', ' the Oregon Sunday' journal,-Portland;. Sunday morning, .September s. v COMMONBUSINESS D William Kettner in 'Report to Sanbiego "Papdr; Defends Former Portland Banker Cameron Takes Issue.1 "):. Louis .. Wilde, whn placed on trial on ths charge .of Riding W, Cooper Mor , rls in the embeEBUiment 6f IdO.OOO from tha Oregon True '& Savings ank, will seek to show that th transaction fupon Which the Incident Is tossed was only an ordinary busliiesa' transaction, In which he earned commission on ths Sale ; of Omaha Home, telephone bonds, and collected It. . '-. ;.., ,. In outline of ill position taken;, by Wilde Is afforded by a report published m the Ban Wego union , the day fol lowing bis return to San'DIego. ' It was furnished iy WllUam Kettner vice pres- ldent of the Chamber of Commerce of San Diego, a friend of Mr.-Wilde, who accompanied th accused promoter' to Portland on his recent visit Kettner states he made a eloBe Investigation of tha dealings of Wilde with the Oregon Trust & Savings bank. . J ' ' Tha report made by Kettner goes into un pons inawniona in some aeiau and reads as follows; .v- Acted M Agent. . "First Mr. Wilde was engaged as agent for various talephons companies In selling securities of those companies. v "Second The bonds issued by the In dependent Telephone company of Omaha, and sold by Mr. Wilde, were first mort gaga bonds upon a splendidly cons tructed telephone plant In the city of Omaha, and said lends .were of the full " value of the purchase price for which they were sold. These bonds were pur chased by bankers, trust companies and Investors on the Pacific coast from San Diego to Tacoma, many .of whom' had been Investors in telephone securities of other plants. All of the bonds sold at this, time .were sold upon tha same basis. After" the failure of the bank a committee of the depositors' association made a careful Investigation into all the assets of the Oregon Trust and Savings bank, pronounced the telephone bonus good and recomroonded the depositors of the bank to accept these bonds at par in satisfaction of their deposits. "Third The newspapers Of the city of Portland, as a matter of public in terest, investigate'! the plants at Oma ha and Tacoma and reported favorably upon these Securities, and the articles so published by the newspapers after their investigation were largely used by the Depositors' committee in inducing the depositors to accept bonds in satis faction of their deposits. Four months after the failure of the bank, during which time the value of these securities .had been thoroughly investigated, the court approved a plan of merger of the " Oregon Trust ant Saving bank with ths German American bank; such, approval being conditioned upon the acceptance Of telephone bond by depositors, who had already subscribed for such bonds, in satisfaction of their deposits. I have assumed that the court, who was the guardian of the interests of the depos itors. Would not insist upon such a ciV dltlon unless thoroughly satisfied as to the value of the bonds. ' Cripples Company. "Fourth I find. that the sale of the bonds to the bank did not cause the failure of the bank. The. bank had but A small amount Invested in the bonds, having issued its certificate of deposit largely In payment for the same. These certificates of deposit were never paid by the bank. The Omaha Telephone company suffered a very large loss due to the failure of the bank. This fact crippled the company so that it was obliged to temporarily suspend con- ' struction of the plant and the large In vestment was Idle and the plant was seriously crippled thereby. These facts, together with the fact that this oc- 'curred during a general panio when it was impossible to place securities at their value, caused the depreciation in ' value of the bonds of the Omaha com- ADVOCATES UNIFORM LAWS ON, MARRIAGE it V'iV"" VI m- i ?' , ' i , i , ' .. ' 'k . V 5 a - . V 4 j " f, m 'a: Urye City to Make iMommBtmisFillMi Some of Property Owners Are in Favor of Municipality Going Ahead With Work; Estimates -. " ' , V7 Called for 72,000 Cubit Yards of Earth to Mate 'FillM ' v-inMM W y IM II I ISSSJSSSSSSSSSSSSSWSSSSSSMSJSM'SSSBaS lv;,::; - yf ;4 paw. m ' .,f;i ,. . !irijjawR!i S Ifo T 'M ' ::i::.'v:W: l f .r ,"n 4S' ilv -M, . , i i - r s v.rs fv. -"t -wte- ? i the scene of picking since Wednesday. It was stated here today by -hop growers that the rains were not heavy enough to dp any damage to the crop. On the other hand, conditions will be Improved If no further precipitation occurs.'' .Requisition for Cuminings.. l.i.'r-jJBtlem JBsfMO. of Tb Jwrtil. V ;X ttBalm, Or., . gfept. 