::v,-: ( 'fv,' -r; ' v '." . ' -v.-w.V'"'-1 '.'vi'-y.;,:,.',"- ..";; ..'."'f:.'i: ".,;-:.: v - -..v : .: 1 the oregon: sunday journal, Portland, sunday '. morning, September 3, mi; Y PREMIER OF CANADA PREACHING THE GOSPEL OF Wilt have an Important ' bearing on ' the finances of the state of Minnesota par Ooularlyv and 'of a- number of ' other states' Incidentally., f '. ' ; ';'.' :'' ; .' .v' The conferees SrlU W Mrs. Russell Sage on the one hand and Attornav nnl Inheritance 'tax oa" property of, the es tate ; In )( Minnesota. ;;:if'V;:vs(4v'v -iyV':i:-&-Robert W, PeForest, counsel for, the Sage estate,' is In Europe at preCant and this may - delay a .settlement,' but the Minnesota "officials i will CDDiftirrtri r nunnenTv rniiiurici.u rnurcn i i ntwrnuuui BRINGS $110 FRONT FOOT ' -i. '8iNwlaltevTlM''Jmirnail':-.'!'i' Springfield, Of,;; Sept, 2,-james Kar hon has sold hl fractional lot on Main atteet. .whera the east .side, 8w Pi line DIVORCE IF HE'LL eral George T . Simpson and Assistant whole" situation In full with Mrs.-Sage. Aiiomoy uenerai ixuis yveeks of Min nesota, representing that commonwealth. xainnesoia set tne example of rAi..i. In it's dues from'the estates , of non resident millionaire.: Tear before last It. collected M4S.00Q , due from the es tate of the late John L. Kennedy. This was quickly followed by Utah and Wis consin, fwhich also collected smaller sums from the Kennedy estate. Alto gether Minnesota has collected 1500,000 dollars from tha at t i xr. vi cuts mat street at a allirht uncle., to v. The Inheritance: Assessment oh the other, ' A,,RankU of Eugene for 2400, or near-, ly $110 a' front foot.- This now gives Mr., Rankin a J-foot fronts and It is said to be his Intention to erect a two- Mr. Weeks la nfiw In'ih. Vi mA ir- Against Millionaire's Estate Simpson is expected here tomorrow or rooiiuay. ' . ' f v . , , The conference wlU nrnhahi. v. k.u story DricK Or concrete building either this fall or early next summer. The property Is In the very oenter of Spring field and is now vacant, the buildings having been burned MaHv at V sn ovn Mrs. Paulson Savs She Willi .Subiect of Conference. Tuesday or as soon thereafter as It can Give Husband Decree If He J oe arrangea. rne object or the confer ence is to see if some, arrangement can be made for the settlement of the claim' of the state of Minnesota against the Will Contract to Wed His " PBhlllhfr' PrHl Uul Vim v AVfkqri and besides the Sage estate has a num- and not been rebuilt. . . : Nw York, Sept. A conference will oer oi oiner estates under Investigation Alleged Soul-Mate. k.. . v- 1 i.eatats'or tne late Kuaaair Baa of aoma- be held in Kew fork next week which 'thing like 1800,000 alleged to be due as estate or tne late Russeir Sage of some wmcn may aaa largely to the funds of thn mtt : 1 . , -. i ' (Publlub Pre Leased Wire.) Chicago. Sept. 2 Mrs. WW lam A. ."Paulson, 1850 Jackson Park Terrace, today declared her willingness to allow ' her husband a divorce uncontested If he would agree to lg:n a contruct to marry hisJ alleged affinity, whose name 7 ' i , A f vr r s - t , Jyi . - - i mmirii -- f r . - ."!w 'I'i't.v feCvV A win a I L O"' WED HIS AFFINITY I Venesuela is establishing ' national 1 con has retained counsel and nays she ' will bring a separate maintenance suli Paulson agrees to accept her offer. - While her two adopted children, the i world famous "Buster and Mary Esther" aged 9 and 10 years, plteously pleaded with Mrs. Paulson to "please go and una naaay. me oroaenneanea woman ; " "i told her story. "My faith in my husband Is com pletely shattered at lust," she said. BoUovoa Kim Xnnooant. "'. "When he was accused of embezzle ment of the funds of the Central Trust and Savings bank In 1900 I believed him innocent When the Jury found llm viifltv m V fnlth' hfln tn vara Km f ; ctood firm and went to Washington to v- President Roosevelt, to pardon him When he was released I tried to en-v- courage him in his efforts to win back his old place In the world. When the stories came to me about his conduct . with another woman I thought them , Ilea, but when he cursed the children and threatened us, I turned on him for ever." "For months he has been living In an apartment building adjoining mine. He seemed to delight In tormenting mo . by aDDearlntr with this nth er woman He lived there until three days ago and then he disappeared. The detectives tell me they have him located. Bad Sleuth Trail Kim. v "When I first became suspicious I . hired a detective who trailed him and found that he spent most of hla time automoblllng- with hla affinity. He ev en provided a car for her when he knew the children and myself were in need. I . decided to act at once and I am willing to divorce him if he will promise to - marry the other woman. ., "it would be the one decent act of his life." : Seven years ago Mrs. Paulson started suit against her husband charging bru ; tality and nonsupport. On the eve of - his apparent departure for prison, fol : lowing hla conviction for mismanage ment of the old Central Trust and Sav ings bank she went tohis cell and for gava him. Then she hurried to Wash ington and attempted to obtain a par don from the president.. - Since that time Mr. Paulson Is alleged to have squandered a fortune which Mra. Paul aon Inherited and have heavily mort i .gaged the block of handsome apart ments In which the Paulsons live, and which belonged to Mrs. Paulson. V.