" J - 1 . - MM! I'XR..S4IJJ TPARMft 17 80 seres of fine loam, h11 lies per ' feet, tii acres In WH fctnto of cultiva tion, 6 acres almost ready to break, -1 balance In. ft nice giove of lnrto timber- snd all brushed out ; fine living spring in pasture, all equipped with water trough; good room house wlih ' woodshed adjoining and well on porcli; fine trusa bam fi)x70 feet, with buse . ment, in which, there is room for - 30 cows; loft room for 160 tons of nay; also hnghouse, granary, implement - shed, chicken house and a fine mtk stone cellar; 3 acres of good bearing orchard of assorted fruiU: 64 cw of potatoes, 1600 bushels of grain m J fra nan; 20 tons of hay in barn, 17 lead of bog. 100 chickens. 6 good Jer sey cows and'heifers, 3 finn 4-year-old horses, weight 4000 pounds: new and - old wagorf, fanning mill, back, buggy, mower, rake, bifcdur, drill, disc, plow, harrow, cultivator, and all small tools too numerous to mention. Situated oi.e Tmtle from good school. 90 rods from church, K. F. D.. phone, cream route; Ann Mill from Clackamas Southern H. it..- now under construction; 2 miles - irom store ana sowniin, o ni ,v ' Oregon City and 21 miles from. Port land, on a fine macadamised road, ana '. in rich farming community. As the owner of this place la old ul ! roHrud and moved to the city. . dnd hlu son. who has had charge of it, prefers to leave It, we have it for sale. This place has never been sold since ijt was taicsn irum mo iinciiiumm V- about SO years ago, by the present f owner, who has reared a large family .on it. but now wishes to step aside -v and give ome on else a chance. Price $18,000, -and everything goes that Is mentioned. Terms, $7000 cash, balance o at per cent . E. P. Elliott & Son End of Suspension Bridge, Oregon City. Fine Country Hbme - ' 20 acres, mile to Keedvllle, V, in- cultivation; a modern, new S room bungalow, nice new barn, all outbuildings new, very best of - soil; will take a house and lot in Portland as part pay. Price $5000, A Special Bargain 40 acres of A-l land, is acres in cultivation, 3 acres of fine bear ing orchard, on Base Lino road, - It 'A miles from Troutdule, with living water splendid location for a country home; fine view. Price only 4600. , This is a snap. " New 6 room1 plastered house and 1 acre of land located at Mil waukle, 20 minutes' walk from -else trie car; good soil. Price $2500; terms. - iA good 10 loom house and S lots 15x100 feet, 2 blocks from Montavllla earllne. Price 12500 on purchaser's terms. V A good new S room bungalow S blocks from Montavllla car line. Lots 60x100 feet. Price $1650. 258 acres in Chehalem valley, miles from -Nowberg,- Or., house and barn end ether outbuildings, good well water. 60 acres in cul tivation, balance timber and pas ture. Price 165 per acre; terms. 84 acres. H In cultivation, fair : house and barn, running water, Home extra lino timber, 6 miles west of McMlnnville on good county road. Price $2000, V cash. Ball 5i Kuntz -4SV-Lmtber- Exchange -bldg. This Is Too"Good to Last Long Investigate Immediately READ THIS AT) CAREFULLY. 74 acres within a 10 minute walk of the heart of Oregon City, , 5 2 blocks from an electric line, on" -. 2 county roads, 5 acres In high state of cultivation, 3 acres of which is a bearing commercial , apple orchard, which nets $1000 , yearly; balance . In timber and .pasture; 7 room house with hot and cold water, furniture goes . to purchaser; good bnrn with running water, springhouse cost ing $i00, furnishing water to .k.i 3 7 homes, bringing ji revenue of $16.50 per month. Water is , .piped to all parts of the place, - nan eofillv be extended. Horse, J--.--twiggy, cider mill and all farm -implements go with place, place rents for $35per month. T.hls place has a beautiful view of 1 the river nd would make an ideal country home. Property , has been platt'-d and could lie . i sold off in low bringing from . $250.- to $300 each. Owner was - offered $7500 one year ago; will sell riow for $t;fi00, on terms, or will trade equity of $3500 for Portland home. This Is a real bargain. I)o not lose anv time In , seeing us about this place. F, E. Taylor Co, - 404-5 Lewis bldg Marshall f92, A-4414. 39 92 AO UK FARM, about 10. miles from thf city; lu acres under culti vation, balance easily cleared except about two acres which Is heavy" timber; good barn, small house, other outbuild ings, several springs of fine water, oH good roud in Tualatin vallov, $5000, 14 cosh, balance !( years at 6 per cent. ' 8HKIWIU) MILLS & KOOKRS, , . 214 JJoanI of Trade Bldg. ...Main r,9 A.i7in Mrnilicrs Portland Realty Ront'tt. LOGOfclV OFr"l,ANft ? 240 bcics, iOt) on lie cultivated: Mi mile irom OHun, Wash., m innin tin ot in. i ran way winch has IS local truil.s dally; fin,, for fruit, stock or general farm: or a splendid Investment Prici! $12 per acre; $lono will handle. - Lew s River, Laud Co., Woodland. . WSHll. $7Jj! an nrie. e tha.n4lt nille?rorii . n,rl,"ru1' Wo from Waslioiigai. ah.; good untl, running water tolling land, no linproM-mentH. This U cheaper tnan homestead : to setUe estate vnll sell for $1250. $750 cash, balance 6 per oent. Phis bus never been on market and Is worth 3 limes the price we ask for tr J'05 MeKnv A dn acre farm, ? L'UOO " td?,n 1?7 fn,,H ' cr1'1 "f ''"f-racada $20(10 this week. 6 and 10 cre tracts at points bit ween .''..'HreshHiJi and Rntaradn ii-5;.'