The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 31, Image 31

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;l 12 RACES flMi
6. Store in Autumn Raiment
The returning summer visitor and tanned vacationist will find much
of interest in the store.
Every day sees new arrivals in wearing apparel and accessories.
There is much to be seen in the ready-to-wear departments, where
the latest vogue models are being shown.
Throughout the store there is unmistakable evidence of Autumn.
New fall colorings vie with each other for popular favor.
Millinery, dress goods, silks, leather goods, novel neckwear and
trimmings; 6mart-millinery, ribbons and jewelry are shown in pro
fusion. ' , '
Whether you.,: buy fir merely inspect, a pleasant hour can be spent
viewing the flew things.
Time Has Worked Many Remarkable
Changes in Dress Take the Present Day Styles for Example
Americans in Paris during the month of August expected radical changes in style. When at
last the great creators of fashion held their openings, few indeed were the surprises for the
American trade. Again the same clinging gowns were shown with the exception that the skirts
were made a trifle wider.
The same dominant feature of the Orient will prevail in colors and trimmings. Cashmere and
Indian combinations will again rule in the land of fashion.
We are now exhibiting dressy and semi-dressy and tailored one-piece dresses which are at pres
ent the most important feature in women's apparel.
Shadow Stripe Velvet Gown
One particularly smart gown now on display is fashioned of shadow stripe black and white
velvet. It is a Callot model. Opening to the bottom of the skirt over black satin duchess. Trim
ming of chenille ball fringe extending from the waist and outlining the entire overskirt This
trimming is also used on the waist bordering the surplice, which crosses over a black satin duch
ess vesand is held in place with a corsage of roses. The sleeves are made in the peasant style.
Another striking dress is shown in black and white stripe velvet, with wide panels of black
satin duchess. Trimmed with white satin revers veiled in chiffon with a duchess lace yoke. Loops
and buttons of velvet form the principal ornamentation.
Gown of Midnight Blue Velvet
One particularly noticeable gown of midnight blue velvet is very simple, the skirt being made
with a deep border around the bottom, held in place with a velvet cord. The only trimming on
the waist consists of a deep fichu effect of white chiffon, edged with heavy Irish lace. The sleeves
are short, with an under cuff of point de sprit and chiffon. Has a little yoke of real lace.
Silk Serge Afternoon Gowt
Another afternoon frock is of the new silk serge, fringe trimmed. This gown is in a rich
shade of dark blue with buttons embroidered in white threads. The waist has a wide side frill
of dainty net lace, with low lace yoke.
Smart Serge Dresses
A little serge dress is very smart, with the sid ; slashed effect on the skirt finished with buttons
and braid. The under sleeve and yoke and collar are of duchess lace. The waist has a touch of
green piping.
Suits and Coats Fit for Royalty
A demi-toilette suit of imported chiffon broadcloth is very smart. The skirt is perfectly plain,
the coat being at least 30 inches long, with the sleeves almost full length. This coat is made
in the high waisted style, with - a seam running from under the arm around the front. The large
shawl collar, half of velvet and half of cloth, is finished with a silk fringe, fastening in the front
with a single large silk button.
This same model is also developed in velvet
Dress Fabrics From Across the Waters
Due to the interest centered in England this season, English tweeds
will be much in evidence. Mixtures of gray and green, heather violet,
brown and green are very smart These mixtures we are showing at
$1.35 and $2.50 a yard. Leather buttons harmonizing in color look
very smart with these mixtures, or the large buttons made of, horn.
Serges, fancy and plain, are extensively shown. The reversible fab
rics are very much used. For instance, a black and white purple
diagonal with plain state purple and black plaid on the other. side.
Double faced serges in black and green, brown and black, state purple
and black, blue and black. Black and white stripe velour at $3.00 a
yard is very beautiful. Polo cloth in reversible effects will continue
more popular for wraps.
These reversible materials are having quite a vogue this season for
all kinds of wraps, one and three-piece suits and- tailored dresses.
Aside from their beauty of appearance, they make their own trim
ming, and it is really a matter of economy to invest in at least one
suit of this material
Eastern Influences Affect Both Colors and
For the past two or three seasons trimmings of all kinds have
shown the Oriental colors and effects, and this season they are follow
ing more closely than ever the lines, colors and designs typical of
the east.
Bands, both narrow and wide, of large mesh filet nets, elaborately
embroidered in bright colored worsteds or yarns in the East Indian
and cashmere colors. Dull shades intermingling with bright tones
that form the most delightful color schemes that have ever been repro
duced for trimmings.
