The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 45, Image 45

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Continued From Preceding Page.)
Iteasoner., Lieutenant and Mrt. - C. C
McCornack, Major and Mra. H.: W. C
' bWl. i.MaJor and Mrs. C. H, Martin,
" Chaplain and Mrs. R. B. Of fiey. Captain
.' and Mra. E, A. Stuart, Captain and lira.
t-J.- F. Thomas and Mr. White, Captain
and' Mrs. W. F. Jones, . Captain and Mra.
E. C. Carey, Captain and Mra. Herchel
Tupea, Captain. H. W. BUtner, Captain
L. Gulgard, Captain L. w. Jordan
Jr., Captain and Mra. Alfred Aloe and
Mra. Wright, Captain o. Townsena.
Captain and Mra. K. H. Yule, Captain
K H. Dent and Miss Dent. First Lieu
tenant and Mra. B. O. Puttencuttor
and Mra. Baker, Firat Lieutenant A. H.
Bishop, Fir et Lieutenant, and Mra.
Fales and -Eugene W. Fales, Firat Lieu
tenant and Mra. F. W. Jewett, 'First
Lieutenant and Mrs. H. A. Wells, met
Lieutenant F. C. Burnett, Firat Lieu-
tenant and -Mrs. ' S. A. Campbell and
Mias Qunter, First Lieutenant and Mr.
O. W. Harris, First Lieutenant and
, Mrs. H. 8 Malone, First Lieutenant
and Mrs. W. F. Morrison. First Lieuten
ant J. K. Starkey, 'Firat Lieutenant
L. I. Samuelson, First Lieutenant Scott
Baker, Second Lieutenant T. C. Spen
cer, Second Lieutenant F. I Whitley,
Second Lieutenant C. W. Harlow, Sec
ond Lieutenant J. A. Ill So, fcecond Lieu
tenant and Mrs. J. M. True, Second
Lieutenant W. E. PTidg-sn, Second Lieu
tenant J. C. . Hatle, Second Lieutenant
Robert Sears, Mrs. Sears and Miss
Sears, Veterinarian and Mra. Frederick
Mra. Charles L. Boaa complimented
Miss Frances Warren, a bride elect,
with a handkerchief ..shower on Tues
day. Mlsa Irene Osborne, Mra. Charles
.A. Eastman's guest from St. Louis, al
so shared honors- for the afternoon.
About 80 guests were present and 600
was the diversion of the afternoon,
with prises going to Mrs. Bennett
Fleckensteln and Mra. Edward T. Boot
Miss Lulu Hathaway assisted the host-
ess and during the afternoon Miss War-
ren ana ner eiover, mre. n i iiuan ouu,
delighted their friends with many beau
tiful musical selections, both Instru
mental and vocal. Mrs. Bobs followed
her usual custom and made the rooms
beautiful with a profusion of red. car
nations. The guest list Included Mrs.
Jesse Warren, Mrs. Ralph Nlckum. Mrs.
John B. Frem. Mrs. Benjamin F. Weav
er, Mrs. Daniel J. Haynes, Mrs. Koa Er.
vln, Mrs. Charles Eastman, Mrs. Ed
mund B. Gase, Mrs. Bert M. Denison,
Mra. Roy Thompson. Mrs. Bennett
Fleckensteln, Mrs. William McBrlde,
Mrs. Francis Waring, Mrs. George East
man, Mrs. Leon Peters, Mrs. William
C. Peer, Mrs. John Hanrahan, Mra. L
A.- West. Jr.. Mrs. Henry Von Groen
wald. Mrs. Edward R. Root. Mrs. R. E.
Menefee, Mrs. Henry Foster, Mrs.
Frank Matter, Mrs. N. M. Dean, Miss
Bertha Sample, Miss Brooks, guest of
Mrs. George Eastman and Mlsa Lulu
Balrd Hathaway.
Mrs. Frank Kelsey and sons, Robert
and Curtis, 'with Mrs. Alice Welster,
returned Wednesday from an exhilarat
ing three weeks spent on the coast,
where Mrs. Welster went to select the
site for the Psychology club house to
be built at Nehalem. The party went
by stage ' from Seaside to Arch Cape,
and then on foot over the mall trail
to Nehalem, crossing en route Is'e-Kah-Nee
mountain to Classic Ridge farm
house, where they were domiciled. TJiei
club house la to be built in a beauti
ful pine woods back from the ocean
and is to be run on the cooperative
. w w'
The following party, consisting -of
Mrs. James E. Davidson, Mlsa Ella
Campbell, Mlsa Mabel Beck, C. H. Norr-
Hne, H. M.-Kerron and Joseph P. CrOnin, i
returned xnursaay rrom a weea a norse
rho has re
turned to her eastern home.
