The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 47, Image 47

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Lditcd by Mrs. Sarah X. Lvam
k tiBANY wu the first the' past
A week to extend the courtesy of
l Its year-book to this department.
XTL n a club, too, that we regret
to say, 'Is not a member of the
state federation. It is too fine a club,
however, to remain out of the state
family , long, and let us hope It will
come in In time to send a delegation to
Rosebura. We refer to. f'The Modern
Travelers," which was founded In 1898,
therefore, one of the oldest clubs In the
state. ,
The club opens September .16, with
Mrs. Winn as hostess. The program
will be "The Catacombs." by Mrs. Mary
Ralston, with a roll call response of
-vacation incidents. September 80, Mrs,
Elisabeth Merrill will be hostess with a
paper on "What Is the Woman Ques
tion," by Mrs. Alzlna Martin, and "The
American Woman in Literature," by
Mrs. Viola P. Franklin.
October 14, Mrs. Martin will be hos
tess and the papers will be given by
Mrs. Hettle Hamilton and Mrs. Lulu
Hewitt, with the respective subjects:
"Early Sculptors" (Donatello Ghllbertt.
.etc), and "Some Famous Queens"
(Queen Margherlta, etc.) October 23,
Mrs. Julia Holman will talk on "True
Clvio Improvement" and Mrs. Emma
Bouley will tell about "The Brownings
in; Italy." Mrs. Emma Geselbracht,will
be hostess. Mrs. Julia Holman will
entertain the club on November H.
Mrs. Naomi Young will read a paper on
"Rise and Fall of the Political Powers
of the Pope," and Mrs. Helen Dlckover
will discuss "Modern Japan." Decem
ber 2, Mrs. Leta IrVln will be hostess.
Miss Elisabeth Merrill will talk .on
"Rome as a Lawgiver" (the Justinian
Code), and Mrs. Addle Anderson will
recount "Rome as a Military Power
(Notable Roman Wars). "History of
the Roman Church," will be given on
December 16. by Mrs. Irvln, and on the
same date Mrs. Ruth Crooks will talk
on "The Needs of Greater Simplicity In
Our Living," with Mrs. Barbara Bain
as hostess. Christmas quotations will
be given In response to roll- call. Jan
uary 6. MrB. Crooks will act as hostess
when two papers will be given, "His
tory of American Sculpture," and "Amer
ican Masters of Painting," by Mrs. Mer
rill and Mrs. Winn, respectively. Jan
uary 20 promises to be an unusually In
teresting date when a discussion will be
held upon the following:
"Resolved, That the woman of today
Is an Improvement on her foremothers."
Mrs. Stella Littler will lead the affirma
tive and Mrs. Bain the negative. Mrs.
Cora Stewart' will be hostess, and It
Is supposed a vote of the club will de
termine the merits of the argument.
February S Miss Elizabeth Irvine, act
ing as hostess, Mrs. Charity Hawkins
will discuss KJalllleo and the Scientists,"
and Mrs. Jessie Welder. "Effects of
Civilisation on Health." February 17.
"Jane Addams. and Hull House," will
be the subject of a talk by Mrs. Hen
rietta Brown, and Mrs. Alice Cocker
line will discuss the "Causes of Italy's
Decline." March 2, Miss Irvine will
present "Russian Novelists." and Mrs.
Weltha Sox will take "Russia of To
day." Miss Lucy Gard will act as hos
tess. ' Mrs. Addle. Anderson will enter
tain the club on March 16, and Mrs.
Daley Bryant and Mrs. Maria Elliott
will discuss the following topics, re
spectively: "Modern American Novels
and Novelists," "Morals and Manners
in the Public Schools; How Should They
Be Taught?" April S Mrs. Hamilton
Will be' hostess, "The Jew .In the Twen
tieth Century" will be given by Mrs.
Stewart, and "Life In Germany." by
Mrs. Emma Geselbracht. Mrs. Elliott
will be hostess on April 20, when Miss
Gard will read a paper on "Recent It
alien Literature." and Mrs. Annelle
Weatherford will discuss. "Recent Fic
tion, Magazine Stories and Poetry."
The closing meeting will be held with
Mrs. Reider, when Mrs. Irvine will dis
cuss "Modern Problems," and Mrs.
Cooper will talk on "Conspicuous Fig
ures of Today."
The business meeting Is held Friday.
