The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 37, Image 37

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-j.: : ... : V,! .V ' , " . V. " . : the Oregon suJiday. journal,' - Portlands sunday morning, . s
MORNING, . SEPTEMBER: . 3, 1911.
. i"" . vsn irk "in . i I,. .ii '.,., ,
hun us mm
Dealers Busy Unloading. This
' Season's Cars and Prepar
ing Them to Be Shown to
Admiring Public.
All along the line the automobile -deal-era
have been very busy $he past f"W
days unlloadlng their" new 1912 models
and putting them in ship shape to be
shown, to the admiring public. While
there tiave not been any very radical
changes In the 1912 cars over those
of 1911, the general lines of the 1912
cars seem to be of higher perfection
' in construction. The fore-door style
of " Is here to stay, according to the
mdiftrlty of the dealers. Many of the
' fCtoJoor cars have unique devices for
ventilating the,, front part of the ma
chine, which makes the ears comforta
ble at all seasons of the' year. H
' The new Cole ,30-40,". five passenger,
1912 touring, car, a picture of which
is shown In this issue, was unloaded
by theTwitchell Motor Car company
Wednesday, and the Cole reputation for
refined finish and upholstering needs
no comment, for the car has everything
that can be asked to insure comfort
and'-ease. All metal parts of the car
are nickel plated; the lamps are black
enameled and nickel; all door handles
are placed lnsidei of the car where
they can't be seen and are nickel plat
ed, as are the door hinges. The car
has the regular, fore-door straight line
effect with the front ventilated. The
1912 chassis adheres 'te the basic prin
ciples of the 1911 car. It has a 122
imsh whee base instead of 118; 36 inch
wheels instead ow 84 inch wheels. It
also has the Timken axle equipment,
full floating. These Improvements
make the Cole car a bigger and more
comfortable vehicle. Seven body styles
will be constructed on the one chassis;
five passenger touring car; four passen
gy top tonneau; roadster; speedster;
coupe; Hmoudin and London Limousine.
The National automobile, driven by
Len ftengel, against demonstrated its
staying qualities In the recent races at
Ellin, winning first and second In one
race and first in the big 306 mile free-for-all.
Leu Zengel came to Elgin fresh
from his triumph's at Galveston, Texas,
where he had won four out of five
events on the card, not haying been
ejlgible to the fifth. Zengel main
tained an average speed of 66 42-100
miles per hour throughout the entire
distance of 35 miles, thereby breaking
the record for the Elgin National tro
phy by more than five minutes.
'4 l IV. '
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this car. From amoltg thai names of
the dealers, wishing to Investigate .this
agency, none have been selected as dis
tributors as yet. Those interested can
secure information at The Journal of
fice. The advertisement of the Path
finder will appear exclusively in the
columns of The Journal, it having been
selected as the medium best suited to
give. the Pathfinder the necessary pub
licity to secure a reputable representative.
A picture Is shown in this Issue of
the trophy cup put up by the Chanselor
& Lyon concern for the automobile that
makes the fastest time between Port
land and Seattle. In order tnat Wis
cuo may be contested for by any one
owning or driving a machine, it has been
put under the auspices or the foruana
Automobile ciun.
Harry L. Keats, chairman of the con
tt committee, has formulated the fol
lowing rules under which the cup must
h n warded: "Trip must be made in
one day, starting either from.Vancou
ver Wash., or Seattle, Wash., and fin
lshlng In either town. Contestants must
get scoring cards from Chanselor &
Lyon. 627 Washington strett, Portland,
nom rhanselor & Lyon, 916 East
Pike street, Seattle, before starting, and
miiRt mail slgnea caras bi lenirana,
Wa.h . and Seattle or Vancouver, Wash.,
after scoring at these towns. Starting
frnm Vancouver, Wash., cars must
check out from the clerk of the St. Elmo
hotel, Vancouver, checking at Cen
tralla and Chanselor & Lyon motor sup-
nlv store. 918 East Fike street, beanie.
