The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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Secure Talent for Y. M. C. A. Faculty
Fall and Winter Term Opens f uesday, September B Large Attend
ance Is Expected Night Classes Begin September 25.
American Chamber of Com
merce Memorializes Presi
dent Taft to Reorganize
Foreign Diplomatic Corps
By Wllllum Philip Simms.
. I'rom l-ai! Wlr. t
Sip) ilif VCA mm ipf
Paris, Sept. 2. That the consular
service of the United States Is In neel
Of reorganization under national law Is
the expressed belief of Uie American
chamber of commerce at Fans, a cam
calen Is to be waged by this body, in
conjunction with other similar ones, to
Induce the Washington government to
take action.
The memorial addressed to the presi
dent of the I nlted States by the Nation
al Business Men's League of America,
la considered to be a step in the right
direction, pleading; for consular legii
latlon aJonrt the lines of the Culloro
Sterling bill introduced in congress In
1909, but which to date has lain pigeon-holed.
This bill provided for the
filling of vacancies In the higher ranks
of the service by promotion from the
lower grades and for entrance Into the
service by appointment of candidates
after prescribed examination; for the
rules of examination of applicants ana
the scope and method of such examina
tions; for the complete. Americanization
of the service; for the appointment of
consuls and consul-generals to grades
Instead of to places, the designation of
places being left to the president; for
the payment by the government or tne
actual expenses of transferring a con
sul, his family and effects, when or
dered to a new post Most of these
provisions are virtually in force at the
present time at the state department,
but there Is no law whatever on the
subject Says the memorial referred to
Dy me American cniraoer or commerce;
Memorial Slags Clear.
"To the business interests of the
country It seems deplorable that a meas
ure so imperative to the progress of
American foreign trade and to the pres
tige of America as a nation, and so
universally approved, should linger from
session to session and from congress to
congress without sufficient legislative
"Efforts to reform the consular serv
ice were begun very many years ago,"
says a bulletin Issued by the American
chamber of commerce, "and were con
tinued for a long time without success.
Th needs of our representatives aboard
were either unknown to those in author
ity at home or were Ignored; the fit
ness of men for tbe duties expected of
them, was, in those days, seldom con
sidered. If at all; and frequently the
official representatives of the United
States were not Americans. These elements-
created a situation which was
very much accentuated in far off coun
tries, where the measure of capacity of
some of our consuls made a sad com
parison with that of British, French and
German consuls, whose Initiative" In
critical momenta, moreover, was Invar
iably sustained by their governments.
..JO. -that- time It was not -uncommon., to
hear American travelers say that In
case of difficulty in remote parts, they
S. A. Jamieson.
When .the day school of the Toung
Men's Christian Association opens for
the fall term and winter' work next
Tuesday, September 6,' there will be sev
eral new faces in the faculty. Among
the new teachers ore S. A. Jamieson nd
Frederick O. Signs, both of whom come
highly recommended.
Mr. Jamieson will be employed as
teacher of French in bpth the college
preparatory and boys' departments. He
is a graduate of Wabash college and
has been engaged as a clergyman and
educator In the cities of the middle west
He has just arrived In Portland from
Mr. Signs comes to the T. M. C. A
Frederick O. Signs,
from Olathe, Kan. He will teach short
hand, typewriting and other commercial
subjects. He is a graduate of High
land Park collegfe, of Des Moines, Iowa,
and for four yeirs has been a teacher
of commercial branches.
The outlook is good for the largest
attendance that the Y. M. C. A. schools
have ever had. The opening of the day
school, will be followed, on September
25. by the beginning of the night classes.
Already hundreds of registrations have
been received. The equipment of the
educational department has been In
creased during the summer and the in
stitution is In the best condition It has
ever been.
would receive more protection from a
British consul than the representative
of their own country was able to guar-
ntee them." Continuing, the bulletin
The American chamber of commerce
n Paris has witnessed a marked Im
provement In the consular service, ss
well as the Increasing demands upon
that service of an ever extending com
merce" However, "It is difficult
to believe that congress can much longer
resist the growing sentiment for leg
islative action which is most pro
nounced among business organizations.
There can be no doubt that men
who leave their country to further Us
interests abroad, and. who thereby re
linquish opportunities at home for their
own advancement, should receive excep
tional consideration from our govern
ment Encouragement should be offered
to men of capacity to enter the for
eign service of the United States; and
tbla can be done in no better way than
by assurance of permanency of tenure,
promotion on merit, and. in case of ad
vanced age or Illness, suitable provision
for themselves and their families."
Xsorganiaatlon May Com.
At the chamber It was said that the
legal and government relations com
mittee, was. now .studying. the. matter in
detail, inspired by past experience and
recent events. Everything which can
be done to bulng about a reorganisation
'will be done, so far as the American
chamber of commerce here can do, and
It is believed that at the next session of
congress another bill will be Introduced
to take the place of the Cullom-Sterllng
The American chamber of commerce
at Paris is one of the strongest . and
most Influential bodies of tn kind In
the world. Unlike most similar organ
izations, It has a big influence with the
French government as well as the gov
ernment at borne.
Save Your Teeth
. Do not think because your teeth are
getting loose 'that, you cannot save them
or that it Is necessary to suffer with
long and painful treatment.
When the teeth are loose and sensi
tive, and the gums recede and bleed, get
a 80c bottle of Call's Anti-Rig from
Owl Drug Co. This is a scientific treat
ment, and Is recommended by leading
dentists and professional people, .Sold
under absolute guarantee of satisfac
tion or money back. Begin Its use to
day and save your teeth, sound and firm
fPt.ft -Uf etlme.Cars ..Antl-Riggs ffiyes
quick relief in. the sore mouth caused
by new plates.
