a ;. a a ' I 1 ... COMBINATION STOR E E Turn v in 1 1 li ii i n in ii v DRAWING PLANS FOR : NEV BANK BUILDING .miia -. "niiv.si , , . - 1 V6 . m ..iiiii-iiii II AND OFFIC BUILDING nr nn i Tnu i inn . in i Ri ii ini i 1 1 if firtiii - ' I IK I I II IIU I K I I flltll I ' I . I II II 111 I II I I Mill I , ' VII UUUII I It I tmi II ,. th nil nil Ml I A HI ' - 1 U I I lb a W I W VIV w Lake, Gilliam v and Umatilla Counties Take Lead as Act ive jCenters of Trading Dur ing Past Week. :-rs':M. ( ; Iks, OIlHam and Umatilla counties ware important centers 0f': activity In feat week's tradinpsjn country real es tate. Several fe deals Vers reported Xrora southern Oregon, among; them be lderatlon of. over 1100,000. ! v Charles Walker, late of Illinois.? baa purchased the ' land holdings and per .serial property of Mrs. A. A. Cowlnar. The real estate consists . of 800 acres, part on Prather creek and part up fillvles river. Both place are under Irrigation. 'The deal, was made -through Archie McQowan, the consideration be ing $26,000. This i one of the largest real estate iranuiem mu dhivh in The deal, was recently made by D. B. Thomas of Portland whereby J. S. Munden of Newberg. Or., became own er of the Pryor and Caaon ranches In 1 Ferry rfftnyon, Gilliam county. Mr. Mun den has already taken possession. He was at one time a farmer of Sherman county and is thoroughly acquainted with dry farming.. He has of late been running a dairy farm near Newberg. a. A. Horth has purchased the Broth ers' rarm on Firteen mile creex near Mount Angel which has been farmed for the past six years by Mr. Harth. The transaction was closed yesterday and Mr. Harth becomes one of the lar gest land 1 holders in this part of the country, his tract containing 806 acres of fine farm land. McMlnnville reports the following realty transactions of recent date: Portland capital, through McMlnn Ttlls Land company, has purchased a . 20 acre hop yard, six miles southwest of the city. One hundred and forty-eight acres, south of Dayton, Frank Moor place, pold to. J. Prophet of Nebraska, Price $16,000. Mr. Prophet takes possession bout September 15. Thirty acres In King's subdivision to ,-Qeorge Lawson, formerly of Tennesee. Price 4800. This will be planted to hops. Seven acres, King's subdivision, to Mr. Griffin of Sheridan. Price, 11450. Mr. Orlffin Is now building a home on this property. W. A. Scott of Portland has traded Portland property for 80 acres, (Glover place) west of town. Joe Cockerham has purchased thro acres in King's subdlvlson. Price $7(0: A. Martin has bought two acres In King's subdlvlson. Price, $500. Cogy and Bodth report many inquiries from out of town prospective home seekers. They sold to Burchfleld -and -Hill four lots in Oak Park-atWltlon fnr $000. Homes will be ereoted on the property. v ' " J. C. Schilling of Medford has leased the Stewart and Porter ranch of 240 f-es. five miles east of Cottage Grove, for a year, and has moved his family thereto. Mr. Schilling, after a thorough Investigation of soil conditions, believes this to be one of the most productive farms In western Oregon. He will irri gatea considerable part of th tract, and expects a bumper crop from the land next season. C. O. Burgesa has sold for Helder Ar Bennett 50 acres of the Howe place west of Sheridan to Mr. Wood, of Mc Mlnnville, for $150 an acre. A carload of homeseekers with a desire to see Rutherlln vnlley arrived )n Sutherlln last week on the Lruse Land (Company' excursion and spent two days looking over this section. A largo number comprising the party were from Wells, Minn., while others were from Iowa points. Many had friends who had purchased fruit tracts here, and they came to verify the good reports which they had heard of the valley. All expressed themselves as well pleased with what they saw here and a ; number pinned their faith to the future of the valley by purchasing or chard tracts. The party was enter tained at luncheon at Fair Oaks Tues day. The Maxwell Land & Irrigation com pany which has considerable holding in ha oh So" in tne - west end of Umatilla county has Just disposed of two tracts to or chard companies. The Kobinson Or- hard company