The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' i
After Long Fight in Which the
Publications Were Given
Away,Bot hSuspend; $14,
000 a Week Lost.
'. Pnn)' Prvn Leasee Wtre.1
.' Oklahoma City, Okla., 8ept. S. The
eloslng flown of Oklahoma City's two
the Pointer and the
Free Press, bring to an end a news
- natter war In whloh the losses on all
idea were not far from a quarter of ,
1 million dollars. The two properties
: tuoiu.. hnmrht and the -newspapers dls-
tributed by Colonel E. B. Edgar, editor
- and owner ot tne Times. uuui
has now one morning, and- two after
noon dallies. V
in no thr dtv did the free news
paper reach such strength as it did
here. . ,
The pioneer in the field was the Polnt
' er. established January 7. 1906, by three
"brothers, Howard A., William I and
' Dudley R. Tucker.' The first issue was
a paper of four pages each seven by
11 fnches. It was given away in the
streets and delivered without chargs at
' tinaiMH tiAiuM ana resiaences. iiw
clan t at that time was invoiced at 20.
Profits and cost ot maintenance were
to be derived from advertising.
, ! apsr Orowkaplaly. . ,.
h r The Tuckers were all young men,
' practical printers, and at . first ex
i changed advertising for meal ticket and
lodgings. In three years the clrcula-
tloa of this, free newspaper hadT-eached
' nearly lO.eOO copies- Its "want" col
umns had thousands of patrons and
the merchants of pkjahoma City De
came heavy advertisers. Fast modern
presses were purchased, a complete dally
telegraph report was received over a
, leased wire
The paper became so popular that at
the. hour of publication hundreds of
. men and women blocked the sidewalk in
i front of the pressrooms to get the pa
per and be ready to reply to advertlse
v ments for help and for. opportuni lies to
speculate in real estate.
' ' Another Paper Started.
,' As the result of this, competition the
Oklahomun, a morning paperestablished
a free afternoon edition known as the
.Free. Press with a telegraph report
service. Trained newjiboys were Im
ported to vie with each other in giving
' newspapers away, .
-At the time of the suspension of the
two newspapers, the combined newspa-
, per losses In Oklahoma City were close
to $14,000 a week. The Pointer had
changed from the afternoon to the morn
ing field, leaving the Free Press to fight
the two paid circulation afternoon news-'
papers for the afternoon business. The
war had reduced the Pointer to the ut
most extremity and at the time of Its
- suspension It had declined to four pages
with its owners doing all the work.
" - (United ITms LmsmI Wtr.
- Washington, Sept 2.- The very latest
In hand made complexions comes In a
disclosure of the. secret of the 'Angoche
women In South Africa, by United
States Consul S. O. Spence, stationed at
Lourengo, Marquer.
In order that American women may
have the benefit of his discovery
Spence has forwarded to the consular
bureau samples of the African wood and
tbe grinding stone by the use of which
is produced the prwdfr utilized in the
making of the face paste of the Ango
che.bolles. CLErITaR RESTED
FOR $80,000 THEFT
(Continued from Page One.) '
was locked up on the charge of em
bezzlement. It vwas impossible for the officers
of the hospital association or the audit
ors to explain the apparent shortage in
"Vluller's accounts. He had made some
poor Investments, but they were not
of enough importance to account for
the shortage and the poor condition of
Ms own finances which had even caused
him to hypothecate much, if not all of
the heavy insurance he carried.
:- Bo far no claim has been filed against
Muller'a estate, the value of which ts
, problematical.
i. The auditors have not yet completed
their work, They have reported the
finding of a ehotrtage of many thou
sands of dollars. Their final report was
to have been made before thl, but
they have recently secured Information
that has caused them to believe that
the shortage will run to at least $S0,
OftO, and perhaps more.
Officers of the Hospital association
Snd other Jews had agreed to make
good the shortage in the accounts of
the Hospltnl association, when it ap
peared tht the dofal atlon totaled a
certain sum. It now appears that they
will be called upon to make additional
.'. G-nerl Manager J. P. O'Brien of the
Jlarrlman lines in Oregon, stated last
night that, the company-now has three
right of way men In, the field securing
right of way for the Eugpne-Coos Bay
line and that as oon as the necessary
property has been secured the oontract
for the constructor, of the line will be
let He expects iho right of Way men"
to complete their work in the very near
(hf the International New Service.)
