V 12 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING, . SEPTEMBER ..3 1911. .f-"i.'" jMtigley, Student of Flight Smithsonian Institute Will Prerve First Flying Machine Developed hjr 8. P. Langlejr, Who Solved Aerial Problems. ' r ' ' " Tie Btory of Samuel Flerpont Lana--ley's study and experiments In aeronau tic Is one that appeals not only to the engineer and others directly inter ested In the subject, but to tht public as well. It Is a story not generally knowrviliKe-4tai ts back iy the year 1S87. before rrtany eerioim mimieu i-u- nle considered arial navigation prae ticil for heavier than air machine, and tontlnues for nearly 16 years. During that time Mr. Langley created and dem onstrated many steps now Invaluable to this modern and permanent science. In 18R6 he became assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and' the following year, upon the death of Pro fessor Baird. lie succeeded . him as sec retary of the institution, where he com bined the administration of its various branches with his own Investigations and studies, until his death In l!)0l. In recognition of his scientific resparrhes Mr. Langley was the recipient of de- i trees arid medals from the foremost universities and scientific societies in Europe and America. Wlda Sanf of Eztwrlmantf. a From his first studies with toy aero planes propelled by rubber bands to his final experiments with a man-carrying machine propelled by a gasoline engine. the like of wtrtrnrfias hardly beerTsur passed to the present day, the story of his endeavors, handicaps, failures and successes holds the attention of the reader with an interest not unlike a romantic narrative. The memoir Just published deals largely with experi- ments and their results, which are now accepted as matter of course facts. At the time they were made, however, they were the first steps of a great scientist groping in the dark, and he well de serves the title given him as the first birdman. , Having secured a grasp upon the ele mentary theories of wind resistance and matters pertaining to aviation, Mr. Langley started in to build a model . heavier than air machine, the first that I had ever been built, since the nearest approach at that time to such a fly lng machine was an Ingenious invent tion or the Frenchman jfenaud. who flew a paper toy, propelled by means of robber bands, for 10 seconds. Studying- riig-ht Itself. Secretary Langley undertook to build a larger and more practical machine, not simply for proving; the theories upon which he had bn working, but because he said it was impossible to learn more about the principles of flight without studying flight itself. In 1892 he start ed building the first of his steam driv en models, but It was four years be fore successful flight was accomplished. The problem was difficult and discour aging, especially for one who had only a casual knowledge of steam engineer ing. There was ample literature on the subject, but there might as well have been none for all the assistance it gave, with steam engines rated light at 600 pounds to the horsepower. What Mr. Langley needed was just about one hun dredth of that weight. Seeing no other way he set about build ing an engine himself, although prac tical engineers told him it was impos sible, .and he eventually produced one weighing only 23 ounces, which with the whole power plant, burner, boiler and fuel, weighed seven pourlds and produced one and a quarter horsepower. 6uccess at last attended his efforts, but .only after a tremendous loss of time and energyt Ten or to boilers and as many blast lamps were made and dis carded before he secured a combination " that would keep up a pressure of 120 to 150 pounds of steam for the time desired. And in the meantime he had built and thrown aside five machines before he succeeded in making one suf ficiently light and yet strong enough to fly. ! Even after the completion of the whole machine he had to stop until some method of launching could be devised. At last a launching apparatus was con structed which held the machine on an overhead track until ready to fly, when, by the means of springs it was shot out into the air over the water. The experimental ground was a small creek off the