Sept. Dec. May Bept Dec. . 94$ 9B S4 96 A . 100V4 10154 100 OATS. . 66 66 . 63 64 J4 65 4 66 S 42 45 48Mj OAT8. . 42S 44 . 46 46i . 48 49 48 4 49tf May 1 PORK. Bept, Jan. 1560 1640 957 962 935 .1680 . 950 .. 957 .932 . 933 . 920 . 43 1646 LARD. 960 965- 940 RIBS. 926 925 847 1630 950 955 927 Sept. Oct. Jan. Bept Oct. Jan. 922 917 842 922 925 842 CHICAGO HOGS HIGHER. Chicago, Sept. 2. Run: Hogs, 6000 attla 2nn- llhMD. 1000. Hogs are 5c higher; left over, 2200; reoeipts a year ago, 7000. Mixed. $7.10 p7.72; heavy. .iu'r .od; ugni, z.ioig' 7.75: rough. .S5t97.06. Cattle, steady. Bheep, steady OMAHA HOGS HIGHER South Omaha. Sept. 2. Cattle, 62. No market. ' t , . Hos, 2800; market 6c higher. Sales, 17.05 &i. 40. 6heep, none. CASCARA BARK IS SHOWING SHORTAGE Blaine. Or.. Bept. 2. The peeling of rapiosra bark closed here August 24. The peel is very light this year owing to a late narvest wmcn preveniea inose who Intended peeling from commencing and a dry summer which ' caused the bark to stick early. The peel this year Is 15 tons which Is about one-third of the amount peeled ii There are about 20 tonB of old bark held here which is still In "first hands" but th majority of the old bark was leaned up last fall. People had held tholr bark for two or three years In Lopes of a better price, nut as tnn buy er showed no Intention of offering more most or practically all sf them disposed of what they had. There have been several buyers In quiring for bark here this fall, while for several years it has been the producer who had to hunt the buyer. A simple cement for mending broken alabaster Is made of one part white gelatine to five parts of water. $3.50 Recipe Free, For Weak Men. Send Name and Address To day You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous. I havs in my possession a prescrlp . tlon for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weakened mannooa, railing memory unnatural drains, or the follies of youth, that has cured so many worn .and nervous men right In their own .and nei y homee r tnedlcln wishes without any additional hem or tnedlclne) that I think every man who to regain his manly power and virility, quickly ' and quietly,, should have a copy. So I have determined to send a copy of the prescription free of charge, in a plain, ordinary sealed an- velope to any man who will write ma for It This prescription comes from a phy- slclan who has made a special study of men and I am convinced ft is the surest acting combination for the curs of de ficient manhood and vigor failure ever put. together, . , ' I think I owe it to my fellow man to tend them a copy In confidence so that any man anywhere who Is weak and discouraged with .repeated failures may stop drugging himself with harm ful patent medicines, secure what I be lave it is the quickest-acting restora tive, upbuilding. SPOT-TOUCHING rem edy ever devised, and so cure himself at borne quietly and quickly. Just drop me a line like this: Dr. A. K. Robinson. ill I ..V, OnlMlns n,t,nlt. UMi mnit fonv Ull. v. i . H! i ....... . - . .......... .... will send you a cony of this splendid recipe fn a plain ordinary envelops free recipe rn a Plain ordinary envelops free f charge. O great many eaoctors would r.hirt 13.00 to 86.00 for merely writing ywv1 wwu aiwLxyj?. g3Wwwww MONTANA CATTLE : SALE THE WONDER OF STOCK MARKET (Continued From Preceding Page. improvement Is as yet noted In the price, the Indications are for a good substan tial rise -after the accumulated surplus in the hands of killers Is worked off. North Portland sheep and lamb r ipgrs ; Select lambs . . Ordinary lambs Best wethers . , Common lambs Best ewes, Ordinary ewes .1 4.76 . 