The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 26, Image 26

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t -
HOTEL cook, $50; man and wife cooks,
$50: cook small boarding home. $3 a:
boat cook, $36; chambermaids, $20 and
130; housekeeper for 10 men, $3.; 4
waitresses, out of city. $35. $30 and $2o;
2 hotel waitresses. $25; restaur
ant waitresses, $10 up: pantry
work, $25: 2 second girls. $25 and $35;
famllv cook. $40 and $45
346& Wash. St.. room 7.
100 Girls Wanted
By the Meier Frank store. Must he 16
veara or over, bright and of neat ap
pearance. Apply Tuesday, superintend
ent's office, Imrn 8 to 10 a. m.
SOME reliable ladv (ape not material)
who Is willing to assist with the
housework and stay at home evenings
a few nights each week, wil be given
room and board in private family. No
-washing or troninK Prefer someone
-who is working during the day. Hose
;-Citv Park district Phone C-2 461.
Wanted! Wanted!
For the New York Carnival Co., 20
chorus girls. 4 ticket sellers, 3 piano
' players, swimmers and diving; girls.
X-846. journal
- WANTED Sunday school teacher or
" other active church worker to visit
'the homes of the Sunday school child
ren In the Interest of special work along
primary and junior lines; $10 week. In
crease if satisfactory. State church
connection; give phone. Z-8S9, Journal.
The Meier & Frank Store
Wants two experienced saleswomen for
the Needle Art department. Apply
Tuesday, 8 to 10 a. m., superintendent's
WANTED Teacher, club woman, stu
dent or other educated lady for spe
cial work In homes, grammar pupils. $45
month to start. State particulars. Ad-
dress Q-864. Journal.
, WANT voung ladles of pleasing per
sonality to snow samples for local
firms. $5 a day to good talkers. Call
- Mondav, room 1. Chamber Bldg., 3rd
and Alder.
BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers, bill clerks.
T I 1 MnntAA l.nil e fill TMt
- Won in 80 days. Private Instruction by
, public accountant. r-osiuun bbcuicu.
N-856, Journal.
WOMAN with on or two small children
i. can have a good respectable home and
i, email wages to keep house for .ne "r
-.'-,'Jwo men in country near city. K-840,
" WANTED Experienced fur operator
and finisher; must be competent;
Jhlghest wages, steady work. A. Reln
, r, Mercliants Trust bldg., 6th and
-' WANTED Two competent experienced
second girls in private family; wages
' ' J30: references required; none but com
petent help naed apply. Phone Main
. 758 or A-5720.
"SALESWOMEN for glove and hosiery
departments. Balary $40 per month.
( Apply Tuesday. Lennon's Specialty
' ' Store. $09 Morrison.
' mm. wanted rh cook and housekeep
er In small family In city; best ref
erences required. Call Japanese con
stilate. 210 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak.
WANTED A man and wife to take
charge of fruit and berry ranch and
raise chickens on shares. I will fur
nish good house, barn, tools and team
and .will give the right party who will
Btav five years a good opportunity it
making some money. Nothing but In
dustrious, reliable parties who thorough
ly understand this class of work will
be considered. Prefer a German. It
.. rwill cot be necessary for party .to go
' on the place for 60 or 90 days 'yet If
.. necessary. In answering give age, ex
" perience and references from parties
. who know your ability in this line.
Address N-850, Journal.
HOP pickers, one dryer, close in. 527
Chamber of Commerce. Main 8761.
Main office. 2 N. 2d st . Portland.
Ladies department. 7th and Wash, sts.,
upsta-'rs. Portland.
424 Front ave., Spokane.
87-89 4th st., San Francisco.
Established 1876.
Butts & EtUredge Emp. Co,
2414 N. 2d st.
Main 3205, A-1291.
Red Crass Employment
10 N. 2d. cor. Rurnslde. M. 5296. A-6735.
AGENTS, streetmen and peddlers are
coining money selling our big 10c
packages of 25 assorted postal cards.
"Rig Profits." Sell everywhere at
sight. Sample packages 10c. Particu
lars free. Sullivan Card Co., 121 W.
Van Ruren st . Chicago. Ill
Salesmen Ho!
Salesmen wanted to sell th most
complete line of nursery stock In the
northwest Cash weeklv.
Salem. Or.
AGENTS on salary or commission The
greatest aqents' seller ever prniluced.
every user f p.-n and Ink buys it n
sight: 2'to to Rno per cent Miofit; one.
flgerilV al.-s ;miounted to $02" in si
davs; another r.l' 'n two hours. .Monroe
Mfg. Co 2 4 I Lit Crosse. V
WE NE El) R salesman in each .if-several
pellent fields to sell our
splendid nirsery stock. A. remanent
place; rash week I and a s.,uare firm
Lark of .nu Write for part li nlars.
WashUiKton Nursery Co., Toppenish,
IF YOC arc a reliable soilv'iu.r we want
you for best proposition In America;
$25 to xi 00 per week; no waltMiu for
monev cr supplies- Call Suiifl.iv. Mon
day. Tuesday I f m S C. ((shorn (Ot;
E Stark st
. MEN anil ..iii.'ii at'. rts r,. t Imw sell"
ing ( ll.Kieis. Host fall and
winter arti.-le foi do market
f .i-.-at
flemand. Hig profits Has- .,f!. ji,.,..
Famnle outfit supplied fiif K. 'tar
PeetT Mfg. Co 93 k-ade, N, w York.
A NEW spe. ialty. nor. iv need.-.!; iKiim"
mended by pnv. rmnfiit : will bring
unlimited returns; write f., m. . sam
ple. IJtCk .Novelty Co. f,27 Washington
St., Eugene. Or
-UHT dollars n,r I'litiflr.-d pa 1.1 for
collecting names and addresses'
teady work; stamp for parti. hIhi-k'
, Calvert Sales Co., 217-219 St. I'a il sf
Baltimore. Md.
"AOKNTB wanted in each county to sell
' Quick-work vacuum cleaner; big prof-
' Ita, easy sates. Pig demand; price only
'" .5. Coast Sunoly Co.. 24 California
ft Pan Francisco, Cal.
SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of
.Pacific const grown nursery stock;
V;. rush paid weekly. Pacific Nursery Co
., (1 8 Corbett ',hJhf.
