'.I,. li THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, ?PRTL AND, SUNDAY .MORNING. SEPTEMBER "3, 1911. 5 N 1 " rcxcBANQ-BEAL Es?4 f 1 . For j Exchange . Flanders .atrtT6 room bungalow,, , modern, new. . lo 60x100, double con struction, will tak touring car as first payment, balance easy, Madras,. Cook county, 2 story build . lng with store room and 8 living rooms, y : lot 20x100 feet, rent $75 per . month; ' price ,13000: -exchange . for rooming .bouse, restaurant, saloon, Portland prop erty or any legitimate business. V IUUUI IVVUI1U, IIUUBO, UVIlbit transient, rent 1250, income 1600, price 14600, part cash, balance lri Portland property or good acreage. . Cot tare. 4 rooms, lot 50x100 feet, size 4x26 feet, rent 120 ner month: nrlcu iouu; win irage.y . ; r, ... ., 3 Vacant lots, well located, price $1100 for exchange. - Redmond, Or., 2 room cottage, 2 lots ach .60x100 feet, rent $10 per month, business lot on Main street 25x100 ft., fopulation of town 500; price on whole 2300; will exchange. Qleason street 12 rooms, rent $85, rooming house, clearing $75 per month; will exchange for Portland property. Alder street Rooming house, 11 rooms, bath, gas, income $113, rent $60, rrlc $1660; exchange for 30 room, room ng house or bungalow. , . . .. Wa " have a number of otherood trades on our list and If you have some thing for exchange call and see us. We can match It. S . Portland Businesstxchange 808 Selling Bldg. Main 6816 16 H ACRES fine fruit land in the Ump qua vauey, ior nouse ana lot in fort land. 6 acres planted and cared for near Buttevllle, for Vacant lot In city, and assume some. 6 lots clear of in cumbrance, at Ocean Park, for unim proved land. 160, unimproved, near Sil verton, for sawmill. 23 acres at Hood River, joins R. R., mile from Dee, for Improved acreage In the valley. 160 4 miles east of Yoncalla. partly im proved, for house in Portland. 42 acres fine pear land near Grants Pass, for nouse ana lot in ortiana. suournan lots, clear of Incumbrance, for unim proved land. If you want to make le gitimate trades at actual value, come and see me. T. C. Staley, 627 Henry piag, Marsnau i (4. , 120 Acres 40 acres under plow, 60 acres more good farm land; living stream ; station of O.-W. R. & N. R. R. on place. Soil dark loam, 15 feet deep; fine for al falfa, timothy, clover, grain, potatoes, no rock, fenced, would consider small improved tract close ro Portland or res. ldence in Portland, 1911 6 passenger , auto as first payment; good for plat ting, trice too per acre. Terms. Peper & Baker, Members Portland Realty Boar 444 wneriocK Ding, 160 ACRKS. 10 miles from Estacada good house, $3500; to trade for house and lot. Lot for motorcycle. 1C0 acres improved, for Portland prop ertv. Acreaae for rooming; house. Lease and furniture of apartment bouse for land. Hardware store for Improved farm. Several modern houses for land. Rooming houses for houses and lots. A number of other propositions. GARLAND RARSNES, 191 4th St. WE have $12,000 In 7 per cent paper, amply secured by real es tate, to exchange for unincum bered Portland property or acre age near city. Hunter Realty Co,, 223-5 Bosrd of Trade. Marshall 1777, A-3307. EXCHANGE 40 acres. 1 mile from Banks, and i nited Electric R. R., 30 miles from Portland, with some crop; black loam soil, 10 acres beaverdam, well and spring water, good road, fair buildings; will exchange for Portland property. D, M. Baker, 303 Corhett bldg. 67' ACRES near Camas, Wash., $13,000, 4 miles from railroad, 7 room house, good well, pump on porch, good spring, barn, haymow, inoo prune trees, 100 apple trees, 20 mixed fruits, fruit and milk house and 7 stands of bees to trade for dry wheat farm in eastern Washington or Oregon. MERRILL INVESTMENT COMPANY. 206 Rothohlld bldg. SWAP COLUMN 25 SALOON and rooming house, trade for automobile and some cash. P-846, Journal. POLDING go-cart to exchange for la djes' large black coat or dresses, size 86. V-86Z. journal, WILL exchange first class carpenter work for housefurnlshlngs. J-848, Journal $300, 7 per cent, 20' year bonds, ex- change for good piano. Main 8353. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 $500,000 TO LOAN OR INVEST. Eastern patty has the above to invest In good first mortgages at low interest In Bums to suit or will buy real estate and a good paying business for cash at the right price. See Mr. Ruthfleia wKh HARTMAN & THOMPSON. BANKERS, Chamber of Commerce Bldg, HAVE you a real home for $b000 to 176007 Anout K or rooms, moaern. clear of lncumorance, tnai you win ade for a new 7 passenger nign graae uto, balance gilt edge contract araw Ing 7 per cent interest. ..Will pay no commission to brokers. Y-84, Journal. I WANT a 5 or 6 room house . or bungalow in . Vernon, . Highland or Albina. T-8.51, Journal, WANTED 5 or 6 room bungalow, must be west side. Council Crest property , tbo high in price but want good view of city. S"mnl cash payment, bal ance In monthly installments. Address J. P. Gibson, care Willamette Valley Land Co., Aumsvllle, Or. I WANT to buy a modern-6 to 8 room residence from private party who will accept f ullv paid' non-assessable stock in well organized local company as pay ment. Value bacd on tangible assets nd Increasing rapidly. D-856, Journal. ' WANTED. Acreage within 3 miles ef Salem Electric, We have cash buyers and some good city exchanges for same. What have vou? G. A- Nichols- Invest ment Co.. 506 Swetland 'bldg. . WANT modern Portland home "to ap ply on my close in 14 acre suburban home worth $21,000. A place you've of ten admired; running wator, springs, maple snane, etc. journal. WANTED To buy modern . unencum bered residence in