E&ON ; SUNDAY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4 THE OR 3, mi: "A XCIENT, Curious and Famous TVllls." by Yci-kII M. Harris. To come upon something abso lutely new and unique In lit erature Is like discovering' a pearl of great price, and this is -what one does in Mr. Harris' work. Others may wonder (when their attention is cnlied to it), as the writer says he often did. why ur.h a collection hs . never been made before. Perhaps for the same reason tli.it human iixture, as a rule, tufhs from the very thought of . a will, and it would require a man of Mr. Harris' broad experience in this branch of Jurisprudence to realize anjl appreciate how milch of human Inter est, the Ktufly of character and the pas plons of man are stored up In the.wills they make. Nor can one have any con ception of their compelling. lntoreet till they peruse this book the first coi lection of ancient, curious and famous wills ever made. To fully appreciate the work one must first know, that the author Is eminent-J Jjr qualified to, write upon the subject and to judge what constitutes wills worthy of a place In such-an extra ordinary collection. On' this point the writer more than qualifies for tb,e place. He Is both a writer and lecturer of high repute 'and Is lecturer on wills in the B. Louis university. As to the material used, the author says: "The wills found In these pages have been conscientiously copied and compared: in many cases, ..they have been obtained . In places not easily accessible to the average reader, number of wills set forth have been abridged where found too voluminous In their entitetyi and in some, Instances mparts which were not of general Interest 2 have' been omitted." The work Is divided Into seven chap ters. viz.: "The' Importance of thaLast ijWlll and Testament"; This is an ad- , ; dress; recently rvenv before the Mis- court Bankers' association. It f$ a stir ' ;rlng and sometimes scathing document ,5 on the much neglected duty of making wills, and the almost criminal careless- . 3 ness In executing . them.. During - the f course of it he says: "Mr. Daniel S. jRemsen, of New York, an 'author of ihlgh repute on the preparation of wills. ay that fully fifty per cent of wills (contain some obBcurltyJor omission.! '"'With "this statement I find myself in Jfull accord. I believe that nearly half ISt ha wllla written are open to. attack Sand a large portion iof them fatally de 3ectlve.', I have never seen more, -than a doiet perfectly a drawn wills, gauged by the standards -fr perfect clearness, precision and legality"; and In hit con cluding words he says: "in short, a will ;may be; made a , man monument or his folly." ., In the remaining eix chapters Mr. Harris takes up: "Ancient Wills," Wills -in Fiction and Poetry." "Cur- t mu wins, wnicn aTe aiviaea into j. those relating t6 husbands, wives and children; animals, charity, burial, mis cellaneous.' Chapter five takes up: , "Testamentary and Kindred Miscellany," , following with "Wills of Famous For eigners" and "Wills Of Famous Amer icans." A full index completes the book. ' Hl is a book which, from the very 'ubject, will make its strongest appeal to me legal profession, but it should not, ana win not, be confined to so f- narrow a circulation, for even the read er or lightest fiction will find within its covers satisfying' romance, particu . lany, ir he recalls the love affairs of some of our noble dead. The lover of .- the ancient and antique In inscriptions ana documents will here find a much J3i alhe Most Easily Driven I of All Electrics Zt- The most -delicate woman a 12-year-SToId child can handle the largest Rauch i& Lang Electric with perfect ease. ' Tou merely push a handle forward when you want to start pull it back - CTwhen you want to stop. Pulling it back not only Fhuts off all power at once, but putH on a strong brake. The car etops almost immediately. You can use the. foot-hrake. too, if you wish, but it Isn't necessary. i The steering is nothing morn than rushing forward and pulling back on a -handle placed directly where the risrht "hand rests naturally and comfortably, tilt is very easy not in the least confus lng. After one ride you'll have absolute Xronftdenre in your own ability to drive tle ear anywhere snd everywhere. 5 We have furnished the ear lnsliie and finished It outside Just as handsomely, Cas richly and as tastefully as you would do H yourself. mi It the largest and most luxurious of Sail electrics. S Write for our new art catalogue j showing the styles and all the ad van Stages of J FRANK C.RIGGS E , Packard Service Building, m Cornell Road, 23rd and Washington Sts. a i 1 Adeline M. Alvord Oratory, Dramatio Art, Khythtnic ayxn M&astios, Philosophy of Expression and 3 Elocntlon. 