has purchased 40 acres r $8000 and the Kirkwood Orchnrd company ten acres for $2000. The deeds for the transaction were filed today. Another transaction in Creswell fruit land whioh. was concluded Mast week will result in placing on the market In small tracts 148 'acres of choice ag ricultural land, all. of which Is locatod within one mllo and a half ,o,f town. Jospnh E. Beaselv of I.intnn Jrirlinna thU week purchased for a company In that state; the 43 acres of B. ,F. Mar tin's placo which la located on the west side of the - river. He also purchased 86 -acres or the urchard Homes Land company and 20 acres from John Morss. The land bought from the Orchnrd Homes company Includes all that re mained unsold of the tract of 190 aoros wbich they bought of 8. 8. Morss. This tract Is located between the other two, the Martin place being on the east and the 20 acres- bought of J. M. Morss being on the west. This gives the company their holdings all In one body. Streets will be graded through the prop erty east and west and north and south. E. H. Ross, who lives at Cloverdale In Lane county, has sold his 160 aero farm at that plaoe to C. E. Wood for $8600 and Mr. Wood will move his family there to'reslde, but Mr, Ross haa oi aeciaed what he will do as yet. . W. H. Kay. acting for his mothr. hua Just leased the .farm of 400 acres be longing to the W, D. Kay estate near Monroe, for a term of five years to W. H. Dawley, who recently came from Seattle. He secured a good cash rental for it- and yet Mr. Dawley can make good money out of It by intensive, farm. Ink. j . . :: !. L. Marsters returned from Toncalla last evening, having disposed of two more bf his prpertles at that place, a hotel and lodging house, to Mr. Arnel, his interests at Toncalla to Eugene as fast 'as Be can. - -,- J. EL Beaslev, acting as .trustee for a party of Linton,' Indiana, people, closed a deal yesterdayf or 150 cres of good fruit land near Creswell, which belong ed to R H. Parsons,. B. F. Martin, Mr. Morse and others, lie left yesterday Building Figures :Upto Date v Show' Continued Growth of City; Character, of Work Is Improved. . .. . , Total cost; of. construction for Atig Number. of, permits issued. 77$. !f . Cost of construction, during 1911 up to date, $11,(35.879, compared with $11, $74,147, for the same period in 110. 1 0(Tha increase In round number, $689,- Qulte as much construction is now under way In Portland as at any time in the history of the city.. This lrv cludea the lsst half of 18 and the first half of im, when most of the big of flee buildings In the city were under construction. Not only is It true that there is as much building now going on In Port land as ever before, but It is also, true that In all classes of construction there Is a notable Improvement as) to the character of the buildings going up and the buildings are much handsomer, more substantial and cost more money. For, the first time in many months, August building reoord shows a decline from the same month of the -previous year, but. It must be remembered that August. 1(10, was a reoord breaker, so far as new construction Is concerned here, Yolnane of Jrmlts. The volume of permits issued that month, amounted to more than $2,500,000, whioh was $1,000,000 in excens of any previous month In the hfetory of the city. The sting of this first falldown is also largely taken away by the fact that August's volume of new construc tion calls for the expenditure of -more money than that of any previous month this year. Of the $1,700,000 In permits issued laat month, betwees $900,000 and $960,- ooo will go into' the building of new Homes. While the figures for other coast cities are not at hand, it Is believed that Portland will lead all of them by a comfortable margin. Portland's total will easily double that of Seattle and will lead Los Angeles and Ban Fran Cisco by $100,000. Postal receipts for August amounted to $79,481.98 as compared with $74. (76.43 for August one year ago. Tha gain is a fraction under 6 per cent Gain la Transfers, The increase in real eatate transfers.; ISA AAA a. I -- J 1 1 Is practically $400,000, which is equal to a gain of nearly, 26 per cent. For more