The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 23, Image 23

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    ' k .i
AND. SUNDAY; I MORNING, .SEPTEMBER k 8,;-; 19ttvf 0 V:'V:i;'
4- t.:-: V': iS...,
" ' "V'; V IRyiNGTON?
I8JK0 1ft roohi JH story ' houss,"1 on
, one of the finest corner In Irvlngtou.
8 large , fireplace, , lot ; WxlOO, north
and east frontage, , several fruit trees,
magnificent shade trees; paved streets,
Improvements paid.. $1250 cash, balance
--to- suit, or will take 13000 pouse as
1 part payment. Will put, in furniture
'.'Very cheap. Forced sale. ' -i
1 $6700 New 10 room SV4' story house,
W best double construction, artistically de
! ;, alfned. beautifully finished, all the Jat-
est f eatures In house building, corner lot
'COxioo, north and east frontage streets
pavea,. exceptional vaiue. ... .i,
12800 K room modtrn huna&IoW oeeu-
led only months..! double construction
hroughout. flreulace. , Dutch kitchen.
large basement with cement floor, eta
:ionarv tubs, high corner lot north and
east frontage, . cement sidewalks, fnac
; adamlzad street, 3 blocks from two car
lines. $500, cash, balance $20 a month
' and interest. Sacrifice sale.
... , ; . . HAWTHORNE., :s --
$2-6006 room modern bungalow,
GOOD furniture, house well built and in
good condition, full basement with ce
ment ,. floor, stationary tubs, cement
walks nice lawn, macadamized street.
Improvements all paid, $650 cash,, bal
ance $20 a month INTEREST INCLUD
ED. Anybody who can rent a room can
own this house.
a $3800 New 6 room 1V4. story house,
sleeping ; porch, fireplace, hardwood
floors, built-in bookcases, buffet, etc..
full cement basement, furnace, beautl-v
iui corner lot, near cm-iine; torn otpu,
balance $25 a month. This house is hon
estly butU by a rellablecontraetor and
is much better valua, than most ' new
houses. ,
14800 8 room modern house on BOX
100 lot: one block to Broadway car, very
cnoice neignDornooa. ai ibo-bi vu uuuoi
the market flQOQ- cash,t balance month
- Lumbermen Bldg., 5th and Stark.
We make a. specialty -
j Of apartment houses, flats and artls.
tic homes.
A new building is a profitable invest-
Because we incorporate in our build
ings every modern convenience, com
bined with artlBtlc beauty, and the cost
is less than you pay for something
ready built, for material Is at a low fig
ure now. Plans and specification fur
nished free. Our references our cli
ents. It will pay you to see us. Spen
Rr.Mrnaln Co.. 426 Lumbermens bldg.
Phone M. 600Q.
S room bungalow near Hawthorne
ave. This house has been built about
2 years and has fine lawn ana goo
thrnhhw. rnod warden: large attic and
a fine home. Owner wishes tQ go east
and Is offertn it at the. very low price
of $3000; ternis $1500 cash, balance to
6 'room bungalow on 37th st, south
of Hawthorne. This is a modern place,
large baseme-t fine lawn. Street as
sessments all paid. The furniture roes
with the plaxe, also mower and. hose.
The house is about 3 feet above side
walk and built for a home. Price $2800;
terms $400 cash.
iviarshnll 1777, A-3307.
i $9000.
A splendid corner on the east side,
close In; fine big house, 1989. x
A beautiful Irtfington home; every
modern -convenience. 19S".
For beautiful homes, ronsult us.
Real Estate -Dept.,
Chamber of Commerce Bldg
Four Room House
100X100 LOT $1500. $300 DOWN, BAL-
FURNISHED 60x85 LOT. $1700 $400
? 5rfL-f rvtnM HIk
HOUSE 40x120 LOT, $1010. $350 DOWN.
ROOM, FULL LOT, $2300. ONE 6
311 McKay Bldg,
Come to our Rose City Park branch
office and get keys and see the houses
there. Office open all day for you.
Come. Take Rose City Park car, to E.
68th st.
Real Estate Dept.,
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
8tory and a half bungalow, six rooms.
Inrtrln llirhtH and iras. wood lift find 1
large . basement, large porches, lot 4 Ox i
100. six fruit trees; Waverly Heights.-
2l3 JKe."LJ,Lret1; Bef W71
2?d 8tre6t- .ri10" Ta.b0r m3- Prl ' I
$3700; , easy terms. . .
i2nn cash att. clear.
I must sell my J room modern bun
galow before Sept, 15; beautiful place,
beamed celling, living and dining room
walls are paneled In curly fir. big fire
place, all built in features, bookcases,
buffet, Dutch klfhen. elegant electrical
fixtures, also wall fixtures; oak floors,
double plumbing, full cement basement
and hot air furnace L-857, Journal.
$2625 and Lp Easy Terms.
Labor dav our branch office will be
open all day, at corner E. 58th and
Sandy road. Keys and information
ready. Come out. Take Rose City Park)
car. . .
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
. hn. nbelv nPn. '
..-V"""' mZZ . nn ' ;..hM itv
iVXZ? (m7 ;.vm.nt :
with no mortgage to assume, ivim
prico $2800 Will sell or trRde for lot,
contract or mortgage. Smith-Wagoner
Co., 311-312 Lewie bUig,
Labor day our branch office will be
open all day, corner E. 68th lind Sandy
road. Keys and Information ready.
Come out. Take Rose City Park tar.
Telephones C-2121. Tnhor 378.
Real Estate Dept.,
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
FOR SALE West side, modern house
and lot, M, block from car line, 12
minute car service; furnished or unfur
nished. I am owner and will make you
right price; terms. 895 Guild st.; take
23d st. car to 23d and Thurman.
$100 cash balance easy terms for
100x100 with small house, on Mt. Scott
line. - 402 - Lumber Exchange, 2d and
; Modern 6 Joom House
Lot 60x100 facing south on 22d St.,
In Nob Hill,- half cash, balance years
6 per cent. A. J. Gantner. 406 Henry
Bid. ., ... - -
NICE modern 6 room bungalow and 2
lots for sale by owner. Will sacrifice
for cash, $2000; 1 blodk from car; dln
lntr room nanoled and beam ceiling.
