ARRIVAL OF 1 9 1 2 MODELS CARTERCAR AN D REO SHOWN IT FOR Tires This Is Advice Given Motorists by Commissioner William D. i Sohier of Massachusetts $300,000 for Oiling Roads. AVOID RUTS; AID- f -;: - - MOW GOOD BAYS !! ' . r' i;f ' ' A N: r r Automoblllsts are quick to complain bout poor' roads .or the lack of what corns to be a proper cart in maintain ing them to a proper touring standard Yet comparatively few automobllists item to realise that they . themselves may be of. great aid to - the various local and state highway authorities by observing proper discretion at .times while driving; over stretches of, road Just beginning- to deteriorate or which may be undergoing temporary repairs, By endeavoring through careful driv. Ing and an intelligent observation of road conditions, the motorists of the country, may become a "very valuable and active adjunct in the good roads movement, a movement in which mo torists and automobile organizations are vitally- interested, but In which the in dividual motorist often forgets his own responsibility. Seasonable Driving. The Touring Club of America through its various-branches, has made a special effort this year, to Impress upon tour ists the great majority of whom use the .splendid highways all over the country without paying; additional fees, the Importance of reasonable driving wherever conditions show that a little care win neip immediately in Deneni lng the roads. Commissioner. William D. Sohier of the . Massachusetts Highway commis sion, iq a recent statement to Secre tary F. H. Elliott Of the T. C A., on road conditions in his state and the Increasing amount of work done every year- to properly maintain them, shows very.jclearly how motorists may render vajry practical aid to the commission In its efforts toward road perfection. J "AH drivers of automobiles." he says, . "must have noticed the ruts that have formed not only In gravel roads, but also In the oiled roads. Keep Clear of Huts, "If the owners and operators of cars would only drl-M out of that rut or wheel mark, and spread the travel over a width of 10 or 12 feet on the road way, many miles of road, which are now rapidly .deteriorating, would be injured very little, if at all. On the oiled roads the automobiles would improve the sur face and compact the oil and sand to get her. , Every one also must have noticed places where the travel had spread all over the road, and also roads where the wheel tracks of the automobiles had Smoothed down end compacted these oiled roads, but continuous operation In one place naturally produces a rut and wears the oil out at that particular place. Where the road Is oiled perhaps IS feet wide, the tracks only run over a pace of about IX Inches wide on each Ide." Xnstanee Zs Cited. As a sample of this lack of care In driving and the evils that It causes. Commissioner Sohier cites the fact that the macadam road around Jacob's Lad der, used by' all tourists In the Berk- shires, which was opened In September, 1909, was torn -ip by ruts and several holes before July 1910. It cost "Tabout $1400 a mile to put the road into good condition and oil It, Massachusetts has about 850 miles of stnte highway, but there are many other miles -of good roade In the main routes. How the road cost has Increased to keep pace with the increasing popularity of automobile fravel may be seen from the 'i y- ' - -y: , c& mil i f f. tJ-b)! fi ir . "J . u v of statement of the Massachusetts high way commission, as follows: "The Massachusetts highway comlnl sion formerly spent only tlOO.000 a year for the maintenance of Its state high ways, and this st a time when there were substantially 700 miles, Tund Available. "Since 1908. It was found that very much more money would be heeded. In 1909 the legislature of Massachusetts more than, doubled Its appropriation for the maintenance of roads, and the-auto-moblle fees and fines were also made available for use on the roads. The legislature increased Its appropriation from 1100,000 to $260,000 and has been appropriating $200,000 a year since, or double what It appropriated four years ago." It la estimated, says Commissioner ohler. "that about $300,000 will be available from the automobile fees this year for use In oiling the roads. In 1910 the commission spent over half a mil lion dollars for the maintenance of state highways, whereas five years before It pent but $100,000 a year." The Massachusetts highway commis sion Is spending in treating the roads In this manner considerably more than the total amount which is available from the automobile fees secured In that state; and it should be remembered that all the other Items for the repair of roads, like new surfacing, cleaning gut ters and catch basins, etc., etc., have also been paid for Just as they had been before the automobile came Into existence. FALL CROWDS GATHER IN NEW YORK HOTELS (Pabllitaeri' Fih Immi Wire.) New Tork, Sept. 2. The hotels are beginning to fill up with visitor from all sections of. the country, buyers and merchants most of them, but a good sprinkling of Just plain visitors and voyagers returning from Europe. No matter what part of the country ou may be from, If you walk un Broadway; say from Madison to Long acre squares, and keep your eyes open tne cnances are gooa that you'll meet somebody rrom home. There Is no place on the face of the earth unless it be Washington where the chances of meeting home folks are as good as In New 1 York for the very pleasant func tion like the route of brilliantly lighted Broadway mentioned above. September, Is the best time to be In New York. It is there that the amuse ments of the summer and autumn meet Cdney Island Is still In full blast The amusement parks there are open and, the wa'.ter Is fine. This Is true of all the nearby resorts. While. the season is supposedto close on Labor day, really it lasts through the month.. Then with Labor, day the town amusements start the season, the thea tres begin to open up,, people are get ting back from their vacations, the weather a a rule U Ideal and there is every' reasen v why thei New. ; Yorker should be, glad he Is living.. . And by the same token the stranger hasreason to be glad he is her Top picture F. W. Vogler, manager Northwest Auto company, and Frank Finger, salesman at wheel new five passenger Reo. Lower picture J. C. Hess, manager local branch Cartercar agency GOVH! E NT MAT 7UD ROAD CAUSE WITHIN ONE YEAR Speaker Champ Clark Says That Nation Should Coop erate With States in