than a year the monthly total of real estate sales as shown by the trans fer record, has been less than that of the same month of the previous year. Realty brokers look upon the fact that the August realty otals show a gain as an indication of a healthier market and a good business this fall. That the general business situation Is good Is shown" by the volume of bank clearings, which amounted to $44,877, 626.66, while for the same month one year ago, the clearings amounted to $41,649,702.94. Tha increase of nearly $3,000,000 la equal to a gain of 6V4 per cent Portland is the only coast city that haa shown a continuous gain in bank clearings throughout the year. Increases All Along Line. In every lino of development Port land has made a substantial Increase In every month so far in 1911, and there is every reason to believe that the ! record for the remainder of the year will be equally as satisfactory. Landmarks and oldtlme breathing spaces In the central section of the city are rapidly giving way to tho demands of business. The continued call for new structures of every kind within a radius of a mile from the retail center means the inevitable filling up of every build ing site in this district. Among the large permits Issued dur ing the last four days of the month were two public school buildings of the fireproof type, to cost In the aggregate $115,000. Ono is to be a reinforced concrete structure at East Ash and Six tieth streets, which will cost $65,000, and tho other vlll he the same class of building to be erected at East Fifty seventh and Thompson streets, to cost $50,000. Permits Issued. A permit was Issued Monday to R. fimlth, trustee, for tho alteration of the six story brick building at the southwest corner of Morrison and Seventh, the work to cost $10,000. 8. J. Johnston secured a permit auth orising the building of a three story frame apartment on ; Third street be tween Hall and Harrison at a cost of $16,000. Authority was also glvon the firm pf Bailey, Taylpr & Lambert to build a four story apartment at Fast Fifteenth and Belmont to cost $45,000. William Reidt took out a permit for a one story brick store to be erected on Kearney street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second at a cost of $10, 000. ; . BUYS PEST IN E Herbert W. Little, who for four years filled the position of advertising mana ger for Olds, Wortman A King, and was for one year connected with Meier & Frank In a similar capacity, has pur chased a halt interest In tha fire Insur ance business of j, P. Ford & Co., and the firm will hereafter be known as Ford A Little. "Mr. Little has for several months con ducted an advertising agency, and has occupied offices in the Board of Trade building In the same suite which Is now the quarters of, Fcrd Little. While Mr. Little Intends to devote no mall part of hi energies to the insur ance business, ho will not confine his activities to this line alone, but will continue In the, advertising work and de vote tbo greater , part of his time to publicity work, while Mr. Ford . will manage the insurance department. " for his home In Indiana but will return again In a short time. . Ten acres of land north of B tan field has sold for $4600, according to a deed recorded today. Blanch Brown and her husband, Edward H. Brown, were the sellers and J, E; Vandermeuler the purchaser. Three little bags of rice and a bunch or dried vegetables form a : day's ra tions for a Japanese soldier In field - the INSURANC BUSINESS Im&m. ft iimmmmmmmm fef : Korell-Gordon, 3-story brick store WHEN UMATILLA In the Good Old Days the Pioneer Hotel of The Dalles Entertained All Prominent Men Who Traveled Through the Upper River country; Old Register Has Been Exhumed. By Leroy Armstrong. Did you ever stop at the Umatilla house, in The Dalles, in war tlmes2 If so, your name is in an old register of that hotel for the years 1$82, 1863 and part of 18(4, which recently came into my - hands. The hotel has lost some of the glory of that olden day when transportation was almost wholly by river, when the Spray, and the Okanogan, the Nez Percd Chief and the Oneonta plied between The Dalles and the Impassable rapids at