;. I ' M ADK "$50,000 in five years wltli. a
mall mail order business; began with
. , $.1. Bend for free booklet. Tells how.
' JfcocJc.r.22H. Lockport. N. Y. .
- SEND no money; Just say "tell Trie how
in make If. dally in spare time." West
Coast Supply Co., 63$ Center St., Pasa-
deoa, ("Hi. ;' . . '
WANT ( r?Ilabe violin and mandolin
' wolMtora for the road, Flat 4, 82
nrl vt 4 p. in. -
EAST monev, Utile work, a revelation.
Ca vender sold 310 in 6 days. Apple
white took 6 orders in 30 minutes. Ir
resistible wiling proposition. Send
iuick for details, sworn statements,
facts about wonderful automatic razor (
sharpener. Marvelous accuracy amazes j
everybody. Only successful invention of
its kind in existence Sells itself. Local
cents, managers everywhere. ju ui
spar.- tin. $50 to $!0 weekly. Write
at nn.iu. The Nev -v Fail Company, 119
Colton bldg.. Toledo, Ohio.
NTRSKKY salesmen wanted. Iarge
line; rash each week; exclusive ter
ritory; liberal terms. Yakima Valley
Nursery company, Toppenish, Wash.
270 MA PIfr' -A. BKT. 3d AND 4th.
MAIN .1555. A-5624,
MIPDLE aged man wishes work on
unall dairy, close In, tor fall and
winter: tr.iod horn.' object of advertiser;
correspondence German or English. M-
1 tin. Jc.iirniiL
l'( iSl TK )N wanted with country tin
smith by young man with 3 years
xpe ien.e; own Mann loots. it. uk'Kc,
;en. Del.
GOOD salesman, office man and bnsl-
ness hull. lor seeks change of position ;
married; highest references. Z-858.
WANTED Position by experienced
chauffeur, truck or touring: New
York and Oregon license. A-l refer
ence. C. M. Brown, Olendalc, Or,
GOOD opening for young man or couple
able to stock and operate small poul
try farm. O. W. P. Land Co., 1st and
WANTED Position taking charge of
farm; experienced In general farm
work and handling men. 0-845, Jour
nal. FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants work
.1... . 1 111
, , r,n iJ,h 7Ao To hid
save, you money, no Job too Dig to bid
on. A-847, Journal.
SOBER young man desires position In
wholesale house or factory; will do
any kind of work that pays fair wages.
Q-841 Journal.
EXPERIENCED family cook wants
position. -133H 1st st. M. E. Chinese
mission, room 14.
Phone Tabor 1601
wants work.
YOUNG man would like employment at
any night position. X-844. Journal.
EXPERIENCED janitor wants work
O" j
844, Journal.
LADY wishes to leave Portland on ac
count of cllmata: would go as house
keeper In widower's home; Swedish pre
ferred; in nice country nome or smau
town. A-843, Journal.
CAPABLE widow woman, age 30. 2
children, 8 and 10, desires housekeep-
I lng, widower, small crew of men. St
Louis Agency. 303 Vs Washington. Main
2039, A-4776.
RELIABLE woman with two children
wants position as housekeeper in re
spectable rooming house. Phone Sell
wood 1694.
WANTED Child to care for; healthful
. location, good care assured; refer
ences. Address R. D. 1, box 57, Hol
brook. Or.
WANTED To take care of several
children; good home and best of care.
Addrets 4403 E. 66th st. Get off Ar
leta station.
i hotel I
WIDOW with two little girls
management of workingmen's
on salary or commission. N-851, Jour
REFINED German woman wishes posi
tion as houske per, or of trust. 328
6th st.
WIDOW with two little girls desires
position as housekeeper for gentle
men. N-852, Journal.
LADY pianist wishes position with or
chestra; some experience. Phone
Woodlawn 1497.
A YOUNG lady who wishes to assist
with general housework. Address X
841. Journal.
YOUNG lady wants day or hour work.
References. Address M. K., 707 Mis
slssippl. Phone East 2181.
THOROUGHLY experienced young lady
'stenographer desires position; phone
Tabor 1276.
orK i
juiini nu.;ji. "" " ."13.00 per
tnree oays in me ween. jour- j
z ; j
years experience, .
desires position. Can do general of
flee work. Address 0-858. Journal.
GIRL wishes to learn second work In
a good family. H-831. Journal.
WOMAN wants to do washing by day
or by hour. Fhone Woodlawn 2088.
LADY wishes chamber or office work ;
from 0 to 5. Address 4806 61st.
WOMAN would like day work. Phone (
Tahor 3001. Tuesday.
LACE curtains hand laundered.
Main 1 486.
FINE washing and ironing to take
home. Phono A-362!.
YES. we laundry lace curtains. All work
guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 2684.
DRESSMAKING done at reasonable
prices at 50S Alder, near 16th.
st. Phone A-7655.
at 51ii Columbia
FIRST class dressmaking bv day and at j
home. Miss Absten, A-5768.
PRACTICAL nurse, middle aped, wants
muternitv cases, reasonahle. Main
7862. S4S Vaughn Ft.
cases only. 237 1-argn. Wfiln 3 2 4 !.
vts-r !7uTrUM,I,mK a'1 couple would like a few
lng. JJtnridflerson. within walking distance ot Jefferson
rooms. F
brick huildl
$1.60 per' week: another $2.50. i,, strict- ;
ly modern house, easy walking dls-
tance 254 1 2th.
-. .. - - .....t. ... ,,.-.,m, ioiiiii. suiutoic lor 6
FINE front room, well furnished and ; Indies or gentlemen with board In prl
all comforts, suitable for 2 or 3 gen- j vat.' famll. Modern conveniences
tlemen. 85 N. 17th St. Ma4n M20. walking distance. 28 10. 9th st. North.'
TWO furnished rooms in modern house . Pho'i" E. ."18.
for young men. gas. electric, light, liOAUIi ami room" in private famiTy"
telephone nnd hHth. 412 Mam. ; Wanted, two gentlemen to room .and
inlet home for business nun. 146U
Tth st
GOOD rooms $.'.."i0, $;; nnd $1 per week
use of bath tm.l nlione. 4 0!n.. Wush
ington, between lOtli and 11th.'
family for 1 and 2 gentlemen: verv i
reasonahle. 461 6th . 'corner Jackson '
iri7ii.' rrnni r,,;,.,, i7:;. !
walking distance
133 Montgomery,
f on. i r 7th.
