The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 44, Image 44

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The Misses Gladys and Hazel Van Deuzen of Vancouver Barracks.
I VIDENTLY the nrwer to the
mall number- of June weddinKS
Is that all the brides-elect were
waiting for September. Every
Wednesday charmed day for
weddinga in Beptember s filled with
datea for Interesting- nuptials, except
Wednesday, September 13. So far none
have appeared brave enough to defy the
superstition of the thirteenth and in
consequence Thursday of that wek is
the popular day, Wednesday ban long
been considered the propitious weddinir
day but what the attraction about next
Wednesday Is something- of puzzle. And
there must be somi attraction for the
calendar Is .marked at this time with
lx events of one sort and another,
which Is nothing Bhort of a landslide
fter the long and weary wastes of
"nothing doing."
. Interest attached Itself to the discov
ery In Selby Abbey. England, of the
Washington coat of arm which was
the origin of the American flnt. Rev.
Dr. Solloway. vicar of Selbv. hones to
torn able to trace the connection of the
Washingtons to R!hy. He says there Is
no doubt of the cut. i-im-s of the Iden
tification, and t h i - with nther heraldic
treasures 1y th,- abbey and
connected wSith thfc Wasliington family
will mnke a moist intt-rcstlng contribu
tion to historic research when his exam
ination is comphltd. fcelby Abbey, the
property of the Ancestors of Herbert
Kirtland Selby of Portland, still stands
a type of antique beauty. The Kelby
coat of arms U among the most unique
nd interesting u;td in thlis country.
A Chicago engagement of interest in
Portland was nmde known when Mr.
and Mrs. George K. Went worth an
pounctd the bettirothal of their daugh
ter orace to Dr. K. L. BlggB, of l.os
Angeles, the wedding to take place in
October. Mihk Wentworth Is the sis
ter of George K. Wenttiortli, Jr.. and
has many friends in Portland, made on
her vlHlts to Jir. and Mrs. Wentworth.
Her latest visit was made Isst summer
Mrs. J. J. Panton entertained with a
tea Friday afternoon complimenting
Mrs. Enns Oarglll, of Jlouston, Texus.
who Is visiting he.- pi. rents, Mr. and
Mra James H. Ried. in compliment to
Miss Helen Smith and Miss Ada Rurke,
two September bridex-elect, who assist
ed In the dinltlg'' room. Mrs. Panton
ceo rated tlw tcblc with" Bride roses
The reception, room and music room
were brilliant with red gladoli. Mrs
September Happenings Fn Cupid's Court
With Principals From Ranks o f Smart Set
.F"r- '.mi ' ' : .
Third Floor Weehlnefoj nidar.
JDt. 3d and 4th on Vublrctoa St.
Mfss C'arollnR Wilson and Kenneth
He-ebe have chosen Thursday. Septcm
ner 21, the wedding anniversary of Mr.
Beebe's parents, General and Mrs.
Charles F. Beebe. as the time to celebrate
their nuptials in Trinity iscopal
church at half past 8 o'clock. Miss Evelyn
Wilson will attend her stater as brides
maid and Walter Bowne Beebe will
act as groomsman for his brother. No
Invitations have been sent out for the
wedding but friends of Miss Wilson
and Mr. Beebe are expected at the
church. Only immediate relatives and
a very few close friends of Miss Wil
sons father, Pr. George F. Wilson,
have been bidden to the reception fol
lowing at the Wilson home.
A brilliant military wedding is sched
uled for Wednesday, September 27, at
First Presbyterian church when Miss
Marguerite Hume becomes the brldo
of Lieutenant Robert Sears, U. 8. A.,
of Vancouver barracks. Miss Elizabeth
Sears, sister of the bridegroom-elect,
lias been chosen as bridesmaid. Man
ton Mitchell, Lieutenant Sears' room
mate at West Point, will be the best
On Wednesday, September fi, Miss
Dorothy Holbrook and Gilbert H. Dur
ham will plight their troth at Tokeland,
Washington, the summer home of the
bride-elecfs parents. It is to be a dain
ty green and white wedding with no
attendants. '
Miss Elizabeth Patterson Sawyers
and Rufus Bernhard von Klein Smld of
De Pauw, Ind., have named Thursday,
September 14, as their wedding day.