Miss Esther evltt,
Mrs. J. N. Teal and Miss Ruth Teal
returned Sunday from an Interesting
sojourn In California. On September 20
Mrs. Teal will take Mlsa Ruth to New
York to place her in Miss Spence's fin
ishing school. Mrs. Teal will spend the
month of October In Washington where
she will probably be Joined by Mr. Teal.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. M. Jamison and
family and Mrs. C. N. Yager and daugh
ter are home from three weeka delight
fully spent at Gearhart. where they -had
the "Hermitage," one of the G. A. Long
Mlsa Stella Wolf has returned to her
home after a, delightful visit of a week
with Miss Minnie Flelschner at Sea
side. Miss- Flelschner has as her guest
at present Miss Helen Simon.
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Pangle and
little daughter have given up their
Portland Helghta home for the winter
and removed to the Norton, Twelfth
and Morrison streets.
H. Whlpp, accompanied by his broth
er Lawrence Whlpp of Denver, went
down to Gearhart Friday to spend the
week end. Mr. Whlpp ia an organlat
of note in Denver.
back trrp. After breakfast at the Hunt" "r" r.n ii.hVi3 . -club
they rode to William Albee's ranch " ' Brli S?'"!8: 'tV.
at Dilley. where they were received ,
Lieutenant " Haason says the troops
which number about 10.600 and are scat.
tared on the Mexican border from Gar
veston to South - California, will un
doubtedly. be removed after the fall
election, about October is.
Mrs. Jones gave a card party Wednes
day afternoon in honor of Mra. Stewart,
who is Mrs. Yule's guest Four tables
were arranged for cards and later in
the afternoon all tha women of the gar
rison were invited for tea. ' The rooms
were beautifully decorated, the prevail'
lng color being pink.
Lieutenant Rucker will not go to Fort
Riley as expected, but will be retained
In the garrison.
Captain Van Deusen is moving his
family from their present quarters Into
the Cabell quarters.
Lieutenant Beatle, who has Just been
graduated from West Point, has been
appointed to the 8econd field artillery
to report the 13th of September,
Hasel BlackneyV a ' Dlx sister of the
bride,' sang "My Love Is Like a Red,
Red Rose," accompanied by Miss Mar
guerite Rankin, . The wedding " march
was played by Miss Gladys . Morgan.
Autumn colors predominated In the deo
oratlons of the rooms,', masses of yin
maple with asters of soft sh'adea being
used throughout . A delightful feature
of ,the evening was the i reception 6n
the lawn, after the wedding, where .the
roses and sweet peas formed a very at
tractive 'setting.: Festoons of Oregon
wild grape were used to decorate the
tables and the electrio lights. - Punch
was served by Miss Alberta CaVender
and Miss Naomi Wlest. 'The bride was
charming in her wedding gown of white
silk ' marquisette over whit satin,
trimmed with old Irish lace and pearls.
She wore a highly prised gift from the
groom's mother In the form of a very
old necklace of carved beads. She was
attended by her sister. Miss Anne Mor
row, who looked very sweet in a gown
of pink silk crepe faille with marquis
ette overdress and sllVer trimmings. The
best man was a brother of the bride,
Osborne B. Morrow, a - sophomore at
Stanford university. The groom Is a
New York man whtf has been In the
northwest for, the paat year and a hall
He is ah expert geologist, a graduate
of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology, and is at present engaged 1n
geologic examination of certain coal
fields In the state of Washington for a
syndicate of coal operators. The bridal
couple will spend their honeymoon at
Spray Park, on Mount Tacoma, one of
the most attractive acenlo regions of the 1
Puget Bound country.
One of the prettiest weddings of he
summer .occurred - last evening at the
residence of Mr. end Mrs. J. E. Cam
eron, 76S Thompson street, when their
daughter, Grace E. Cameron, was united
in marriage t Rev, William H. Phelps
of Chicago. The rooms were beautiful.