-"' J' "Mr '"it Sir Wilfrid Laurier, photographed as he was addressing 10,000 of electorate at Sore! August 23. TlFTY OF COUNTRY'S " - RICHEST WOMEN URGED TO POOL .MILLIONS (Continued from Page Ona) managed with a definite end in view, accomplish something closely akin to a world revolution. Already these and other women, including yourself, have , done and are doing much toward the fur therance of philanthropic enterprises, hut there are possibilities far beyond mere phllanthophy. This Wealth, if pooled for the purpose and managed with intelligence, is potentially capable of conquering some of the great national .evils, and notably some of those called directly or indirect lv with tha nriiin.i methods with modern finance and the admission of great enterprises. 'These in the hands of representatives often scarcely subject to supervision , have in the past doubtless been often used for purposes of which the women, had they been cognizant of them, would certainly have, disapproved. Through this organization It ia hoped and be lieved that this condition of affairs can to a considerable extent be conquered." , iews or me proposed organization of rich women reached Wall street for the first time Friday and carried con sternation to the several officers of more than one' great corporation. The women can, if they go at it earnestly, upset many well laid plans none dares deny, and they seem to have gone at it In 'a businesslike, earnest manner iiaeiy 10 accomplish real results. At present details of the matter are being guarded with the utmost care. Within a week or two definite knowl edge of the scheme of organization and the names of those who have beyond doubt Joined it, will doubtless be in the hands of financial leaders: In the meantime, they are waiting with con siderable anxiety for the information. Subject for Speculation. What such an alliance mle-ht accom plish Is Indeed an interesting subject for speculation. It is doubtful if anything in the way of male capitalists representing such vast interests has ever been formed in this or any other country; it is cer tain that many of the women are anx ious to put the mlghtly fortunes left them by their husbands to good use, It is sure that many of them are dls guested by the ineffectiveness of mucn of, the philanthropic work accomplished by- the- vast endowment watofc have been bequeathed by others to various institutions and movements and are anxious to discover some manner in which they may make sure that their own great fortunes, not only during this life time but after they have passed away, win accomplish more for the real good of humanity. And it Is , be lieved that mn n V nf them hflua ilronftv subscribed to the new theory that this may best be done through cleaning up, by means of the vast power of their capital, some of the polluted spots Nln American finance than by any other method., At anv rate, tha niwrlmsnt im vail worth watching; it has undoubtedly al ready startea many men in the financial field on a succession of sleepless night NO REVOLUTION IN ALASKA, DESPITE THE GUN CLUB TALES (Continued from Page One.) HILL QUITS POST OF BERLIN AMBASSADOR 4- list ' Si 7 fc-r'flfcV s it 'i 5C i ' v j- & f r -'MS , David Jayne Hill, American atnbas sador to Germany, who yesterday ' formally presented his letters of recall to the Kaiser at Potsdam, immediately after the unveiling of the Von Steuben statue, f Dr. Hill and other prominent Americana also lunched with tha kaiser yes terday. The new ambassador, Mr. Leishman, is expected to take up hifcyduUea in October. " w at Fairbanks and many qther towns have a sinister purpose. Ho Onn Clubs formed. In the first place, the people of Alaska have not lormed gun and rifle clubs. In the next place, they have no remote thought of engaging In a revolu tion. In Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, HKttguay. Sitka, Excursion Inlet and Funter Bay, which points I have visited, absolutely no such action has been tak en, is being taken, will be taken. It is the universal opinion here that some one must have misquoted Mr. Sulzer, wno nas mining interests