The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 35, Image 35

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..- Rt W. V. rfaarthon.
San Francisco. Cat., Sept. Heavy-
nf "nt!. at
least foil- the tlme.elng. , Possibly tha
fact that Jack Johnson and a few other
Musky skinned men are on top of the
lifcap, has -something to do with .tha
public's Indifference toward the bit- fol
lows. But, whether such Is the case or
not. It is notlc&d that the 1 promoters
are - not reaching out for . heavyweight
cards, and the promoters are supposed
to keep a finger on the publlo pulsed
-s-. 0-kMA ' Via mannr in which
heavyweight talent Is being slighted eajj
. - i m - 1 Tim
Flynn end Carl Morris. This pal have
been hunting' a "battleground ,for months
and there Is grave doubt even now as io
whether they; have found one.
,i Will Hate Americans. . .
Hugh fclntosh, the Australian pro
moter) makes It his boast that he will
have a whole herd of American heavies
Jn Sydney before Christmas. Possibly
he will. The heavyweight situation at
present resembles a weed patch and If
Mac has secured the men he speaks of,
It may give those tender plants known
as '"whit hopes, - a chance to grow.
It is noticed, however, that Mcintosh
is not bragging about American light
weights he will Introduce to fight lovers
of Australia. No sir. The lightweights
are having It made worth their while to
stay at home and the heavies are being
permitted to wander where they listetn,
The moral - stands out in this like a
wooden peg Jn a cheap shoe.
t iv.wrht vivrp win furnish the
best of the pugilistic entertainment In
this country for quite a while. And the
better the lightweight, the oftener he
will entertain.
f . Brown Zs Bnsy.
- Knockout Brown's manager. Dan Mor
gan, In declining a Los Angeles offer to
match his man against Freddie Welch,
said that Brown had a dosen contests
to look forward to In ths next two
months, and that he, would box Welch
later. In the slaniF of yesteryears,
that's going some. The question, is, how
long will a youngster like K. O. B. last.
If he is sent alonp at such a breakneck
clipT He is a youth so new to the game
that his name does not appear in the
1910 records, yet we hear of him being
committed to a dcxen matches in the
next two months.
It almost looks ns if Morgan, In addi
tion to claiming the lightweight cham
pionship for Brown, might claim the
record for the irreatest number of
matches in the shortest space of time.
Burely It must be a record.
How Will He Train.
Will Knockout train separately for
each of those bouts, or will he condi
tion himself to begin with and then
figure that the first fight will consti
tute training for the second and so on
until ho lias finished the campaign?
Whichever way he fixes, it almost looks
as though he will have to sleep In
fighting costume and with boxing gloves
tied to his wrists.
But perhaps, after all. Manager Mor-
rati la drawing thj long bow. PoasU
bly he , was af ratd of of fending Welsh,
if ha told Freddie, straight out that
Brown wantedtnothing to do with Mm.
and preferred pleading a 'multiplicity, of
engagements. ,- ' . $.
Joking aside, it was evident that trie
new order af fhinrs In 'tha east Is going
hard on rlalna- vounsr lightweights. If
ths K. O, B. date book Is tooe tatten,
as a fair sample, the- New York fight
fans will be watching ' bouts fbetween
Jaded boxers before the season la over.
r Helson gonad o. t
Bat-Nelson used to say that ns would
havsi preferred to box every fwo weeks,
With that time,v ths .Dane would vhava
to have a life jtenure of the wonderful
endurance with which nature endowed
hjm. Now ha knows that even fighting
flesh has Us limitations. . ,
If K, O. Brown keeps crowding a dozen
fights into a space .of two months, ha
will pot last anything near as long as
Nelson did. Wher Brown' can com
mand such a number of. engagements,
what is in store for champion Ad Wol
gast? He is the most sought - after
young man. at present in the pugllistio
lights and. In addition to being -a mark
for the boys In hlsjown class, the pro
moters In every section are reaching
out for him. " t- '
Ad might make a one night stand of
his business if he felt so Inclined, but
up to ths present he has not evinced
a hunger for matches as hss his rival.
Knockout Brown..