4.254.60 . 3.800)3.50 . 2-7S3.00 . i 8.00 2.002.50 Monday's x,iTestoek Bales. STEERS. Average lbs Price. 85.35 6.6J " 6.35 10 18 steers 25 steers 1 bull .. 106Z ,.1247 , 1104 BULLS. CALVES. .1410 . 228. . 378 $3.00 $7.00 5.60 $4.65 4.40 4.00 3.00 $4.75 . 4.75 3.25 9 calves 6 calves COWS. 30 1040 16 9S 4 1102 1 790 BHEEP AND LAMBS, lambs 79 134 370 lambs 78 616 wethers 103 Tuesday's Livestock Bales. STEERS. Av. lbs. 106 steers 1155 28 steers 1127 COWS. 24 'COws 1063 cows 1055 8 cows .I1SS v HOOS. 62 hogs ; . 822 Wednesday's livestock Bales STEERS. Average Lbs. 503 Montana 1148 62 steers 1208 18 steers 1127 7 steers 1220 HOOS. 103 stoppers 232 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 239 lambs 77 288 lambs 66 Thursday's Xilvartocx Bales. STEER8. Price. $5.60 5.40 $4.25 , 4.26 3.60 $7.76 Price. $6.10 $5.66 6.60 6.25 $8.10 $4.75 4.75 Avg. Wgt. steers 1099 steers .1125 HOOS. hogs 180 Price. $5.35 5.35 8.50 $4.75 4.76 4.76 4.25 4.25 3.75 3.00 $4(60 4.60 $7.76 7.75 6.50 6.50 4.50 4.50 4.56 4.60 220 14 71 COWS. 3 cows 1263 6 cows 1012 2 cows 975 4 COWS 870 12 cows 845 4 1 cows 1192 cow 960 HEIFERS. heifers 848 heifers 930 CALVES. calves 191 calves , . . . 166 calves 338 calves 348 calves 607 calves , 613 calves 430 calf 616 Friday's livestock Balsa. 8TEERS. 21 31 6 21 14 13 4 3 4 " 1 Average lbs. Price. $5.40 , 4.75 $4.60 -4.15 $8.25 7.60 7.60 9 steers 1 steer 1 cow 6 cows 31 light hogs 69 feed hogs . 6 feed hogs . 1U05 . .1070 . .1180 ..1032 , . J78 . . 86 COWS. hoqs. 216 Saturday's, Xarestock Bales. SHEEP -.D LAMBS. Av. lbs. Price, wethers 101 $3.30 237 J:J.Keefe,Ph.G.,M.D. Men's Specialist I am positively the only specialist In Portland that publishes his own photograph, personally conducts and manages his own office and consults with and treats all his own patients. I have more qualifications and ex perience than any other specialist ad vertising In this city. . Every man calling at my office Is assured of -my personal and individ ual treatment until a cure Is effected.- My fees are one fourth that ex acted by the various "medical com- Sanies," '"Institutes" and "museums." le sure to consult me before treat ing elsewhere. ' - : 'I - Why treat with Incompetents when ypu can secure the expert services of a competent specialist 7 ' ' Come to me If vou have n at l following disorders: Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Obstrnetloas, Merre, Bleed and Bkia Disorders,' Bladder Trou bles, Blood olsons, ' Bmptions, m oere. Weakness, Prostatitis, VUes or Ustula,-. ,..),;-.. jtY, .. 0 to 8 T to 8 Dally 1 Sunday, 10 to . ' aiammmiw vaance . rree, , y 313 M Washington St., corner Sixth. roniaaa. or, -..a. C H . , I ' ' ' ' - ' M v ) ' FRONT BTRERT POTATIONS ' Oram, Tlonr and Bar. WHEAT New crop nominal. .Track delivery, club, 78o; bluestem, 82o; for tyfold. 79c; Wlllarnette valley, 78c; red Russian. 77c; Turkey red, 79 He. BARLEY -New crop. Producers' prices 1911 Feed $88.60; rolled. $35; brewing, $35. OATS New crop, nomlnnl. Produc er's price Track No. 1 white, $27.60 SB $28.00; gray, $27.00 27.80 MILL8TUFP8 Selling price Bran, $26,000)26.60; middlings. $31.00; shorts, I26.00i26.60: chop. ll.0025.00 HAT Producers' prloe 1911 crop Valley timothy, fancy, $1416; ordi nary, $13(8)14; eastern Oregon, $16.50(3 17; mixed, ( ); clover, $910: wheat, $9 10; cheat. $910; alfalfa, new, $11.60 12; oats, $10.00. , FLOUR Old crop, patents. $4.96: Willamette, $4.80 per barrel: local straight. $3.8504.65; bakers. $4.4504.65; export grades, $3.60. Butter, Bggs and Poultry. BUTTER Extra rreamery, cubes and tubs, 8 lp; prints, 32c; ordinary prints, 3031c: dairy, 18c. BUTTER FAT S. o. b. Portland, per nound. 