2,--Qoverpor ; West todayi Issued" a requisition on ths gov ernor -of California for the arrest and return to this-state of. Bert Cummlngs of Med ford, who is wanted in that city on; a. statutory charge. ' .. V "' " '' f WOODBURN POTATO CROP GOOD; OATS FALL DOWN ftHewUI (a. Th Jonrnal.t ' The fats potato crop In this vlcinitv is. looking well, , and as the acreage Is large a. gooa crop is. expected, provid ing enough rain falls during this month to give the potato the desired growth. The onion crop Is larger than last year by several carloads snd is in excellent condition. ;JTfie yield of spring oats Is proving a 'sore disappointment to the growers, for where they expected to. harvest from 40 to 80 bushels to the acre, and In some instances more. . the average will not exceed 28 to 30 bushels. Some news are not showing to exceed 16 J Dusneis to the acre. Many small grow ers will not have sufficient oats to feed stock through the season. Winter oats and wheat have done much better, though the yle'ld is not heavy. - -. -. The crop of hay is large and of good quality. Buyers are scarce, and little, if any, haB been moved since harvest. Prices offered do not compare with the market of the pan few years. f - Water Election September 5. ::' (Special ffo lbs JoarnaLl i"1 Woodburn, Or;, Sept. 3. On Tuesday, September. B. a special electron' will be held for authorising an issue of munic ipal water bonds to the.- amount of $26,600. ' Of : this , amount,' it is 'pro posed to spend a little less than $10,000 for tha purchase of the present system, now owned by R. K.' Page of Salem, the balance to be spent for extensions and improvements. A tower 100 feet high - and a tank of 60,000 gallons will be erected and in addition about two miles of six and eight inch mains will be laid and 16 new fire hydrants In stalled. Public sentiment seems to be In favor of municipal ownership and It is believed the bonds -will be voted by a large majority. Springfield Hotel Change. iSolnl to Tb Jonrnal. Springfield, Or., Sept. 2. Sherman Spong, formerly . proprietor of the American hotel in this city, has pur chased the interest of D. J. Cummins in the Springfield hotel. DUBOIS RECEIVER Journal Want Ads bring results. IS' FOR SWANK & CO. '(Special to Tha Journal! Vancouver, Wan., Sept. J. Uoyd Du Bols of : Vancouver, . was , yesterday named for receiver for the firm of Swank & Co.. bankrupts. The' appoint ment was made ry Judge Hanford of Seattle, and in direct apposition to' the wishes of the Merchants' Proteotlve as sociation, which advocated tha selec. tion of' its secretary at Seattle, . ) - Application for a petition in bank- ' ruptcy was filed in Tacoma yesterday s asking that a receiver be appointed.-' The , company, which Is Incorporated, , gives its liabilities at about $43,000, ' with sufficient asnets to cover all. ' Swank Co. owed the Commercial i bank of Vancouver about $40,000 when It closed Its doors on December IS, 1J10, but of that amount about half has been paid. The assets of the firm consists chiefly of the stock and fixtures Of a department store at Ninth and Main streets. "The Coffey Farm" to be sold, classified farms for sale.. v See - View of Morrison street fill, looking west from Chapman street; most of work being done on west end of gap At the present rate of ijirogress it Is estimated that It will take three years to complete the Morrison street fill. The big gulch extending from Chapman street oest for nearly 600 feet is be ing used as a dump by a number of excavation contractors operating on the west side who are dumping from 100 to IS wagon loads of earth a day on the fill. According to the estimates of the city engineer Jt will require about 72,000 oubtc yards of earth to make the fill. With the coming of the rainy season there will be very little basement exca vating going on and the result will be that little progress will be made on the fill throughout the winter. There la a very general feeling among Morrison street property owners and others directly interested in the open ing Of. the street, that the work of mak ing the fill should be undertaken in a systematic business-like way that is that the city should ask for bids to do the work and that a contract should be let with a