After what Moran has ssld, It will
v. (nterantlno. ta watch Which Of the
pair Wolgast or Brownfights, the
mors frequently m tns monms come.
t .miiitln from reliable
sources ate to be believed, Johnny
Hayes, oi marawion iimt, nam un
offered a lucrative position. One of the
Tt.n.i. ninh Aamlrmm Ma services
as coach to prepare their team for next
year's Olympic games, vine Amrnu
marathon runner has Men in itaiy ior
mnmm. mnntiii M likes the claca so
well that he doesn't mind sticking It
out for another year or so, aocorajng
to some of his own statements Inclosed
i in frlsnria In New York. The
Italians are sfter the big honors In
the Stockholm meet, and will give al
most anything to' have a capable trainer
or coach put them in winning condi
tion. They like sonnny nayes.
The American tennis team. W. A
i .-a r n Tittle- Maurice MoLough-
111 I I ITT- - Mt " ' .
ltn and Thomas C. Bundy, will meet the
English tennis team on tne west ome
Tennis club courts. New York, city, on
t mrA o anil the winners
DCf i, a " ' I -" -
will go to Australia to challenge for
the International trophy now held there,
i ..- tha matches a dinner may be held
In New York at which moving pictures
will be shown or last year s roaiuno
when Melville E. ixng ana aiauncs n.
McLoughlln competed there.
" Everything is In readiness tot tha.
swimming races to be held at .AsWria,
under the auspices of ' the Centennial
committee, Beptemher 4, 6, and T.
gome ot the best athletes on the coast
and tn ths middle weat will compete.
It Is, ejrpected "to exceed anything of
like sort ever held on ths Pacific slops.
Arthur Cavlll, swimming instructor
of , the Multnomah Athletlo club, wilt,
have "charge of 'the affairs. ' He states
that conditions are Ideal for1 the meet,
that , the water Is not cold, "and that
the current Is not very strong. - ' ,
The twolocal jslubs, Multnomah and
tha Y. M C. A., will both be repre
sented by strong'teams, and a hard fight
for first plscs honors probably . will
oceur between them. ' ' "
Ths Multnomah swimmers ' will - be
Qua Manktirts,'. Lewis Thomas; Oliver
King Jeffrey and Leon Fabrs. jMan
kurts Is the star swimmer of the club,
but will only bs able to oompete In the
half mile race, which will be held on
Monday. He Jeaves on the ssme night
for Los Angeles, where he will repre
sent the Multnomah club In the half
mile, coast chnmpionshlp race to be held
September 7 and 8. , Mankurts Is- the
best distance swimmer of ths club, and
Cavlll feels free to state that he will
become a world's champion. - , . Cavlll
claims that Msnkurls naa awam w;thli
three seconds of the world' recoVd over
the 220-yard course. 1
Thomas Ooo Kan, .
Thomas is the next best man t the
clutfand he Is .expected to win several
places for them at the coming regatta.
Thomas -won the Christmas . swim, and
the city championship for 120 and-4.40
yards. . -' t.'--,--
Fabre is, perhaps, the best fancy diver'
at the club. He projbably will enter, that
contest for the winged, M, ,'
Oliver King Jeffery, chslrman of tha
swimming commute, will also ; repre
sent the dub in the fancy races and In
the diving contest. ,
The local YV W. C. 'A. Will send one
of the strongest swimming teams to
tha meet that has ever represented ths
association, in Pete McDonald, H. Pfaen.
der, Frank Gross and Jack McDonald!
Pete McDonald has been swimming
with the association for two years and
has placed in many of the events In
both outdoor and indoor races. McDon-
aid has greatly Improved over last year's
swimming time, and, he likely will prove
a strongwlnner for the association this
year. In . tryout' held last Tuesday
r'H..w.'i!,'Wv'.-: a
i y
J H ' , "I
1 '(SSk It -vVf
Art Biles still of Seattle leads ths
Northwestern league 4n batting, but
Kittle Braahear of Vancouver Is mak
ing Jumps upward each week and is now
second in the list. Otto Moore is third
In the list, tied with Swain.
Tha rise of Speas and 6 to vail last
Player AB. R. H.