i-omnna, nui iu rost over $500, from private party who JOSt ov vlll ac f as payi C to Bir lecept aeveir,ea M acre orcnaru rment- -xt, journal. TO BUY. sell or exchange property, any kind, anywnere. Annress iorinwrti-, ern Businc-sB Agency, Minneapolis, . Minn. ' . WANT to trade lots in Portland City Homestead for residence up to $6000. These lots are in 2 mile circle. L-858, x Journal. HAVE a client for arsmall form, close to electric line, par cash, part trade. Nimmo Runev & Co., 424 Hamilton bldit. . . phone Main 6'862. ; POUR to 8 lots or acre on 5c carlim:, ' with or without Improvements. State lowest cash price. R-850, Journal. CORNER lot Alberta or near St. Johns on car line, give location with price and terms. M-lon. journal, 83000 worth of goods and nice business for some cash and good - realty or farm stock. P-846, Journal. E?)R TRADE For anything of value, CllOO equity In desirable lot, cash ce. BeilWOOOiW u y venwga. A V"SrY choice, close-in corner, west side; will exchange for smaller place. Address 1-861, Journal.. . WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 6 OR T ROOMS, modern, streets Improved, some fruit preferred, ; from party who wants 160 acres . In famous fruit belt, less than 100 miles from Portland; good house, near new sohool. nursery ,and stores, best of soiL lays fine, no better for fruit. Price $36 per acre. Waggoner Real Estate Co., 210-212 Abingtotv bldg, ';..:- : , WANTED I want 2 eood lots in Wav- erly Heights and will, py cash or ouy equiiy. rosmveiy no agents. 1-802, journal, TWO HOUSES WANTED. Furnished house: west side: not over $68 per month and unfurnished house, a " f . I XT V. Ulll Heights or Willamette Heights. uooa tenants waning HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept. v Chamber of Commerce Bldg. We hava customers who want, good residences. Wha,t have youT Writs or call on us. J. E, Nichols Co,, 616 Yeon Bldg. WANTED A residence In Portland up " to $10,000; will trade the finest and most up .to date ranch In Oregon. L- stwoumai. ROOMING HOUSES FOB SALE 53 Furnlture of 9 room house, within 5 minutes walk to center of city. 2 year lease, rent $25. Price $376,. some terms, terms. J, E, NICHOLS CO,, "HAS IT FOR LESS" 615 YEON BLDG, This Is Fine a AAm. Mlr.A In s-rf Anl.r tOR fine building, all beautiful outside ruoine. long iepa; an new una line lur nlture; could frent some transient If de sired and clear $75 month; price $700, terms. You can sell for' $1000 before Christmas. H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 10TH (near Stark) 40 'Rooms, Best in City This house has been run by one party for a long time and positively one of the best money makers in Portland; house la modern, located only 4 blocks from P. O., corner location; its a Bandy; ex tremely low price, only $4500; rent $250; 3 years' lease: $2500 cash, balance $100 per month at 7 per cent. Can you beat it? Call at 310 Oak st. PARTLY FURNISHED 11 room house, modern conveniences, beautiful home, close in, good income. Here's a chance for, your own furni ture. H. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th (near Stark) 24 Rooms, Very Fine All in 2 rooms, housekeeping, fine oak furniture, extra good ca.rpets, very fine house In and out, corner location, never any vacant rooms in this build in. 2 years' lease, rent only $80, In come $280 per month. A snap at $2000. t all at 310 oak st. 40 Modern Furnished Rooms Price $4500, $2600 cash balance $100 per month and Interest. Corner build ing, within one block from Washing ton street. Owner forced to sacrifice, A bargain that will not last; so hurry. A. J. UAWTOtiK, .406 Henry bldg. Fine House, Swell Location 11 room modern house, extra good furniture and carpets, everything up to date. If you want a nice house in good location, you will buy this one; a real bares In at $1060; good terms. Call at 310 Oak st. Fine for Transient 7 rooms and bath, above stores and very nice and clean; Just the thing for anyone who wants to run a small tran sient house; rent only $37; located elope to 6th and Pine. Price only $560. Call at once, 310 Oak st. FOR SALE A new apartment nouse on west side: leased ror rive years witn guarantee and nets nearly 13 per cent; will take less than $60,000 to buy; good terms. Yamhill County Realty Co ,, 410 Rothchlld . bldg., 4th and Washington sts., Portland. Close to 23d and Glisan Sts, 0 rooms and bath in ihis beautiful location: It is a home wfth an income; everything extra good; rent $40. Price onlv $750: $300 cash, balance time. Call at 310 Oak st. 14 ROOMS, right down town on cor 1 ner, I block from Washington st., furnace heat, clearing $100 per mo. No reasonable offer refused. H. E, JAMES CO.. 88 10TH (near Stark) ROOMING HOUSE SNAP. 8 rooms in center of business dis trict. Owner clears $36 and her rooms monthly. Business calls her east. Will sell at a great loss lr taken now. u. A. Nichols Inv. Co.. 606 Swetland bldg. A SNAP. 48 rooms, partly furnished. Fine lo cation, long lease, rent cheap. Owner is retiring and win sacrifice ror ouick sale. Some exchange or terms. G. A. Nichols Inv. Co., 606 Swetland bldg. EXCHANGE BARGAIN. 40 rooms, mostly housekeeping, best of location, clears $150 monthly. Brick building with 2 years' lease. G. A. Nichols Inv, Co.. 606 Swetland bldg. 70 ROOMS, corner brick, centrally lo cated, west side, long lease, clears $600 per month. Will take good farm as part payment. Particulars 310 Hen- ry bldg. FREE rent and living expenses by srnalP Investment; rooming house, well furnished, best location; no agent, owner direct. 475 Taylor. 