Half blown pink roses formed a por
tiere to the music room and were largely
used in the decorations throughout, an
Immense basketful, tied, with pink tulle
ribbon, forming the centerpiece on the
dining table,
Behrendsen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brelt
barth, Mr. and Mrs. F. Elllngson, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles H. Irving, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Jahn, Mr, and Mrs. Josselyn,
Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Lehmann, Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Metachan. ' Jr., Dr. ' end Mrs.
D. H. Rand, Mr. and Mra N. B, Pendle
ton, Mr. and . Mrs William RueppelL
Mr. and Mrs. John Renkln, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Waller, ' Mr, ' and Mra John Wood,
Mesdames Tv H. Abendroth C T. Her
rlck, Carleton, Hattle Josselyn Fitch. .C.
Keller , M. Waldrlp, Misses . Josephine
Breitbarth, Ora Holgate, Frieda, Legrand,
Henrietta Mohr, Emily. Quappe, Frieda
Stejzenmlller, Helen Schults, Messrs. F.
Abendroth, F. Gundorph, , Gue Keller,
Alfred Keller, A M. Legrand. J. A Le
grand, Lyle Sadler, William Schmidt
and John Wood Jr. ',
:. '' it " ':-:
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ogdea and
daughters, Misses Avis and Helen, en
tertained a week end house party at
their ranch, near Proebstel, Waah, In
the jolly party were Lola Cooley, Maple
Robinson, Lillian Phalon, Archie Cain,
Clarence Sprague of Portland, Hazel
Holcomb, Fred Hoi comb, Brains Ack
ley of Rldgef leld, Ethel Beaver and Alva
WllSon of Proebstel. With swimming,
driving, horseback riding; etc, the time
passed merrily. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawnic Smith, of Eagle
Creek, Or.; entertained 15 of their
friends, 'August 26,, the event being the
ninth birthday of their daughter, Lor
etta. A long; table wast spread under
the cherry trees, where' Ice cream and
cake were served. - All went home wish
ing Miss Loretta many happy returns
of the day. "
Mrs.. A. J. Lundgren and' party, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Oergel, Mr. .and Mrs.
Albert Moore, Dr. and Mrs. B. N. Hamm,
Frank Oergel And Mr. Lundgren, hav
returned from Delaura Beach, where
Miss Agnes Love is visiting with her
Promptly at 6:80, to, the stralna of grandmother, "Mrs. B. F. Dowell. and
Mendelssohn's wedding march, played aunt. Mrs. P.W. Bannon. Mlsa Love is
by Mrs. Frank Wire, the bride with hera talented musician and a pupil of Pro
father, preceded by Louise Cameron, j feasor Klfr, of the New England Con
who carried the wedding ring In daf-1 eervatory of lHusle. She has also been
fodll, and Arlene and Eleanor' Cameron, the accompanist of Miss Betenla Free
the flower girls, entered and met the Iman. nnw tnurlnar Kurone In Brand
groom at the extreme end of the liv- opera
lng room, where a large bank of palms Mr8 j M GrecnberK ani Daby daugh
and ferns made a fit setting for the ter have Ju8t rclurned from a two
2ZSmZyXriE: rSTZiweeK.- stay at AH.rl. where they vl-
Russia Appeals to Youths fQr
Army Material but H,
Vain. '.
lted the centenntal and made several
Rev. John Boyd, of the First Presbyte- j
Th. ... ... i trips to Seaside. Mr. Greenberg also
trimmed in point lace, and carried white j sPent veral davwith his wife and
roses. ' baby and they retorhed home together.
After the wedding xunner which fnU) Miss Esther Levitt left a few days
lowed the ceremony, a reception was , aS for her ome In Milwaukee Wis.,
given from 8 to 10. Mrs. A. W. Clark after having spent a year In Portland
Mrs. W. C. Cameron, Mrs. H. C. Camp-1 wlt" MRS Farl Barde and her brother,
hell and Mm. .T. fi. RrnrtW itH in U. Levitt. She was a pupil of Miss
serving. Webber's orchestra rendered
some -very choice selections.
The bride - was favored with manv
exquisite gifts from the large circle of
Marie Soule during her stay.
