PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1811. HITCH IN IM OF PRINTING RECORD Members Bent on Reform : May Kill Political Feature of Daily Report and Make it Cover Proceedings Clearly. By Ralph M. Whiteside. (Publlibart' fm i Lm4 Wlr.l Washington, Sept. 1. This Is cer- tainly a reform congress. Not the least .notable reform Inaugurated is In con nection with the Congressional Record. .Heretofore that able and enterprising publication has led off with speeches ; never delivered In congress, under the time honored "lean to point" custom. .But now this is to be changed. The .actual proceedings of congress here after are to be given the best portion In the paper and the 'lean to point" speeches are to go In the back of the .book where nobody need look at then If they don't want to. Naturally the senate proceedings are to tak . precedence and will start with the front page. It is now within the ljmita of hope that. In time a further reform will be Inaugurated and the Record will ac tually be a verbatim report of what ' happens in congress. It would seem that the government does enough for a statesman when It pays the postage on his 'campaign documents without do- 'lng his printing as well. If the "lean to point" part should be cut off It would save many thousands of dollars in the expense of the gov ernment printing office, for which the public gets no returns whatever. Would riy at night. I wrote recently of the work which is being done by Uncle Sam's airmen and ventured the opinion that when the time came for the test of aerial warfare the United States would not be found lacking. Added proof of the soundness of my proposition Is found in the announce ment that the young aviators at govern ment school are now preparing to make night flights. They are looking for a satisfactory searchlight that will en able them to guide their machines over the" country surrounding the aviation 'field without danger. Moonlight flights have for some time been dlscuosed by the young officers .who comprise the first generation of army birdmen, and the experience to be had fcpm expeditions after imag inary enemies will, it Is thought, be Invaluable. Probably the most Import ant part of the night flights is the election of a searchlight and fuel that will be reliable, compact and easily op erated. Trying Out lights. Po far the search for a light has been confined to acetylene gas, which can be carried in small tanks, but there has been talk of the Invention of spe cial fuel for the work that will enable the aviators to make flights of almost indefinite length. When the night flights are started it 4s planned to keep bright bonfires at each corner of the aviation field, for even in the daytime it is difficult to eject a smooth place to land. In this way. It la argued, there would be , no chance for an aviator, confused by the darkness surrounding him, to lose his bearings and be forced to descend either In ignorance of the ground or to re main In flight till dawn. A searchlight attached to an aero plane could be operated by the aviator, or, perfectly by a passenger. Kany Professional Men. There are 1200 registered physicians In this city, according to the report of Dr. Henry 8. Prltchett, of the Carnegie Foundation; there are more than 600 lawyers, including government claim agents, patent attorneys, and others; 160 members of the Architectural club, of whom less than 60 per cent are es tablished practitioners of their profes sion. - Most Of the professional men uphold the view that the young professional man should not stay here. A few, how ever, say their field Is not overcrowded for the right sort or man, out say tne ordinary physician or lawyer has not as good a chance to earn a good Income here as elsewhere. ' Electing Two Senators. "National politics may be occupying the minds of voters in other parts of the country, but down In Louisiana the people are engaged in the campaign for the election of two United States sen ators." remarked R. H. Wenger. a prom inent business man of New Orleans. vernor Sanders and Representative Broiissirrd, who are running against each other for the neat now occupied by Benator Thornton, are making a vigor ous campaign. The governor was elect ed senator, but declined, trtfil Thornton was appointed. Now Sanders if anx ious to be elected again, and he started last week on a round of the state. Uroussard is also campaigning, and the fight Is a hot one. "While personally I favor Broussard and shall vote for him, I am inclined to believe that Banders will win, be cause he has the machine with him. It looks as if he will get the vote of New Orleans, while Broussard will surely get the vote in other parts of the state. It may be that Sanders' majority in New Orleans in the primary