Dutch kitchen, full basement, 2 front
romnH 'tinted. Phone Tabor 2326.
"SMALL payment down, $18 per month,
5 room ' modern bungalow, Dutch
kitchen, china closet, woddllft wash
trays and fine view of city; 60x100 lot..
Phone owner, Sellwood 816.
.. $2500 -v
5 room modern bungalow near Haw
thorne ave; easy terms. ' 4Q2 Lumber
Exchange, 2d and Stark.
MODERN 6 room "house on corner. 100X
100, one block from 8. S. car line, on
East 82d. - Fine location for apartments.
x Price $8000. A. J. Gantner, 406-Henry
Mdgf. - y - r - ; -j; -
i. 4 MODERN, up to date flats on East
i' Salmon, between 18th and 14th, In-
'' come $116 per month; $10,000 cash, bal
ance long time. A ' real buy. A, J.
Gantner, 406 Henry bldg. ' - i
1 0mj,it
MUST sell 2 lots Boston addltloa Rose
' City Park. Win consider yourt offer.
Owner , Phone Bellwood 282,
7,. I
r Beautiful lot. 40x100, Ladd dis
' trlct. Price $1400, $350 down, bal.
i ance easy terms, R per . cent. - , .
' Splendid high lot Laurelhurst,
8x1 44. -Price $1600,, Terms can .'
, be had,
Hla-h view lots. B01B100. Waver.''
L . lelgh Heights. Price $2000; $260 v
r . I down, balance $16 per month at $. ,
' Rose City Park district lots 60
400, price $560: $60 down, $10
per month; 6 per cent Call for ..
.' CG.' Reagan.
Members of the Portland Realty
, -.;. Board. , .
282-338 Chamber of Commerce.'
H Bargains' in 4.otsl
1 $600 for a il toot lob on Sumner near
vernon ave.
625 lot on webfter near E. 14th st
700, 60 foot lot on Webster near E.
13th st. ' , . .
$760 for 80 foot lot on E.. 18th, 1
block from car. , ; v .
$1660 for a corner 86x112,, facing east,
near Alberta oar of Union avenue.
This is a bargain If you want some fine
ioia at. tne rignt price, investigaie,
Blanchard & Clemson v
66 Sixth st
$200,000 investment near port-
Land hotel. ,
For sale One of the best corners in
the city, lot 100x100, grand location for
a theatra or hotel: well worth $260,000;
my price Is $200,000, terms $50,000 cash,
balance can stand for 10 years; this is
your last chanoe to get a valuable cor
ner at a low figure. See Mr. Ruthfield,
with . .
LOTS $150 ;
v Water mains in and oaid for: Inside
city limits, close to 6o carllne, lots all
level and free from stones. We are the
owners. That is why we can sell at
this price. Take M V car to 80th st
Phone Tabor 376.
Widell & Wilson ,
2002 E. GUsan st. '
View Lot
50x100. Improved streets, a
sacrifice on this beautiful lot If
you resfUy want a snap. Call
Monday at 210 Abington Bldg.,
108 v rd sr
E, 22d and Oregon Sts,
N. E. corner 'lot 50x50, two blocks
north of Rose City Parts carllne. Sewer,
water and gas in, cement walks on both
streets. Price $1250. $150 down, 10
per cent discount for cash.
or. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.
East 8th and Caruthers sts., con
taining over 6000 square feet, on main
line S. P. Railroad, adjoining Inman
Poulsen mill; especially well adapted
for warehouse or factory site.
212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.
Phones Maln ti69ir, : A-tff53. " "
LOT 60x100 on E. 16th st. near Haw
thorne ave. Just the location for
apartments, flats or good home. Take
as part payment mortgage, real estate,
contract, or give very easy terms. Price
only $3500.
405 Gerllnger Bldg.
: Bishop Scadding
Summer home Is at Bandon and I am
selling lots .6 blocks from the city hall
and on the ocean front; $3 cash and $3
a month; see plat 425 Lumber Ex-
cnange Diag.
$10 Down, $10 Per Month
Fin. viw Jot, vntup4 fruHtr;
Wik-T Bull RuA wte7. fruit 'cared for
'"o' ch" .. Board of Trade
bldg. Marshall 473; A-1022.
PRICE $750.
$10 DOWN.
414 E. STARK ST.
For sale very cheap. Inquire of J.
Tressler, 1453 East Glisan st, on Mont
avllla carllne; gradad street, concrete
sidewalk. Bull Run water,, close to
school house, on Tabor, Hear P. O.,
store. J. Tressler. Take M. V. car to
53d st.
IRVINGTON lot 25th st. 100 ft north
of Braxee, faces east; near Broadway
car; will aell less than market value for cash, balance easy termB. Hero
Is a chance to make monev
H. J,
Warner, care Marshall-Wells Hardware
Co. , .
WOULD you like to buy a lot 50x126. on
the Macadam road, at a bnrgain? This
lot u located near the manufacturing
district and faces two streets; an Idea
location for a small manufacturing con
cern. If interested aoorens owner, E
375, Journal,
$625. Rose Citv Park
50x100 lot, cement sidewalks in and
paid for, 1 Vi blocks to car; lot 3, block
95, $450 cash, bulance $10 per month.
G-847, Journal.
100x100 lot set to fruit, one block
from Mt Hood R. R. Fine view, mod
ern four roomt bungalow, big shed and
chicken run. $260 down, rest like rent.
Charles Cemer, 2174 R Glisan st.
SOxluO corner, 3 blocks of monster car
nhops; fine for store or flats; 1m-
P K?!-?Lly,0"-
lermB. DUAiyu, iiooB iiy f-arR. u.Biriui,
f??L V oown, Daiance 10 per mo.
a !" I'none Beiiwooa 190
Beet lOOxlOOMn Rose City Park.
100 feet from Sandy boulevard.
Get our book of artistic homes.
. . ' IT'S FREE.