Mrs. Oskar E. Huber expects to leave
for the east about the middle, of Sep
tember to place Miss Dorothy Huber In
by the hospitality of Mr: and Miss May
Albee. They also visited the Forbls
ranch, which .Is one of the finest in
the Willamette valley. Next day they
rode to McNamer's joamp, which Is at
the summit of the Cascade range, and
reached Tillamook Saturday evening
Sunday was spent at Bay Ocean. Mon
day the party rode to Nehalem. Next
morning, after a launch ride to the
mouth of the Nehalem, the party pro
ceeded around Necarney mountain and
reached Gearhart that evening in time
for the officers' ball, and danced In
their riding togs, which was quite a
contrast to the gowns and officers' full
dress uniforms. After spending a day
at Gearhart they rode to Astoria, where
they took the train home and shipped
the horses.
Since her return Tuesday from the
Patterson farm near Cornelius, Miss Vera
Patterson has been showered with many
pre-nuptlal attentions. Yesterday after
noon Miss Mary Otten wa$ a hostess
In her honor and tomorrow Miss Irene
Flynn will give a luncheon for her.
Other hostesses for her are'Mlss Fran
ces Lackaff, Of Vancouver, Wash., and
Ilss Charlie Fentqn.
a house at
The Teals
633 Flanders
c 8
. An Informal farewell reception was
tendered Major and Mrs. Martin Tues
day evening at - the clubhouse by the
officers at the garrison. The guests
were all of the officers and families of
the regiment. - Major Martin has been
in and out of the post since 188S and Is
widely known by the residents of Port
land and Vancouver. He was always
the brave soldier, a good friend, honest
and true. He leaves the post for four
years' detail work at Washington. D.
C, but it is expected that he will re
tire from the service before the expira
tion of the term.
Lieutenant J. P. Hasson from Fort
Des Moines, now stationed at Fort Hua
chuca on .the Mexican, border, -"! wife,
are guests of Captain P. Hasson, Lieu
tenant Hasaon's father. Lieutenant Has
son, who Is very popular in army cir
cles, has a two months' leave of ab
sence and will i spend the greater
part of it in Vancouver and vicinity.
426 Washington .St. .
Has returned
from New .
York and is
pleased -to fan-
. nounce that she t
is- "now. show- -'
"ing the Exclu- -:
sive' Designs in . i '
fall and winter ' :
have taken
w w
J. A. Graes has returned from a three
months' trip abroad. A portion of the
time he visited hia parents In Germany
and the remainder he toured the con
Mlss Florence Harper, the charming
guest of Miss Frances Wilson for the
past eight weeks, returned to her home
in Pittsburg on Thursday.
M,r. and Mrs. M,arcun Flelschner with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Metzger returned
Friday evening from a delightful trip
to Banff and the surrounding country.
Mrs. Emma Wells Blandford and Miss
Elva Humason have returned from a
delightful Alaakan trip made on the
steamer Queen.
Mrs. -Lloyd Wentworth has as her
guest her sister, Miss Bertha Stuart,
who arrived from New York yesterdaly.
Miss Hirsch and Miss Mai Hirsch
are home from Gearhart where they
have been visiting.
' w
- Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn returned
Monday from a stay on their ranch near
Mrs. Samuel Garland Is leaving Thurs
day for her home in Spokane after hav
ing spent the summer with her mother,
Mrs. Hexter at Hotel Gearhart.
Mr. end Mrs. David Taylor Honey
man have as their guests for the week
end Mr. and Mra C. Edward Grelle.
w 'w
Mrs. P. L. Willis returned Monday
from a two weeks', visit in Seattle with
her daughter, Mrs. Q. H Nottage.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Hoyt and
daughters are home from a sojourn on
their farm near Cornelius. ,
Pauline Miller-ciapman, concert met-io-Boprano,-
the only certified pupil of
Lam per tt in Portland, announces the
reopening of her vocal studio. Main
1656. Frank Thomas Chapman, music
director of Pacific university, an-i
n ounces the reopening of his studio In
Portland,, to violin, "piano and harmony
students. 524 Elisabeth street Tele
phone Main 1858
friends which she has acquired during j Miss Schofleld's school. New York. Miss
her 16 years' residence in Portland "by Huber was one of the graduates from
her beautiful character and endearing j et- Helen's Hall this year. Mrs. Huber
personal qualities. will visit in Philadelphia before her
The young couple wlll'snend Sundav I return- '
at Seaside, returning Monday and leav-! Mr- and Mrs. OUn KIggins left Wed
lng Portland the same evening by the i neBday morning for their home In Boise,
Canadian Pacific for Chicago. ! Idaho, after a visit Of two weeks with
Rev. Phelps is' well known and highly i nls mother, Mrs. C. M.-Klgglns.