next Jan uary will be. small enough for Brous sard to overcome. "The contest for the other seat in the senate is between the Incumbent, Benator Fos.ter, and Representative Ransdell. It also may be a close one. The chances favor Senator Foster, but Itansdell has many friends, and it would not surprise anyone to see him- win. CALLED "FOREIGN RAT," CREAT0RE PUTS UP FIGHT , ii" i Milwaukee, Wis,, Sept. 2. Creatore, the Italian bandmaster, and James Mal lev an Insurance man, were arrested foliowlng a fist fight In the downtown corners because the musician was called a "foreign rat" Malley asserted Creatore Jabbed el v bows Into his ribs and he resented this 1 treatment with language that did not trlke the bandmaster as pleasant. Creatore said the other insulted his ' mother's memory and he wanted a duel. Both were released on ball, but Mallory was sent away first In order that the i Italian might not renew the affray, NEW YORKERS TO F, Protestant Churches Recover From Lethargy of Summer and Prepare for Season of Widespread Activity. By D. V. Francis. . (Pnbltohcri" Prt UMd Wire.) New v York, Sept. 2. The summer season Is about over and within a, week or two the churches will resume their warfare against sin In this great city. For two months or so along about this time of the year so far as the regular protestant churches are concerned New York would have to be satisfied with slim rations so far as religion Is con cerned. By the activities of the Evangelistie committee of New York city, and slm ular agencies, however, it is probable that more New Yorkers hear the preached word than at any other season of the year. Bulletin No. 2 recently issued by the Evangelistic committee shows 11 tent centers where work has already been carried on, wHh meetings in English, Italian, Scandinavian, Bohemian, and Finnish-Swedish, seven centers with special services for boys, and nine for children; S3 centers with open-air meet ings in Kngllsh, five others especially for negroes, seven conducted in Italian, four in German,, one for Russians, and one out-door location for children; serv ices for adults in three halls, an for children in two; 14 shop meetings with services in English, ten In Spanish, five in Italian, and one In Greek. This means a total of 115 centers of- Work conducted by Evangelistic committees of New York city.Jn addition to which they supply an evangelist to visit pris ons and hospitals. And this is only one of the summer religions campaigns In New York. These meetings are conducted by some of the most famous men In the churches of the world and they accomplish a power of good. Sr. Clifford Some. Rev. Dr. Clifford, the famous Eng lish Baptist leader, has returned home from his American tour and Is telling the fcondeners something about this country. I see this in a recent English paper which is worth reading. Dr. Clif ford said: "Two of the great disad vantages In this United States were the reporters, who wanted to get the doctor out of bed in (order to get his opinion of the general1 condition of the people, and the mosquitoes of the Rocky moun tains, which gave him a great deal of trouble. Even more perplexing was the new language which Is being created and spoken, especially in Chicago. Dr. Clifford is thinking of making a diction ary of the queer words he heard. "The president of the University of Chicago," said he. "told me, in the course of conversation, that somebody or other was 'grouchy.' When I asked htm what a 'grouchy' person meant or was like, he replied, 'An individual that Is bitter and is always grumbling.' "Ah, I said, 'the sort of man I should de scribe as an unripe gooseberry." " Family Hot "Outfit," He was surprised to find a man's wife and children described as part of his "outflf'-an expression, which to his mind, savored of barbarism. An other expression Dr. Clifford had to have explained to him was "Yapper," signifying one who frequently made foolish and disagreeable remarks. Dr. Clifford hopes for the unity of churches, and in this connection told the following anecdote: At Peterbor ough, in Ontario, he laid the foundation stone of a new Baptist church. It hap pened that a peal of bells had Just been hung in the tower of the Anglican church and they were to have been rung for the first time on coronation day. The rector, however, cancelled this arrangement, and, as Dr. Clifford declared the stone of the Baptist church to be "well and truly laid." the Angli can bells began to chime "The Church's One Foundation." "The- rector," said Dr. Clifford, "was present, and ehowed by his speech that tho atmosphere of the new country Is destroying the barriers between church and church and Introducing the possi bility of a great and real unity." Watching Health of Pope. Catholics