12 ROOMS, delightful resiflence. fur nace heat, fine furniture, dandy good Income. Price $800. H. E. JAMES CO. S8 10th (near Stark) 15 ROOMS, fine location, 4 blocks from P. O., $1000, H cash. For further par ticulars see Nimmo. Runey & Co., 424 Hamilton Ding, h-none Main burz. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO. 411 Henry bldg. Marshall 664. Hotels, apartment houses, rooming houses bought, sold and exchanged. POft SALE -Good rooming house; T5 rooms and basement, good furniture, $350 handles, balance easy payments. Phone Main 8491. 46- ROOMS, new corner brick, swell fur niture, 6 year lease, clears $350. Will take lots or house and lots as part pay men t. Particulars 310 Henry bldg. 58 ROOMS, new furniture, modern, long lease, clears $250 per month, $1000 will handle. 310 Henry bldg. SEVEN rooms, cheap rent, going east, all full. 2 blocks to depot; clears $36 per month. 435 Everett. FOR SALE Rooming house, 20 house keeplng rooms, good location, lease, $1000 down. Apply 608 Alder. . 44 ROOMS, best location on east side, 22 furnished; long lease, $1800 with terms. Owner, G-840. Journal. VERY profitable rooming house, central location; see owner; terms all cash. A- 4006. . ; ' FOR SALE or trade for lots or acre age or larger rouse; -U0 rooms, well furnished, 680 4th St. S, - Ti ELEGANT ' rooms, fine location; must sell at once; make offer. Phone owner. Main- 9693. 25 ROOMS, good furniture, 8 year lease, rent $76, clears $150, $2500, easy terms, 310 Henry bldg. ' 12 ROOMS,, new furniture, lease, clears $75 per month. $860, $250 cash. 810 Henry "bldg.- ; . . :'.; .. , -. 32 ROOMS, corner brlckf Inass; clears $150 per month, $700 required, 810 ijenry piia. FOR SALE Lease, T6 room hotel; par- , ... A T ... ... . ROOMTNG house , for sale by owner. Phone A-6714. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE S3 R. H. GOODKIND CO.', 601-4 BOARD OP TRADE BLDO. , TEL. MARSHALL 468. iA.1050, Apartment House Extraordi narv Owner's Misfortune, Your Gain cost her over 90uu; win sen , ior $6000, which includes $1000 cash upon tease; terms V, cash. Do you ever ex pect to get another bargain like this? Strictly modern, brick building, electric elevator, private baths, telephone- In every apartment and the lease Is. for 5 Years at $400 a Month There are $0 rooms, 34 apartments anoV 17 completely furnished with the best of furniture; bouse located in the best Nob Hill dletrlot Full informa tion at our offices. No phones answered. Handled exclusively by us- . v , t 32 Room Transient House Prominent down town rorner, west side, average furniture, rent $6 a room, 8 year lease. Priei $2800, H cash; clears $200 a month. 20 Rooms, Rent $54, Lease Average furniture, fine west side lo cation, clears $86 month. Price $1800, cash. . . 14 Rooms, Offer Wanted Owner nfust sell at once, fine close in west side location; furniture very fine, rent $5 a room. It will certainly pay you to aee this house. ( 9. R6oms, Partly Furnished ' Here is a chance to work In your furniture; fine west side location; fur nace heat; rent $40; requires $600 cash. 12 Rooms, Swell Furniture Trade $700 Eauitv for Lot House newly furnished one year, fine Nob Hill district, nice large rooms, front and back yard, furnace neat; rent right, with lease. This Is as fine a small house as ever listed with us. Bee It. You will buy It quick. Office Closed at Noon Monday R. H. GOODKIND CO. 13 room house On Everett street. 6 minutes walk to P. O. If taken at once will sell for $200 less than any one J, E, Nichols Co,, "Has it for less." 616 Yeon Bldg. 10 Rooms $550 This Is the best bargain in the city. I must leave the city .on account of sickness; house will take in from $115 to $125 a month; good furniture and carpets; located in the heart of the citv. It must be cash or no sale. Call at 310 Oak St. - . Fine Home, With Income Best proposition in Portland; 12 rooms and bath; rent only $38 per month; most beautiful location, grand view of whole city; dry and airy; Just what everybody needB In this damp cli mate; walking distance, close to car; can rent all the rooms you can spare to the -verv best class of people on ac count of the fine location; 6 rooms ele gantly furnished; 7 rooms unfurnished; just what you are looking for; snap at $650 cash; positively no terms. Phone today. Main 1018; tomorrow. Main 1283. Owner. A 20 room rooming house, with Vt year lease, on Yamhill street, part cash, balance terms; will take city lot as first payment. J, E, Nichols Co,, "Has it for less." 616 Yeon Bldg. 23 rooms, H. K.. close "IjS TV-500, terms. 12 rooms, part H. K., elegant; make offer. 33 H. K. rooms, close in, $1800; terms. 9 rooms, extra nice, close In, $950. 9 rooms, verv good, $529. 22 H. K. rooms, center town; make offer. If you want a bargain, see Berrey s Realty Co., 249 4th St. Marshall 2828. Rooming Houses All Sizes In any part of the city, housekeeping, transient or sleeping; prices are right; easy terms; sell or trade; most reliable offfce lp Portland. EWEN REALTY CO., 311 Allsky Bldg Beautiful Little Hotel. New pressed brick building, hot and cold water in every room, private and public baths; 4 -sawed oak furniture. Axminster carpets; Is simply swell; 36 rooms, and the rent only $27fi per month, with 3 years' lease; $3000 cash will handle it. Call at 310 Oak SV MIXING STOC-CS 58 TALK WITH FLETCHER. All California ell stocks. 10 Alaska Coal Oil bid 38,095 Almeda Con. trans bid 400 Almeda Coii. trans 50 40 Am. Life & Acc bid 1,000 Cascadla M & D bargain 10 Coin Machine Potter) .. .special 6,000 Columbia Rlv. Orchard bonds to trade tor unincumbered real estate. 