28c Eggs Local extras, 2627c; case, count, fresh, 24c; spot buying price, 2 So f. o. b. Portland; eastern, 17H521c. POULTRY Fancy hens. 16 H 17c; ordinary, 16; springs, 16Vi17c; geese, 10c; live young ducks. 18c; old ducks, 17c; turkeys, alive, nominal; dressed, nominal; pigeOns, old, $1; young, $2,000 2.40. CHEESE New Oregon aney full cream, triplets and daisies. 15JJ15Hc lb.; Young Americas. 1616He. Meats, Pisu and rrovxalons. DRESSED MEATS Front street: Hogs, fancy, 1010c per lb.; ordi nary, 9)10c; heavy. 7ftc: veals, ex tra, 1414Hc; ordinary, 13c; poor, 108 11c; spring lambs, 7g'tc; mutton, 6 7c; goats, 4c; beef, 6 9c. HAMS, BACON, etc. Hams, 18H 20c; breakfast I'acon, 16i)27c; boiled ham, 29 8 Oc ;, picnics, HHc; cottage, 18Hc; regular short clears, smoked, 13 Vic; backs, smoked. 12H14Vic; pickled tongues, 46o lb. LARD Kettle leaf tierces. 18o lb.; steam rendered, tterr.e, HHo per lb.; compound, tierces, 7c per lb. FISH Nominal Rock cod. 10c lb.J flounders, 6c; halibut, 6Htf1ci striped bass, 20e; catfish. 12i912c; salmon, 10Ho lb.; soles' 7e per lb.; shrimps, 12Ho lb: perch, 78c; tomcod, c; lob sters, 25c; herrlrpn, 696c; black bass. 20c; sturgeon, 12 Vic per lb.; silver Men Cored When Others Fail Call and let us give you a careful, pains taking examination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little advice is 'all you need. X-Ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money required to commence treatment, and you can arrange to pay fee when cured. , FEES ONLY to $M IN SIMPLE CASES You Can Pay Fee When Cured During our many years of active practice tn MEN'S DISEASES In Port land some unscrupulous so-called specialists have Invaded the city and tried to steal our methods and advertisements, but not being able to steal our. brains they were not abls to succeed-In their dishonest wavs; so do not be misled by them, but come to us, the oldest establlKlied SPE CIALISTS for MEN In the city, who guarantee cures, or make no charge for their services. Remember, we have been here for years, are permanently located, incorporated and licensed under the ' laws ' of Oregon to conduct and operate a Medical Institute, Sanitarium and Hospital for the treatment of Men's dJseajes. You tat 00 risk when you treat with us. , We are here to stay, and for all time, and you will always know where to find us. We are not here today and jrone tomorrow. Our staff of physicians are graduates from the leading colleges in the United States and have been in active practice from 15 to 20 years, and are duly qualified and licensed to practice medicine and surgery In this and several states. Investigate our records and stand ing and compare them with the other so-called. specialists who have only been in our city a few weeks or months, and who have copied our announcements, which the newspapers' records will show. Be ware Investigate! , Men, if afflicted or in trouble, call and have a friendly talk; It will cost you nothing. We will be your Mend as well as your physician, and will advise you candidly, hontitly and conscientiously. Call today. Don't delay or neglect yourself. Wc Treat Men Only Cures Guaranteed Specific Dlood Poison Cured In OneTreatment BT PHOT. BHBUOH'S OXBAT SIS- MCrtCM OOTEBT AMD BLESSIWO TO MABKIBO OUO This discovery Is the greatest boon to sufferers from Specific Blood Poison ever discovered. It has been used successfully in over 20, 000 cases. It absolutely cures In one treatment. No matter how long you have been afflicted, it works like magic. Consult me Pre before going We Cure Weakness also known as Nervous Debility. Nervo-Vltal Debility." Neuras'thenla. ''etc. If you have any