The bead trimming is also a study in East Indian colorings that
promises to be a favorite.
Passementeries and garnitures, both large and small, to match the
band trimmings, are works of art.
Another old-fashioned trimming that has been revived is chenille.
Used both as fringe and in designs on nets and chiffons.
There is so much that is new that it is impossible to cover the entire
situation. There are trimmings of every description to tempt you,.
Cord and tassels of chenille and silk, cord girdles in every shade
and all sizes. j
Tailored suits of shadow stripe corduroys in green, navy and brown,
ered buttons.
Trimmed with self-cov-
Here are some radically new models in separate coats. Fashion accents the use of the separate IlDDOnS lOr lVllllinery and UreSSeS
coat xor many more occasions man sne usually does.
A plain velvet coat for evening wear is lined with a rich, heavy satin in the same shade of
dull blue. The sleeve is cut in one with the garment, which can be easily slipped off and on. This
new model shows a narrow effect around the bottom and fastening over to one, side with an
immense blue frog. Skunk fur is used on the collar and cuffs.
For carriage or street wear are coats of black satin, purple lined and faced with black velvet
on the collar and cuffs. Also fastening with large frogs.
A real- camelshair champagne trig coat is an imported novelty. Trimmed with buttonholes
bound in black velvet and velvet buttons.
A Parisian model is of state purple velvet, lined with satin to match. This model has a large
shawl collar, shirred to stay in place, which is trimmed with purple silk fringe; the sleeves are
also shirred and trimmed with the fringe. This fringe trimming runs all the way down the
coat on both sides. It also fastens to one side with a large rhinestone clasp.
Then there are enveloping coats for street and utility wear of dark rich brown reversible polo
cloth, lined with-tan satin.
Coats of reversible materials in stripes or plaids, witfr-a deep hood held in place with a large
button. Full lengths.
Coats of rough materials, with sailor collars and large revers. Fancy button trimmed.
Coats of mixtures and stripes, as well as whit! polo coats, tan polo coats with the reverse side
of white.
Fashion decrees that ribbon bows shall be used on hats and gowns
alike, for girdles, sashes, neck bows, saucy little bows on the sleeves
and down the front of the waist, odd-shaped bows for holding the
jabot in place ; in fact, any and every kind or style of bow your fancy
At our ribbon counter you can find any kind of ribbon you wish,
from the narrow up to the widest width. Brightly colored plaid rib
bons in large patterns for millinery purposes. Two-tone ribbons,
edged with a contrasting shade.
Fancy polka dots in king's blue, maize, purple. Fancy stripes in all
shades. Shaded stripe ribbons, all colors.
Plain colored taffeta and satin ribbons in all the latest shades, both
wide and narrow.
New Dresden ribbons in plain and stripe effects or checks. Satin
stripe bordered ribbons.
Hat band ribbons in fancy stripes for trimming the plain felt hats
that are so fashionable. All ' shades.
These ribbons are the finest we have ever shown, and all very
modestly priced.
Ribbon for millinery purposes in immense variety.
Postscipt Robinson & Wells Hats
Since writing the above advertisement a shipment of 25 Robinson & Wells Hats have ar
rived and are placed on exhibition Tuesday. These hats reflect the latest note in Autumn tail
ored millinery. . . ,
New Books for Autumn Reading
'The Common Law" by Robert Chambers. U
"The Winning of Barbara Worth" by Harold Bell Wright
"Kennedy Square" by F. Hopkinson Smith.
"Secretary of Frivolous Affairs" by Futrelle.
"The Harvester" by Author "Freckles."
VThe Carpet From Bagdadl by Harold McGath.-
The Millinery Novelty of the Year
f)e SHrttet' Cap
At a studio party in Paris this summer a well known actress, W
the spirit of raillery, donned an artist's cap. (
Being assured by the entire assemblage that it was most chic
and becoming, this artist appeared in public and set the fashion'
for the "Artist Cap."
It jumped into instant favor.
Shortly after it made its appearance at the popular European
watering places, the "Artist Cap" found equal favor in Newport,
Bar Harbor and Atlantic City. i
We are showing many models in black velvet, uncut "velvet and
velvet combined with broadcloth. 7
Prices range from $6.95 to $11.50. !'
New Silks Are Here Elegant Velvets Too
Lustrous, beautiful weaves the advance guard of the superb silks
we have gathered abroad and at home for the Autumn season.