Although the membership Is limited,
by constitution, to SO members, the club
has enrolled 32 regular and two sub
stitute membra, with the folowlng of
ficers: President, Mrs. Chloe Winn;
vice president, Mrs. Emma Bouley; sec
retary, Mrs. Jessie Welder; treasurer,
Mrs. Helen Dlckover.
st t l
CORA M. DAVIS, of Union, Or., was
recently elected, at Rochester, N.
Y., national president Women's Re
lief corn.
It Is a trite, though true, saying that
Is verified every day, that "This Is
woman's era." Organizations for every
known object under the sun, composed
of women, are constantly foVmlng.
While all In a sense are patriotic, as
they deal with the problems which go
to make the home and the world better,
none teaches patriotism as directly as
the order of which Mrs Davis has been
chosen leader.
As early as 1870 the records of the
Grand Army of the Republic show the
work of woman In connection with the
charity work of that order. In the fol
lowing years many small leagues were
established, all working for the good
of the soldier. In 1883 a call was Is
sued Inviting all Indies interested to
meet at Denver, Colo., and form a na
tional organisation. At this conven
tion 16 states were represented and 26
different branches. These all voted to
unite as a Woman's National Relief
Corps. Thus upon July 26 that year
the order was recognized as Its auxili
ary by the G. A. R. and today It stands
the most glorious charitable organiza
tion In the land, embracing all national
ities, all religions.
Beginning with only $45 in the treas
ury it now has many thousands, and
spends large amounts every year aiding
the aged comrade who fought for his
country during the Civil war. Thirty
five states In the Union pay tribute
through their departments to the na
tional while 12 states, mostly In the
south, having no state organizations,
are what are called detached corps1 and
are controlled directly by the national.
In addition to the labor of caring for
the "old soldier" and his family, is that
of teaching patriotism to the younger
generation, and Incidentally to their
parents also. It la through this order
that the United States flag waves over
the school houses from Maine to Oregon.
The National W. R. C. last year trans
ferred to the United States government
the Andersonvllle. prison park. The hat-
. - i - s 1
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Mrs. Cora M. Davis.
Save Your Teeth
Do not think because your teeth are'
" getting' lpose that you cannot save them
or that It is necessary to suffer with
: long and painful treatment.
When the teeth are loose and seni
tlve, and- the, gums 'recede and bleed,
i ret a 60c bottle pf.' Call's' Antl-Rlggs
i front Owl Drug Co. .This Is a scientific
treatment, and Ms .recoil mended tby
leading dentists and professional ' peo
v pie. '.Sold under '-absolute guarantee of
i satisfaction 'or' money back.t Begin? Us
use today ahd ' save your ' teeth, sound
i. and firm for a lifetime. ' Call's- Antl-
Rlgffs gives quick- relief In the - sore
--mouth caused by new plate .. -., .
lowed spot where thousands suffered
and died, had been purchased and made
Into a magnificent park; preserving
meanwhile all the old landmarks.
Mrs. Davis, the head of the organiza
tion, is a native of Michigan, where
she received her education, but has
been for a number of years a resident
of Oregon. Her qualifications for, this
position are of the strongest. A nat
ural leader, she Is a woman of broad
sympathies and great dignity of char
acter. Ehe has been connected with several
other orders, among them the Pythian
Sisters, where she has held the highest
office. The department of Oregon, both
that of the Grand Army and the Wo
man's Relief Corps, feel Justly proud
that the national honors should come
to this state.
Dept. Secretary. 1910 and 1911.
R It K
IT appears that domestic science Is
rapidly becoming a most interesting
study for many Intelligent women.
While women's clubs take an Increas
ing Interest In the broader sort of house
keeping known as good government, yet
this activity instead of making women
Indifferent to the home, .really stimu
lates their interest In household eco
nomics. Housekeeping loses much of its as
pect of drudgery when every branch of
It becomes a matter for scientific
study, and it Is recognized as a perma
nent occupation. As women learn some
thing of the ways of men at work, they
reirllze that the business man or the
public official,. performs a vast amount
of dally routine drudgery which is not
a whit more Interesting than washing
dishes or cooking.
Men, however, are trained froro early
youth .to habits of systematic Industry
In business. They learn to take the
routine as a matter of course.