symptoms of this ailment, such as loss of energy or ambition, vitality, easily fatigued, dull, listless feeling, nervousness and other symptoms, I want you to be etire and call. I have given this con dition of men special study and I unhesitatingly say that' my treatment Is not excelled by any other specialist, regardless of what thev may claim. I know what I have accomplished in even the most severe cases letters of Indorsement are on file and there Is - no reason to believe that I cannot cure YOU also. REMEMBER, by calling you do not obli gate yourself to take treatment.' , We Cure Contracted Ailments Bewly eoatracted eases iokly cured, all burning, Itching, inflam mation and'oisebarge checked la 84 hours. WCany cases cured la one week. We have a specific treatment tor this ailment., . . ' Bladder and Prostate Gland Aliments w. m. .,. Kn!iiiii, 7up.iB, Diun in ini Bladder, Qravel. Blood, Mucous and all Kidney ; and Bladder Ailments J which you do not care to trust to the family doctor. 1 1- am a specialist' ana am preparen gTy you quick rener and a speeoy cure. " BTBlf, W Wr TACTBUI, CONSULT Vn TODAY. If you cannot call, write for free book and self-examination- blank. - Many cases cured at home. . Hours 9 a, m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 11, OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE SUM KOBBXBOV ST., BET. TOXTBTK ABB TOTB, rOBTZiaJTB, OB. smelt, c lb.; blacg cod. 7He: dressed shad, 7e: roe shad. 10c: shad roe. 20o lb. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. per gal lon. ( ); per 100 lb. sack. $6.60; Olyrn- ?la, per gallon, $8.00; per 100 lb. sack, 11.60; canned eastern, 66c can. $.6 dos.: eastenTin -hell. 1.76pJ2 per 100. rasor olams, $2.002.25 box. rrnlts and vegetables. . APPLES New crop, $1.002.60. POTATOES 8e'Ung prices Selected Oregon $1.26 01.60: ordinary, $1.00; buying price, $1.00 1.25; sweets, 4c. ONIONS Yellow, $1.60(8)1.65; garllo, 78e. FRESH FRUITS Oranges. $4.50 per box; bananas, 6c lb.; lemons, $4.60(96; limes, $9 a case; grapefruit. $3.26; pine apples, 6c lb.; blackberries, $1.60; cherries. Royal Ann. 10c; Lamberts, l-c; blacks, 4 5c; watermelons, $1' $1.25: peaches, 65c9$1.00; pears $1.25 1.60; grapes, $101.76; prunes, 76c. VEGETABLE.' -New turnips. 31 0 1.25 sack; beets, $1.60; carrots. $1,269 1.60 sack: cabbage $101.25 cental; toma toes, 50c;. beans. 4c per pound; corn, 1520odoz.; green,onlons, 15c dot; peppers, bell, 10a lb.: head lettuce, 20OT 26c doz.: hothouse. $1.6601-75 box: rad ishes, 16c dox. bunches; celery, 78g85o doz.; egg plant, $1.251.60 box; cucum bers. $1 sack: peas ( ); cauli flower, ' local, $1.001.25. Hops, wool and B3des. HOES Contracts, 191i crop. 3636c, 1910 crop, 80c; 1909 growth, 20c. WOOL Nominal. 1911, Willamette valley, 1417V4c; eastern Oregon, 90 16e. TALLOW Prime, per lb., 60; No. $, and grease, 20 2 He CHITTXM BARK 1911, nominal. 5Vi 06c: 1910. 5V4e. HIDES Dry hides, lH17He lb.; green, 78c; bulls, green, salt, 6 He lb.; kips, 9 10c; calves, green, 160, 16c per lb. MOHAIR 1911. selected. 35037c. Orooerles. SUGAR Cube $7.76; powdered, $6.86; fruit or berry, $6.85; dry granulated, 16.86: D vellow. $7.16: beet. $7.66: Hon olulu plantation can granulated, 6c less. A cove quotations are sv aays net casn.r RICE: Japan No. 1. 4H5c; No. 2, 4c; New Orleans head. SHOVi; Creole, ALT Coarse, half ground 100s, $8.60 per ton; 60s. 19.00: table dalrv, 60s, $13; 100s, $lt: bales, $2.20; extra fine bar rels, 2s, bs and 10s, $406; lump rock, $20.60 per ton. HONEY New, $3.75 per case. BEANS Small white, $4.00; large white, $4.00; pink. $5.7$;. bayou. $6.00; . : '' " Llmas, J7.2B; reds, l.J5. paints, 0el Oil. Bte. LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls., lo gal.; kettle, raw. bbls.. Die; raw. In cases, 96c; boiled. In cases, 8c gal.; lots of 250 gallons, lo less; oil cake meal (none In market). WHITE LEAD Ton lots. c per lb.; 800 lb. lots, 80 per lb.; le-j lots. 8 Ho per lb. BENZINE 8 degrees, cases, 24ttc gallon; Iron bbls.. 21Hc per gallon. COAL OIL Caes: Pearl. 