the Cascades; but it is a big house yet. . - . The clerk doesn't wear diamonds in his shirt front; as did his predecessor, in the days when The Dallea waa a station on the highway to the mines be yond Boise, Idaho, when there was a fort at Walla Walla, and when Yamhill county was a bigger realm than some states. And there may be lack of splen dor in the dining room, and some changes in the appearance of the sleep ing apartments, but through all the vein the bisr house his held Its old name. And, there is a certain dignity in . . .. .. . its stoic reserve, its calm contempt of thd modern, its mute protest against the thundering trains that have helped jio vastly In changing First street and the landings. Sent to the Borap Heap. That old register is an interesting book. And there are not many men of early Oregon activities whose names are omitted wholly from Its pages. It is a scrap book now. ' Messages of pres idents conceal many an entry.. There are bits of vagrant poetry--newspaper verse deserving preservation; and oc casional directions as to the best meth od of canning peaches. Brlgham Young-, in the height of his glory, was a guest at the Umatilla House, December 19," 1862; and he wrote after his name the statement that be was "bound for Salt Lake." In those days a little railroad was operated from The Dalles to Celllo, be- Jaw which point i are rapids ' defying nav- iBKuyfi. rium icmu to uxnauiia trav elers again took to the river. Those going to the Idaho mines then made portage to the Snake, and up that wind ing and puzzling stream. And in those days the names of Captain Farnum, George Phfer. Pat Kane, Frank Coe. "Cap" Ankeny, and Captain John Dor eey were familiar throughout the re gion we now call tha inland empire. They "ran the river." And while some of them held firm to the fortunes of R. R. Thompson, the Vanderbllt of the Oregon country transportation, some cast their lines with opposition boats and at least one or two of them proud ly registered connection with the "D. & p. railroad," Customs Have Changed. "Lady and gent" Is a common entry In the old register, while "and lady" is a good deal more frequently found fol lowing a man'a name than the definite Photograph Shows Big Prune in Accompanying Picture tvas Grown on Irrigated Land ."While Small One Was Not lllg Fruit Means Hotter Prices. i , .T '-"'til s' -( 9 Jo Sory of two prunes gives striking object lesson in agriculture. Two prunes from the Willamette val ley were photographed last week by the Willamette Valley Irrigated Land com pany Of which E. L. Thompson. Port land banker, Is president, to illustrate tha value of Irrigation. . The big prune was Irrigated, the small one was not. The Increased yield repre sents not more prunes to sell,- but bet ter' prices, for big prunes sell at 714 cents a pound, : while the smaller ones bring only b cents a sound, and this difference in the terms of thousands of pounds means much to net profits, the growers say. "What Is done In ths case of prunes Is done with every sort of .crop," said Mr. Thompson yesterday. : "Water is king. We have land and climate, but without mm aMaslKf "'" .. r and apartment building, tinder construction at Intersection of Morrison, Washington, and Ella streets. HOUSE WAS YOUNG relation of "wife." But that was more due to the custom of the times than a lack of morals in traveler or an In difference of rule in the Umatilla House. Judge William's name appears on many pages. Oregon's grand old man seems to have done a lucrative law bus iness at The Dalles in the days before he became a power in politics. "John H. Mitchell, Portland," is another name, always found about court time, always sure of a good room; and almost always with" a supplemental "and guest," prov ing popularity and the habit of making friends. He was the same John II. Mitchell who whatever befell him became a senator of usefulness In Ore gon. Once he left the notation, "gone to Boise," indicating that legal busi ness may have made some changes In his plans. Foreigners as Quests. "Three Mexicans" is one entry In the clerk's hand; and the trio was sent to a room on the top floor. But there are other foreigners, and of