4;..r. CLAY ST. Verv nicely furnished
front room, suitable for two, $10 per
month; modern. Main S 5 ft 7 .
Mi'i.l.V furnished r'ronl room with
hoar. I, home cooking, suitable for two
men 134 North l'ith st . west side.
Nll'i; furnished rooms for lad
use of
parlor and piano, pilvilege .if house
I.mj.k.;; Clay. Ma!n 6 2. IS.
N'li'K fi rnislniil fiint room,
lo.Mo In,
prt at house. :iss f.tli st
TH it Ki'I rooms furnished for
l"js. kci'iilng. 1 T 0 H- 10th st.
T'o .'.iki.VI.S snilal.le for h77u
Hi" JUa Ilontgonierv sire. I.
with bay window.
room in cottage,
585 Kearney st.
NICKI.y furnished mod. rn rooms, wnik-
iilE-l!HrJiij CIV -Yamhill st.
UitilK Jilry rontno. suitably for two;
iLmtL'.Ill'.' ?! nllt postofflci', 266 12th.
ONE fm nlshed loom; light and bath.
I ' a t It s t,
Fl- RN1 jTi KI i room in private tamlly.
L.i.l'". o.mii. ;.ni' i urn at.
ii - ,., "nt ""m- l,Htl1' Private fam-
11 V- Close In. 290 Park st.
THE PALMER. iWM Alder, furnished
i,,..,' ..1 J'"""1' "!08e in, prlvattt.ROO
Hotel Burton
Yamhill and Second.
The house of comfort.
Equipment strictly modern. Rates
fl per day and up. Roorai $4,
$5 and $fl by the week.
Central location, moderate prices, spe
rial weekly rates, $3, $3.60 and up, In
cluding public pnone and r.atn.
390 St.. cor. 10th.
HOTEL JOYCR just onened. new fur
nlture throughout, 2 minutes' walk
frojn postofflce, hot and cold water In
evvrv room. Cor. 4th and Jerrcrson si.
A-7067. Main
Outside double rooms suitable for
or 3 people at $5 or $5.50. Also single.
rooms at $.1.&0nnd $2 per week. 165 10th
NICK!,Y furnished rooms. also light
housekeeping rooms: furnacn heat,
F?" " n STIind
V "V" ."'" 1
as and telephone, walking distance to
close car service.
FOR one or two gentlemen, private sit
ting room and bedroom in modern
steam heated flnt; hot water alwavs;
walking distance; would give break
fasts. Main 5915.
LADY would share her modern home
with one to three women, employed
during the day. Kern Park. Phone
Tabor 1673.
COMMERCIAL hotel, under new man
agement, hot and cold running water,
choire rooms at $2.50 up per week. 488
Washington st.
Well furnished rooms, steam heat.
i hf ftnJ fold water; reasonable rates
. ,,, on7 nth ct Matt, 1153
. ti: .-'i:
HOTEL AMSDON Large, furnished
rooms, reasonable rent, rates to
steady roomers. Hot and cold water.
268 3d ft.
TWO large front rooms, bay window,
nlcelv furnished, fine location, rea
sonable 415 Mill St.. cor. 11th. Phone
Marshall 2572.
HOTEL Rex, 648 V4 Washington st.
I)nima atnarlA nr em Kllltp- nlnn bouse-
j kewplng rooms; transient solicited. John
, Qhcrmelcr. proprietor.
ONE nice outside room; four windows;
hot and cold water, bath and phone.
4 71 Clay. cor. 14th
st. Walking dls-
FOR RENT Large front room, also
small room, light, hath, phone, rea
roasonable walking distance. Marshall
3214; A-3570.
THE OLIVER 1st and Clay. Fur
nished rooms, running water, free
bath and phones.
THE TEMPLE. 3434 Yamhill St.. op
posite Hotel Portland. furnished
rooms. $2.60 a week up: transient
NICE, newly furnished rooms, steam
heat, very cheap. Gem hotel, 665 V
1st. Main !)33.
ELEGANTLY furnished modern room,
walking distance. Gentlemen. Phone
Main E319.
HOTEL ATLAS, all outside rooms, $2.50
week and up. 380 H Morrison, cor.
W. Park.
EILEEN COURT. 16th and Morrison
sts. Newly furnished rooms. 5 min
. hoi
utes' walk from P. O. Modern, $2 up.
ELM PLACE. 414 Yamhill; rooms;
hot and cold water, steam heat, pri
vate baths and suites.
MTaiSMK u'ph per Teelc8
Free phono and 1 ath. Main 7754.
The Belmor
Walking distance.
Belmont and Third street.
East Side.
If you are looking for a home, like
apartment buildings, wc have it. Just
like home; everybody Joins the big
family. Nice parlors and tree piano;
free phones; call bells in each room.
Electric lights, steam heat, hot and cold
water, new furniture.
Single rooms for single people or
housekeeping rooms for families. Price
$3.00 per week and up. Transient 75c
ppr rtav EaBt Bft24 or B.3o20
FOR RENT Desirable room to young
,nn vprv rpnK.tnMhle rpfrrAnpffl pv.
chinged. Apply 7t9', Hawthorne and
2 3d
pj,kaSANT room for 1 or 2 voung men.
j hPat, bath. phone. Will give break-
j fast' 46 East 16th st. N. Phone B-
xiCELY furnished room for 3 voung
mm. $10 per mo. Room and board
$5 per week. 166 E. 16th st
LARGE room, suitable for two; also
single room, furnace heat. 314 Holla
day. ,
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms.
walkinir distance. 166 E. 12th. Phono
East .'1332
TWO modern furnished rooms, private
home. Sunnvslde home privileges,
reasonable. Tahor 3069.
LARGK, lfht front room, furnace, bath,
private family. B-2S91.
Two nice large fn.rit rooms, also room
with 3 beds. .'I'la K. Havls. 1228.
2 NICE large front unf urnished rooms
for housekeeping. Hath and phone.
12S Fast 27th st., North. Phone East
Corhett st
3 unfurnished rooms. 900
Take S car. Call even-
KOI'H room flat with fjtis, $13.
fx 192'i Market st.