Potomac river near Wldewater, Va. rirst night of Model. At the end of four years' Incessant labor, on May 6, 1896, the first of these models flew. It was a model of a tandem biplane, with a wing spread of thirteen feet and a total weight of 80 pounds. The first flight was of a min ute and 20 seconds' duration, while the machine covered a distance of 3000 feet, although In subsequent flights this dis tance was Increased to three-quarters of a mile, at a speed of about 30 miles per hour. No attempt at fliaht wan made In high winds, but In a wind of lz miles per hour the model flew well, circled and rose to a height of over hundred feet, guided only by its own mechanism. Thus after a period of nine years or study and experiment the meory or mechanical flight was sue eessfully demonstrr.ted, and demonstrat ea, as jar. langley stld, in the only satisfactory way, by a machine really xif ing. The government became interested in air. ljangiey s work earlv in IRnR. wmr nislng the possibility for the use of sucn a machine in time of war. Through mo Doara or ordnance and fortification resident McKInley asked Secretary imngiey to nulla a man-carrying fly lng machine. The secretary agreed to try, and coming reluctantly from his scientific parsuits, he commenced the worn unoer an appropriation from the government. Many Unforeseen nhatarli.. were encountered as had been the caso in me construction of the model mach in. Gasoline had been substituted for steam as a more practical motor pow er, una oecretary langley, then at the age or ez, round It necessary to rfelv. In the study of gasoline engine con struction. Seeking- Light Engines. ne naa no aeslre to build a gasoline engine nimseir. nut after searching in vain, both In this country and in Europe, for an engine builder who could make him an engine averaging In w eight only p-r norsepower, ne was construction In ways before It got "fairly into the air. At the time of the launching the en glne was running smoothly, but as the machine started down the ways' the aviator in bis car felt a sudden retarda tion, due to the fact that one of the wings came in contact with a part of the .projecting munching apparatus, and although tie aviator. Mr. Manly, at tempted to adjust the balance of the machine with the rudder, the aeroplane tipped downward and plunged into tho river before he could secure conrtol. Following its recovery and repair al most Identical events occurred in con nection with the second launching, about two months later. As before, it was conceded by all who saw the flight that the machine would undoubtedly have flown had It not been for the de fective launching apparatus. Preserving rirst Machine. Nearly all modern aviators who are fam'"lar with the type and construction or tne i.angley machine readily accord to the pioneer In the science of aero nautics that his flrRt heavler-than-air machine would unquestionably have flown and would fly today if fairly launched. The Smithsonian authorities, however, have decided that the rffacnlne will never be experimented with again, but win be, preserved as a monument to the scientist who conducted these orlg lnal investigations. The Langley memoir on mechanical flight, which formR publication 1948 of Smithsonian Contributions to Knowl edge, is In two parts, toe first by Pro fessor Langley himself, dealing with the preliminary work and experiments up to tne rirst successful flight of model No. 5 In 1896. The second part Is by Mr. Charles M. Manly, Mr. Langley's assistant in the construction of the large gasoline motor and the man-carrying machine and who acted as aviator at the two attempted flights in 1903 unhappy mm COMES TO AN END George Bowen, Once Rich and a Mason of High Degree, Dies at Kennewick. (Special to Tb Journal.) Kennewick, Wash., Sept. 2. The body of George Bowen, at one time the head of a happy family and a man of wealth and prominence, lies In the morgue of the Kennewick Undertaking company, unclaimed by relattves. Bowen died Monday morning following an Illness of several days In his little home On the waterfront In this city, and as yet the local authorities have been unable to lo cate any of his relatives. A sister of the dead man formerly lived at Deef