1,000 Costock G. & Q 10 100 Gibson MI. Co ....Old 300 Govt. Stand. Powder cheap 10 Grey Eagle Leasing. bid 1,000 Meader-Oochrane Press t.00 2,000 Metaline Consol 25 100 Nelson Firder bid 600 Ontario Co-Op. O. & O bid 2,600 Oriole CSo. Ore.) cheap 5.000 Oriole Metaline bid 1,000 Pac. Coal & Gas bid 150 Peck Anto Wheel bargain 600 Portland Cement bond bid 100 Portland Concrete Pile. .. .special 60 Simonson Fix-It market 6,000 Skamania G. & C. ,.. .big bargain 300 Spring Tire 50 St. Johns Oil & G bargain 75 I. S. Cashier bargain All other, stock:, sr.d bonds; see me be fore buying; may be able to do better. I WANT: Alaska Pet. & CoalGov. Stand. Powder Favarv Tire Omaha Tel. bonds Fidelity Copper - Simonson Fix-It Portland Home Tel. Bonds and Stock. BUY ELLISON, B. C LOTS. SEE US. 226 Ablngton bldg. MINING and industrial stocks; tele- fihone and other bonds bought and d. C. S. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 SPLENDID opening for an active man with a few hundred dollars, in an es tablished manufacturing and Jobbing business: household bottled goods and specialties. Live man wants a live part ner. Call 808 Board of Trade Mdg. HERE. is a money maker for some one: Will' exchange $400 In gilt-edge stock In manufactory on east side, all or part for clear lot. grocery stock, motorcycle. What have you? V-854. Journal. FOR RENT or sale, easy terms, well known Riverside house, 660-662 Mac adam St.. Oct. 1, 60 rooms furnished. F. I'ayton, owner. 194 1st. FOR SALE Butter and fgg rouie, with hoi-Fe, wagon end harness; pays a profit' of $18 a week; alj for $200 cash. 3S5 Russell st, MAN or woman to assist me with small amount money to locate valuable quarts claim In new gold district, Alas ka; am s 1 1 fortune both. F-852. Journa 1 . HA-P" Interest In first clues pool and" billiard hall, on east sjde, for sale, reasonable. Tabor 8059. , FOR SALE Moving picture outfit,. 150 charrs. ele.ctrlc piano, picture ma chines, phonograph, etc.- 403 Lp wis bldg. SMALL bakery and confectionery aril stock of groceries for sale cheap, 911 Williams. WbH SALE Aito delivery or express $400. or trade for property, R-856. Journal. - ELEGANT location for dressmaker or corset business st small expense. Call Monday, 336 Journal bldg. . a aril T 'Restaurant with fixtures in for $70; good trade, inquire ostt warKet st. SEVEN per cent 20-year bonds in ex change for real (estate. Fletcher, 226 Ablngton oiag. t - F'5& RENt-ftore' with '8 living rooms, on canine, -jnone woouiawn- , BUSINESS CHANCES. 20 J "Grocery Snaps Yamhill t central, dallv Income $100, rent $70, long lease, will Invoice about tsuuu; win sen all or naif interest. , Twenty-sixth st., dally, income $12; rent $10. Price $460. ' Alberta St., dally income, $14; rent $15: 4 living rooms. Price $1000 or In voice. Division st., daily Income $40; rent $30; good lease: ( living rooms. Invoice about $1500. ' RESTAURANTS Nar depot, dally Income $90; rent $160; clearing $20 dally; lease; price $2600, some trade. SJath, near Washington, dally Income $260; rent $500; 5 year lease; price $10,000. Washington St., dally income $200; rent $460; price $4000. Washington st, dally Incoms $360; will lease to responsible parties and In voice stock. If this sounds good come in and talk it over. HOTEL Washington st... central. 80 rooms; rooms always rented; rent $700; lease; income $1400, $3000 cash, balance easy. Tenth St.; 40 rooms; rent $260; In come $550 ; price $4500, part cash, some tra-de. . - Knob Hill district, apartment hotel, newly furnished, 25 suites of 8 and 4 room apartments; rent from $40 to $60 per suite; price $11,000, $4600 cash, bal. monthly, live year lease. W have a number of other good propositions on our lists, so if you are in tne marKei. see us Deiuro nujin. Portland Business Exchange 806 Belling Bldg. Main 6816. DO YOU WANT MONEY IN YOUR BUSINESS? i DO YOU WANT TO GET INTO BUSINESS" DO YOU WANT A PARTNER IN BUSINESS? DO YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF BUSINESS? If so see us J, E. Nichols Co,, 616 Yeon Bldg. WEST STAYTON. Some Chances Left. Blacksmith shop chance; OONE. Livery stable chance; GONE. General merchandise chance; GONE. Wagon repair shop chance; GONE. Billiard hall and barber shon chrfnee; STILL OPEN. Hotel chance; STILL OPEN. See our other ad for details. Will build for right party. Nursery chance; STILL PEN. No charge for first year. See Mr. Bishop, Hartman & Thomp son 4th and Stark. HOTEL. Will at once erect small mod ern hotel in choice location at West Stavton for the right party who will furnish It neatly and run it right, with option to buy. Will make rental moderate as main object Is to secure right people. See Mr. Bishop at Hart mnn & Thompson, 4th and Stark. RELIABLE man Tilling to work and in vest $300 to J500, can get large inter est In Mfg. and operating one of the FASTEST and SUREST money earners In the V. 8. SAFER THAN A NATION AL BANK. It will bring you a large dividend every year for life. If you can devote vour time, to it will earn you over $200 per month. No saloon or drinking men wanted. PleHse give your phone number. C-857. Journal. SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. A pool hall with 5 tables, cigars, to bacco, confectionery.