Ilertnoslllo, Mexico, Sept. 2. 8pe
- rial Cable.) Becaune Madero failed to
? carry ou certain promises which it Is
snid wer$ made by him, Juan M. Ban
, leras. acting governor of ths. state of
Pinaloa, lm defied the Madsro-Barra
government and. is In open revolt ds-
daring that bis state will secede.
Typothftae Meeting.
Denver. Colo,, Sept 2. -Owners and
operators ot printing and publishing
concern in many parts of the United
Slates and Canada are arriving la
ivnver to attend ths annual meeting
of the United Typothetae .of Amorlra,
The meeting will begin its , sessions
.Monday .J,, v ..S..JJ-.
-..-. - ... .. - v.-.,-.,. - , -u- ; -
British Hotel Company Makes
Bid for San Francisco's
Famous Hostelry.
(SpeoUl to The Journal.)
Ban Francisco, Sept 2. The Bits
Carlton company, a $70,000,000 corpor
atlon, that' controls a string of big
hotels extending serosa the two hemis
pheres, has made a bid for the St
Francis hotel, one of ths biggest assets
of new San Francisco.
A three days' conference between the
American representative of the Xfitlsh
company and Director Henry T. Scott
and Manager James woods or tne hi.
Francis has ended In a definite under
standing as to the price and other
conditions: of a sale, and with thl
agreement the Rlts-Carlton representa
tive has started for New Tork to main
his report x to the London stockholders
of the company.
The 'pries of purchase agreed on was
In .round numbers $5,000,000 for the St
Francis hotel as It now stands, and in
addition IIJOO.OOO If the fourth wing,
a projected Improvement on tne norm
end of the hotel site, should be started
or completed before the deal with the
Rlts-Carlton people has been ruiiy con
The man who ts representing the
Rlts-Carlton company . in the present
negotiations is Albert E. Keller, who
is director of the big hotel company
and manager of the Rlts-Carlton hotel
at Madison avenua and Forty-sixth
street. New Tork.
(United Prase tued Wlra.1
Chicago, Sept. J. A striks of 5000
employes of the Illinois Central tall
road, mostly shopmen, who are affili
ated with the newly organized "Sys
tem federation," is believed to be un
avoidable, beginning next Wednesday.
It is admitted that the federation
has sent President Markham of the Il
linois Central a formal demand for reo
onltton of the federation and has
fixed Tuesday morning at 10:30 as the
last hour for receiving his answer. Un
less Markham consents to recpgnlse the
federation, or makes some conciliatory
move, it is more than llkejy that a
strike will be ordered.
Through a misunderstanding of dates
as to when a meeting-at the Union depot
should occur, Mrs. '3. B. Vallen. of 651
Seventh street," Is searching the city" for
Mrs. E. E. Long, of Madras, who has
S-year-oId Dorothy Vallen in .charge,
and Mrs. Long Is searching the city
for Mrs., Vallen so she can turn her
young charge over to the mother.
Mrs. Vallen arranged by wire to meet
Mrs. Long at ths Union depot yester
day, but Mrs. Jjong thought she. was
to meet Mrs. Vallen Friday and con
sequently waited all day at the Union
depot Yesterday Mrs. Vallen waited
all day for Mrs. Long and finally ap
pealed to ths police -department It
has been suggested that the two women
meet at police headquarters at noon
today and straighten out tbs tangle.
(United Pr it Wlr.
Charleston, 8. C, Sept. 2. It is now
practically certain that the death list
of the recent storm will be increased
by seven men, the crew of the Phila
delphia schooner Margaret A. May,
found dismasted and a total wreck off
Cole's island.
, :
Seattle, Note
(Srwtut to TbtJonmil.)
Seattle, Wash., Sept 2. The resigna
tion of Henry Hadry, the eminent com
poser, as director of the Seattle Sym
phony orchestra this week, brought the
affairs of this organisation to a crisis.