Portland Bids:. Ass'n.. 322 Mohawk bldg.
Few fir trees, water, facing the east,
3 minutes from car, 50 fare, 20 minutes
from the hqart of Portrand. Worth $900.
Will scrlfice; make-offer; must be cash.
Box 677, Lents, Or.
100x100. corner Going and Rodney;
client must raise monev quick to save
foreclosure. Price $3000. Goddard &
Wledrlck, 243 Stark, st. -V
$65 0 Hard surface street, sewer and
water In, lots 60x100 near Pat ton
ave. and Kllllngsworth ave., on the
peninsula; easy terms. Plttenger, 1095
m aryiana ave.
WAV . , .... 4 nw .......... ,,... w u 73 JV J
south front. University Park, 4 blocks
from car line. Price $560' each. Leon
ard Goetg. Albany, .Or., R. T. D. 6. - j
60xt00 CORNER lot, 2 blocks from car,
fine district, cement walks Inland palcl
for, gas, etc., $960. This Is sway be
low the market price. ' G-847, Journal.
LARGE fine view lot on east slope
of Mt. Tabor, close to park and street
car.. Terms. No agents. W-842, Jour
nal. GREAT sacrifice 50100, Rose CTty
Park district' Price for 6 days only,
$875 cash. Owner, Main 9461. '
$676 BeautWul view: must sacrifice;
i neeq inn money, ii-bjb, journal.
$3800 BUYS a good lot. fine flats,, onl
12 minutes walk-from postofflce. R
E. Lee 811 Corbett Bldg.
TWO LOTS on . Oatman street Arbor
Lodge; best, cash offer takes ' them.
Address D-860. Journal for four days.
WILL accept small paying business as
part payment on a beautiful corner.
Bell wood 768.- ' .
MY lot in East St: Johns. $200 under
value; must have the cash: $600 If.
taken at .once, monc sellwood 1687.
$1200 will buy M acre on E. 74t
near Firla
station. Goddard'; &
Wledrlck, 243 Stark st.
CALL Marshall 29 j" for lots at $14
each $6 down and $5 per mo.
MUST, sell $16 cash and $4 monthly5
these 6 lots. $150 each. P-863. Journal;
QUARTER block, with innrm. on iff
, lth st. 116,01)1). Apply 674 Front.
$10 a Month,
On Mt Tabor, 3 blocks from new city
park.-" - . :,
' And. a Snap
See these at once or don't blame tne
for not getting the best for your money.
414 E. Stark st-.
(79x164x168 ft. Triangular.)
Suitable for. business; present income
over 12 per cent net; is in Peninsula
district, one square from car on hard
surfaced - Dawson street. The figure
advertised herewith is 50 per ceftt below
surrounding values ana win noi ap
pear again. Easy terms If desired, but
no discount for cash. See Schappert,
74a water st. rnone Marshall zosi.
Our branch office ODen all dav Labor
uay. wme ont. xaxe nose i-iiy ram
car to East isth and Sandy Road; In
formation about that whole section will
be given vou. Phones: C-2121; Tabor
Real Estate Dept.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
$860 A $1000 lot 60x100, surrounded
Dyseuuu ana fiuuo names, East
47th st, Wlberg Heights, between
Broadway and Hancock sts. All
assessments paid, 2 blocks to car
line, Vfc raph.
903 Yeon bldg.
Easy terms. See them Labor Day.
Come to our branch office; open all La
bor Day. Take Rose City Park car. to
East 68th street.
Real. Estate Dept.
Chamber of Commorce Bldg.
Choice 50x100 ft. lots, irraded streets:
water in, alleys. 8 blocks from car.
Lota $425. Call Main 937 or A-2693.
272 Stark St.
325 BUYS acre tract, only 20 mki
utes car ride, wator nioed to the
tract, fine view, ideal for home or In
vestment; terms $25 cash, balance $5
per month. M. E. Lee. 31 1 Corbett Blrlg.
50x100 on Clinton, between Wth and
18th Btreets; fine location, lot Is worth
$1500 cash, but we need money; will
take $1050. 422 Chamber of Commerce.
LOT 38x100. street improved, water In,
pain ior, cemeni waixs, diock from
Aibina ear line, -prrco" $4507 $48" cash,
oaiance 7 per montn. Johnson St. Dod-
son, 620-22 Board of Trade bldg.
BUSINESS corner on Aibina ave., 75x60
feet. $1100, $110 cash, balance $16 per
month. Here Is a chance to make some
money. Johnson A. Dodson, 520-22 Board
of Trade bldg
A NICE 50x100 corner lot one blockTo
car, above grade,. $1600; building
striction. $900. $90 cash. $10 ner month.
Johnson & Dodson, 620-22 Board of
Trade bldg.
12 GOOD lots adjoining Gregory
Heights; level, high ground and cleai,
$135 per lot on the Installment plan.
Inquire Wm. Mast, room 222 Abington
SEK this stylish modern 4 room bun
galow and full lot. Price $2000. Take'
$250 cash, $600 In personal property
or lot. balance time. Call 808 Board,
of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE By owner a swell east
lront residence lot 45x118, on Mar
gueritte near Hairison; for particulars,
see owner. 390 Eliza.
Good Building Lot $475
60xj00. on Millard a've., 2 blocks of
car. Easy terms. Owner. Tabor 422.
ACRE, only 15 minutes car ride S
cent fare; price $600. $50 cash, bal
ance $10 per month, best buv In tho
city. M. E. Lee. 311 Corbett Bldg.
$10 Down, $10 Month
Buys fine eofxlOO on Millard ave., two
blocks of car. Owner, Tahor 42J.
A VERY choice, Mose-in corner, west
side; will exchange for smaller place.
Address L-851, Journal.
F6r SALE Equity" In lot near car line
cheap if taken at once. Ask for Wat
son. 415 S. Hayes St., St. Johnm.
6 2-3 LOTS near Milwaukie Heights
station, high and sightly, $1200. 141 V4
1st, room 4.
AUTOMOBILE "tires, all sizes
new. 5 to $12 each.