311-13 TUford Building, Tenth and , k Morriaon L ill J Tlx p hit fntilcii sraasnnlM. Rtttant litixal (aaeti. Htnnlt-0ick. ter 4 Mt. MUorXmn. It nlil lm, m tml ekargM '4 tort it tanli. Uatlai i stictatl C. laarraaclica - TV Will Levington Comfort. richer field for hla fanry to hrowse upon than he did in the old graveyards where he lias moped around hoping to find a treasure under the moss covered epitaph. Even the humorist will find herein much -material to whet his ap petite upon. In fact, we can find no class of reader who would not find much with which to gratify their particular taste, and it Is inconceivable how any lawyer will feel his library complete without Mr. Harris' book. . JJttle, Brown Q& Co. Price $4.00. She Bulldeth Her House," by Wlh kev- lngtcm Comfort. It in with pleasurable anticipation one contemplates reading another book by the author of "RutlotTge Rides Alone," and when this book is fin ished the covers are closed with no feel ing of disappointment. Certain It is, however, that when the would-be reader dlBcpvers from the synopsis that It Is a "woman who sweeps into the sone" of conflict, there, la a feeling of doubt s to the author's wisdom, for "Rutledge Rides Alone" is a man's fight so de cidedly, and the woman plays bo small a part, that he wonders if there can be the same strength and power and un derstanding In the same pen . for woman's conflict of soul. Paula Llnster is a young woman llv ing In New York and dolng'revlew work for a big paper whose editor plays hi magnificent part in the story it un folds; be Is one of the biggest figures In this girl's life, and his Influence and strength supply her with much that Is best In her character. Out In the west there is an author whose book. Paula has reviewed, and letters In this con nection are exchanged, until the na ture of the writing changes to personal affairs, and later a romance 5f over whelming force is the result. The man has much to overcome and live down and he does not trust himself to see his friend until he is sure this has been accomplished, and that he is the man she believes In. She too has much to overcame in freeing' herself from certain forces and influences which draw and compel her, in spite of herself, and she does not desire yet to see this man in whose? heart she has been singing her soul's anthem. And so they wait, writ ing and thinking and working, each glorying In the other's strength, and looking forward to the time when their souls are ready to receive the other. "Isn't this an excellent world," he writes, "when the finer moments come; when we can think with gentleness of past failures of the flesh and spirit. and with Joy at the achievements of others; when we feel thnt we have pre served -a certain relish for the rich of all thought, and a pleasure in Inno-r cence; when out of pur errors and ca lam Hies we have wort a philosophy which makes serene our present voyag ing and gives us keerf eyes to discern the coast lights of the future? With lifted brow, I barken to your singing." While not delving Into the, occult and mysterious, yet this cement forms the framework of the whole story, and 'Bel- lingham, one of those despicable hyp notists, who wields such an Influence over weaker minds, and lives his life at the expense of frail, hysterical women. casts his spell over Paula Llnster who, having builded her house staunch and firm is able to combat this powerful enemy, and not only free herself but hnr weaker sisters also. The treat ruptlon of Pclee finishes the story with" climax, and with a sigh of satisfac tion the reader lays down the book feeling that Mr. Comfort can draw as strong a woman as he drew a man in "Rutledge Rides Alone." Of women, the hero of the book re marks, "Women are Interesting. They are clolng ' the thinking nowadays. They're getting there. One of these mornings man will wake ud to the fact that he's got to be born again to get In the class with his wife. Man Is mixed up too much altogether with this down town madness. Women don't want votes, public office nor first hand dollars. They want men. They haven't any Illusions about celibacy It isn't nice nor attractive, hut It s better than being- yoked to hucksters and peddlers wno come up town at night mantle cripples in empty wogans." Mr. Com fort's style of work Is classic, his vo cabulary Is extensive find his words and phrases well chosen and artistically ar ranged, maKing ins nook an Inspiring pleasure.' Hoc h a writer 1b only be ginning his work In! the second , book, and many good things should surelv follow. Uppinoott Publishing company. "The Good Old Days." by Charles W. Bell. If there is one class of beings on earth more irritating than another it Is those who tell you that "what was good- enough for their grandfathers ta good enough for them." and that are always referring to - "the good - old days." Now, -everybody knows there .nev er were such good days as the present, hut are they wholly good? Have, we