That the symphony orchestra has not
been in a flourishing financial condi
tion is not a secret, but notwithstand
ing Its lack of support In the past, those
behind the orchestra are determined to
continue its existence. Its future will
be determined at a joint meeting of the
donors of the guaranty fund and the
trustees of the Seattle Symphony soci
ety next week. At a meeting this week
the sentiment" prevailed that the orches
tra be continued and preparations be at
once made for engaging a new direc
tor and bringing distinguished 'artists
here during the coming eason.,
Ksoall Xlsotloa Improbable.
The recall controversy continues un
abated, although the general sentiment
is that those behind the movement will
be unable to secure sufficient names to
call the election. The influence of the
best business elements, which have
come out squarely against the recall
election, branding it as, a foolish and
unnecessary' expense, has resulted In
the withdrawal of hundreds of names
from the petitions. Another much dis
puted question which hasr arisen Is the
right of voters who have moved slnoo
the last election to sign the lists. This
question involves the right, of 728 vot
ers, and It s being considered by th
corporation counsel. That the present
recall movement will fizzle out Is a
well defined opinion. Incidentally, ths
present agitation has made many ene
mies for the recall of people who for-
Umerly were strongly In Its favor.
Elks Welooms to Portland.
Seattle Elks Intend to be present in
larRn numbers at the grand lodge ses
sion st Portland next year and to this
end they have organised a "Portland
191! Club." Active work has been
started and It Is believed that the club
will attain Its object of securing an at
tendance of at least 1000 from Seattle.
William Hickman Moore, former mayor,
has been named chairman' of the Port
land club, with Edgar Van Tobel, treas
urer, and T. J. I vers, secretary. An
active executive committee Is also at
work and with an eArly start the local
Klks believe t,hat Seatile will make ths
best showing of any outside city when
the antlered tribe gathers at Port
land. ' ' ' ". :' -r ,
SOpO OsHobs aloohot 'Output." '
' What Is Considered a feature In ths
Industrial wprld of Puget sound ' was
the beginning of operations this week
at ihe new alcohol plant on Port Town
send Bay.. Three government Internal'
revenue officers have been assigned, to
duty., atrthls - factory - where the r dally
A . ...
Southern , Pacific and Wells
Fargo Detectives Follow the
Dogs on Trail of Men Who
Held Up Express Car.
(By the International Kew Swvlca.) :
San Francisco, Sept 2. Southern Pa
cific and Wells-Fargo detectives from
San Francisco and half a dozen points
rin northern California were rushed to
day to the scene of Friday night's hold
up of the California express. Now "a
man hunt, led by baying bloodhounds,
Is in full cry in ths wilds of Shasta
county, near Lamolne. V
Five or six men were in the party of
bandits. When they escaped in the au
tomobile they had ' In readiness they
took, with them $2899 In gold, which
they found in money bags in the ex-
press safes.
The three express messengers who
wers forced under the muzzles of re
volver open one. of the safes and see
two others blown, returned to San Fran
cisco loaay witn details or tbe hold-up.
C. F. Meyers, ths messenger in charge
of the express car, told the story of
the robbery at the office of the Wells
Fargo company. The two men who were
with him described how-he made a bold
but futile dash for the weapons in a
baggage car and of a fusillade fired by
the bandits at curious passengers who
had leaned from the car window to see
why the train had stopped.
The stories told by Meyers, his help
er, George C. Pardee and O. L. Hughes,
depot agent at Portland, who was
working In the express car while 'he
was o,n his way to California- for a va
cation, show that ths hold-up i was
planned with greatest care.
Ths time to blow up the safes had
been calculated to a second. The joH
began with the covering of the express
company's men at Tlbson siding and
was completed Just in time for the ban
dits to Jump from the train to the au
tomobile held in waiting by confeder
ates at Rainbow station.
It is -probable that the two other
bandits remained in hiding on top of the
train to cover the escape of the rob
bers, who worked inside. When the
two safe blowers ran for cover, two
other men wers seen Jumping from the
cars to the ground. '
There is some doubt about the man
ner in whir.h the bandits entered the eg
ress car. The men who were held up
agree In saying that the train robbers
entered by way of a side door of the
car, .whlta the messenger and helpers
were watching a passing ' train through
the open Aoar of the other side.