--JL,ll',L-'lL Kis 80 AfRKK, a iim- 7rrn 111 fn.rrrind with I.OOft.nnii fte( ,,f po()( tMIlhl, running water, red shot poii..,. ; t -r mHp 1 from station, near Htixton. Or : will sell or tradi" loi wmall fimii nmr I'mtnind 1ntuiii 19 Mied etrtet or -,ili a -1 fiT 7 between 0 a. in. 11 ml p ,n. ' 'rsi""Ri,;i'v'iiK"iKi"ii)iN"ff e have a y-rv t omp1e If t of furms and countr homes and it will pay vou to cjiIJ In and bee us before you invest t?eo Mr. Hurst.) IIARTMAN - TltOMTHON 4 Chamber of Commerce Hid'. ALL TVARGA I NH AlY"nf!ir" port iaiiT nil from one-half 1o one and one half miles of H. R. station: 42 acres acres, 80 screw, 75 acres, good terms' -Have a few bargains In modern houses and vacant lotw. 8. M. Venard, 001 Mc- Kny Bldg. , , - fkCRFiCTand." acres under "feneld acre In cultivation; water for irriga tion, small orchard, H mile from sta tion, close tn good school; price $600. Jesse Ortnc, Leland, or. . 60 ACltL'K $3000. -- 14 miles from court house, new pl,i. tf-red bungalow with fh'erWcn; team and fMrrulng Implements: lam fine; terms. 1". U Howard, itn Worcester bldgi J-lUl KALI. A very tine dairy ranch containing 1 1 IT ncre, near Grham, t, mile Irom V W,-l'. Rv station. Prb-u $10,000, Including crops, - tool, i ylemotfta snd stock. F6i0, Journal. 17 v.- Small Farms 4(1 acres unimproved; "0 rods from nn electric line, fine for fruit, garden or chicken ranch. $76 per acre on easy terms. 12 acres near Ncwberg, half in cultivation, improved with six rtrntn plastered house,, good barn, fvmtw, farm implements, family orchard, 3 acres, young trees and plenty ot small fruit. Our price Includes horse, cow, chickens, hay and crops, $275 per acre. 12 acres nearly all cleared, half in 2 year old apple trees, good soil, good location, good wiv tnr. and a bargain at $160 por acre with liberal terms. fifi'i- acre farm, 2 miles from Oregon City; 30 acres cleared, old , house an barn; fine soil, good' 'Water, best location, and the best farm buy In Oregon. $137.50 per acre. $2500 cash will handle, balance at 7 per cent. '30 acres fine level land, all, cleared, joining state orchard at Kstacada; on hard surface road. 3 miles from station, central lo cation among best improved farms in district, all ready to set to apples or prunes this fall. Will soil all or ten acres, lib eral terms, $175 per acre. NEILAN ft PARKHILL, 609 Spalding Bldg. ML Fill 20 acres. IK miles from New berg, 15 in cultivation; i5 room house, barn and other outhouses: spring water piped to house and barn; some bearing fruit trees, several acres in berries and two year old apple and peach trees; price $5000. 16 acres, all Irr cultivation, ex cept acre in oak grove, small house, chicken house, garden, fine lawn, noil, about 30 miles from Portland on electric lino; price $2000; Vt cash, balance monthly payments, 6 per cent Interest. 10 acres. 7 In cultivation, 3 heavy fir timber 300 14 year old apple trees, mostly SpltzenbergR; 6 room house, large barn, 4 chick en house, good well, running stream, fine soil, all level, on county road, 3 miles from city limits; price $5000. 10 'acres. 2 miles from Hills boro; partly Improved, price $1650. $700 cash, balance 3 years, in yearly payments; this Is $60 per acre cheaper than any sur rounding property. The Lawrence Co, 243 Alder street. . One of the Choicest " Farms in the Vicinity of Hillsboro Consisting of 47 acres, 40 acres under cultivation, of which S acres Is genuine bteaverdam, not a foot of waste land on the place the -personal property consists of 8 horses, 10 milk cows, 2 heifers, 4 or 5 dozen chickens, mower, rake, plow, wagon, all new, bug gy, spring wagon, wine press, 2 sets double harness and 1 set sin gle: a good 7 room house with basement, which is used as a summer kitchen, 2 barns, gran ary, hog and chicken house, 75 bearing rfrult trees of different varieties and some small fruits of all descriptions; there are now aUuut.30.toim.of hay in thw-barnf-the income of the cows averages 'a about $100 per month at this time; the place is surrounded by sev eral stations, railroad and street car within 1 miles, school and several churches of different de nominations. Price $11,600; $5000 cash, balance 6 years at 8 per cent interest. All crops go with the place. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 133 H First street. Of 15 acres. Just outside the city limits of Caatlerock, Wash., Mi nillo from depot; land is fenced and cross-fenced and 11 acres are under cultivation, balance timber: good 8 room house with porch- all around it; large barn and other outbuildings; bearing family or chard and plenty of berries; good well water, gasoline engine and small Irrigating plant; 1 cow, 2 pigs, 50 chickens and all imple ments go with place, also a boat: telephone In house. Price onlv $:'500; $1500 cash, balance 0 per cent. Kxcellent shipping failll- 325 Lumber Exchange. 20 Acres At SlTNNyHIDG. $300 per acre, fine loamy soil, 10 acres in culti vation, 41 large trees that will cut into over 200 cords of wood, ready sale, 32 well assorted ap ple trees ,ln full bearing, best schools, churches, stores and tel ephone; fine neighborhood, small amount cash will handle this, bal ance easy; have made a personal Investigation of this property, nothing like It at tiny such price to be had, Investigate and get prices around, will make a fine home;- belongs to non-resident; hence the price. Waggener Real Estate Co, 210-212 Ablngton bldg. 1 Were Is th-3 best place going 500 acres on Columbia river. 125 acres liiil- tom land, ii50 acres logged off upland : ,. uui,i.. ..iueu i,.., FOR SALE FARMS about 1,000.000 to 5,00(1,000 teet of flnof00'1: , f,r,f Jrl?? "'"nl" r Umbel, nice living stream of water ' ' ro.mi hard finished house, good barn nmt pood spring on placr; boat landmi? , "" other necessary buildings, lnelud and II. R. station on place; good ! ing blacksmith shop full equipped, all room house. 