Improved all along the line, and in every particular? Read Mr. Bell s book and you will at least think twice before you answer. He, however, has not made a serious matter of It, and has presented the comparison in a most clever and humor ous manner. , In the first paragraph he asks: "How would you like to return to the good bid days before the bill collector was turned loose upon an innocent, unsus pecting and unprotected public?" With that as a starter, he propounds several hundred other- similar questions, such as: "When boys spoke of their parents as 'mother' and 'father Instead of the 'old lady' and the 'governor'? . "When a policeman's olefactory or gans were so attuned that he could lo cate a game of poker in a fashionable hotel or swell club as far as he could a bunch of darkles shooting craps?" "In the good old days folks went west to grow up with the country; now they go west, for the purpose of establishing a base of operations to begin divorce proceedings." - "In the good old days a " youth was content to hitch his wagon to a star, but nowadays he wants to hook his auto to the tail of a comet." The book Is very neatly gotten up, and the illustrations are quite as ludi crous Us much of the text - A. C. Mc Clurg & Co. "Clclc Art; Studies in Town Planning, Parks, Boulevards and Open Spaces" (Scrlbner's). A volume 14 by 10 Inches, containing 350 pages and 275 drawings and photographs, reproduced in line, half-tone and 'collotype, repre sents 20 years of labor on the part of the distinguished landscape architect and lecturer on , landscape design, Thomas H. Mawson, Hon. A. R. I. B. A. The author, recently Jn this country spoke at the convention on Civic Art In Philadelphia last month, and it is expected that he will give lectures in several of the largest universities this winter. The book Is the most elaborate and by far the most exhaustive on its subject. No such account of practical informa tion relative to all the methods of beau tifying and maintaining a city has ever before been brought together. It Is divided into four sections. The first, consisting of four chapters, treats of the ideals and aesthetics; the second, consisting of eight chapters, deals -with the main practical aspects of civic art in relation to town planning; in the third section are given seven original examples of town planning, and in the last section, six examples of public parks and gardens. It covers a wide field of practical work. Illustrated by classic examples and original designs, and further to enforce the importance of street furniture and equipment, a large number of designs are lnoluded of tram and promenade shelters, band stands, clock towers and street clocks, conveniences, electric and gas standards. The practical setting out and planting of boulevards and the design of public squares and town gardens are amply dealt with, and lists of the trees end shrubs suitable for varying conditions are given. The owner of prdperty which Is ripe for development will find much to guide him in a special chap ter, which gives the results of long practice In the development of estates on a financial basis. It Is popularly believed that the ef fect of immigration In this country is to drag down the native to the level of the immigrant and to displace the native workman by a cheaper workman lower In the scale of civilization. In the second volume of "The American People, a study In national psychology, which mill be one of the Important books on Houghton Mifflin company's list this autumn, Mr. A. Maurice Low shows that the fear of Injury done by the immigrant is fallacious. . Instead of the Immigrant dragging down the native he Is the lever by which the native Is raised in the social scale. This sounds like a paradox, but the facts sustain the assertion. Instead of the immigrant competing with the native by under bidding him in the labor market, the immigrant is given work that the na tive scorns, which forces the native to seek work requiring greater ability and commanding higher remuneration. The effect of immigration, therefore, has not been to degrade the American but to stimulate him to better things. and Mr. Low, who rests his case on historical facts, shows that this has been the effect of immigration in this country since the first great Influx j-o the Irish early In the last century. 