stringent provision requir ing the work to be completed in a rea sonable length of time. The first es timate of the cost of the fill made by the city engineer, and communicated to the council about two months ago was $34,000. Since then there has been probably 4000 yards of earth dumped In to the gulch. Representative Norrls o? Nebraska, who introduced into the house ths mo- i tion for uniform laws of, marriage ! and divorce in the several states His resolution asks. that; the president re 1 , quest each governor to sen. a ; rep - resentatlve to a meeting, to ,be' held Jn vthe' hall of tha house of repreeent f atlves." The gathering will report Its findings and recommendations to the J president, who shall forward them the governors, with -the request that i they day the1 same .before tha state . ... .., ' .,': i ':. V legislatures. pany, and my concfuslon is, that Instead of the purchase -of the bonds causing tha failure of the "bank, the failure of bank to pay for the bonds caused the embarrassment of the company and the subsequent depreciation of its securities. As a further evidenoe that the bank was not embarrassed by the purchase of theBe bonds, Is the fact that the bonds were disposed of by the receiver for the bank at par and thereby realized therefrom some $325,000 more than the bank paid for them. It is common know ledge in Portland that Just prior to the failure, over $400,000 In cash was paid out by the Oregon Trust and Savings bank in large overdrafts, bad loans and promotions such as the Golden Eagle department store and other ventures, already known to the people of Port larrd to have been the cause of the heavy withdrawals of cash from the bank, thereby causing its suspension. Sank ra44; Xlsa-KotUagV - ."Fifth Mr. Wilde was paid nothing by the bank. He wis the agent of the Telephone Construction company that negotiated the sales. The bonds were the property of the Union Telephone Construction . company. The company sent its treasurer to Portland to close the sale of the bands. He (the treas urer) procured the bonds from the Title Insurance and Trust company and took them with him to Portland and made delivery there and received therefor certificates of deposit for ths full pur chase price. These certificates were drawn to the Telephone Construction company and delivered to Its treasurer direct. They were payable at various times extending over a period of more than a year. The treasurer of the construction company, under instruc tions from his company, paid Mr. Wilde his commission. This payment was in accordance with Mr. Wilde's contract with the Telephone Construction com pany and this commission Is the money he is indicted for receiving. Mr. Wilde was paid a commission in precisely the same way aa the owner of a parcel of land, which had been sold through an agent, would pay the agent the com mission which he had earned. Mr. Wilde was selling the bonds for the con struction company upon a commission basis under a written contract and was paid in this case the lame commission he bad been paid in many .Instances. In the selling of the bonds he represented the Telephone Constructloncompany. In closing the deal the treasurer of the company delivered ths bonds and took certificates of deposit, a very large part of which were never paid. So far as-1 am able to rind, the dealings between Mr. Wilde and tho bank were honest and above board and nothing out of the ordinary from the usual and every day business transac tions." , JfO Plant, Bays Cameron. Plstrlct Attorney Cameron, being shown the Kettner statement, .made the following comment: As to the first paragraph, there will be no dispute about It. Concerning the splendidly constructed plant' at Omaha, there was In fact no plant at the time the sale of the bonds to the bank was consummated on May 7, 1907. The company had obtained its franchise to do business In Omaha the previous De cember, and winter work was not pos sible In that climate. Work could not have been commenced before April. "It Is true a recommendation was made to ; depositors of the bank to ac cept 'telephone bonds in satisfaction of their account!. . This was on the theory that otherwise they would get nothing, and the bonds were thought better than nqthing. ' Mr. Wilde about that time had paid ads in the newspapers advis ing the depositors to accept telephone bonds, I believe. I do not understand ithat jhejiewspapers of thecjydvls.ed tnat tne oonus were good. s "The facts about the bond transac tion are that the bank paid $100,000 in cash for them on May 7, 1907, and is-" sued certificates of deposit for $300,000. Of the cash paid, $90,000 was .appro priated by Morris and Wilde., Three Of the certificates of deposit, for $25, 000 each, were paid before the banls failed In August, making a total outlay of I17S.O00 by the bank at a time when its eash resources were much needed. The Jpank took the bonds , at par and they wero later accepted; by deposltara at par. v.