Brown, aucouver 2 1 1
Bues, 8eattle 4S9 SO 171
Braahear Vancouver ..S28 65 106
Pwaln, ancouver 804 8(t 98
Moore,. Portland 93 16 09
Klppert. Spokane 869 46 119
Frisk, Vancouver .' 484 74 184
Crulckshank, fleatfle ...477 70 147
Householder, Seattle ...408 63 124
Nordyke, Spokane. .. .427 69 132
Zimmerman. Spokane' .435 73 132
Knndorf f , Portland . . . 487 80 140
Melchlor, Spokane 94 18 28
Goodman, Victoria ....607. 82 Hi
Netzel, Spokane ......476 89 140
James, Vancouver 393 71 118
Bennett, Vancouver ....447 SR j"
Btovall, Portland .....489 63 139
Brinker, Vancouver ....459 64 lnfi
Whaling, Seattle 89 3 11
Shea, Seattle . . 322 86 9U
Weed, Seattle 446 62 124
Coleman, Tacoma 497 ' 62 126
Lynch, Taroma 3S2 42 104
Williams, Portland 473 63 136
Annis. Tacoma 79 10 21
Abhott, Tacoma 848 47 90
Pettlgrew, Portland .... 978 40 73
Mensor, Portland 338 63 88
Ort, Seattle 892 62 .102
Cooney, Spokane 49S 97 128
Speas, Portland 338 65 84
'1 . ,. ' 1 . . . I rti?. a, -
Burns, Tacoma 373 48 93
eard, Seattle . . . , j,. . .475 84 121
Besey, Tacoma -.'..609 47 128
Siebt, Tacoma 66 4 14
fonnsson, Portland 65 18 15
Bradley, Vancouver ...112 18 .28
Veek waa remarkable. Both these play-
era came up a great numc-er or points
as did Dsnny Bnea or tne eeauia team.
Most of the players of the Spokane.
Portland, Vancouver and Seattle clubs
made neat gains last week, while the
Tacoma and Victoria Datters siumpeo.
The Individual averages:
M G. -"a) relay "team. McDonald lowered
the. national Y. M. C. Ai swimming
record for J20, yards,, unofficially, wnen
ha awam Ahe distance in three minutes
and six seconds, 1 1-6 seconds faster
then the record.
the Coast league.- Patterson, the Oak's
new outfielder, ptarted out In a lively
Frank Gross, lately elected csptmin j fashion and he is credited with the av-
Henry Hanno, Jr., who has offered
a beautiful 1185 cup for the winner of
the mile oceah swim, which will be
held tomorrow afternoon at the Cen
tennial regatta. A number tof Portland
boys have entered the swim and each
Is anxious to win the beautiful cup.
The Hanno cup will be presented to
the winner of the race Immediately
after the race has been won.
night, he swsm the 100 yards In one
minute and ten seconds, and the 60
yards in 28 'seconds. He will enter all
tha championship events in the coming
races and will be a member of the Y.
-. 'tm hn httrP(i the 'rge of .500. Lindsay, Portland's let
national Y. M. C. A. swimming records J rh!'tAn? reat cll and naa
for the 25.- 60. 75, 100 and 220 yard, 'tL.V J?f . 4,
swims. He will enter all the Cham- B1 and Artl 1rueger In-
plonshlp events and swim in the relay.
. jack" Mcuonsia, me luurtn memoer oi
the team, Is shout four seconds slower
than' his team mates; but as this Is his
first year In the swimming game, his
time ud to 100 yards fs remarkable He
will enter the 100 and 220 yard swims,
and also swim in -the relay.
.Pfaender has been swimming for some
tlms and Is a fast man.
The local athletes will leave for As
toria Sunday morning at 7 O'clockv on
the steamer Monarch.
msgwtta Bae Program. r
The complete program for the regattl
Is; .
Monday, September 4. H rnlle ocean
swim, fancy diving championship, fan
cy costume race, greasy pole contest, luO
yard handicap, exhibition by Professor
Cavlll's- pupils.
Tuesday, September 5. -Team relay
race between M. A. A. C. and Y. M. C,
A., tub raoe, cigar and umbrella raco,
breast stroke race. 220 yard champion
ship race, exhibition by pupils.
" Wednesday. September 6. 100 yard
championship, ladies'. 100 yard cham-
plonshlp, blindfold race, canoe tilting
contest, follow the leader by Cavlll's
Thursday, September 7 440 . yard
championship race, ladles' diving, back
stroke SO yard ... race for boys, barrel
race, exhibition by pupils
Cavlll -will give exhibitions during
the - meet consisting of fancy diving,
fancy floating, life savin, fast swim,
ming and Monte Crlsto sack feat.
Chance Is Disciplinarian.