2 rooms
1 1 it'll school.
210 Humbolt st. Wood-
lawn 13J4.
r'riV-Y- --T7- 77-;7 'i:
r,t private family. Particulars
"!.''' Hamilton bldg, or phone Main
4 1 !m
NICK room for two gentlemen In bun
galow; ii t li. phone, lawn, porch.
everything homelike, and home cook-
- f " nt 151 N-ltith'
- o i-J vuineimll Family Hotel. American
plan; every modern convenience. 4
'Qunres from P. o. 253 6th.
Fl lSTclass table board 'and pleasant
room for two young men, close in,
62 -V. 21st.
ItooM anil hoard, ono In room, $6; two
$.j each, including bath and phone.
315 Tillamook. Take U car.
LAfidK room, well furnished, suitable
for 3; board if desired; private family,
353 1 2th. Main SMt.
LARGE rooms, modern, furnace hea
with board: grand view of west side.
340 Hassalo.
THE CAS A ROSA Large, airy, fur
nished rooms, with board. Splendid
location. 300 .lefferson.
I HOARD and room, home cooking, walk-
tng ci'MHiice. 4('! K. salmon. Kast
SfiOtv s
FlitST cluss iloom and board, double or
single room. 1071 E. 24th St. N., Al
berta. Woodlawn 2426.
WANTED' Two boys In n, nice private
home, near school. Terms reason-
able. Woodlawn -005;
CHILD to board and rootn, near school;
no other children. Phone East I81.
FIRST CLASS room and board.
Everett street.
ROOMS with board, $. 60 week! table
board $ 34H Bajmon, 'near ParK,
N ICE front room with board for two
gentlemen. 195 11th St.
M and board for young wometv i i
r week. 12 E. 7th it. fi, Phono 1$ 275 i
' I . ' -' . ' "-T. .' - ' ' k
NEWLY . furnished room
In private
home b blocks from Steel bridge;
noon oeun, Turnace neat, gaa, iatn,
phone. A good home for teacher and
students. Breakfast If wanted. Very
reasonable. Phone East , 603). . .
ROOM and board, private family, large
sunny rooms, good home cooking. $6
per week. 326 E. 1st north. Take V
car or pnone C-Z428
toe m a row irnr " w.h t
U Uli laiiAIUUlnJU. u u
rooms with hoard.
Table hoard $4.2B. First class.
WANTED by young lady, ' room and
board with relfned family near Wood-
lawn school or on Woodlawn car line.
State price.' W-848, Journal.
GENTLEMAN desires board and room;
give full particulars, number In fam
ily, etc. References. - Permanent. N
857, Journal.
W ANTED Boa rd and room for lady
nnd 7 Vfinp nlrl bnvr must Iia riMtr
school; elderly people prelerred. P-859,
WELL l'TRNISIIED houses, flats
rooms 5 room cottage. $20 month;
another, $17.50; suites, two furnished
housekeeping rooms, $8, $10, $12 month;
8. $15. Apply 364 26th St. North. "W"
car from depot, 6tli. west on Morrison
to 26th, block north.
FOR SALE One horse, weight 1000;
good saddler or single and double
driver. Not afraid of anything; safe
for lady. Worth $65. Sell for $40. 491
Hidwell st.. Sell wood. 1 blocks west of
NEWLY furnished for housekeeping, 2
room suite. 13. 58 weekly; also one
single front room. $4 weekly; running
water, modern conveniences, warning
distance: no children. 66 N. 21st. near
HOI'SEKEEPING rooms; two front,
bath, phone, ground floor, gas stove,
nlcelv furnished. Three minute car
service, 16 minute walk from Postof
fice. A dandy bargain for the winter.
535 Montgomery street.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly fur
nlshed. steam heat and clean, cook
with iras: also 3 laundry rooms and
tubs; price very reasonable. Gem Hotel,
665H 1st. Main P836.
Hunt's Express & Baggage Co
1 trunk, 50c. Additional trunks. 25c
each Grip with trunks free.
A-3415. Marshall 1415.
TWO room suite, private residence; gas
range and laundry trays; gas, eieo
tricitv. bath, phone, furnace, all free;
large vard, fencrLv new furniture; use
of rnano. 809 N. 22d St. Main 8376.
Rose City Park Transfer
Trios to' Rose City Park dally. Piano
And furniture moving. City work also.
202 4th. Main 8125. A-7237.
NICE large front housekeeping room.
Including gas, water phone. $12, also
small room. $6, walking distance, 249
Grant st, on South Portland carline.
Marshall 32.14.
ONE 2-room housekeeping suite, will
accommodate four. une large
leonine room, one housekeeping room;
steam heat, electric lights; everything
new. 370 6th.
THREE furnished rooms, gTound floor,
reeular kitchen, gas range, cook
stove; references; also 2 housekeeping
rooms, alcove and private porch. 475
Clay st. '
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
first floor front, very reasonable.
Stephlnson Court, 616 Mill st. Main
Baggage & Omnibus Transfer
Baggage moved and stored. Phone
Main 6980. A-3322.
TWO very desirable housekeeping
rooms with kitchenette. Also one
large front sleeping room, suitable for
two people. 407 Columbia street.
NICELY furnishexi housekeeping rooms,
$14 and $16 per month; gas, use of
phone, bath and laundry. Close In, 308
Mill st
$3.50 PER week for 2 large sunny
housekeeping rooms, newly furnished,
all conveniences, walking distance. Mar
shall 3247.
$14, THREE housekeeping rooms, fine
location; electricity, phono and bath.
l Darn,
to 696
out Taylor to Chapman,
And 25c . for each additional trunk;
moved promptly. Phone United Ex
press Co. Marshall 2403, A-7432.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $8.60 to
$10.50; 2 sleeping rooms, $1.60 per
week: free phone and bath, large yard.
193 St. Claire st. Phone Main 3816.
THREE completely furnished house
keeping rooms, sink, pantry, range,
sns plate, heater, phone, lights, bath.
?45 16th N. Main 1976.
NICELY furnished single housekeeping
rooms, $12 per month, sleeping rooms
$6 per month; free telephone, lights and
bath. 448 Columbia St.