2 barns and other build ings, county road through place and Vi mile to good school. Price $15,000, cash and good terms on" the balance. See my agents. Chittenden & Neil! 310 OA K SIT. IcriLTlMTHA COUNTY farm: 60 acres I good h-o I ! , fine water, good location I on good road -2Wi miles from Mavger river and rail transportation acres cultivated. 2& fenced, 100 fruit trees, 14 scr strawberries variety of other ainnll fruit; small house, water piped tp house, barn, s tons hav and farming- tools. It's yous fo $2900 earth.. 1 -A. J. Smith, May gar, Or. 240 Acres in Marion Co. Partly Improved, 6,000.000 feet of tim ber; Oils will make a fine stock ranch, price $25 twr acre, cash. Pcper & Baker, i!4BhfrUck Wdg. 120 ArTiKH Vn 'ciiu'krtnTasVountv. "ail good agricultural land; about 4,000,000 AeiM of timber. This will make an Ideal stock ranch or gond fruit land. Come in nnd w will 1alk it over. Call ,226 Falling bldg, 2 ' ' '' '' "fElf thTh snXSTT1 40 acres. Vnmhlll rv nor, e HWI,n 80 acres under etillivntlon. $90 per acre. (See Mr. Mlshop.) . . HARTMAN THOMPSON, ' ' """'her of Commerce Bldg. FOR HALK 200 acres with stockyard" for rtalry and stock. P. B. Gallagher, Ona, Lincoln Co., Or- I ' 17 FiR8T-cu ... . In 'Clarke county, Washington, about J2i miles from Vancouver, on good county road, with R. F. ., milk rSKito and telephone; 5H miles from electric ear line near Proebstel; excellent pasture lands and plenty of outrange. 147 acres, about SO acres under cultivation, balance pasture and some good saw timber; all fenced, part fine bottom land, part roll ing; good spring water; 4 room house, largo barn and other out buildings; family orchard of about 1)4 acres, as-sorted and bearing; tall Implements, horse and buggy, 6 cows, hog and chickens go with place, $8000: $40U0 cash,- balance i years, 6 per cent. r 160 acres, about 25 acres under cultivation, balance fine pasture and Home timber that would cut about 3000 cords of wood; all fenced, part bottom, part rolling land; largo creek, good trout stream; new 2 story 7 room house, largo barn and other out buildings; 1 acres in orchard; nil Implements, good team, 4 cows, 1 calf, Durham bull, 4 hogs go with place. Price $8500; (5000 cash, balance E years at 6 per cent. 225 Lumber Exchange. HERE is one of the best buy In Oregon. 127 acres of land, 60 acres in cultivation, 25 acres in alfalfa, balance Is alslke and tim othy, all under Irrigation, owns water right; an 11 room hotel, all furnished and equipped, general store with $3000 stock of goods, doing a fine business; amusement hall, post ; office. cancellation amounts to $20 per month; min eral - springs, 2 large, barns, one for livery, blacksmith shop with , full act of tools, .water piped to house and barn, good bearing orchard, has 125 tons of. hay in barn that is worth $20 per ton; telephone, R. F. I)., on main dally stage road, on Umpqua river, in Douglas county, Or. This is a fine proposition and a money maker. Domestic trouble the cause for wanting to sell. Party is offering this at a sacrifice in order to dispose of it. Price is $10,000, cash' or would con sider some good Portland prop er tyas part pay. " Ball & Kuntz, , 431 Lumber Excnange bldg. BARGAIN IN FARM CLOSE IN. An 87 acre farm over half cleared, im proved with good barn and all fenced, no house, but good house across road that could bo occupied. This land liea beautifully and mostly black sandy loam soil. Uncleared land is in oak and fir timber. This land has been held at $85 per acre, but will consider any rea sonable offer in price and terms you submit. This must be sold and is posi tively worth considering. 141 acres of nlc Wing, good land, well improved and haa a few acres of cleared land, small orchard, etc. It is located on the Molalla river at Meadowbrook. This is a fine dairy ranch and can be made a money toaker. Price $65 per acre en easy terms. Will also rent this tann witn priviiaeo or purcnase. Tnis Is a good easy orening for someone. Look into it. Cnnby-aaTdeiis Ifi'iclty ilmtts of Can-' by, all cleared, levl and ready for plow with water ! available for irrigating. These are certainly very desirable 6 acre tracts and can be purchased on very easy terms. Price $300 per acre. Out of 700 acres' we have but 6 five acre tracts left lor sale that are most desirable. .See these and you will buy. WHITMER-KELLY CO. 70 4th Bt. Main 1008. A-1008.' 1 A KINE 6 acre garden and truck or fruit ranch, nice new 6 room bungalow, cost $1000; about 3 acres . In cultivation, 1 acres onion land, lMi acres garden: the balance is very easy to -clear; all is A-l land when cleared, nil lays fine, 1 mile from electric car station, 10 miles from Port land. Price 1600, M, cash. This 1b a bargain. 28 acres, nil creek hottom, all' In cultivation, 4 miles west of Sheridan, good 6 room house and barn and other outbuildings, 1 Vt acres bearing orchard, 2 springs on place; 1 span of good horses and harness, wagon, 7 Jersey cows, 3 brood sows with pigs, 6 doz. chickens, 8 geese, hack prows, harrow, eream separator, 18 tons of hay, 3 acres potatoes, 7 acres pasture Tented at $700 per year, with running water, on county road, R. F. D. Price $4000 half cash. Ball & Kuntz, ' 431 Lumber Exchange bldg. SI 500 Cash Gets a Deed To thlB fractional 30 acre tract, all rich 1 land, 17 acres under cultivation, bal ance sloshed and seeded to pasture; b acres fine green saw timber in one Con ner of place; good 4 room cottage, large bnrn, and all necessary outbuild ings; springs and good well; good fam tlv orchard ln full hearing; fenced and cross-fenced; mile from school, church anfl good store and' 7 miles from Vancouver, on good road; R. F. D., and telephone Rervlce. Includes good team of mares, hack, buggy,' wagon, 2 sets of harness, good milch coWi 2 hogs, some chickens, all small tools, cider mill, 17 tons of hay, 60 bushels wheat in fact, all personal property and crops, all for $4500; $1500 cash, bal ance at 11 per cent Interest. Thompson & Swan SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS, VANCOlTVKTt, WASH. ' TOO ACRE FARM. Leas than 20 miles from Portland, within a mile of an electric station, mile from boat landing on Willamette river: schools, churches, stores, etc.! 60 Ki. -im'imk, 1-11 1,11 i-iit-n, niuicn, nu 1n hlirh state of cultivation, bal- acres am-e in good timber, over 3000 cords of kinds of farming Implements, horses, cows, lioKH. this vear it' crop, personal property to the value of not less than $2000. All goes for the extremely low price of $135 per acre, This place Is from $1!6 to $50 an acre less than other lands in this vicinity. 