- etr in connection. First class, up to date fixtures all In fine shape. Pays me over $100 per month net. Expense includes salary of two men. I do not have any time to de vote to the business. If you have $3000 cash to invest let me hear from you. It will stand a thorough investigation. Address 0-857, Journal. Roat corner on Washington St., with long lease and good business, but owner has too much other business. Will in ventory or sell at cash figure. Knapp & Wisdom, 619 Henry Bldg. M. 3263, A-8265. i $500 stock of groceries to trade ror any tiling. v nat nave yuu: J, t. Nichols uo, ' 615 Yeon Bldg. $2rtu0 cash will purchase well estab-, llshed plumbinp; shop In one of the best cities in the state, rent very rea sonable, good lease, brick building, does $30,000 business annually. For further information, see S. T. Dove, Inc., 420-2 Board of Trade.' FOR SALE The only home made con fectionery and ice cream parlor in best suburb in Portland, near large school. Fine location for any line of goods. For particulars phone Sell wood 257. WANTED Man with family to woik on and take an Interest in an au nle orchard In the Hood River district; 'permanent work; salary $58.60 per montn; must nave ouu casn to in vest. 0-855, Journal. OREGON needs poultry; carload of eggs imported daily; z.tuu, uuu worm ot poultry shipped yearly from the east. Do you have $100 or a $1000 to Invest In land and poultry proposition, paying big interest? 0-852, Journal. A BARGAIN. Will sacrifice cash business $200 (net) monthly. A deposit will give you trial to prove this true. Terms to suit. G. A Nichols Inv. Co., 506 Swetland bldg. WANTED Capital or partner who has $200 or more to invest, r me oppor tunity. Will bear closest Investigation. For particulars call at 317 Hamilton bldg. GoOD workingmen's hotel, rooms always full; a big bargain. 1'rice only jr.'iiu. Can bo bought on easy terms; present owners retiring. Address L-850. Jour nal CRfiPRkv WITH LIVING ROOMS. A dandy place netting $20 weekly; rent $15; Just the place for man and wife. A sacrifice If taken quick. G. A. Nichols Inv. Co , 506 Swetland bldg, I AM in the market for a good cash grocery, well located, that Is doing the business. Will go as high as $300;). LI 852 Journal. . ; MOVING picture theatre for sale by owner. Fine location; can show good profits; $900 cash, balance monthly. E-855, Journal. "RELIABLE man wanted In central long established real estate office. Little money required.. Call room 207 Rothchlld bldg. ' PARTNER WANTED. Am alone, need help. If you wish a food paying bUHlness see G. A. Nlcholr nv. Co.. 606 Swetland bldg, . FOR SALE at bargain: up to date country hotel and feed barn on heav ily traveled road. Good fishing close. Address, M-158. Journal. GROCERY and confectionery; good lo- cation, cheap if .taken at once; call 777 Mississippi. SACRIFICE sale of small stock paints, wall paper and all painting utensils. W-S48. journal. ClkP ABLE-and reliable business man will Join you with a little money. Z 855, Journal. dftOTSRY, confectionery, on busy cor ner; toe cream parlor In connection. Phone E. 167. Call 328 Russell st. WGk SALE cheap, pool hall and cigar job; Ice cream: long lease. 694 Mil- waukle St., uroomyn. AM looking, for .a grocery from $600 1 to Journal.' , , . . ' 1 WANT to buy a rooming house of 12 to 20 rooms, well located, showing good Income. Address T-844, Journal. 20 For Sale bv Owner Cheap ; Good general blacksmith shop, doing a good business, on N. P. R. R.; about 60 miles rfrom Portland, in town of 1600 population; good country around It; no competition; tools, consisting of 1 , jtsrooK- uia tire n-uer, a w-u equipped fires, hub auger, rubber tire .machine, ' tire bender, set of dlea 1H. power arm press ana otner too is too numerous to mention. This ! a good bargain, aS owner haa to sell on account of sickness. ' For particulars address or Inquire for Frank Wells, at 300 Front, bet. Columbia ana ciay, Portland. Or. OPPORTUNITY FOR SMALL INVESTORS We have some small gilt edge Invest ments from $500 to $5000, that we can fruarantee to De as gooa as your sav nga bank, with better returns. Call mt oncM And see. MR. RUTHFIELD INVESTMENT DE- PABTMKNr, WITH HARTMAN & THOMPSON. BANKERS. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLPO. .1,1 . JUfcJ Confectionery We have a new and handsomely fur nished confectionery on Union ave. ; a valuable lease can also be made on eight S-room apartments In same building. Chas, Ringler & Co, 211 Lewis Bldg. Furniture Manufacturing Plant $1800 for an up to date wood factory paying well, cheap rent, doing good bus iness; good reason for selling; investi gate. Will consider trade for Portland property. anchard & biemson 66 Sixth st. GENERAL merchandise. feed. grain. and shipping business, In the Willamette valley. This Is a first class proposition and will bear the closest inspection; will consider trade. If Interested call Main 937 or A-2693. J. V. Guth rie. 272 Stark st. The Biggest Snap Ever Offered Grocery store close In on east .side, that will invoice rrom 38uu io aov. As the party wants to go away. In the next five days he vfU sell It for $3000 nr will Invoice nnd allow a (rood dis count. This Ib a good, clean and up- to-date stock. If you want a grocery vou can t beat this for ff nargnin. See Mr. BrooKS, n i if nenry "i"B- 21 ROOM FRAME BUILD1NU fun SALE. Proposals for the purchase and re moval of the frame building at 7th and Yamhill sts.. known as the Lysle Talbot, will be received by the undersigned. Building could be removed to a west side lot at reasonable cost and made to produce a good revenue. Thta is an op portunity for the owner of a vacant lot. A. L. Jrisn, journal cilice. KUCK INGHAM HOTEL BUILDING FOR HAL,!!.. d-ahamIi trr t h o nurrhfi.Se and re- moval of the Buckingham hotel building from Yamhill street, oetween oin and 7th. will be received bv the undersigned, ph. v., .nto- i. hrlck construction and contains enough building material for a substantial ones: sir. ciu- proposals to A. L. Fish. Journal office., 30 Rooms, $2700 J urn nnwlv furnished a little BUSINESS CHANCES over one year ago; 3 private and one j real estate proposition In Oregon; Ub nnhiic tint hot and