'E realize that it it impossible to da
justice to the new Chalmers line
in an advertisement It is impossible
to make any pictures show what
these cars really are, nor does the space permit
of words enough to describe all the good features.
The best we can do is to tell you about
values which we are sure exist It is only by
seeing the cars themselves that you can actually
prove to your own satisfaction whether these
values do exist Hence, we ask you to see the
new Chalmers cars. We really believe that,
whether you buy a Chalmers or not, it is worth
your while to see the new cars. They will at
least serve as a basis of comparison. They are
now on show at our salesrooms and we will
take pleasure in showing and demonstrating
the new models.
H. L. Keats Auto Co.
Two New AddMon
the M Family
Birth of the Mitchell 5-passenger Six at
$1,750 and the Mitchell 2-passenger smart gentleman's
roadster at $950. And the parents doing remarkably well.
Time is narrowing down for a Survival of the Fittest in the automobile
business. The cheaply built car and the "stock affair5' are on the toboggan.
Hysterical buying is no more. The public is vociferous in its demand for the
high-class ) low-cost car, hence the Mitchell star is still in the ascendency.
We've added two handsome and robust "babies" ri the Mitchell line
and are now equipped to show the American public that hoggish profits constitute a commercial
crime, and that any concern that is sound in tbe pocket and sound in the head can live on a
reasonable merchandising margin and still keep on improving.
Two New Mitchell Babies:
The Mitchell Five-Passenger Six
Cylinder Family Touring" Car, at
The "Mitchell Two -Passenger smart
gentleman's Roadster, at -
These two cars are real automohil CS- tint t&ttltlV mtrt Ascte Tlir,xra rrr
the real Mitchep blood in them. They are the work of a factory that has never experimented at public
expense, and sells its goods on merit instead of bunk.
The new 5-passenger Six at $1,750 is no experiment. We've been building
Sixes for years and we know how. We are pioneers in the making of the moderate-priced Six
the only concern in the world that ever put a Big Six on the market for so little money as $2,250. The Light Six
is a little brother of the Big Six, and it's got all the Mitchell blood and breeding. Take your $1,750 elsewhere and
what do you get for it? An ordinary, cheaply built, carefully skinned four cylinder car of doubtful horse power
and uncertain parentage, or a stock affair thrown together by people who haven't had a nnger in the making of
one solitary part of it
This(car is going to destroy public faith in list prices and we are tickled
S? a2 aiv th?5lca to .TV16 stow d0- Wc 11 never be able to make as many
of these. cars as the public will demand. We know that now. -
j ,Ih.e rPassenger roadster is a revelation. It has: full 25 horse power
SSL ? 2? r ba l 13 a u!! automobile. It is full of style-roguish, dapper,
dainty-yet muscled like a Hercules, and built ;for Service, not to compete with the cheap runabouts that ha vc
made millions for repair men. So now that the Mitchell line reads lilac, this: "
Mitchell 2-paSteenger gentleman's 25 h. p. roadster, at . . $ 950
MitchelU-passenger "30" touring car, at . . . . 1,150
f Mitchell 5-passenger "30" touring car, at . . . . 1,350
Mitchell 5-passenger light six cylinder 40 h. p. touring car, at . 1,750
Mitchell 7-passenger big six cylinder 50 h. p. touring car, at . 2,250
Prices F. O. B. Racine.
Not a high-priced car in the lot. Every one within the range of reason. All built sanely, solidly and stylishly. Show us a line of cars
it any price, we don't care how high, that is any better than this one. You can't do it to save your sou".
Every one of these cars is built of the finest materials that this world has ever produced. One maker of automobiles considers it good
advertising to say that his car is built with chrome nickel steel. It makes us laugh. We use it as a matter of course. We know there is nothing
else that will do quite as well, and we're cranks on fine materials. That man might as well have said that his wheels art round and expect the
public to go crazy over it. The maker who doesn't use it is skinning his car or producing a nine-spot We maintain extensive laboratories for
the analysis of materials, and we don't take anybody's say-so.
Mitchell cars are equipped with top, Splitdorf dual ignition, five lamps, generator, horn, jack and tools. Extra demountable rim with
the light six. All cars equipped with fore doors, and designed to prevent excess heat for those occupying front seats. No top on the .$950
runabout. . ' , , a
Is that all? No, that isn't all. The justly celebrated MITCHELL SERVICE comes in right here. It's the biggest thing that has ever
been done in the automobile business. It meaps that the parent house of Mitchell-Lewis keeps in touch with every Mitchell 'owner, We furnish
a new part free for every part that proves defective. And we want you to know that no repair man ever .built any houses on what he made out
of Mitchell cars. - . .
Ev5ry one ot these branches is equipped with Trouble jMen expert mechanics, hot dubs, whose business it is to see how your car is
behavingbecause, our interest begins in you whtnfou buy, and ceases only when-you pass away. We are running this business like Marshall
Field ran his up to the day of his death, and we willhang on to, public respect until the bad place freezes over.
Now, you've got bar creed arid our promise. If this advertisement strikes you favorably, write for
detailed information and plant book. Will send you books that are dnj the square,
" ''
The car you ought to have at the price you ought to pay.
" Silent as the foot of time "
Branches:' .
ThU U th firm that hat built th famous Mitohell-Lswit wagon for over 75 yltarm.