greater distinction, as: "Contedo Castillotrne, Major A. de Veccdy, and tw.o servants" abundantly testifies. The count and his friend, however, were forced to be" content with one room though still a very large room, on the second floor, while the servant went to a less desir able apartment at the top of the house. And "Lord Brlngham, of Edlnburg," mingled with the American nobility. There were many army officers, as guests, for in that early flay a 16rt was maintained at The Dalles, one at Walla Walla, another at Boise, and Vancouver contributed Its quota. And the sug gestion of the war in the south is found In the registry of "Sergeant Co. D, Washington Volunteers, and three re cruits, en route to Vancouver." He probably was noma on furlough, with authority to secure enlistments. But how did soldiers gef from Vancouver to the firing line? Ron of Pioneer Wames, F. B. Prine, commemorated in Prlne vllle; M. B. Langford of Walla Walla, later a Judge; J. Caples, In after time United States consul at Valparaiso, and prominently urged for the national sen ate; T. J. Stump, a well known river man; E. S. Joslyn, first settler at White Salmon; Nathaniel Coe, United States poatal agent, and the real patri arch of Hood River unless one may except his talented and herolo wife, Mary Coe, who was a writer of good verse as well as a mother in Israel; D. P. Craig of The .Dalles, a prophet with honor In his own town; H. P. Isaacs, pioneer miller of Walla Walla; Philip Hits of Walla Walla, once a very large land owner,- then founder of Rltzvllle, Wash., and well remembered; J. Cart wright of Salem, and Thomns Condon of Fort Dalles; D. McCully of Salem; C. H. Hale of Olympla; John Donaldson of Washington Territory; John Chenoweth of The Cascades; D. W. Burnslde and Value of Irrigation water land development as It should be is Impossible." - The photographed prunes were taken from the Carter prune orchard at West Stayton. an orchard bought last winter by Hartman Sc Thompson as the first unit of the Willamette Val ley Irrigated Land company's holdings at West Stayton. The prune on the left was taken , from a non-lrrlgatsd tree, while the other carte from the Irrigated part Of the orchard. ' Jt has been interesting to note the "Petite"' prunes in this orchard, always a smaller species than the "Italian" are already larger in the Irrigated section of the orchard than the Italians without water.. Taken as a whole the irrigated prunes will run about double the else of the non-lrrlgated fruit mm ' RMcCracken of Portland; Joseph Wll son, once postmaster at The Dalles; Professor Q. A. Below; H. Martin of Washington; Captain Hoyt and J. Hon eyman pf Portland these are only a few of the names the older Oregon cit izens and some of the later will well remember. And they are among th myriad on the old Umatilla House reg lster. Indians Entertained, Too. There was- an Indian council at The Dalles In June, 18(3, and Lawyer, a noted Nes Perce chief, with Captain John, represented the red men's case. Hale, Whltmarsh, Howe, McElroy, Hutchlns and Wl riser seem to have han died the Caucasian side. I wonder ff that Captain John is the later Captain Jack who made much trouble for the nation and some final high air danc lng for himself in the lava beds of southern Oregon In 1873. It was a day of primitive things of mines, and first hand conflict with na ture. It was the day of a state in the making. - And this old hotel, now shabby and deserted by the Bhapers of history, was one of the workshops and a good deal of a home, too. i SCHOOLS OF THE DALLES WILL HAVE 26 TEACHERS (Specltl to The Journal.) The Dalles, Or., Sept. 2. The public schools of this city will open on Tues day, September 8, with 26 teachers em ployed. City Superintendent A. C. Strange has made the following assign- High school-W. B. YoVngtVr1nflpal science and mathematics; Allle Miller, English and debate; A. E. Gronewald, history and German; Bertha White, Latin, mathematics; Hat tie Crawford, commerce, bookkeeping; Mary U. Mlch- ell, -eighth grade; John Oronwald, seventh grade, occupying rooms in high school building. Ac&dcmy Park school Harriet Alex ander, principal, sixth grade: Eva