- . ' ". . ' v f Divided 90,000 Bays Cameron, " '"As to Wilde being paid nothing by the bank, 'theact Is that Wilde had authority from the telephone construc tion ' company, 'Which was : the selling agent, to sell as low as 80 cents on the dollar. , He reported to his associates. Stow and Graves, that ha had sold tha block to the bank at 82. He reported he had received 1400,000 in certificates of deposit ' and 110,000 la cash. ;Thla $10,000, which his- associates : were led to Relieve was all he received Over $400,000, was divided in three, part as commteaton svfc .w -.V.r By an Arrangement with Morris the Wilde and Morris spUt the extra $90,000 in cash between them. This money was taken from the bank's funds and con stitutes the embezzlement upon which the indictment Is based." GARRISON'S DIG GSZE II :D ON GIRL S PHOTO New York, Sept. 2. Daniel B. Garri son Jr., member of one of the oldest and wealthiest families in St. Louis, committed' suicide today in his room at the Waldorf-A6torla hotel by shoot ing. Ill health and a fear that an ap proaching marriage, would, pro ve-unhap- py caused the act, according to a letter left by Mr. Garrison. The woman to whom Mr.- Garrison was engaged in Miss Mary -Williams f this city. She is on her way o New York from Europe. Her photograph was found on a trunk near the bed in which Mr. Garrison lay when he shot himself. He had placed It so his last glance on earth might be directed at her likeness. Mr. Garrison's father, Daniel E. Garrison Sr., and his son Daniel B. Garrison III. were at the Wal dorf and occupied adjoining rooms on the- fourth floor. Mr. Garrison was 42 years old and a widower. His first wife died about four years ago. He was the first vice president of the Corrugated Gas com pany, of which his father Is president. The offices of the concern are In St. Louts. 4 STATE'S ATTORNEYS v WORK ON M'NAMARA CASE (United Pnw Leased Wire.) Los Angeles, Sept 2. District Attor ney John D. Fredericks and three assist ants are working day and night prepar ing the evidence and searching the au thorities in advance of the trial of the McNamara brothers, scheduled to' begin October 11 Fredericks has turned over the active charge of his office to Dep uty Distric't Attorney G. Ray Horton. and is spending his entire time on the case. - , The attorneys for the defense are also "uu to their necks" in wont, ana as there is but a little more than a month until the case comes to trial they are making every minute count. Neither side has an inkling as to the nature of the evidence , the other proposes to spring, and consequently both the- de fense and the prosecution are preparing for any exigency. MARION SUPERVISORS NAMED 3 1 (Saltm Burets of Tbe Jonrnal.) Salem, Or., Sept. 2. The needs of the different school districts of Marlon county will be looked after more care fully in future and teachers who have had no former experience will be ma terially helpedas the result of the ap pointment today of three county .school supervisors. This board of supervis ors will hereafter be a fixture in all counties which have more than 60 dis tricts. The local board, composed of County School Superintendent .W. M. Smith - ef Salem, - Lissle Cornelius ofJ Turner and W; L. Smith of Gervais, will visit all the Bchool districts in this county before the opening of the tail term of school and every ix weeks thereafter and observe conditions in or de that they make ' proper . suggestions to local school boards for the better ment of the public school system. Most of the schools of the county will open the last week in September or the first week in October. Pan of Soap Scalds Collector, Salem Bureau of The Journal. I' Salem, Or., Sept. 2.