80 acres In Lane county, improved, fine soil, fair buildings, $55 an acre. 120 acres In Lane county, mostly cut over land, partially cleared $36 an acre, no Improvements. OOWF.N - mir, TRUST CO., Lumbermen's; Bldg., 5th and Stark. $750 Cash Handles This Hanch Place consists of 19 acres, all level, thoroughly cleared land, with 3 story 8 room house, large born granary, and outbuildings; well at 'house; place fenced and cross-fenced; good family orchard In full bearing, and all manner of small fruits; 'A mlla from church nnd school, 2 miles from electric car line and country town 'and 8 miles out on good -level road, Price $5250; $750 cash, balance ran ntn 15 years if tin sired without any further payment on principal.- This Is a chance of a life time! to get a fine home on such easy payments. 1 r Thompson & Swan , SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS," . VANCOUVKlt, WASH. 40 ACRES' good pTorlurtive land, 35 miles' of Portland, $1000; easy terms; no waste land and would moke a fine ranch if improved. D. M. Baker,- 303 Corbett bldg. A-4492. U- - 7, AM- - - FOR SALEFARMS WIPES 17 $3500 CASH MAKES YOU INDE PENDENT. , $3Cp0 handles this fractional 80 acre tract, 85 acres now under cultivation more quite eatruy- cleared, about Zbou cords of wood on place; good 8 room house, nleelv nrtinteri- in re-a hum mwl FOR SALE-FARMHj all manner of outbuildings; plane fenced colors, 21x28. showing railroads In o pe lt nd cross-fenced; good orchard "of as-j ration, one showing all-proposed rail sorted fruits in full bearing; all kinds road and elnctrio, lines. Including east of small fruits; jfine water, close to i -rn and central Oreron; 20o each, or school; R. F, p. mall and telephone ( three 60c Map of Washington in col service, in fine .neighborhood, 2 miles J ors. 21x28 20c , .Nimmo, Runey &.,Co from store, Oft miles from Columbia Hamilton bldg. , river and little town and' 10 miles f rom 1 1 OMESTKA1) RELINQUISHMENT. Vancouver, on fine automobile, road, j 160 acres;- fine hilj land; laya well; jtiiciiiueu wnn im una piuoe are milch cowsy 4 head of young etock, good team, harness and wagon, buagv. hack, plows, harrows, 2 sowa, all chickens, , land; good road through place.- Ad cream separator, all farming tools, 8 dress-Box 84. Woodland, Wash- sianus ui Dees, an crops, nav in cam: etc., etc.; all for ($8500; $3500 cash, 8 or t yearn at per cent interest on uie remainder. , . , Thompson & Swan SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS VANCOUVER, WASH. 160 ACRES on Eagle creek, 25 acres improved; good barn: small house. good water power; 60 acres good green timber, $35 pr acre, .Terms one third cash.' '!: 80 acres, good agricultural land,, close to uiierryvme, 137 per acre; terms. 40 acres, Eagle creek, -good agricul tural land, '$1100; terms. Rfl flftrua- nf -first.. nltiMfl fl flrricnltllttal land, 60 aetW Improved; good barn, 4 room log house, etc.; Klickitat county, $4000; terms. Inquire Wm. Mast, room 223 Ablngton bldg. - "THE COFFEY FARM," Jn Umpqua val ley, of 500 acres, with its splendid Improvements? running water and Pri vate shipping spur; with its fruit, hot house, private water system, and desir able Income; can oe bought away below value if you have the price, $37,600; part time; some of heirs desire, to rea lise. Main 6274. Room 027 Corbett bldg. , " ' $1000 Cash -Buys Chicken Ranch 7 acres, all undor fine state of Culti vation and in crop; new 6 room house, neat little barn. etc.; .place fenced and cross - fenced; 180 bearing fruit trees, principally apples of choicest varieties; strawberry heds, etc.: N. P. R. R. station across street from Qlace; 3H miles out on good road, In gcrnd neighborhood; mil from graded school and church; R. F. D. and telephone service. Price $4000; $1000 cash, balance In three or five years at 6 per cent. I hompson & bwan SIXTH AND MATN STREETS, VANCOUVER, WASH. FOR REN1 FARMS 14 FOR SALE Lease and stock of one of the best dairv farms in Clarke county. Wash., and a proposition which anyone interested cannot afford to pass up; with the lease is fer sale 27 head of first class dairy cows and established milk routs' in Vancouver; separator, cooler, bottles, cans wagon, team and harness, steam plant in dairy house, feed cutter, mower, rake, disc, all new this year; low wAgon, 10 hogs, 2 acres prunes sold for 6c a pound when har vested. 2V4 acres potatoes. 100 tons of hay. about 30 tons of straw and-1500 bushels of onts; plenty of green feed for ran ana winter use; the lease covers 259 acres choice dairy land and runs 2 4 years yet; rent reasonable and with in mile of city limits of Vancouver. Wash. Good reasons for selling; for further information call or write Jour nal office Vancouver. Wash. For Rent 20 acres of fine srarden land all cleared. 