Thta nnnlles to cars starting from Se
attle or from Portland, western union
time must be used In all cases. Score
cards must be signed at the office of
th St. Elmo hotel. Vancouver, vt asn.,
hv the clerk, and at the Centralla gar
age at Centralla. In case the garage
at Centralla Is closed, contestants may
hiv mrda s aned at tne notei. an
signatures must be signed in ink. Stock
mm must be used. Hinpping opuonai
under the A. A. A. ruling. All mechani-
nl nartfl and adjustments must be
00 ovclualvelv by the crew of the
nm rvpi winner of the perpetual
challenge trophy must give acceptable
hnnri In the amount of J260 to guaran
tee the safe delivery of the trophy to
a subsequent winner. Tlie tropny snau
be open to perpetual challenge. If any
protest against the awarding of the
said cup shall he sustained, holder of
the cup shall immediately deliver the
cup U the last previous holder, without
ronteatlns: tne rigni ui uuuinuur .
livon te revoke award. All contestants
aalrf troohv must give written no
tlce of their intention to compete for
same, notice to be given unanseior k
Lyon. It is optional with contestant
as to how many passengers he wishes
to carry on run."
It has been announced by A. J. Ed
wards, manager of the Ford Motor Car
company, that It Is his Intention to
make a try for the Chanselor & Lyon
trophy between Vancouver and Seattle
within the nexb week. . Mr. Edwards
will drive his White Spider machine in
the attempt to lower the record made
by the Bulck Red Bird machine when
it established the record of 11 hours and
30 mlrrutea between Vancouver and Se
attl. A change In the personnel handling
the Ford automobiles was effected last
week. Heretofore the company has been
a co-partnership between A. i. Edwards
and C. Aerne Jr. Mr. Edwards pur
, chased Mr. Aerne' Interest recently and
has now formed a stock company of
the concern, which will be known as tha
Ford Motor Car Company, Inc. p. B.
Parks will be president of the new com
pany, A. J. Edwards will be secretary
and manager, and M. Peterson will be
vice president. Mr. Parks, the new pres-
ldent, was formerly in the banking bus
iness at Wlllamiha and Mr. Peterson
has been In -the hardware business at
Forest Grove until recently. The com
pany has been capitalized at $20,000.
Mr. Edwards Is very confident In his
belief that the coming season will be a
very successful one for the new firm.
. 'Last week in the columns of this
paper there appeared an advertisement
regarding the Pathfinder automobile,
which called attention to the fact that
the northwest territory: was open for a
high class dealer. Many Inquiries have
been received regarding the agency fr
C. H. ' Mead, manager of the West
Coast Supply company, entertained W.
W. Wuchter, president of the Swlnehart
Tire & Rubber company, of Akron, Ohio,
and W. D. Lord, western salesmanager
of the Swlnehart company, at an Inform
al banquet held In the banquet room of
the Commercial club Tuesday evening
Those invited, to meet Mr. Wuchter and
Mr. Lord were he adtomoblle men of
the city of Portland, interested In the
truck industry.
Most of. the, dealers interested in the
commercial truck industry were pres
ent, and heard quite an interesting talk
on the rubber output of world from the
time it-Is taken from the trees in South
American, Central America, and Africa,
until the automobile enthusiasts of Ore
gon sweat over It In the form of tires.
Mr. Wuchter Impressed on those selling
trucks the necessity of having compet
ent men handle the trucks after they
were sold to merchants and contrac
torSj claiming that more than half of
the truck and tire trouble has been due
to incompetent drivers.
The Braly-Du Bois Automobile com
pany, local agents for the Franklin cars,
will move to their new quarters at 33
North Nineteenth street about Septem
ber 10, where they will handle a com
plete line of Franklin cars. The new
building is one of the best constructed
automobile houses in the city, and will
give the company ample space for dis
playing their full line of machines.
Phil H. Lyon and Party See
Plenty of Deer Tracks, and
Kill One Bear.
F. T. Bolton, formerly superintendent
of the repair department of the Port
land Autompbile company, has been
promoted to the position of manager
in place of Rofs B. Cooper, resigned. Mr.
Bolton has been in the employ of the
Winton agents for a number of years,
having seen factory service with the
Winton people as well as being con
nected with Salt Lake and Seattle
branches. The Portland Automobile
company have recently taken the agency
for the Abbott-Detroit automobile and
expect the first shipment to arrive in
Portland the later part of this week.