Park, Wash., while a brother lives In Texas. His wife and children, from whom he has been separated for many years, live in Scotland. Bowen was at one time a Mason of high degree, but never affiliated with the local order, which is now endeavor ing to trace his membership te his home lodge. He has made his home in this country for more than 20 years and at one time was one of the wealthiest men of the Columbia river district. Domestic trou bles, however, precipitated financial re verses and Bowen died possessed of but a small remnant of his former for tune. For the last seven years he has lived the life of a recluse, taking no part in the affairs of the communttv and accepting the friendship of but a lew men. 10 forced to undertake it the Smithsonian shops, The finished, engine, which was de signed and constructed by Charles M Manley. an engineer assisting Mr. Lang. 'ley, was a, .live clylncler one, producing ot actual Horsepower, and weighing with raaiaiors, natteries and 20 pounds of cooling water, only 207 pounds, averag ing a little less than four pounds per . uiepuwcr. - i ne memoir gives the de tails of construction of this engine which even the builder of modern gaso-' line engines could study with great advantage. Test of Vraetloal Machine. "t Jninn' '""illar with the . termination of the experiments made with the man-carrying machine. Early in October, 1903, the aeroplane wai completed and tried out at the testing grounds at Wldewater. Virginia. Pro fessor Langley Insisting that the flight be made over tne water in order to afford protection to a..e aviator In land ing or in the event of an accident ai though several tests had been made pre viously on the launching apparatus , there was some undiscovered flaw, and ' It,. M...UI.. . J . . ' P, R., L & P. MAY STOP . 1000 FEET FROM PRISON (Salem Bureau of The Joornal.) Salem, Or., Sept. 2. Rumors that the Portland Railway Light 4 Power com pany in rebuilding the State street line preparatory to the paving of that street to the penitentiary. Is planning to run the new line only to 26th street, 1000 feet from the penitentiary station, where the cars have heretofore been stopping, is awakening a protest in of ficial circles. Officials of the peniten tiary declare that the existence of the Institution brings an average of SO vis itors daily who travel over the car line. In addition orders are phoned to the stores of Salem and sent out en the cars, thus adding to the revenue of the company. If the company cuts off 1000 reet rrom tne end of the line state vis ltors will be discommoded. PERUNA SAVED MY LIFE. "I Recommend It Wherever I Am." i f Mrs. John M. 8 t a b her. Mill ersburg, Ind., writes: "I have leen cured of i very bad ase of ca arrh of the ilomach and c o nstlpatlon, ind a compil ation of all- nents that lave had for several years, . d o c t o r ed vith thre loctors, who 1 1 d me not nuch good, o I qluit doc- oring. I bought a mttle of Pe una and o m m e need aklng it. I ound I was retting some letter, hut nought j was not doing as well as T might. So I wrote The Peruna Mimi cal Department, to see what thrnr thought about me. They gave me. spe cial directions and medical advice. To our sstonlshment I improved and am today a well woman and weigh as much as 1 ever did in my life. ... my.frlendsjthat Peruna saved i recommeriii it whv.. r Mrs. John M. Stabler. my life. HOW YOU i':CAH FURNISH YOUR HbME WITHOUT EADWCASH " : : . 1 ,:; -- : 'A ''- -" ;: . . "r , ;, , , If you are going to have a home at-all, why not 'make it cozy and comfortable? You must spend the, greater part of your Jife in it; and, after all, it is the only place you can go to for recreation or rest. The surroundings of the home should be cheerful and pleasant; and if they are not you ought to make them so. YOU DO NOT NEED READY CASH. Maybe some one piece of furniture, -a, new rug, new draplries or lace curtains is all that is lacking to complete the' comfort of the home. Whatever your needs, great or .small, GADSBYS. are prepared to supply them. We offer, you the advantage of our CONFIDENTIAL CREDIT ACCOUNT SYSTEM. There is nothing about it that would cause you any embarrassment pobody hears of the transaction, nor is there any extra