throughout the world have followed the bulletins tilling of the health of Plus X with absorbing Inter est, not only because of the extraordi nary affection his character has ey erywherei'lpsplred, but also because of the anxiety as to the possible effects in Spain. Portugal and Franoe of a change in the occupant of the chair of St. Peter at a time when ultra-secularism Is raising many grave issues In those countries; Such references, to conditions as have appeared of late in the representative Catholic organs, like the "Tablet," "Croix" and "Observatore Romano," are marked with great discretion, but indi cate plainly a gaaeral desire to avoid further strife in what are known as the "disaffected areas." Possible Successors. It is alleged on high authority in Catholic circles that In the event of a vacancy in the pontificate the choice of a sacred college would fall upon. Cardi nal Merry del Val father than upon Cardinal Rampolla. the able and re sourceful adviser of Leo XIII. This, it is intimated, implies a change of view of late on the part of half a dozen of the most Important princes of the church. Champions of Cardinal Rampolla'a methods, as distinguished from those of Cardinal del Val, continue to urge their utility in coping with the situa tions in Lisbon, Madrid and Paris. But It" is pointed out here that most of the opposition to Cardinal del Val's tactics is giving way as the character and program of the brilliant young pa pal secretary of state become : more clearly understood at the Vatican and In the capitals of countries wherp non Catholie element have . created tern porary misconceptions. " CnnrofcM Beport on Conditions. Three large missionary societies which have about closed their fiscal years are the American board, the for eign body of Congregatlonallsts. the Foreign Christian., . representing the large Disciples body, and the Protestant ARE Episcopal. At this time, less than a month before the end. in the cases of two of them, the outlook Is anything but favorable. ' Disciples were tempted, says a state ment Just issued, to make larger plans this year, than last, owing to the Lay men's missionary movement and the In creased prosperity obtaining In the mid dle west, but they desisted, although there' were importunate appeals from the fields. At the end of nine months disciples find 202 fewer churches to have contributed and receipts to be $10, 000 behind last year. It was announced an effort would be made to make the total $500,000, but the society says it sees little hope of attaining it .unless there is improvement. Sounding the Alarm. ' As already reported, the Congrega Open a Monthly Account With America's Largest Popular detail Drug Store. Binoculars and Field Glasses Optical Oculist's Prescriptions Pilled Glasses Replaced Frames and Mountings Wheel Chairs SOLD OR RENTED AT $5.00 PER MONTH A Cross We are exclusive agents for the famous "Cross" Gloves. A shipment of and women's gloves just arrived. Leather, in all popular shades, 81.50 and up. Silk gloves in white, black and tan, for women, at 81 to "CROSS" STAMPED STATIONERY CHOOSE THE RIGHT DENTIST To Supply the Missing Teeth to Fill That Unsightly Cavity Cost We meet all le gitimate competi tion in price. We match your natural with artifi cial teeth so perfect ly that, they all look alike and replace the missing ones with out a plate, guaran teeing their useful ness and durability. v When Your Teeth Are All Gone - Our RESTORATION PLATE ' removes the wrinkles, and restores the. hollow,, sunken cheeks to their natural symmetrical appearance! adding youth arid a healthful, pleasing expression to your counte ELECTRO PAINLESS DENTISTS N. E. Cor. JSiith and tlonallsts are sounding notes of alarm, with, the fiscal year within three, weeks of its close. The threatened deficit la not due to larger budgets based on larger expectations, but te actual de cline In reoeplts from churches and In dividuals. The Eplsoopal society Is J87.0O0 ahead in its receipts from fig ures with an additional $25,000 in -a Forward Movement fund. The gain named is no more than has averaged for the last 10 years, arid $125,000 not $25, 000, was the forward fund goal for this year in a total of $600,600 within fhree years. Recent laymen's campaigns were for foreign missions, but home and for eign contributions are affected precise ly the same, with no marked advance in either to date. Such are the offi cial reports of the society treasurers Autumn-Day Let this store continue to serve you Merchandise of merit always at lowest prices Our line is very complete and includes the stereophos and Busch Prism Binocular. Priced at f 33.00, $45.00 and $80.00. Field Glasses Marchand, Lemaire, Laville, and others, at 4.0O, SS.OO, $8.00, f8.50, flO.OO, f.12.00, flB.SO, f lT.SO ALL AT yA OFF Opera Binoculars, priced at 836.00. Opera Glasses, very complete line, 83.50 and upwards. ShoulderBraces Section Truform CORRECTS ROUND SHOULDERS PRICE.2.0O Laaes Purses Gold Stamped FREE '.' 