ONE nnd two room housekeeping suite,
walking distance; bath, phone. 309
.Incksnn street.
TWO large
rooms. $12
628 Market.
furnished housekeeping
month; bath and phone.
ESPECIALLY desirable rooms, large,
high ceiling, airy, cool; good location.
534 Morrison.
TWO nicely furnished bedrooms for
housekeeping; all modern conven
iences. 85 N. 17th st Main 6120.
TWO clean furnished housekeeping
rooms, with running water. Price rea
sonable. Main 8643. 353 12th St.
THREE housekeeping rooms furnished,
walking distance, pleasant surround
Ings. 370 12th.
THREE unfurnished rooms at 806
Vaughn, modern, $12 por month.
Phone A-l 431.
MODERN furnished rooms, $2 per week,
on curllnc. 4(J8 E. Ankeny, bet. 8th
nnd 9th.
CAM15RIIMJE bldg., furnished and un
furnislied housekeeping rooms, very
central. 3d and Morrison. Apply room 36
TWO and three htJSsekeeplng
suites, $17 and $26; suitable for 4.
475 Main.
FOUR light pleasant rooms furnished
for housekeeping; would sell furni
ture cheap If desired. .IPX College.
$15 TWO furnished housekeeping
rooms, bath and phoneji .walking dis
tance. 353 Lincoln.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suites,
$2 per week and up; free phone and
bnth. 32KV, N. 17th st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping room
with water and lights for rent. 609
Johnson st.
THE NORMANDY Three " furnished
' rooms suitable for light housekoep-
lng; no children. .29 JVttvst.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for
men; very reasonable. 471 Morrl-
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath, phono, $19. 3 71 13th St., Main
9461. Also furnished sleeping rooms.
LARGE rooms for housekeeping, s.ln.glo
or ensuitu; free gas, phoneland bath.
194 N. 16th
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent at
482 V4 JVashlnKton st, near 14th st.
SINGLE furnished housekeeping roonis
$3 per ween, ana bin st
SUITE f 2 housekeeping rooms, mod
ern. 695 Glisnn, near 21st.
TWO furnished housekeeping
481 west i'arn. i;.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping room!
1 I - 11 . . K . . ... ... i7C T..l-
VIWi nmwii iirni ,'.', i I u in.yit'l
ONE, two and three, very nice large
niodern nouseKeeping rooms, bho 2d.
$10 Four furnished housekeeping
rooms, 341 Patton road. Main 4529.
TWO nice housekeeping rooms at 388
3d st, $12 month.' '
2 OH 3 front housekeeping rooms very
reasonable. The Idaho, 889 6th.
MITCHELL housekeeping rooms"; "light,
gas; moderate. 7th-Flanders: A-4075.
TWO light, clean furnished housekeep
ing rooms, walking distance. 403 2d.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; largo
lawn. 389 N. 19th nt
TWO neatly furnished front rooms for
light housekeeping; 275 N. 81st st.
FTlRNTSHED TiousekeepTng rooms, $7I7j
to $18, 308 13tb st
S FURNISHED housekeeping rooms;
bath, first floor, $16. Walking dls
tance. Main 7773.".
QUIET, agreeable couple in lower flat
will rept upper flat to similar per
manent people, Good rooms, newly pa
pered, walking distance, $7.50.. .428 Un
ion ave, N.
$2. ta.HB WEEKLY Newly furnished
housekeeping rooms, free phone, bath,
yard, laundry, gas clean linen. 669 Com
mercial stroet," between Knott and Gra
ham. U car.
TWO downstairs furnished housekeep
ing rooms for rent, with electric
light,, gas, telephone and bath, nice
yard, rent reasonable. 374 Williams
ave. , .
NEW, neatly furnished 8 room apart
ment; bath, gas, laundry, phone; no
objection to childsen; reasonable. 825
E. Stark.
THE ST. MARKS, 392H E. Burnsida St.
houskeeplng rooms. $2.50 a week up.
Also neatly furnished rooms. $2 a week
up. Free phone, light and linen.
THREE clean, airy, well furnished
housekeeping rooms, water free. 493
Vancouver ave., 1 block Williams ave.
and Russell. $15.
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
rooms, hot and cold water, sink and
porcelain bath, summer rates. 475 E.
Rurnslde. B-1189
TWO large housekeeping rooms, also
two basement rooms, cheap rent, 1
block south of Morrison. 167 E. 8th
st. East 5468.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms and furnished
rooms with or without board, 3
blocks Jefferson high schooi. 991 Com
merclal st. Phone C-3019.
TWO girls or adults, employed, to oc
cupy large room, light housekeeping,
use of piano. 165 Monroe st.. close to
Lt or u cars.
TWO or three newly furnished rooms
for housekeeping, first or second
floor. 11 East 14th St., North, near
TWO sunny housekeeping rooms, pri
vate family; $16.60. including gas,
bath, light, water. 129 East 20th, near
TWO connecting housekeeping rooms,
electric Hunts bath and nhone. 428
East Ankeny. Phone East 3765. '
LA ARGENTINA. 541 Delay St., fur
nished housekeeping rooms. $7 and $10
per month.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms.
$16; 8 with sink and porch, $18. 692
E. Morrison. Phone East 6901.
L A R G E housekeeping room furnished
with kltehenetie, corner room, large
windows. E. 5279.
TWO suites complete housekeeping
rooms. 114 each, per month. No
children. 411 E. Ankeny st.
HOUSEKEEPING moms; pleasant, large
outside rooms. $2.50 ud. 164Vi Un
ion, cor. Relmont.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,
$lfi; with bath and phone. 70 E.
8th St. N. Phone B-2734.
FURNISHED housekeeping room with
kitchenette, cornet room, blir windows.
$14 per month. Call E. 6279. 89 E. 12th.
SUITE of two or three nicely furnished
rooms, gas, bath, phone. 464 E.
Rurnsido street.
CLEAN, newly furnished rooms suits
ble for housekeeping and single.
E. Tth st.
FOR RENT 4 unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms; ciose in, oatn ana pnone.
6 E. 8th st. Phone East 4834.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms to quiet couple, aoa urana
ave N.
NICE light front housekeeping rooms.
fhone and tatn. $3 up. 3ta ss. Mor-
rlson, corner 3d.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping front
rooms. 483 E. Washington. $10 per
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms with porch.