Many fancy novelties such as shot velvets for dresses, coats and
waists in. black and blue, black and coral, black and American Beauty,
black and yellow. f
Novel double faced satins, one of the newest fashion ideas for
dresses and wraps. In black combined with green, black and blue,
black and cerise, black and coronation purple. A very heavy, yet soft,
pliable material that hangs in soft, graceful folds. One yard wide
and sells at $3 the yard.
New warp effects in Dresdens that are always in fashion. Bayadere
plaids, the newest idea for waists. New Jacquard printed warp silks
in wonderful color combinations.
Messalines in all the new Autumn and staple shades.
Dress velvets in black and colors;' that make such charming separate
coats and one-piece costumes. Prices from $3 to $5.50.
Neckwear That Is Temptingly Beautiful
Totally different is the Autumn neckwear that we are now show
ing. Never before have we had such dainty and original conceits,
The new jabot is very wide at the top, reaching out to the shoul
der, where it is held in place by a bar pin, tapering down to a point
These new jabots are lavishly trimmed with handsome lace, set on.,
plaited frills.
One noticeably dainty frill is of fine mull hemstitched and fin-
ished with an Armenian edge, as is also the strip running down
the center, .
Many extremely handsome frills are elaborately trimmed with
fine or heavy cluny laces and insertions, combined with embroidery,
Also very striking combinations of black net and ecru nets, finely '
pleated, trimmed with cluny in the silk or linen. . , (
For indoor wear there are adorable collars in the sailor and shawl
styles, and one of these handsome collars will transform the most ,
demure little frock into a costume of distinction. These collars
are in the sailor style, with long tab, or fichu effects in the front ,
that can be worn over the cdat suit as well as the dress. Wonder-
f ul collars of real and imitation venise of sheer linen and mull
beautifully embroidered and trimmed with cluny or Irish laces and
insertions. v
Scarfs Are in Favor in Paris
The scarf still holds its place as' an essential to every costume.
This season brings forth some of the most novel and original styles
; The fichu scarf is one of the new novelties, which is made of
double chiffon and ends in points on the ends, where it is caught
with a large tassel of silk. One particularly attractive style is of
white chiffon with a row of pale blue Dresden roses and bound
on the one side with blue ribbon and tassels to match.
A large creamy white chiffon scarf is embrofdered in a conven
tional pattern across the ends in dull blues, gold and a touch of
purple. Finished with a deep fringe, caught with gold threads.
A most wonderful style of rich purple chiffon is embroidered
across one c6rner wkh gold beads, while all around the four sides
is a graduated border of satin.
Scarfs in the dull blues, purples, black and whites, rich browns
in self-colored designs and through all is woven a gold or silver
thread, giving a wonderful Oriental effect Scarfs bordered across
the ends with fringes of silk, beads and ribbons.
Kiddies' Hats and Coats Are Here
The styles of the baby's bonnets and hats follow closely the lines
of their mother's hats as well as in shades and materials.
-Cunning little pokes of velour, satin or velvets, daintily trimmed,
with pastel shades of satin, or satin ribbons shirred and gathered ,"
around the crown, with knots or bows on the side. Many are faced
underneath to match.
The new aviation wool bonnets in cream combined with dark
velvets. ,
Little Alpine hats of felt draped with a silk scarf.
Priced from $2.00 up to $12.00 each. .
The coats for the wee miss.,are also copied from the grown-up
fashions. The little polo coats are particularly smart, of woolly
rough materials, double faced. Made with high storm collar, double .
breasted, belted. And two roomy side pockets in just the right
place over the hips.
Then there are coats of velvets, corduroys and double-faced ma- ?
terials in the box styles, with large fancy buttons. Trimmed on
the collar and cuffs with fancy braids. - -
Prices from $6.00 to $12.50. " ,
Jeweled Pendants for Milady
Never before has this style of jewelry been so becoming and pop- ' r
ular as ij is today with the present mode of dress. This season
fashion demands that the jewelry shall harmonize with the gown
and hat. , vyiHv'- -l !",;t?X- ''
These exquisite pendants are set in V variety of different colored
stones. Chains in Sterling silver, platinum iinish, guaranteed un
tarnishable. " -v.:;.?;; ;'.y,: : .-- ..: ; -. ' .
Also gold plate on Sterling silver." The designs are taken from
diamond mounted jewelry.1 rRv,
These dainty and exclusive novelties are' shown only by us t -1
are priced at the very small figure of $3.00 each.
,Y':: '