16c: star. 19c per gallon; water white, bulk, 80 12 He per gallon; special water white, 12C( He. ROPE Manila. 80: sisal. Ttte. GASOLINE Red crown and motor. 1522o gallon; 8 gasoline. 2898BUC gallon; V. M. tt P. naphtha, 1802Oo gallon. ' . TURPENTINE In cases, 7lo; wood bsrrels, 70Hc: Iron barrels. 660 per gal lon: 10 case lots. 71c. Says Use New Sacks. Ben Jaggar, local potato dealer, who has Just returned from a three weeks' tour of the river district of California says that Oregon growers sbould use new sacks and will therefore get more for their crops. Mr. Jaggar says the crop in the south Ib a good one. - Prune Packing Starts. Nyssa. Or., Sept. 2. Prune packing started this week in the warehouse. W. J. Jenkins owners of a 0 acre prune orchard has made arrangements to ship 20 carloads of prunes to eastern mar kets within the next two weeks. The crop Is better than expected for a late spRSon. The prunes are A No. 1 quali ty. Cured in 4 A. O. Bxaltk, SC. 9. I am the only specialist In Port land who does not advertise a flo titlous name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press record prove. I make this statement se that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill and experience, acquired in such a way that no other can share, and should not be classad with medical com pan lea It Is Impossible for a medical oompany to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine In Oregon or any other state. Medl lcal companies usually are narlled after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and Identity are In definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examlnaton and treatment. A thorough investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the abil ity and I can give you this service. I have always charged a very rea sonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires te be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particularly Inde pendent, and I would like to have you fer a patient If you will come to me on a strtotlv profes sional basis, and the Inducements that I offer, which are my ability and twenty years' successful expe rience, time-saving treatment and guarantee of cure of certain ail ments. NO MONET REQUTRHD TO COMMENCE TREATMENT. Many patients have no confidence in their doctor because he demands!, pay before a care has been effect If ea, ana snare are many wno nevsp been misinformed about their con dition, or through- unsuccessful treatment have b 000010 skeptical and think ' there Is no oure for them. 1 1 want an opportunity te treat such eases. It makes no dif ference about the flnanelal part, as I accept pay for my services as benefits are derived, when I am satisfied the patient is reliable. Health la capital at Interest I will prove my ability to cure you before asking pay for my profes slenal services. CrVamaJTrBB Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a ear or no pay for servloea I guarantee every dollar you have paid ma tor my services. My aervtoes net you nothing males I oure-your Vaiiooso Veins, Hernia, Piles, rtseula. Blooa- Poison, or aay ailment I guarantee to and no mare thaw yea at able and Offlo sour 8 a, m. te 8 p.m. DO GTOR A. G. SMITH , HO(MEss50sC ' Photo copyright BORAH SIS ROCK . AT LAME DUCKS Will Introduce Bill Barring