The service Is to be read at ft o'clock
at the home of Miss Sawyers' sister
and brother, Mr., and Mrs. Fletcher
Mnn, Portland Heights. Mi sb Sawyers
will be attended by Mias Genevieve
Thompson and Miss Agnes Trimble, her
cousin from Keokuk.
A quiet home wedding Tuesday even
ing at 8 o'clock will mark the marriage
of Miss Katherine F. Falling and Hen
ry C. Riti, of Hood River, The at
tendants are to be Miss Rhoda Fall
ing, sister of the bride-elect, and Ed
ward Shepard, of Hood River.
A wedding which comes as the cul
mination of an Interesting romance, Is
that of Miss Pansy Sweetser and Ken
neth McKenzle Clark Neill, of Scotland,
which is to take place Wednesday even
ing, September 27, at All Saints Epis
copal church. Miss Lillian Metschan
is to be the bridesmaid and Norman
Clark Neil), of Scotland, will be best
man for his brother.
Miss Ada Burke and Chsrles Whit
ney Morden are to be married Mon
day, September 11, at" the home of
Miss Burke'a parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Burke, "Cornell road. There ere
to be no attendants and the ceremony
will be followed by areceptlon.
Another marriage to be solemnized
at All Saints Episcopal church is that
of Miss Virginia June Sterling and
William Detwiller on Thursday, Sep
tember 14, at half past eight o'clock.
The attendants chosen are Miss Pansy
sweetser and Fenton Grlgsby.
The ceremony uniting Miss Helen
Smith and Dr. John Besson in marriage
will take place .Thursday, September
14, at Miss Smith's home, on Mill
street. Miss Leadbetter, an October
bride-elect, and Miss Ethella Stearns
wtll be the bridesmaids and Dr. Pres
ley Hale the best man. Stanley Smith
and Ferdinand Smith are the ushers.
Bishop Charles Scadding will pro
nounce Miss Hazel Irene Tlohner and
William Joseph Lyons man and wife on
Wednesday, September 20, at Miss Tich
ner's home. Miss Cecil Wiley and Oli
ver Klrig Jeffery will attend the bride
and bridegroom. A reception will fol
low the wedding.
Miss Vera Patterson and Leroy E.
Getz are to be married Wednesday,
Septembers, at half past eight in her
home. Miss Edna Patterson and Miss
Henrlette Rothschild will atend the
bride and George Otten. a frat brother
of Mr. Gets, will be his best man. Little f
miss Ida May Schloth, is to be the
riower glru.
Clyde Hixon Reed served the Ices and
Miss Judith Scott presided over the tea
urn. The hastess was assisted in the
reception room by Miss Tica Von Bol
ton and Miss Hazel Reed, sister of Mrs.
Cargill. About fifty of the younger set
atul young matrons called between four
and six. 4 ,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Treat Piatt ar
rived in Portland Wednesday from San
of ability. She has made rapid progress
since her first work as a child In the
convent of Notre Dame, at Baltimore.
Since then she has studied in the Acad
emy Julien on the Passages Des Pan
toramnes, Paris, under Jules Lefebvre
and Tony Robert Fleury, - two of the
leading and oldest teachers in Paris,
both of whom predicted a bright fu
ture for her. In the east Miss Van
Francisco where Mrs. Piatt has been . teUMn "twdled with Mrs. ditchers, now
seriously in for some weeks. Mrs.
Piatt is now convalescing.
The pictures reproduced on today's
society page are of the Misses Gladys
4nd Hazel, Van Deusen, twin daughters
of Colonel and Mrs. Van Deusen, of Van
couver Barracks. The an DeiHena ar
rived at the garrison In December from
Manila, after a trio around the world.
and Colonel Van Deusen is now KAnnn1
In command at tne post. The Misses
vsn Deusen, although very young, are
possessed of decided talents, especially
Miss Hasel (seated), who is an artist
at the Cochran Gallery of Art. in Wash.
lngton, I). C, and with William Chase
of New Tork. At Taermlna, Sicily, she
spent one entire winter doing outdoor
painting, and during her residence in
Manila she mads many interesting paint.