Fire, caused by spontaneous com
bustion, broke out In the engine room
of the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing
company, near Fulton, shortly after
midnight this morning and damager the
property to the extent of several hun
dred dollars. Three or four large piles
of lumber were burned and several near
by manufacturing plants were threat
ened. The main plant of the Oregon
Furniture company was not damaged, .
' (United Frew turned Wire.)
Omaha, Sept. J. -By a vote of nearly
3 to 1, Omaha today adopted the com
mission plan of municipal government.
The majority for the plan was about
8500, In a total vote of nearly 8000.
There was little opposition to the com
mission form. '
j ) ; :
and Comment of the Week
loutpuof alcohol will be 5000 gallons. I while Portland has drawn well. 'In ad-
This, product will be- shipped east in
tanks. For several weeks the plant has
been manufacturing stock food from
sawdust using 20(7 tons a week, this
being taken to the plant on scows from
sawmills at various ports on the sound.
This factory is said to be the only one
of Its kind In the United States and one
of three in the world. The. Investment
is about $750,000 and was made by San
Francisco and Seattle capitalists. The
machinery was Imported from, France.
.Besides stock food and alcohol If Is
expected to extract many other by pro
ducts from . the waste from sawmills
and the forests, which Heretofore has
been considered worthless' or' fed into
the furnaces of th milis.
Phone Subscriber rights.
The Sunset Telephone company Is de
fendant In an 'unusual suit filed by Pr.
C. P. Bryant this .week, and Its outcome
will be followed with Interest, for the
physician has begun an effort to bring
the big company to account for depriv
ing him of his telephone, He claims
that this was done arbitrarily and al
though he had no service for only two
days he demands damages In the sum
of $20(10. - Dr. Bryant divides his losses
as follows: $600 for damage to , his
professional standing; $800 for loss of
business during the two days and $1000
for humiliation, work and anxiety.
Bogne Opposes Bkysorapsrs.
VlrgllBogu the eminent engineer
who is evolving a municipal plan for
Seattle, Is squarely on record as op
posed -to the modern skyscraper. He
has recommended that the building or
dinances limit the height of office build
ings. He Is of the opinion that the mod
ern skyscrsper spoils.: the appearance mf
a' city and he .believes that Serf&le
should follow the lesd of European cit
ies in this, respect Mr. Bogus also ad
vises the use of light colored building
materials for the construction of office
buildings, wlills for all public structures
he states that only White marble and
light colored granite be used as giving
the best appearances. j.
. Baseball Attemdanoe Oood."
Although Seattle has no pennant win
ning baseball team this year, the at
tendance at the local park during the
last month has exceeded expectations
and probably makes a record for so late
In the season and during a year- when
Seattle has ' had but a mediocre team.
When Jack Tlghe left his position as
manager, Daniel Edward Dugdale made
o popular move In naming Tealey.Ray-'
mond to take charge. Raymond is ex
ceedingly, popular In . Seattle, and his
teammates, have, been working hard to
help him make a good showing. The
attendance in the series with Vancouver
and Spokane has been surprisingly large
'1:1, cl''-:- 'i-:-t:i:J'-J-
Butte Man to Come to Port
land as Chief Representative
of Milwaukee Road.
Seattle, Wash,, - Sept. , 3- Following
assumption of his new duties as general
freight agent of ' the ' Milwaukee road
by Frank D, Burroughs today, several
important promotions and- changes took
plaa, ,.,-
i J. Rv Veltch. formerly district freight
and passenger agent at Portland, has
been named as Burroughs' assistant
W. P. Warner, district freight and
passenger agent at Butts, goes to Port'
land in nlacs of Veltch. A. J. Hillman,
formerly traveling passenger agent In
drays Harbor district, has been sent
to Butt to supersede Warner, and R. J,
Daniels, traveling freight and passenger
agent, with headquarters at Miles city,
has been! appointed to ths vacancy cre
ated by Ahe promotion of Hillman, but
will have the title of commercial agent,
wlto headquarters at Aberdeen and Ho-
auaim. The completion 'of ths joint
O.-W. R. ft N. and Milwaukee Una into
Hoaualm. September 16, necessitated
the appointment of a Milwaukee roan
to th Grays Harbor post-
Directly under General Freight Agent
Burroughs, a new -position has been
created for Samuel Wilson, formerly
chief clerk in the general freight de-
Dart men t He will tak the title of
export and Import sgent. He will have
charge of the Oriental business of ths
company in Its traffic relations with
the Osaka Shosen Kaisha.