Women are apt to think that the of
fice boy, the clerk and the stenographer
do all the drudgery and leave the busi
ness man free. If a man's business Is
prosperous enough, he may get rid of
considerable routine jkhrough assistants
and use his time for more Important
affairs: but he has to meet the problem
of Incompetency In help, as well as
the housekecpor.
If It Is extremely vexing to have your
cook leave, for higher wages after you
have spent months training her, It Is
also harassing to your husband when
his stenographer concludes to marry
Just after she has become familiar with
the routine and acquired some speed.
The business man wastes no time In
bemoaning the situation. He gets the
'best help he can afford and does the
rest of the work himself. Women
might be happier If they applied a sim
ilar philosophy to the household.
If a trained and competent housewife
cannot get good help, she had better ad
just her domestic menage to what she
can get and do the rest herself.
With the scientific interest in sani
tation and cooking to add some mental
stimulus to the task, many women of
moderate means are doing their own
housework successfully.
There Is always the laundress and the
day worker to help with the heavier
tasks. - If a woman's circumstances are
such she can afford the trained nurse,
housekeeper and governess, she, like
the prosperous business man, may se
cure freedom from routine and turn her
mind to the larger Interests which af
fect the home.
Domestic science Is most valuable be
cause It Is teaching women to take up
their profeslon of homo making as a
serious and permanent business and one
well worth a lifetime of work. "Amer
lean Club Woman."
0NK of the most important, and cer
tainly one of the most Interesting
departments of the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union Is that of the
department of labor, It could well be
called the department of social service,
as It covers the same ground that Is
covered by the national social servlr-e
work. It has been especially active this
year. Mrs. Mae Whitman of Califor
nia, is the national superintendent and
Mrs. Lucia Faxon Addlton has been the
national lecturer for many years and
has written the larger part of the liter
ature of the department. " A circular of
Instructions written by Mrs. Addlton
and sent out by the national superln-
tenaent, is an educator In Itself, and
shows the far reaching possibilities of
this line of philanthropic work.
It starts out with a plea for Dledges
against shopping Saturday afternoon
and evening and the week preceding
nonoays; it urges study clubs, that wo
men may be intelligent on every -phase
of social Industrial questions, It plans
for publication and distribution of lit
erature covering every possible phase
Ot the great social reform. It alms to
keep In close touch with current press
news. It ssys: "Read study them, then
cull the facts obtained, clothe them In
our most persuasive, convincing drap
ery ' of thought and so reach masses
high and low." The department Is ac
tive In social legislation, having been
a prominent factor in many legislative
enactments for the benefit of the great
wage earning fraternity. It works for
domestic science and makes efforts for
the benefit of' household helpers, social
secretary work as a new profession, a
social visitor who shall work among the
neglected and submerged classes, rest
rooms, , social -centers, . playgrounds for
children, social .settlement work, co
operation with the juvenile oourtwork
with anti-child "labor,' and ' Consumers'
league AH this and even more Is
pushed forward by this section of W,
C. Tv . tj. , work. Here In Oregon the
stats ." department this .year wast for-
Fancu Dress Ball at Newport Ends at Early Hour Sunday Morning
Newport, Sept.' S, The fancy dress
ball given by Mr and Mrs. Le6nard
M. Thomas last , Saturday .night has
been declared the greatest :event. of, its
kind that, has taken place In Newport
In ten years and in today, and will, be
for many days to 'come., the main topic
of conversation In social, clrclem .
The? ball, was attended by 300 of the
most prominent , hosts and hostesses of"
the famous summer resort, and; all
were costumed. ' The finale of tha ball
was t a parade ' Sunday morning, at 6
o'clock over the golf links..' . ''
The hour set' for the guests to leave
was -o'clock, but at. the time designated-
the dancers were hftvtnjj such a
glorious time that the ball was -continued.:
Then the exhausted crowd fell
awa'yln small parties until the Sabbath
daylight broke and with about 100
guests left the .paradfe was organised.
It was a grand parade of the persons
who had made the greatest hit at the
ball. Mr. Thomas was the. toreador
and Mrs. Thomas was dressed as Du
Barry. The procession was led by
Moncure Robertson,' made up as an In
dian chief, doing a war dance. Follow
ing came the band of 20 pieces that
had' supplied the muslo for the ball.
There followed' Spanish 'dancing; girls,
toreadors; Salomes, gypsies, sailors,
characters In fiction, pirates, - dower
girls and others.