Frank Chance Is perhaps the greatest
disciplinarian in the game. A player
for the Cubs must play ball and play
all the time for all he is worth. Thl
Is the reason perhaps for the splendid
showing the Cubs always make. . There
is no other manager tn the game who
would put two of his sjar players on
the bsnch. with the race as It Is, like
Chance did1 with Joe Tinker and Heine
Buddy Ryan still leads as usual In creased their average last : week, while)
Holland of the Beale came up a num
ber of points. Tiedemsnn and Wolver
ton both made big galna laat week. VtU
of . the Seals also. did some heavy bai
ting. Christian did good work with the
bat last week and entered the .ISO class.;
The individual averages: v,
m " i
Plaver- i AB.
Patterson, Oakland .... 6
Drlseoll, Los Angeles... 28
Williams. Hiicramento. . 8
Xyan, Portland 535
btewart, Vernon 64
Lindsay, Portland 41
Holland, San Francisco. 106
Maggart, Oakland 438
Keins, Sacramento .... 17
Braahear, Vernon 462
Stlnson, Vernon 891
Zacker, Oakland 428
Hokp, vernon ,..380
Tledemann, Oakland ...233
Happs, Portland 469
Mci Minm-ll. Vernon ....35R
Carlisle, Vernon 699
Pattoraon. Vernon 513
Danzig, Sacramento ...641
hlilnn. Suoramnto ....549
Hits -Vernon 75
Moore, Lob Angeles ....497
Wolverton, Oakland ...305
Daley, Los Angeles ....488
Powell, fian Francisco. . 46 5
Mohlnr. Snn Francisco. .427
Schmidt, San Francisco. 182
Dillon. Los Angeles ....414
Krneger, Portland 518
. Hofman, Oakland 576
Vnt. San Francisco ...348
Weaver, San Francisco. 606
Maddon, San Francisco. 266
Heltmuller. Los Angeles 85
Rosa, Vernon 208
Tennant, San Francisco. 650
Van Buren, Sacramento. 465
. Mahoney, Sacramento. . .434
Burrell, Vernon 638
Xnhn, Portland 334
Pearce. Oakland 212
Metzgei, Los Angeles.. 484
Mc.Ardle. San Francisco. 607
Chrlstion, Oakland 81
Thornton. Sacramento. . 104
Shaw, San Francisco. . .355
Smith, San Francisco. . . 7n
Chadbonrns, Portland. . .568
Gregory, Oakland 43
rielmas, Los Angeles . . .379
Thomas, Sacramento. .. 487
O'kourke, Sacramento. . 473
Fltfter, Oakland 59
Sbeehan, Portland 313
Howard, Los Angeles. .. 484
Pernoll, Oakland 96
R. H. SB. IB. HR. Ba 8H, PC
1 i o o o i o .roo '
3 12 0 . 0 0 1 0 .187
1 3 0 1 0 0 A ,376
94 194 40 11 16 89 17 .363 -
13 22 2 2 0 3 4 .843
6 14 3 O 0 3 4 .341 ,
12 84 2 0 1 3 4 J23
75 189 22 7 8 23 J 7317
3 6 0 0 0 0 0 .31
80 146 28 6 12 15 .813
41 123 22 4 8 9 7 . .311
45 133 23 6 10 3 .811
64 118 14 6 1 14 310
22 72 10 2 2 9-3. .809
65 143 33 3 1 38 15 406
43 108 1 ( 4 8 11 16 .801
127 180 27 14 15 88 8 .801
91 154 32 2 3 34 13 ' .800
68 161 23 8 S 13 10 .297
98 163 33 6 4 .'37 6 .297
7 22 - 1 0 2 0 4 . .296
81 147 26 4 2 46 13 .296
27 90 12 3 3 7 6 .295
73 143 22 8 5 87 23 .29.1
54 131 9 6 8 38 15 .26.1
50 121 12 1 0 19 23 .281
23 51 7 0 0 13 9 .280
8 116 11 0 2 9 18 .280
74 145 35 6 1 BO 10 .979
82 161 20 6 7 33 7 .279
46 97 11 t 1 84 22 .278
67 140 26 3 6 23 26 .277
41 74 10 3 1 17 I .277
2 18 2 0 0 2 0 .277
27 66 4 3 0 9 17 .269
65 148 12 5 4 14 16 .269
48 122 12 4 0 IS 18 .268
44 116 15 6 8 4 IS .287
62 146 15 1 1 17 29 .268
85 63 7 4 1 9 i 4 .865
19 55 5 0 4 4 ' 5 .264
66 128 15 2.1 18 23 .263
69 133 15 4 3 12 SI .263
10 21 11 0 ' 2 S 3 .259
12 27 6 3 1 2 . 5 .269
41 92 12 3 0 19 7 ' .259
3 18 1 0 0 1 1 .257
58 146 13 3 0 37 19 .955
2 11 0 0 0 0 1 .255
32 97 13 5 1 9 19 .285
46 118 16 5 0 9 8 .283
69 120 24 4 4 15 15 .253
5 15 2 1 0 1 1 .254
69 139 34 5 1 38 19 .381
69 121 18 9 7 48 7 .250
12 84 2 1 0 1 4 .250
. 10
' 8
6 3
The Leading
Portland, Or.