- That the people who are Interviewed by bill collectors are sometimes upheld in taking drastic measures was shown here today when Judge Webster of the 'police court dls-i missed Mrs. Frank Amlck. Mrs. Am ick was arrested yesterday on complaint of C. W. Calvin, an unlucky collector, who, after entering Into an argument with Mrs. Amlck, was greeted with a pan of hot soup thrown through a screen into his face. Mrs. Amlck pro duced her children as witnesses to prove that she had ordered the man to leave the place, and that he had refused to do so. . Calvin's face, neck and arras were scalded. A barrel-shaped packing case that has been patented by an Illinois man can be folded for transportation when empty ana used many times. Wet Underbrush Checks Fires. (Salem Burets of Tb Journal. Salem. Or.. Sept. 2. That the forest fire-situation In the state was greatly relieved by the rains of lost night and this morning Is the statement given out at the state capltol today. Reports are that the precipitation has wetted the underbrush and grass, which will keep the fires from spreading, although It was not heavy enough ' to quench any large , blazes which were. In progress. It Is probable now that nothing further will be done in connection with the petition to the governor, asking that tne game season be temporarily closed Rains Have Not Injured Hops. ISalem Bureau of The Journal. Salem, Or., Sept. 2. Monday will wit ness the real opening of the hop-pick ing season' in this locality, although there are several yards which have been BUY THAT PIANO NOW Quitting Business 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL All Pianos at Factory Cost momtmmmfmmBmiammBKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm . v ... . n . y:;:"r ;.. . . .. :- . . As we are retiring from' business, we are anxious to dispose of Ihe balance of our stock in the quickest possible time. Rather than! store the pianos, we are willing to send out to any prospective buyer any piano they may select on 30 days' free trial, and, if satisfactory, you buy it at factory cost and oil easy terms if desired, ' All that it required is a deposit of $5 t6 cover cartage. Nothing fairer than . this. If - you can use ; a piano, see us at once. HOVENDEN PIANO GO. 106 Fifth Street -j Next to Perldru Hotel 'A ,;: ,.. Hi 1 The Most in Value The Best in Quality New Idea Patterns 10c All Styles Miataa. SffieiQEBlim -Y 111 I HIT" Ur"7 New' Idea Magazine 10c 50c a Year In Accordanoe With Our Usual Custom This Store Will Remain Closed All Day Monday Ji-ABOR BAY Seo Monday Evening Papers for Tuesday's Specials TO OFFERED BY lT il ITS) T UlTti The Old ReKable Painless Dentists FOR THIS MONTH To keep our larre force of dentists busy durinir the varm weather, and. naturallv. the dull season, we are doing the highest grade of dentistry at 15 to one half off. Better come early, as this offer will positively end September 1. Crown and Bridge Work Our Specialty We replace teeth which cannot be told from your own, without plates. We give you absolutely reliable and up-to-date dentistry, which will really please you, not only in looks, but in active service. ' If you must hare false teeth, why not have teeth that look neat, attractive in3 natural. We guarantee our artificial teeth to 'fit. They stick to your mouth and feeltomfortable. They do not rattle or drop when you laugh, and you can eat anything with them. Best Work Guaranteed for Fifteen Years FULL SET OF TEETH ... .;;$5.bo BRIDGE WORK OR TEETH WITHOUT PLATES . . . .$3.50 to $5.00 GOLD CROWNS ...i .$3.50 to $5.00 PORCELAIN CRdWNS , $3.50 to $5.00 GOLD OR PORCELAIN FILLINGS.. . .$1.00 Up SILVER FILLINGS 50c to $1.00 We also treat decaying, hollow, rotten, diseased teeth and save them for you, which many other dentists would extract. Hundreds and hundreds of , satisfied patients recommend our methods over all others. 1 KMi-x ? . Don't neglect your teeth any longer; when they start to go, they go fast. Wo have the largest and best-equipped dental parlors In Portland; and, remember, this reduction in prices will last only until September 1. ' , . , s . The UNION DENTAL COMPANY is incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon, and the company, not the operator, stands responsible for all work done. This alone Is a guarantee of satisfaction against poor materials and poor work manship. ' . ,'r'- : .y:-"' i,:;' Hours 8 a. rri. Till 8 p. fh.; Sunday 9 Till lit or by Antfltait " jUNIONDEALCOWaW (INCORPORATED) NORTHWEST CORNER FIRST AND MORIUSOri ttureaytr,W- I Unk recelvsd the bwid. at.pay. and 1 . . .'; "m m ..:.!.' " ' ' ' in. i.IH' iin.llli..a,ljtui,1 mJji Wf h ...wim m. A