233 Main st.
16 acreB, all In cultivation, loganber
ries, strawberries, garden, orchard and
nne new 10 room home, plastered, hard
wood finish.
House can t be duplicated
under $4000. Will nut It in at $3000.
Land $250 acre with perpetual water
Tight. Will reduce or Increase tho
amount of lend if desired. Sea Mr.
Bishop, iiartman & Thompson, 4th and
We Have 10 Acres
IMi miles from 6ewell station on Ore
gon electric, hit Flppln apple trees, will
consider clear lot as part of first pay-
ment, balance yearly Also some good i
acreage, 1 mile from Wichita on Esta-
cada and Cazadero line, 8c fare. Property
Transfer, 311 McKay bldg.
West side, over acre ground; nice
modern bungalow: beam ceilinaH. nan.
eled dining room; modern plumbing,!
unousiruciera view; wortn JiuOO. For
quick sale $6000; terms. Owner leaving
city, must sell. 422 Chamber Commerce.
GREAT Iand-Nlld, 10 and 20 acre
tracts Just east of Gresham.'near Mt
Hood Eleotrlc, - reduced from $250 to
$150 per acre. -Terms to suit. Must
be sold. Coma on the run. Raymore
Realty Co 430 Worcester bldg.
House and One Acre
Half In orchard, chicken hntinn n,l
yards, 4 blocks from station, close In;
a bargain at $1800, $460 cash, balance
easy terms.
WILL sacrifice mV chicken -ranch: good
house, fruit 6c car fare, 'some cash
j-easy terms. . .
, Big snap in acreage. 80 acres in cul
tivation ,at a figure far. below; market
pricg, if. THitpn hi miif, t,Bog, .journal.
16 ACKISS. 6 miles from Dufur; Or.,
-20 acres in cultivation; 6 room
box house, telephone In house; will ex
change for vacant! lots or house and lot
and some cash. Price $4000. See own
er at 1217 1st St., south.' 8. L. Dollar,
Miiir i- i ii rcVi I 1 1 r I
LARGESTi poultry plant In the- east
hatched and sold 300,000 one day old
chicks this year at 20c each. Would you
be interested In an Oregon money mak
ing piant r y-woj. journal.
HAVE 10, 16 and one 20 acres Hood
River, leaving city, .'going at your
Srlre an'd tqrms. 1 Owner, McGulra, East
$06, 430 Worcester bidtt , . r .
60xi m
; $70 .
Level 'Cleared Land
Per Acre -
"J to 1) acre-tracta, finest kind of
land for fruit,- garden and grain; can't
be beat for chickens; deep,- black,
sandy loam, does -. not overflow; no
stumps to dig out;' no brush to clear,
and best of all, p'.ant your crop the day
you buy; close to best markets 'on the
coast; mile from railroad station; will
be close to new electrjo line; If desired,
this- can be irrigated at very smalt
cost, sells at'$70 and $60 -per acre on
easy terms.. . These tracts are selling
fast.; Call and see soli, photos, etc., and
make arrangements to look at this land.
We are ownws. not agents.
101(4?h&mber of Commerce.
Four 5 Acre Tracts, 1 Mile
From Beaverton
Bacre tract No. 1 Easily cleared;
some - wood, ideal slope, rich coll, for
$275 an acre.
6 acre tract No. 2 All cleared and In
oats. Ideally level and ia a bargain at
O P A ' '
6 acre, tract No. 8 All cleared, well
drained, in spuds; choice soil, small
house, good well fenced, etc.. $425.
5 acre tract No. -4 Is gently sloping
with about 2 acres swale land; a few
Stumps on and has the richest kind of
soil for vegetables, etc., $325. .
These 6 acre tracts all lay together
anri are well suited for truck farms. See
owner. t
817 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland.
FIVE acre tract, i miles west of
Willamette river, opposite St.
Johns; on macadam road, run
ning water, good soli, no rock or
gravel. $160 to $350 per acre and
upon easy monthly payment plan.
Let us show you these.
Main 86. 102 Fourth St A-3500.
IN a few vears the residents of the
city of Portland an vicinity will won
der why they did not buy some of those
scenic acresjjat Willalatln Park and
Marine View " where the building re
strictions are adequate to Insure a se
lected neighborhood. This property is
sold by Shepard Mills and Rogers on
small payments down and very easy
term. 214 Board of Trade bldg. Main
6659. A-4710.
CHICKEN ana fruit rsncnes near Port
land, walking distance to good town,
running water, best soil, free wood,
splendid fruit district, view of Colum
bia river and snow peaks, 2 acres $26);
6 acres $400; 10 acres $700; 10 per cent
cash, easy payments, other tracts near
railway gtattor. $25 to $40 per acre.
809 Yeon bldg.. Portland.
We sell at the lowest prices, tracts of
land, close In, at your own terms. In
formation gladly given.
Office open Labor Day.
405 Couch Bldg.
Not far out 1 1 acres, cleared,
level,' but up In fine locality; ex
cellent buy for suburbun home
and chicken ranch. Fare 7 He;
not far from good school. Price
$1350; 10 per cent cash, balance
easy ternis, 6 per cent
332-338 Chamber of Commerce.
Exceptional 80, truck'garden soil;
wood, timber pay for clearing: near
sawmill: cltv, car; all or part; exchanee. ,
Fir and cedar, ranldly emhanctng no
flrtw snlendlil holding investment. Port-'
;. Jf on-;
la"n rS.alL i5oo " ""'BW- xvia'
phone Tabor 138- ,
18 and '6-acre tracts, close to station
on Salem Electric; springs and running
water on some; very fine deep, rich soil,
no rock or gravel: cultivated and fenced.
Price low, easy terms. C. W. La Barre,
209 Commercial blk., 2d and Washing
ton. 10 acree, all under high cultivation, a
fine orchard, 6 room cottage, barn;
other outhouses, horse, wagon, buggy,
harness, full set Implements, furniture
Included, only Mi mile from the electric
lino, will rU rhiun And o-nnri tprmn
Charles Hlrstel, room 104 Sherlock j
v,ififf .