WE beg to announce the ar
rival of our Fall and Win
ter Woolens, -comprising the most
exclusive styles in imported suit
ings aifd coatings.
209-10-1 1-12-13 Rothchjld Bldg.
.Cor. Fourth" andWashington ,
The Columbia club and the Gresham
Giants are scheduled to meet in their
second game tomorrow afternoon on the
Lents diamond. The game will be
played for a $100 side bet and all the
gate receipts. The Gresham team won
the first gams played with the clubmen,
and the latter are anxious to get re
venge for their first defeat. Should
Gresham svin, they will be heralded as
undisputed champions of Portland and
vicinity. If the club .wins, a deciding
game for the championship will be
played. Forth or Van Hoomisson will
occupy the mound for the Columbus club
and opposed to them will be Emery
Webb, the new Gresham slabster.
"Red" Rupert and his squad of
Eschles ball tossers are off this morn
ing for a two days stand at Sheridan.
A game will be played this afternoon
and one tomorrow. "Mysterious" Mitch
ell who has been pitching ' great ball
for Sheridan, was released lest week
and Frank Archer, the ex-Portland
Beaver signed In his placs.
Manager Jerman of the Salem team
Is Importing; ball players from all partt
of the state to heat Woodburn today
in the championship game. If Salem
wins today. the Willamette Valley
league pennant will-be awarded to them.
Ray Henkle of the Eschles team will
be in a Salem uniform.
Toung Wise of the Hudson Arms team
of Lents pitched another beautiful
game last Sunday against the Meier '&
Frank aggregation at Lents. Fourteen
sluggers whiffed the air while trying to
straighten out some of Wise's slants.
The Greenfield Blues will close their
season today In a game at JJorth Plains.-)
"Bill" Kotteman. the old time local
heaver will be on the mound for the
The Columbus club will meet: the
Mount Angel nine o.: the letter's grounds
this afternoon. . '
,The Gresham Giants are leaving for
Hillsboro this morning where they will
hook ufi In a battle royel with the Cor
nelius team, pennant winners of the
Washington County league. Excursions
from Cornelius, Banks and Forest Grove
will be run to the game. The Cornelius
squad is reported to be composed of
heavy sluggsrs and "Cy" Townsend, the
veteran Gresham twirler, will assay the
task of holding them down.
"Red" Cassner Is still seen in a Hood
River uniform. A game in tha,t place
without Cassner's name In the lineup
would seem trange to the fans, as the
I v-J I
II v
1 1
The above Is Bill Burnslde, well
known in local semi-pro circles as one
of the nerviest umpires around the city.
BUI has held the indicator for the past
jfive years, being an official for two
. i .i i .1 m. Mi.. 1 . . . n J
ypr lu ino uiu i n-iiy iraguu oiiu
serving one year in the Coos Bay league.
Although any umpire will have his trou
bles and especially one not protected by
organized ball, Burnslde has been most
successful in handling players and In all
games In which he officiates he is al
ways firm in his decisions and stands
for no '.wrangling. In his work Burn
slde is energetlo and always near to
the plays, and It would not be surpris
ing to see .him given a tryout with the
Northwestern league next season.
In trying to field the ball "Red" stumb
led and fell over the pile and the hall
hit him in the back allowing four runs
to come over the pan. Since the-n Ru
pert has a score keeper follow the team
on all the trips.