De feated Candidates Front Federal-Jobs. (Rperlal to Th Journal.) Boise, Idaho, Sept. 2. A bill will be Introduced at the coming session of congress by Senator W. E. Borah of Idaho, having for It subject the abolish lng of the government's "lame duck" pond. The measure will provide that no defeated candidate for United 8tatea senator or representative shall be eli gible to a federal appointive office. "It Is scandalous the way these men have been given' federal positions through appointments," declared Senator Borah on his return to Boise from Washington. He declares that in the event the measure which he proposes meets with opposition to any great ex-J tent, he will ask congress to enact n law making It unlawful for any former Five Days Varicose Veins, Hernia, Blood Poison Bo Detention Brem Oooupatlon, remily or Borne. N SEVERE, OPERATIONS. MANT CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIMP-AVINO. MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AfiV iBRM AWBNT CURB. I OI VB MT WORD AND WILLCITB TOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES T H A T THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BT EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE JCBT8TONE8 TO SUC CESS. I HA V E THE BEST ANT CHAR ITT AS OVAIUN. TBH THAT EVERT STATEMENT IN THIS TRUE. ANNOUNCEMENT IS I invite no. 1 1 you te come te my of fill explain to you my Hernia. Nervous Debility. Blooa Poison. Piles, Fistula, Blader, Kidney, Proatatle and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination: tf necessary a microscopical and e h e m 1 o a 1 analysts of secretions, to deter mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true condi tion. A permanent euro Is what you want. TABIOOOB TBXBB. Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varicose veins can be cured In 'nearly all cases by earn treatment, in such a satisfaoteey way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established. Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cure a money. refund the anum (murnma). v Disregard of existing hernia has cost many lives. The smallest hernias are the most dangerous to life, because of the Increased liability to strangulation. I oure rupture tn selected cases with per fect safety and entail no suffering,- and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay ourod In one treatment. The aoeueUe of these afflictions are distressing, nervous reflexes end painful conditions. My treaty ment and success are the result of years of experience. I oure you with out pain or detention from occu pation. I give a written guaran tee to cure piles and fistula. ABB BIADTJBB AXIr- Wlth these ailments you may have more complications than are presented by any other ailing or- f ana. By my searching illumlna Ion of the bladder I determine ae curately the ailment, and by microscopical examination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition or the kidneys, thus lay ing foundations for scientific treat ment. anmvoTs dbsiuty Cerebfo Where the 'mental forces are Impaired. Spinal, ' where the spinal centers are involved. Vital, where the sympathetic nervous system and forces that govern the organs are deranged by reflex ef fects of ailments. I treat these conditions and all Weakness la duoed by nervous complications and exoesses and put you on the right track to health, restoring the conditions - essential to your nature nre aaa Happiness. urmnrui bboob boxbobt. I use a famous new Oerman spe cific for Blood Poison whloh cures completely hi ONE TREATMENT. Tola wonderful remedy is far aheaa of old style mloerel treatments. Call ana let me explain It to you. to oare certain ailments er refund ear. My terms are re abl wUltaeT to pay tor benefits. , ; Suaday. 