Ings, which were sent to Germany for
postcard reproduction. Although por
trait work in her particular forte, on
the walls of the Van Deusen quarters
at the post may be seen many lovely
Studies from the Orient and nature
picture. ;. -- .i , ...t: . ,
Mrs. Clara H. Waldo was hostess at a
theatre party at the Heillg Monday for
the pleasure of her house guests. Mrs.
Lillian Bass Miller, of. San Francisco,
and Mrs. Frances- Rascovich, of Tacoma.
Additional guests, were, Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Mumason, Mrs. P. M. Dekurn, the
"""" " Mtveuavmumason, Miss
Hildreth Humason and Senator XI. A.
Miller of Lebanon. Mrs. Miller left for
ner noma on VTtaay and Mrs . Rascovich
will go tomorrow. Mrs. Rascovich is
tne wiaow or a noted artist. They
spent II years in Rome and she has
just now returned from a trip-abroad.
She is preparing data for an art ietnr
and was much interested in Portland's
Museum or Art.
rMVV" i-'
The wedding of Miss Gladys Bench.
prominent in St. Louis society, and Carl
R. Gray, Jr.,. son of the nresMant of
the North Bank road, will be solemnised
In St. Louis on Monday, October 16.
After a wedding tour In the east. Mr.
Gray and his bride Will return to Port-
iana to mage tneir nome here.
Dr. Charles T. Chamberlain left Frl
day evening for the east by way of
Ban Francisco. He will stop Jn Wash
ington. D. C, and visit his father. Sen
ator George E. Chamberlain, before
leaving for Germany where he will
further his- medical studies. Mrs. Cham
berlain remains in Portland intll the
George E. Chamberlains go east when
she will accompany them and spend the
time during her husband s . absence, In
her old home in Mississippi.
Miss Pansy Sweetser Invited some of
her friends to enjoy a dinner party with
her Friday evening at the Imperial' and
celebrate tlfe anniversary of her en
gagement to Kenneth McKensle Clark
Neill, of Scotland. Bride rosea graced
the table and in cutting the cake the
ring fell to Miss Ruby Crlchton,. the
wishbone to Miss Lillian Metschan, the
money to Miss Hazel TIchner and the
thimble to Miss June Sterltng. Miss
Sweetser's guests were Mrs. Jiorrls
Gregg, Mrs. William Dodd, Miss Lillian
Metschan, Miss Ruby Crlchton, Miss
Hazel TIchner, Miss June Sterling. Miss
Crystal Hyland and Miss Mary McAr
thur. Mrs. Elliot Habersham entertained
with a luncheon of eight covers yes
terday complimenting two popular
brides-elect. Miss Helen Smith and Miss
Lecsie Leadbetter. The guests were
largely members - of the prospective
bridal parties.
, f"
Mrs. James Mcl. Wood was a hostess
at an informal luncheon of eight covers
on Tuesday for Miss Emille Frances I
Bauer. Miss Bauer entertained the
guests' during the afternoon with d
Ughtfuli reminiscences, of , her life and
work in New Tork. --v''-'
Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. "Wood gave
a ainner complimenting Mrs. H. 1
Harps of Fall Bridge, where Mc Harps
Is the engineer in charge, and her
sister miss sneppard !0f ' New York.
Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. N.
Porter, ex-Governor Moor of - Walla
Walla, and W. P. Taylor of Tacoma.
Mrs. Harps and her sister were guests
at the Woods home a couple of days.
Miss Laura" Clark of TtnlHmnrA w1,n
has been with her sister, .Mrs.. J. Andre
Foullhoux, for the past .two months, re.
turns to her home tomorrow. Miss
Clark's stay was made pleasant with
many- charming affairs of more or less
formal nature In her honor. -' ,
' -
Miss Hasel Tichner will be a much
feted bride-elects Thursday Mrs. Ros-
coe R. Glltner Is entertaining- at cards
ror ner, as la Miss Katherine Hunt. Cor
nell Road, on Friday. Saturday Miss
TIchner will share honors with Miss
fancy sweetser, another brldeelect, at
a bridge afternoon to h n-ivon h. xn
Ruby Crlchton.. who wia'aleo entertain
miormauy on Wednesday for Miss Ada
Burke. Miss Tichner is complimenting
mima eweeiser with an affair on Tun.
day and Miss LlliiarT O'Brien is another
nosiess wno contemplates doing some
uung ior miss TIchner.