The Abbott factory la sending one of
their machines, which has been named
the "Bull-Dog" over a 100,000 mile en
durance trp. The machine has covered
more than 32,000 miles of its Journey,
and is now on its way from Medford
to Portland, having left Sacramento,
Cal., July 37, carrying a banner from the
governor of California to the president
of the Portland Automobile club. It
Is expected that the machine will ar
rive In Portland Thursday or Friday,
of this week.
"What promises to he one of the fea
tures of automobile building for, the
season 1912." says Mel Johnson, man
ager of the Howard Auto company, local
agents for the Bulck and National cars,
'la the new inside control orlglnnted by
the Bulck Motor company. In all cars
built by this company during the sea
son of 1912 the control, comprising the
gear shaft lever and the emergency
brake lever, will be enclosed In a panel
In the right fore-door of the car. The'
enclosure of these levers will remove
them from sight outside the fore-door
Run made between' Portland and Seattlo, cup presented by
Chanslor & Lyon.
and at the same time enclose them In
such a-manner as to leave ample room
for the driver with no Interference to
his person by the levers."
H. L, Keats, president of the Keats
Auto company, left Thursday night for
a trip to Seattle artd British Columbia
on business connected with his firm.
Mr. Koats will return to Portland the
first of this week.
It has been announced that Portland
la to have a sample tire concern within
the near future. Mr. IV. R. Stuart, for
merly representative of the PaJge-IJe-
trou Automohiie company, will open a
branch at 86 Tenth street the latter part
of this month. The concern will handle
unguaranteed tires and say they have al
ready signed contracts for the 1912 sup
ply. While this class of tires are sold
largely in the east It will be a new
departure for the automobile owners in
the northwest.
OLD BOOK FOR $10,000
Br the Interuitlnnal Km Service. k
Paris, Sept. 2. The story is told of
an Armenian who arrived here a few
weeks ago and celebrated the event to
such an extent that one evening he
found his pockts completely emntv. All
his money had been spent but he was
hungry, and the only way was to go to
a restaurant where had had many a
good meal before. He ate a fine dinner
but when It came to pay he acknowl
edged to the restaurateur his complete
lack or money. He offered, however,
to sell a book, the only thing that re
mained In his possession, to secure the
price of the meal. The restaurant keep
er finowea tne volume to an expert. It
was a handsomely Illuminated, rare old
work. The expert declared that It was
worth $10,000. He made an offer then
and there to purchase It at that price,
to the great Joy of the Armenian, and
paid the cost of the dinner at once.
"This Is essentially the year of the
completely equipped, motor car.'' says
Arnold Neate, .local agent for the Hud
son Motor Car company. "Season after
season It has been customary In the
Industry to charge the buyer extra for
tops, wind shields, magnetos, demount
able rims, tire irons, etc., and the
owner almost invariably bought these
parts later to be put on his car. This
meant that, buying them separately, he
usually paid a pretty good price for
them. This company has endeavored,
in its 1912 line, to Drovlde every con
venience on the car that any owner
could reasonably desire, and to Include
them all in the list price of the car.
Buying things In the quantity we
do, we can thus list the car much lower
than where the owner must buy the
extras separately. ,
"The policy of our company in this I
Phil H. Lyon of Chanslor & Lyon, re
turned the first of this week from a
hunting trip in the wilds of southern
Oregon. Mr. Lyon left here a little
over two weeks ago, meeting H. P. Mc
Coy, manager ' of the 8an Francisco
branch of the Chanslor & Lyon Co., H.