The game at Rainier tomorrow with
Clatskanle will be called at 11 a. m. on
account of the boxing exhibition be
tween Bud Anderson and Frankle Ed-ws-ds
to be held on the ball grounds
In the sfternoon.-
,The grounds at Hood River are in
New York Expected to
come Fight Center in
Short Time.
that this sterling little twIWer could
not have tied up with some good, team,
as h has got the goods and the nerve
to stick in fast company.
Til. rVlllimhll. 1 1 1 1 K ham. m m i n w 1
vouna-" Brown, the mHet shortstin. New York. Sept. 2, New York will
"Brownie1 nabs everything that comes probably be the great eastern fight cen
hls way and is generally there wRh ter under the Frawlcy raw which le-
tha big wallop when he comes to the I Raiizps righting, uovernor uix couia
not have made a wiser selection ror
(halrman of the boxing commission
than James E. Sullivan. While Mr.
Sullivan has not heretofore been lden-
"Bud" Jones, who has been playing
a trreat Kame in rlnht field for the
Sheridan Colts, left last night for the Uf' wltn the boxing game, he knows
east on a business trip. The Sheridan I It from soup to nuts, as tn fact he
team will miss this gentlemanly ball j knows all branches of sport,
player, as he was hitting the pill at a j " No man In the country has had wider
.381 clip. experience in handling athletes, and tho
J professional boxer has a strong family
Al Lodell had a Jinx following him likeness so far as temperament goes to
last Sunday at Hubbard, and although the amateur athlete,
he slammed the ball to all corners of : Beyond this Mr. Sullivan Is absolute
the lot some fielder was always there t!rrff!!m,mmmwmmmmm'mrrmw!f
to tear off some circus catch and rob i
the tall handsome first sacker of a .
hit. , i
ly on the level and anything with which
he is connected must be on the square.
The sporting public knows this. , Henco
legalized boxing will start out In New
York under the most favorable aus
pices. The rules adopted already by the
commission make for clean sport. It
Is the purposLto hsve representatives
at all bouts and to gradually codify
the laws of the game In accord with
Mr. Sullivan, by the way, is a strong
advocate of state supervision of al
sports, amateur and professional, and it
is by no means impossible that in New
York state at least this will be done
before long.
"We have state departments of edu
cation, agriculture, charity; why not of
athletics?" asks Mr. Sullivan. Why
EM Pltonof. father of Rose Pitonof,
of Boston, who now claims to be ths
champion long distance swimmer of the
world by reason of her swims to the
Boston Light and also Coney Island, as
well as many exhibitions in rivers
throughout the country, challenges Sam
Richards and Alsis Aykroyd, of Boston,
both of whom swam to the Boston Light
within the last few weeks, to an en-
u u . Bin. a a rt ... . . t juobv, 'v., ... J uu..-
u,; UI1UC1 ail J
old timer has- been on the club for tlie
past 10 years.'
Ade Sleberts continues to pitch grand
ball for the B. P. & S. team and it was
not his fault that Rainier won last
Sunday. Errors behind htm were re
sponsible for nearly all the scores.
Here's a good one told on "Be7
Rupert, the foxy manager of the Eschle
team. In a game at St. Helens last sea
son "Red's" team was having one of
their few "off days" In the season.
"Red" was guarding ' the right garden
and was anxious to see how many er
rors his team was maklgig. Following
his old custom of puttltg a rock in a
pile for. each error, Rupert had quite
collection in the eighth Inning, when
a St. Helens slugger (most likely Perry
Austin) cattie up with three on "banes,
and slargmed a drive In his direction.
J poor shape despite the work put. on thenT
to keep them in condition. Tho Infield
is soft, and slow. Good-diamonds will
make better games for the small towns
and it is hoped that more attention will
be paid this feature next year. Sheri
dan, St Paul and Hillsboro can boast
of the best ball parks this season.
"Heinle" Hogue, the Marshall-Wells
first sacker, proved to be one of the
main sluggers In the Saturday league
this season. Ilogure came here from
Spokane, where he played semi-pro ball.
Melvin Lake- the' local boy with Vic
toria, Arrived In town last week and will
remain and join his' teammates tomor
row when they coma for- a series with
the Nicks. Lake got away with a good
start, but has been bumped of late and
seems to have lost heart in his work
with the Joke crew. It is unfortunate
Byron Houck the local boy now with
Cohn's Spokane Indians has been draft
ed by the Philadelphia Americans. The
rise of this young player has been a
spectacular one and not longer than
two months ago he was satisfied to
heave over the slants for the local
Gresham Giants.. Previous to that time
he was with the Washington high
school and the University of Oregon.