'A Weaver of Dreams," by Myrtle Reed. Almost simultaneously with the announcement of the death of this gifted author came the word that In September the Putnams would publish "A Weaver of Dreams." As her publishers say: "Like the weaver of her story. Myrtle Reed has converted the threads of real ity Into a fabric of gold. Into the pat tern have been woven life's Joy and life's grief, love, hope, disappointment and the calm steadfastness of years. There is in it the romance of youtn. It is a story of young love, iridescent n the morning light, and of love, too. that has kept warm its faith through the lonely years and awaits its fruition when the , gray shadows lengthen and deepen and the night is near at hand. There are pages of robust humor to offset the passages of delicate fancy and sentiments rich and wholesome." A popular account of naval warfare from the days of the oar-driven gallevs that fought in the Straits of Salamls to those of the steel-built armorclads that met in the battle of Tsu-shima, has been prepared by John Richard Hale, for autumn with the title "Famous Sea Fights." The progress of naval con struction and the changes In naval tactics are traced by. telling in pictur esque detail the story of a number of typical sea fights. The volume, which will be published by Little, Brown & Co., Boston, contains a chapter on the aesirucuon or uevera s fleet In the" war with Spain. Wage Increase for Boiler Makers. The bollermakers and helpers em ployed In the water bureau of the de partment of public works of the city of Philadelphia have obtained an In crease in their wages. The increase amounts to $4 per week to both the bollermakers and the helpers, besides better conditions. Lapland's only railroa it belnc trifled. Sight Restored AftEiyht Years of Mndn ft ; " 0f J'f (if Dr. and'Ms. H. L. Chapln of Clevolanu, Ohio. New York. Rent 2. t)r. H. L. Thapin of Cleveland.- Ohio, who has. fraveled in every country In the. world, and after having seen the seven natural wonders of the world, and the seven mechanical wonders of the world, .has now had the experience of being the subject for the creation of an1 eighth wonder of the world. Through a marvelous operation performed by Dr. Arnold Knapp of New York upon . the eyes of the Cleveland surgeon, sight was restored to him after eight years 6t total blindness, and Dr. Chapln enthusiastically proclaims the DOINGS IN LOCAL MUSICAL CIRCLES Luclen E. Becker will begin his se ries of monthly free organ recitals this evening at Trinity Episcopal church, Nineteenth and Everett streets. The recitals will be given every first Sun day after evening 'service at 8 o'clock and the flrBt program will con- sis of English composers exclusively: 'Spring Song" (Holllns); Gavotte Mod- erne" iLemare); Kursum Corda (Elgar); Elfentanz (Johnson); Sonata In the Style of Handel (Adagio, Allegro, Largo, Minuet) (Wolstenholme). An interesting addition to Portland's musical circles Is announced by Ma dame Uosset de Cambremont, instruc tor in French at St. Helen's hall, In the person of her daughter, Mademoi selle Marie Rosuet de Cambremant. She Is a graduate of Dr. Damrosch's school for the violin In New York, where Ed- ouard Dctler, of Paris was her instruc tor, and has also traveled in Franco and Switzerland, completing her studies on the violin and In French. She In tends to make Portland her permanent residence and will open a studio In the near future. w Mrs. Hose Coursen Reed has returned from Gearhart, where she was the guest of Mrs. Ernest Ellsworth-Smith of Kan sas City. Mrs. Smith was Miss Mary Conyers, formerly of Clatskanle, and was well known in musical circles in Oregon. w Robert B. Carson, wife -and famy, will return from isurope f riaay, accord ing to a letter received here this week. Mr. Carson Is director of the Taylor Street M. Ev church choir and tenor soloist and in his letter Issued' a call for a rehearsal of the choir next Friday evening. . 'WW A recital will bo given for the bene fit of the Maude Boot ho home next Fri day evening at Masonic Temple under the direction of Dr. Emll Enna. He will be assisted by his sifter. Miss Harriet Enna, who will sing a number of folksongs In English, Danish and German. Mrs. Alice Brown Marshall has re turned from her vacation and on Sep tember 23 will present several pupils In piano recital In her new studio In the Columbia building. The students to be presented will be Miss Gertrude Steer, Miss Nellie Saris and Miss Helen Stockton of Albany. J. A. Flnley, the new musical director "at the Centenary M. E. church, will assist. w Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer is home from her Journey to Banff and as usual opened her studio the first of Septem ber. The quartet choir at Temple Beth Israel has resumed work under the di rection of Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer with the same personnel as last year. w Oregon Conservatory of Music. All branches taught by staff of teachers, 'T EAT AT TABLE New Tofk, Sept 2. The only name In the party that Waldorf-Astoria at taches were certain of today was So phie. She was very black and wore a sumptuous diamond and ruby necklace. Sophie came in on the arm of a tall, slim, fair .young man in a white claw hammer coat, trousisrs to match and a Panama hat Before Sophie could take a seat at a table n a summer dining room, however, a waltor Informed the young man that she must be checked In the controom. "Beastly," drawled the young man as he. disappeared with Sophie toward the coatroom. It was not a race question, f,or Sophie was only a black cat. She was left with the maid, but soon had to bo transferred to other quarters. 