Build ing the Highways. Federal aid in road building may be come an actuality within the next 12 months. From all over the country accumulates positive evidence of the pronounced belief that the national gov ernment should give attention to Dei- ter Interstate commonlcatlon by road and men prominent In affairs of state are declaring themselves one after an other as being in accord with this pro gressive policy. Of the nation's lead ers, none Is more emphatic than Speaker Champ Clark, who. in a communication to President Robert P. Hooper of the American Automobile association, ex presses this opinion: "I believe the time Has come ior me general government to actively and pow erfully cooperate with tne states in building a great system of public high wavs. I believe the building of the Lincoln highway would be the entering wedge for the creation of a splendid system of roads that would bring its benefits to every citizen In the country " Congressman Borland, of Missouri, who is putting forward the .Lincoln highway bill In the house of representa tives, summarises the matter very briefly: Mighwj Best Monument. 'What we need is a monument that will be of some use to the people now living on earth. If we could have the views on the subject of the great com moner, Abraham Lincoln, himself, I am satisfied he would be in favor of such tribute. There is no monument so enduring as a highway." In commenting upon tne proposed route, Chairman George C. Dlehl, of the National Good Roads Board, concisely puts forth these words: 'A rood broad nignway, connecting historic Gettysburg with the capital of the nation, will be traveled by thous ands, where now the route Is follow d by hundreds, owing to Its serving as a road in name only. Motor driven vehi cles are Interstate as well as Intrastate, and that which they accomplish In obliterating etate lines will prove more effective than any other means in ce menting this nation Into a solidified whole, for, where men, meet and ex change views, there has been a broaden ing of the viewpoint, and a more tnor ough understanding of the wants of one another. Good Boads STeeded. "With the time-saving and distance- decreasing vehicle at our disposal, it follows as a natural sequence that we must supply the right kind of road, and maintain It properly. In order to secure and retain the benefits that have been brought about by the coming of tne au-tomoblle-J-a thing more valuable to the farmer than to the urban resident, a fact which Is dally becoming more ap parent to the man in the country." Exceptionally gooa conxirmaiion oi the statement of Chairman Dlehl. that the man In the country is realising that the motor-driven vehicle Is more for him than for the man In the city, comes from Kansas. Thomas McKay is a farmer who lives 14 miles from Oberlln, where the local farmers' Institute held session. Thereat Farmer McKay spoke as follows: 'Some or us rarmecs are standing in our own light, we argue that we should not build good roads for motor oars to travel over. . : Za Oood for rana. ,y "I have-no 'motor car, . but It seem to me that a road that Is good for a motor car la good Jot a farmer to haul a big load of wheat over, or. for me to drive my surrey over to take my family to town. . we are too afraid that we will do something' wntch . wll benefit someone else, and, in fast, we are the losers by our own acts. I hays, already graded a mile of road along my' farm on Prairie Dog creek. Just to show you people that I desire. a good road, reach ing from the southern part ofVhe coun try, wnere I Hva, to Oberlln, I will agree to take my boy and my team, If necessary, and grade anothw mile of that It miles if the rest of you busi ness men and farmers Uvins; along the road will do your', share." Some of the farmers In attendance wanted to know the o.-t. find then agreed to do their share if McKay would superintend the Job. McKay would not be bluffed, and his fellow farmers sup plied their share of the money and the 14 miles stretch of improved dirt road was soon placed in travelable condition. USES HORSEWHIP TO MAKE HIM CROSS LIN E Port Jervls, N. Y.. Sept 2. Mrs. Lena Stahl said today she was sorry she did not hit harder when she ap plied a horsewhip to the shoulders of Robert E. Smith and drove him across the Delaware "river into 'Pennsylvania. He was arrested on - complaint of Sam uel Vanlegen, who accused him of agreeing to sell 200 barn of toilet soap for $10.60 and deliver 40 yards of car pet as a premium. " Wood was dimissed after he had gone to the town of Cud debackville and returned to several housewives the sums they had paid to him. f Mrs. Stahl came from Montague, N. J., to ask Wood why the soap and the carpet had not appeared at her home In accordance with an agreement. When she found that she could not obtain a warrant in New York state because) she had dealt with the man In New Jer sey she produced her lash and drove the soap seller out of "the Jurlsdlctiot of both the commonwealths mentioned. - Journal Want Ada bring results, Hartford! Tires Announcement:' This is to inform you that on and after September 1 we shall distribute the three well known lines of tires named above, "AMERICA'S PREDOMINANT TIRES," and shall be in a position to fill all orders promptly. We will be in larger quarters at our new location, 80-82 Seventh Street, about September 15, where we will be in a position to handle our business with greater faclib- BALLOU & WRIGHT 86 SIXTH STREET Automobile Accessories of All Kinds. Motorcycles and Bicycles The Journal will give every boy and girl in Portland all their school books in exchange for bona fide new subscriptions to The 'Journal. This is a rare opportunity for energetic boys and girls to earn their own school books and take that much responsibility off their parents' shoulders.' It is easy for any bright boy or girl to secure th necessary number of subscriptions to The Journal, the best newspaper in Oregon. You can begin immediately. Every boy and girl in Portland has friends who will be glad to help them in such a worthy enterprise. The public loves energy and enterprise, especially in boys and girls, and is always glarj to help them. Below is a schedule of the various grades in the Port land schools and the number of subscriptions required to get hem. Schedule for high school books and those of schools outside of Portland f given upon application. FIRST GRADE s ALL FIRST GRADE BOOKS FREE. 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