10 acres in cultivation, 2 acres in strawberries; tools furnished free; house and barn, running water; close to Boring station; for 4 years at $4 an acre a year. Bloch Realty Co.. 206 Alder st. FOR RENT To responsible party who has equipment for cultivating It, 800 acres of good wheat land In Morrow county, Oregon. For the right party who will take the land for a xerlod of years . will give an- exceptionally good deal. Apply to John S. Beall, 309 E. Yamhill st., Portland, Or. 154 ACRES near Turner, large house, born, orchard. 90 acres in crop, bal ance paBture and some timber; Will rent for $30 a month and one third of crop. See Mr. Bishop, Hartman & Thompson, 4th and Stark. 27'6 acres for rent, 120 cleared, near Wllsonvlllo, Or.. $400 cash per year. F. L. Roberts, Route No. 2, Sherwood, Or. 160 ACRES, 91 acres, 70 acres, stock for sale. O. W. P. Land Co., 1st and Alder. FOR RENT 20 acre farm and team for sale cheap. Inquire X p. Wolfe, Clackamas. Or. 20 ACRES Improved; lease four years grow anything. 14 N. 6th st. WANTED FARMS S8 1 WAHTEO-FMM! Wanted from owners, well Improved farms of from 30 sto 60 acres, located in the Willamette" valley, not more than 4 miles from railroad. Give full de scription, best price and terms. 825 Lumber Exclmna-o. Members Pprtland Realty Board. Hv several customers waiting for us to find them a good farm or small acre tract. If you have any to sell call or write us at onco. J E, Nichols Co., oii icon JMKlg. WANTED to buy about 40. acre well lra proved Clackamas or Washington county farm, close to some R. R. sta tion; diversified farming; fair house re quired: cash for bargain. ,L. B. 170, Yamhill, Or. WANT to rent dairy farm, with stock, farm implements and everything fur nished, on shares, by party that knows the business. K-859, Journal., FARM wanted, to rent or work on shares, by experienced farmer with icst or reference. 1-Hft4, jou ma I. WANTED To rent or lease acreage, 20 or more, close in, suitable for stock. V-859, Journal. " i fruit LAjvna Investments IN .. Orchard Tracts 8. 10, RET TO 1 TO 6 YEAR OLD TREES, NO APPLE OR livUNE ORCHARD PROPOSITION IN THE WEfIT 1H ANY BETTER. SOIL. ELEVATION. DRAIN AGE AND EVERY IMPORTANT FEA- TUUE IS RIGHT FOR -MAKING THIS PROPERTY THE EQUAL OF ANY THING IN HOOD RIVER, WR NATCHEE OR MEDFORD DISTRICTS. PRICES RANGE FROM $150 TO $500 PKR ACRE.' REASONABLE PAY MENTS AND CARE OF TREES GUAR ANTEED. ' e NEIL AN A PARTTHfLT. - i0i SPALDING BLDG. FRL'IT -trees, finest "budded stock, cla scriptlve catalogue containing Inter esting (Information on request. Carlton Nursery, 416 .Chamber of Commerce. Main 867. HOMESTEADS? 47 HOMESTEADS. "Good yaeant land, Tillamook county, location guaranteed, W. G, JOHNSON Wbndlawn 802S; 1792 Haven st. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 80 acres. 35 miles from Portland, 3,000,000 flr5 killed fir, all tools, cabin, furniture, gro ceries, ito., Road through place, $400.. O 8ft, "Journal FREE homesteads, timber, wnter, lev,-"! lahd, near Portland; R. R.', postofflce and-river. Good value. Covey, 267 Oak, room tU , , , - .47 ADVANTAGES OF OFLUCJON 100-page book gives amount of government land open to homestead. In each county in the states of Oregon and -Washington and description 01 same; gives nome i stead, de. ert, timber, stone, coal jtfid mineral " laws: two mans of Orexon in about -2 acres cleared ana lt siasneaj small house and barn! 85 fruit trees; about 20 hear i nan 7 miles from Wood- EXCHANGEREAL ICSTATM 24 I WANT to trade my, automb- bile, If you have a lot or some acreage , write me, - rV 855, Journal. . . j DANDY new 7 room housed modern. In Rose City Park, price $4200, noTnoum brance. will exchange for bunch of good c.hap lots. C20 Railway Exchange bldg., 4 th and Stark. Mr. Cate. CHICKEN RANCH FOR CITY. 2 acre chicken ranch on Oregon Elec tric; lies good and level, all cleared and In cultivation! all fenced and cross fenced for chickens, etc. New house, nicely finished, good outbuildings, good Chicken house; four dozen chickens go with place. -See Mr. Martin forenoons. C. W. DAVIS & CO., 606 Commercial BHt. EXCHANGE. ' W have definable property, Improved and unimproved, to 1 exchange; city property for farms and farms for city property. If, you want to exchange on a cash basis, see us, GLENART REALTY CO., INC., 421-422 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " ' RACH FOR CITY7 40 acres in Marion county. Or., all cleared and good crop goes with place; a good house and barn and plenty of bearing apple, pear,, plum, cherry and peach trees on place. Price $6000; will make terms. Mr. Martin, forenoons, . . C. W. DAVIS & CO., " 'v 608 Commercial Blk. Act -at Once 6 room house. Hawthorne district, cor ner lot, cast front, $200 cash, .balance cheap lots, acreage, small business, mortgage or anything of value. Must be sold at once. Price $2000. H. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th, near Stark. EQUITY of $3800 in 11 room new mod era house in residence district; lot 60x100, in Seattle, for sale or exchange for home or farm near Portland; would consider pool room or vacant lots; will sacrifice for cash. A. B. Pfenning, 2U Beech st.. Portland. 160 Acre Farm Will take trade to amount T 14000, balance $2000 back 'mortgage. This In cludes all stock and Implements, val ued at $2000. 