: jr-r , J , .,-.
ibu acres tana, oeiween ana o rmmun.
icd. iii ""V-Mr. ' i
plenty of water. 3 miles from Dlllarjl j
station: fine place Tor sawmill or hock
I raising. vmi cxunmiKr, , ni umit i
in roai fBmio mm u u.
W. C. Davis, Rosehurg. Or.
160 acres, near Portland. lMi miles R.
R. station, some cleared, soil test
proves splendid, fruit and berry land,
fine creek, Hprlngs. house, 2 barns,
other buildings, completely equipped,
horses cows, everything goes for $38
per acre. Phone A-3037.
A Rare Opportunity
A choice 10 acre tract, 2 miles from
Vancouver, 12 miles from Portland post
office: $126 per acre, teroiB. N. W.
Merrlfleld, 810 Washington St., Vancou
ver. 480 acres 2 Mi miles from Kstacnda cur,
good fruit land, fine timber, good
trout stream, 60c car fare; line
through land, $40 acre; will divide in
40 acre tracts; 203,Gerllnger bldg. Phone
Main 7311; come go and see this land;
rn HffAnlH I
16.53 ACRESr-$620 on terms. No rock
-. 1 'A .... J ....1 1 n
chicken ranch. One hour from Port
land, 2V miles frflm river and rail
transnortatlon within 'i mile of mac-
adam wagon road, school and rural mall
aeiivery. i" uumoer r.xcnange.
TUALATIN VALLEY acr tracts, nine
miles from Portland, fine hoII and will
produce anything grown In Oregon, $250
an acre and very easy terms. Shepard
Mills & Rogers, 214 Board of Trade
5f Trade
bldg. Main 6659. A-4710.
Portland Realty noam.
TWELVE acreB, mile from electric
a0I.e, dear, rest timber; running stream,
new barn, 24x36, two acres potatoes,
hign ground, rich soli. Price $37.50.
station, 12 miles from Portland; 10
half cash, easy terms.
A. O. Hulbcrs,
Quatama. Of.
buy 10 acres
hlsh grade logged off
land, close to good town
and railroad, near Port
land, i
Neuhausen & Co., 703 Lewis bldg.
3 acres of land for sale in small city
close to Columbia river, about 26
miles to Portland; would make a beautiful-home;
no curiosity seekers an
swered. Address r owner, Eliza Ields,
Stevenson, Wash.
Have 2000 acres In KUckitat county.
Wash. Show me you can handle It and
you can pay me U you sell. J. 849, Jour-
iY, ,
!TWO adi
Ires of around, first otnss soil.
in southeast Mt Tabor: wilt sell all or
part or will trade.' Inquire Gtbbs' gro
cery store, 82d and" Powell Valley road.
o. r. parson.
Best acreage-on Salem Electric; deep,
rich, cultivated soil; will sell In tracts
to suit, very easy ternis. W. F. Feller,
Donald. Or.
10, 20 and 40 acres, rich soil, running
water, $100 to $160 per acre; Donald
station, Oregon electric. J". J. Ryan,
Buttevina. Or. Owner.
CHOICE 10 acre farm. 14 wiles from
Oregon City; good building; all cuitl
vated. 861 E. 11 th st, E. 6023,
TWO acres, 65 bearing trees, good
house; $3200, terms, at Kendall sta
tion. X'ssadnro cars. Fred Grant, owner.
SNAP, 2H acres, Oregon City car, $776.
worth $1200. K-Ui. Journal . .. ,
m? ici mu
. LANDLORD. Get out where liv
ing is easy and taxes low.
And See these beautiful
m mm hau
Beautiful acre or half acre home
sites, , only 25 minutes' ride on
best carllne out of Portland.
High and sightly: fine view of
Council Crest; station fine school,
house and two stores less than
five minutes' walk; this property
will double In value in two years;
part cash, balance easy. Come
out evenings or Sundays; get off
at Garden - Home and aBk for
Stewart's place or address V-845,
Journal, and owner will make ap
pointment at your coivenience.
io agents.
Use Your Eyes
And notice the size of kale,
corn, etc., also how parched
the meadows look. Then
visit Weal Stayton and see
our splendid kale andcorn,
admitted by Prof. Powers
of the O. A. C. to be the
finest in the valley,' and see
our beans, alfalfa, etc.
Everything green and
bright, because irrigated. A
regular "oasis in the des
ert." Come in and let us
show you the pictures
taken of our fields a few
days ago. ' See Mr. Bishop,
Hartman 4 Thompson, 4th
and Stark. 1
TWO acres on Mount Hood car
line, near city limits. ' All
cleared, good soli. Price $2000.
5 acres 7 miles from Portland
on good road, house, barn, fruit
and berries. Water piped to
house. Price $2750.
6 acres, west of Buckley avenue,
near section line road. $3000.
404 East Alder stret.
Phones Last 640; B-lt;
One of the Best Buys
Near the City
2 acres, Improved, with a nice
7 room bouse and 3 chicken
houses, 1 acre in orchard, 60 or
70 fruit trees, 75 chickens; lo
cated only 2000 feet from sta
tion; 10c fare from Portland. Price
$3200; good terms can be had.
Otto & Harkson Realty Co.
133 ft First street.
80 acres for $7000 cash, $2000 balance
6 years, 60 acres cleared under culti
vation, land all level, two good wells, on
public road, on rrtilo good railroad
town, 20 miles of Portland, Or.; fair
house, 7 rooms, ood outbuildings, new
barn 60x70, all fenced, cross fenced, 10
&(!rfi in ereen timber. 10 acres In rtns-
I twvrfcA fM her m-imrnr 1 acres in oats
i in the stuck. Tho land' Is No. 1 ; no bet-
ter In state of Washington; this rarm is
owned by an old man abd must sell;
worth $12,000; fir quick sale $7000, only
$2000 cash, balance your own terms.
401 Washington St..
opposite roBiornce, Vancouver, wean.