L. Applegate, fifth grade; Viola McGrath, second grade; Shirley Dorsey, first grade. Union Street school Lora Foster, principal, eighth grade; Daisy McAnul ty, seventh grade; Etta Wrenn, sixth grade; Kate Roach fifth grade; Evelyn Hayes, third grade; Tina Rintaul, sec ond grade; Bella Balrd, first grade. Kant Hill school Edna S. Wlerman, third and fourth grades; Minnie Chap man, first and second grades. Thompson Addition school Ida Rob inson, first, second, third ' and fourth grades. West End school Orace Egbert, third and fourth grades; Stella Brown, first and second grades. Supervisor of music and drawing Es tella Ross. The schools are opening two weeks earlier this fall than ever before, ow ing to the fart that hereafter there will be 10 instead of nine months, and all teachers are on advanced salaries over former years. APARTMENT FOR Architects Parkor A Banfleld have completed the design and working drawings of a three story brick apart ment house for II. O. Trlplett which' Is to be erected on Market street, near Fourth. The structure is to be of brick and concrete construction and will be equipped with the usual appliances ana conveniences employed In modern buildings of its class. There aro to be 13, three and four room apartments. Excavating for the foundation and base ment will begin next week and the building, will be ready for occupnney by January 1. It will cost approximately $16,000. FARMS NEAR CASTLE J. H. Shields, who makes a specialty ot handling Washington state farm lifnda, reports the sale of two Improved fartns located in the vicinity of Castle rock. One of the farms, a 40 acre tract, Just out of Castlerock was purchased by James Hicks, employed as a tender on the Madlsotf street bridge, from J. B. Emery. Consideration $2600. , Mr. Shleldsalso sold the W. S. El right place, containing 168 acres, to W. B. and Ollie Jor.es, Of Portland, for $5400. . v Wages Increasing in Mexico. -About 10 'years ' ago 15 eents in gold a day was considered a fair wage for a common laborer in Mexico. Gradually the rate was Increased to 36 or 40 cents and continued to increase until now the prevailing rate Is from 60 to 60 cents a day. Remarkable speed has been attained by a submarine boat invented bv a Calif ornlan in Which the propellers are piacea in snort tuDes at the bow instead pf at tha stern w MARKET NEAR FOURTH ROCK ARE PURCHASED T, B.. Richardson, owner of ths prop erty at the southwest corner of East Thirty-fifth street and Hawthorne ave nue, nas commissioner, a local archi tect to get Up the design ot a combina tion store and office building which he will erect on - the property. The building will have ground dimensions of (0 by 100 feet, and will be two stories high, with a full cement base ment. Four store rooms will take up the ground floor space, two fronting on ffawthorne'avenue and two on East Tjhlrty-fifth street.. The second floor Will contain four apartments of three rooms each and two suites , of offices. The building will cost approximately $17,000. Granite Cutters' Get Increase. At Hardwlck, Vt., the granite cutters obtained an increase of from 10 to (6 cents per day, the lumpers and drillers an Increase of 17 cents per day, while the carpenters, painters and masons se cured an eight-hour day, besides other concessions. Journal Want Ads bring results. Where s Bend, Oregon? That's a question you hear on the streets of EVERY city and town in the northwest today. BEND is in Central Oregon, that vast area which for 50 years has been waiting the coming of tha railways, and which tha Hill and Harriman railroad systems spied out five years, ago, and aince then they have spent over TWENTY MILLIONS of dollars constructing railroads up the Deschutes Valley to reach BEND. BEND is the geographical center of this area, larger than any . THREE NEW ENGLAND STATES, rich in resources of Timber, Farming Lands, Water Power, Grazing Lands, and climatic advan tages, which, if supplied with railway facilities, would attract tba people, develop the resources and pay dividends on the millions invested. The railroads are .NOW almost completed, as the first passenger train will arriwa at BEND within six weeks or less time. All Around Bend HILL SAW THE WHEAT FIELDS OF MINNESOTA HILL SAW THE PINE FORESTS OF MICHIGAN HILL SAW THE WATER POWER OF NIAGARA HILL SAW THE IRRIGATED FARMS OF WASHINGTON AND HAS BUILT THE OREGON TRUNK LINE , From the Columbia river up the Deschutes Valley to BEND. Other shrewd investors saw the possibilities of BEND and have invested heavily there. Twas ever thus and always will be. When railroads penetrate a new section of the country, real estate values go steadily upwards, and fortunes are made from insignificant -investments. . . 