esteemed among Portland neom hvinr 1 Mies Essie M. Block returned yester-
asslsted Rev. Foulkes of the First Pres-!da" from Chicago where she has been
uyterlan church, Portland, for two sum
mers during his vacations. He grad
uated In June with high honors from
the Chicago Seminary and accepted a
cnarge in unicago on Belden avenue,
for. the past three months. Miss Block
went east to act as maid of honor at
the wedding of Miss Anna H. Bauer
and Dr. H. Lasker.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomaa Chap-
where he will commence his pastorate man an(1 chl,dren have returned from
September 9. I the North Beach where they have
spent several weeks. They have visit
ing them at their Portland Heights
home Mlas Helen Drake of Council
Bluffs, Iowa, a former music pupil of
Mr. Chapman's and a niece of Mrs.
-(Br th International Newt Service.)
8t Petersburg, Sept 3. Russia, the
connecting link between the east and
west, has naturally assimilated some of
the characteristics of both. She has
fallen Into the political sloth that has
marred the eastern empires with cor
ruption, intrigue and Internal class dis
sension, and has offset these drawbacks
with emulated principles of western
progresstveneas. The latter character
istic la exemplified in the events of the
past week.
For years the spirit of militarism
has .been combated by the masses, and
for years Russia has depended upon her
country-bred half savage cltlsens for
the best army material. This was all
very well while the antl-milltarlsts
were In the minority, but with the ad
vance of time Socialism has spread its
creed of passive resistance to auch an
extent that the csar has felt the need
of a reinstatement of military favor to
strengthen hia forces.
, Work Among- Boys.
To set about engendering this spirit,
the government officials conceived the
plan of emulating England and her Boy
Scout movements. . Tha campaign was
quietly set afoot. Circulars were print
ed and distributed broadcast. Memories
of past military glory, were Invoked and
every known chord of popular appeal
struck by those in charge of the ven
ture. The result has been far from satis
factory and, though the movement has
been in vogue for some. time. It was not
until this week that Nicholas felt him.
self sufficiently strong to risk an as-
eemoiage or a national character. It
was decided, however, to riair th rtori.
sion Of the DOnulare In an ffnrt tn stir
a spirit of emulation among the chll-
aren, ana. troops ana Dattallons or boys
are forming in St. Petersburg.
Socialism la Active.
It seems, however, that the marshal
ling of these children was' ill advised,
for scarcely more than 6000 have an
swered thfe call many of these from'
those half ssvage parts of the great em
pire where fighting Is the only occupa
tion. The Socialist press rs Jubilant and
even tne government publications main
tain an ominous silence. It is safe to
say that Socialism is too firmly incul
cated in the masses to give way to the
uniforms and petty authority embodied
in a membership among the so-called
"play troops." '
Made Wife Eat Beans.
Los Angeles,' Cal., Sept 2. Florence
Kelly secured a divorce from Charles
Kelly yesterday on the grounds of cru
elty. Kelly declared his that wife could
not cook. He objected one evening to
the way In which she had prepared
some beans, threw them on the floor
and compelled her to eat them off the
floor, it was charged. A warrant Is
pending for his arrest charging assault
of his wife, according to the testimony.
- .- A--' : v.,, .
Des; Moines,- Iowa, Sept 2. Colonel
W. Ti Cody, former scout and plalna
man, has located through a Des Moines
man the cradle in which be and his
sisters and elder brother were rocked
to sleep in their Infancy. ;;.4.--i
Colonel Cody, had long been looking
for this cradle and from time to time
had heard vague' rumors that It was
somewhere in Iowa. . 'tr!-.
The relic, Is in the possession of Wal
ter D. Olney, a former resident of Scott
county, whereColonel Cody lived before
his parents took him to Kansas. Cody'a
father made the piece of furniture him
self. ;' .;
, t , " - V.i' -i n
i , i' . Clears Out Moeqeltoe.
Chicago, lit. Sept' "Don't bt an
noyed by' the 'dwarf mosquito arm
yourself with a vacuum cleaner,"
So spoke Horace S. Dugan et 1100
Clinton avenue, Oak Park, last svenln
as he gayly rubbed tbe business, end of
the suction machine over his head anJ
Dugan had tried Chinese punk, penny
royal and numerous other extermina
tors. All failed, and In desperation he
grabbed his wife's vacuum cleaner.