4 36 Rodney ave.
FRONT suites of 2 housekeeping rooms,
brick building. 10 Union ave.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, up
stairs and downstairs. 772 Albina.
FURNISHED housekeeping and sleep
ing rooms. lViVi tirann ave.
THREE housekeeping rooms, well fur-
nlshed. Phone Woodlawn 692.
TWO suites ground floor, walking dis
tance. Phone E. 2243.
8 ROOMS modern. $40; lawn, shrub
bery, trees, furnace, choice residence
section, 15 minutes' walk from P. O.
One room nearly pays expenses. Fine
nome ror nusiness man. ssome new
f u rn i t ii re at half price. 229 E. 3 d st. N.
EARCfE house, barn, tree fruits, ber
ries, good for chickens, cow, garden.
nearly . acres, close In, 6c fare, $17.50
month; city water, graded school; snap.
Apply 864 North 26th. W car west on
Morrison to 26th, block north.
TWO rooms for $6; 4 rooms, modern,
$10; 6 rooms, modern, $12.60. See
Joe Nash. Take Mount Scott car to
Millard ave., in office. 5506, or phono
Tabor 2.112.
COTTAGE of 7 rooms and bath, mod
ern conveniences, ground floor, near
high school. 82 E. 10th -St. Phone
East 16 8.
SMALL bungalow, west side, Portland
Heights, largo loft garage and sleep
ing porch. - Cnr line and nil conven
iences; rent $30. Phone Marshall 2125.
FOR RENT 5 room 2 story cottage,
modern, nearly new, large corner lot,
52nd and East Everett, only $18 month.
" , ,.
. elec-
W. P. Hatns, in4.r k. Abler. Rial
$30 9-ROOM house; furnace, gas,
trlclty, suitable, for 3 housekeeping
apartments. Close in. Walking dis
tance. Phone Main 4740. '
FOR P.ENT 4 room bungalow, V4 acre
ground. $10 per month; Knox ave. and ;
cooper st. Franta Brentwood addition.
Tremont station, Mt Scott line.
6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, good loca
tion, rent $15. 422 Chamber of Com
merce. Mfini'.RN fi-rnom house with o7
electric lights. $20 a month. 746 K.
27th st. Phone Sellwood 1748.
NICE S room cottage, with modern con
veniences, nice yard; no objection to
children. Inquire at 693 Johnson st.
st. Ujos range linoleum, screens,
shades; heater. Rent $18.
NEW 6 room niodern housey nice yard,
tv 4 -a st Appiy nexi nous. zi urov.
cr st.
$15 MODERN 6 room cottage, gsrden. I
electric light, shades, bath. Pellwoou I
TWO story 6" room house, complete
plumbing, 3 blocks to Alberta car,
rent $1 6. 624 Roselnwh ave.
TsfEW 6 room bungalow, modern, 57th
and E. Glisnn, rent $20, or furnished
$25. Main 6042, A-4730.
$20 per month for a new 6 room house,
on Humnor near E. 14th st. Blnnchard
& Clemson, 66 6th st. ( '
SMALL house, .University Park, small
house 3d south, reasonable rent. Ap
ply 4 49 3d st.
NEW. clean, modern 7 room
house on
Close in. Tabor
MODERN 6 room house, E. 8th and
Sherman sts. East 9)74.
'7 ROOM house at 13th and Mason st
Phone East 3219.
MODERN 7 room house on Hawthorne
line $16. Phone Main 2266.
FIVE room House $8 month, Multnomah
near 52d st N. Tabor 1177,
MODERN 6 room house; 2lth near Ells
worth st Phono Sellwood TH5.
MODERN 5 room cottage, 442 E.
st., owner there.- '
HiODERN 6 troom cottage, 81 a6th st,
cor ruarn, tii.rni. van iHoor Q4.
$12 month, 4 large room house. 335 E.
8th st. N- Near Rosa City carline,
FOR RENT 6 room house on East 21st.
-Phone Main 6792.
IS ROOMS, 4 room cottage, 11 room
furnishedl best views. 2fi2 Olhhs B t.
iROOM modern house for rent. 1093
B. 21st N- ".. , -
FOR RENT- fl room modern house, ftir-
nistiwq or uniurnisneo. z;i wavier sr.
FIVE' room cottage, bath and gas, $18.
3S.4 Btjoadwa-v. ( .
Houses for Rent
9 room, 708 Everett St., $45.
7 rooms, 441 E. 13th N.,- $30.
6 rooms, 171 E. S4th N., $20.
6 rooms. East 30th and Francis,' $15.
6 roomer. 183 Gibbs st- $17.60.
6 rooms, 878 Capitol ave., (25.
6 rooms, 830 Front St., $30.
6 rooms, 832 Front St., $30.
6 rooms. 30 E. 22d N., $35.
6 rooms, 189 Curry st., $30,
6 rooms, 404 R. 12th St. N $85.
7 rooms, 284 Hamilton ave. ,.$13.
6 rooms; 675 E. Ankeny St.. $25. '
7 rooms, 95 Vancouver ave., $30.
6 rooms, 491 N. 22d st, $15. V
- Flats for Rent
8 rooms, 446 Larrabee st., $.25. ' ' ' .
6 rooms, 668 E. Salmon St., $27.60.
5 rooms, $200. Grand ave. N;. $25.
6 rooms, 200 Grand ave. N., $27.50,
5 rooms, 224 V4 E. First N.. $26.
5 rooms, 673 -E. Washington, $23.
6 rooms, 101 19th St., $30.
6 rooms, 871 Pacific st., $28.
6 rooms, 3d and Sheridan, $30.
7 rooms, S35 E. 11th N.. $37.50.
5 rooms. 654 Yamhill st, $30.
8 rooms, 412 E. 8th N.. $40.
250 Alder St.
West. Side Houses
?room house, Portland Heights, $40.
room house. N. 21st St.. $3,0.
8 room house. Front st., $20.
5 room house, furnished, Portland
Heights, $36.
6 room house. Terrace Drive. $20.
6 room house, furnished, Portland !
Heights, $66.
Flats, West Side,
room flat, 16th, near Half, $27.50.
4 : room flat, Salmon St., $30.00.