cold water; best eral commission: cash every day. location in 'city. If you mean business and have the money call or aaviBe own- er. Capital Hotel, Salem, Or. ik n' Dl n fl D This is a snap for a couple or taoy barbers. For fun particulars can i 205 H Morrison St., room z. STOCK and fixtures, candy and ice ...a rr mnnnfflrlnrV Outfit for BRlS, bulldlrrg for rent, with good lease; it will Involae about $4000: doing business $40 per day. Rent $30. This is the owner; no agents. InqulreM-155, Journal. "Grocery Snap Kmnll srocerv. with living rooms, cheap rent, fine location; $800; a snap. C. J. Culllson, 205 H Morrison st. ri'i ' 1 AII D-- Ctn vrs i raini anu VVdll rdyol OlUICrtorcopptentdrugKlst East aide. Ad- Contracting business; good location, jrf,B8 postofftee box 33, clty cheap rent, on canine, i"16' irCsTKtraiCnt.?mr ts. F-845. Journal. hand; cheap: no sgen AUTOMOBILE delivery and express bUBlnens exceptional opportunity, nun nrosDects. ' $300 will handle half-inter est, reliable, honest man wanted, fnone Marshall 3ZE; A-t44J WJ'LKMhSil i n a location, near car oarns, scnooi and fire station; doing a good business, .inna rVAn KVt 654 AUTO feV ,,tT,nit. for bfiaht Exceptional oportunlty for orignt young men to leern a trade. Apply to Fred Mossman, master painter. 86 Tentn hi., near nnn, IF you have $600 I have the location and cart of stock and fixtures. A dan dy corner for mall order and novelty business. Apply from iu to roum oi, 264 Morrson st. Si-TrHER shoo for sale cheap in BlflTriv1ngRllUlePcli?. Smiles of W- land using 8 to 10 head of cattle a weok For Information call at 302 Front st. Phone Main 33Q. WANTED Capital to promote new in- vent ' n; automatic coin machine; good propositi in : Investigate at tnoe. Ad dress I. i-:. Blcr, 1285 De.aw.iri ae., Portlit'i, or. v h a t .17! bv owner, meat market, ful ly equipped, fine location, close in on east side: rent cheap; price $300; will take one-half cash, balance on or before six montnu. n-mi, journal A PRACTICAL laundryman wlth'a few ,ho..nd and service can find a No. 1 nroDOSltlon by addressing G-833. Journal. - r '. aTTJOOD business for sale cheap for cash: fine chance for steady man to Increase business. Address Box 815. St Johns. FOR SALE Only hotel in nice little fruit town. $4600, $2000 down, rest on easy terms. Write Mrs. Grace Foye, Cove, or. vTLL sell or lease weekly newspaper and Job office in good growing town, cash or terms. Box 8, Lostlne, Or. An swer immediately. 500 Business Cards $1 Hose City Printery, 192 3d. A REAL BARGAIN. Mention this ad SALE or trade Billiard parlor; will partner preferred if it Is the right take a partner or you cu party. .mums' GOOD CORNER for furniture hard ware grocery,, owner absent, half price first 3 months. Gorbett & Co., Or- egon City. ESTABLISHED grocery, notions, etc., for saje or trade; will take auto up to $1000. balance cash. 985 Albina ave. L car. CONFECTIONERY, cigar and tobacco business; $176 will buy It; low rent; can get a lease; no agents. Phone Eaat 8154. . Letter Heads, Envelopes, Cards A corn Press, 612 Buchanan bldg. M, 6564 FT5R SALE Pop corn wagon and outfit-, good paying business, cleara $6 per day. H-846, Journal- . RESTAURANT for sale; good location. Gooa business. Owner, 163 Grand fe., city. . FOiv SALE Grocery store, below in- volce; good reason for selling. Owner. W-84T. journal. SMALL bakery at invoice, about $600, by owner; good business.- Chas. M. Johnson, Boaverton, yr. RESTAURANT for sale; good place for right man 01 will take a partner. Q 843. Journal. IF you mean to build, let me figure, too. Always cheapest: will furnish free plana. Q-$46iJo)urna.l - , ' BUSINESS CHANCES - 20 -lElOGflllTS- DO YOU NEED READY. CASH7 Do -you want to reduce atock and make a profit wTiile doing aoT We ara the oldest sales conducting firm in the United States. Our terms are the low est quoted for experienced advertising men. We have some entirely, new Ideas to , this locality. . We have opened a branch office in Portland. Call or drop us a line and let us talk It over. Transcontinental-Adv. Co., 06 Yeon bldg. . HOTEL. 40 rooms, well furnished, steam heat, furnished free; all modern. This place clears $460 to $600 per month. The lo cation is the best in town. Rent $6.26 per room, per month, with a 6 year lease. Prioe $4500. $2500 cash, and will exchange balance for unimproved prop erty. The lady has two places and cannot attend to both, account of selling. J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 615 Yeon bldg. COUNTRY HOTEL SNAP, New modem brick, can lease for term of years, furniture all new, -will sacri fice for less than cost at factory; is clearing $250; this is a snap for hotel mam- $1500 cash required. Call or write H. E. Barnes, 88 10th. near Stark. $3000 To Invest In good paying business. What have you? See us at once. J. E. Nichols Co., 815 Yeon Bldg. MEAT MARKET fixtures; must be sold at once. Tabor 1469, Kern Park sta tion. Mount Scott car. At shop, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., Sunday. ' HELP WANTED MALE J Y. M. C. A. Employment membership guarantees employment or refund of membership fee, gives two months' full membership privileges, 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep party employed during full term of membership, with out further charge. See secretary em- ploynfent department, FREE illustrated book tells about over 860,000 protected positions in U. S. service. More than 40,000 vacancies every year. There Is a big chance here for you, sure and generous pay. lifetime employment Easy to get. Just ask for booklet C 868. No obligation. Earl Hopkins. Washington. V. C. I WANTED For