402 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. I HAVE a first mortgage of $3300 at 6 per cent interest, semi-annually, on property worth $7000, that I wish to trade for house and lot In Portland. C-858, Journal. iy acres, all clear, new 5 room house and barn, good waiter, 15 miles from Portland, mile from cur. Price $2500. Trade for house same value or lot up to $S00 as first payment, or $500 cash. H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 10th. near Stark. EQUITY in 2 good lots on Broadway Bt. Mortgage $750 to trade for equity n.iir r,.,,, .w.li n u a i , T m ttoCTr oi r;HetiVirt- J - . . . . z!z r T--;, , WANTto trade my home f rooms tor acreage or city lots, r-8b4. Journal. TO EXCHANGE Good business that will i Invoice abfr&r $8000; want farm 20 to 100 acres; must be improved, not too far from R. R. station; will give or take difference. W. C. Green, 88 N. 6th sr. main vuzz. HAVE two lots in Portland and two inJ vttiicuuvcr 10 iruao us Tirsi payment on acreage or farm; might consider 6 room house in city. W. C. Green, 88 N. 6th st. Main "7022. YOU OUGHT TO SEE OUR LIST OF EXCHANGES. HARTMAN $ THOMPSON, Realty Exchange Dept. Chamber of Commerce "Bldg. $1150 first mortgage on farm, 7 per cent, and equity of $1000 ln B room bungalow, to exchange for farms or house of little encumbrance. D. M. Baker. 303 Corhett bldg. HOOD RIVER. ' T-Tavp. fine m-charrt 1n thA eAlAhrne1 Pine Grove district, to exchange for .,(... . ........ ii . . . x t . . , & : Owner, M-161, Journal. 50 ACRES. 32 acres ln cultivation. 7 room house, barn, 14 miles from Portland, 1 mile to station. Price $12, 000. Will consider income or other property. 42 Chamber of Commerce. WILL exchange 5 acres on Oregon City carline and 3 lots free from incum brance, Baker City, part payment on new 5 room bungalow. Root. 723 Cham ber oC Commerce. Main 5129. WILL trade my 10 acre orchard not far fronv city for modern rooming house or about 40 rooms,. Do not an swer unless free from incumbrance. D 865. Journal. WANTED Good lot. Some cash, as first payment on 5 romi bungalow? corner lot, all Improvements ln and paid for; will finish interior to suit; no agents. X-859. Journal. . WANT small tract near olectrio lines to trade tor house and lot. Have good payliib grocery outside city to.-, trade for income property or farnu Merrill Investment CO. 206 RothchildMdg.- i 5 ROOM now and tmodern bungalow to trade for good runabout. $400 or $500 cash.' balance., easy terms. Phone owner, Woodlawn ,218, , FOR "SALE-New 5 room bungalow, very reasonable; $800 down, $20 monthly,- this vis a snap. u. Baker, 803 Corhett bldg. . M. HAVE 3 choice lots, 2 blocks car, all improvements in. I want to trade my cash equity on house, acreage or mortgage. 13-850, Journal. y 10 ACRES, close in on elwtrlc line, to exchange for close in residence, will assume small mortgage, li-857, Jour nal. MODERN five-room cottage, .good neighborhood. , fine location, to ex change for acreuge or farm,: 20 to 40 acres. Owner, 226 'H. 61st st. ; HAVE some good lots to trade for mortgages or seller's equity. East iTPASHENGER high class auto to ,ex" changH as first payment on close in residence. R-858, Journal. 1 SEVEN per cent 20-yesrbondi In ex- m MAnl n , , n llKlnfnl,n.' l It 5fftt !lJi: 1 WANTED -Good auto or truck as first payment on 7 room bungalow, some cash, no agents. Z-8S0, Journal. FOR SALE, trade or rent, 4 room bun galow, furnished or unfurnished. Ta- npr Biba, WILL take lot as first payment -on 6 . room bungalow or 7 room house. .All modern and new. izi-s Jiawrnorno. INCOME cjty property,, valued $18,000, to trade for farm. 233 Worcester bldg, HAVE small tract near city to exchange for good house and lot. Owners only. u-sisii, journal. TO TRADE for vacant lot, 1 largo horse, set heavy harness and wagon. Phone Bellwnod lrn. LOT taken -aa-fiLSt payment on 5 room modern home, "balance, monthly pay ments like rant.. Owner, East, 2741. WANTED To trade fine timher land for Portland property. nawtnorno HAVE . you anything to trade for .a farm in Ajiwwaf i.ii nurrage St.. city EXCHANGE -"City, lots for a few'acrea near t'ortinnn. journal. 600 TRAJJKS tudato on books.. Bee us. 40 Woifustobldsf. , f HOSfKSTEAbs EXCHANGE Ri!AL ESTATE SI HSSSBSB8888BSBS8BSB 8 . - B B $,8000 AO acreB In Clarke county, S S Wash., mile from state road, 5 8 8 miles from R. R. station and boat S 8 landing on Columbia - river; 70 S g Sclle" ' rlna. or u";ya".?i 3 o oearing orcnuro; u teve. n S all fenced with wire: fine spring 8 S 100 feet from housed i room house, 8 o new nam BOxjo on main county o S road, R. F, D., telephone ln house, S 8 condenser and cream-cry route, S (school - house on place; vwybesf S S of black soil; team, 14 cows, 8 S S heifers. 1 bull, 2 calves, 6 bogs, 1. S S dozen chickens, 70 tons hay, wagon, 8 S buggy, manure and rake diso, cream S B separator, all farm machinery; 8 S will exchange for Portland prop-"S S erty; guaranteed as advertised. 8 S , . .. . .- - 18 ft. 28 " acres In Marion county, ' B 8j mile from R, R. atation, acres-ln 8 8 cultivation. 1 acre bearing or-8 B chard, S . acres onions, will yield S S 600 bushels per acre; - spuds, -300 8 S bushels per acre. The 28 acres' is 8 8 all garden, land, good B room house, 8 S barn, fine location, team, wagon, 8 8 hack, buggy, . Jersey cow worth 8 8 $100; 4 hogs, chickens, all crops 8 8 Price $5200; will exchange for 8 8 Portland property, 8 or 10, room 8 8 house pjreferred. ' . S 8 v - ' S 8 10 acre- tract near Estaeada 8 8 electric car. in cultivation, .fine 8 8 Bpring on each tract, all level, fine B 8 location,-on county road, Very best S 8 of black soil. Will exchange for 8 8 Portland property. Price only f 126 8 8 per acre: a snap. - - 8 8 - 8 8 $4600160 acres 5 miles from 8 8 good town on main line of N. P. 8 S R. R., 35 acres bottom land. 1 25 8 8 acres ln cultivation; 1,000,000 ft. 8 H good timber, creek and spring, good 8 8 bearing orchard, - small fruits, 8 S rail and wire fencing, i room bouse, 8 8 16x30, and kitchen 10x20; barn, 8 8 etc.; also house of 2 rooms, 1 W S horse, cow. farm machinery and S 8 tools, 2 wagons, blacksmith outfit; 8 S i mile to school; fine soil; terms 8 b- $1000 cash, $2500 Portland prop- 8 S erty; balance', pn place. This is a S 8 good investment , 8 S ' - . g $ $4500 -160 acres, miles' from' 8 town of the Cowlits rivCr. R. R. S 8 station and boat landing, on main S 8 line of N. P.; 20 acres in cnltlva- 8 S tlon, 2 acres bearing orchard, S S small fruits, 25 acres piling. 