Opposite Po
1. 2. 5 and 10 acre trcts In the
beautiful valley Just west of
Council Crest; 2 carllnes, good
water, best of soil and sold on
easy monthly payment plan. Any
amount you may desire at $260 to
$500 per acre. Let us show you
Main 85. 102 Fourth St. A-3600.
HERE'S that little fruit farm you've
uenn warning: acres, locaiea near
Meldrum station, Oregon City Electric
,lne an un,ler cultivation; 105 bearing
trim trees, apples ana peacnes, berries,
hothouso for mushrooms, etc.. chicken
i,m,.P, hv enncretw- flnrr! n Aw hmiAA
not quite flnlshert; 7 rooms, fireplace,
cooling rooms in Dasement. seotic tanic.
running water and force pump; Oregon
grape hedge, shade trees, view of river;
JobO'i; terms. Noa ivuppor.
Members of the Portland Realty Board.
3;iz-;ij t naniner or commerce
If you are Interested In vegetable land
you will be interested to hear about
this tract. We will give easy terms and
the price Is so low that even a, man
with small means can hnndle this' land.
405 Couch Bldg.
Office open Labor Day.
2 acres, on new Mt. Hood Electric
line. 8 miles from Portland on Base Line
road. This Is an ideal place for country
Chas, Ringler & Co.
211 Lewis Bldg.
30 Acres
15 miles from Portland, 1 M, miles from
town and railroad; 20 acres In cultiva
tion, part lieavtrdam; running water,
good well, stock, crori 'and Implements;
good buildings, $5500". cash.
Peper & Baker,
4ll Sherlock Bldg. .
Members of Portlnnd Realty Board.
Within city limits of Rldgefleld, Wash.
One tract of 11 acres, with modern
house and other Improvements In the
wav of fruit, garden anu smaller build
ings 2600. One tract of 18H acres,
similar Improvements $4500.
fSee Mr. Hurst )
4 Chamber C ommerce Bldg.
20 ACRES, 12 miles from Portland. R
minutes' walk from station, new 6
room bungalow, new barn, chicken
houso, 10 acres cleared. 10 acres slashed
and easily cleared; only $260 an acre.
Adjoining land Is held at $350 an acre.
Let us snow you this 20 ncres.
Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark.
3 Acres
mile from Oladntone on Oregon
City carllne: $200 per acre under value.
Must bo sold this week. A real snap
for bargain hunters. Price $1200. half
Mtiat sell my 6 acre place, Just cast
of cijy limits, on two flnet roads,
choice locution, nice and level, good
soil with 4 room,houso, good barn, sev
eral outhouses, fine water, all fenced,
worth $5600. You can have It for $3450.
I am going away. Owner. 171 3d st
FIVE ACHES for $600. hundy to Port
land, fine for chicken business, small
fruit. , vegetables, etc., terms. $50 cash,
balance $10 ner month. M. E. Lee. 311
Corhftt Bldg.- . "
AM leaving city; will sell sore of5 land
at Jennings lodge cheap. Phone Wood
lawn l1jp7. evenings.
MUST sell at onoo, 6 aero tract on Ore
gon Electric, near station. Bargain.
Owner, -863, JoutoaJL
ACREAGE t ! 67
10 acres for $1000, $'360 cash and the
balance In three years at 1 per cent;
3 Mi acres cleared, lays good and the
soil is fine, within 6 miles of Vancou
ver, it's a bargain.
10 acres with 9 acres cleared and only
H4 miles from boat landing and R.-'R.
station, the finest kind of soil and has
a southeast slope, for $1600; $1000 cash
and the balance to suit . you, only , . 9
miles from Vancouver.
10 acres for $1250. $400 cash and the
balance in 3 years at ? per cent. This
is within 4 miles of Vancouver and 11
miles from the heart of Portland. The
oil Is as good as can be found in the
county and will produce anything you
plant; fine garden land as well as fruit
land; look It over.
40 acres for $3000, Vfe cash and th
balance to suit you. 10 acres cleared
and In fine shape; the balance has
been slashed and burned: all lays fine
Uiid one of t'fim finest tracts In that part
of the county; look It up. -
40 acres for $2800, $15J0 cash and the
balancaon a long time; the finest of
soli and all lays fine, within 6 mllns
of Vancouver, and on a fine road; you
will miss it it you do not sse this placo.
Ask to See Gilbert's Garden
106 Washington st. Vancouver, Wash.
10 ACRES FOR $800 $300 CASH. '
All level and free from rock and
gravel; Boll Is a dark loam and is very
mellow: lays on good road and there
are 10 lively farmers within Mi mile, so
you won't get lonesome; good spring
water at 14 feet; 1H miles to sawmill
where you can buy lumber for $8 per
thousand; 2H miles to a small town on
the N. P. Ry.; miles from Vancouver
and just 18 mile from the heart of
Portland. Good terms.
10 ACRES FOR $1000 $350 CASH.
All level and free from rock and
gravel; lays on a good road and in
thriving community; 4 acres absolutely
cleared; Vt miles from church and
school, and 2 miles to good country
town; 1M) miles from sawmill, 6 miles
from Vancouver. We have just one of
these tracts and can make good terms
to suit the purchaser.
All tillable, rod shot noil, level and
fenced; 18 acres under cultivation, and
only a few stumps on the otner a acres.
Two wells, two acres of fruit one year
old; six room house cost $400 to build,
a barn that has room for 16 cows, 4
horses and 100 t-ns of hay; chicken
house and granary; mile to R. R.
station, store and P. O.: H mile to
school. Good team, wagon, new har
ness, three cows. 24 chickens and all
the farm tools. Good terms.
Grand Theatre bldg..
10th and Main sts.,
Vancouver, Wash.
tronoE ti
P6r Acre
THE TERMS 10 per cent cash, bal
ance long time; fine clay loam soil
no rock or gravel; land lies practically
level; fine water from springs and
creeks; ONLY 2 miles from good town
on 3 trunk lines of railroad, splendid
markets. We are) selling; this land In
tracts of 10 acres or more.: Better
Investigate this at once such oppor
tunities don't last long.
223-5 Board of Trade Bldg.
Marshall 1777. A-3307.