O. Harrison of the H. O. Harrison Co.
of San Francisco, and a party of friends,
with a guide, at Roseburg. Here, a
Bulck truck carried he party 17 miles
to Johnson. Harrison, who was on the
front seat of the truck, noticed very
soon', as did the rest of the party, that
the driver was not conversant with his
car, and so assumed the wheel, driving
over the rough road. It was no easy
matter for any car, as the road is such
that an automobile must h,ave unusual
clearance to negotiate it. From Johnson
to Lark Mast, the trip was made in a
horse-drawn stage. Lark Mast Is 67
miles from Roseburg. From Lark 'Mast
the party packed on horseback over to
and into the mountains 17 miles to the
Tioga country. There was an abund
ance of trout to be had, but the cotintry
was too wild for good deer hunting, al
though tracks were seen. The day be
fore the party arrived, a mountaineer
had seen three large efk within 200
yards of the camping grounds, hut the
hunters did not get a glimpse of these
animals. One bear was-killed and the
skin will shortly arrive in the city to
verify this fact to skeptical ones. There
were also lots of cougar tracks, but
these fierce creatures did not come out
of their hiding.
Much fun was had, one evening, with
four mountaineers. After a few drinks
of rare old whiskey 'with which the
party treated them. these rangers be
came "millionaires," and many funny
stories were told. The party had one
large tent In which they slept on beds
of fir houghs. The nights were very
rold, and sleeping bags were used. Mc
Coy said yesterday: "This is a most
beautiful country, wild and rugged, with
Immense trees and dense underbrush.
The atmosphere is so clear that from
the tops of the mountains, It seems pos
sible to see at least 60 miles. We fol
lowed the stream over the mountains
and greatly enjoyed eating the wild
raspberries, blackberries and huckleber
ries right from the bushes. We were
four days going in and foun coming out,
and although it was our intention when
returning to Roseburg, to go but on an
other trip, when wc had shaved the feel
ing of the wild man left us and we de
cided to return to civilisation.' The peo
ple were very hospitable to us, feeding
u on the best of food, and charging us
but 26 cents apiece for a meal. They
were certainly either not on to their
Job. or else were not grafters. We saw
some strange characters among the
mountaineers. We met a party of camp
ers. The men were away and when the
women saw us, they fled, all but one,
who sat down, as they were all dressed
in overalls. We could not help giving
tnem tne laugn. in all, it was a glo
rious trip.
particular is simply an Indication of
the-trend of demand of the buying pub
lic. The average American now wants
his car complete when he gets it, with
out the necessity or the uncertainty of
future expense In fitting It up to suit
him. We have simply satisfied his de
mand by dressing up our cars with all
desirable external equipment. In addi
tion, of course, the car Itself has under
gone a thorough process of refinement,
from the bolt In the forward end of
the frame to the tail lamp at the rear."
If the law compelled every car
owner to own and use a set of
Genuine Weed Anti-Skid Chain Grips
Automobile accidents and fatalities would be reduced
, ' to a minimum. t
Weed Chains are sure grip won't slip wear twice
as long as infringements and are sold by
All': Reliable Jobbers and Dealers.
Hughson & Merton
For 1 9 1 2 Will Arrive This Week
Auto Co.
J. E. kAXON Manager
Phone A-2103, Marshall 1565
Main 6374, A-7577 694 Washington St, Cor, King
Auburn Motor Car Co.
Rnrnclrlo Sf ernaf
Main 2674
A 7339
Largest Stock
86 Sixth St., Portland, Or.
Belmore, MacDougall, Moores Co.
Auto Bodies, Wheels and General Repairing.
Phones A 3881, Main 4880 Seventh and Daivs Streets
Vulcanizing St Retreading R. E. BL0DGETT, 510 Alder Si Main 7005
"It's All in the Tire'
West Coast Supply Co.
31 to 33 North Seventh
Samonatsatloaa by Appointment.
sxanuBUTOBa ro oxxaov
534-536 Alder Street Main 4337 A-7171
F. W. VOGLER, President
Fifteenth and Alder Sts. Phonea Main 7179, A-4959
California .
Oregon, Washington,
and Nevada
- 529-531 Washington Street
Schacht Motor Car Co.
Commercial and Pleasure Cars
E. Morrison and 2d Sts. PhonesEast 3887, B-6125
1 Everything for the Comfort and Need of
the AutomobillsL , ' a
Largest VULCANIZING PLANT on the Pacific Coast
Western Hardvyare and Auto Supply Co.
Phone M, 8828, A-2016 . S. E. Cor. 7th and Pins f j.
eivea regarding the agency fr J,' ' . i - 1 ' p 1
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