After marching until every one was
tired the band was called on to play
"Auld Lang Syne" and the guests start
ed home. Before reaching their destin
ation, however, , many of the guests
who. had gone home early were seren
aded routed out of bed and compelled
to like the Innovation.
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Mrs. Leonard M. Thomas and sketch of parade,
tunate In securing for Its superintend
ent Mrs. Maude Baker Watklns tf
Marshfleld, who brings -to vthe work a
seal and enthusiasm that Insures suc
cess. Her circular letters sent out to ev
ery quarter of the state should Inspire
the workers and set In motion much ac
tivity that will be telling In good re
sults. Mrs. Watklns is a new woman In the
work and Is an acquisition that the
cause of womanhood 'may well be proud
Multnomah county "will hold Its twen
tieth annuRl meeting September 19 and
20, In the Hawthorne J'resbvterian
church. East Twelfth ' street, opening
promptly at 10 o'clock and closing the
evening of the twentieth: A program
of Interest and value Is being prepared
and beside the usual reports of work
done, there will be addresses on vital
topics, good, music, and a good live
meeting Is promised. All sessions are
Mount Scott W. C. T. U. Is working
for a water fountain to be placed at
the four corners at Lents, Foster road
and Main street, and Is active In many
lines, especially flower mission labor,
literature and health.
GIVE the women of California a
square deal. They want the bal
lot. Why?
Because those who obey laws should
have something to eay as to their mak
ing. Because those who pay taxes to sup
port government should be represented
In the government.
Because those who have charge of
the home and the children must be able
to protect them.
Becatlse 6.000,000 working women
need It for their protection.
Women have ftM suffrage in Aus
tralia, New Zealand, Norway, Finland,
Zurich (Switzerland), Portugal, Iceland,
the Isle of Man, Tasmania.
Women .have municipal suffrage In
England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Can
ada, Natal (South Afrlca), British Hon
duras, Denmark. Sweden and Kansas
(U. ,3. A.).
Women have full suffrage In Wy
oming, Utah, Colorado, Idaho and
Why not In California? Woman's
Journal. '
For the 'same reasons, why not Or
THE directors- of the local biennial
board of the General Federation
of Women's Clubs had Its first
meeting Thursday In the ballroom- of
the Palace hotel. Nineteen committees,
Including entertainment - transportation,
publicity and promotion, were appointed,-
The biennial convention will be held
In San Francisco for 10 days, begln
nlnf June 26, 1912, and Is expected to
bring to Pan Francisco more than 2600
women. The meeting Thursday was
presided over by Mrs. E. G. Dennlston.
Ithica, N. Y., Sept. 2. In excellent
health and Bplrlts, Mrs. Sarah Harty,
of this city, has celebrated her 96th
birthday. One of the features of the
day to her was the fact that she had
completed reading the Bible .through for
the 26th time. For 40 years she has
been a Btanch member of the State
Street Methodist Episcopal church and
herrgreatest pleasure has been to read
the Bible In this church.
Mrs. Harty came here from New Jer
sey when she was two years old. She
lived on a farm In Lansing until 18
years ago, when she came to this city.
She Is the sole survivor of a family
of eight, and has also outlived her
husband and two sons. No Immediate
relatives of hers are yet alive. Mrs.
Harty's eyesight and hearing and men
tality are unimpaired.
Tin Mines In Bolivia.
Tin mines In Bolivia that have been
worked for more than three centuries
have reached a depth of 2300 feet and
the richness of the ore Increases as
the workings descend.
-. d.i v-f ' " ' - ')' "V-'-;.. ."(.''''jV'' V- ")-'"
Magnificent New Hotel Will Open Doors
to Public Sept. 10 Reservations
Now Being Made.
- -H. Vt.h
The New Carlton Hotel, located at
Fourteenth and Washington streets, Is
now receiving the finishing touches
from the architects and decorators, and
will be ready for the reception of
guests on the 10th of the present
month. In fact, reservations are al
ready being made, and from present
indications the new hotel will show a
good register before the close of Sep
tember. Workmen are busy night and
day closing the various details oft work.
Thd furniture is now Installed, and a
number of rooms have already been
engaged. The grill will open the 15th
of September.
The Carlton la one of the new type
of hotels that combines every modern
detail in construction and .. equipment.