the United States army, i able bodied unmarried men between iStV habits w a if pa of 18 and 36 citizens of United good cnaracter ana temperate ho can BDeak. read and write the English language. For Information apply to recruiting officer. Worcester bldg.. 8d and Oak sts., Portland. Or. . UNEMPLOYED RAILROAD MEN Stead v emnlovment and KOOd wages given suitable men from any branch of the railway service who own liomos or other property. Men witn ramuits preferred. Write X-840. Journal FIVE energetic salesmen wanted, good for $10 a day, by a Boston concern, goods sold to business man. Call at once after 9 a. m.. The Potlatch, 88 tt 6th St.. room 17. A. L. Engberg, B. Mgr. I WILL start you earning $4 dally at home In spare time silvering mirrors; no capital; free instructive booklet, giv ing plans of operation. O. F, Red mond, Dent. 261, Boston, Mass. WANTED Boy 17 or 18 yeara old, to drive laundry waicon. This will pay 1 1 to io ou per montn aurinpc wimer, wiih , wnn goon raise m spring, aooui from Portland. R-848, Journal. About 60 miles LOCAL renresentative wanted. No can- , vassing or soliciting requirea. uooa income assured. Address National Co- "tre,l" nco.i, u., . .v iu.uc. building. Washington, D. C. . FEW crood salesmen to handle best , SOUTH LAKEPORT TOWNSITE CO., mi i,umpermens Biog., otn ana star. , WANTED A LIVE WIRE. If you can sell real , estate and want an A-l chance to make good without Investing, call Monday or Tuesday at 10 WANTED Good clothing salesman, good wages, no dead ones; call Sunday morning Rose City Clothing Co., 64 N. 6th st. WANTED Young man, energetic, ca pable to take charge office; must have food references and give security. W 43, Journal. I MADE $60,000 In five yeara with a i small mall order business; tegan witn $5. Send for free booklet. Telia how. Heacock. 6078. Lockport, N. Y. WAMTir.n ttrlehr bov over 16 to work In drug store and learn nuainess un- I WANTED General merchandise sales- ma one who can dlspiay pood, and write signs. State experience and wages expected. P-851. Journal. TWO good men for concrete work at 68th and Stanton sts. Call Monday fnnrnlnr WANTED 3 mUlwrights at $3.50 day; , ., . . . , j . i sn.oe x 2d I MATTRESS maker wanted. Portland Furniture Manufacturing Co. Call 49 Macadam Road. Fulton car. BOY wanted over 16 years of age. Call 49 Macadam Road. Monday morning. ' Fulton car. WANTED Live man to work on corn mission in real estate business. eal i 317 Hamilton bldg. BOY for general store work; wages $30 montn. Lennons, 309 Morrison. Ap- j ply Tuesday. WANTED experienced coal miners, per- ; manent position, good wages. Apply j ; room 9. Hotel Stratton, 3d and Pine sts. j TWQ operator8 to travel, those owning! camera preferred Apply bunaay, 4S ; idora hotel. tvi vTcn At nnc "a mn tn learn to WANTED At once, i men to lejarn to drive and repair automobiles. U 1 it Hawthorne Garage. 446 Hawthorne. L.u.rtcr. nd helnersTali- nM nnnl oK Vnmhlll. next lB7","V ' to journal. Ww71nDorrrtnour.f0b-e oavm writing. Short hours, big pay. 242 : '"".. t. . a Krt, i tn on ;'y '" '. I union. AWiy --A VUiiiinci cw viuv bldg. WANT a first class painter for inside finish a fast worker; only the best need apply. Telephone Woodln. 1671. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at 60-62 N. 7th st WANTED Man to work in dairy, milk cows, wages $35,, board and room. Phone Woodlawn 2772. STRUCTURAL Iron workers, out of ' town. Apply III commercial liuo , Dlflg. I ELECT ttlClANS1, non-nnlnn out of town. Conduit experience. Apply 222 j Commercial club bldg. s j MARRIED man for ranch work and to cut wooo oy m euro, ucm unou. j K-840, Journal WANTED First class paint and var nish salesman. State experience and Salary expected. P-832, Journal. GOOD proposition' for a man who haa had some experience In fire insur- ance. 206 Rothchlld bldg. LABORERS. Apply Z2i Commercial club bldg. AX men to clear right of way. Apply 222 commercial chip oiog. WANTED 2 carpenters, 2nd and Woods streets. TILE setter and mantle man wants work- X-849, Journal. m GOOD shoemaker wanted to work In shoe store. 191 Mississippi ave. WANTED Boys over 16 with wheels. 76 3d st. jNCALLED for tailor made suits, $10 up. Taylor the Tailor, 288 Bumside. WE sell uncalled for tailor made suits. $10 up. Harvard Tsuors, nnriaurnBiqe. SOLICITORS for dye works. , Salary guaranteed. 57BH Miiwavme su WEAR a Kenshaw $2 ; hat; all tyT es. 1 i9 4th. 44 wasmngtnn. INETMAKERS . wanted. Apply the hanneaen ft Co., 978 Macadam st. DY MAN wanted Transfer polnti 2 "living rooms. 1068 Corbett st. WANTE1 1 boys with wheels, $40 per month. Apply. 27 TayJpr at :, v I HELP WANTED MALE A DAILY HAPPENING. OITKICE BENNETT'S EMPLOYMENT AQENCT. Agency, 34 N. 2d st Portland, Or. . Young man, stranger, out of work, $1.60 between him and atarvatin. Jf I pay you $1 for a Job what assurance nave I of getting work? . BENNETT -If you do not get your Job you will get your money back, also your expense and have the benefit ef my 12 years' experience In the city of Portland in the labor business. , . . What happened? The young man paid his fee, took the position and is working there now. During the month of August wa fur nished 2468 men with satisfactory em ployment. If any young man, willing' to work. Is broke, we furnish him tm- ' ployment free of charge. We want today: " ' ' Man and .wife, prlvata place, $50, room and board. 2 men with families on ranch, $$.!! day and house free. 4 carpenters, company work, $3.50. Wagon teamsters, $2.60. Mill and yard men, $2.00. Teams in ctty, $6.00 day. WE PAY A LTCRNSE1 TO TH15 MTT ' OF PORTLAND and are also under $600 bonds. ANYTHING PERTAINING TO LA BOR SEE BENNETT. HE WILL SAVH YOU TIME, TROUBLE AND MONEY. OUR MOTTO: SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE. Marshall 364. Home phone A-1888. 