A delightful time was entnviul hi, nil
fortunate enough to have spent last
Tuesday at qearhart "By-the-Sea,"
when the evening was set aside for
the military ball given in connection
with the Astoria Centennial. Invita-
nu.iu were sent to officers of tha ..
pedo fleet. Fort Stevens. Vmmui h-.
racks and many prominent people of
Humana, Astoria ana Seaside.. Special
trains were provided to carry the guests
to Astoria, Fort Stevens and Warren
ton. The hotel was decorated with the
natural evergreen growth for which
Gearhart Park Is famous. Th lohtw
and dining room, which overlook the
ocean, were made into a bower by the
use of the beautiful evf rgreens. . The
electroliers of the two rooms wer
massed fn an artistic manner where
the lights were canoed in rieli.-ata
shades to , reflect a reddish tone
from the ceiling. The orchestra
was completely hidden In one cor
ner of the ball- room. Several large
silk flags completed the decorations.
Many attractive gowns were worn by
the women. These with the uniforms,
under the mass of softened light, made
the ball room a most exquisite sight.
At 12 o'clock a supper Was served in
the pdroh dining room. " The (nvlted list
included: From Portland: Mr. and Mrs.
WV. G'.AJvord, Mr, and, Mrs.,?,; it. An
derson, "Mr. ana Mrs, ?r. Ayer, Mr.
and"" iSn!"W. !AyM' Mr.?nd-Mrs.
Cecil H. . Bauer, Mr, and; Mra- Thomas
Scott Brook, Mr.l. aodV'Mrs.'' W. J.
Burns, Mr.- and Mrs.. lL , L. Corbett, Mr.
and Mrs, E. R. Corbett; Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Dougherty, Mr, and Mrs.- IX M.
Dunne, Mr and Mrs. A. L. Mills, Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. , O'Brien, Mr, and Mrs.
William McMurray, Mr.'.aha Mrs, H.
B. .Miller, Mr, and Mrs. . J. S Alnsworth,
Mr. and Mrs.. Theodora Ik Wilcox. Mr.
and Mr R.i L. Durham, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry ' MoCraken. Mr. i and Mrs. Dan
J. Malarkey, Mr, and Mrs.; Julius Meier,
Mr. and Mrs. E. E.' Merges, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred- Morris. " Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Shevlin, Mr. .and Mrs.; W. E. Coman. Mr.
and Mrs. G;R; Gray. Mr. and Mrs. A.
u. unaruonf Mft and Mrs. Russell 8
Smith, Mr. and Mrs., Archibald . Gray.
Mr. and Mrs, I. K. Flclschner, Mr. and
Mrs. v. c; Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Lewis, Mr. an4 Mrs. J. X. Honey man,
nur. ana Mrs. c. s.sckson, Hugh
Hume, Mr. and. Mrs... J. F.. Carroll, Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Piper. Mr.' awl Mrs.
Peter Kerr, Mr. and Jtfrs. J. Wesley
L.aa, Mr. ana Mrs., f. w. Leadbetter,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Kerr, Mr. and Mrs.; E,
C Mea.-s, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koehler.
From- Astoria: Governor and Mrs. Os
wald West. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ti Allen,
Mr. and-Mrs. Carlton Allen. Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Allen, Harvey Allen, Allen
Anson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Badollet. Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. A. Bennett. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Callender. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Brink. Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Cherry,
Mr. ana Mrs. Arthur Dayton, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank I. Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs.
R. a Dyer, F. ChUds, . Mr. and Mr.
Albert Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Finch. Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. G.
C. Flavel, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Flavel,
Mr. and Mrs. o. C. Fulton, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Fulton, Fred Fulton, Mr. and
Mrs. John Garner. Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Garner, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Griffin. Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. George, Ivan Gullllam,
Edgar Gearhart, a S. Gordon, E. A.