10 acres, all In high state of cultivation,
lies beautifully, 8 acres fine young
nn nmin eountv road, all fenced
with woven wire, 6 blocks from electric
station, 20 miles from Portland; the. soil
Is the finest in the state of Orefm.
This place U put Into truck and bertJe
Is a money maker; close to good sclusMs
and churches; thickly settled district
Price for quick sale. $2500; $400 cash,
balance as many years, as you want at
619-20-21 Railway Exchange,
4th and Stark street
: 8ACRES, $1200.
Near city limits of Vancouver, small
house, orchard, good soll.-.
80 ACRES, $8000.
Onlv mile from United Railway,
19 miles from Portland, first class soil,
10 acres cleared, 10 acres slashed and 60
acres of good timber, running water,
terms. per ACRE.
320 acres in Sumner Lake Valley, best
part of southeastern Oregon. ery easy
terms. Will divide.
314 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Washington.
G.,A, Nichols Inv, Co.
506 Swetland
10 Acres, $550, Will Sell
5 acres; price slightly advance, $10R
cash, balance 2 per cent monthly, 60
minutes from Portland, oh a good coun
ty road, deop dark rich soil, level and
in a level country. First class dally
transportation on rural delivery, all
modern country conveniences; once seen
always bought We are the owners. G. A.
Nichols Inv. Co.. 506 Swetland Bldg.
Five, ten and twenty acre tracts, all
cleared and In cultivation, finest dark
loam soil, splendidly drained, adapted
to all kinds of fruits, vegetables, chick
en raising; located from five to ten
minutes' walk from the railway sta
tion, and on the river front; only $160
to $200 an acre. Positively the cheap
est acreage tributary to Portland.
Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Starff.
40 Acres Well Improved
Close to Portland, mile from Wil
lamette river and town, on county road;
mall delivered at your door; close to
school; fruit all kinds In bearing; spring
and well at house, with running water
on the back of farm. If you want a
small farm on easy terms, here you
have It.
Peper & Baker,
444 Sherlock Bldg.
Memhers of Portland Realty Board.
10 Acres
10 acres, all cleared and In cultiva
tion. 2V4 acres of bearing orchard, fine
sprtng of water, on good crushed rock
road: close to. school; telephone line by
place; 2H miles from Gaston, Or,; price
only $800. If you want this snap you
must hurry.
J, M, Kerr& Co
Stl Henrv Bldg.
$1000 EQUITY in fine 6 acre tract; all
under cultivation, fine soil, close to
electric line. Owner. 41S Corbett. Bldg.,
Marshall 667: A-ZS44.
SNAP If sold before the 20th, 40 acres
of apple land, close to Hood River, at
half price. P-858, Journal.
4H ACRES with 5 room bungalow, good
chicken winch, on electric line, $2700;
easy terms. , F-863, Journal.
For Sale by Owner
29 acres, all plowed, fenced on two
sides; no buildings; on good country
road, V4 nflle from Gervals, I mile from
St. Louis, Or., electric; there is no
waste land: $75 ner acre: part cash. G.
C. Gibson. 4141 65th st, S. Portland.
20 Acres of Walnuts.
Adjoining the famous Prince orchard at
Dundee. Will sell at a sacrifice of $100
less than value per acre, A. J. Gantner,
406 Henry log.
80 ACRES in- Klickitat county, Wash.,
8 miles from Goldendale. ; on good
county road; fair buildings, 30 acres
cleared,,-fine--family orchard, plenty of
goiKi wa ter. t:au zxa ranin y qui g. ' '
40 ACRES.-' Vancouver. goo.t soil an.j
water.-$1000. Call me, 430 Worcester
bids. '. -. j y. , i .- . ' i ..
For Sale! For 5aie: For;Sa!eI ;:
J. M OF 85,481 ACHES.
One of the finest bargains In a Cll
fornia ranch ever offered to th pub- ,.
lie. The Cone Ranch Co. has conclud- ,
ed to sell. In whoI or In part. It great
ranch, together with livestock. Bids ,
must be received by September Hit.
Title la guaranteed and every fa oil It y ,
will be given Intending purchasers to
examine properties. This ranch In
cludes 3500 acres of the finest bottom
land, particularly adaptable for rais
ing alfalfa: 600 acres now In alfalfa
and producing excellent crops;, valu-
able water rights perfect and undis
turbed; 5 miles of Irrigating flitches
now In use: 38,000 acres of sheep rang
on which there are 16,000 sheep; a full "
bearing Bartlett pear orchard of 8ft
acres, which produced this year $26,000.
On the ranch are 200 bead of thorough
bred Hereford cattle. 200 head of---'"
horses and brood marea, 800 mrtlpa and 1
lirtfi rnnge enrt'n. Buildings and ma-
chlnriy exceed in value $50,000. This
ranch lies in tho most productive part'
of California, adjoining the great Sac
ramento river, 4 miles from Red Blutf, '
ft thriving city, the county seat of Te
hama county. This is an exceptional
opportunity for the purchase of-, a '
magnificent ranch, livestock, etc , or '
any part of same. REMEMBER Bids " '
must be In and all tenders made for
the whole or any part of the real or
personal property by September 20th '
prox. The Cone Ranch Co. reserves the '
right to reject any or all bids. Ad- 1
dress Mrs. M. L. M. Cone, 210 Ellis st.,'
San Francisco, Cal. '
56 acres, 30 In "'lltlvntl-.'ii. 1'iilnniir In
pasture and some timber; 7 room house,
barn 40x60, other buildings; all level
land., soli No. 1; on automobile main
county road; thickly settled country
Price $3100; $600 caBh, terms on bal
ance at 6 per cent. An easy buy and a
7 acres. 6 in cultivation, 2 in small
grubs; 8 room new house, small barn
and other buildings; all level, soli No. 1,
on R. F. D.. 1 mile of good town of 1500;
a snap; only $1300; $600 cash, balance at -7
per cent.