charge or interest for this privilege. GADSBYS prices are NO HIGHER than cash stores', and you can arrange to oav IN SMALL AMOUNTS- either -WEEKLY OR MONTH! Y . ;n mh pWr article throughout our five spacious floors is marked with a plain figure tag at the lowest possible price; Note the prices on the following, - a GADSBY SELLS IT FOR LESS" 650 Different Patterns ot Room Size Rugs Five racks like picture each carries 125 patterns. Rugs from 12x15 to 6x9 feet on display. Anglo Persians, Indians, Arabians, Royal Worsteds, Bagdads and Tepracs all here at bottom prices. Special Bargains BAGDAD WIL- Oft ETA TONS, 9x12 tD.l7.0U, SANFORD'S AX- (POO Aft MINSTER, 9x12. tDa-O.UU EXTRA AXMIN- nf nt tffSTERS, 9x12 .... OiiO.UU SAXONY AX- 1 Q rft MINSTERS. 9x12 OlO.OU a SUSSEX VEL- flflrT rft k VETS, 9x12 PX I OV METROPOLITAN! Q ftft BRUSSELS, 9x12 MO.UU EUREKA BRUS- 10 fTft SELS, 9x12 M.,OU High Grade Dining Set for $58.00 Like . Cut Remember, that furniture buying is an investment not a mere expense, and that ffie better the grade the bet ter and more permanent the investment. Here's a set off! solid quartered oak in a handsome design. THE TABLE is pedestal style, 6-foot extension, nice ly finished. Special BUFFET, with large mir ror, handsome design, solid .quartered oak. Off ftft Special at ... 54tleUU SIX CHAIRS toQ ftft match; low price THE ENTIRE set priced for this sale $58.00 $15.00 Xwt u 111 . s J I Oadsbys' Great Sale of Handsome, Bedroom Outfits at $26 M A Dresser Bargain Only $7.50 This Dresser, flnlshert In a rich golden oak color, with French beveled plate mirror. Retail val ue $10. Gadsbys' price $7.50 A Sale ot Fine Bookcases The bed nay be had in several fin ishes, just like cut. with continuous posts, large size tubing, a handsome yet plain design. The spe.- (Prr rft cial price alone VI OU THE DRESSER comes 1 O PA in oak or maple tpxuDl THE WASHSTAND, also fi ftft in oak or maple, special at vOaUU THE BED may b'e had in the cream finish to v match .maple dresser and washstand. We have metal beds in all sizes, and all colors of enamel. We're famous. tor tne values we give, " O ft A $195 to JHO.UU Automatic Davenport Bed Special at $22.50 Upholstered in Chase leather, full spring seat and back, oak frame; oo values, liadsbys JQ CTA wmoMMmMMmMMmmMwmMwmwmrm nil special lowrice is .. Other Davenports in velour, special $18.50 Coach Special. $7. 85 Couch is upholstered in two-tone velours; beautiful greens, rT QE reds and browns; Gadsbys' price p OD $35.00 SOLID OAKVCOC Pft BOOKCASE, now.. OD.UU $30.00 SOLID OAK fl00 Cft S.16.50 BOOKCASE, now. $25.00 SOLID OAK BOOKCASE, now.. $20.00 SOLID OAK 1 A rft BOOKCASE, now.. M4l.pU $18.00 BOOKCASE, (P1Q rft now OLOtUU Qthers'as low as ........ 3,50 " -ft -. - China Closet $tl. 50 We are offering special price this week on solid Oak China Closets, all reduced. Our rj rft spicial j)A I .01 Ch ina Closet is a bargain. Solid Oak Buffet $18.00 Solid Oak Buffet, fumed, early. English or golden oak finish; regular price $35. " Q ftft Special this week tDLO.UU Biggest Value Ever Offered a Rocker Bargains Beat These if You Can for the Mnnn Three styles of Rockers take your choice oak or mahog- Q ftft any finish. Extra special VaUvi Special Sale of Iron Beds $3.50 Iron Beds. . . .$1.95 $4.50 Iron Beds $3.50 $5.00 Iron Beds. . . .$3.75 $7.00 Iron Beds! . . .$5.75 $20 Brass Beds. . .$14.50 $25 Brass Beds. . .$18.00 $h0 Leader All Steel Range $27.50 $16 Dresser $11. 50 n Equal to any $40.00 Rantre in the market, oven 20x16 inches, asbes tos lined throughout. You can not break the lids. Or7 rft Special at ipii.tjj mw . ' tsBBBBBsamavr mafjif 1 sw -r w "vttrhi V!. ,- No Hatter What You Want in FurnitupA eils at -ir lLeso' 5 Princess Dresner, , with oval or. shaped French bevel mirror, fin ishld golden; regular $16 values. Special this week for Sale Dining Tables . WE HAVE THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF GOOD . TABLES IN. OREGON , ??nli1 naif: nxHootl Tv,1 u ok, polished finish;, extends 6 f- Inrtrr 17-irW . 1 . .V..B, nriuvu uravy pea- estal ' base ' triv'tner t-,ki- -... 1 . - , n a1, wit o l i rn m fl. anq aesign; uaasDys , CJa ft ftft special price ... . . . :. 'ipxUaUU Ml " 1 '!'..'' ' ' ' ' ?t -4 ' I