200 8 S cords cedar bolts, -well, spring and 8 8 creek; 70 acres fenced; 1& story 7 S 9 room house, good barn; thickly S 8 settled, good roads; school mile; 8 8 very best soli. Terms, 81000 cash, 8 S balance long time. Will exchange S 8 for Portland nronertv. 8 3 : ' b B 110 acres, 1 miles from EleeS S trict car, 29 wiles from Portland, 8 S 60 acres in fine state of cultlva- 8 S tlon. 30 acres fine ereen timber, bal- 8 8 ance very easilv cleared, 2 acres 8 S bearing orchard, well, 2 springs, 8 8 all ffenced, all level, very best of 8 it. soil; small house, personal proper-'8 S ty; one horse, 3 cows, 6 hogs 8 S 6 sheep, cream separator, mower 8 o ana rage, wagon, narrow, plow, B 8 small tools, all crops, five acres 8 8 ppudSi oats, wheat, vetch; price S S $75 per acre, including all personal 8 S property and crops; terms 1-3 cash. 8 S balance 4 years, 6 per cent, would 8 S consider about $3000 ln exchange 8 S for Portland property, balance 8 8 mortgage on place. This Is one of 8 8 the best buys on the market, guap- S 8 anteed as advertised. S 8 , 8 8 17 acres, 2H miles from Vancouver, 8 o nine irom Bicc'Tic car. it acres H S vegetable and onion land, all 8 a cleared. 8 acres is beaver dam. 6 S acres upland, mostly timber, on H 8 main county road, all fenced, fine' 8 8 location. This is one of the best S 8 buys on the market, guaranteed as 8 S advertised. Price $6000. Terms, S 8 $1000 cash, balance 5 years, 6 per 8 S cent. Would exchange for Port- 8 S land property. This is worth ln- S S vestigating. 8 S . 8 S $350080 acres. 3 miles from S S good town on main line of N. P. 8 S and boat landing on the. Cowlitz 8 S river; 15 acres in cultivation; 200 8 S cords shingle bolts, balance piling S S and second growth: 2 acres bear- g S ing orchard, small fruits, well and S 8 spring and creek; 1 story 6 room 8 S house, barn. Personal property: 8 8 Team, colt, cow, 2 heifers. 3 hogs, 8 a li i v. v. M a 8 chincry and all small tools, house- S S hold goods. Terms. $160(1 cash, bal- 'B S ance 6 years Will exchange for S 8 Seattle property. This place Is 8 -' ... "-h 5 8 church. . " 8 8 . 8 h s 10- acre tracts i have them a B within 9 miles of Portland, 2 8 8 miles of Beaverton, 1 miles of 8 8 8.. P. R. R.; very hest of soli, no 8 8 rock or travel: $100 to $126 tier 8 8 acre, your own terms. If you are In 8 8 the market for a country homo, 8 8 for farm large or small, for un- S 8 Improved land, see me before buy- 8 8 ing. I have some Of the best bar- 8 8 gains ln thecountry. All prop- H 8 erty guaranteed as advertised. (la Ella ! 8 0 8 205 Gerllnger Bldg., Cor. 2d and S 8 Alder. Otfice, Main 8430; Res, 8 8 East 1798. 8 8 , 8 arBgnnannowfanpoopgi FOR sale or trade for cltv oronerty- 200 acre farm' 3 miles from Dallas, R. R. station on place al cleared with ex ception of about 10 acres timber and a little stumpage; abundance fine spring water, fine dairy and hog ranch, tine nlacn for blooded stock farm: lies fine. all god soil, price $100 per acre; good terms on sale. II. G. Campbell owner, on R. F. D., crop goes with place ?.Ci J?I it; timex to ihouu. iibuo casn win nanctie it: t city property. H. G. Campbell, owner, Ti n t a m A, - I - . , n ' . ... . . , . . i . Also bm bctbh oi i mo rrmi lana a mucs from Falls Oily; about SO acres cleared, rnnnlmr snrlnir hrnnrh through nlnee close to school, about 8 acres timber; price $100 per acre, good 'terms; will trade for city nroDertv. H. G. Campbell. owner, Dallas, Or. I ,-23 ACRES ' ,' 12 miles from city on electric line, to trade for city property. What have you? 61S Yeon Bldg. 40 Acres for House 26 miles from Portland, Ideal orchard land. I . want house and lot In city. What have you? 8co Klepper, 640 Cham ber of Commerce, , , " : i , . t . ' NEW IH'NGA LOW. ;4600 60x100, fine 7 room modern hingalow, close to car, choice restricted residence district; will exchange $2700 equity for acreage or farm, west side, Willamette valley. . i FRED C. KING. 314 Rpaldlng hldg., 3d and Wasliington. FOR SALE or trade, small dairy, 18 ' cows, 5 tons of hay, lease on 60 acres, all In cultivation, good house and barn; horse, harness end wagon and good route, close in: rent $25 per month,. Will trade for ranch-west of. Cascade range. Call Main 2420, ' . , ; . ELEGANT 4 room modorn ' home and $1000 ln cash for good rooming house. Aiarsnaii zbk BOMH close in acre for 19li or 1912 . model automotitie; state muKS ana price asked. .' D-851 - Jow mal. A VERV choice, Oiose-in corner, west - side; will exchange for smallor place. Address L-861. Journal. ; WILL trade acreage for equity in house ntid lot, or vacant, lot. Call owii'jr, phyne Wuadlawn 2169. . , t .OREGON AMD WASH n" FARMS EXCHANGE REAX ESTATE 2( ' ' "'7 ' 11 . 1 S - acres, - Multnomah station. so use ana jot in Portland. - 3 acres. Whitford station, for house apd lot or cheap land. 40 Acr lmnini;ail rannk tK MrtUaM from 1 J Portland, (Mock and implements; will ""y iutui aftu 10c 10 a4tw ana cervia 00 balance 200 acre dairy raaetv Columbia rlv vr.uisiriei. iaite part in good city prop- iuu.vuv worm or ua,iilornisv'V in Proved property to-exchange for Prop erty ln near Poctjand. Trade In any rie to sun you 150 in cultivation, stockii take a good house and lot in Portland, some cash and terms on the balance. - 17 acre place near Forest Grove, take Portland Property to half value, some cash and some terms. 