100 Boys Wanted, By the Meier & Frank store. Must ba 16 or over, bright and of neat appear ance. Apply Tuesday, I to 10 a m, superintendent's office. CABINETMAKERS and" varniahers wanted: steady work and good pajr. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., 1244 Macad am road. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly equipped school . ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Complete course, including thorough driving instruction, technical and prac tical work In all Its details. E. 23D AND MORRISON. Take S S or M. Tabor car; look us up before deciding to enroll elsewhere. MEN wanted, age 18 to 35, for firemen, $100 monthly, brakemen $80 on nearby railroads. Experience unnecessary; no strike. Positions guaranteed competent men. Promotion. Railroad Employ ment Headquarters. 260 men sent to po sitions in August. State age; send stamp. M-159, Journal. . - TELEGRAPHY Speaking of guaran tes, I will give a limited number, of bon. fide guarantees for positions to desirable applicants and teach teleg raphy in a practical way. Myers, 669 Flanders at., Portland, Or. SALESSMAN Experienced in any line, to sell general trade in Pacific coast, Unexcelled specialty proposition with BRAND NEW FEATURE. Commission with $35 weekly for expenses. The Con tlnental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED Salesmen to carry strong side line boys' and girls' shoes. Snap py lasts, all solid long vamps; popular prices. State age, experience, refer, ences. Fllsjnger-Boette Shoe company, Manufacturers, St. Louis. i WANTED Lad v canvassers. Our famous KNI TT-TOP PETTICOATS ,--- i i ji... . - - n. wia wa an cu m.hi repiy procures exclusive territory. SPELMAN & CO.. Chicaao. EARN $126 monthly. We will make you a rtrBt cIasB Blowcard writer In a jew weeks and puarantee success: re- quires no natural ability; day and even- ing classes. 242 a'.r st. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line High commissions, $100 monthly advance and permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. ; . GOOD live man can earn $3.50 a day lo own town to hrndle our automatie dampers; good sell.rs. Write Safety Economy Damper Co., 440 Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or. AUTOrSCHOOL OF PAINTING. Exceptional opportunity for bright young men to learr. a trade. Apply to Fred Mossman, master painter. 86 Tenth St., near Stark. YOU are wanted for government post tion, $80 month. Sen postal for list of positions open. Franklin 1 Institute, Pepvt 34 H.. Rochester. N. Y. EAR- $TS weekly taking orders lor cut rate groceries. Outfit free. Standard Grocery ' Co., 352, Arcade, i v-icvtmnq, u. BE detective; earn from $150 to $300 i per month; travel over the world. Write C T. Ludwlg, 1545 Scarritt bldg. ! Kansas City. Mo. I MADE $60,000 In 5 years with a amall mall order business; began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Jlea- cock. tzzB, ocKport, ft. y. WE teach ladies millinery ordressmak ing in a few weeks at the Boston School of Millinery , and Dressmaking, 274 Williams ave. Phone East 345. BE a trained nurse, study at home, earn $25 weekly. Thousands Wanted: free Information. Rochester Nurses' Instl tute. 1223. Rochester, N Y. WANTED 10,000 men and woman at Pentecostal hall, lstnd Washington sts., 8 p. m. nights. Jesus heals all dis- eases free. PRIVATE school shorthand and type- wrltlng, $5 month. 69 14th st. ' Ll-V. , , m.muiun private kiiwi , imuring; Z'ntv W N Fi'st'n0 g8- s tn N. East 4527. . HELP U ANTED FEMALE 2 I WANTED Youn? or middle aged lady housekeeper for two gentlemen; K. ......in mnr annnm a. j:,ln. J s') Tinrn a K-84- Journal. P-""1-? ana woman w.mea in cannery vregon rBcaingq.. cor. ain ana Belmont. Steady work ror nrst 21 ap- plyina. Phone East 39. WANTED-GIrl over i 8 year, to help wUh enera, housework and care for ; children, wages $Z5. Fnone ast 4881 or -call BOB wetrtler WANTED Young lady stenographer In real estate orrice; permanent, waiary $40. Address in own handwriting and give phone number. F-864, Journal, FIRST class waitress wanted, abort hours at noon. 395 E. Yamhill, cor ner Grand. MIDDLE aged woman to do housework, good home, small wages. Phone . Sell- wood 397. WANTED Girl for general housework In suburban home. Apply 363 Stark St. : " -;. t ' WANTED Reliable person to care for two Daoies during mot ner aosence, 410 E. 24th St.. N. Phone 0-1883. 0IRL for genera! housework and" j ing. Three adults, two meals. P r.ast or -is. WANTED Girl; general housework, small family, plain cooking, Phone Main 1642, .' ,'. . MUSIC lessons given In exchange for sewing or assistance In housework a few hours dallv, Z-853, Journal. COOKS, waitresses, chambermaid! 1 other help, city or country. Home's Ladies' Agency, 8 270 H Wash, st. WANTED LadV teachers for Chinese mission at 288 Taylor at Call b'' tween 7-:30 and 9:80 p. m. - ' .; ' WANTEDGood Gerthaa girl for eham ber work. Phone Main 80 or A-3301 before noon; wages $20, board and room. WANTED Girl for general housework! Call 464 7th at. WANftED-i dv solicitors. ciH-xibla of earnlnrr $26 a week. 416 Selling bldg. WANTED Girl for generT"housew"oik; 686 Irving st. WANTED Girl to work for board aM , attend school. 861 Hsssalo. K. li, RANTED-Girl to, assist 'mwkTfeKn 201" N. 28d. WANTED -Waitress. Apply today, Swetland. 269-271 Morrison.;.; W ANTED Girl , for ij'ght JTiJusworli. dTb th St. SCHOOL girl, room and fm.t(X. mi wares. East 268 r8- 1 1 1 WANTED lioiii-KI',r for i two boy8.- 924 E. bWt at, N . ;