near Ketchi kan, and who knows conditions up here better than to hint at such wild as sertions. There are three places In which tha error might have been made by the correspondent at Ketchikan, by the "desk man" in the Seattle newspaper office, or by Mr. Sulzer, Eliminating Mr. Sulzer, because his personal knowl edge on Alaskan affairs would prevent him from making such statements, one IS Unable tO ?n farther ulth tha nrnr.... of determining who is responsible. When Alaskans read such axnrllnr. they cannot find words to express their vltws. Such statements do two things they misstate the facts; they Injure .kiiiBkan interests. Law-Abiding' Community. After studying the situation along the range -of towns in southeastern Alaska, one cannoi avoia tne conclusion that there are a lot of men who profess to oe irienn.s oi mis territory who would better for the good of the people here refrain from their attempts to cure the ills that have affiled. -Alaska for so long. There Is no more law-abiding collection of communities ' to be found In the states. If the truth were areorted from the enormous mass of error, there would remain the plain statement that there is less crime up hen: than in almost any other locality tha'. owns the Stars and Stripes as ita flag. For Instance, Reverend Father Tur nell. of Skaguay, said to me that he never locks his house when he a-oea away from It. unless It be for a stav of some other port on the south coast or from the mouth of the Yukon river. Merchants have much less trouble with Dan accounts than they do in cities towns and vlllnr nf the tia That miner referred to. If he decides to go to the outside via some other route, will send the mercha-it here who l -1 V.t V. I . j . . 2 . wiva nun mo uuixij uie money in pay ment. This spirit Of law-abldinsr Is reneral and, besides. Intelligence here l too high to. permit the formation, ef any such wild plans as that nf nrrnnlclnv wun arms 10 resist the federal govern ment, it is the - intention of Alaskans to procure relief tli rough the orderly means of abnal to nuhlln and they believe that they have made so powerrui appeals already that the day of relief cannot be far away. . . .Has ef Vmtrat. - If one were permitted to write the plain, unvarnished truth In all respects he would feel that It waa his duty to Den ail tne masses o untrue statements that have been issued by those who have pretended that thev want to heln AiusKR. ii is or tms sort that nave written, under flaming headlines, the assertions which for the past year have Intimated to the people of the country that Alaskans contemplated armed revo lution, inese assertions have been heralded abroad and others fullv absurd. Absurd though they be. they neverthe less have injured the territory hevonri power of estimate. These Inaccurate statements apparently have been given iu me presiaenv, wno nas oelleved them I have been told bv fiver! men lr Alaska that they have known 1 of representatives of the territory go ing to the White House to state tha racta concerning Alaska, and that they have been Informed hv th. nreatont that virtually all Alaskans were a float ing, unreliable lot of people, most of wnom naa ried from the states awav from crimes, chanirlnir their name in conceal their identity. It Is stated uron good authorltv authority which I believd that the Riarht Reverend Rlnhnn Rnw, nf h Protest?.nt Episcopal church, in charge or AiasKan missions, called upon the president last year and sought to tell him the conrlltlnnii thst xtt h.n nrf mat me president reiterated his ODln Ion. formerly expressed, and Indicated .heretofore In this article. But there will be no revolution Alaska. In RED ELK WARNS CREW TO KEEP OFF Tries to Fill With Hoe Ditch Being Dug at Thorn Hol low by Pendleton. several days, when he might do so for (Rpcrlal to The Journal. ) enoiaton, Or., jsepi. 2. Trouble is feared with Indians on the Umatilla reservation if they .make any further nemonsirauon against the crew of work men engaged in developing the springs reuunuy qecurea rrom two Indian squaws by condemnation proceedings by me city as a source or water supply. Red Elk, a son of Wenlx. one of the squaws who formerly ,pwned the land on which the springs are located, is hoad of the opposition and last night succeeded in urivmg the crew of men engaged in developing the springs away by threats. For aoniA time nant the Tnitlana been threatening to arm thnmiilv.nnH drive the wnrlcnm awnv snH tuut nl-l,. after dusk Red Elk went to thn. anrlnim and with 'a large hoe began flljlng In ihft. ditches which th. men hav, ka.n tigging And intimidated the crew to the the purpose of preventing the children worn entering ana disarranging mat ters in their lay. There ia practical-! j mi inuii. una in no country on the ifth American continent does a man's un'jporiea word ko frthr i . ,. ness transaction than up here. Marvelous Business Honesty. Honesty In business m,ii, i. . - - velou. At this town hundreds of min ers got their outfits to go Into the in terlor for a season's dicrtrimr 1 any man can get his "rubstak" n StT.!,iiJIMl d'faultln " Payment Is virtually unknown. a miner will come here, buy an outfit to go to the iT !i h." ?uld t0 th outside, U he chose, Juat as conveniently from extent that he waa not interfered with. Officers wilt be sent out when the work is resumed Monday to guard the workers. 