'as four bull dogs and threo bull terriers had prevlouslyjbcen checked there -and the animal oratory that folldwed dis turbed the serenity of Peacock alley. With the fastidious young man were two women,' one elderly and the other young and haughty, both magnificently dressed. They cams In an automobile and one evidently-was his wife and the other his , mother. - Hla name 1a said to be Wllloughby. He wore , a Jeweled bracelet ' on' his left wrist and ' screwed Into his eyesoclcet PRETTY SOPH It BARRED CAN t i i IT I j-'n:):.-!-.' ' 1 7 V a) ft i f't t-H.'i1 operation the greatest surgical and sci entific wonder of the world. HVlost.hls, eyesight through the glar ing sands of the Assyrian desert, where he had gone on his inspection of the "Seven Wonders of the World.'- While traveling over the desert he disregarded all the ordinary precautions that older, more seasoned travelers. take., and would neither wear the tarnoush or the turban not even dark' glasses. Eighteen months later he became blind through an attack of lrlde syclyti's, brought about by the desert sun. was a monocle attached to a black silk 'cord. "It's very stupid to have to dine with out Sophie," said the elderly woman, but they did. QUADRUPLE LIFE BARED BY ARREST OF FARMER Meridian, Miss., Sept 2. How a man maintained four households for 18 years three in addition to-that of his legal wile, was revealed when F. L. Deason, a farmer who "lives near Col llnsvllle, was trWd In the circuit court here' today. Three of the women In the case were sisters, Cricket, Dora and Ellen Coch ran, and they were shown to be the mothers of 18 of his children, In addi tion to his five other children. ' How Deason was able to maintain these four families during the Derlod of 18 years without action having been tAken. against him does not appear from the record. When the three women and Deason faced Judge Buckley all admitted that the charges made against them were true. The women were sentenced to one day In Jail each on condition that they leave the county In 80 days. Dea son was given 60 days in Jail. An effort was made to show Deason was a Mormon, but this failed. Weds Girl Selected by Wife. Detroit Mich., Sept. 1. W. A. Hains, a business man fulfilled his wife's death bed request by marrying the girl selected by her for a successor. t MUSICAL G. TYLER-TAGLIERI, TENOR The Art of lnglnr Prom Toundatlon to Finish. Old Italian Method. Inferior Costal Breathing. High Front Tone Placement. Nasal Resonance. Mondays and Wednesdays. Studio. 607 Tllford Rid., Portland, Or. Main 3744. The -Qrk Conservatory 438 SIZra BT. Vocal. Instrumental Music. Dramatln Art and Physical Culture. Theory and Hamony taught by mall. SKAXOAJIET okaMBEBfl CLAM, fl rector. t Olga Bartsch Moreland Teacher of SlnKinjr. Voice Production. Breathing. 847 East 14th Bt Phoss East 1388 RESUME TEACHING OCT.. 11. . Vplces tested by appointment only. ONLY 28 Days To take advantage of FriedlanrJer's Removal Sale 10 to 20 Off on all Mounted Diamond Jewelry Now at 268 Washington. New location tVllcox Bldg. v i I Campaign Will Cause Divided Unionists to Get Together Solidly. 'By Philip; Everett" , i (Br the International News Sertfca.) '. "London, Sept. 2. At present even the most sturdy, Tory must admit that his party is' ln a state of terrible discord and confusion after the utter defeat of the veto bill, but In less than thres weeks the great home rulo campaign will begin and prominent Unionists assert that the ; opening of It will see the forces of Unionism a solid homo geneous body once more.- " Mr, SteeKMaitland. chief organizer of the Unionist party, who takes very optimistic -view-of the future,-says: . "Unionists, despite their differences over the last phase of the parliament dhi, win pury me hatchet and join forces In the great1 fight against dis union. Active preparations are now be Ing made on both sides for the forth coming battle, and every effort is being made to perfect both the Unionist and radical organisations. . ,'. .. Porcss .Will Combine. " . "I have not the least' hesitation In statins; that the differences between the Surrender' and j 'No Surrender" sec tions of the UnlpnlBt party will be for gotten when the time for action arrives. Tt must be remembered that the dif ference between them was one of meth od, not principles. The menace of home rule will effectively heal the split, for mat great issue comes before party or sectional dissensions. "With regard to the campaign Itself, I am afraid that it is impossible to giVB details at the moment, but you may rest assured that