S. McClerken has been appointed gen
eral agent of tb freight department of
the Milwaukee A Puget Sound at Chi
cago. . .
(Spw-Ul to Tb Joornil.)
Tacoma,- Wash., Sept. J. Bride
grooms who hav proved absent minded
in many ' ways are not rare, but the
bridegroom who forgets his bride is a
rare article, at least In this otty.
Such f orgetf ulness. however, on ths
part of William Adams of Seattle
caused him and his bride-to-be much
worry late. this afternoon. Adams got
as far as the Colman dock In Seattle
with his bride-to-be, intending to bring
her to Tacoma to be married and thus
avoid troublesome friends. At ths dock
h got into tfn argument with a bus!'
iess acquaintance and . boarded the Ta
coma boat with him, forgetting bis
"laiijii friend." On the, way over he re
membered his terrible deed and a long
distance telephone was used to reassure
the worrying maid of his - constancy.
Then Adams had to return to Seattle
to get - his ir Ids-to-be ..and bring her
back to Tacoma, whers an obliging aud
itor kept open office to. Issue htm his
license. 1
Paris, Sept. I. Serious rioting con
tinued tonight In most of the small
towns In northern ; France. ' Men and
women, carrying banners hearing vitri
olic demands for cheaper foodstuffs,
paraded through the streeta They de
fied the police to disperse them and In
several cases attacked the soldiers' who
opposed their progress. Many were
slightly - hurt and hundreds of arrests
were made.
President Falllerss and his cabinet
are greatly exercised over the situation
and are trying to devise some plan
whereby 'they can force the provision
dealers to reduoe prices.
dition to Raymond. Fred Weed, Crulck-
shank and Danny Shea, he of Portland
fame, are very popular with the local
fans, while Arthur Bues, the leagues
boss slugger, is the idol of the Seattle
Xditarod'e Big Showing.
For a new district the Idltarod is said
to have exceeded all previous Alaska
districts. This section of the North
land has already shipped out In . two
months this season more gold than was
produced 'in the camp, during all of last
year. During the short seasonal lio
the Idltarod shipped out slightly ,more
than $1,000,000, nearly all of which came
to Seattle. The Seattle assay office kas
already received $500,000 this summer
from this camp, while the same amount
is estimated .to have been shipped to
San Francisco. It is estimated that the
Idltarod's 1911 otfiput wljl be close to
$3,000,000. These'.flgures Indicate that
the local assay office is dividing its
former business with San Francisco, a
larger proportion of Alaska gold having
gone to the California metropolis than
- ruU Oat aystem Zs Working'.
All -of the street cars othe Seattle
lecirio company are now equipped wun
"full car" signs, but the service has
been . fairly good, and resort to the
signs has been Infrequent. The 'com
pany consented to this arrangement fol
lowing attempts by the city council to
regulate., overcrowding. The superin
tendent ot public utilities figured the
seating capacity of each car, allowing
a standing capacity of BO percent. Thus
the signs read: . "This car has a seat
ing' rapacity of 42; standing capacity
31; when ;thls number is reached 'full
car' signs vM be displayed." Evidently
fearing, freak legislation and a con
tinued Vowth of the municipal owner
ship sentiment the corporation con
sented to the ;"full ear" system..
Coalittoa Man Dropped. ,
iT proposed merger of the local
Chamber of Commerce and Commercial
club '. has. 1 evidently been effectually
blocked by action taken this week when
the latter body refused to adopt the
plana Of the' conference committee.' The
fCommer(car club members by a ma
jority' refused to -combine except on a
promise that the officers of ths merged
organization should .bs chosen , by the
membership, Instead of by the trustees;
also that the work of the committees
shall be approved by the membership.