Higglns, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. HIgglns,
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. HIgglns, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Houston, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Haradon,
Mrs., and Mrs. G. B.' McLeod. Mr.
and Mrs.' E. C. Judd," George Judd,
Dr. and' Mrs. J6. M. Kinney. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Halderman, Mr.
and Mrs. C. V. Brown. Dr. and
Mrs. C. W. Logan, Mr. arid Mrs.
G. W. Lounsberry. L. Lounsberry, Les-
i" mcijeua. li. m. niciiean. nooert
r. and ,
H. Q.
dwary I
McLean, . Mr. and Mrs. K." Osburit, Mr.
and Mrs. A. ' Osburn, Mr. and Mrs. ,
George Ohler. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Pat-a
ton. Mr. and Mrs R. q. Prael, Mr. and f .'
Mrs.;,;H.'tF.-'Prael,'-Drand; Mrs.. R.',J.,:
Pilkingtoh", Mr, and Mrs. Q. W.' Roberts,
Randall Reed, Lawrence Rogers, ; Mr.
snd Mrs.' Byron Stone, Mr. and Mrs.
O. W. Sanborn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sanborn, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sherman.
Mr. and Mrs. Rt A Btokes, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. -Bmlth, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ,
fcchlmpf, -Sidney Sovey, Mr. and Mrs.
W, E. TgUant. Mr. snd Mrs. & Tal
lant, Mr. and Mrs. H. Troyer, Mr. and
Mrrs. William McGregor, Mr. and Ms.
Louis Schrlber, X3. W. Utslnger, Mr. and
Mrs. B. Van Dusen. Mr. and Mrs. a
Van Duseh. Edward . Higglns, Edv
Howard. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Garllek,
James Dollar, F. Hamilton, I. Hamil
ton, A. C. .Adams, Dr. and Mrs. H. L.
Henderson, Frank : J.; Taylor, J. 8. I".
McLellan, A, A.. Tremp. John Gratke,
John F. Waters, N. Staples, H. R. Hoef-
1er. J. M. Anderson, C M. Celler and
J. 8. Dellinger. From Warrenton: Mr.
and Mrs. George Warren, Mr. and Mrs.
F. L. Warren and Frank' Woodfleld.
From McGowan: Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
McQowan and Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Mc
Gowan. From Seaside; MlssLuclle
Dunne. From Fort Stevens: Lieuten
ant Colonel Stephen M.! Foote. Major
J.' F. Mclndoe, Major John H. Wholley,
Captain Malcom Young, Captatn Philip
Tost, Captain Robert W. Collins, Cap
tain, John M. Page and Mr Page, Cap
tain Frederick 8. Macy, Captain W. A.
Covington and Mrs. Covington, Lieu,
tenant Augustus Norton, F. A. Gil
christ, Lieutenant 8. W. Sperry and
Lieutenant Herbert O'Leary. From
Fort Columbia: Captain W. 8. Bowea
and Mrs. Bowen, Lieutenant L. B. Cham
bers and Mr. Chamber and Lieuten
ant Arthur C. Delacroix. From Oregon
National Guard: Brigadier General
William E. Finser, Colonel Jame Jack
son, Colonel Samuel White, Colonel
Matthew H. Ellis, Lieutenant Colonel
Joseph Baumgartner, Major Cecil H.
Bauer and Major Lawrence H. Knapp.
From Vancouver Barraukst General
and Mrs. M. P. Maus, Lieutenant Colo
nel and Mrs. F. J. Kernan, Colonel O.
K. McGunnegTe and Mies McGunnegle,
Colonel and Mrs. J. 8. Rogers, Lieuten
ant Colonel and Mrs. J. T. Clark and
daughter, Lieutenant Coionel and Mrs.
an Dusen arid daughters. Major and
Mrs. J. B. C;aton, Captain and Mrs.
11. H.fiernu. Captain and Mrs. M. A.
(Continued on Following Page.)
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nibus Transfer Co., Park and Daf is t
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Read the Monday Evening. Papers for Anniversary Openitfq Sale Remarkable Specials