14 a. m. to I p, m, .;., VOZABB, OS. by J. W. Stephenson, Bend. Or. member of the senate or house of repf resentatlves to hold an appointive of flee created while he was a member of congress. Such a law, he believes, . would meet with little effective oppo? sitlon. Senator Borah predicts that the reso lution providing for the submission 6t a constitutional amendment for tha election of United States ' senator bjr direct vote of the people will be passed by both branches of congress at tha next session without the Brlstow amend ment giving the government control o senatorial elections. Till DR. GREEN METHOD XX ABB CERTAIN CURE we our Quickly and m nontly all curable oases of TAB XOOSB VBX88 without severe surgical operations i UXETHJtAI, OBSTBVOTIOITS without cutting or burning: SPECIFIC BZ.OOD FOI SOB without Injurious drugs; (SOS skilfully administered If preferred); JTEBVO-VITAL TJBBIUTT with out stimulative remedies; PROS TATIC, BLADDIB and KIDNEY troubles! COBTBAOTED disorders; PILES and all KECTAX. ailments of men. ' YOUR PROTECTION Our offer PAY" WHEN SATIS FIED Is your ab solute protection. Consultati on, examination and diagnosis free. What you want is a cure. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly real ise how simple a thing it is to get well in the hands of a specialist who- knows, his business. Our cures add nots-aa- ly years to life, but life 1 to year. Office hours dally 9 to 5. Evenings I 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. sea Washington Bt, Bortlaad, Or. I Cure Men $10 IS MY FEE ray Whoa On red. General D abil ity, weak Berves, Insomnia Results of exposure, overwork and other vio lations of Banwro's laws. Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Tattoos veins, q.aioxiy aaa permanently cured at small expense. 8 FECIAL AILXEUT Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and inflamma tion stopped In 24 hours. ; Cures' ef fected in seven daya Consultation free. If unable to call, write fur list of questions. Office hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundavs. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIPIO COAST icbdioax. cov B84Vi Washington St, Oor. rtrst. Portland, Oregon COB BTXI.T XCB TBEB I cure to stay cured where others fail. I am known as the specialist of last re sort . the man of trustworthy charac ter and unerring knowledge. I cure Hiooa Aliments, Nervous Decline. Varicose Vlns. Hy drocele, Obstructions. flies, rcupiuro. Kid ney, Bladder, Pros tatic and all ail ments peculiar to men ways free. Consultation al- Dr. Lindsay The Old Sellable Bpectallst. Corner Alder and Second streets. En-' trance 1284 Second street, Portland, Or. Of flee hours 9 A.iM. to I P. M.: Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. CHICHESTER'S PILLS l4tt Ak year SnnlMtf i fllU l mmiX bM. mM rlta Uliw RibO, lAMONB aaANU PILlX lisij yeinkaOTraHBnt.StlHI.AImytKtllalPie ?r SGUI BY DWJCCISTS EVlfli( K3. FOR ! WOMEN "ONLY" Dr. Sanderson s uo in pounds Savin and Cotton Ruot Plil. The best and only ' reliable . remedy for DELAYED PlbHI- ODS. Cure tbe most obatlnste cases la 8 to 18 daya Pr!-e 81 per box, or in roe nones 10.00. 1 avid or druggist - everywhere. Address T. J. PIERCE.- Room t 14114 Murrlson U Portland Or. . " laLw v ' swioo,of omli. u4 4 mm. I I I If ita. CMNipMM IMM ' ' u,m i)m,i, i M.nf ' FrCPtF er f ta . SMf ee ' Wo da en 4 Sir thirty tmis Uk HrHM urn Te look mmut 4 mrt bui ttw iwiii ihn. (. . WhenOthersFail A If out a prescription like this but i send tt entirely free - . ietettie a. BmMM bv rfcu4. ttm .r -fit- v"Vf" TJ . ' , mm