These ' conditions sre ' objectionable to
ths more conservative Chamber of Com
merce and it now appears that the mat
ter will', ba dropped. This difference
of opinion and the attitude of the Com
mercial club has caused no little 111 feeling-
and the relations of , the two or
ganlzationa are possibly mots strained (
than they-havs-been; Xosrtjuthavf--r-
BBBBgag, ,i ,.i ,ii i jii. i
Kruttschnitt Leaves for East,
Apparently Satisfied With
Outlook Secret Cpnfer
ence Reported Held.' '
- (Br tbe International Niws Service.) '
San Francisco Sept. S. The con
troversy . between ths officials of . tht
Harrlman railroad lines and their union
ized shop men- which wers so threaten
ing in aspect a day or two ago, has
suddenly aoquired ' a ' placid tone. . .
Julius Kruttschnitt, vice-president of
ths ' Southern Pacific and director- of
maintenance and operation of ths Har
rlman lines, started to Chicago at
sv m., over the Santa Fe, apparently
satisneia witn tn present status of the
situation. It Is understood tftat there
were secret negotiations this morning
berore Kruttschnitt departed , between
himself and the labor chiefs, though
neither side would admit It or tell what
was done. Whatever was discussed or
decided. It appears) now that ths labor
leaders may gain a partial victory. They
looked nappy and said they were sat
isfied for the present J
"We have been very "much encouraged
by -what has transpired today," said
J. W. Kline, International president of
ths blacksmiths' union, tonight "We
begin to see ths dove of peace hovering
over us. All In all, we are contented
with the things aa they how stand and
we new steps in this
affair until after ths arrival of the
members of the general coratoittee."
Telegrams were sent out to ths mem
bers todsy with orders for them . to
hasten at once to San Francisco. The
meeting-will be held with the inter
national leaders and the general com
mittee on Friday. '
"When they get here," said ths read
ers, "we are going to lay this whole
thing from- Ban to Beersheba before
them. They are going to be told every
little detail when they will return to
their individual unions In ths various
railroad centers of the west and put
each union Into Intimate contact with
the whole situation. The men Of the
unions wlH then decide what to do."
Colonel Astor Entertains,
(United Frees Leased Wire.)
Rhtnebeck. N. T.. Sept 2. Colonel
John Jacob Astor is entertaining to
night at his magnificent estate. Fern-
cliff, near here, all of the members of
the family of hi fiancee. Miss Madeline
Force. . They will remain here over
Labor day. It was said by- intimates
of the colonel tonight that he will
probably be married -within the next
fortnight at "Beechwood, the Astor place
at Newport
Teamsters' Strike Settled.
' (United Press 'Ued Wire.)
Chicago, Sept. 3. The teamsters'
strike -. was -settled tonight,- ' thci em
ployes, including the American con
tractors on the sewer improvement,
granting all ths demands of the men.
The strike o? the bakers is still on. '
Journal Want Ads bring results.
To Think of Winter Com
forts and Conveniences
Stewart Steel
Known the world over as'The
Old Reliable Line." ;. It . is really,
the one ideal range for the
housewife. 'The ovens con
structed of steej are. made on
tlje one seam , principle and
therefore fight and . rigid.
Firebox is of latest model
arranged to produe'e perfect :
combustion, which. mans fuel
economy. i v
' Every feature .of' the range
spells convenience, service and
economy. ;. . ' -; .''
Price $3.50 Up
mu wt jlll tlU i i- 111 vSL.- TMi BV r, B; 71 El M K,.:iW
Each" of Them SO , Years Old
or More, They Takfe Long
Drive. ;.
' - J (Special to Tbe fours!,) r -1
San Francisco, Sept. Three worn
en, .each of them 80 years old pr more,
Started out bright and early this morn-
lug in an automobile for Los Angeles
In an attempt to make the trip In two
days, .traveling day and -night as the
roads allow, . , , . - . . , i
They are sisters Mrs. Sophia Brown
ing, 820 , Grove street 81 - years-... old;
Mrs. Rebecca -Van Bergen, Clay r and
Spruce streets, 83 years old, and 'Mrs.
Hannah Meyer. 83 Fell" street,: 80 years
aid. - j ,i
They left Mrs. Van Bergen's house,
at 7 : JO o'clock in an open touring car
urlven by Q. Von Anspach, ilra. Van
Bergen ahauffeun-. .- :,,. -v
They took . plenty of drugs sad tea
and things to eat.: but their mam pleas.
ure will be the same that thrills , the
souls of the younger Joy ridersseeing
..... - - . " a . v-
can't count .them. - ; ;,' v- v
This is not the first automobile trip
the three sisters have taken together.