Friends of J. W. Wetmore are sur
prised to learn of his recent marriage
to Miss Beatrice Jones of Portland, Ore
aon. the Dlans of the innnl hovin- hn
. . i ' . " I DnliltnA Mlll.-.Ph.nmfe.
xept secret rrom most or their acquaint- 1 """"--"i""h- i
ances. The wedding, which took place R w- Cookman and Miss Jessie Far- j
not long ago. was a oulet affair wit- rtU are ,wo members of a party touring ,
nessed by immediate friends only and Yellowstone Park. The other members
following the ceremony the couple start- I of tho party are Oakland, California,
ed for an extended trip through the east 1 fr,enda wh6 wiIt rturn wlth the Port
expecting to visit, among other places, I frlnd8 Rn(1 visit in this city,
the old home of the groom In Michigan Dr' MarSret Stratton has returned
For the wedding the bride wore her j 'rm .t Tt Hooa, R,r- Be-
oln nwnv eown of koft ,r.v I fore that she had been Passing time on
Journal. Want'idsbrlng results.
Friends Will Admire
A Dainty
White Felt
Some dark shadings to har
monjze with the suit or a
classy rich black. Hundreds
,, already on display.
Girls' school hats pretty,
practical, popular priced
marked extremely low at
$1.50 up to $3.50.
Simply Trimmed
Flexible Felts
Up From $3.50
Exquisitely hand-tailored
scratch or bright felts ana
velvets up from $6.
. Exclusive "Castellan,"
"Gage" and "Bendel" mod
els up from $10.
212-214.THIRD ST.
Norman & Laaman
Beg to announce that on September the
Seventh they will open a first-clasa
Ladies' Tailoring Establishment
in the ,
The latest and most up-to-date line of
Will be ready for your valued inspection.
Formerly Designer with E. Gurney
Late of Oreed & Co., Paris.
was particularly becoming. Mr. and
Mrs. Wetmore will be at home to their
friends after November 1 In their new
home on West Forty-eighth stree,
Los Angeles Sunday Examiner..
A quiet home wedding took place at
877 East Sixth street north, August
81. when Pair H. . Bphoul and
Miss Ina Oswald were married by
Rev. G. Hoffner. Mlsa Ruth Dukes act
ed, as bridesmaid and Karl Oswahd.
brother of the bride, wae best man. The S
bride and groom left for a two weeks' Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Taylor
her farm in southern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. WLatlmer have re
turned from a sojourn in their cottage
at Gearhart.
Mrs. V. A. Wells, who visited with her
sons in Portland, is now the guest of
her daughter in Salida, Colo., before
returning to her home in Pueblo.
53 IS
the engagement of their daughter, Sadie,
trip through California,
WW tn Ben D. Holsman. of Chlcaaro. At
Miss Lisa Workman and Mllo Cowan ) home, 331 Montgomery street, Sunday, i
were united In marriage Wednesday Sflntember 10. from ' to I n. m. I
evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. H. 8. i
Black at the parsonage of Immanuel : Mr nnA Mrs. Kriward T.onir :
Baptist church. They were atetnded by , the engagement of their daughter, Myr
her sister and brother-in-law Mr. snrt:fi to H. A. Shaeffer. The wedding
Mrs. Orville Elliott, whom Dr. Black , wll, take place September 28.
married two months ago.
. . , - - .
At the residence of the bride on Wed
nesday, August SO, at noon. Lewis Wal
lace Metsger and Miss Edith Gertrude
Sklnton were married bv Rev. T.nthor i K
R. Dvott. The Immediate relative, of Invitations have been mailed for the
the bride and groom were present. Miss iBllllken Boys' daffclng party, to be given 1
Jennie Metyger rendered impressively .st E. B. hall, Friday evening, September
the solo, "O Promise Me." i me committee in cnarge or arrange-
if i ments is William C. Montgomery, Ches- j
rrlerhaa on hahd fins
Reiner, the furr
line of skins and Invites your Inspection.
Orders taken for new garments; re
modeling and repairing, up-to-date
styles. . Low rent, low prices. 404-5
Merchants Trust building. Phone M.
Parties, clubs, dances, etc., notice.
Before securing muslo for. your social
events of the coming season, call on
Fleming Winters Orchestra, 617, Cham
ber of Commerce. , Phono Main 1439.