1 u ... Buy Now in Bend In a few years you can retire and live on the income from your small investment. It does not require much money to buy now, as we are selling close in residence and BUSINESS lots, 50x140 feet, along 60 and 80-foot streets and 20-foot alleys, within four blocks of the Union Depot site, at an average price of r$25i nh r 1 LCashJ (SlW iMoothlyJ BEND, OREGON, will not stop growing in the next 20 years. It has begun to grow, and is slready the location selected for sev eral big enterprises, which folfowed the advent of the railroads.. Either one of which would make of BEND a city of 20,000 to 30,000 people. Real estate values are rising now, and will continue to rite more rapidly within, the next few months. BEND, like any other substantial city, will soon have a, number of near millionaires whose fortunes were made from small investments. NOW, if you think it would be safe to follow the lead of Hill and Harriman, two years after they have blazed the trail after they have spent over Twenty Million Dollars in tha BEND coun try by putting a small amount into real estate in a town that has a better prospect today thsn any other town in the United States had at the arrival of the first railroads, come to our office and put your judgment into action. Maps with photograph of Bend and Central Oregon free. We furnish certified abstract to each buyer, ( Office open evenings until 8 o'clock. THE NEWLON-KOLLER CO., Inc. 301 BUCHANAN BLDG., 286tf WASHINGTON ST. I X If you write or call, kindly mention came of paper you saw ad in, , GARIBALDI BEACH Stands for all That Is Best in Summer Residence Property It has the beach, wide and solid, a surf that 13 unequaled, a stretch of green forest that provides a cool retreat and shelter from the winds, a chain of beautiful fresh water lakes, and, all told, combines more delightful summer features than any other part of the Oregon coast. Railroad depots on the property. YOUR SUMMER HOME HERE NEAREST AND BEST BEACH WITH A FUTURE. Any, information you want may be had upon" application at either of the following 'offices :, , . . "GARIBALDI BEACH ASSOCIATION COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING RESORTS': - Xka tytls, 35 Xailway Xschaar ' . Bu Vlsw, 317 Kallwsr Esohnff. Bssls Addition, T. . Bssls. Tilla mook. ' " Slraors rart, 317 Bsllwaf SxehaBf. Vlsw, 449 Sbsrlock bldf. Architects McNaughton A Raymond have finished the front elevations and general plan of the; Interior arrange- ment of the proposed new home for' tha': - P Merchants National Bank, which is to go up at the northeast corner of Fourth f and Washington streets. .The struoture t is to be a class. A, . steel, concrete and. terra cotta building,, with a founda tion of sufficient strength to -carry five or seven additional stories. The main bank entrance will be In the cen- ter of the Washington street front and the elevator entrance t the east end , of the same front. Both entrances are , to be elaborately finished in marble. Both the lower floors will be occupied by the bank and the third floor will ' be fitted up as offices. Work of con- structlng the building will begin soon after October 1, and it is expected that It. will be ready for occupancy about. February 1. A Boston man has Invented an ele trie fountain, small enough for use aa a dining table decoration, in which .the" falling water supplies power to change ' the color of the lights Illuminating it.; Koss Cit-r Bssoh, 899 Tallin . Twin Socks. 314 Ulnr bid. Oossnlaks Park, 701 spaiututr Mil?. Tillamook Bsaon, 413 Kourd of Tru. Manhattan Baob, S3 FUrK fit. kockawsjr Bssck, 7lU bya-rtlnyf bh.