It Is a class A, fireproof structure of
steel and concrete. It contains eight
stories and has over 200 rooms, nearly
all of which have private baths. Fac
ing on Washington, Burnslde and Four
teenth streets, every room has outside
light and sunshine. The upper rooms
command a magnificent view of Port
land Heights, Mount Hood and the
beautiful Cascade Mountain range. The
location of the hotel la one of the beat
that could have been chosen In the city
of Portland.
It Is the purpose of the Carlton Hotel
company, of which Mr. Gus C. Larm
Is the manager, to make the Carlton
the "Rltz-Carlton of the northwest."
In other words, the Carlton will be to
Portland and the northwest what the
Rltz-Carlton is to New York city. It
will be unsurpassed for cuisine and
service. Mr. Larm, the manager. Is one
of the best known hotel men In Ameri
ca His training was received in Chi
cago, and a few years ago, when Tom
Taggart, proprietor of the French Lick
Springs hotel, at French Lick Springs,
Indiana, went to Chicago, looking for
"the best hotel man In the city," Mr.
Larm was pointed out to him, and he
was engaged as assistant manager for
the famous politician.
The draperies in both the publlo
rooms and guest rooms are Imported
and of exclusive design. This work has
been carried out under the direction
of C. Passtl, a noted French artist, who
was engaged for art work at the Paris
exposition and nearly every world's
fair that has been held In the United
States for the past quarter of a cen
tury. The most modern equipment has been
Installed In every department. Every
known appliance to avoid noise and
vibration has been worked Into the
general plan. , An Amerioan vacuum
cleaning system to clean and sterilise
the rooms dally Is another important
High-class service In the dining
rooms, of which there are five, has
Ous C. Larm, manager of aew Hotel
been one of the chief alms of the build
ers of the Carlton. A complete venti
lating system which filters the air and
reduces the temperature to mean de--grees
is In perfect order. This is dona
by the aid of a new Invention known
as the electrloal thermostat, which
filters the air and ' extracts all Im
purities. The dining-room silver has
been designed by special orders from
the Carlton Hotel company. Mr. Larm,
the manager, promises the Portland
public one of the most delightful din
ing places In the city.
The lobby is one of the attractive
features of the New Carlton. It covers
almost an entire block and faces three
streets. The furnishings consist of
leather-covered . chairs. . plUar seats,
decorated - In . harmony - with. - delicately"
tinted walls, and blending In complete
harmony. .
The rates of the new-hotel will be
surprisingly ' reasonable.. A UmitedV
number of permanent guests will' be
taken for the winter-and reservations
are now being made through Mr. Ou
C. Larm. the manager. .'
na A iiHrLB homjs x.otxoit.
Instant relief for all kinds of sum
mer skin - trouble Is found in that sim
ple wash D. ,D. D. Prescription - for
Enema. Get a 26c trial bottle ' today
arid prove for yourself the merits of
this wonderful . prescription. We al
ways recommend it for- Summer Itch.
Skldmore Drug Co.
Races All This Week at the Centennial
$ 1 2,000 In Cash Prizes Opens Tomorrow
"Bridge of the Gods" :
will be given Monday, Tuesday and Friday nights.
... ,
Labor Day Special
"Bridge of Gods" train leaves Portland Monday 8 A. M.
, Returning leaves Astoria 1 1 :30 P. M, $2.00 round trip.
Big Marine Parade Wed. Night Spectacular Historical Parade Thurs. Night
Teachers Institute Convention SepL 5, 6 and 7
Finlanders in National Costumes and Floats, Parade 3000 Strong Sat. 2:30 P.M.
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin,
Labor ' Day. Opening Pacific
Coast Regattai
- -
Eastern Oregon, Pendleton,
Baker City Day.
Second Day Pacific Coast Re
North Dakota, South Dakota,
Kansas, Wyoming, Nebraska,
Iowa Day.
Third Day Pacific Coast Regatta.
British Columbian, Vancouver,
Victoria Day.
Fourth Day Pacific Coast 'Re-,
gatta. .
Michigan, Minnesota Day.
Fifth Day Pacific Coast Regatta;.'
Alaska, Hawaii, Porto : Rico, Fin
nish Day.
Closing. D'ayf. Pacific Coast Re-
gatta. ana Centennial' Celebration i
:This ;Is;:the;;Fipal Veek-Be'Su