The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 38, Image 38

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Caravan Equipped, Three Ton
- Car is First Commercial
Auto to Make Journey With
Full Load.
S public: SPUED
Private Pumping Plant Pro
vides Water for Akron at
Critical Time.
From New York to Ban Francisco In
"' a- mpt,or truck Is the trip completed
" Thursday by E. L. Burnett' Of Detroit.
With him at the finish were W. T. Fish
leigh and Arnold Hainer. the former
Joining the party at Omaha, Neb., and
llalner in Detroit. It Is the first com-
merctal motor vehicle to moke the con
' tinuous trip under full load from the
Packard factory.
The start was made July 8. The
threw ton vehicle was caravan equipped
, and except for the absence of horses
' or mules, presented much the appear
ance of a prairie schooner. Sand bags
were carried for ballast.' along with one
barrel of gasoline and another of oil.
' The cargo was three tons, and the total
weight 13,000 pounds.
Break Through Bridge.
Although they struck much bad go
ing In the middle west it was not until
after leaving Omaha that the real seri
ousneas of the undertaking Began to
present Itself. First they broke through
a bridge near DuMap, but got them-
selves out without damage. On July
28 they arrived at Buffalo Bill's ranch
on the trail between Costad and Buthar-
:- land.
Through sand, over dangerous totter
ing bridges and tortuous buffalo wal
lows, they fought their way to Chey-
enne and Medicine Bow. Rocks and
J sagebrush, trails full of prairie dog
holes and ruts too narrow to take the
wheels, were the roads leading to Dana,
. Hanna and Rawlins. To Fort Steele
.there were Eteep, rocky hills, and more
sagebrush ruts. Just for diversion the
crew took a few shots at rabbits, eagles,
age hens, badgers and prairie dogs.
It was on the way to Wamsutter and
Just west of Rawlins that an accident
. occurred which came near ending the
trip. A rear wheel crashed through a
bridge and only prompt and strenuous
1 efforts prevented the outfit from plung
ing into the canyon: It took three
houra of hard work to gt out
Stalled la Stream.
Washouts five to 20 feet and sand a
. foot deep in long stretches, ruts of
baked clay which had to be dug away
to get through, were some of the obsta
. cles overcome on the way to Rock
Springs. In one place was a sand pit
on a turn. It was impossible to use
skids, and tarpaulins, sand bags and
even the cot mattresses were pressed
Into service. Near - Evanston they
dropped hub deep into a soft silt while
attempting to cross a small stream and
it was two hoors before they got out
The road from there to Salt Lake
City, Utah, reached August 10, led them
for a long stretch through a rocky can
yon. It was dangerous travel but was
made without mishap.
For two hours the party was lost in
the sagebrush, but Fishleigh found a
horse trail and followed It on foot It
led them over an unbroken waste with
gullies so deep. In places that at times
As illustrating the point that several
heads of corporations have recently been
trying to make, namely, that some cor
porations are not without a certain re
gard for the welfare of the public at
large, witness he act of the Firestone
Tire & Subber' company of Akron,
The great rubber center has recently
awakened to the fact that Its water
works would have to shut .down for
repairs. This knowledge was received
by Mayor Sawyer and the other city of
ficials with a great deal of apprehen
sion, and a great deal of sourrying
around In search of water. They had
about decided to do without It when
the news was conveyed to H. 8. Fire
stone, president of the concern which
bears his name, who immediately placed
at the disposal of the citizens the pri
vate pipe line of his company, through
which, water Is brought from a lake
some distance away for the purpose of
operating the large turbine engines late
ly Installed In the new Firestone plant
south of Akron. In addition to fur
nishing the water, the Firestone Tire
& Rubber ' company Is running its
emergency pumps day and night In an
endeavor to supply Akron " with fire
protection and drinking water.
Best of all, Mr. Firestone did not ask
the citizens to pay for It and he says
they can use It as Ions; as they need
Discussing the situation with news-'
paper men. Mr Firestone said: "We're
all part of the city. The citizens of
Akron need us and we need the citizens
so we'll work together. They are wel
come to the water and I only wish we
could get together like this oftener."
Mayor Sawyer and Directors Gauthler
nd Benner could not say too much for
the whole hearted way In which the
great rubber company took hold of the
It Is not definitely known how' long
the pumps of the water works will be
out of Commission but ln the interim,
Akron home will not suffer. .
it seemed as If the truck would stand
on end.
Things began to happen on' the road
to Austin, Nevada
First Hainer killed a huge rattle
snake that disputed the right of way.
At Death Hot.el. the truck damaged a
tree, and but for a friendly constable
tha party would have been held up by
a westerner In true eastern style. At
Eko a horse got scared, ran away,
and It took cash to pay the damages.
Then they ran Into an Incendiary ranch
fire. The sheriffs posse blocked up
all the roads In a man hunt, and tha
truck was able to get out only by mak
ing a long detour.
After passing over the Sierra sum
mits, the route was largely ever oiled
roads and a down grade. Once in San
Francisco many persons piled on, and
the truck paraded through the down
town streets.
"As far as the truck la concerned, we
would just as soon turn around and
start right back again." wired Fish
leigh. Fishleigh Is the U. of M. man
who had tha world's record for pole
369 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Or.
Gentlemen: Replying to your letter of August
8, we beg to advise you that we do not issue price
list of repair parts for Briggs Magnetos and Coils.