1 MhVI XL An exceptionally firie' line to choose from. Prices1 exceedingly low $3.00 values, f 1.60 $2.00. values 78. Gloves and Stationery Washington,. Upstair HE ASKS $55,000 AS mORNING AFTER BALM (Special to The Journal.) Kansas City, Sept. 2. Harry J. Bo hart, a Presbyterian Sunday school teacher and painting contractor of this city, filed a suit In the circuit court asking for $55,000 damages from the Missouri Pacific railway because that company's employes forced him to drink enough whiskey from a Jug to make him intoxicated. The petition relates that Bohart went ii Likely" 'Likely" Trunks, highest product of maker's art, at prices ranging from $10.50 to $100.00 8 Wicker Suit Cases Best finished finest quality, all 1-3 off. $10.00 ones 8 .; $3.50 ones 82.34 $2.50 ft jmmm Photographic Supplies Why men s pricfd 81.SO Photographic Section We Defy Competition When it comes to workmanship and materials used. Bad teeth, poor di gestion, an irritable disposition go hand in hand," and are the conditions which contribute materially to the MANY SO CIAL and FINAN CIAL FAILURES. arke ' This plate restores perfectly your lost POWER OF ARTICULATION and establishes PER FECT DIGESTION. Come and meet us, have a consultation, on your Dental needs. We have helped thousands, why not you? A square deal for all. , D. ft. Manager. Ottft Wttt Z VJ2M1MO UNTIL II 1MB 0'CX.OOX. WOK FOB TKB BIQ UOI to Lake City, Mo., a station of the Missouri Pacific, and on his return sough refuge In tbs depot from the cold while waiting for a belated train The station agent and operators Informed Bchart that they expected to have a "Jolly" evening, the petition alleges, and brought forth a jug of whiskey. Bohart, who up to that time had nuv er tasted whiskey, says . he was aeked t6 drink first. When he refused it Is alleged that the men forced him at the point of a revolver to drink the liquor. The Sunday school teacher claims to have become intoxicated ' from the li quor he drank and to have suffered a splitting headache the following day. An effort will be made in the suit to hold- the railroad corporation responsi ble for the alleged 'whiskey rest on the 's Are-Here Trunks "Woodlark A Week's FREE "-r - -1---' j MnmRIMVMMMR at closing out prices 6.6T $4.00 ones 82.67 ones 8 li60. not use C Y K O, the best printing paper maaer Let us do your photo developing and finishing. A safe Ruby Lamp, 81.00. Straight and revolving trimmer, very useful, 10 Roller Blind Shutters, all sizes, to close at 50 each. ' A few 1910 model Seneca Plate Cameras at 1-3 off regular prices. All photo albums 20 off. Walker s Grape Juice Pints .'. 18 Quarts ..... 35 APPLE JUICE Pints 11 Quarts 18 Company. excursion rares iasi via DURING TKE SUMMER SEASON, 1111 From All Points on the 0.-W. R. & N. Co. To FARES. Chicago fTa.50 Sale Dates ss81 UUftV Uk Kansas City ......, .60.00 St Joseph ... I t St. Paul f St. Paul via Council Bluffs .. ....f 63.90 , Minneapolis direct ....M0 September ( . Minneapolis via Council Bluffs.... f63.BO a r j , r Denver,- Coto. 55.00 1. 2 4, 5, 6, and 7v Detroit, Mich ........i...;ii...,8a.50 St. Louis ....... ....... 70.00 ' Boston. Mass. ....v,tl0.00 . . New York. N. Y.. ............ r lO.aO .Washington, D.C... ....... fl07.5O j Atlantic City, N. J...,;..',.;.,, .,f 102.40 f Stopovers going and returning. " Final return limit October 31. 19U Ob Way Tbrraak California IIS AAdMoBal. Call at our Ciiy Ticket Office, Third and Washington Weets, for any infor. matioa desired, also for sleeping car reservations, or address ,, i 16, Wit, . M'MURRAY. GaneraT Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. grounds that its employes were ' the prime movers In the affair. . MARTIN FAMILY IS TO DEVELOP OREGON LANDS (Dotted Pr I.mMI , Wlre San Francisco, Sept. 2. The Martin family, owners of more than.-40O.O00 acres of land In eastern Oregon, has Incorporated under the name of the Martin Investment company, and will take over and develop the properties of the Eastern Oregon Land company. Former Governor Malcolm R. Patter son Is mentioned for the Democratla nomination for congressman in the Tenth Tennessee district, to succeed the late General Gordon. Trial "Woodlark" Olive Oil Purest and Best, at 25,' 5ty 85 per bottle. -gal f 1.75 full gaL 3.50 Electric jCMiw Battery Wjl $5.00 We give an 8x10 enlargement Free with each order of Kodak Finishing amounting to $1.00 or over. Bring this coupon in with rota ordex. "Woodlark" Trusses We guarantee satisfaction. Men and women fitters. Single Truss 81.00 Double Truss ,..-J....fl.50