the party will not be behindhand when the time arrives for, the' question to be thrashed out before the country. "We are not allowing the grafs to grow under our feet, and everything Is being done to strengthen and perfect our forces. OamnaLrn ombi Aantamt oa The anti-home rule campaign will be All Books Reviewed on this Page for Sale in Our Fifth pill, ;H I'TfM III! .Nil a..l.iiiil.i '1!!1 urn '&mmi.i "The Secret Garden," by Frances Hodson Burnett, fl.35. "The Winning of Barbara Worth." Harold Bell Wright, the au thor of "The Shepherd of the Hills," fl.30. , "The Harvester," Gene Stranton Porter, author of "Freckles" and "A Girl of the Limberlost," fl.35. F. Hopkinson Smith's lateat Book, "Kennedy Square," a great romance of the old South. Don't fail to read it f l.lg. ' "The Gtory of Clementina," William J. Locke, fl.30. "Love's Pilgrimage," Upton Sinclair, at fl.35. "The Broad Highway," Jeffry Farnol, decidedly popular all over the country, ei.Jt). All That's New and Best in For Women Who Know Exceptional Special Sale of High-Grade New Fall Tailored Suits New arrivals in exclusive styles of -New Fall ulta 840. 45 RKO New Coats In exclusive Ktylea f rora . . I ..;825 to S4lt New Waists in silk, chiffon, Voiles, Nets and HandXInen. with beau ttful sida effects from 5 to gaOand everything new In neckwear And we guarantee that you will find our Drtces .fully One Quarts less than any other store In the olty. ' M find our prices fully One Quarter less than any other store in the city. . gourmy ainna au imwi, New Location,-145 v Seventh 'A'iW GftAAfDJLBADEAA the fealure of; the autumn political iea son, to be opened at Belfast, Septem ber U, t. ;,:; ;;;'v; -f V'-?- On that day Sir Edward Carsani M. P., chairman of the Irish Unionist Parlia mentary , party, and . vioe president of the Unionist council, will address a ' mass meeting at Belfast All the Ulster members are expected' to' be present' ? On the following Monday, 'the council of the party will meet to discuss the plana of campaign which 1s to be or ganised not only in Ireland, but alsd In England. . ' ;-';.;, ', .' v in ireiimu ii win, or course, iaae tne form of preparations to deal with home , U.U V. J 1 1 V. H 1 . 11.11 1 II .11 r. . . 1 L 111 , iana it, wiu pe carried on py pontics piupagaiiua. - , ; . .Even at the present time 'a certain amount of political work Is being under taken by anti-home rule speakers; Their , efforts are, being specially concentrated on "doubtful" constituencies. , , Immovable radical aeata are to be left alone, as are also those pronouncedly Chinese Sailors and JTiremen. There, Is a' growing disposition on tbV part of ship owners in various parts of tne world to employ. jchlnese crews. Chinese sailors and firemen receive about 6 or 7 in gold a month, and stewards $5 to $7. while .the average wage paid to other nationalities reaches about 45 In gold a month. Wrinkleless Skin Now Easy to Have i (From Family Physician.) "" There Is no excuse for any woman having wrinkles now. It has been found that a simple mixture of saxolite anJ witch haael has a remarkable .action upon the- deepest wrinkles, no matter what their nature, whether caused by worry, habitual frowning, a debilitated condition 'or the ravages pf Father Time. This harmless remedy,' which anyone can easily make, obtaining the lngre- QieniB at any urug eiure, wcim uuin um anv s astringent and a tonic The combined J effect of tightening the sk n and X heightening Its vitality Is to immediate ly affect every line and wrinkle, keeping the cuticle smooth and firm as in youth. The proportions are one ounce saxo lite (powdered) to one half pint witch hazel. The solution should be used as a wash lotion. It Is equally effective In disnoslne of flabblnesa of cheek And neck, as well as sagging below the eye. Floor Book Store Popular Books of the Day ! A story is no sooner published in book form than it's here in our Fifth-Floor Book Store. 'Phone today for your copy of, the new books. And remember, too, we're al ways glad to give you information regard ing any book whether old or new! Here s a partial list of popular Fiction of the day stories well worth reading: Our 5th Floor Book Store Man-Tailored Ladies' Suits I'nequaled in Elegance of Style Unexcelled In Superior Tailoring Unsurpassed In. Honest Values Actually Worth rth$25 $38.50 for . You want to see these man made, perfectly ' tailored gar ments, made by New York's best tailors. Every desirable new Fall 1911 fabric rich blue serges, hand some mannish mixtures. 1 This Fall's models snappy 28-inch coats, lined with guaran teed bKinner satin skirts in the newest kilted effects, with panej oacK ana iront and cleat on sides. Suits with the touch of thi. tailor in every line typical .$38.50 and $40.00 gar-j?Or ..ments. Special price.... whiuim mrohaslns; Xo. t St., Bet. Morrison and Alder1 ... 1 X