5000 Publicity Circulars. Hneeliil to Ihn Journal.) Springfield, Or., Sept. 2. Five thou sand circulars hare just been printed for the Springfield Commercial club by the local newspaper Dlan. The lnf. let contains eight pages, i6 Inches, and hfiflMea A. riniihla nnv, nlittu Springfield and an equally large map nf Orearon. oYi which Hnrlnfii i prominently narked, i contains pictures of nearby scenes and a mass of statls tical Information, . , , , , 1 ' - ,i : Journal Want Ads bring results. i . Low Prices, Square Dealing and Credit at "Ymir Own Made EdwarW the Most Popular Furniture House in Portland Edwards will helD vou to start housekeemnir in the no-ht waw the way that makes you a permanent customer. Our credit plan enables you to furnish vour home at vour own terms. ' Our price helD enables vou to save anvwhrr from 10 to 25 per cent. Come tomorrow and JnvMticato Twarc' Vi.inf.i t t ' d H. tivijiu, rvciy ui aoin? business. See how different Edward' u store. A talk with us and an inspection of our stock will explain to you mighty quick why we are the people you want to trade with. HOME of the Jhetay Sattisfactory"Range G A S 1HI - Ill I 1 i tiT iijfi u mi mm mm iu 1,1 iW L: i aF'wa u st ,awiaassMBev ink ii a v aB ia m rm kv III "111 I ssi mi a - 'HP' ' W III I It I MINI , ii J Mil in i iirit Stmtiswwif r m c-- 'j i i.i ki ruu ill i si rrr-yrru risi i I III "V II HV lUWUAV -0 I k ni ml XIII I 1 S II I HI 'if mw This Table $9.95 A $15 6-foot solid oak, round pedestal Table ; golden finish, substantial ly 'made, for only $9.95. Look over our Table stock before you buy. Places a Monarch Range in Your Home Set Up, Incladmg Hot Water Connections The balance you can pay at the rite of $S ner month or l n week. Use the range for 30 days. Test in every way in your own iiomc, ana men n not satisnea we will take it back and re fund your money. That's fair. A Five Year Guarantee in Writing IXr:.!. If AT1 Tlft 4 r a. wun every iviyAKxt MaiieaDle Kange sold we furnish a guarantee in writing to refurnish absolutely FREE the firebox or any part of the Range that breaks, warps or burns out within a period of five years from date of purchase, which makes the Monarch a safe investment Your Old Stove Taken in Part Payment For a New And we will allow you every oent it is worth. Just telephone Exchange Department, Main 504, or A-2826, and our stove man will call and make you a price on your old stove. REQUIRES NO BLACKING Has the Famous Duplex Draft That Saves One Third the Fuel And a Monarch Range" in the kitchen means much to the entire family. It means less money expended for fuel, better cooking, a big saving in labor and energy to the women who do the cooking. A MONARCH actually pays for itself jn a short time. The heavy steel sides are COLD RIVETED to malleable iron frames, making a tight, strong con struction that the hardest "usage and wear cannot loosen up. This, with the DUPLEX DRAFT, . makes an airtight Range that consumes all gases and most of the smoke as it generates, thus the saving in coal. Comfort Our regular prices on mission furni ture arc lower than sale prices else where. Chair like this, only f 12.50 Sale of Dressers Style oak and is most Fumed leather stylish. Our prices "most reasonable. A: Rocker like tlnVat $14.00 One Dollar a Week is all you are re quired to pay on this elegant dining; suit. These dressers are usu ally sold- and are worth $11.00, but this week the , , price is only $7. Large, square French mirror, t8x24, with rounded corners, other- wise exactly like illus tration. Only one to a customer. Delivery at our convenience. nL " "5 EdwarJa quality dining set at $39.75. The superior workmanshin I expert construction and hioli-tM-aH- m.t.H.1. ; .... ' !I S """jmaiump, .-. om the.ordin. at ess nnpf. hnr hi ih. f,nu. ...:u ... ",c ay sets XT trrAiroa to BBAION TKAT Biff atoras with tlff axpsnsss ' and Mormons rants eanaot mast rmr - ' - prloaa. Oom para, ana yon will sas.'. - i i : llS, A Good PI ace To Trade ll VX SICKWEWS , ; OX MIBFOR- .Ton ntsy 1m sura, u jon losa yons pol tton, or fall slok, wo W1U not rjran you - tor paymoat on your turnl- ' tnra -.ft'' T: -J' s-i-lz' i-Jif r r ' V