6 room flat, Johnson st, $37.60.
Houses, East Side
9 room house, Kllllngsworth, $40.
6 room house, Frederick st, $20.
7 room house, 47th st, $20.
3 room house, furnished, $12.
Other houses and flats all parts of
the city.
102 Fourth St.
Greater Meier & Frank Store
Rental & Information Bureau
Home nuntera visit our modern, com
pletely equipped Information depart
ment, fourth floor, main building, and
note the vacant houses and flats on our
list. You'll save time in getting properly
and comfortably located. We keep In
touch will all tho vacant flats and
houses In all parts of the city. We have
the combined lists cf all tfie real estate
cgents In the city. We also have a list
of all new buildings in course of con
st ruction.
If You Want to Rent a House
See Us,
RENTS collected and property managed
in a careful manner for residents
and non residents: best of references If
required; we guarantee satisfaction.
nneparu. junta as it-ogeis, ;h isua-ru in
Trade bldg. Telephones Main 6669,
Home A-4710.
FIVE rooms of a 10 room house,
2 blocks from Montavllla car
line: $10 per month.
431 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
FOR RENT $65; large 11 room house,
east side close 1n: ooeurded now:
place changing owners and house is now ;
offered for rent for the first time.!
Real Estate Dept.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
A LOVELY 4 room cottage, 1 block
from Union ave.. close In., hard sur
faced streets, best car service in city.
voung or old couple, rent $15. '"lrip- Y11", ,room: convenient to
erta. Woodlawn or Union ave.!'!"' alk,n distance, private tele-
Fine for
i m ntt t tvv t. Call at 410 Con-!
I stance Et.
COTTAGE of 6 rooms, 46 E. 15th st
N., all modern, D. C. Burns, 210 3d.
Main 616.
The Swellest Furnished
House in "Nob Hill"
For Sale.
As I am compelled to leave the
city I will sacrifice my complete
ly "furnishl house tand Just new-'
ly furnished from the best firms
In your city) at a great loss. The
house consists of solid mahogany
bed room sets. Circassian sets,
solid oak. Oriental rugs, hand em--broldered
curtains, cut glass sets,
in fact I have over $3000 In all
and to close quickly you may
have everything, for $1200 with
but $500 cash. Let me show you
Oils beautiful furnished house.
Inquire of Marshall 1456.
fl rooms, modern In every way. furni
ture very good, used a short time; 1
bedroom suite cost $140, other furnl-
jture accordingly. This is an exceptlon-
ally good buy $250. J. E. Nichols Co..
I fiiB Yeon bldg.
4 room flat, neatly furnished. Ax
minster carpets, new Morris chairs,
fancv rockers, linens, dishes, every
thing complete, practically new and
cheap for cash. Modern, cheap rent.
4u:i nun st. f iat i.
ALL furniture 6 room apartment TrC
cluding piano, Wilton velvet carpets.
brass bed. silk floss mattresses, ono
room rented nearly pays rent. Marshall
94. Mrs. Minto. 672 Kearney Ft.
WE list, rent and sell rooming houses.
every Mae ami description. If you
wish to sell come see us. If you wish
to buy, come and see us. 819 Board of
CASH or trade, furniture 12 rooms,
completely furnished, large porch,
f unlace, modern, close In; owner, 410
Second st.
FURNITURE of 5 room cottage, in-
cludlng side board, dining room table,
rtitii.i niiific. 1-11.., i...cai, Jouk 910. vltt
Columbia street.
FURNITURE of a tl-room house for
sale cheap, rent tlS. 425 Ellsworth
st. Key and information at 368 E. Mor-
rlson. Phone East 1022.
ilEAUTI FULLY furnished 5-room flat
for sale, modern throughout, at 564
Couch, flat 6. 1'hcne Main 3347. Call I
between 9 and 12 a. m.
A SNAP FurnJurrTof 7 rooms at $175,
at E. 8th and Mill, if sold at once.
Call at 2014 Burnslde. Call Malt) 901!)
or A-2134.
r oil sAt.ii-i-urnismngs or , w room 1
IllA'ijfi 11 j rmnii'.T. "t'ucio 1 r 1 ciu: Lull i
4! ,A.,n.u nMlllno. rIUA..A. I
FURNITURE 6 rooms near Sunnyslde I
school; must sell, $125. 1106 E. Mor-
rison. -moor zniiz.
FOR SALE Nevly furnished modern 5
room flat, rent reasonable; call before
3 p. m., 691 Davis st.
b ROOMS, new fu rnltiire, laboring dls-1
trlct; will pell for $150. Terms, 410
N. 23d.
F I J RNfSH E D four-iroom cottage and
bath. Rent-$15. 606 E. 26th. W-W
car. 1
FIRST class furniture of modern 5
room rottagfr, west side, cheap;, rent,
price $360. 11-834. Journal.
SEVEN rooms, good furniture for sale;
reasonable, four rooms pay expense.
Phone Mnln 6961. -
FURNITUR.E, 5 "room flat, for sale-
Very reasonable. Marshall 1652. Af
FURNlttJRR modern 10 room resl"
dence rilled with roomers; terms; no
agents. pnone MHrsnan i2hh.
to ROOM bouse, 'cheap; clearing $60
above expenses, dub Jivereit .
:-' ' ."' ' - ' . A " "
Fine 8 room house, 1 block from car.
Furniture for sale $200 les than ae
tual cost, all practically new. Thl
is a rare opportunity. Come in, do not
phone. ,
' , 102 Fourth st.
SIX room steam heated flat for rent
or sale. Main 2906.
NEW nnd, attractive -'completely fur
f nnd, attractive -'completely fur- J
ihed 6 room bungalow between two
lines. Fireplace, gas and electric w I
s, nice lawn, full size basement, I
onary wash trays. Phone B-2839" I
car llr
AQaress HQ K, 30tn Bt,
5tWO furnished cottages, est sidni"
$17.50 and $20 month; furnished
housekeeping suites, 2 rooms, $8 month
up; 8, $15. Appfy 364 North 2th. W
car west on Morrison to 26th, block
north. v
i Furnished 6 room modern bungalow
hear Hawthorne. 402 Lumber Ex
change, 2d iind Stark.
MODERN 6 rooms.
large living room.
fireplace, nlano. polished floors elec
tric cooking outfit, garage; $35. 145 E.