800 acres Tillamook. , for Portland. All kind of city proaerty to. ex-, change for jrood ranches. i'- Chittenden & NefH 10 Oak st, Portland. Oregon. For Goo'd Exchanges Read 7" ; -. -This 3700 at re wheat ranch, S00 acres in cultivation - good house and outbuild ings, alt stock and Implements n with place, 4 miles from good railroad; price $35 per acre; will trad for good stock ranch, or improved property, - Equity in orchard" tract to trad for lots or auto. noo. 160 ' acres in Yamhill county, 10 acres In cultivation, fine- house and arn, is tha best small ranch is Yamhill county; prica 3,12,800, Owner will trad Tor good olty property. The price is guaranteed to be right HaVa several good mortgages t trade for grocery stores, houses and lots or good acreage, fLT T,T5ADB IN LARGE OR SMALL DEALS COME AND 8KB ME FT FOR YOU1 POSlTION TO TRADE BROOKS." 519 HENRY BLDQ PHONE MAIN 3263. -A-3265. ; For Sale .or Exchange 8 , !pe at Buttevflle. on the W-lllamette river, 25 miles from cltvw? ?.I.oom T"lern house, barn, outbuildings, 6 acres in cultiva tion, 3 acres ln town lota, 1 acre bearing peaches, ,i acre strawberrfes,- balance ln 2 year old peaches, family fruit, new chicken house; cost $300; all tools, chickens., etc.; will take in exchange in good - neighbor hood, house, value $4000 to $5000, balance good terms. Rand, Read & Co. Sis Board of Trade. We Can Trade You $700 equity modern 2 story house o large rooms, bath and basement. Will rent for $22.60; balance is monthly pay m?T,t,l i I20 at 7 Pr cent Interest. Will trade for auto, launch or lot. 6 ACRES, 6 MILE CIRCLE. East side, on track. 1-S mile station, A-l soil, cleared. Client i. ninih. hmA tnd will trade for value. $1200 equity. foaw mortgage. i,ot. acreage, auto or business. Wanted ihore good property to trade. OREGON AL'USTMENT CO., noa pajmon street. All for Rooming Houses 6 acres of fruit land on coast. 3 equities ln good houses and lots. 40 acres fruit land, small timber. Coast lots and some cash, equities ln vacant near In lots; 1 whole block in Tacoma, Wash. . EWEN REALTY CO., ill AlisRV Bldg. 480 ACRE WHEAT RANCH Morrow county. 3H miles from town. good road, all unrler cultivation hnnaa .nd barn; trade for city property. v nvin- lanui, i. mile jLipfn. canine, good buildings and orchard and berries, stock and tools; trade for apartmont house. WOLFF LAND CO., 323 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE or trade, 20 acres, nice, level, no rock nor travel. 10 mlla. frnm (Vancouver, Wash., unimproved; 1 mile i .gwin .. ruau, nice spring, creeK croBrfes land. Price $2000. Will con sider 6 room cottage. For particulars address. C. E. Wallenstein. 16 13. 6tn st. north. Cltv. j WE have 101 acres all in hi eh state nf 1 "uimJ,.1 Ve"$ll ,?JKfhp5iiS? W : "Ule. l? eiectno; gooci Duun- ings, winamui, on main county road wish to exchange for Portland property. jicorrjjtAiivj!, K&AUl l CO., 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. 4th and Stark Bts, , ' To. Exchange Por Portland nrnnArtv. 9U ln In Taooma, 126x1 JO, alley, "J room house. , ?tr?ft ?rad,?1 'V? walks, lots of l t-; will give good trade. Neal Brown, I aweuanq ning. EIGHT modern 6 to 9 room bouses m traae pari or ail for good Improved etocK farm with stock, oron and im plements; Willamette valley place with running water preferred. Eli Hogan, 617 Board of Trade, Portland Or. Phone Main 467.6. 10 Per Cent Income 3 flats, well located will trn.lo 'tnr or ill acreage near city, or win sell on small cash Dnvment. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 609 Spalding Bldg. All Kinds of Exchanges If you want to trade city property for farms or acreage, see me. I can alve vou ra1 either 4vnv. NurnMiin i 709 Bwetiand bldg. 1 y equiPPed.V For particulars call a SH i,0W-B bidg. . at niRIGATED !LAND in the rich Twin I runs MiBiuvit ninu vriv .ktiii ,i, w lr- ln tv. At , a vallAv t .tpha ... fn irnmi . '"-v . v.. w r-'w I 'ty VTrty ot merchandise. Owner I Only, O-840, Journal, I FOR trade or sale, two cottages ln southern Idaho to trade for nronertv near Portland; good rent; small ranch preferred. H. U. Blckford, Hillsdale, Or., R. No. 2. TRADE for Portlahd property, 20 acres, , small house end orchard, all under cultivation, 1 miles from town. - J. W. Harshman, 514 Buchanan , bldg. Mar shall 698.. : . AWlKD Carpentering, palntTng; ' slashing or. stock groceries on good suburban lots. McCoy, S64 N20th. V. car west on Morrison to 26th, block north, . , $100 tauity each in 1 or more cheap lots within 15 minutes from 2d and Morrison sts., to trade for anything of value, Y-848, Journal. FOR sale oa trade, equity in moder modern t, cornefW addition. -' & room noust on ooxiuu lot, 4tn sna abh bib, terrace 1'arK Call MHin 1939. TRADE 11 room- house in Forest Grove, bast location, fruit, city water, close to college and depot; B-869, Jour rial. .: -.' - .. . ''"'' ' WE trade for anything an vwherel 271 A Morrison St., room 63. . Broadstreet's Exchange,' :. MODERN 7 room house forfcmall aore- age, close to town. Owner, 1281 E. anttl i. WOULD ilke to trade two lots as'flrst 'payment on a 6 or 7 room bungalow. WILL accept' small paying business as part payment on a beautiful earner, Reilwond 768. ' 7 lEl5 Jos for re il estate trades anywhera. 808 Board of Trade bldg, FILL buy, ' eii or trade anything, . ti. r. Lo.iieia Hoaro- or Trade bldg Wll A T have you to exchange for 3ii 'acres on Bluslaw. N-849. Journal. FOUR room house- " to trade for goo3 team..." Phone Woodlawn 114$. NEW. strictly up to date 6 room modern .bungalow; wlmt-have you? East 1145.