They areoften seeVTlying through the
irwLiwLm vi muu inn wwn
They do Rot look to be much snore than
60 years old. Their carryings on are
a constant source of shock and surprise
to 'their families,, tt has often been
remarked of them that they can stand
a harder pace than their daughters, even
the youngest ones.-..'
Denver, Sept. 3. Mai achy Hogan,i
the famous prizefight ref dree, died here
tonight of tuberculosis. - v .
Hogan has been in very poor health
for several , years and his death to
night did not surprise , his Intimate
friends. Two years ago his physicians
In Chicago advised him that h was
suffering from tuberculosis of the bow
els Md that he would have to seek a
drier climate If his life was to be
saved. He came here at that time and
took over the management of the Mo
wn cafe, which he has conducted ever
since. - . .
Hogan has not been active in the
fight game In Colorado, owing to his
poor health. Recently he failed rap
Idly. He died at his home tonin-ht.
His wife was at his 'bedside at the
end. ,
Cincinnati, Sept. 3.- Joe Tinker, short
stop of the phlcago Cubs, mentioned as
the most promising candidate to sueceed
Clark Griffith as manager of the Reda
declared tonight he was willing to ac
cept the strenuous position.
I am willing to take charge of the
Cincinnati- vvat If -arrangements satlsq
factory to all can be made," he declared.
I have talked i the : matter ovpr with
President Murphy and Manager Chance
and have been assured that if a' reason
able trade can be made they will not
stand in my way." in .:t. ; ;
Time; of Ytm
- efsSsWfW)lt VPffiSSWasjaitak
;. Adjustable -to any position
; uurauij, consirucicu, , assunnp; years 01 ' service. , ,
We would be pleased to .have you call and let us
Do Not Fail to See
,t j '" i in -n't ' ,
Bids for Mail Service ( Between
Two Coait Ports Advertised
7 For To Be Effective in No
. vember1914
, Ths United States government is pre
paring, for the opening of the Panama
canal as early as October, 18J4.
Postmaster General . Frank H. Hltch-
coek, Is advertising for bids 'for mall
"service between Pacific and Atlantic
coaatv ports by way of the Panama -Ca
nai; be opened November 25 of this
year. r V ' s
This is the first actual step taken by
the government showing preparation tor
the opening, or the canal and ths fact -that
the- proposal calls for service as
early as the date indicated above, goes
to show that work on the canal is pro
gressing In advance of the time orig
inally estimated.' i: - - -,
The government wants a contract to
coyer a period of 10, years, and delivery
must be made at all the principal coast
ports both on this and 'the. Atlantic
side. . ' .... , .. . - .
Special attention to the step on the
part of the government has bsen called '
to Pacific coast shipping men and men-
chants by B. N. Baker, a retired capi
talist and philanthropist of Baltimore, "
Md., who up till the time of the Spanish- -'
American war was . president ef the At-
lantlo Transport company, which at the '
commencement . of the hostilities dis
posed of its fleet of steamers to Uncle
Sam for' the. arOvernmnn.t tranannet
service..' . V I
Mr. Baker Is intenaelv lntarantjut in VI
the establishment of a representative .
American merchant marine, and he is
Willing to devote his influence, experi
ence and energy In this direction now
that what IS generally conceded an ex
cellent opportunity is presenting Itself.
In a letter to a friend In Portland
Mr. Baker states that he will be on
the Pacific coast in the near future
to meet with business and shipping men
for the ostensible purpose of stimulat
ing interest In the establishment -of a
merchant marine, and " particularly
steamship lines between Atlantlo and
Paclfle coast ports. Mr. Baker expects
to be In Portland September 14. Ha
111 also visit other prominent norta
along the coast
The matter will be called to ths at
tention of the commercial bodies of ths
city, so that the meeting proposed to
be held Will be representative and ef
fective.. -
Anaconda, Mont-. Sept 3. The state
convention of the Christian, Endeavor to-,
day . decidad-.lo. draft., a - resolution of
protest to President Taf t against Sec
retary Wilson of the bureau or agricul
ture acting as honorary . president ef
the Brewers'! association and opening
their convention, in Chicago next week
with an address of, welcome
and Up v
desired. ". , ,
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