He was tipped off to Cohn by Jack
Tauscher, the Portland lad now with Ta
coma. Tauscher received nothing from
Cohn for getting him this find notwith
standing that he has proved a sensa
tion in the Northwest league.
The Tribunes will tackle the First :
Infantry team this afternoon with sev
eral changes In their lineup. Last Sun
day the First Infantry defeated the
Bayers nine by the score of 16 ,to 0. The
Tribunes expect to give the soldiers
a better gams. '
The newly organized South Portland
Cubs will meet the St. Johns club this
afternoon on the South Portland field.
Last Sunday the Cubs defeated the ,
Glencoe business men by the score of 9 ;
to 8. Pitcher Gorham, late of the Port
land Emporiums, fanned 14 of the pen !
pushers. !
The White Caps will meet the Port
land Bell Hops at the South Portland j
grounds Immediately after the St.
Johns-Cubs game. The White Caps have i
been winning right along and would
like to meet the Crescent Creamery;
nine. ."" , i
The Portland Emporiums, an amateur
baseball team, disbanded some time
ago and made quite a record, this being
their first season In the field. The P.
15. s won 18 of the 25 games they played.
Pitcher. Deale won 15 of tho 18 games
he pitched. The team -plans to be In tho
field again next season. A number of
tht Emporium players are now with the
South Portland Cubs, which li a fast .
nine organized about a month ago. ;
Luckey, a youngster picked up by i
Long of the Tribunes, showed class In
the Glll-Trlbune game. He Is a left
handed batter, but did not do much
against 8outhpaw "Spike" Hewitt. Th!
Tribunes have a long Hat of players on
their team and most of them are doing
good work. Kennedy, who played sec
ond base in the first part of tho sea
son, is trying to hook on again ami If
he Is successful he will take Wanks
place at third base and the former will
be shipped to center.
Jack Johnson Astonishes Brit
ons With His Valets and
. Secretaries.
. London, Sept. J. -The black American,
champion Jack Johnson, is as a visit
ing American pugilist put it, "the orlgl
nal stye kid."
In tact there Is nothing too good for
the dusky lighter. He has a valet for
himself," ' maid for his wife and an
expert Wiauffeur. He will take . at
ltastvbose people with him when he
goes to Australia and his following
may also Include a private secretary and
a stenographer or two.
When Johnson gets back to the Unit
ed States whloh may not be for a year
or two he will-be a widely traveled man
a he Intends to visit India, China and
Johnsoif can very easily afford to,
have two or : three valets If he wants
them, as his contract with Mcintosh
calls for an annual guarantee of $126,
000, a pretty tidy salary for the ex
roundabout. He expects to start for
Australia after his bouts with Wells
and Curran have been fought. He is
Immensely popular here, the color line
be In very little In evidence in Eng
land. It is possible that Johnson may
never go back to live In the United
."This fide certainly looks good to
me," he said ths .other day. "'Of course
I am. an American put there Is n mis
take, the people here treat -a colored
man with lots more consideration than
they do at home. I have- been think'
Ing ot buying me a place In England
where I can live In peace and comfort
after I "retire."
Has Been Drlrer (18 Years.
Captain Andrew Jackson Russell,
better known as Jack Russell, of Wa
tervllet is the oldest driver of trotting
horses in New York. He was born on
'November 4, 1832, and has been on the j
grand circuit more than 40 years. The j
first race in which he held the reins j
was 68 years ago, on the ice of Lake i
Peoria, III., has a plan laid out for
a week's rowing races such as was
held in Pullman in 1889, to consist of
two days racing by the clubs of the
northwestern and, central states asso
ciations on psoria lake, finishing -up
with two 'days racing of the national
association of amateur oarsmen. The
first two have already been secured,
but the national regatta will not be
awarded until next .March, .
.1 f' '-,,,., . .'.-;' ' ,';' V .
' Jack Johnson, weighs '280 pounds. ;
wuvrf Tr tit: -T-
We'd like to show you the new
weaves this season: new patterns
and colorings
We'd like to have you see thenewt
models in suits; the "Shape-maker"
especially for young men; the
"Varsity"; the "Box Back"; the
new "English" sack, made with
soft roll lapel the coat without
Look at them now
$20.00 to $45.00
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co,
. . ' Third and Morrison