Richard A. Pulley and Miss Louise'
Zurcher were united In marriage at the
parsonage of the Sunriyslde Congrega
tional church. Wednesday evenlnir. Au
gust SO, by theTtev. J. J. Staub, P. D.
Saturday August 28. George W. Gear-
heart and Miss Olive ' Merrill Chase
were married In the First Congrega
tional church by the pastor, Rev. Luth
er R. Dyott.
Harley KugeneRtcnafdson and Mies
Inga Cornelia Mathenon were married
in th,e First Congregational church on
August 28, by Dr. Luther R. Dyott.
;-A- weddings of -unusual charm was
solemnised at tfte residence of Mr. -and
Mrs. Samuel Morrow, 890 East Seventh
'street on Tuesday evening, August 29,
i when Mist 8oe Morrow, the youngest
.daughter of the family, was married
to William F. Jones or New York city.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. i Benjamin yoang" of the Taylor
Street M. E. church, In the presence of
a largo assemblage of friends. Just be
fore the bridal, party appeared, ' Miss
Mr. and Mn. F. X. Iegrand enter-.
tatned about 70 of their friends at their
pretty home, "The Snuggery." at 607
Holly street, Ladd's addition, on Satur
day evening, August 26, the occasion
being their crystal wedding anniversary
The interior of the house was convert
ed into a bower with white roses, potted
ferns and tulle, and the beautlfiil park
like grounds were transformed into a
veritable fairyland, innumerable Chinese
lanterns being used among the numerous
flower beds and shrubs, with extremely
artlstlo errect. After a number of aril
mated outdoor games, the prizes for
which war cut glass, each guest, was
presented with a handsome souvenir of
the occasion In the form of an import
ed novelty a golden porcelain wedding
ring surmounted by a Cupid or white
dove. After refreshments, the large
whits wedding 'bell, suspended by rib
bons of tulle, high upon the lawn, was
swung by 'two young misses and show
ered Its contents of rice and - crystal
vials of rose pot-pourri upon the happy
throng. The guests departed after an
enjoyable program of vocal and Instru
mental music. ' Many congratulatory
messages' were 'received from absent
friends. Among those present were Mr.
and Mr. William Adams, Mr, end Mra
ter A. Potter and Robert J. Trodden.
Stiles' orchestra, Marshall 2248.
La Crosse, Wis., Sept. 2. Lou Searles,
a railway telegraph operator owes his
life to' hie wooden leg. Searles and
fonr companions were capsized in a flat-
ions 'on reaching shore found Searles
was missing. A rubber button on
Searles' peg leg was sighted' in mid
stream and Searles was at the other end
of the leg. He was brought to shore
more desr than al(ve. '-
The smartest Parisian creations in Ladies' and
Misses' Wearables selected by our manager during
his recent trip to the European markets were
expressed to New York and ordered to be repro
duced with identical exactness. With American
ingenuity of putting a little touch here and there,
the reproductions eclipse the originals in beauty
and attractiveness and their cost is less than half.
Why Actresses
Never Grow Old
(Theatrical World,)
Nothing concerning the profession
seems more puzsling to the dear old
public than the perpetual youth of
our feminine members. How often we
hear remarks like, "Why, I saw her as
Juliet 40 years ago, and she doesn't
look a year older now!" Of course al
lowance ife made for make-up, but when
they see us off the stage at close range, I
they need another explanation. I
How strange women generally haven't i
learned the secret of keeping the face
young! How simple a matter to get
an ounce of mercoliied wax at the
drug store, apply it llkecold cream, anil
in the morning off! Wo know
how this gradually, imperceptibly, abs
sorbs old cuticle; keeping the complexion
new and. fresh, free from fine lines,
sallowness or over-redness. We know,
too, that this mercolized wax is ths rea
son -actresses don't wear- moth patches,
liver spots, pimples and th like. Why
don't our tlstera on the other side of
the footlights . learn tha reason and
profit ,
of Ladies', Misses and Junior Suits. Dresses, Coats,
Hats, Waists, Skirts and Petticoats of exceptionally
smart types at very moderate prices. (The newest
designs, rich fabrics, beautiful shades and artistic
of truly artistic models; the. trimmings and colors
are harmonious and inconspicuous; modest prices.
Charge Accounts
To dress rightly, timely and without feeling the burden of the expense, open 'an
account withes and arrange to remit in as small payments as only :