We furnish 6uch parts gratis. We want every user
of a Bnggs Magneto to know that our guarantee
is a tangible asset, and that in using the Briggs
Magneto he cannot possibly be caused a cent of ex
pense for repair parts.
With best wishes, we are, yours very truly,
Per G. A. Briggs, Pres. .
There it is all in a nutshell. The user of a Mich
igan automobile is guaranteed absolutely against
any magneto expense, even if caused by careless
ness. What more can you ask? And, remember,
this is not the only part of the Michigan that if
guaranteed Our slogan, "Made to Make Good,"
means business. Investigate our service department.
A complete stock of cars and parti on hand
Phones-East 1421, B-1345 369-371 Hawthorne Ave.
Speculation and curiosity are now
acuta concerning the manner in which
the automobiles entered In the Olldden
tour from New York to . Jacksonville.
Fla, will line up as to formation of
teams. Tha decision to name the teams
according to the cities from which the
entries emanate and tha rule permitting
individual motorists to decide which
team from tkeir city : thay shall Join,
puts a new phase on reliability competi
tion because it Is certain that several
teams will be composed of oars that, in
every day busipaaa. are strong Rivals.
Under these conditions, tha partici
pation of private motorists, already one
of (he features of tha tour, will result
in lining up groups of casft npt neces
sarily of the same make but each com
peting against other mixed groups and
such factory teams as may be entered.
When a majority of the entries have
bean completed and tha full list of cities
to ba .represented Is known, it will 4
Interesting to sea some of tha low priced
cars linked up as team mates of cars
costing $6000, at the same time com
peting In their own low price, classes..
, In making the Olldden- tour a team
competition Instead of a contest between
individual cars, ,. tha contest board of
the 'American Automobile ' association
has tacitly approved an Idea originally
advanced by several of the motor com
panies. They contended that when
several cars of a certain make partlcl.
patf In a .contest, the team score should
be considered rathar than the Individual
car score, because it frequently happens
that only one ear of. a team la able to
finish or make a sjrodd showing.. .-.
This very thing happened In the last
Olldden tour. While one car of a three
ear team wae awarded tha -trophy, the
other two cars of that team suffered
heavily and were withdrawn. : V
Thus the 112 Olldden- tour from New
York : to Jacksonville. Fla over ' the
Rational Highway, will furnish a, new
baals of Judging the work of contest
ants and the team cars which have been
entered by the United. States . Motor
company- and which will be known as
New York team No. J, will' run under
conditions they have always cham.
pibned. . : ' .
WAfi , , "'; w -':-;.(
." - United PrM Leaaed Wlre.
"" San Francisco, Sept. I. Postmaster
Flak Issued eb official notice oday that
tba postal savings bank would be opened
here '. September .H.' T '' " '. :
r"'-':-'' t ;'
r- Friend Hag 'Hit Money.
i '(Baited Frets -leased Wire.) .'
' Chicago,- Sept, 8WIt took Vlncento
Maal 15 years to save J900. Planning
to take, his family to Italy, he drew the
money' from the tank. A friend per
suaded Mm to lef ulm carry it The
police have up clue. . - '
Are Guaranteed for Service by the
Factory and by Us
An Epoch in the Tyre Making
IndustrykMachine Made Tyre
Guaranteeing Absolute Accuracy ih Every Detail
No Blue
Moraiog Tyres
Net Consumer's Prices
The Kelly-Racine Tyre is the result of the
most brilliant minds that were culled from
the various tyre companies of the old and
new world.
Before we accepted the selling agency of
these tyres, we gave them a test much har
der than they would get in ordinary service.
We wanted to convince ourselves that they
were all that the makers claimed ttiem to be.
Well, they stood the test in every particular,
and as, a result, we placed the largest tyre
order ever given on the Pacific Coast.
While these tyres are much better than the
usual run of guaranteed tyres,-they cost no
Qf 717 Keg. Round ALL
Tlread Casing TUBES
28x2 $12.35 $ 2.95
30x24 13.30 3.15
28x3 14.65 3.45
30x3 15.75 3.65
32x3 16.80 4.00
34x3 17.85 4.30
36x3 19.00 4.50
28x314 18.75 4.50
28x3,2 21.60 4.70
30x3!2 23.25 5.00 ,
31x314 24.00 5.20
32x3Vi . 24.60 5.25
34x3 26.90 5.65
36x32 - 29.05 6.00
30x4 33.05 6.40
31x4 34.25 6.65
32x4 35.50 6.80
33x4 36.80 7.00
34x4 38.05 , 7.20
35x4 39.15 7.40
36x4 40.40 7.60
40x4 45.30 8.35
32x4 45.25 8.35
33x4 4665 860
34x4 48.10 8.90
35x4 , 49.55 9.20
36x4 51.00 9.40
37x4 52.45 9.75
38x4 53.85 10.00
40x4 56.75 10.50
42x4 59.60 11.05
34x5 59.30 10.40
35x5 61.00 10.80
36x5 62.65 10.95
37x5 64.35 - 11.40
39x5 67.65 11.90
36x5 73.15 12.40
37x5 75.15 12.75
38x5 77.20 13.15
37x6 87.75 14.60
38x6 90.25 15.15
& Lyon SiSt
Pacific Coast Distributors, 627 Washington St
lkBSi Lm " j jsi
- ' " - h '" "'
All Sizes For Any Business
Home A 7633
Los Angeles
Seattle JSpokane
1 .
Marshall 1018
San Francisco
White Motor C