45th. Take Mt. Tabor car. Call todav
or Monday.
FOR RENT for 6 months or longer,
fine furnished 8-room house on ljaw
thome ave., close in, nice grounds, on
corner, $80 per month: references re
quired. Phone Tabor 993.
NEW modern furnished apartment:
choice location, near East 23d and
Hawthorne; reasonable. Phone East
FOR RENT Furnished modern 8 room
cottage to adults only, rent $25 per
month. 293 Eugene st, owner .549
Williams ave... room 21.
TEN room furnished house, containing
piano, for rent Phone East .8100,
Apt. 19.
$20, NEW modern 6 room house, partly
furnished. . Woodstock car to 48th
and first house east.
MODERN furnished 4 room cottage.
plenty of yard, nice and clean. Own.
er at 311 Alisky bMg. Monday.
WEST side, walklngTllsfance. IP rooms,
neatly furnished, cottage, grass, yard,
reawonaoie. ata 4 in
NINE room firrnished. Irvlngton. C-
1866. East 272. W. H. Herdman,
FOR RENT 9 room furnished house on
K. 16th. Phone Tabor 672.
FOR RENT Small'' furnished house.
Woodlawn 1423. Lenore st.
MODERN 5 room cottage. Inquire 62$
Williams ave. Phone C-1697.
FURNISHED house for rent, near car,
547 Maiden ave. Call Sunday.
FOR RENT Furnished 4-room cottage,
nice yard. Apply. 644 Rodney ave.
$17.60 TO $32.60 PER MONTH.
Newly furnished 2 and S room apart
ments, building Just completed, never
has been occupied, modern and up to
date in every respect Take E. Ankeny.
Montavllla or Sandy road cars to 28th
st, walk 2 blocks east to 935 E. Ankeny,
cor. Buchtol ave.
These elegant R room unfurnished
apartments, which are now completed
I arJ. f tuatert In the heart or the city,
( wl,Wn 10 minutes walk of the busl-
ncfLf' filter.
Reservations may be made from own-
I V premises or oy pnone. jhbw) too.
THE AMERICAN. 2ist and Johnson
sts., complete Sept. 1; finest, bright
est and best arranged apartment resi
lience in rne city; 3., 4 and 5 room; all
'none in pv'rv apartment, steam heat.
water, uns ramrps refrigerators, lnnn-'
dry facilities, vacuum cleaners.' etc.
Attendant o n premises, Marshall 3360
THE WASHINGTON, 68!) Northrup
street, near 21st. Unfurnished five
room apartment with bath and all mod
ern conveniences. Including telephone,
refrigerator, gas range, steam heat, hot
and cold water, gas, electric lights, Jan
itor services otc. Take Depot Morrison
street car to 21st and Northrup streets.
Corner 2 2d and Washington. 71$.
Nicely furnished apartments, walking
distance: moderate rate; best service.
Main 7130.
2, 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished up to date, private baths, free
phone, moderate prices, new manage
ment, best service.
431 East Taylor. New elegantly fur
nished 2 and 3 room apartments, pri
vate telephones, steam heat, electrlo
lights furnished. Janitor service. $22.60
and up.
avo., new and modern 2 and 3 room
suites, hot and cold water, bath in every
apartment; walking distance, reasonable.
no onjectton to Children. Fast 4738.
cor. Unlcn ave. Elcgntly furnished 3
room apt., comforts of home, private
phone and hath, best car service in the
cicy. tap month.
GRACE APT9.. 24th and Northru
mm mm
p sts., J
t r-S
6 large rooms, oak floors, fron
ancia ana a targe steeping porch:
heat, prlvato phono: new and strict!'
modem. Take Depot and Morrison car.
T f LLI AN APTS., all outside. 2 and 3
room suites. Strictly modern. You
ran't duplicate our prices; cor. 6th and
Montgomery. Marshall 1378.
NEW 2 room apartments, modern large
rooms, big windows. 10 minutes' walk
from postofflce, unfurpished, $16 to $18
per month, ph oneEa s t 52 7 9
modern apartments, 2 and 3 rooms,
$20 to $35; walking distance. Main
nlshnd and unfurnished apartments;
also single rooms; 2 minutes from P. O.
262 6th. Main 652,
SAN MARCO APTS., E. 8th and Couch,
new brick, modern, private bath and
33" .nii r 2751
phones, 2 furnished apis. One $30. one
TO LEASE Apartments. 26 rooms. Just
about completed nnd jiearly' all rent
ed, close in on east, side; no agents.
Cnll M. 2630 or E. 5279.
EILEEN COURT, lfith and Morrison
sts. Newly furnished housekeepln;!
rooms, 6 minutes walk from P. O., mod
crn. Main 40S1.
Beautifully furnish 3 and 4 room
apartments; rent -reasonable. Main 6080
804 College St.
WHY pay h.tgh rent west s)de when the
itosenreia ca-n save you $15 to $207
Unfurnished, 4 rooms and bath,
rnlshed, 4 rooms and bath fre I
, ;iever occupied. 1 4 id. E. Stark. I
Lovejoy, 8 room basement apart-
ment furnished or unfurnished $20'
Marshall 2916. ...
FURNISHED 3 room apartment, heated
modern, conveniences, basement and
stationary tubs, walking distance. 333
Montgomery, corner 7tli.- . .
MODERN furnished 2 nnd 3 room aparU
ments. 228 East 20th. Phone KitBt
NORD1CA apartments. cnr -Rnlmnni ml
Grand ave, 1 and 2 room furnished
iHptsV. free light, heat. bath, nhone
"Eiiiu eipni inii'iiL.1, siriciiy itrst
' in,- ini'sc rooms ana closets. 895
Lovejoy st. Take W car. T
THREE room furnished apartment for
rent. Call mornings. Apt. 12, Lucretla
Court. Marshall ' 1612. ,
EeIDT apartmems. furnished and un-furnished.-
1162V4 Union ave. Wood.
lawn 2379. - - ,. - - - - jy....
FU R N IMlEl) apartments. , 'Two large
EasT'fi hot',; water, beat, ,. H.
STODl-IRNTurtitshed 2 and a room apart;
ments, 228 E. SCth st Ttl. E. 14. -
' ,