60 acres. 18 lh cultivation balance
good pasture; 6 room house, large barn
and other buildings; spring water piped '
into house; $700 worth of personal prop
erty; all crops, everything goes for
$4500; $1000 cash, terms on balance at 6
per cent. Here is your chance for a
good dairy ranch; will take Portland
property for part In exchange. '
For particulars call and see me, or
address O. Edwards, Castlerock, Wash.
Home phone Blue 2.
Ak Splendid Opportunity
279 acre farm 18 miles from "Port
land, 160 acrouln a frlfrh. fif Q CUl-
-tivatlon, balance pasture and timber.
Good R room l ouse, new barn 80x150,
old bam, creamery house, plenty of
outbuildings, spring piped to house'
and barns. If you take the place now
you get 30 acres of potatoes., 32 tons
oats, 800 bushels wheat, 100 tons hav.
7 fine horses, 24 Jersey cows, $1000
Ladd bull 40 hogs, 250 chickens, all
Implements, tools, machinery, gaso
line engine, feed chopper, circular
saw, everything goes except furni
ture. Price $115 per acre. Good
Rand, Read & Co,
316. Board of Trade. ,
ALDERBRANCH farm. 47 acres, on the
Washougal river. ideal for country . -home
or for fruit, truck' gardeif or dairy
farm; 250 miles from Portland. 6 miles i
from Camas, 5 miles from Washougal.
Rural mall and milk route: some fine
timlrj -85--acres hrcwlttratlorl; 20" affH-s""-
rich bottom land partly cleared; fam- -
lly orchard, variety of small fruit, pas
ture land well watered; 8 room house,'
household goods, large, woodshed and .
store room, large barn, wagon house
blacksmith shop and tools, chicken -houses
and chickens, team, harness, wa-
fons, buggy, farm machinery and tools, -':""'
good cows, 2 heifers; orops go with
place. AllNfor $6500. AVill sell on easy
terms. Call on owner at 1136 E. Mor rison
st Phone Tabor 3011. E. L. Bel- I
knap. ;
I have 70 acres of fine land, 15 acies
in cultivation, just rolling enough for'
fine drainage, all fenced, bouse; barn
and outbuildings, good timber on bal-,
ance; will make 2000 cords of wood. 22
miles from foruana. loso rest zrom
Willamette river where boat lands ev
ery day and boat company will buy the
woon as last as it is cut at a gooa
profit; lty miles from electric station,
fine soil, adapted for general farming
or would make a beautiful orchard
tract: the soli has been analyzed; price
for quick sale $5500, which is easily
$1500 below what It is , worth: or will
exchange the farm for house and lot
in ortianu; good reason for wanting
to sell. "
619-20-21 Railway Exchange. ,
4th and Stark streets.
$550 per acre, for one of the finest 10-
v- ' , a , - i.i 1 1 i un , . . I't, iuuuu ill .
the state. Joins city limits of Browns-'
t 111a - on v.ll. v aiu ....
new R. R. going through to San Fran
cisco. Land Is level and very best of
soil, orchard will be six years old in
spring. This place should pay for It
self in two or three years. Have to sell;
as can not be there to attend to it.
Terms $2000 cash, balance time. "Buy.
from towner and save commission.' Ad
dress ' F. E. Moody. MerllriV Or.
1520 acre wheat farm in eastern Wash
ington; good Improvements: 6 miles
from town on good road: fine water .
from drilled well with gasoline pumplnp
outfits; 1400 acres in cultivation.. This
Is. an ideal .grain farm and Is consid
erably below market. The Drtce Is S23
an acre; will take from $10,000 to $20,
000 Income property In" trade. This is
a proposition that Is seldom offered.
Gowen-Ide Tnisfc Co., Lumbermen's
mug., otn ana Htaric.
16 acres. 10 mlleB from Portland 13
ml..., .., ,, I 1. ... t ZJ . I
i, c a,n iiutn a.. A DiauVHr IIIUI
oughly modern, 6 room houno, pneumatic-1
ai,ri B.voidii ill lii'ueu HUM yiiSil IQ I 111 II
buildings: orchaid, berries and large
garden all in high state of cultivation
stock and farm machinery go with,
place. Owner moving to Portland and
must cell quick; price $7500. half cash,
balance easy terms. See Mr. Bishop,
Hartman & Thompson. 4th and Stars.
Good Fruit Lands Cheap
1000 acres Willamette valley fruit
land for $35 per acre. This Js well
located, close to transportation, close , 1
to school, on good road, in well devel-
oped locality, about 200 acres cultl-'
vated. fair buildings, no better Invest
ment can be found. Big money for
some one. Neal Brown, 709 Swetland "
bidgr. , .
IMPROVED ranch, 10 acres, good S
room house and barn, all kinds of
fruit - and berries; Jersey cow, good
horse and buggy, all Implements.
mlleti from Portland, 1 mile from le-:
trie station west side. $500 cash will
handle. Will consider city property In ,.;
exchange. ProvhJent- Investment
Trustee Co.. 201. 202. i03 Board of
Trado bldg. - ( v-,- ; ; , ,. ,.,V";,
.65 AC"RE Oa1RYFAR.1l'
li miles from Woodland; 1$ owSf I
heifer: 1 bull, all good; 3 horses; 3
wagons and harness; plow, harrow. euL
tivator, mower, rake and pleuty smalt .
tools;' good house and - barn; 4fr tons .
hay; M cleared. A Snap at $7000, $U0rt
cash will handle. ; W WhlUow, .
WfUwHanii.. U'..h ,lf ... .. -., ', : v .. :
$20 acr hnnroved farm In eastern
Oregon, will take house, and lot , or
vacant iota on part; also 32 seres Irn- 1
proved. 10 miles from rntr of Port
land, will tske part trade...- 1 ; . . -i
' i JOHN BUW, :
Hotel Houston. - th and Pavls.
160 acre stock ranch , tUlabl. HvIpu
water, fin out range, wull hoi
4 miles fj-im 'transportsffon An
Columbia, $2400; H ouh. J'hou-'i., i t
iUANNOT us' nii-'SuM;-' '-.I. 5 .
part beaverdam ami '';
wnt,r, within seven in(!
near MUwuukle; tim.
I' ! '
: i. t,M.